Results for 'Guido Stacchini'

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  1. La città del noi.Guido Stacchini - 1970 - Milano,: Gastaldi.
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  2. ChatGPT and the Technology-Education Tension: Applying Contextual Virtue Epistemology to a Cognitive Artifact.Guido Cassinadri - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (14):1-28.
    According to virtue epistemology, the main aim of education is the development of the cognitive character of students (Pritchard, 2014, 2016). Given the proliferation of technological tools such as ChatGPT and other LLMs for solving cognitive tasks, how should educational practices incorporate the use of such tools without undermining the cognitive character of students? Pritchard (2014, 2016) argues that it is possible to properly solve this ‘technology-education tension’ (TET) by combining the virtue epistemology framework with the theory of extended cognition (...)
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  3. Knowing and Checking: An Epistemological Investigation.Guido Melchior - 2019 - New York City, New York, USA: Routledge.
    This book is primarily about checking and only derivatively about knowing. Checking is a very common concept for describing a subject’s epistemic goals and actions. Surprisingly, there has been no philosophical attention paid to the notion of checking. In Part I, I develop a sensitivity account of checking. To be more explicit, I analyze the internalist and externalist components of the epistemic action of checking which include the intentions of the checking subject and the necessary externalist features of the method (...)
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  4. Rejecting the extended cognition moral narrative: a critique of two normative arguments for extended cognition.Guido Cassinadri & Marco Fasoli - 2023 - Synthese 202 (155):1-24.
    Given the explanatory stalemate between ‘embedded’ (EMB) and ‘extended’ (EXT) cognition, various authors have proposed normative and moral arguments in favour of EXT. According to what we call the “extended cognition moral narrative” (EXT-MN) (Cassinadri, 2022), we should embrace EXT and dismiss EMB, because the former leads to morally preferable consequences with respect to the latter. In this article we argue that two arguments following the EXT moral narrative are flawed. In Sect. 2.1 and 2.2, we present respectively King (2016) (...)
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  5. Meta‐regresses and the limits of persuasive argumentation.Guido Melchior - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (2):196-213.
    This paper provides a thorough analysis of two often informally stated claims. First, successful argumentation in the sense of persuasive argumentation requires agreement between the interlocutors about the rationality of arguments. Second, a general agreement about rationality of arguments cannot itself be established via argumentation, since such an attempt leads to an infinite meta‐regress. Hence, agreement about the rationality of arguments is a precondition for successful argumentation. As the paper argues, these plausible claims hold under the assumption that interlocutors are (...)
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  6. Bootstrapping and Persuasive Argumentation.Guido Melchior - 2024 - Argumentation 38 (2).
    That bootstrapping and Moorean reasoning fail to instantiate persuasive argumentation is an often informally presented but not systematically developed view. In this paper, I will argue that this unpersuasiveness is not determined by principles of justification transmission but by two straightforward principles of rationality, understood as a concept of internal coherence. First, it is rational for S to believe the conclusion of an argument because of the argument, only if S believes sufficiently many premises of the argument. Second, if S (...)
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  7. The Methodologically Flawed Discussion about Deep Disagreement.Guido Melchior - forthcoming - Episteme.
    Questions surrounding deep disagreement have gained significant attention in recent years. One of the central debates is metaphysical, focusing on the features that make a disagreement deep. Proposals for what makes disagreements deep include theories about hinge propositions and first epistemic principles. In this paper, I criticize this metaphysical discussion by arguing that it is methodologically flawed. Deep disagreement is a technical or semi-technical term, but the metaphysical discussion mistakenly treats it as a common-sense concept to be analyzed and captured (...)
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    Scritti minori di filosofia antica.Guido Calogero - 1984
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  9. Einleitung zur Geschichte der Antiken Logik.Guido Calogero - 1931 - Rivista di Filosofia 20:414.
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  10. Una nuova concezione della logica prearistotelica.Guido Calogero - 1927 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 8:409.
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    The other in contemporary migrant cinema: imagining a new Europe?Guido Rings - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    Introduction -- Otherness in contemporary European cinema -- Potential and limits of a new European in Nicolas Echevarría's Cabeza de vaca -- Migrants in Europe: breaking the boundaries? -- Inspiration from abroad? cultural boundaries in Chicano cinema -- Conclusion.
