Results for 'Jeff Staiger'

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  1.  21
    After the Book, the Book? The Digital Writing Experiments of François Bon.Jeff Staiger - 2022 - Humanist Studies and the Digital Age 7 (1).
    While most commentators believe that the print book will survive the advent of the ebook, it is at the same time hard not to think that the fundamental technological changes ushered in by the digital revolution will fail to have profound effects on the forms of the book. Arguing that literary forms have always depended on the “material conditions of their enunciation,” the French author François Bon uses historical examples to suggest the book will undergo major, if yet unforeseen, transformations. (...)
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  2. Socially Irresponsible and Illegal Behavior and Shareholder Wealth A Meta-Analysis of Event Studies.Jeff Frooman - 1997 - Business and Society 36 (3):221-249.
    This article provides empirical results indicating that acting in a socially respon- sible and lawful manner is a necessary, though not sufficient, condition for increasing shareholder wealth. It meta-analyzes 27 event studies that have mea- sured the stock market's reaction to incidences of socially irresponsible and illicit behavior. It finds that for firms engaging in socially irresponsible and illicit behavior, the effect on shareholder wealth is negative (wealth decreases), statisti- cally significant (p <.001), and so substantial in size (D = (...)
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  3. Ingold, Hermeneutics, and Hylomorphic Animism.Jeff Kochan - 2024 - Anthropological Theory 24 (1):88-108.
    Tim Ingold draws a sharp line between animism and hylomorphism, that is, between his relational ontology and a rival genealogical ontology. He argues that genealogical hylomorphism collapses under a fallacy of circularity, while his relationism does not. Yet Ingold fails to distinguish between vicious or fallacious circles, on the one hand, and virtuous or hermeneutic circles, on the other. I demonstrate that hylomorphism and Ingold’s relational animism are both virtuously circular. Hence, there is no difference between them on this count. (...)
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  4. Reliability for degrees of belief.Jeff Dunn - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (7):1929-1952.
    We often evaluate belief-forming processes, agents, or entire belief states for reliability. This is normally done with the assumption that beliefs are all-or-nothing. How does such evaluation go when we’re considering beliefs that come in degrees? I consider a natural answer to this question that focuses on the degree of truth-possession had by a set of beliefs. I argue that this natural proposal is inadequate, but for an interesting reason. When we are dealing with all-or-nothing belief, high reliability leads to (...)
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  5. A mathematical incompleteness in Peano arithmetic.Jeff Paris & Leo Harrington - 1977 - In Jon Barwise, Handbook of mathematical logic. New York: North-Holland. pp. 90--1133.
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  6. The Role of Speaker and Hearer in the Character of Demonstratives.Jeff Speaks - 2016 - Mind 125 (498):301-339.
    Demonstratives have different semantic values relative to different contexts of utterance. But it is surprisingly difficult to describe the function from contexts to contents which determines the semantic value of a given use of a demonstrative. It is very natural to think that the intentions of the speaker should play a significant role here. The aim of this paper is to discuss a pair of problems that arise for views which give intentions this central role in explaining the characters of (...)
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  7. The Social Construction of Mind: Studies in Ethnomethodology and Linguistic Philosophy.Jeff Coulter - 1979 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 14 (2):119-122.
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  8. Pascal's Wager: Pragmatic Arguments and Belief in God.Jeff Jordan - 2007 - Religious Studies 43 (4):492-496.
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  9. Animism, Aristotelianism, and the Legacy of William Gilbert’s De Magnete.Jeff Kochan - 2021 - Perspectives on Science 29 (2):157-188.
    William Gilbert’s 1600 book, De magnete, greatly influenced early modern natural philosophy. The book describes an impressive array of physical experiments, but it also advances a metaphysical view at odds with the soon to emerge mechanical philosophy. That view was animism. I distinguish two kinds of animism – Aristotelian and Platonic – and argue that Gilbert was an Aristotelian animist. Taking Robert Boyle as an example, I then show that early modern arguments against animism were often effective only against Platonic (...)
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    Stakeholder Influence Strategies: The Roles of Structural and Demographic Determinants.Jeff Frooman & Audrey J. Murrell - 2005 - Business and Society 44 (1):3-31.
