Results for 'Ilya Fyk'

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  1.  41
    Оцінка техніко-економічних показників розробки нафтогазового родовища в інноваційному процесі.Mykhailo Fyk, Volodymyr Biletskyi, Mohammed Abbood, Mohammed Al-Sutan, Olena Varavina, Yevhen Shapchenko, Olena Yatskevich & Ilya Fyk - 2018 - Схід 2 (154):64-70.
    У статті запропоновано новий аналітико-алгоритмічний підхід до оцінки техніко-економічних показників варіанту розробки нафтогазового родовища з урахуванням ефекту отримання економічних зисків за рахунок впливу технологічних інновацій інтенсифікації видобування вуглеводнів та супутньої продукції. При цьому під технологічними інноваціями розуміють змішаний комплекс нових засобів праці, техніки, технологічних вузлів, нових режимних та сировинних карт, логістики, інших загальних позитивних технологічних змін. Наголошується потреба зміни алгоритмів при техніко-економічних розрахунках варіантів розробки нафтогазових родовищ для врахування продажу результатів супутньої видобуванню вуглеводнів генерації та зберігання енергоносіїв, забору цінних порід (...)
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    Адаптивна методика наближеної оцінки техніко-економічних показників розробки об'єкта виснаженого газоконденсатного родовища.Mykhailo Fyk, Kyrylo Kurochkin, Mohammed Abbud, Mohammed Al Sultan & Olena Varavina - 2017 - Схід 5 (151):15-21.
    The method of evaluation of technical and economic indicators for the development of gas condensate field tested in the branch system of enterprises of PJSC "Ukrgazvydobuvannya" is considered, which is supplemented and simplified for obtaining approximate estimates in the case of annual natural or artificial changes in the gas condensate factor and thermobaric states of the extracted fluid during the operational period of the late stage. Targeted changes in the algorithms of calculations of basic technical and economic indicators, especially for (...)
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  3. Order out of Chaos.Ilya Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (3):352-354.
  4. Voter ignorance and the democratic ideal.Ilya Somin - 1998 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 12 (4):413-458.
    Abstract If voters do not understand the programs of rival candidates or their likely consequences, they cannot rationally exercise control over government. An ignorant electorate cannot achieve true democratic control over public policy. The immense size and scope of modern government makes it virtually impossible for voters to acquire sufficient knowledge to exercise such control. The problem is exacerbated by voters? strong incentive to be ?rationally ignorant? of politics. This danger to democracy cannot readily be circumvented through ?shortcut? methods of (...)
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    La nouvelle alliance: métamorphose de la science.Ilya Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers - 1979 - Editions Gallimard.
    La science classique s'est trouvée associée à un désenchantement du monde. C'est la leçon que Jacques Monod entendait tirer des progrès de la biologie : "L'ancienne alliance est rompue. L'homme sait enfin qu'il est seul dans l'immensité indifférente de l'Univers d'où il a émergé par hasard." Notre science n'est plus ce savoir classique, nous pouvons déchiffrer le récit d'une "nouvelle alliance". Loin de l'exclure du monde qu'elle décrit, la science retrouve comme un problème l'appartenance de l'homme à ce monde. Les (...)
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    Entre le temps et l’éternité.Ilya Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers - 1988
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  7. Knowledge about ignorance: New directions in the study of political information.Ilya Somin - 2006 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 18 (1-3):255-278.
    For decades, scholars have recognized that most citizens have little or no political knowledge, and that it is in fact rational for the average voter to make little or no effort to acquire political information. Rational ignorance is fully compatible with the so‐called “paradox of voting” because it will often be rational for citizens to vote, but irrational for them to become well informed. Furthermore, rational ignorance leads not only to inadequate acquisition of political information, but also to ineffective use (...)
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    The Ongoing Debate Over Political Ignorance: Reply to My Critics.Ilya Somin - 2015 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 27 (3-4):380-414.
    ABSTRACTThe participants in this symposium raise many insightful criticisms and reservations about my book Democracy and Political Ignorance: Why Smaller Government Is Smarter. But none substantially undermine its main thesis: that rational political ignorance and rational irrationality are major problems for democracy that are best addressed by limiting and decentralizing government power. Part I of this reply addresses criticisms of my analysis of the problem of political ignorance and its causes. Part II assesses challenges to my proposed solution.
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  9. Physique, temps et devenir.Ilya Prigogine, Françoise Sullivan & Jacques Chanu - 1982 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 172 (1):131-131.
