Results for 'Greg Rubin'

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  1.  21
    Unscheduled care following attendance at Minor Illness and Injury Units (MIU): cross‐sectional survey.Greg Rubin - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (1):100-103.
  2.  36
    General practitioners? perceptions and attitudes to infertility management in primary care: focus group study.Scott Wilkes, Nicola Hall, Ann Crosland, Alison Murdoch & Greg Rubin - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (3):358-363.
  3. Truthmakers, entailment and necessity.Greg Restall - 1996 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 74 (2):331 – 340.
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  4. Assertion, denial and non-classical theories.Greg Restall - 2012 - In Francesco Berto, Edwin Mares, Koji Tanaka & Francesco Paoli, Paraconsistency: Logic and Applications. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 81--99.
    In this paper I urge friends of truth-value gaps and truth-value gluts – proponents of paracomplete and paraconsistent logics – to consider theories not merely as sets of sentences, but as pairs of sets of sentences, or what I call ‘bitheories,’ which keep track not only of what holds according to the theory, but also what fails to hold according to the theory. I explain the connection between bitheories, sequents, and the speech acts of assertion and denial. I illustrate the (...)
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  5. Carnap’s Tolerance, Meaning, and Logical Pluralism.Greg Restall - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy 99 (8):426-443.
    In this paper, I distinguish different kinds of pluralism about logical consequence. In particular, I distinguish the pluralism about logic arising from Carnap’s Principle of Tolerance from a pluralism which maintains that there are different, equally “good” logical consequence relations on the one language. I will argue that this second form of pluralism does more justice to the contemporary state of logical theory and practice than does Carnap’s more moderate pluralism.
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    Fair Innings.Greg Bognar - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (4):251-261.
    In many societies, the aging of the population is becoming a major problem. This raises difficult issues for ethics and public policy. On what is known as the fair innings view, it is not impermissible to give lower priority to policies that primarily benefit the elderly. Philosophers have tried to justify this view on various grounds. In this article, I look at a consequentialist, a fairness-based, and a contractarian justification. I argue that all of them have implausible implications and fail (...)
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    Political Legitimacy in the Democratic View: The Case of Climate Services.Greg Lusk - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (5):991-1002.
    Wendy S. Parker and I have advanced an inductive-risk approach to the provision of climate information that relies on the contextual values of information users. This approach aims to improve the e...
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    Structural Rules in Natural Deduction with Alternatives.Greg Restall - 2023 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 52 (2):109-143.
    Natural deduction with alternatives extends Gentzen–Prawitz-style natural deduction with a single structural addition: negatively signed assumptions, called alternatives. It is a mildly bilateralist, single-conclusion natural deduction proof system in which the connective rules are unmodi_ed from the usual Prawitz introduction and elimination rules — the extension is purely structural. This framework is general: it can be used for (1) classical logic, (2) relevant logic without distribution, (3) affine logic, and (4) linear logic, keeping the connective rules fixed, and varying purely (...)
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  9. Just what is full-blooded platonism?Greg Restall - 2003 - Philosophia Mathematica 11 (1):82--91.
    Mark Balaguer's Platonism and Anti-Platonism in Mathematics presents an intriguing new brand of platonism, which he calls plenitudinous platonism, or more colourfully, full-blooded platonism. In this paper, I argue that Balaguer's attempts to characterise full-blooded platonism fail. They are either too strong, with untoward consequences we all reject, or too weak, not providing a distinctive brand of platonism strong enough to do the work Balaguer requires of it.
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  10. Relevant and substructural logics.Greg Restall - unknown
    This essay is structured around the bifurcation between proofs and models: The first section discusses Proof Theory of relevant and substructural logics, and the second covers the Model Theory of these logics. This order is a natural one for a history of relevant and substructural logics, because much of the initial work — especially in the Anderson–Belnap tradition of relevant logics — started by developing proof theory. The model theory of relevant logic came some time later. As we will see, (...)
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  11. Displaying and deciding substructural logics 1: Logics with contraposition.Greg Restall - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (2):179-216.
    Many logics in the relevant family can be given a proof theory in the style of Belnap's display logic. However, as originally given, the proof theory is essentially more expressive than the logics they seek to model. In this paper, we consider a modified proof theory which more closely models relevant logics. In addition, we use this proof theory to show decidability for a large range of substructural logics.
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  12. In Defense of the What-It-Is-Likeness of Experience.Greg Janzen - 2011 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 49 (3):271-293.