    Using Frooman’s typology of stakeholder influence strategies, this research examines the strategies that stakeholders select to exert influence on a firm. Using an experimental approach, the responses of actual environmental leaders to a series of hypothetical vignettes were examined. The results of the experiment suggest how both structural and demographic variables can act as determinants of strategy choice along with how these two types of variables may both complement and inhibit one another. Specifically, the results suggest that repertoires of strategies (...)
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  11. Virtual worlds and moral evaluation.Jeff Dunn - 2012 - Ethics and Information Technology 14 (4):255-265.
    Consider the multi-user virtual worlds of online games such as EVE and World of Warcraft, or the multi-user virtual world of Second Life. Suppose a player performs an action in one of these worlds, via his or her virtual character, which would be wrong, if the virtual world were real. What is the moral status of this virtual action? In this paper I consider arguments for and against the Asymmetry Thesis: the thesis that such virtual actions are never wrong. I (...)
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    The praxiology of perception: Visual orientations and practical action.Jeff Coulter - 1990 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 33 (3):251-272.
    A range of arguments are presented to demonstrate that (1) human visual orientations are conceptually constituted (concept?bound); (2) the concept?boundedness of visual orientations does not require a cognitivist account according to which a mental process of ?inference? or of ?interpretation? must be postulated to accompany a purely ?optical? registration of ?wavelengths of light?, ?photons?, or contentless ?information'; (3) concept?bound visual orientations are not all instances of ?seeing as?, contrary to some currently prominent cognitivist accounts; (4) the dispute between cognitivist and (...)
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    The evaluative space grid: a single-item measure of positivity and negativity.Jeff T. Larsen, Catherine J. Norris, A. Peter McGraw, Louise C. Hawkley & John T. Cacioppo - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (3):453-480.
  14. Public and Private in Thought and Practice: Perspectives on a Grand Dichotomy.Jeff Weintraub & Krishan Kumar (eds.) - 1997 - University of Chicago Press.
    These essays, by widely respected scholars in fields ranging from social and political theory to historical sociology and cultural studies, illuminate the significance of the public/private distinction for an increasingly wide range of ...
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  15. Who’s Sorry Now? Government Apologies, Truth Commissions, and Indigenous Self-Determination in Australia, Canada, Guatemala, and Peru.Jeff Corntassel & Cindy Holder - 2008 - Human Rights Review 9 (4):465-489.
    Official apologies and truth commissions are increasingly utilized as mechanisms to address human rights abuses. Both are intended to transform inter-group relations by marking an end point to a history of wrongdoing and providing the means for political and social relations to move beyond that history. However, state-dominated reconciliation mechanisms are inherently problematic for indigenous communities. In this paper, we examine the use of apologies, and truth and reconciliation commissions in four countries with significant indigenous populations: Canada, Australia, Peru, and (...)
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    Collectivist Defenses of the Moral Equality of Combatants.Jeff McMahan - 2007 - Journal of Military Ethics 6 (1):50-59.
  17. On accepting Van Fraassen's image of science.Jeff Foss - 1984 - Philosophy of Science 51 (1):79-92.
    In his book, The Scientific Image, van Fraassen lucidly draws an alternative to scientific realism, which he calls "Constructive Empiricism". In this epistemological theory, the concept of observability plays the pivotal role: acceptable theories may be believed only where what they say solely concerns observables. Van Fraassen develops a concept of observability which is, as he admits, vague, relative, science-dependent, and anthropocentric. I draw out unacceptable consequences of each of these aspects of his concept. Also, I argue against his assumption (...)
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    Equality Beyond Debate : John Dewey's Pragmatic Idea of Democracy.Jeff Jackson - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    While many current analyses of democracy focus on creating a more civil, respectful debate among competing political viewpoints, this study argues that the existence of structural social inequality requires us to go beyond the realm of political debate. Challenging prominent contemporary theories of democracy, the author draws on John Dewey to bring the work of combating social inequality into the forefront of democratic thought. Dewey's 'pragmatic' principles are deployed to present democracy as a developing concept constantly confronting unique conditions obstructing (...)
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  19. Contingent andA Priori structures in sequential analysis.Jeff Coulter - 1983 - Human Studies 6 (1):361-376.
  20. What are debates about qualia really about?Jeff Speaks - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 170 (1):59-84.