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  10.  11
    Is Future Given?Ilya Prigogine - 2003 - World Scientific Publishing Company.
    In this book, after discussing the fundamental problems of current science and other philosophic concepts, beginning with controversies between Heraclitus and Parmenides, Ilya Prigogine launches into a message of great hope: the future has not been determined. Contrary to globalisation and the apparent contemporary mass culture society, individual behaviour is beginning to increasingly become the key factor which governs the evolution of both the world and society as a whole. It is a message that challenges existing widespread views, implicitly (...)
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    (1 other version)The promise and peril of epistocracy.Ilya Somin - forthcoming - Tandf: Inquiry:1-8.
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  12. Deliberative democracy and political ignorance.Ilya Somin - 2010 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 22 (2):253-279.
    Advocates of ?deliberative democracy? want citizens to actively participate in serious dialogue over political issues, not merely go to the polls every few years. Unfortunately, these ideals don't take into account widespread political ignorance and irrationality. Most voters neither attain the level of knowledge needed to make deliberative democracy work, nor do they rationally evaluate the political information they do possess. The vast size and complexity of modern government make it unlikely that most citizens can ever reach the levels of (...)
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  13. Conceptualizing Care in Partnering.Ilya Vidrin - 2023 - Performance Research 27 (6-7):26-31.
    Dance, as a mode of physical interaction, offers opportunities to care and be cared for, but this does not mean that dancers will, in fact, care. There may be no moral motivation underlying a lift, dip or intricate sequence of coordinated action. Choreographic scores may (knowingly or not) encourage merely perfunctory movements that are a poor simulacrum to care. Moreover, the caring that is expressed through dance need not transfer to other walks of life. I am not alone in knowing (...)
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    Natural Code of Subjective Experience.Ilya A. Surov - 2022 - Biosemiotics 15 (1):109-139.
    The paper introduces mathematical encoding for subjective experience and meaning in natural cognition. The code is based on a quantum-theoretic qubit structure supplementing classical bit with circular dimension, functioning as a process-causal template for representation of contexts relative to the basis decision. The qubit state space is demarcated in categories of emotional experience of animals and humans. Features of the resulting spherical map align with major theoreties in cognitive and emotion science, modeling of natural language, and semiotics, suggesting several generalizations (...)
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    Towards a Social Philosophy of Science: Russian Prospects.Ilya Kasavin - 2017 - Social Epistemology 31 (1):1-15.
    Philosophy of science as a scholarly discipline exists today side by side with other disciplines within an interdisciplinary framework of the history and philosophy of science or science and technology studies. The rationale for this “joint venture” is commonly seen in the division of labor. The history of science focuses on the rise and development of scientific theories in the past; the sociology of science deals with science as a social institution; the psychology of science investigates the mechanisms of creativity (...)
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  16.  52
    Why Political Ignorance Undermines the Wisdom of the Many.Ilya Somin - 2014 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 26 (1-2):151-169.
    ABSTRACTHélène Landemore's Democratic Reason effectively demonstrates how cognitive diversity may potentially improve the quality of democratic decisions. But in setting out the preconditions that democracy must meet in order for the many to make collectively well-informed decisions, Landemore undermines the case for voter competence more than she strengthens it. The conditions she specifies are highly unlikely to be achieved by any real-world democracy. Widespread voter ignorance and the size and complexity of modern government are severe obstacles to any effort to (...)
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  17. Embodied Ethics: The Conditions and Norms of Communication in Partnering.Ilya Vidrin - 2020 - In Malaika Sarco-Thomas, Thinking Touch in Partnering and Contact Improvisation: Philosophy, Pedagogy, Practice. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 240-259.
    In this chapter, I argue that communication in partnering is a physical exchange of information on the basis of ethically-bound conditions. Simply put, partners can cause each other harm. Thus, the criteria of communication in partnering is always within an ethical domain, where action runs along a continuum ranging from the ethical to the unethical. To make this argument, I will first lay out the conditions to which the relevant norms of evaluation can adhere. These conditions include proximity, orientation, and (...)
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  18.  13
    Bakhtin and Cohen: The First Stages in Building the Philosophical System.Ilya Dvorkin - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (3):436-456.
    Abstact. Although it is generally known that M.M. Bakhtin viewed himself as primarily a philosopher and not a philologist, the overwhelming majority of studies of his work belong to literary criticism. The purpose of this article, relying on the oral testimony of Bakhtin himself and his philosophical texts written in the Nevel-Vitebsk period, is to restore the origin of his philosophical sources and the content of his philosophical ideas of this period. The main idea is the concept of moral philosophy (...)
