Results for 'Gordon Freedman'

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    The coming transformation of the textbook - Part II.Gordon Freedman - 2005 - Logos 16 (4):196-205.
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    The coming transformation of the textbook.Gordon Freedman - 2005 - Logos 16 (3):120-126.
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    Family History and Feminist HistoryHeroes of Their Own Lives: The Politics and History of Family Violence, Boston, 1880-1960Homeward Bound: American Families in the Cold War EraIntimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America. [REVIEW]Judith E. Smith, Linda Gordon, Elaine Tyler May, John D'Emilio & Estelle B. Freedman - 1991 - Feminist Studies 17 (2):349.
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  4. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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  5. Quantum states for primitive ontologists: A case study.Gordon Belot - 2012 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 2 (1):67-83.
    Under so-called primitive ontology approaches, in fully describing the history of a quantum system, one thereby attributes interesting properties to regions of spacetime. Primitive ontology approaches, which include some varieties of Bohmian mechanics and spontaneous collapse theories, are interesting in part because they hold out the hope that it should not be too difficult to make a connection between models of quantum mechanics and descriptions of histories of ordinary macroscopic bodies. But such approaches are dualistic, positing a quantum state as (...)
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    (1 other version)The Carneades model of argument and burden of proof.Thomas F. Gordon, Henry Prakken & Douglas Walton - 2007 - Artificial Intelligence 171 (10-15):875-896.
    We present a formal, mathematical model of argument structure and evaluation, taking seriously the procedural and dialogical aspects of argumentation. The model applies proof standards to determine the acceptability of statements on an issue-by-issue basis. The model uses different types of premises (ordinary premises, assumptions and exceptions) and information about the dialectical status of statements (stated, questioned, accepted or rejected) to allow the burden of proof to be allocated to the proponent or the respondent, as appropriate, for each premise separately. (...)
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  7. Unprincipled.Gordon Belot - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (2):435-474.
    It is widely thought that chance should be understood in reductionist terms: claims about chance should be understood as claims that certain patterns of events are instantiated. There are many possible reductionist theories of chance, differing as to which possible pattern of events they take to be chance-making. It is also widely taken to be a norm of rationality that credence should defer to chance: special cases aside, rationality requires that one’s credence function, when conditionalized on the chance-making facts, should (...)
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  8. Symmetry and Equivalence.Gordon Belot - 2013 - In Robert Batterman, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Physics. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 318-339.
    This paper is concerned with the relation between two notions: that of two solutions or models of a theory being related by a symmetry of the theory and that of solutions or models being physically equivalent. A number of authors have recently discussed this relation, some taking an optimistic view, on which there is a suitable concept of the symmetry of a theory relative to which these two notions coincide, others taking a pessimistic view, on which there is no such (...)
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  9. Lesser-Evil Justifications: A Reply to Frowe.Kerah Gordon-Solmon & Theron Pummer - 2022 - Law and Philosophy 41:639–646.
    Sometimes one can prevent harm only by contravening rights. If the harm one can prevent is great enough, compared to the stringency of the opposing rights, then one has a lesser-evil justification to contravene the rights. Non-consequentialist orthodoxy holds that, most of the time, lesser-evil justifications add to agents’ permissible options without taking any away. Helen Frowe rejects this view. She claims that, almost always, agents must act on their lesser-evil justifications. Our primary task is to refute Frowe’s flagship argument. (...)
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    Kant's Theory of Science.Gordon G. Brittan - 2015 - Princeton University Press.
    While interest in Kant's philosophy has increased in recent years, very little of it has focused on his theory of science. This book gives a general account of that theory, of its motives and implications, and of the way it brought forth a new conception of the nature of philosophical thought. To reconstruct Kant's theory of science, the author identifies unifying themes of his philosophy of mathematics and philosophy of physics, both undergirded by his distinctive logical doctrines, and shows how (...)
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  11. Moral Status and Intelligent Robots.John-Stewart Gordon & David J. Gunkel - 2021 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 60 (1):88-117.
    The Southern Journal of Philosophy, Volume 60, Issue 1, Page 88-117, March 2022.
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  12. Dirty data labeled dirt cheap: epistemic injustice in machine learning systems.Gordon Hull - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (3):1-14.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) systems increasingly purport to deliver knowledge about people and the world. Unfortunately, they also seem to frequently present results that repeat or magnify biased treatment of racial and other vulnerable minorities. This paper proposes that at least some of the problems with AI’s treatment of minorities can be captured by the concept of epistemic injustice. To substantiate this claim, I argue that (1) pretrial detention and physiognomic AI systems commit testimonial injustice because their (...)
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  13. Bayesian Orgulity.Gordon Belot - 2013 - Philosophy of Science 80 (4):483-503.
    A piece of folklore enjoys some currency among philosophical Bayesians, according to which Bayesian agents that, intuitively speaking, spread their credence over the entire space of available hypotheses are certain to converge to the truth. The goals of the present discussion are to show that kernel of truth in this folklore is in some ways fairly small and to argue that Bayesian convergence-to-the-truth results are a liability for Bayesianism as an account of rationality, since they render a certain sort of (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Sympathy, simulation, and the impartial spectator.Robert M. Gordon - 1995 - Ethics 105 (4):727-742.
