Results for 'Humphry Hung'

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  1.  84
    Directors' Roles in Corporate Social Responsibility: A Stakeholder Perspective. [REVIEW]Humphry Hung - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 103 (3):385-402.
    We propose that corporate directors are important in helping organizations deal with two major issues of stakeholders. First, directors can help manage the interests of organizational stakeholders, and second, they assist in protecting the interests of their organizations as stakeholders in society. Their contribution can be conceptualized as the directors’ roles in corporate social responsibility (DR-CSR). We identify two types of DR-CSR, organization-centered and society-centered roles. Based on a study of 120 corporate directors, we observe that the more concern that (...)
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    Normalized Collective Corruption in a Transitional Economy: Small Treasuries in Large Chinese Enterprises. [REVIEW]Humphry Hung - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (1-2):69 - 83.
    "Small treasuries" (xiaojinku) are off-book accounts found in many large enterprises in China for the purpose of rewarding managers and their subordinates, building up guanxi (personal networks), and even financing the business operations of their danwei (work units). We analyze CESTs with reference to their antecedents, constructs, and consequences. Our analysis indicates that while CESTs can, in some cases, help organizations deal with immediate financial problems, they have negative impacts on organizational performance in relation to the moral hazard of managers, (...)
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  3.  24
    Derek Humphry discusses death with dignity with Thomasine Kushner.D. Humphry - 1992 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2 (1):57-61.
  4.  18
    The Continuity between Hung Yao-hsün’s Early and Late Philosophy.Tzu-Wei Hung - 2021 - Journal of Japanese Philosophy 7:59-80.
    Hung Yao-hsün is one of the most creative, albeit long overlooked, thinkers in Japanese-ruled Taiwan. This paper’s aim is threefold. It first argues that while Hung’s early philosophy was rooted in the Kyoto school, he is a key founder of the Sit-chûn movement of Taiwanese philosophy. It next shows that during Taiwan’s martial law, Hung’s thought features a “Buddhist turn,” in which Zen is incorporated within existentialism. Third, while this turn is a sharp contrast to his prewar (...)
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    Ruyu Hung. Education between speech and writing: Crossing the boundaries of Dao and deconstruction.Ruyu Hung, Morimichi Kato, Xu Di & Chia-Ling Wang - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (14):1526-1545.
    This book review symposium aims to open a space for discussions and questions responded to the book Education between Speech and Writing: Crossing the Boundaries of Dao and Deconstruction, which is...
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  6. Authenticity and Artistic Representation in the Modern Age: Heidegger’s “Anti-aesthetic” Conception Reconsidered.Carl Humphries - 2011 - Estetyka I Krytyka 21:77-88.
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  7. Automata Theory as a Model of Biological Replication, Adaptation and Evolution.Jill Humphries - 1973 - Dissertation, University of Waterloo (Canada)
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  8.  36
    Cliometrics, child labor, and the industrial revolution.Jane Humphries - 1999 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 13 (3-4):269-283.
    Abstract Ten years ago, Clark Nardinelli shocked conventional historians by reinterpreting child labor as a sensible response to the Industrial Revolution. Nardinelli's exculpation of child labor follows front the way in which he deploys neoclassical economic theory. How relevant is his neoclassical model to the early industrial economy, and how realistic is methodological individualism to the decisions that sent young children into the appalling work places of early industrial Britain? Rather than seeing neoclassical economics as a substitute for historical judgment, (...)
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    El amor de Dios, la Teología Trinitaria de Agustín en la controversia pelagiana.Thomas Humphries - 2018 - Augustinus 63 (250-251):401-416.
    This paper poses the question “Why did Augustine not use his Trinitarian theology to better effect in the Pelagian controversy?” I demonstrate first that Augustine’s mature Trinitarian theology would be directly relevant to the Pelagian discussions after the year 415. Second, I show a slight progression in Augustine’s treatment of relevant issues from 418 through the end of his life in his anti-Pelagian corpus. I argue that Augustine does not use his Trinitarian theology to his full advantage in the anti-Pelagian (...)
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  10. Something Critical is Mything: Identity and Intertext in Northrop Frye.Ralph Humphries - 1998 - Colloquy 2.