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    Philosophy In France.Guido Ruggierdeo - 1927 - Philosophy 2 (8):544.
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    Kants Konzeption der Modalbegriffe.Guido Schneeberger - 1952 - Basel,: Verlag für Recht und Gesellschaft.
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    Cassirer's concept of a symbolic form reconsidered.Guido Kreis - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (4):1115-1124.
    In the first two sections of the following remarks, I will establish a working definition of Cassirer's concept of a symbolic form. Symbolic forms are primarily forms of expression (1). Furthermore, they must be conceived as forms of world-disclosure and forms of mind and spirit (2). Finally, I will highlight the key elements of Cassirer's analysis of the practical dimension of symbolic forms (3). I argue that a reconsideration of the concept of a symbolic form will naturally let the philosophy (...)
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    Collapse theories as beable theories.Guido Bacciagaluppi - 2010 - Manuscrito 33 (1):19-54.
    I discuss the interpretation of spontaneous collapse theories, with particular reference to Bell's suggestion that the stochastic jumps in the evolution of the wave function should be considered as local beables of the theory. I develop this analogy in some detail for the case of non-relativistic GRW-type theories, using a generalisation of Bell's notion of beables to POV measures. In the context of CSL-type theories, this strategy appears to fail, and I discuss instead Ghirardi and co-workers' mass-density interpretation and its (...)
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    Soziale Gemeinschaft und absoluter Geist.Guido Kreis - 2018 - In Christian Krijnen & Stephan Zimmermann (eds.), Sozialontologie in der Perspektive des Deutschen Idealismus: Ansätze, Rezeptionen, Probleme. De Gruyter. pp. 93-118.
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    “How complex and even perverse the real world can be”: W.D. Hamilton's early work on social wasps.Guido Caniglia - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 64:41-52.
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    Hobbes on Teleology and Reason.Guido Parietti - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):1107-1131.
    Starting from considering how radical Hobbes' rejection of teleology was, this paper presents a coherent reading of Hobbesian reason, as applied to the justification of political obligation, striking a more perspicuous third way between the ‘orthodox’ and the ‘revisionist’ readings. Both families of interpretations are partial to some elements of Hobbes' thought, therefore incapable of providing a coherent reading of its whole. A precise rendering of Hobbes' deontological reason allows a better hermeneutical understanding of his philosophy as well as a (...)
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  19. Die Augen des Eros, in: G. Cusinato, Person und Selbsttranszendenz, Könighausen&Neuman, Würzburg 2012, pp. 99-114.Guido Cusinato - 2012 - Könighausen&Neuman.
    Im Blick des Eros wird die Energie der Libido für die ganze Wahrnehmungstätigkeit verfügbar gemacht. Die Wende des Interesses von der unmittelbaren Befriedigung zur Schau des Bildes bedeutet eine Änderung des Relevanzfeldes, denn der Eros versucht, in der Schau des Bildes selbst eine höhere Art von Befriedigung zu finden. Die menschliche revolutio findet statt, indem der Eros die Befriedigung im „blossen ‚Genusse‘ der Welt als Bild“ sucht, d. h. indem er begehrt, die Bilder eines Objekts wahrzunehmen. Der Eros ersetzt die (...)
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  20. Experience and Analysis. Papers of the 27th International Wittgenstein Symposium.Guido Melchior (ed.) - 2004
  21. Epistemology: Context, Values, Disagreement. Papers of the 34th International Wittgenstein Symposium.Guido Melchior (ed.) - 2011
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    The Prevention of Psychopathy: What We Owe to Young People.Dorothee Horstkötter & Guido de Wert - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 4 (2):19-20.
  23. Storia della Filosofia. Parte Quarta: La Filosofia Moderna. I, L'Età Cartesiana.Guido de Ruggiero - 1934 - Philosophy 9 (33):118-119.
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    Longitudinal Effects of Activity-Based Flexible Office Design on Teamwork.Christina Wohlers & Guido Hertel - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Lifestyle Vaccines and Public Health: Exploring Policy Options for a Vaccine to Stop Smoking.Anna Wolters, Guido de Wert, Onno C. P. van Schayck & Klasien Horstman - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 9 (2):183-197.
