Results for 'Jake Kuster'

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  1.  86
    Age-related striatal BOLD changes without changes in behavioral loss aversion.Vijay Viswanathan, Sang Lee, Jodi M. Gilman, Byoung Woo Kim, Nick Lee, Laura Chamberlain, Sherri L. Livengood, Kalyan Raman, Myung Joo Lee, Jake Kuster, Daniel B. Stern, Bobby Calder, Frank J. Mulhern, Anne J. Blood & Hans C. Breiter - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    (1 other version)Philosophy and Madness. Radical Turns in the Natural Attitude to Life.Wouter Kusters - 2016 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 23 (2):129-146.
    In this article, I examine the relation between philosophy and madness. It is often assumed that madness has to be suppressed, excluded, or conquered before a philosophically sensible text, logical argument, or world of meaning can appear. I argue, instead, that a certain concept of madness, when grafted on phenomenological psychiatry and philosophical mysticism, is intrinsically related to the project of philosophy. With the help of experiences of madness as presented in psychiatry and articulated in mad autobiographical reports, including my (...)
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    How to Reason Beyond Reason? Toward a Philosophical Understanding of Madness.Wouter Kusters - 2023 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 30 (4):317-322.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:How to Reason Beyond Reason? Toward a Philosophical Understanding of MadnessWouter Kusters, PhD (bio)To analyze the situation of madness on the ground, we need a grounded perspective, close to the situation at hand. The closer we come to the subject under scrutiny, the clearer its outlines, fine-grained details, and its dynamics, and the better we reach an explanation and understanding. The closer the approach, however, the higher the chances (...)
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    Verdinglichung und Menschenwürde. Kants Eherecht und das Recht der häuslichen Gemeinschaft.Friederike Kuster - 2011 - Kant Studien 102 (3):335-349.
    Within The Doctrine of Right in The Metaphysics of Morals Kant deals with the social institution of household, the Domestic Society, next to Property Right and Contract Right as part of the Private Right. The juridical problem to solve is the question to what extent human beings can be entitled to dispose persons as a “belonging” at all. This problem of Reification insistently arises with regard to the relation of partners in a marriage: According to Kant, Sexuality as a consumption (...)
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    Meaning without Agency: The Establishment of Meaningful Time Relations as Prerequisite for the Emergence of Biosemiosis.Constantijn-Alexander Kusters - 2024 - Biosemiotics 17 (3):793-815.
    This article reexamines meaning, agency, and interpretation by challenging the view that they require primary or secondary agency. Using Paul Ricœur’s narrative temporality, it explores Terrence Deacon’s autogenic theory, reinterpreting it as a narrative process with non-agentic meaning by distinguishing between distended and displaced temporal relations. Distended relations pertain to agency and biosemiosis, while displaced relations involve the meaning found not in the entity but the processes which gave it a functionally historicized existence. Applying Ricœur’s analysis of temporal aporia and (...)
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    Rousseau – Die Konstitution des Privaten: Zur Genese der Bürgerlichen Familie.Friederike Kuster - 2005 - Akademie Verlag.
    Rousseaus politisches Denken bewegt sich in beiden Bereichen der klassischen Politik: in denen von Haus und Staat, von Privatem und Öffentlichem. Der liberalen Opposition von Individuum und Staat setzt Rousseau ein Modell der politischen Einheit entgegen, das durch die Vermittlungsinstanzen von Geschlechter- und Familienordnung gewährleistet ist. Mit dem erstmals ausformulierten Ideal einer empfindsamen Beziehungskultur wird ein Modell bürgerlicher Lebenskultur propagiert, das sich gleichermaßen auf die häuslich-intime Privatsphäre wie auf die Dimension republikanischer Öffentlichkeit erstreckt und das Rousseaus nachhaltige Deutungsmacht für das (...)
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    Tod und Jenseits im interkulturell-religiösen Vergleich.Volker Küster - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 76 (3):163-175.
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    On understanding madness: A paradoxical view.Wouter Kusters - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    ABSTRACT In this article, I will examine the question why it is so difficult to understand madness. First, I will examine what the third-person approach of psychosis or madness has to offer, and where its limitations lie with respect to its proper understanding. Next I will examine if and how the first-person perspective on madness contributes to our understanding. I will demonstrate that there is a stalemate between third- and first-person perspectives, which on the one hand hinders a free sight (...)