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  19. La fin des certitudes.Ilya Prigogine - 1997 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 187 (3):356-358.
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  20.  22
    Quantum Cognitive Triad: Semantic Geometry of Context Representation.Ilya A. Surov - 2020 - Foundations of Science 26 (4):947-975.
    The paper describes an algorithm for semantic representation of behavioral contexts relative to a dichotomic decision alternative. The contexts are represented as quantum qubit states in two-dimensional Hilbert space visualized as points on the Bloch sphere. The azimuthal coordinate of this sphere functions as a one-dimensional semantic space in which the contexts are accommodated according to their subjective relevance to the considered uncertainty. The contexts are processed in triples defined by knowledge of a subject about a binary situational factor. The (...)
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  21.  44
    Richard Posner's democratic pragmatism and the problem of ignorance.Ilya Somin - 2004 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 16 (1):1-22.
    Abstract Richard Posner's Law, Pragmatism, and Democracy urges that political and legal decision makers should be guided by what he calls ?everyday pragmatism,? rather than by ?abstract? moral theory. He links his conception of pragmatic government to Sclmmpeter's unromantic view of democracy. Posner argues that judicial review should be based on a combination of pragmatism and adherence to this limited conception of democracy, rather than sticking closely to ?formalist? theories of adjudication, which demand strict adherence to traditional legal norms. However, (...)
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  22.  87
    Epigenetics, representation, and society.Ilya Gadjev - 2017 - Zygon 52 (2):491-515.
    In recent decades, advances in the life sciences have created an unprecedentedly detailed picture of heredity and the formation of the phenotype where clusters of simplistic reductionist and deterministic views and interpretations have begun to lose ground to more complex and holistic notions. The developments in gene regulation and epigenetics have become a vivid emblem of the ongoing ‘softening’ of heredity. Despite this headway, the outlook and rhetoric widely popular in the twentieth century favoring the ‘gene’ in the ‘genegenetic plasticityphenotypeenvironment’ (...)
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  23. Order through fluctuation: Self-organization and social system.Ilya Prigogine - 1976 - In Erich Jantsch, Evolution And Consciousness: Human Systems In Transition. Reading, Mass.: Reading Ma: Addison-Wesley. pp. 93--130.
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  24. Foot Voting, Political Ignorance, and Constitutional Design.Ilya Somin - 2011 - Social Philosophy and Policy 28 (1):202-227.
    The strengths and weaknesses of federalism have been debated for centuries. But one major possible advantage of building decentralization and limited government into a constitution has been largely ignored in the debate so far: its potential for reducing the costs of widespread political ignorance. The argument of this paper is simple, but has potentially important implications: Constitutional federalism enables citizens to “vote with their feet,” and foot voters have much stronger incentives to make well-informed decisions than more conventional ballot box (...)
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  25. The rediscovery of time.Ilya Prigogine - 1984 - Zygon 19 (4):433-447.
    Central among problems in cosmology is the crucial question of the articulation of natural and historical time: how is human history related to natural processes described by science? A deterministic world view in which natural processes are reversible, as emphasized by classical Western science, is obviously not the answer. Recent research in fields such as far‐from‐equilibrium thermodynamics and statistical mechanics reveals irreversibility in natural processes and allows us to explore new forms of dialogue between science and the humanities.
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    Quantum core affect. Color-emotion structure of semantic atom.Ilya A. Surov - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:838029.
    Psychology suffers from the absence of mathematically-formalized primitives. As a result, conceptual and quantitative studies lack an ontological basis that would situate them in the company of natural sciences. The article addresses this problem by describing a minimal psychic structure, expressed in the algebra of quantum theory. The structure is demarcated into categories of emotion and color, renowned as elementary psychological phenomena. This is achieved by means of quantum-theoretic qubit state space, isomorphic to emotion and color experiences both in meaning (...)
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  27.  31
    A Transitional Conception of Modernity for Education.Ilya Zrudlo - 2022 - Educational Theory 72 (1):5-25.
    Educational Theory, Volume 72, Issue 1, Page 5-25, February 2022.
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    Peirce on Reality, Truth, and the Convergence of Inquiry in the Limit.Ilya Farber - 2005 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 41 (3):541 - 566.