    This is the written version of a reply to Michael Tye's "Transparency, Qualia Realism, and Representationalism," given at the 40th Oberlin Colloquium in Philosophy. It argues that, given one standard way of understanding these theses, qualia realism is trivially true and transparency theses are trivially false. I also discuss four objections to Tye's claim that the phenomenal character of the experience of red just is redness, and conclude by arguing that philosophers of perception should state their claims as about the (...)
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  21. Complexity without Composition.Jeff Steele & Thomas Williams - 2019 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 93 (4):611-631.
    John Duns Scotus recognizes complexity in God both at the level of God’s being and at the level of God’s attributes. Using the formal distinction and the notion of “unitive containment,” he argues for real plurality in God, but in a way that permits him to affirm the doctrine of divine simplicity. We argue that his allegiance to the doctrine of divine simplicity is purely verbal, that he flatly denies traditional aspects of the doctrine as he had received it from (...)
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    Evidence for mixed feelings of happiness and sadness from brief moments in time.Jeff T. Larsen & Jennifer D. Green - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (8):1469-1477.
  23. Part II: War. The consequences of war / Thomas Hurka ; Humanitarian intervention, consent, and proportionality.Jeff McMahan - 2010 - In N. Ann Davis, Richard Keshen & Jeff McMahan, Ethics and humanity: themes from the philosophy of Jonathan Glover. New York: Oxford University Press.
  24. Decolonising Science in Canada: A Work in Progress.Jeff Kochan - 2018 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 7 (11):42-47.
    This paper briefly highlights a small part of the work being done by Indigenous groups in Canada to integrate science into their ways of knowing and living with nature. Special attention is given to a recent attempt by Mi'kmaw educators in Unama'ki (Cape Breton, Nova Scotia) to overcome suspicion of science among their youth by establishing an 'Integrative Science' (Toqwa'tu'kl Kjijitaqnn, or 'bringing our knowledges together') degree programme at Cape Breton University. The goal was to combine Indigenous and scientific knowledges (...)
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    Twenty-five Theses against Cognitivism.Jeff Coulter - 2008 - Theory, Culture and Society 25 (2):19-32.
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    Remarks on the Conceptualization of Social Structure.Jeff Coulter - 1982 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 12 (1):33-46.
  27.  41
    Using the Ideal/Nonideal Distinction in Philosophy of Language (and Elsewhere).Jeff Engelhardt & Molly Moran - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    Herman Cappelen and Josh Dever (C&D) have recently argued that the ideal/non-ideal distinction is ‘useless’ in philosophy of language. This paper responds to C&D’s argument, develops an account of the distinction, and applies it to philosophy of language. Section 1 summarizes C&D’s argument against Charles Mills’s version of the distinction. Section 2 develops an account of the distinction that’s inspired by Mills’s work but that differs from what C&D take Mills’s view to be. Section 3 shows that, pace C&D, this (...)
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  28. Human practices and the observability of the» macro-social «.Jeff Coulter - 2000 - In Karin Knorr Cetina, Theodore R. Schatzki & Eike von Savigny, The Practice Turn in Contemporary Theory. New York: Routledge. pp. 29--41.
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    Nonresponsible Killers.Jeff McMahan - 2018 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 15 (6):651-682.
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    Progress Through Regression: The Life Story of the Empirical Cobb-Douglas Production Function.Jeff E. Biddle - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Cobb-Douglas regression, a statistical technique developed to estimate what economists called a 'production function', was introduced in the late 1920s. For several years, only economist Paul Douglas and a few collaborators used the technique, while vigorously defending it against numerous critics. By the 1950s, however, several economists beyond Douglas's circle were using the technique, and by the 1970s, Douglas's regression, and more sophisticated procedures inspired by it, had become standard parts of the empirical economist's toolkit. This volume is the (...)
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    Luddites, Labor, and Meaningful Lives: Would a World Without Work Really Be Best?Jeff Noonan - 2020 - Journal of Social Philosophy 51 (3):441-456.
  32. The beckoning of language : Heidegger's hermeneutic transformation of thinking.Jeff Malpas - 2016 - In Michael J. Bowler & Ingo Farin, Hermeneutical Heidegger. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
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  33. Soccer Science and the Bayes Community: Exploring the Cognitive Implications of Modern Scientific Communication.Jeff Shrager, Dorrit Billman, Gregorio Convertino, J. P. Massar & Peter Pirolli - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (1):53-72.