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    Consumer ethics: An extensive bibliometric review (1995–2021).Inés Küster & Natalia Vila - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (4):1150-1169.
    Nowadays, consumer ethics represents a relevant field of review. There have been some attempts to conduct literature reviews; however, these have been few and incomplete. For this reason, this paper follows two main objectives: (1) to develop a performance analysis to measure the impact/perceptibility of academic production on consumer ethics (most cited authors, journals and themes) and (2) to visually present the scientific structure by themes of research in consumer ethics as well as its evolution along time. Using SciMAT software, (...)
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    Biblische Anthropologie und Ethik.Dorothea Erbele-Küster - 2018 - In Marcus Held & Michael Roth, Was Ist Theologische Ethik?: Grundbestimmungen Und Grundvorstellungen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 339-352.
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    Le Psaume 57 comme prière: L'apport de l'esthétique de la réception à l'exégèse biblique.Dorothea Erbele-Küster - 2003 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 77 (4):497-511.
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  12. A. De Laurentiis, Marx' und Engels' Rezeption der Hegelschen Kantkritik.G. -W. Küsters - 1985 - Kant Studien 76 (3):353.
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    Ethik in interkultureller Perspektive.Volker Küster - 2018 - In Marcus Held & Michael Roth, Was Ist Theologische Ethik?: Grundbestimmungen Und Grundvorstellungen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 289-302.
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  14. H. Williams, Kant's Political Philosophy.G. -W. Küsters - 1985 - Kant Studien 76 (4):467.
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    Interkulturelle Theologie als Beruf.Volker Küster - 2015 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 57 (4).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie Jahrgang: 57 Heft: 4 Seiten: 447-463.
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    Structural Subsumption and Least Common Subsumers in a Description Logic with Existential and Number Restrictions.Ralf Küsters & Ralf Molitor - 2005 - Studia Logica 81 (2):227-259.
    The least common subsumer of a set of concept descriptions is the most specific concept description that subsumes all of the concept descriptions in the given set. By computing the lcs, commonalities between concept descriptions can be made explicit. This is an important inference task useful in several applications, including, for instance, the bottom-up construction of description logic knowledge bases. Previous work on the lcs has concentrated on description logics that either allow for number restrictions or for existential restrictions. Many (...)
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    The Making and Unmaking of Ordoliberal Language.Anselm Küsters - 2022 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 15 (2):aa–aa.
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    Vom naturzwang zur sittlichkeit: Stationen der bürgerlichen familie.Friederike Küster - 2008 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2008 (1):288-295.
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    A philosophy of madness : the experience of psychotic thinking.Christiaan Wouter Kusters - 2020 - Cambridge: The MIT Press. Edited by Nancy Forest-Flier.
    A groundbreaking, deeply personal, magnum opus on madness and philosophy from a psychotic patient turned philosopher.
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    Die verkörperte Identität der Migration und die Biometrie der Grenze.Brigitta Kuster & Vassilis S. Tsianos - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 8 (1).
    Zusammenfassung: Der folgende Beitrag handelt vom Rückgriff auf den Körper an der Grenze und will einige der besonderen Problematiken skizzieren, die sich durch eine kontrollpolitisch begründete Ontologie des Körpers und seine weitere Verarbeitung als datenbankgestützte Identität im Kontext der europäischen Migrationspolitik ergeben. Er will damit einen Beitrag zur Politisierung der konstitutiven Instabilität einer verkörperten Identität leisten, d. h. einer Identität und vor allem auch eines Körpers, wie sie – gewissermaßen gegen das somatische Identitätskriterium, demgemäß „wir“ unser Körper „sind“ – von (...)
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  21. Franziskus und sein Predigerorden.N. Kuster - 1997 - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit 60 (1):23-64.
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  22. Neue Chronologie zu Clara von Assisi.Niklaus Kuster & Martina Kreidler-Kos - 2006 - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit 69 (1):3.
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  23. Non-Standard Inferences in Description Logics, vol. 2100 of.R. Kusters - 1999 - In P. Brezillon & P. Bouquet, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer.
