Results for 'Jacqueline Zapata Martínez'

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  1.  9
    Poíesis educativa.Jacqueline Zapata Martínez - 2003 - Santiago de Querétaro: Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.
    Con el libro "Poiesis Educativa", la Fundacion Universitaria de Derecho, Administracion y Politica, S.C. Editorial, da comienzo a la coleccion FUNDAp - Educacion, cuyo proposito fundamental es acoger las creaciones de los estudiosos de la educacion desde sus diversos campos y ambitos de desenvolvimiento. Es un libro que desde el titulo nos propone, nos inquieta, nos reta. La autora expone en el su preocupacion por el hecho de que la conceptualizacion actual de la educacion reduce y socaba a esta, en (...)
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    Phenomenology of Chicana Experience and Identity: Communication and Transformation in Praxis.Jacqueline M. Martinez - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Using narrative descriptions of the author's own lived-experience of her ethnic heritage, Martinez offers a systematic interrogation of the social and cultural norms by which certain aspects of her Mexican-American cultural heritage are both retained and lost over generations of assimilation. Combining semiotic and existential phenomenology with Chicana feminism, the author charts new terrain where anti-racist, anti-sexist, and anti-homophobic work may be pursued.
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  3. Poíesis educativa.Jacqueline Zapata Martínez - 2003 - Santiago de Querétaro: Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.
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  4. Communicology, Decoloniality, Chicana and Latina Phenomenology: Building Community Through Struggle.Jacqueline M. Martinez - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (6):188.
    The present work considers the communicative dimensions of intellectual practices in an effort to discern how these practices can take full account of their own placement within and accountability to the human communities and cultures they cultivate. The discussion is framed with a focus on intellectual communities who have struggled against the dominance of Euromodern epistemological orientations that have constructed their own cultures and intellectual practices as irrelevant or, at best inferior. This struggle is a decolonial praxis. The development of (...)
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    The role of personal self-regulation and regulatory teaching to predict motivational-affective variables, achievement, and satisfaction: a structural model.Jesus De la Fuente, Lucía Zapata, Jose M. Martínez-Vicente, Paul Sander & María Cardelle-Elawar - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Semiotic phenomenology and the ‘dialectical approach’ to intercultural communication: Paradigm crisis and the actualities of research practice.Jacqueline M. Martinez - 2008 - Semiotica 2008 (169):135-153.
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    Shifting the Geography of Reason as Praxis.Jacqueline M. Martinez - 2024 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 4 (1):7-20.
    The Caribbean Philosophical Association’s project of shifting the geography of reason requires five specific commitments of attunement: (1) to the languages we use, (2) to our expressive and perceptive capacities, (3) to the communities in which we are engaged and the ones we aspire to engage within, (4) to building culture through political struggle, and (5) to our situatedness and irreducible interconnectedness. Each of these commitments is developed toward identifying the mutually constructive relationship between communicology and creolization.
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    Culture, Communication, and Latina Feminist Philosophy: Toward a Critical Phenomenology of Culture.Jacqueline M. Martinez - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (1):221-236.
    An explication of the phenomenological sensibilities found in the work of Gloria Anzaldúa and other Latina feminist philosophers offers insight into the problem of bringing philosophy into greater relevance beyond academic and scholarly worlds. This greater relevance entails clear and direct contact with the immediacy of our communicative relationships with others, both inside and outside the academy, and allows for an interrogation of the totalizing perceptions that are at work within normative processes of epistemological legitimation. As a result of this (...)
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  9. Interdisciplinary Phenomenology and the Study of Gender and Ethnicity.Jacqueline Martinez - 2011 - Schutzian Research 3:51-65.
    The study of gender and ethnicity (or, equally, sexuality and race) is complicated by the basic ambiguity regarding the meaning and signifying capacity of each of these designations. A phenomenological approach aids in explicating the specific social, cultural and historical terms in which the designations of gender and ethnicity come to have different meanings and signifying capacities. Such an explication reveals variously contested boundaries of knowledge-production, and allows for a return to concrete world where meaning, culture, and history are embodied. (...)
