Results for 'Irena Lachman-Szumilewicz'

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  1. Dążenie do prawdy a moralna odpowiedzialność uczonego.Irena Lachman-Szumilewicz - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 289 (12).
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    The Thermodynamical Death of the Universe.Irena Lachman-Szumilewicz - 1983 - Dialectics and Humanism 10 (4):71-88.
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    Zygmunt Zawirski: His Life and Work: With Selected Writings on Time, Logic and the Methodology of Science.Irena Szumilewicz-Lachman, Robert S. Cohen & Bettina Bergo (eds.) - 1994 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Among the extraordinary Polish philosophers of the past one hundred years, Zygmunt Zawirski deserves to be given particular attention for his fusion of analytic and historical scholarship. Strikingly versatile, and con tributing original work in all his fields of competence, Zawirski thought through issues in the philosophical aspects of relativity theory, on the claims of intuitionalistic foundations of mathematics, on the nature and usefulness of many-value Logics, and on the calculus of probability, on the axiomatic method in science and in (...)
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    Zygmunt Zawirski-The Notion of Time.Irena Szumilewicz-Lachman - 2001 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 74:37-46.
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    Incommensurability and the rationality of the development of science.Irena Szumilewicz - 1977 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 28 (4):345-350.
  6. O kierunku upływu czasu.Irena Szumilewicz - 1964 - Warszawa,: Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe.
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    Zygmunt Zawirski: His Life and Work: With Selected Writings on Time, Logic and the Methodology of Science.Irena Szumilewicz & Zygmunt Zawirski - 1994 - Springer Verlag.
    Zygmunt Zawirski (1882-1948), an eminent and original Polish philosopher, belonged to the Lwow-Warsaw School (LWS) which left an indelible trace in logic, semiotics and philosophy of science. LWS was founded in 1895 by K. Twardowski, a disciple of Brentano, in the spirit of clarity, realism and analytic philosophy. LWS was more than 25 years older than the Vienna Circle (VC). This belies, inter alia, the not infrequently repeated statement that LWS was one of the many centres initiated by VC.
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    Zygmunt zawirski — fifty years on.Irena Lachman - 1996 - Axiomathes 7 (3):351-366.
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    General process theory, ecology, and animal-human continuity: A cognitive perspective.Janet L. Lachman & Roy Lachman - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (1):149-150.
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    The model in theory construction.Roy Lachman - 1960 - Psychological Review 67 (2):113-129.
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    Uncertainty effects on time to access the internal lexicon.Roy Lachman - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 99 (2):199.
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  12. The Foundations of Science.Sheldon J. Lachman - 1957 - Philosophy of Science 24 (4):358-359.
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    Memory representations in animals: Some metatheoretical issues.Roy Lachman & Janet L. Lachman - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (3):380-381.
  14.  20
    The Interface of Organizational Effectiveness and Corporate Social Performance.Ran Lachman & Richard A. Wolfe - 1997 - Business and Society 36 (2):194-214.
    Though they have much in common, the fields of organizational effectiveness (OE) and corporate social performance (CSP) have developed independently. Although both areas deal with organization-environment interactions, each focus is different-OE focuses on how an organization "manages" its environment for its own ends whereas CSP focuses on an organization's responsibilities to, and performance vis-a-vis, its environment. Scholars within the two fields, therefore, have tended to take parallel, nonintersecting paths and, thus, have overlooked potential synergies. In calling attention to potental conceptual (...)
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    Symbiotyczny splot, czyli lektura jako wyzwanie estetyczne.Magdalena Lachman - 2022 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 41:31-48.
    Artykuł podejmuje namysł nad kategorią lektury z perspektywy estetycznej. Śledzi rozmaite spo­soby użycia tego pojęcia i różne sensy kryjące się za figurą czytania, nie zawsze pokrywające się z tradycyjnymi definicjami odnotowywanymi współcześnie w słownikach. W punkcie wyjścia leży rozpoznanie, że kategoria lektury ma dziś szerokie zastosowanie, tzn. jej przedmiotem są nie tylko utwory piśmiennicze czy literackie. Artykuł stara się odpowiedzieć na pytanie, co sprawia, że pojęcie lektury bywa tak chętnie aplikowane do przestrzeni estetycznej i dlaczego czytaniu poddawane są także zjawiska (...)
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  16. Reality and Scientific Construct From a Linguistic Perspective.Lachman M. Khubchandani - 1992 - In Jayant Vishnu Narlikar, Indu Banga & Chhanda Gupta, Philosophy of science: perspectives from natural and social sciences. Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers. pp. 40--56.
  17.  48
    A secret history of consciousness.Gary Lachman - 2003 - Great Barrington, MA: Lindisfarne Books.
    Part one: the search for cosmic consciousness -- R.M. Bucke and the future of humanity -- William James and the anesthetic revelation -- Henri Bergson and the Elan Vital -- The superman -- A.R. Orage and the new age -- Ouspensky's fourth dimension -- Part two: esoteric evolution -- The bishop and the bulldog -- Enter the madame -- Dr. Steiner, I presume? -- From Goethean science to the wisdom of the human being -- Cosmic evolution -- Hypnagogia -- Part (...)