  24.  12
    Prinzip Schönheit: Ästhetik als kognitive Welterschliessung in Natur, Design und Psychologie.Rolf L. A. Küster - 2017 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
    Ästhetik, Schönheit? beides geläufige Begriffe. Jedoch konnte die Wissenschaft die Frage nach einem universellen Prinzip Schönheit bisher nicht beantworten: Was gefällt uns? Warum ist etwas schön? Warum gibt es das Phänomen Schönheit überhaupt und wie funktionieren die Mechanismen der Schönheit? 0Dieses wissenschaftlich fundierte Buch untersucht das Phänomen mit klarem Blick und gibt Antworten auf komplizierte Fragen. Dabei werden unterschiedliche wissenschaftliche Sichtweisen zu kognitiven Modellen zusammengeführt. Von Kunst und Architektur bis hin zu Logodesign und Popkultur werden zahlreiche ästhetische Ausdrucksformen mit einbezogen. (...)
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    Republikaner ohne Republik – Eine Konstellation um 1800.Friederike Kuster - 2014 - In Mario Egger, Philosophie Nach Kant: Neue Wege Zum Verständnis von Kants Transzendental- Und Moralphilosophie. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 457-472.
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    Sophie oder Julie? Paradigmen von Weiblichkeit und Geschlechterordnung im Werk Jean-Jacques Rousseaus.Friederike Kuster - 1999 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 47 (1):13-34.
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    Tugend und Korruption.Friederike Kuster - 2007 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2007 (2):27-35.
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  28. Thomas von Celano und Klaras Armut in San Damiano: Beitrag zu einer Neuinterpretation der beiden Franziskusviten und zur Diskussion über den Verfasser der Klaralegende.Niklaus Kuster - 1996 - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit 59 (1):45-79.
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    Wege der Verantwortung: Husserls Phänomenologie als Gang durch die Faktizität.Friederike Kuster - 1996 - Boston: Springer.
    This work employs Husserl's concept of responsibility as a guiding clue for the clarification of the self-understanding of phenomenology as a `rigorous science'. Originally an appeal for radical accountability and ultimate foundation in the field of philosophical theory, Husserl's concept of responsibility culminated finally in a philosophy of human self-renewal. This philosophical telos of ultimate self-responsibility, which was also fuelled by a striving towards cultural reform, was realised for Husserl in a transcendental field of transparent self-evidence, linguistic univocity and transhistorical (...)
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    Uncovering the realities of delusional experience in schizophrenia: a qualitative phenomenological study in Belgium.Jasper Feyaerts, Wouter Kusters, Zeno Van Duppen, Stijn Vanheule, Inez Myin-Germeys & Louis Sass - 2021 - Lancet Psychiatry 8 (9):784-796.
    BACKGROUND: Delusions in schizophrenia are commonly approached as empirical false beliefs about everyday reality. Phenomenological accounts, by contrast, have suggested that delusions are more adequately understood as pertaining to a different kind of reality experience. How this alteration of reality experience should be characterised, which dimensions of experiential life are involved, and whether delusional reality might differ from standard reality in various ways is unclear and little is known about how patients with delusions value and relate to these experiential alterations. (...)
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  31. Subjective Probabilities Need Not be Sharp.Jake Chandler - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (6):1273-1286.
    It is well known that classical, aka ‘sharp’, Bayesian decision theory, which models belief states as single probability functions, faces a number of serious difficulties with respect to its handling of agnosticism. These difficulties have led to the increasing popularity of so-called ‘imprecise’ models of decision-making, which represent belief states as sets of probability functions. In a recent paper, however, Adam Elga has argued in favour of a putative normative principle of sequential choice that he claims to be borne out (...)
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  32. Innovative Practice, Clinical Research, and the Ethical Advancement of Medicine.Jake Earl - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (6):7-18.
    Innovative practice occurs when a clinician provides something new, untested, or nonstandard to a patient in the course of clinical care, rather than as part of a research study. Commentators have noted that patients engaged in innovative practice are at significant risk of suffering harm, exploitation, or autonomy violations. By creating a pathway for harmful or nonbeneficial interventions to spread within medical practice without being subjected to rigorous scientific evaluation, innovative practice poses similar risks to the wider community of patients (...)
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  33. Agent-Regret, Accidents, and Respect.Jake Wojtowicz - 2022 - The Journal of Ethics 26 (3):501-516.
    I explore how agent-regret and its object—faultlessly harming someone—can call for various responses. I look at two sorts of responses. Firstly, I explore responses that respect the agent’s role as an agent. This revolves around a feature of “it was just an accident”—a common response to agent-regret—that has largely gone ignored in the literature: that it can downplay one’s role as an agent. I argue that we need to take seriously the fact that those who have caused harms are genuine (...)