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  10. Communicative Philosophies: Editor’s Introduction.Jacqueline M. Martinez - 2025 - Philosophies 10 (1):21.
    This Special Issue of Philosophies, entitled “Communicative Philosophies”, intends to push our philosophical reflections into the direction of the embodied realities lived and enacted as we engage in the communicative processes of thinking, feeling, and acting [...].
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    Weight Room Semiotics.Jacqueline M. Martinez - 2001 - American Journal of Semiotics 17 (4):147-173.
  12.  46
    Validation of the Spanish Short Self-Regulation Questionnaire through Rasch Analysis.Angélica Garzón Umerenkova, Jesús de la Fuente Arias, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Lucía Zapata Sevillano, Mari Carmen Pichardo & Ana Belén García-Berbén - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Students’ Factors Affecting Undergraduates’ Perceptions of their Teaching and Learning Process within ECTS Experience.Jesús De la Fuente, María Cardelle-Elawar, F. Javier Peralta, M. Dolores Sánchez, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente & Lucía Zapata - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
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    Effects of Self-Regulation vs. External Regulation on the Factors and Symptoms of Academic Stress in Undergraduate Students.Jesús de la Fuente, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez, Jose Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Paul Sander, Angélica Garzón-Umerenkova & Lucía Zapata - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The SRL vs. ERL theory has shown that the combination of levels of student self-regulation and regulation from the teaching context produces linear effects on achievement emotions and coping strategies. However, a similar effect on stress factors and symptoms of university students has not yet been demonstrated. The aim of this study was to test this prediction. It was hypothesized that the level of student self-regulation (low/medium/high), in interaction with the level of external regulation from teaching (low/medium/high), would also produce (...)
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    Signifying harassment: Communication, ambiguity and power. [REVIEW]Andrew R. Smith & Jacqueline M. Martinez - 1995 - Human Studies 18 (1):63 - 87.
    This essay reports on phenomenological research conducted with people who describe having been harassed, having been accused of harassment, and/or having mediated or adjudicated harassment disputes. The authors review recent legal conceptions of sexual harassment and articulate a methodology for analyzing individual narrative accounts. The analysis of six selected interviews (three alleged harassers and three declared harassees) depicts how, through discourse with others, persons in ambiguous cases of harassment come to perceive themselves as harassers or harasseesgradually, how intention is inferred (...)
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  16. Spoils of War: Women of Color, Cultures, and Revolutions.Chela Sandoval, Janet Afary, Berenice A. Carroll, Lewis R. Gordon, Joy A. James, Jacqueline M. Martinez, Shahrzad Mojab, Valérie Orlando, Marjorie Salvodon & T. Denean Sharpley-Whiting (eds.) - 1997 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In Spoils of War, a diverse group of distinguished contributors suggest that acts of aggression resulting from the racism and sexism inherent in social institutions can be viewed as a sort of "war," experienced daily by women of color.
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    When the Social Justice Learning Curve Isn't as Steep: How a Social Foundations Course Changed the Conversation.Beth Douthirt Cohen, Tomoko Tokunaga, Demetrius J. Colvin, Jacqueline Mac, Judith Suyen Martinez, Craig Leets & Douglas H. Lee - 2013 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 49 (3):263-284.
    This article explores the limits of introductory social justice education and the ways in which a social foundations course could expand and deepen the social justice lens of current and future educators. The authors, members of an introductory graduate-level Social Foundations course, discuss the limitations they realized in their previous social justice education courses, and the importance of courses that further student's understandings of the ever-evolving ways people enact and experience identity, power, and privilege. The authors identify three main pedagogical (...)
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    (1 other version)Book review: Jacqueline M. Martinez. Phenomenology of chicana experience and identity: Communication and transformation in praxis. Lanham, md.: Rowman & Littlefield publishers, 2000. [REVIEW]Eduardo Mendieta - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (3):231-234.
