Results for 'Ian Gerdon'

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  1.  13
    Joel Kalvesmaki and Robin Darling Young, eds., Evagrius and His Legacy.Ian Gerdon - 2019 - Augustinian Studies 50 (2):244-247.
  2. A tradition of natural kinds.Ian Hacking - 1991 - Philosophical Studies 61 (1-2):109-26.
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  3. Kant’s Conception of Analytic Judgment.Ian Proops - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 70 (3):588–612.
    In the 'Critique of Pure Reason' Kant appears to characterize analytic judgments in four distinct ways: once in terms of “containment,” a second time in terms of “identity,” a third time in terms of the explicative–ampliative contrast, and a fourth time in terms of the notion of “cognizability in accordance with the principle of contradiction.” The paper asks: Which of these characterizations—or apparent characterizations—best captures Kant’s conception of analyticity in the first Critique? It suggests: “the second.” It argues, further, that (...)
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  4. Issues in Science and Religion.Ian G. Barbour - 1967 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 18 (3):259-261.
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  5. Afterimages and Sensation.Ian Phillips - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 87 (2):417-453.
  6. Doing Away With Scientism.Ian Kidd - 2014 - Philosophy Now 102:30-31.
    Scientism has none of the virtues of science or philosophy, so let's do away with it.
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  7. (2 other versions)Why Does Language Matter to Philosophy?Ian Hacking - 1975 - Linguistics and Philosophy 3 (3):429-436.
  8. (4 other versions)The Emergence of Probability.Ian Hacking - 1976 - Philosophy 51 (198):476-480.
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  9. Wittgenstein's logical atomism.Ian Proops - 2004 - Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy (65):374-376.
    An article explicating Wittgenstein's logical atomism and surveying the relevant secondary literature.
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    Philosophers of Experiment.Ian Hacking - 1988 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1988:147 - 156.
    This paper surveys a decade of philosophical discussion of laboratory science, and concludes with a bibliography. Among its topics are: (1) The historical emergence of distinct styles of experimental reasoning and practice; the relation of this to constructionalist theses. (2) The extension of Duhem's thesis to instruments and apparatus; not only are theory and observation malleable resources, but also the materiel with which one works. (3) The demarcation of science not by method or content, but by product; the creation of (...)
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  11. The Early Wittgenstein on Logical Assertion.Ian Proops - 1997 - Philosophical Topics 25 (2):121-144.
    The paper argues that Wittgenstein's criticisms of Frege and Russell's assertion sign are, a bottom, criticisms of a common flaw in these philosophers' early conceptions of the proposition. Each philosopher offers an account of the proposition that *seems* to suggest that a sentence cannot get so far as to say something without the addition of the assertion sign. This leads to the mistaken idea that there is a coherent notion of "logical assertion.".
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    The structure of the contemporary debate on the problem of evil.Ian Wilks - 2004 - Religious Studies 40 (3):307-321.
    This paper concerns the attempt to formulate an empirical version of the problem of evil, and the attempt to counter this version by what is known as ‘sceptical theism’. My concern is to assess what is actually achieved in these attempts. To this end I consider the debate between them against the backdrop of William Rowe's distinction between expanded standard theism and restricted standard theism (which I label E and R respectively). My claim is that the empirical version significantly fails (...)
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    The cost of thinking about false beliefs: Evidence from adults’ performance on a non-inferential theory of mind task.Ian A. Apperly, Elisa Back, Dana Samson & Lisa France - 2008 - Cognition 106 (3):1093-1108.
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  14. Yoga and freedom: A reconsideration of patañjali's classical yoga.Ian Whicher - 1998 - Philosophy East and West 48 (2):272-322.
    Rather than follow along the lines of many scholarly interpretations of Patañjali's "Yoga-Sūtra," which views Yoga as a radical separation or isolation of "spirit" or pure consciousness (puruṣa) from "matter" (prakṛti), this essay suggests that the "Yoga-Sūtra" seeks to "unite" or integrate these two principles by correcting a basic misalignment between them. Yoga thus does not advocate the abandonment or condemnation of the world, but supports a stance that enables one to live more fully in the world without being enslaved (...)
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  15. Physical Properties.Ian Ravenscroft - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 35 (3):419-431.
  16. Problems, methods, and theories in the study of politics, or what's wrong with political science and what to do about it.Ian Shapiro - 2002 - Political Theory 30 (4):596-619.
  17.  26
    [Book review] democratic justice. [REVIEW]Ian Shapiro - 2001 - Social Theory and Practice 27 (3):519-534.