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  34. Developing Attention and Decreasing Affective Bias: Towards a Cross-Cultural Cognitive Science of Mindfulness.Jake H. Davis & Evan Thompson - 2015 - In Kirk W. Brown John D. Creswell and Richard M. Ryan, Handbook of Mindfulness: Theory and Research,. Guilford Press.
  35. Mathematische Opazität.Andreas Kaminski, Michael Resch & Uwe Küster - 2018 - Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie (3).
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  36. Patronizing Depression: Epistemic Injustice, Stigmatizing Attitudes, and the Need for Empathy.Jake Jackson - 2017 - Journal of Social Philosophy 48 (3):359-376.
    In this article, I examine stigmatizing and especially patronizing attitudes towards others’ depression that people who are well-intentioned produce. The strategy of the article is to consider the social experience of depression through two separate subfields of philosophy: epistemic injustice and phenomenology. The solution that I propose is a phenomenological account of empathy. The empathetic attitude that I argue for involves actively listening to the depressed individual and taking their depression testimony as direct evidence. The article has been written both (...)
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  37. The truth, but not yet: Avoiding naïve skepticism via explicit communication of metadisciplinary aims.Jake Wright - 2019 - Teaching in Higher Education 24 (3):361-377.
    Introductory students regularly endorse naïve skepticism—unsupported or uncritical doubt about the existence and universality of truth—for a variety of reasons. Though some of the reasons for students’ skepticism can be traced back to the student—for example, a desire to avoid engaging with controversial material or a desire to avoid offense—naïve skepticism is also the result of how introductory courses are taught, deemphasizing truth to promote students’ abilities to develop basic disciplinary skills. While this strategy has a number of pedagogical benefits, (...)
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    Responding to religious patients: why physicians have no business doing theology.Jake Greenblum & Ryan K. Hubbard - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (11):705-710.
    A survey of the recent literature suggests that physicians should engage religious patients on religious grounds when the patient cites religious considerations for a medical decision. We offer two arguments that physicians ought to avoid engaging patients in this manner. The first is the Public Reason Argument. We explain why physicians are relevantly akin to public officials. This suggests that it is not the physician’s proper role to engage in religious deliberation. This is because the public character of a physician’s (...)
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  39. Fans, Identity, and Punishment.Jake Wojtowicz - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (1):59-73.
    I argue that sports clubs should be punished for bad behaviour by their fans in a way that affects the club’s sporting success: for example, we are justified in imposing points deductions and competition disqualifications on the basis of racist chanting. This is despite a worry that punishing clubs in such a way is unfair because it targets the sports team rather than the fans who misbehaved. I argue that this belies a misunderstanding of the nature of sports clubs and (...)
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  40. The Irreducibility of Iterated to Single Revision.Jake Chandler & Richard Booth - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 46 (4):405-418.
    After a number of decades of research into the dynamics of rational belief, the belief revision theory community remains split on the appropriate handling of sequences of changes in view, the issue of so-called iterated revision. It has long been suggested that the matter is at least partly settled by facts pertaining to the results of various single revisions of one’s initial state of belief. Recent work has pushed this thesis further, offering various strong principles that ultimately result in a (...)
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    Just Policing.Jake Monaghan - 2023 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    Diverse and dynamic societies face a problem of social control. Institutions of social control, of which the police are a part, are a necessary part of just and legitimate governance. But in our non-ideal world they are also responsible for injustices of their own. This project raises questions of political philosophy as they apply to the professional police agency. It begins by constructing an inchoate, but mainstream view about just policing, legalism, according to which police power is justified by the (...)
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  42. From the Five Aggregates to Phenomenal Consciousness: Toward a Cross-Cultural Cognitive Science.Jake H. Davis & Evan Thompson - 2013 - In Steven M. Emmanuel, A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 585–597.
    Buddhism originated and developed in an Indian cultural context that featured many first-person practices for producing and exploring states of consciousness through the systematic training of attention. In contrast, the dominant methods of investigating the mind in Western cognitive science have emphasized third-person observation of the brain and behavior. In this chapter, we explore how these two different projects might prove mutually beneficial. We lay the groundwork for a cross-cultural cognitive science by using one traditional Buddhist model of the mind (...)