    It is common parlance among philosophers who inquire into the nature of consciousness to speak of there being something it is like for the subject of a mental state to be in it. The popularity of the ‘what-it-is-like’ phrase stems, in part, from the assumption that it enables us to distinguish, in an intuitive and illuminating way, between conscious and unconscious mental states: conscious mental states, unlike unconscious mental states, are such that there is something it is like for their (...)
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    Altruism in organ donation: an unnecessary requirement?: Table 1.Greg Moorlock, Jonathan Ives & Heather Draper - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (2):134-138.
    Altruism has long been taken to be the guiding principle of ethical organ donation in the UK, and has been used as justification for rejecting or allowing certain types of donation. We argue that, despite this prominent role, altruism has been poorly defined in policy and position documents, and used confusingly and inconsistently. Looking at how the term has been used over recent years allows us to define ‘organ donation altruism’, and comparing this with accounts in the philosophical literature highlights (...)
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  14.  30
    Evolution of Students’ Varied Conceptualizations About Socially Responsible Engineering: A Four Year Longitudinal Study.Greg Rulifson & Angela R. Bielefeldt - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (3):939-974.
    Engineers should learn how to act on their responsibility to society during their education. At present, however, it is unknown what students think about the meaning of socially responsible engineering. This paper synthesizes 4 years of longitudinal interviews with engineering students as they progressed through college. The interviews revolved broadly around how students saw the connections between engineering and social responsibility, and what influenced these ideas. Using the Weidman Input–Environment–Output model as a framework, this research found that influences included required (...)
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    EEG-Based Neurocognitive Metrics May Predict Simulated and On-Road Driving Performance in Older Drivers.Greg Rupp, Chris Berka, Amir H. Meghdadi, Marija Stevanović Karić, Marc Casillas, Stephanie Smith, Theodore Rosenthal, Kevin McShea, Emily Sones & Thomas D. Marcotte - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  16.  54
    Discourse Studies of Scientific Popularization: Questioning the Boundaries.Greg Myers - 2003 - Discourse Studies 5 (2):265-279.
    This article critiques the `dominant view' of the popularization of science that takes it as a one-way process of simplification, one in which scientific articles are the originals of knowledge that is then debased by translation for a public that is ignorant of such matters, a blank slate. Recent work is surveyed in several disciplines that questions the boundaries of scientific discourse and genres of popularization: who the actors are, how the discourses interact, what modes are involved, and what is (...)
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    Placing Abstract Concepts in Space: Quantity, Time and Emotional Valence.Greg Woodin & Bodo Winter - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  18. Paraconsistent logics!Greg Restall - 1997 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 26 (3):156-163.
    In this note I respond to Hartley Slater's argument 12 to the e ect that there is no such thing as paraconsistent logic. Slater's argument trades on the notion of contradictoriness in the attempt to show that the negation of paraconsistent logics is merely a subcontrary forming operator and not one which forms contradictories. I will show that Slater's argument fails, for two distinct reasons. Firstly, the argument does not consider the position of non-dialethic paraconsistency which rejects the possible truth (...)
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  19. Popper's explications of ad hocness: Circularity, empirical content, and scientific practice.Greg Bamford - 1993 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 44 (2):335-355.
    Karl Popper defines an ad hoc hypothesis as one that is introduced to immunize a theory from some (or all) refutation but which cannot be tested independently. He has also attempted to explicate ad hocness in terms of certain other allegedly undesirable properties of hypotheses or of the explanations they would provide, but his account is confused and mistaken. The first such property is circularity, which is undesirable; the second such property is reduction in empirical content, which need not be. (...)
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  20.  18
    Copernicus, Ptolemy, and explanatory coherence.Greg Nowak & Paul Thagard - 1992 - In R. Giere & H. Feigl, Cognitive Models of Science. University of Minnesota Press. pp. 274-309.
  21.  50
    Tying the knot with a robot: legal and philosophical foundations for human–artificial intelligence matrimony.Greg Yanke - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (2):417-427.
    Technological progress may eventually produce sophisticated robots with human-like traits that result in humans forming meaningful relationships with them. Such relationships would likely lead to a demand for human–artificial intelligence matrimony. U.S. Supreme Court decisions that expanded the definition of marriage to include interracial and same-sex couples, as well as those that have not extended marriage to polygamous relationships, provide guidance regarding the criteria that human–AI would have to meet to successfully assert a right to marry. Ultimately, robots will have (...)