  18.  85
    Remembering Arthur Peacocke: A personal reflection.Ian G. Barbour - 2008 - Zygon 43 (1):89-102.
    Abstract.I join others who have expressed profound gratitude for the life and thought of Arthur Peacocke. I recall some high points in my interaction with him during a period of forty years as an intellectual companion and personal friend. Some similarities in our thinking about evolution, emergence, top‐down causality, and continuing creation are indicated. Four points of difference are then discussed: (1) Emergent monism or two‐aspect process events? (2) Panentheism or process theism? (3) Creation ex nihilo and/or continuing creation? (4) (...)
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    Taking science seriously without scientism: A response to Taede Smedes.Ian G. Barbour - 2008 - Zygon 43 (1):259-269.
    . In responding to Taede Smedes, I first examine his thesis that the recent dialogue between science and religion has been dominated by scientism and does not take theology seriously. I then consider his views on divine action, free will and determinism, and process philosophy. Finally I use the fourfold typology of Conflict, Independence, Dialogue, and Integration to discuss his proposal for the future of science and religion.
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    : A Race for the Future: Scientific Visions of Modern Russian Jewishness.Ian McGonigle - 2024 - Isis 115 (2):420-421.
  21. Paul's Way of Knowing: Story, Experience, and the Spirit.Ian W. Scott - 2009
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    Group aspirations and democratic politics.Ian Shapiro - 1997 - Constellations 3 (3):315-325.
  23. Morální základy politiky.Ian Shapiro - 2004 - Filosoficky Casopis 52:330-332.
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    Reply to Curie Virág.Ian Johnston & Ping Wang - 2014 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 13 (4):589-590.
  25.  20
    (1 other version)Introduction à Kierkegaard.Ian W. Alexander - 1949 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 5 (1):121-122.
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  26. 8.1 The Dickensian Catholicism of G. K. Chesterton.Ian Ker - 2006 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 9 (2).
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  27. Conflict and Compatibility: Some Thoughts on the Relationship between Science and Religion.Ian A. McFarland - 2003 - Modern Theology 19 (2):181-202.
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    Grundprobleme der Geschichte der antiken WissenschaftKurt von Fritz.Ian Mueller - 1974 - Isis 65 (1):112-114.
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    Commentary on theological resources from the physical sciences [1966].Ian G. Barbour - 2005 - Zygon 40 (2):503-506.
  30.  56
    On two issues in science and religion: A response to David Griffin.Ian G. Barbour - 1988 - Zygon 23 (1):83-88.
    . In responding to David Griffin's critique of my book, Issues in Science and Religion, I suggest that most of the points which he initially presents as differences between us concerning reduction and emergence are resolved in the second half of his article. I spoke of the emergence of higher‐level “properties” and “activities,” rather than “entities,” but my analysis of whole and parts is similar to his, although it was perhaps not always clearly articulated. We agree also that Alfred North (...)
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  31. Unmeasured Music and Silence.Ian Bedford - 2015 - In Kalpana Ram & Christopher Houston (eds.), Phenomenology in Anthropology: A Sense of Perspective. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
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    Popper and Agassi at Odds.Ian Jarvie - 2022 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 52 (6):329-340.
    Three main conflicts between Popper and Agassi are discussed. Over the ethics of hard work which in reality turns out to be over perfectionism and optimism. Over the role of metaphysics in science. Over methodological individualism where is it argued that Popper's views are contradictory and that Agassi' Institutionalism prevails.
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    Fiction, Imagination, and Ethics.Ian Ravenscroft - 2012 - In Robyn Langdon & Catriona Mackenzie (eds.), Emotions, Imagination, and Moral Reasoning. Psychology Press. pp. 71.
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  34. A dictionary of critical theory.Ian Buchanan - 2010 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Containing over 750 in-depth entries, this is the most wide-ranging and up-to-date dictionary of critical theory available. It covers the whole range of critical theory, including the Frankfurt school, cultural materialism, cultural studies, gender studies, film studies, literary theory, hermeneutics, historical materialism, internet studies, and sociopolitical critical theory. Entries clearly explain even the most complex of theoretical discourses, such as Marxism, psychoanalysis, structuralism, deconstruction, and postmodernism. There are biographies of important figures in the field, with feature entries for those who (...)
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  35.  35
    On Adaptive Optics: the Historical Constitution of Architectures for Expert Perception in Astronomy.Ian Lowrie - 2012 - Spontaneous Generations 6 (1):203-224.
    This article charts the development of the modern astronomical observational system. I am interested most acutely in the digitization of this system in general, and in the introduction of adaptive optics in particular. I argue that these features have been critical in establishing the modern observatory as a factory for scientific data, rather than as a center of calculation in its own right. Throughout, the theoretical focus is on the nature of technological evolution in the observational system, understood as inextricably (...)