    Experimental vaccines are being developed for the treatment of ‘unhealthy lifestyles’ and associated chronic illnesses. Policymakers and other stakeholders will have to deal with the ethical issues that this innovation path raises: are there morally justified reasons to integrate these innovative biotechnologies in future health policies? Should public money be invested in further research? Focusing on the case of an experimental nicotine vaccine, this article explores the ethical aspects of ‘lifestyle vaccines’ for public health. Based on findings from a qualitative (...)
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    Cassirer and Rousseau.Guido Kreis & Philip Schauss - 2017 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 38 (2):267-287.
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    La pensée italienne et la guerre.Guido De Ruggiero - 1916 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 23 (5):749 - 785.
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  28. Il "caosmo" nella legge. "Ordine e caos del diritto tardomoderno".Guido Saraceni - 2007 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 3:437-458.
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    Il bello e il vero: scandagli tra poesia, filosofia e teologia.Guido Sommavilla - 1996 - Milano: Jaca Book.
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    Bibliographie.Guido Rappe - 1995 - In Archaische Leiberfahrung: der Leib in der Frühgriechischen Philosophie und in Außereuropäischen Kulturen. De Gruyter. pp. 501-532.
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    Drittes kapitel. Das Herz im alten ägypten und die anthropologischen vorstellungen der hebräischen Bibel.Guido Rappe - 1995 - In Archaische Leiberfahrung: der Leib in der Frühgriechischen Philosophie und in Außereuropäischen Kulturen. De Gruyter. pp. 273-323.
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    5. Empedokles.Guido Rappe - 1995 - In Archaische Leiberfahrung: der Leib in der Frühgriechischen Philosophie und in Außereuropäischen Kulturen. De Gruyter. pp. 170-200.
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    Personenregister.Guido Rappe - 1995 - In Archaische Leiberfahrung: der Leib in der Frühgriechischen Philosophie und in Außereuropäischen Kulturen. De Gruyter. pp. 533-544.
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  34. La vera storia dell'arresto di Giordano Bruno.Guido Del Giudice - 2018 - la Biblioteca di Via Senato (2):56-62.
    L’indagine condotta su alcuni personaggi finora rimasti nell’ombra, ma che ebbero un peso notevole, se non determinante, sul destino del filosofo, permette di ricostruire il complotto ordito dall’Inquisizione Cattolica per arrivare a mettere le mani su Giordano Bruno. La minuziosa e circostanziata ricostruzione dei fatti si integra perfettamente con altre recenti ricerche dello stesso genere.
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    Idealism & experience: the philosophy of Guido de Ruggiero.B. A. Haddock, Rik Peters, J. R. M. Wakefield & Guido De Ruggiero (eds.) - 2020 - Exeter, UK: Imprint Academic.
    Guido de Ruggiero (1888-1948) was perhaps the greatest Italian intellectual historian in the twentieth century. He was a fierce champion of liberalism, an ardent opponent of Fascism, an insightful critic and interpreter of his contemporaries, and a formidable philosopher in his own right. Idealism & Experience: The Philosophy of Guido de Ruggiero comprises eight new critical essays, as well as English translations of five of de Ruggiero's most important shorter writings, which chart the development of his thought between (...)
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  36. Filosofi del novecento. Appendice a La Filosofia Contemporanea.Guido de Ruggiero - 1934 - Philosophy 9 (36):503-505.
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    La filosofia contemporanea.Guido De Ruggiero - 1912 - Bari,: G. Laterza & figli.
    Introduzione.--pte. I. La filosofia tedesca.--pte. II. La filosofia francese.--pte. III. La filosofia anglo-americana.--pte. IV. La filosofia italiana.--Considerazioni finali.--Nota bibliografica (p. [461]-475)--Indice dei nomi.
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    Animalia.Ivano Dionigi & Guido Barbujani (eds.) - 2011 - Milano: Biblioteca universale Rizzoli.
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    On Human Rights.Vaclav Havel & Guido van Heeswijck - 1999 - Ethical Perspectives 6 (1):4-9.
    “It is certainly no accident that precisely here, in this region of continual threats to, and continual defence of one's own identity — whether personal, cultural or national identity — there is such a long tradition of the idea of truth, a truth for which one must pay, the truth as a moral value. One constantly runs up against this tradition, from Cyril and Methodius to Hus and Masaryk, Stefanik and Patocka”. This citation from a lecture entitled “Morality and Politics” (...)