  15. The Individual and His Religion.Gordon W. Allport - 1950
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    How (and How Not) to Defend Lesser-Evil Options.Kerah Gordon-Solmon - 2022 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 20 (3-4):211-232.
    Many philosophers believe in lesser-evil justifications for doing harm: if the only way to stop a trolley from killing five is to divert it away onto one, then we may divert. But recently, Helen Frowe has argued that we do not only have the option to pursue the lesser evil: in most cases, we are so obligated. After critically assessing Frowe’s argument, I develop three mutually compatible accounts of lesser-evil options, which permit, but do not obligate us to minimize harm. (...)
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    Artificial Intelligence and the future of work.John-Stewart Gordon & David J. Gunkel - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-7.
    In this paper, we delve into the significant impact of recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the future landscape of work. We discuss the looming possibility of mass unemployment triggered by AI and the societal repercussions of this transition. Despite the challenges this shift presents, we argue that it also unveils opportunities to mitigate social inequalities, combat global poverty, and empower individuals to follow their passions. Amidst this discussion, we also touch upon the existential question of the purpose of (...)
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  18. The Hawking Information Loss Paradox: The Anatomy of a Controversy.Gordon Belot, John Earman & Laura Ruetsche - 1999 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 50 (2):189-229.
    Stephen Hawking has argued that universes containing evaporating black holes can evolve from pure initial states to mixed final ones. Such evolution is non-unitary and so contravenes fundamental quantum principles on which Hawking's analysis was based. It disables the retrodiction of the universe's initial state from its final one, and portends the time-asymmetry of quantum gravity. Small wonder that Hawking's paradox has met with considerable resistance. Here we use a simple result for C*-algebras to offer an argument for pure-to-mixed state (...)
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  19. Citizen Tax Juries: Democratizing Tax Enforcement after the Panama Papers.Gordon Arlen - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (2):193-220.
    Four years after the Panama Papers scandal, tax avoidance remains an urgent moral-political problem. Moving beyond both the academic and policy mainstream, I advocate the “democratization of tax enforcement,” by which I mean systematic efforts to make tax avoiders accountable to the judgment of ordinary citizens. Both individual oligarchs and multinational corporations have access to sophisticated tax avoidance strategies that impose significant fiscal costs on democracies and exacerbate preexisting distributive and political inequalities. Yet much contemporary tax sheltering occurs within the (...)
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    Closing the circle: The ethology of mind.Gordon M. Burghardt - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (4):562-563.
  21. In the Beginning ... Creativity.Gordon D. Kaufman - 2003
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    (1 other version)Aristotle and the problem of oligarchic harm: Insights for democracy.Gordon Arlen - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 18 (3):147488511666383.
    This essay identifies ‘oligarchic harm’ as a dire threat confronting contemporary democracies. I provide a formal standard for classifying oligarchs: those who use personal access to concentrated w...
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    Schizotypy: Implications for Illness and Health.Gordon Claridge (ed.) - 1997 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The central thesis of Schizotypy: Implications for Illness and Health is both challenging and controversial: that the features of psychotic disorders actually lie on a continuum with, and form part of, normal behaviour and experience. The dispositional or 'schizotypal' traits associated with psychotic disorders certainly predispose an individual to mental illness, but they may also lead to positive outcomes such as enhanced creativity or spiritual experience. Discussion of each aspect of this theme is supported by extensive experimental and clinical evidence, (...)
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  24. Successful failure: what Foucault can teach us about privacy self-management in a world of Facebook and big data.Gordon Hull - 2015 - Ethics and Information Technology 17 (2):89-101.
    The “privacy paradox” refers to the discrepancy between the concern individuals express for their privacy and the apparently low value they actually assign to it when they readily trade personal information for low-value goods online. In this paper, I argue that the privacy paradox masks a more important paradox: the self-management model of privacy embedded in notice-and-consent pages on websites and other, analogous practices can be readily shown to underprotect privacy, even in the economic terms favored by its advocates. The (...)
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    Constitutions, institutions, and games.Gordon Reddiford - 1985 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 12 (1):41-51.
  26. A brief history of memory research.Gordon H. Bower - 2000 - In Endel Tulving, The Oxford Handbook of Memory. Oxford University Press. pp. 3--32.
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    Introduction.Joy Gordon - 2019 - Ethics and International Affairs 33 (3):275-277.
    It is hard to imagine a threat to international security or a tension within U.S. foreign policy that does not involve the imposition of economic sanctions. The United Nations Security Council has fourteen sanctions regimes currently in place, and all member states of the United Nations are obligated to participate in their enforcement. The United States has some thirty sanctions programs, which target a range of countries, companies, organizations, and individuals, and many of these are autonomous sanctions that are independent (...)
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    Is there an asymmetry problem in the genealogy of postmetaphysical reason?Peter E. Gordon - 2021 - Constellations 28 (1):45-50.