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    Literary Theory and the Academic Institution.Ian Maclean & David Robey - 1983 - Paragraph 1 (1):13-17.
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  37. The logic of incarnation and the problem of the extra calvinisticum.Ian A. McFarland - 2019 - In David Fergusson, Bruce L. McCormack & Iain R. Torrance (eds.), Schools of faith: essays on theology, ethics and education in honour of Iain R. Torrance. New York, NY, USA: T & T Clark.
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    The art of making choices.Ian Philip McGreal - 1953 - Dallas,: Southern Methodist University Press.
  39.  93
    (1 other version)Business ethics and existentialism.Ian Ashman & Diana Winstanley - 2006 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 15 (3):218–233.
  40. Experience and Intentional Content.Ian Phillips - 2005 - Dissertation, Oxford University
    Strong or Pure Intentionalism is the claim that the phenomenal character of any perceptual experience can be exhaustively characterized solely by reference to its Intentional content. Strong or Pure Anti-Intentionalism is the claim that the phenomenal character of any perceptual experience can be exhaustively characterized solely by reference to its non-Intentional properties. In Chapters One and Two, I consider how best to delineate the opposition between these positions. I reject various characterizations of the distinction, in particular, that it can be (...)
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  41.  59
    Plato, the Eristics, and the Principle of Non-Contradiction.Ian J. Campbell - 2021 - Apeiron 54 (4):571-614.
    This paper considers the use that Plato makes of the Principle of Non-Contradiction in his engagements with eristic refutations. By examining Plato’s use of the principle in his most detailed engagements with eristic—in the Sophist, the discussion of “agonistic” argumentation in the Theaetetus, and especially the Euthydemus—I aim to show that the pressure exerted on Plato by eristic refutations played a crucial role in his development of the PNC, and that the principle provided him with a much more sophisticated means (...)
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    Interpreting neuroscience and explaining the mind.Ian Gold & Daniel Stoljar - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):856-866.
    Although a wide variety of questions were raised about different aspects of the target article, most of them fall into one of five categories each of which deals with a general question. These questions are Is the radical neuron doctrine really radical? Is the trivial neuron doctrine really trivial? Were we sufficiently critical of the radical neuron doctrine? Is there a distinction to be drawn at all between the two doctrines? and How does our argument bear on related issues in (...)
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  43. Aporia 12.Ian Mueller - 2009 - In Michel Crubellier & André Laks (eds.), Aristotle's Metaphysics Beta: Symposium Aristotelicum. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
  44. Language, Teaching, and Failure.Ian Munday - 2016 - In Amanda Fulford & Naomi Hodgson (eds.), Philosophy and Theory in Educational Research: Writing in the Margin. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Ethology and Ethical Change.Ian Ground & Michael Bavidge - 2021 - In Maria Balaska (ed.), Cora Diamond on Ethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 149-171.
    Cora Diamond’s discussions of the ethics of our treatment of animals offer a critique of conceptions of morality which regard our ethical responses as founded on reasons which ought to be reasons for anyone. Diamond takes issue with accounts of our treatment of animals based on their possession of capacities which are shared with us. She offers instead a concept of the moral life, as a form of life—inherited, shared and negotiated—only within which can moral reasons count as reasons at (...)
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  46. Varieties of Philosophical Humanism and Conceptions of Science.Ian James Kidd - forthcoming - In Anjan Chakravartty (ed.), Science and Humanism.
    This chapter describes some of the varieties of philosophical humanism and different conceptions of, and attitudes towards, the natural sciences. I focus on three kinds of humanism evident in 20th century European philosophy – humanism as essentialism, humanism as rational subjectivity, and existential humanism. Some are strongly allied to the sciences, others are antipathetic to them, while others offer subtler positions. By emphasising this diversity, I want to oppose claims about the inevitability of an 'alliance' of science to humanism, and (...)
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  47. Proof and Eternal Truths: Descartes and Leibniz.Ian Hacking - 1980 - In . pp. 169-179.
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  48.  69
    Where angels fear to tread – the evolution of language.Ian Ravenscroft - 2004 - Biology and Philosophy 19 (1):145-158.
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  49. (4 other versions)Nursing ethics.Ian E. Thompson - 1983 - New York: Churchill Livingstone. Edited by Kath M. Melia & Kenneth M. Boyd.
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    Lord Kames and the Scotland of His Day.Ian Simpson Ross - 1972 - Oxford: Clarendon.
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