    Nineteenth-century literary criticism read literature as a commentary on the world it inhabited. Thecommentators understood what they read in terms of the judgments and values they registered in it, andwhich they themselves, as commentators, as critics, made explicit - as if, somehow, the literary textunder investigation always fell short in this regard. Their criticism, then, took up, or extended, theintention of the texts they engaged, as they understood it: to say something significant about the world.In this climate, the literary object, (...)
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  11.  42
    Schmalenbach on Standing Alone before God: A Philosophical Case-Study in Ontologico-Historical Understanding.Carl Humphries - 2016 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 21 (2):157-186.
    This article explores the clarificatory potential of a specific way of approaching philosophical problems, centered on the analysis of the ways in which philosophers treat the relationship between ontological and historical forms of commitment. Its distinctive feature is a refusal to begin from any premises that might be considered “ontologistic” or “historicistic.” Instead, the relative status of the two forms of commitment is left open, to emerge in the light of more specific inquiries themselves. In this case the topic in (...)
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  12.  28
    Discourses of prejudice in the professions: the case of sign languages.Tom Humphries, Poorna Kushalnagar, Gaurav Mathur, Donna Jo Napoli, Carol Padden, Christian Rathmann & Scott Smith - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (9):648-652.
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  13.  18
    Vocabulary Demands of Informal Spoken English Revisited: What Does It Take to Understand Movies, TV Programs, and Soap Operas?Hung Tan Ha - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The article presents a methodological update on the lexical profile of informal spoken English with the emphasis on movies, television programs, and soap operas. The study analyzed Mark Davies’s mega-corpora with data containing approximately 625 million words and employed Paul Nation’s comprehensive and up-to-date British National Corpus/Corpus of Contemporary American English wordlists. Data from the analyses showed that viewers would need a vocabulary knowledge at 3,000 and 5,000 words frequency levels to understand 95 and 98% of the words in scripted (...)
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  14.  41
    Public Opinion on Cognitive Enhancement Varies across Different Situations.Claire T. Dinh, Stacey Humphries & Anjan Chatterjee - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 11 (4):224-237.
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    Music and Humanism: An Essay in the Aesthetics of Music.Carl Humphries - 2002 - Mind 111 (442):482-487.
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  16.  28
    Learning discriminative sequence models from partially labelled data for activity recognition.Hung H. Bui, Dinh Q. Phung & Svetha Venkatesh - 2008 - In Tu-Bao Ho & Zhi-Hua Zhou (eds.), PRICAI 2008: Trends in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 903--912.
  17.  11
    Lexical Profile of Newspapers Revisited: A Corpus-Based Analysis.Hung Tan Ha - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The present study analyzed the vocabulary profile of the News on the Web corpus, which contained 12 billion words from online newspapers and magazines in 20 countries to determine the vocabulary knowledge needed to reasonably understand online newspaper and magazine articles. The results showed that, in general, knowledge of the most frequent 4,000 word families in the British National Corpus/Corpus of Contemporary American English wordlist plus proper nouns, marginal words, transparent compounds and acronyms was necessary to gain 95% coverage for (...)
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  18. Rethinking.B. Humphries & C. Truman - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  19. Registering the personal in Wittgenstein's Denkbewegungen.von Carl Humphries - 2019 - In Ilse Somavilla, Carl Humphries & Bożena Sieradzka-Baziur (eds.), Wittgensteins "Denkbewegungen" (Tagebücher 1930-1932/1936-1937) aus interdisziplinärer Sicht =. Innsbruck: Studien Verlag.
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  20.  10
    Tomasz Mróz. Selected Issues in the History of Polish Philosophy.Carl Humphries - 2017 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 21 (2):251-254.
    This article reviews the book Selected Issues in the History of Polish Philosophy, by Tomasz Mróz.
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  21. The New Theory of Reference.Paul W. Humphries & James H. Fetzer - 2001 - Studia Logica 68 (3):415-415.
  22.  20
    The Self-Devouring Self: Montaigne's Anti-Influential Model of Identity.John Jefferson Humphries - 1982 - Substance 11 (2):56.
  23.  7
    Wittgenstein, philosopher of cultures.Carl Humphries & Walter Schweidler (eds.) - 2017 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
  24.  90
    A New Framework Integrating Environmental Effects into Technology Evaluation.Shiu-Wan Hung & Shih-Chang Tseng - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (4):543 - 556.