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    Georgiana D. Hedesan. An Alchemical Quest for Universal Knowledge: The “Christian Philosophy” of Jan Baptist Van Helmont . xx + 244 pp., figs., app., bibl., index. London/New York: Routledge, 2016. £95. [REVIEW]Guido Giglioni - 2017 - Isis 108 (4):900-901.
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    Ohad Nachtomy and Justin E. H. Smith, eds. The Life Sciences in Early Modern Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. Pp. xiii+256. $78.00. [REVIEW]Guido Giglioni - 2016 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 6 (2):348-352.
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    Guido Calogero.Guido Calogero - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 3:489-490.
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    In margine a tre lezioni di Guido Calabresi.Guido Melis - 2014 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 26 (51).
    Il saggio propone alcune osservazioni a margine delle tre lezioni tenute dal giudice federale statunitense Guido Calabresi a Macerata nel 2012. Le lezioni riguardano l'organizzazione delle corti di giustizia federale negli Stati Uniti, la forma e il ruolo delle sentenze giudiziarie all'interno di un sistema federale e il rapporto che intrattiene con la pena di morte un giudice a essa decisamente contrario. Secondo Melis queste lezioni restituiscono in maniera straordinariamente viva e precisa la struttura del sistema giudiziario e, al (...)
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    Does polysemy support radical contextualism? On the relation between minimalism, contextualism and polysemy.Guido Löhr - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (1):68-92.
    Polysemy has only recently entered the debate on semantic minimalism and contextualism. This is surprising considering that the key linguistic examples discussed in the debate, such as ‘John cut the grass’ or ‘The leaf is green’ appear to be prime examples of polysemy. Moreover, François Recanati recently argued that the mere existence of polysemy falsi!es semantic minimalism and supports radical contextualism. The aim of this paper is to discuss how the minimalism-contextualism debate relates to polysemy. This connection turns out to (...)
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  45. Corporate Legitimacy as Deliberation: A Communicative Framework.Guido Palazzo & Andreas Georg Scherer - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 66 (1):71-88.
    Modern society is challenged by a loss of efficiency in national governance systems values, and lifestyles. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) discourse builds upon a conception of organizational legitimacy that does not appropriately reflect these changes. The problems arise from the a-political role of the corporation in the concepts of cognitive and pragmatic legitimacy, which are based on compliance to national law and on relatively homogeneous and stable societal expectations on the one hand and widely accepted rhetoric assuming that all members (...)
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    Quantum theory at the crossroads: reconsidering the 1927 Solvay conference.Guido Bacciagaluppi - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Antony Valentini.
    The 1927 Solvay conference was perhaps the most important meeting in the history of quantum theory. Contrary to popular belief, the interpretation of quantum theory was not settled at this conference, and no consensus was reached. Instead, a range of sharply conflicting views were presented and extensively discussed, including de Broglie's pilot-wave theory, Born and Heisenberg's quantum mechanics, and Schrödinger's wave mechanics. Today, there is no longer an established or dominant interpretation of quantum theory, so it is important to re-evaluate (...)
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    Commitment engineering: conceptual engineering without representations.Guido Löhr - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):13035-13052.
    It is largely assumed that conceptual engineering is essentially about revising, introducing, or eliminating representational devices, in particular the intension and extension of words and concepts. However, tying conceptual engineering too closely to representations is risky. Not everyone endorses the notion of representation as theoretically helpful or even real. Not everyone thinks that concepts or meanings should be understood in terms of the notion of representation. Does this mean that conceptual engineering is not interesting or relevant for these skeptics? In (...)
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    Linguistic Interventions and the Ethics of Conceptual Disruption.Guido Löhr - 2022 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (5):835-849.
    Several authors in psychology and philosophy have recently raised the following question: when is it permissible to intentionally change the meaning and use of our words and concepts? I argue that an arguably prior question has received much less attention: Even if there were good moral or epistemic reasons for conceptual or semantic changes, this does not yet justify pushing or lobbying for such changes if they are socially and conceptually disruptive. In this paper, I develop the beginnings of an (...)
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  49. In Memoriam. Guido De Ruggiero.Guido Calogero - 1949 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 3 (8):151-157.
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    Prologue-functors.Guido Küng - 1974 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 3 (3):241-254.
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