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    Approximations to English (AE) and short-term memory: Construction or storage?Roy Lachman & Abigail V. Tuttle - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (4):386.
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    Blindness and Oversight: Some Comments on a Double Portrait of Qianlong and the New Sinology.Charles Lachman - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (4):736-744.
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    Behaviorism: Counterarguments are pointless.Roy Lachman - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (1):165-166.
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    Connected discourse and random strings: Effects of number of inputs on recognition and recall.Roy Lachman & D. James Dooling - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (4):517.
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    Concept shifts and verbal behavior.Roy Lachman & Joyce A. Sanders - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (1):22.
  23.  12
    Dynamika reaktywacji: uwie(r)żyć na słowo… grupie Twożywo?Magdalena Lachman - 2022 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 41:107-130.
    Artykuł poddaje namysłowi aktywność grupy Twożywo, którą tworzą Mariusz Libel i Krzysztof Sidorek, działający w Polsce od połowy lat 90. XX wieku w obszarach street artu, net artu, grafiki użytkowej, designu i sztuki. Asumpt do podjęcia refleksji daje opublikowana w 2020 roku książka Plądrujemy ruiny rzeczywistości, pieczołowicie przygotowana pod względem koncepcji i kształtu typograficznego publikacja, którą zwykle uznaje się za retrospektywny katalog, postscriptum, podsumowanie czy monografię. Autorka polemizuje z tą tezą, wskazując, że lepiej rozpatrywać pozycję w charakterze artbooka, wypowiedzi artystycznej, (...)
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    Humanistyka emancypacji, czyli przestrzenie życia i przestrzenie komunikacji między słowem a wirtualnością.Michał Lachman - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 60 (1):7-14.
    The article offers a summary of a number of approaches to contemporary humanities in which the main dynamics of research and methodology could be characterised as emancipation. The humanities is seen here not merely as an open discipline, but it is viewed as a method of research able of accepting its relational and indeterminate progress. The soft dimension of its analysis, which is also rooted in an individual biography of the researcher, results from a particular attention paid to other than (...)
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    Is a test trial a training trial in free recall learning?Roy Lachman & Kenneth R. Laughery - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (1p1):40.
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    Imposed intelligibility and strong claims concerning cognitive systems.Roy Lachman - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (2):294-295.
    The computational hypothesis was formulated with due concern for limits and is consistent with imposed intelligibility doctrines. Theories are products of scientific work that impose human classifications and formalisms on nature. The claim that “cognitive agents are dynamical systems” is untenable. Dynamical formalisms imposed on a natural system, given an approximate fit, serve as an explanatory framework and render a represented system predictable and intelligible.
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    Learning from Mount Hua: A Chinese Physician's Illustrated Travel Record and Painting Theory.Charles Lachman & Kathlyn Maurean Liscomb - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (3):577.
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    Mi Fu: Style and the Art of Calligraphy in Northern Song China.Charles Lachman & Peter Charles Sturman - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (4):715.
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  29. Online definitions to facilitate the comprehension of expository text.R. Lachman & S. Boyd - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):346-346.
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    Object salience and code separation in picture naming.Roy Lachman, Janet L. Lachman, Carroll Thronesbery & Linda S. Sala - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (3):187-190.
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    On the radio the pictures are better.Michał Lachman - 2013 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 3:264-270.
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    Range of association level (AL) and observing response (OR) effects in postshift concept attainment.Roy Lachman - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (5):746.
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    Rehearsal, test trials, and component processes in free recall.Roy Lachman & Janet L. Mistler - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 85 (3):374.
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    The episodic/semantic continuum in an evolved machine.Roy Lachman & Mary J. Naus - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (2):244.
  35. (1 other version)The foundations of science.Sheldon Joseph Lachman - 1956 - Detroit,: Hamilton Press.
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    The influence of thirst and schedules of reinforcement-nonreinforcement ratios upon brightness discrimination.Roy Lachman - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (1):80.
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  37. Time to Remember, or What\'s the Time in Irish Drama?'.Michał Lachman - 2001 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 3.
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  38. Transgender Athletes and Principles of Sport Categorization: Why Genealogy and the Gendered Body Will Not Help.Irena Martínková, Jim Parry & Miroslav Imbrišević - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (1):21-33.
    This paper offers a discussion of the rationale for the creation of sports categorization criteria based on sporting genealogy and the gendered body, as proposed by Torres et al. in their article ‘Beyond Physiology: Embodied Experience, Embodied Advantage, and the Inclusion of Transgender Athletes in Competitive Sport’. The strength of their ‘phenomenological’ account lies in its complex account of human experience; but this is also what makes it impractical and difficult to operationalize. Categorization rather requires simplicity and practicability, if it (...)
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    Surrogate processes in the short-term retention of connected discourse.Kenneth F. Pompi & Roy Lachman - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (2):143.
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    Big Data in food and agriculture.Irena Knezevic & Kelly Bronson - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (1).