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    ANDREO, Igor Luis. Teologia da libertação e cultura política maia chiapaneca: O Congresso Indígena de 1974 e as raízes do Exército Zapatista de Libertação Nacional. São Paulo: Alameda, 2013, 313p. ISBN: 978 85 7216 618-8. [REVIEW]Luis Martínez Andrade - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (33):257-263.
    ANDREO, Igor Luis. Teologia da libertação e cultura política maia chiapaneca: O Congresso Indígena de 1974 e as raízes do Exército Zapatista de Libertação Nacional. São Paulo: Alameda, 2013, 313p. ISBN: 978 85 7216 618-8.
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    El discurso antrópico: hacia una hermenéutica del texto literario.José Luis Gómez Martínez - 1995 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 22:283-314.
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  21. Filosofía e historia según I. Ellacuría.Jose Martinez - 1995 - Pensamiento 51 (199):149-153.
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    Consumer Participation in Co-creation: An Enlightening Model of Causes and Effects Based on Ethical Values and Transcendent Motives.Ricardo Martínez-Cañas, Pablo Ruiz-Palomino, Jorge Linuesa-Langreo & Juan J. Blázquez-Resino - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    De Internet, la sociedad red y la política. La emergencia de la gobernabilidad digital.José Ignacio Porras Martínez - 2003 - Polis 4.
    Frente a la naturaleza revolucionaria de internet, capaz de funcionar en unidad de tiempo real y a escala global, el autor se sitúa entre los "Cyberoptimistas" y los "Cyberpesimistas", para postular una actitud más reflexiva. En el artículo aborda la compleja interacción entre el internet y los cambios en la gobernabilidad de las sociedades, desarrollando temas como los de autogobierno la disminución de mecanismos de coerción estatal y la importancia de avanzar hacia la plena incorporación de las tecnologías digitales a (...)
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    Item response theory in AI: Analysing machine learning classifiers at the instance level.Fernando Martínez-Plumed, Ricardo B. C. Prudêncio, Adolfo Martínez-Usó & José Hernández-Orallo - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 271 (C):18-42.
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    Commitment of independent and institutional women directors to corporate social responsibility reporting.María Consuelo Pucheta‐Martínez, Inmaculada Bel‐Oms & Gustau Olcina‐Sempere - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (3):290-304.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Revisiting Masculine and Feminine Grammatical Gender in Spanish: Linguistic, Psycholinguistic, and Neurolinguistic Evidence.Anne L. Beatty-Martínez & Paola E. Dussias - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Research on grammatical gender processing has generally assumed that grammatical gender can be treated as a uniform construct, resulting in a body of literature in which different gender classes are collapsed into single analyses. The present work reviews linguistic, psycholinguistic, and neurolinguistic research on grammatical gender from different methodologies and across different profiles of Spanish speakers. Specifically, we examine distributional asymmetries between masculine and feminine grammatical gender, the resulting biases in gender assignment, and the consequences of these assignment strategies on (...)
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    Ser persona: diversas perspectivas.Hilda Patiño & María Isabel Teresita del Niño Jesús Sevilla Zapata (eds.) - 2015 - México, D.F: Universidad Iberoamericana.
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    Cromatismo como símbolo alucinado y semántica de la luz en la obra de James Turrell.Guillermo Aguirre Martínez - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
    El siguiente trabajo aborda la obra de James Turrell a partir de la simbólica del color. Para ello tomaremos como base la obra teórica de Henry Corbin en torno al cromatismo del mundo imaginal, concretos planteamientos de la teoría del color de Goethe, así como nociones propias de las doctrinas joánica y paulina. Dada la naturaleza de la obra de Turrell desarrollaremos una interpretación hermenéutica conforme a aspectos fenomenológicos. Con su trabajo Turrell propone la emergencia de un nuevo estrato psíquico-espiritual (...)
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    Naturaleza, representación y rito como exponentes del actual solapamiento entre cultura y civilización.Guillermo Aguirre-Martínez - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 22 (1).
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    Transfer processes of knowledge in the biotechnology area.Armando Albert Martínez - 2008 - Arbor 184 (732).