    This study aims to propose a framework considering both economic issues and environmental effects in technology evaluation in order to provide firms' decision makers a useful reference in adopting technologies that will enable them to fulfill corporate social responsibilities and get competitive advantages at the same time. Recently, the demands for technology evaluation have increased with the flourishing development of technology licensing, technology transaction or joint venture on the one hand and with the pressing needs of environmental protection for human (...)
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  25.  58
    How Did Language Evolve? Some Reflections on the Language Parasite Debate.Tzu-wei Hung - 2019 - Biological Theory 14 (4):214-223.
    The language parasite approach refers to the view that language, like a parasite, is an adaptive system that evolves to fit its human hosts. Supported by recent computer simulations, LPA proponents claim that the reason that humans can use languages with ease is not because we have evolved with genetically specified linguistic instincts but because languages have adapted to the preexisting brain structures of humans. This article examines the LPA. It argues that, while the LPA has advantages over its rival, (...)
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  26.  16
    Industrial Development in Pre-Communist China: A Quantitative Analysis.Fred C. Hung & John K. Chang - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (1):151.
  27.  41
    Pluralism and the Moral Mind.So Hung-yul - 1999 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 1:9-18.
    Cultural pluralism has caused disturbing problems for philosophers in applied ethics. If moral sanctions, theories, and applications are culturally bound, then moral conflicts ensuing from cultural differences would seem to be irresolvable. Even human nature, good or evil, is not free from cultural determination. One way out of this pluralistic impasse is the expansion of the moral mind. It is the outlet taken by religion, the arts, and philosophy from the earliest time in human culture. In philosophy we find an (...)
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  28. Le catéchisme de Confucius.Hung-Ming Ku - 1927 - Paris,: M. Rivère. Edited by Borrey, Francis & [From Old Catalog].
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  29. Kung-sun Lung-tzu yen chiu.Hung-tsʻai Kuo - 1977
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  30. Pien chêng wei wu chu i hsüeh hsi fang fa ti chi ko wên tʻi.Hung-lin Li - 1958
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  31.  7
    Life and evolution: an introduction to general biology.Humphry Rolleston - 1931 - The Eugenics Review 23 (2):159.
  32.  26
    Old age: the major involution: the physiology and pathology of the aging process.Humphry Rolleston - 1931 - The Eugenics Review 22 (4):288.
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    The conquest of a continent or the expansion of races in America.Humphry Rolleston - 1934 - The Eugenics Review 26 (2):148.
  34.  62
    Test Format and Local Dependence of Items Revisited: A Case of Two Vocabulary Levels Tests.Hung Tan Ha - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Local item dependence is one of the most critical assumption in the Rasch model when it comes to the validity of a test. As the field of vocabulary assessment is calling for more clarity and validity for vocabulary tests, such assumption becomes more important than ever. The article offers a Rasch-based investigation into the issue of LID with the focus on the two popular formats of Vocabulary Levels Tests : multiple-choice and matching. A Listening Vocabulary Levels Test and an Updated (...)
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  35.  38
    A study of nurses’ ethical climate perceptions.Anne Humphries & Martin Woods - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (3):265-276.
    Background: Acting ethically, in accordance with professional and personal moral values, lies at the heart of nursing practice. However, contextual factors, or obstacles within the work environment, can constrain nurses in their ethical practice – hence the importance of the workplace ethical climate. Interest in nurse workplace ethical climates has snowballed in recent years because the ethical climate has emerged as a key variable in the experience of nurse moral distress. Significantly, this study appears to be the first of its (...)
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  36. ChatGPT is bullshit.Michael Townsen Hicks, James Humphries & Joe Slater - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (2):1-10.
    Recently, there has been considerable interest in large language models: machine learning systems which produce human-like text and dialogue. Applications of these systems have been plagued by persistent inaccuracies in their output; these are often called “AI hallucinations”. We argue that these falsehoods, and the overall activity of large language models, is better understood as bullshit in the sense explored by Frankfurt (On Bullshit, Princeton, 2005): the models are in an important way indifferent to the truth of their outputs. We (...)
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  37. Zhuangzi's Edu-Dào and Dàoful Well-being: Cook Ding and other Craftsmen Revisited.Ruyu Hung - 2022 - In Nature, Art, and Education in East Asia: Philosophical Connections. Routledge.