    Farming is undergoing a digital revolution. Our existing review of current Big Data applications in the agri-food sector has revealed several collection and analytics tools that may have implications for relationships of power between players in the food system. For example, Who retains ownership of the data generated by applications like Monsanto Corproation's Weed I.D. “app”? Are there privacy implications with the data gathered by John Deere's precision agricultural equipment? Systematically tracing the digital revolution in agriculture, and charting the affordances (...)
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    Slow Sport and Slow Philosophy: Practices Suitable (Not Only) for Lockdowns.Irena Martínková, Bernard Andrieu & Jim Parry - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (2):159-164.
    Before the pandemic, our life was often described as fast, since in globalised society speed has been generally understood as a marker of efficiency, productivity and diligence; and so many people...
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    Open Categories in Sport: One Way to Decrease Discrimination.Irena Martínková - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 14 (4):461-477.
    Jane English, a pioneer in feminist sport philosophy, mentioned one simple idea that has received insufficient attention, but its consequences are of great importance for decreasing discrimination...
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    Unisex sports: challenging the binary.Irena Martínková - 2020 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 47 (2):248-265.
    This paper addresses some problems arising with respect to the male/female binary division that has traditionally been central to most sports. One strategy for dealing with this problem is to remov...
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    Inclusion as the value of eligibility rules in sport.Irena Martínková - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 50 (3):345-364.
    This paper continues the discussion of three values of sport (safety, fairness, inclusion) that has developed around the theme of inclusion of transwomen in the female category in World Rugby, as discussed by Pike, Burke and Imbrišević. In contrast to their discussion, in which these three values have been seen from the limited perspective of the inclusion of one group of athletes into a specific category of one sport, they are here discussed in the context of the categorization in sport (...)
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    Sex and gender in sport categorization: aiming for terminological clarity.Irena Martínková, Taryn Knox, Lynley Anderson & Jim Parry - 2022 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 49 (1):134-150.
    It is difficult to develop good arguments when the central terms of the discussion are unclear – as with the current confused state of sex and gender terminology. Sports organisations and sports re...
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    Promises and challenges of deliberative and participatory innovations in hybride regimes: The case of two citizens’ assemblies in Serbia.Irena Fiket & Biljana Djordjevic - 2022 - Filozofija I Društvo 33 (1):3-25.
    A worrying trend of autocratization that has been spreading globally in recent years, has thrust forward a new wave of appeals for deliberative and participatory democracy as a remedy for the crisis. With a few exceptions, the majority of participatory and deliberative institutions were implemented in stable democracies. The efforts to institutionalize participatory and deliberative models are almost completely absent in Serbia and other Western Balkan countries. Yet, there has been a trend of citizen mobilization in the form of social (...)
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    An Introduction to the Phenomenological Study of Sport.Irena Martínková & Jim Parry - 2011 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 5 (3):185 - 201.
    In the literature related to the study of sport, the idea of phenomenology appears with various meanings. The aim of this paper is to sketch the nature, methods and central concepts of phenomenology, and thereby to distinguish philosophical phenomenology from its empirical applications. We shall begin by providing an overview of what we think phenomenology is and is not, by introducing the following points: we distinguish phenomenology from phenomenalism; the ontological from the ontic; transcendental subjectivity from subjectivity; phenomenology from phenomenography; (...)
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    Relationships Between Machiavellianism, Organizational Culture, and Workplace Bullying: Emotional Abuse from the Target’s and the Perpetrator’s Perspective.Irena Pilch & Elżbieta Turska - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (1):83-93.
    Exposure to bullying at work is a serious social stressor, having important consequences for the victim, the co-workers, and the whole organization. Bullying can be understood as a multi-causal phenomenon: the result of individual differences between workers, deficiencies in the work environment or an interaction between individual and situational factors. The results of the previous studies confirmed that some characteristics within an individual may predispose to bullying others and/or being bullied. In the present study, we intend to clarify the relationships (...)
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    Safe Danger – On the Experience of Challenge, Adventure and Risk in Education.Irena Martínková & Jim Parry - 2017 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 11 (1):75-91.
    This article reconsiders the presence and value of danger in outdoor and adventurous activities and sports in safety-conscious societies, especially in relation to the education of children and youth. Based on an original analysis of the relation between the concepts of ‘risk’ and ‘danger’, we offer an account of the relation between challenge, adventure, risk and danger, and emphasise the importance of teaching risk recognition, risk assessment, risk management and risk avoidance to children and youth, without the necessity of exposing (...)
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    Developing nursing ethical competences online versus in the traditional classroom.Irena Trobec & Andreja Istenic Starcic - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (3):352-366.
    Background: The development of society and science, especially medical science, gives rise to new moral and ethical challenges in healthcare. Research question/objectives/hypothesis: In order to respond to the contemporary challenges that require autonomous decision-making in different work contexts, a pedagogical experiment was conducted to identify the readiness and responsiveness of current organisation of nursing higher education in Slovenia. It compared the successfulness of active learning methods online (experimental group) and in the traditional classroom (control group) and their impact on the (...)
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