  29. Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.John-Stewart Gordon, and & Sven Nyholm - 2021 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Ethics of Artificial Intelligence This article provides a comprehensive overview of the main ethical issues related to the impact of Artificial Intelligence on human society. AI is the use of machines to do things that would normally require human intelligence. In many areas of human life, AI has rapidly and significantly affected human society … Continue reading Ethics of Artificial Intelligence →.
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  30. Existential dynamics of theorizing black invisibility.Lewis R. Gordon - 1996 - In Existence in Black: An Anthology of Black Existential Philosophy. New York: Routledge.
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  31. The First Epistle to the Corinthians.Gordon D. Fee - 1987
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    Serial order in perception, memory, and action.Gordon D. Logan - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (1):1-44.
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  33. Reeh-schlieder meets Newton-Wigner.Gordon N. Fleming - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):515.
    The Reeh-Schlieder theorem asserts the vacuum and certain other states to be spacelike superentangled relative to local fields. This motivates an inquiry into the physical status of various concepts of localization. It is argued that a covariant generalization of Newton-Wigner localization is a physically illuminating concept. When analyzed in terms of nonlocally covariant quantum fields, creating and annihilating quanta in Newton-Wigner localized states, the vacuum is seen to not possess the spacelike superentanglement that the Reeh-Schlieder theorem displays relative to local (...)
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    Defining dignity in higher education as an alternative to requiring ‘Trigger Warnings’.Gordon MacLaren - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (1):e12474.
    This article examines trigger warnings, particularly the call for trigger warnings on university campuses, and from a Levinasian and Kantian ethical perspective, and addresses the question: When, if ever, are trigger warnings helpful to student's learning? The nursing curriculum is developed with key stakeholders and regulatory bodies to ensure graduate nurses are competent to deliver a high standard of care to patients and clients. Practical teaching practice and published research has uncovered an increasing use of ‘Trigger Warnings’ before a topic (...)
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    Cognitive and Moral Enhancement: A Practical Proposal.Emma C. Gordon & Viola Ragonese - 2023 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 40 (3):474-487.
    According to Persson and Savulescu, the risks posed by a morally corrupt minority's potential to abuse cognitive enhancement make it such that we have an urgent imperative to first pursue moral enhancement of humankind – and, consequently, if we are a long way from safe, effective moral enhancement, then we have at least one good reason to consider opposing further cognitive enhancement. However, as Harris points out, such a proposal seems to support delaying life-saving cognitive progress. In this article, we (...)
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    Failure to replicate mood-dependent retrieval.Gordon H. Bower & John D. Mayer - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (1):39-42.
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    Group structure, coding, and memory for digit series.Gordon H. Bower & David Winzenz - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (2p2):1.
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    Learning to divide the labor: an account of deficits in light and heavy verb production.Jean K. Gordon & Gary S. Dell - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (1):1-40.
    Theories of sentence production that involve a convergence of activation from conceptual‐semantic and syntactic‐sequential units inspired a connectionist model that was trained to produce simple sentences. The model used a learning algorithm that resulted in a sharing of responsibility (or “division of labor”) between syntactic and semantic inputs for lexical activation according to their predictive power. Semantically rich, or “heavy”, verbs in the model came to rely on semantic cues more than on syntactic cues, whereas semantically impoverished, or “light”, verbs (...)
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  39. Through the Zone of Nonbeing A Reading of Black Skin, White Masks in Celebration of Fanon's Eightieth Birthday.Lewis R. Gordon - 2005 - CLR James Journal 11 (1):1-43.
  40. Nagel or Camus on the absurd?Jeffrey Gordon - 1984 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 45 (1):15-28.
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    Metacognitive Control of Categorial Neurobehavioral Decision Systems.Gordon R. Foxall - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  42. An elementary notion of gauge equivalence.Gordon Belot - 2008 - General Relativity and Gravitation 40 (1):199–215.
    An elementary notion of gauge equivalence is introduced that does not require any Lagrangian or Hamiltonian apparatus. It is shown that in the special case of theories, such as general relativity, whose symmetries can be identified with spacetime diffeomorphisms this elementary notion has many of the same features as the usual notion. In particular, it performs well in the presence of asymptotic boundary conditions.
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    Strain differences in open-field behavior of the rat. II.Gordon M. Harrington - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (2):85-86.
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    Serial memory: Putting chains and position codes in context.Gordon D. Logan & Gregory E. Cox - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (6):1197-1205.
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    Strain differences in free operant leverpress levels in the rat.Gordon M. Harrington - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (3):153-154.
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    Strain differences in shuttle avoidance conditioning in the rat.Gordon M. Harrington - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (3):161-162.
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    Strain differences in basal metabolism of behaviorally defined rats.Gordon M. Harrington & Louis R. Hellwig - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (3):165-166.
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    Strain differences in simple operant barpress acquisition to an auditory stimulus by rats.Gordon M. Harrington - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (3):163-164.
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    Strain differences in passive avoidance conditioning in the rat.Gordon M. Harrington - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (3):157-158.
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    Strain differences in activity of the rat in a shuttle stabilimeter.Gordon M. Harrington - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (3):149-150.
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