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    Reproducibility and the Concept of Numerical Solution.Johannes Lenhard & Uwe Küster - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (1):19-36.
    In this paper, we show that reproducibility is a severe problem that concerns simulation models. The reproducibility problem challenges the concept of numerical solution and hence the conception of what a simulation actually does. We provide an expanded picture of simulation that makes visible those steps of simulation modeling that are numerically relevant, but often escape notice in accounts of simulation. Examining these steps and analyzing a number of pertinent examples, we argue that numerical solutions are importantly different from usual (...)
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    Book Symposium: Alfred Archer and Jake Wojtowicz’s Why it’s OK to be a Sports Fan.Alfred Archer, Jake Wojtowicz, Adam Kadlac, Joe Slater, Nathaniel Baron-Schmitt & Nina Windgätter - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy.
    This is a book symposium on Why It’s OK to Be a Sports Fan, by Alfred Archer and Jake Wojtowicz, with contributions from Adam Kadlac, Joe Slater, Nathaniel Baron-Schmitt, and Nina Windgätter. The discussion covers a range of topics, including the form of love involved in fandom, the epistemic status of fans, fictionalism, and the role of communities in fandom.
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    Why Poetry?: Semiotic Scaffolding & the Poetic Architecture of Cognition.Jake Young - 2023 - Metaphor and Symbol 38 (2):198-212.
    Poetry is a process. While people typically refer to poems as textual objects, our experience of poetry is inherently embodied and enacted, meaning that we experience poems as events that we contextualize as gestalt representations. We experience metaphors, too, as processes, which arise from experiential gestalts, that extend gestalt structures and lay the conceptual foundation for our experience of the world. This article argues that, like metaphors, poetic gestalts can be mapped onto other experiences to help people navigate their worlds. (...)
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  46. Equality, Democracy, and the Nature of Status: A Reply to Motchoulski.Jake Zuehl - 2023 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 20 (3-4):311-330.
    Several contemporary philosophers have argued that democracy earns its moral keep in part by rendering political authority compatible with social or relational equality. In a recent article in this journal, Alexander Motchoulski examines these relational egalitarian defenses of democracy, finds the standard approach wanting, and advances an alternative. The standard approach depends on the claim that inequality of political power constitutes status inequality (the ‘constitutive claim’). Motchoulski rejects this claim on the basis of a theory of social status: once you (...)
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    The Implications of Diverse Human Moral Foundations for Assessing the Ethicality of Artificial Intelligence.Jake B. Telkamp & Marc H. Anderson - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (4):961-976.
    Organizations are making massive investments in artificial intelligence, and recent demonstrations and achievements highlight the immense potential for AI to improve organizational and human welfare. Yet realizing the potential of AI necessitates a better understanding of the various ethical issues involved with deciding to use AI, training and maintaining it, and allowing it to make decisions that have moral consequences. People want organizations using AI and the AI systems themselves to behave ethically, but ethical behavior means different things to different (...)
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    Book Symposium: Alfred Archer and Jake Wojtowicz’s Why it’s OK to be a Sports Fan.Alfred Archer, Jake Wojtowicz, Adam Kadlac, Joe Slater, Nathaniel Baron-Schmitt & Nina Windgätter - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18:1-35.
    This is a book symposium on Why It’s OK to Be a Sports Fan, by Alfred Archer and Jake Wojtowicz, with contributions from Adam Kadlac, Joe Slater, Nathaniel Baron-Schmitt, and Nina Windgätter. The discussion covers a range of topics, including the form of love involved in fandom, the epistemic status of fans, fictionalism, and the role of communities in fandom.
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  49. 'The Scope for Wisdom’: Early Buddhism on Reasons and Persons.Jake H. Davis - 2017 - In Shyam Ranganathan, The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Indian Ethics. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Forget Evil: Autonomy, the Physician–Patient Relationship, and the Duty to Refer.Jake Greenblum & T. J. Kasperbauer - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (3):313-317.
    Aulisio and Arora argue that the moral significance of value imposition explains the moral distinction between traditional conscientious objection and non-traditional conscientious objection. The former objects to directly performing actions, whereas the latter objects to indirectly assisting actions on the grounds that indirectly assisting makes the actor morally complicit. Examples of non-traditional conscientious objection include objections to the duty to refer. Typically, we expect physicians who object to a practice to refer, but the non-traditional conscientious objector physician refuses to refer. (...)
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