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    Generics and atemporal when.Greg N. Carlson - 1979 - Linguistics and Philosophy 3 (1):49 - 98.
    Beginning with analyses of English generic sentences and English plural indefinite noun phrases (e.g.dogs), we proceed to apply mechanisms there motivated to a characterization of atemporalwhen, a sense ofwhen which does not appear to involve time. Dealt with are such examples as Dogs are intelligent when they have blue eyes, and their relationships to examples like Dogs that have blue eyes are intelligent. The proposed treatment of atemporalwhen helps motivate the existence of a generic verb phrase operator in English, as (...)
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  23. Having Know‐How: Intellect, Action, and Recent Work on Ryle's Distinction Between Knowledge‐How and Knowledge‐That.Greg Sax - 2010 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 91 (4):507-530.
    Stanley and Williamson reject Ryle's knowing‐how/knowing‐that distinction charging that it obstructs our understanding of human action. Incorrectly interpreting the distinction to imply that knowledge‐how is non‐propositional, they object that Ryle's argument for it is unsound and linguistic theory contradicts it. I show that they (and their interlocutors) misconstrue the distinction and Ryle's argument. Consequently, their objections fail. On my reading, Ryle's distinction pertains to, not knowledge, but an explanatory gap between explicit and implicit content, and his argument for it is (...)
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  24.  38
    Implicit learning of conjunctive rule sets: An alternative to artificial grammars.Greg J. Neil & Philip A. Higham - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1393-1400.
  25. Tools of Reason: The Practice of Scientific Diagramming from Antiquity to the Present.Greg Priest, Silvia De Toffoli & Paula Findlen - 2018 - Endeavour 42 (2-3):49-59.
  26.  23
    (1 other version)An Ontology of Trash: The Disposable and its Problematic Nature.Greg Kennedy - 2007 - State University of New York Press.
    A philosophical exploration of the problematic nature of the disposable.
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  27. The Concept of Quality of Life.Greg Bognar - 2005 - Social Theory and Practice 31 (4):561-580.
    Quality of life research aims to develop and apply indices for the measurement of human welfare. It is an increasingly important field within the social sciences and its results are an important resource for policy making and evaluation. This paper explores the conceptual background of quality of life research. It focuses on its single most important issue: the controversy between the use of ``objective social indicators'' and the use of people's ``subjective evaluations'' as proxies for welfare. Most quality of life (...)
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  28. Whither Integrity I: Recent Faces of Integrity 1.Greg Scherkoske - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (1):28-39.
    Despite the fact that most of us value integrity, and despite the fact that we readily understand one another when we talk and argue about it, integrity remains elusive to understand. Considerable scholarly attention has left troubling disagreement on fundamental issues: Is integrity in fact a virtue? If it is, what is it a virtue of? Why exactly should we value integrity? What is the appropriate way to have concern for one’s own integrity? Is having integrity compatible with having significant (...)
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    Well-Being and Health.Greg Bognar - 2008 - Health Care Analysis 16 (2):97-113.
    One way of evaluating health is in terms of its impact on well-being. It has been shown, however, that evaluating health this way runs into difficulties, since health and other aspects of well-being are not separable. At the same time, the practical implications of the inseparability problem remain unclear. This paper assesses these implications by considering the relations between theories, components, and indicators of well-being.
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    Unintended consequences of human research ethics committees: Au revoir workplace studies?Greg J. Bamber & Jennifer Sappey - 2007 - Monash Bioethics Review 26 (3):S26-S36.
    To protect the welfare and rights of participants in research and to facilitate research that will be of benefit, as well as protect them against litigation, universities and research-funding agencies in Australia adopted the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Research Involving Humans (NHMRC 1999).1 In many other countries there are similar statements. However, the ways in which such statements are often implemented by Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs) 2 are in conflict with an important stream of industrial sociological research. (...)
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  31. Mapping Teacher-Faces.Greg Thompson & Ian Cook - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (4):379-395.
    This paper uses Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of faciality to analyse the teacher’s face. According to Deleuze and Guattari, the teacher-face is a special type of face because it is an ’overcoded’ face produced in specific landscapes. This paper suggests four limit-faces for teacher faciality that actualise different mixes of signifiance and subjectification in a classroom in which individualisation and massifications are affected. Understanding these limit-faces suggests new ways to conceive the affects actualised in the classroom that are subjected to (...)