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    Defending Relational Autonomy.James Humphries - forthcoming - Moral Philosophy and Politics.
    Relational accounts of autonomy such as those advanced by Rebekah Johnston (2017. “Personal Autonomy, Social Identity, and Oppressive Social Contexts.” Hypatia 32 (2): 312–28) and particularly Marina Oshana (1998; “Personal Autonomy and Society.” Journal of Social Philosophy 29 (1): 81–102. 2006; Personal Autonomy in Society. Aldershot: Ashgate; 2015. “Is Social-Relational Autonomy a Plausible Ideal?” In Personal Autonomy and Social Oppression: Philosophical Perspectives, edited by M. Oshana. New York: Routledge) are often thought to be distinctively vulnerable to paternalist and perfectionist objections, (...)
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  39.  20
    Effects of Blue Light on Dynamic Vision.Hung-Wen Chen & Su-Ling Yeh - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Examining the Relationship Between Speech Perception, Production Distinctness, and Production Variability.Hung-Shao Cheng, Caroline A. Niziolek, Adam Buchwald & Tara McAllister - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Several studies have demonstrated that individuals’ ability to perceive a speech sound contrast is related to the production of that contrast in their native language. The theoretical account for this relationship is that speech perception and production have a shared multimodal representation in relevant sensory spaces. This gives rise to a prediction that individuals with more narrowly defined targets will produce greater separation between contrasting sounds, as well as lower variability in the production of each sound. However, empirical studies that (...)
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    Post-human affects and the biopolitics of eroticism: Emerging bio-art movements in Taiwan.Hung-Han Chen & Pei-Ying Lin - 2017 - Technoetic Arts 15 (3):317-323.
    BioArt has become an umbrella term for art practices utilizing biotechnology and living matter. Pioneering BioArt creations erode the boundaries between science and art, provoking a series of social and cultural debates. BioArtists deprive the pragmatic function of biotechnology and alter life itself. However, BioArt is an art practice strongly tied to the development of biotechnologies and evolving bio-media. The increasing familiarity of biotechnologies enables the creative works to evolve as technologies evolve. This article aims to contextualize the issues presented (...)
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  42. Autonomy, authority, and anarchy.James Humphries - 2017 - Dissertation, University of Glasgow
    The problem of the ‘mountain man’, the caricature of self-sufficiency and individualism, is not a new one for autonomy theorists. It seems plausible that there is genuine value in self-direction according to one’s deeply-held principles. If autonomy involves something like this, then anyone concerned with autonomy as a social rather than individualistic phenomenon must explain what the mountain man gets wrong when he denies that his autonomy admits of being placed under obligations to others. In particular, the mountain man challenges (...)
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  43.  46
    Athanasius and Constantius: Theology and Politics in the Constantinian Empire. T D Barnes.Mark Humphries - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (2):401-402.
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  44. The Family and its Ethos. A Philosophical Case Study in Ontologico-Historical Understanding.Carl Humphries - 2013 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 19 (2).
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    The Value of the Variable: An Excursion in the Abyss of Precision.Ralph Humphries - 1997 - Philosophy Today 41 (3):355-366.
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    Armageddon versus conservation—An East Asian response.Ruyu Hung - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (8):821-823.
    Volume 52, Issue 8, July 2020, Page 821-823.
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  47. Enlightenment and Rebellion: 100 Years of Taiwanese Philosophy.Tzu-wei Hung & Duen-Min Deng (eds.) - 2018 - National Taiwan University Press.
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  48.  28
    Postmodernism: Memory and oblivion.Ruyu Hung - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1469-1470.
  49. "The Problems of Philosophy in their Interconnection", by Moritz Schlick.Tscha Hung - 1989 - Ratio:100.
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    The Spectre of Taiwanese Philosophy of Education: Decolonialisation as Inquiry.Ruyu Hung - forthcoming - Studies in Philosophy and Education:1-11.
    This paper aims to critically reflect on the possibility of developing a distinctive Taiwanese philosophy of education in the global world. The inquiry into the Taiwanese philosophy of education involves a more profound request for Taiwan identity, which is like a sprectre, continuously facing the threat of being eradicated, sometimes emerging and sometimes disappearing. Taiwan is being under erasure. To unravel the predicament, this paper uses Derrida’s sous rature and the notion of deconlonisation. Taiwan is now recognised as a democratic (...)
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