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    Lugar de María en el Cuerpo Místico de Cristo.Pedro Alcántara Martínez - 1959 - Salmanticensis 6 (1):87-105.
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  32. El concepto paulino del cuerpo agonístico.Alodia Martín Martínez & Guillermo Jodra - 2025 - Praxis Filosófica 61:e20514718.
    En el presente artículo recuperamos la longeva tradición del agón, del combate y la competición, griego en tanto que vehículo idóneo para formular una teoría del cuerpo que, a diferencia del moralismo helenístico y parte del pensamiento del Segundo Templo, a un tiempo recupera, reinterpreta y reemplaza la construcción agonística del cuerpo en la tradición clásica. Defendemos que el corpus paulino trasciende el esquema clásico del protagonista y el antagonista para formar una teoría relacional del cuerpo agonista en que cuerpo (...)
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  33. Heidegger and Learning how to Inhabit and be Inhabited by the Truth.Luis Manuel Martínez-Domínguez - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía:73 - 82.
    This article raises the thought of Heidegger as an alternative to the modern conceptualizations of learning that consider it as mere acquisition or construction of truth by knowledge or integration in truth through the Development of a higher level of consciousness. With Heidegger is going to be able to talk about learning how to inhabit the truth and to be inhabited by it, which implies the acquisition, the construction, the integration, but also "being-in-the-world" (Dasein) like a self before the other. (...)
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  34. Leibniz-L' Höpital y el Cálculo diferencial.Javier de Lorenzo Martínez - 2005 - Estudios Filosóficos 54 (155):59-110.
    El presente artículo es un reconocimiento y un homenaje a L'Höpital, de cuya muerte se ha cumplido recientemente el tercer centenario. En él se estudia la correspondencia L'Höpital-Leibniz para analizar el recientemente creado por Leibiz cálculo diferencial e integral y su ontología subyacente, así como la publicación del primer manual sobre la materia escrito por L'Höpital.
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    La repetición desesperada y fallida. Una comparación de La repetición de Kierkegaard y Los sufrimientos del joven Werther de Goethe.Luis Guerrero Martínez - 2022 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 64:385-416.
    One of the most complex and, at the same time, most important philosophical categories in Kierkegaard’s thought is that of “repetition”. To this notion Kierkegaard devotes one of his first pseudonymous works, namely, Repetition, by Constantin Constantius. This paper, firstly, explores the concept of “desperate and failed repetition” that plays an important role in Kierkegaardian irony. Secondly, it shows some parallel aspects found in Repetition and in Goethe’s novel, The Sorrows of Young Werther; this connection allows for a better understanding (...)
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    Matt Ridley: What makes us humans?Maximiliano Martínez - 2005 - Ideas Y Valores 54 (129):61-64.
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  37. Mito y mundo de sentido. (Mito, misterio y palabra).Cristóbal Acevedo Martínez - 1993 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 78:425-445.
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    Política, ciencia, ética y sociedad: su conjunción dialéctica en la experiencia del Contingente Henry Reeve.Nereyda Martínez Suárez & Madelyn Gracia Martínez - 2006 - Humanidades Médicas 6 (3):0-0.
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  39. Realismo interno versus realismo contextual, el caso de la mecánica cuántica.S. F. Martínez - 1994 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 20 (1):53.
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  40. Robust Professionalism : Forensic Psychiatry’s Identity and Purpose.Richard Martinez & Philip J. Candilis - 2025 - In William Connor Darby & Robert Weinstock (eds.), Forensic neuropsychiatric ethics: balancing competing duties in and out of court. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association Publishing.
  41. Sacrificialidad y hermenéutica sacramental (Anotaciones críticas a propósito de un documento eucarístico para el Año Jubilar).Domingo Salado Martínez - 2000 - Ciencia Tomista 127 (413):415-472.
  42. THE HEURISTIC STRUCTURE OF SCIENTIFIC PRACTICES.Sergio F. Martinez - 2006 - Chinese Studies in the Philosophy of Science 53 (2):1-23.