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    Plastic Surgery: Under the Skin, Suture, Destructive Plasticity and Post-Cinematic Ontologies.Greg Hainge - 2025 - Film-Philosophy 29 (1):264-282.
    Analysing Jonathan Glazer’s Under the Skin (2013), this article provides an overview of the importation of suture theory from psychoanalysis into film theory and Žižek’s revisiting of this theory, then bringing about a rapprochement between the concepts of suture and Malabou’s destructive plasticity, as expounded in her work The New Wounded. The forms of wounded subjectivity we find there are unable to stitch themselves into the illusory narratives needed to enable them to access a fixed sense of individual or shared (...)
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    Does evidential variety depend on how the evidence is described?Greg Novack - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (5):701-711.
    The Variety of Evidence Thesis (VET) says that (ceteris paribus) the more diverse (or varied) of two bodies of evidence is the more confirmatory of a hypothesis H. Two recent types of Bayesian explication of VET account for the intuitive force of VET by defining variety as some function of the probabilities of the propositions which collectively constitute a body of evidence. I show that these two accounts of VET are not tracking a meaningful property of bodies of evidence, but (...)
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    Solidarity, objectivity, and the human form of life: Wittgenstein vs. Rorty.Greg Hill - 1997 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 11 (4):555-580.
    Reason, objectivity, and human nature are now suspect ideas. Among postmodern thinkers, Richard Rorty has advanced an especially forceful critique of these notions. Drawing partly on Wittgenstein's philosophy of language, Rorty contends that objectivity is no more than a metaphysical name for intersubjective agreement, and that “human nature” is an empty category, there being nothing beneath history and culture. Wittgenstein himself, however, recognized within the world's many civilizations “the common behavior of mankind,” without which Rorty's ethnocentric “solidarity” would be inconceivable. (...)
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  35. Critical Thinking, a Philosophical Community of Inquiry and the Science/Maths Teacher.Greg Smith - 1994 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 15 (2).
    In life reason and emotion are best when complementary. In fact active inquiry in philosophy and in science and mathematics do meet best in the learning process. Since significant meaning making activities can occur in mathematics, philosophy should be studied in the science class. "The notion that mathematics is cold-blooded and stories are warm-blooded must be rethought.".
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    What Does Davidson Reject When He Rejects Conceptual Schemes?Greg Lynch - 2018 - Acta Analytica 33 (4):463-481.
    According to a common line of criticism, Donald Davidson’s argument in “On the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme” is invalid because it moves illicitly from the relatively weak thesis that conceptual schemes cannot be incommensurable to the stronger thesis that the idea of a conceptual scheme itself is incoherent. I argue in this paper that such objections fail because they misunderstand the position that Davidson’s argument is intended to rule out. According to the “scheme-content dualism” Davidson targets, conceptual schemes (...)
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  37. [no title].Greg Anderson - unknown
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    A Return to Right Intention in the Just War.Greg Ray - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (2):91-102.
    It has been argued that the criterion of right intention adds nothing in just war theory – that it is subsumed by other conditions on just war. It has also been argued that there is no tenable reading of the criterion at all, and in particular that taking it as a positive requirement on the state's motives is after all incoherent in a way that would make it impossible to satisfy. This article gives an action-theoretic analysis of (one central understanding (...)
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  39. What would it "be like" to solve the hard problem?: Cognition, consciousness, and qualia zombies.Greg P. Hodes - 2005 - Neuroquantology 3 (1):43-58.
    David Chalmers argues that consciousness -- authentic, first-person, conscious consciousness -- cannot be reduced to brain events or to any physical event, and that efforts to find a workable mind-body identity theory are, therefore, doomed in principle. But for Chalmers and non-reductionist in general consciousness consists exclusively, or at least paradigmatically, of phenomenal or qualia-consciousness. This results in a seriously inadequate understanding both of consciousness and of the “hard problem.” I describe other, higher-order cognitional events which must be conscious if (...)
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  40. That’s Not For Our Kids: The strange death of philosophy and ethics in a low socioeconomic secondary school.Greg Thompson & Tomaž Lašič - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (11):1225-1237.
    This article reflects on the successes and failures of a new Philosophy and Ethics course in a low socioeconomic context in Perth, Western Australia, with the eventual demise of the subject in the school at the end of 2010. We frame this reflection within Deleuzian notions of geophilosophy to advocate for a Philosophy and Ethics that is informed by nomadic thought, as this offers a critical freedom for students to transform themselves and their society and suggests practical ways both of (...)