    The article analyzes how American philosopher Charles Peirce understands the concept of reality. He identifies the real as that which is independent of what any individual thinks about it and as a type of cognition and as the object of inquiry. Obtrusive realism and projective realism are the two central elements in Peirce's thoughts on reality. A set of problems relating to Peirce's assumption that inquiry must ultimately focus on true beliefs about reality is also presented.
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    Validity and Reliability of an Instrument for Assessing Case Analyses in Bioengineering Ethics Education.Ilya M. Goldin, Rosa Lynn Pinkus & Kevin Ashley - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (3):789-807.
    Assessment in ethics education faces a challenge. From the perspectives of teachers, students, and third-party evaluators like the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and the National Institutes of Health, assessment of student performance is essential. Because of the complexity of ethical case analysis, however, it is difficult to formulate assessment criteria, and to recognize when students fulfill them. Improvement in students’ moral reasoning skills can serve as the focus of assessment. In previous work, Rosa Lynn Pinkus and Claire Gloeckner (...)
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    Chronological Future Modality in Minkowski Spacetime.Ilya Shapirovsky & Valentin Shehtman - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 437-459.
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    Being and Intellect: Theory of Demonstration in Aristotle and al-Fārābī by A. Tekin.Ilyas Altuner - 2018 - Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review 2 (1):67-70.
    Ali Tekin, Varlık ve Akıl: Aristoteles ve Fârâbî’de Burhan Teorisi [Being and Intellect: Theory of Demonstration in Aristotle and al-Fārābī], 477 pp.
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    Social Epistemology, Interdisciplinarity and Context.Ilya Kasavin, Tom Rockmore & Evgeny Blinov - 2013 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 37 (3):57-75.
    The discussion is devoted to the notion of context and its use in connection to the notion of interdisciplinarity. These two notions are claimed to be crucial for understanding how “naturalization of social epistemology” can be possible and whether it can be exhausted by an interpretation of knowledge in social context and whether it has its own philosophical importance. These questions were initially raised in the works of I.Kasavin.
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    On PSPACE-decidability in Transitive Modal Logic.Ilya Shapirovsky - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 269-287.
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    Human kinds in education: An outline of a two‐pronged research project.Ilya Zrudlo - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (4-5):782-792.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    Dialog mit der Natur: neue Wege naturwissenschaftlichen Denkens.Ilya Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers - 1986
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    La fin des certitudes: temps, chaos et les lois de la nature.Ilya Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers - 1996 - Odile Jacob.
    Le prix Nobel de chimie montre comment ses résultats les plus récents en physique théorique lui permettent de résoudre les problèmes qui rendent invraisemblables, malgré leur succès retentissant, tant la physique classique que la mécanique quantique : le paradoxe du temps et le paradoxe quantique. ©Electre 2021.
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    Philosophy of Science in Russia.Ilya Kasavin & Vladimir Porus - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 48 (2):6-17.
    The article shows that Russian philosophical community is very sensitive towards the history and the current state of philosophy of science and of science studies, which are a subject matter of special interest by virtue of a dedicated space in the university education system. This status is also supported by its proximity to the international philosophical mainstream of the 20th century and its specific object, its connection with science. Philosophy of science at the same time retains some neutrality in relation (...)
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  38. Metaphysics of concepts: In defense of the abilitist approach.Ilya Bulov - 2023 - Theoria 89 (5):625-639.
    Abilitism is an approach to the metaphysics of concepts according to which each concept consists of a managing cognitive ability coordinating other abilities (cognitive and non-cognitive) and a set of subordinate abilities associated with this managing ability. As I argue here, if we accept the abilitist approach, we can efficiently solve such puzzles in the metaphysics of concepts as the partial possession problem, the concept pluralism problem, etc. However, there are some possible objections to abilitism, concerning the abilitist explanation of (...)
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    Time, irreversibility and structure.Ilya Prigogine - 1973 - In Jagdish Mehra, The physicist's conception of nature. Boston,: Reidel. pp. 561--593.
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    Democracy and voter ignorance revisited: Rejoinder to Ciepley.Ilya Somin - 2000 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 14 (1):99-111.
    Abstract Democratic control of public policy is nearly impossible in the presence of extreme voter ignorance, and this ignorance is in part caused by the vast size and scope of modern government. Only a government limited in its scope can be meaningfully democratic. David Ciepley's response to my article does not seriously challenge this conclusion, and his attempts to show that limited government is inherently undemocratic fail. Ciepley's alternative vision of a ?democracy? that does not require informed voters turns out (...)
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    Responsible Knowing in Partnering.Ilya Vidrin - 2024 - Performance Philosophy 8 (2).