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    Recovering the Phenomenological and Intersubjective Nature of Mindfulness Through the Enactive Approach.David Martinez-Pernía & Ignacio Cea - 2021 - In Roberto Aristegui, Javier Garcia Campayo & Patricio Barriga (eds.), Relational Mindfulness: Fundamentals and Applications. Springer. pp. 65-89.
    The introduction of mindfulness in the West was carried out through theories and research methods based on the effects that mindfulness practices produce in the brain (information processing and neurobiological activity). Nevertheless, these approaches elude any reference to the core feature of mindfulness, that is, its subjective and intersubjective conscious nature. With the aim of providing a viable scientific proposal to fill this gap, we present the enactive approach as a naturally well-suited explanatory framework to study mindfulness in its full (...)
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    El Jesús controvertido de Pagola.Francisco García Martínez - 2008 - Salmanticensis 55 (1):143-150.
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    25 años de elección popular de alcaldes en Colombia: avances y retrocesos.Edgar Enrique Martínez Cárdenas & Juan Manuel Ramírez Mora - 2015 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 4 (2).
    Esta ponencia presenta un avance parcial de la investigación sobre la democracia en los municipios colombianos desde la adopción de la elección popular de los alcaldes. A partir de una conceptualización básica y operacional de la democracia se determinan sus principales dimensiones y se presentan los resultados obtenidos para algunas variables significativas que se han procesado, aplicando técnicas de análisis multivariado. El objetivo final (aún en elaboración) es generar un índice de calidad democrática que permita comparar y explicar los avances (...)
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    Self-Esteem at University: Proposal of an Artificial Neural Network Based on Resilience, Stress, and Sociodemographic Variables.Juan Pedro Martínez-Ramón, Francisco Manuel Morales-Rodríguez, Cecilia Ruiz-Esteban & Inmaculada Méndez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Artificial intelligence is a useful predictive tool for a wide variety of fields of knowledge. Despite this, the educational field is still an environment that lacks a variety of studies that use this type of predictive tools. In parallel, it is postulated that the levels of self-esteem in the university environment may be related to the strategies implemented to solve problems. For these reasons, the aim of this study was to analyze the levels of self-esteem presented by teaching staff and (...)
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    Correction to: Mapping trust relationships in organ donation and transplantation: a conceptual model.María Victoria Martínez-López, Leah McLaughlin, Alberto Molina-Pérez, Krzysztof Pabisiak, Nadia Primc, Gurch Randhawa, David Rodríguez-Arias, Jorge Suárez, Sabine Wöhlke & Janet Delgado - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-2.
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  48. Espacio y duración: Bergson frente a Kant.Jesús Pardo Martínez - 2005 - Diálogo Filosófico 61:69-82.
    Bergson reconoce a Kant el mérito de haber caracterizado al espacio y al tiempo homogéneos como actos del espíritu distintos de todo contenido sensible. Le reprocha no haber advertido que su función no es especulativa sino práctica. De ahí la posibilidad de la metafísica como conocimiento de la duración, una vez superado el mecanismo espacializante de la inteligencia.
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    Competitiveness and Legitimation: The Logic of Companies going Green in Geographical Clusters.Javier Martínez-del-Río & José Céspedes-Lorente - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (1):131-146.
    This study analyzes the logic behind the development of environmental responsiveness in companies that are located in geographical clusters. Drawing on previous research, we contend that competitiveness and legitimation are important sources of variation in these companies’ environmental responses. In particular, the companies’ perceived rivalry, competition tracking capabilities, interaction with industry associations and network embeddedness influence their competitiveness and legitimation motivations for environmental responsiveness. We used structural equation modeling to test these hypotheses on a sample of 251-clustered agricultural firms in (...)
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  50. Analysis of Constraint-Handling in Metaheuristic Approaches for the Generation and Transmission Expansion Planning Problem with Renewable Energy.Lourdes Martínez-Villaseñor, Hiram Ponce, José Antonio Marmolejo-Saucedo, Juan Manuel Ramírez & Agustina Hernández - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-22.
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