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  41. ‘Brain-Malfunction’ Cases and the Dispositionalist Reply to Frankfurt's Attack on PAP.Greg Janzen - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (4):646-657.
    Harry Frankfurt has famously argued against the principle of alternate possibilities by presenting a case in which, apparently, a person is morally responsible for what he has done even though he could not have done otherwise. A number of commentators have proposed dispositionalist responses to Frankfurt, arguing that he has not produced a counterexample to PAP because, contrary to appearances, the ability to do otherwise is indeed present but is a disposition that has been ‘masked’ or ‘finked’ by the presence (...)
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  42. Living with things : consumption, material culture and everyday life.Greg Noble - 2008 - In Nicole Anderson & Katrina Schlunke, Cultural Theory in Everyday Practice. Oxford University Press.
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    Black Forest Melody: Between Philosophical Kitsch and Identitarian Ideology: Heidegger’s Pastoral World-View in the Memorial Address. Trial on a Classification.Greg Becker - 2023 - Studia Humana 12 (4):13-22.
    Martin Heidegger is still subject to controversial discussions about his political views. The question in the centre of the discussions is not if he was politically on the far right, but how far right he was, and also how far right his philosophy is. However, the details of Heidegger’s political approaches in his work are largely disguised and hidden behind Heidegger’s typical writing style, which has remained undefined for so long. There is a short essay in Heidegger’s work that may (...)
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    The moral economy: Keynes's critique of capitalist justice.Greg Hill - 1996 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 10 (1):33-61.
    Neoclassical and Austrian economic theory lend support to a conception of laissez‐faire capitalism as an ideal scheme of cooperation in which individual decisions are harmonized, and income is distributed according to one's productive contribution. Keynes's critique of this conception has an often‐overlooked moral dimension, according to which the coordination problems that trouble real‐world market economies produce an arbitrary and inequitable distribution of wealth and income.
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    Centering: Proposals for an Interdisciplinary Research Center.Greg Myers - 1993 - Science, Technology and Human Values 18 (4):433-459.
    Governmental organizations funding science m several nations are creating large research centers that draw on several disciplines and that focus research on an area of immediate use to industrial concerns. I analyze eight proposals for a U.K. center devoted to human communication. I argue that the boundaries that such a center seeks to cross— between areas of knowledge, between disciplines, between academic and nonacademic research—are constructed in the proposals for strategic purposes m the immediate situations. The study supports other recent (...)
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    “The Needs of the Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few”: Utilitarianism and Star Trek.Greg Littmann - 2016 - In Kevin S. Decker & Jason T. Eberl, The Ultimate Star Trek and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 127–137.
    Utilitarianism is the theory that whether an action is morally right or wrong depends entirely on how beneficial or harmful it will be for everyone involved, only the net balance of benefit and harm matters. Most utilitarians believe that the only thing valuable in itself is happiness, and the only thing bad in itself is suffering; so, to maximize utility is to maximize happiness and minimize suffering. Utilitarians would be baffled by the common Vulcan view that emotions are best gotten (...)
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  47. Extract from ‘Imagination, the general theory’, Image and Mind.Greg Currie - 1998 - Cogito 12 (3):179-180.
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  48. All Forms of Writing.Greg Downey - 2014 - Mind and Language 29 (3):304-319.
    Anthropological contributions are essential to understanding the evolution of writing and its potential variation. Although Stanislas Dehaene calls for a ‘neuro-anthropological perspective’, he neglects anthropological evidence, including the only indisputable case of independent invention of writing: the pre-Columbian systems of the Americas. Here I argue that anthropological and historical accounts of the cultural evolution of language suggest that ecological, technological, social and political factors have all influenced the ongoing development of writing systems, even in directions contrary to that predicted by (...)
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    Australasian Association for Logic 29th Annual Conference.Greg Restall - 1999 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5 (4):485-494.
  50. Constructive logic, truth and warranted assertability.Greg Restall - 2001 - Philosophical Quarterly 51 (205):474-483.
    Shapiro and Taschek have argued that simply using intuitionistic logic and its Heyting semantics, one can show that there are no gaps in warranted assertability. That is, given that a discourse is faithfully modeled using Heyting's semantics for the logical constants, then if a statement _S is not warrantedly assertable, its negation (superscript box) _S is. Tennant has argued for this conclusion on similar grounds. I show that these arguments fail, albeit in illuminating ways. An appeal to constructive logic does (...)
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