    How partners encounter each other plays a role in whether they will be able to sustain their interaction. How partners go about maintaining their interaction reveals features of their epistemological system, particularly with respect to factors like what they know, what they take to be relevant to the interpretation, and what they value. In this way, the value system (what partners want) and the epistemological system (what partners know) intersect. By focusing on the role of reasoning and understanding, I believe (...)
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  42. Responsible Knowing in Dance Partnering.Ilya Vidrin - 2023 - Performance Philosophy 8 (2):147-161.
    How partners encounter each other plays a role in whether they will be able to sustain their interaction. How partners go about maintaining their interaction reveals features of their epistemological system, particularly with respect to factors like what they know, what they take to be relevant to the interpretation, and what they value. In this way, the value system (what partners want) and the epistemological system (what partners know) intersect. By focusing on the role of reasoning and understanding, I believe (...)
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    Subjectness of Intelligence: Quantum-Theoretic Analysis and Ethical Perspective.Ilya A. Surov & Elena N. Melnikova - forthcoming - Foundations of Science.
  44. Innate cognitive capacities: the poverty of the stimulus argument vs. the curry argument.Ilya Bulov - 2020 - The Humanities and Social Studies in the Far East 17 (3):99-103.
    The article is dedicated to the popular argument among nativists, who use it against the empiricist approach. We analyze the strongest objection against the poverty of the stimulus argument which is the curry argument. As a result of the critical consideration of the poverty of the stimulus discussion, we conclude that the curry argument is quite sound.
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    Preface: Hegel in Russia.Ilya Kliger & David Bakhurst - 2013 - Studies in East European Thought 65 (3-4):155-157.
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    Towards a Sustainable Global World.Ilya V. Ilyin & Arcady D. Ursul - 2019 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 46 (3-4):224-235.
    Despite the popularity of the term “global,” the making of a global world has been little studied to date and only a few works have been published. It is assumed that this kind of world has already partly crystallized thanks to globalization, but it is not expected to take a more coherent shape until later in the future. The purpose of the paper is to justify the opinion that a global world should be construed as a state of civilization and (...)
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    Gift versus Trade: On the Culture of Science Communication.Ilya Kasavin - 2019 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 49 (6):453-472.
    This article aims at a critical reevaluation of the trading zone concept. It starts from a case study of the Faraday–Whewell collaboration in coming to terms with electrolysis experiments. The case is supposed to be an example of a trade zone of science/philosophy interaction though it demonstrates the unequal nature of the “trade.” This requires the analysis to log in some details concerning Galison’s metaphor of trading zones, which reveals its market-oriented connotations. The following criticism of the market metaphor for (...)
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    Virtue Epistemology: on the 40th Anniversary of the Turn in Analytical Philosophy.Ilya T. Kasavin - 2019 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 56 (3):6-19.
    The article summarizes the main developments in virtue epistemology and reacts to the challenges faced by the discipline. This new trend in analytic epistemology emerges as a synthesis of a number of directions (metaethics, social epistemology, metaphilosophy and experimental philosophy). On the one hand, it attempts to overcome some weaknesses of classical epistemology and, on the other hand, it performs this on the same basis, retaining the classical understanding of knowledge as justified true belief. It was dubbed “virtue epistemology” since (...)
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    Counterfactual Graphical Models for Longitudinal Mediation Analysis With Unobserved Confounding.Ilya Shpitser - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (6):1011-1035.
    Questions concerning mediated causal effects are of great interest in psychology, cognitive science, medicine, social science, public health, and many other disciplines. For instance, about 60% of recent papers published in leading journals in social psychology contain at least one mediation test (Rucker, Preacher, Tormala, & Petty, 2011). Standard parametric approaches to mediation analysis employ regression models, and either the “difference method” (Judd & Kenny, 1981), more common in epidemiology, or the “product method” (Baron & Kenny, 1986), more common in (...)
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  50. Can a Robot Do A Trust Fall? Absurdity as a Component of Human Intelligence and Embodiment.Ilya Vidrin & Amy Laviers - 2020 - Creative Computing.
    Trust is often considered valuable in a broad range of rela- tionships, from professional collaborations to personal part- nerships. This article examines the possibility of trust in a robotic system. By posing the question “can a robot do a trust fall?”, an investigation on the issues embedded in de- signing trusting systems is presented, using methods and per- spectives from philosophy and engineering. Posing such a question helps us understand the physicality and embodiment of trust, as well as the limits (...)
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