    Science is a form of distributed analysis involving both individual work that produces new knowledge and collaborative work to exchange information with the larger community. There are many particular ways in which individual and community can interact in science, and it is difficult to assess how efficient these are, and what the best way might be to support them. This paper reports on a series of experiments in this area and a prototype implementation using a research platform called CACHE. CACHE (...)
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    When Higher Risk Does Not Equal Greater Harm: Doing the Most Good in a Limited Pediatric Study Population.Jeff Matsler & Jamila M. Young - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (4):118-120.
    Volume 20, Issue 4, May 2020, Page 118-120.
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    Gadamer in the English-Speaking World.Jeff Malpas & Niall Keane - 2025 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 56 (1):3-17.
    Providing a summary history of the reception of Gadamer's work in English across a range of disciplines from literature to philosophy, this essay also explores elements of both influence and convergence connecting Gadamer's thinking with that of several key figures in twentieth century analytic philosophy.
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  36. André Bazin's Eternal Returns: An Ontological Revision.Jeff Fort - 2021 - Film-Philosophy 25 (1):42-61.
    The recent publication of André Bazin's Écrits complets (2018), an enormous two-volume edition of 3000 pages which increases ten-fold Bazin's available corpus, provides opportunities for renewed reflection on, and possibly for substantial revisions of, this key figure in film theory. On the basis of several essays, I propose a drastic rereading of Bazin's most explicitly philosophical notion of “ontology.” This all too familiar notion, long settled into a rather dust-laden couple (“Bazin and ontology”) nonetheless retains its fascination. Rather than attempting (...)
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    Introduction.Jeff Gauthier - 2013 - Social Philosophy Today 29:1-3.
  38.  32
    The evolution of BioBike: Community adaptation of a biocomputing platform.Jeff Shrager - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38 (4):642-656.
    Programming languages are, at the same time, instruments and communicative artifacts that evolve rapidly through use. In this paper I describe an online computing platform called BioBike. BioBike is a trading zone where biologists and programmers collaborate in the development of an extended vocabulary and functionality for computational genomics. In the course of this work they develop interactional expertise with one another’s domains. The extended BioBike vocabulary operates on two planes: as a working programming language, and as a pidgin in (...)
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    Theoretical problems of cognitive science.Jeff Coulter - 1982 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 25 (1):3 – 26.
    Aspects of the controversy concerning the theoretical status of some recent thinking on human cognition are discussed; in particular, the concept of ?unconscious knowledge?, the ?functionalist? analysis of the mental; the problem of the domains of explananda, given the recalcitrant difficulty in providing warrantable and generalizable criteria for individuating components of an organism's ?behavior'; the problem of the polymorphous character of various mental predicates and their misconceived treatment as ?state? or ?process? descriptors; the possible ?over?intellectualizing? of central?nervous?system processes, and the (...)
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    Toward a new sociology of revolutions.Jeff Goodwin - 1994 - Theory and Society 23 (6):731-766.
  41.  77
    A Note on Irrelevance in Inductive Logic.Jeff B. Paris & Alena Vencovská - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (3):357 - 370.
    We consider two formalizations of the notion of irrelevance as a rationality principle within the framework of (Carnapian) Inductive Logic: Johnson's Sufficientness Principle, JSP, which is classically important because it leads to Carnap's influential Continuum of Inductive Methods and the recently proposed Weak Irrelevance Principle, WIP. We give a complete characterization of the language invariant probability functions satisfying WIP which generalizes the Nix-Paris Continuum. We argue that the derivation of two very disparate families of inductive methods from alternative perceptions of (...)
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    : The Bureaucracy of Empathy: Law, Vivisection, and Animal Pain in Late Nineteenth-Century Britain.Jeff Schauer - 2024 - Isis 115 (4):883-884.
  43.  37
    A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Uncertainty on Reproductive Behaviors.Jeff Davis & Daniel Werre - 2008 - Human Nature 19 (4):426-452.
    Uncertainty exerts powerful influences on life history decisions. This has been demonstrated in experiments on nonhumans and in mathematical models. Studies of human populations are suggestive of the effects of uncertainty, but they rely on measures of environmental stress. In this paper, we derive a new measure of uncertainty, upsilon (υ), for use in non-experimental studies. We estimate its association with reproductive behaviors in a longitudinal panel sample of adolescents in the United States. Results show upsilon’s internal structure is consistent (...)
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    Choice in Fertility Preservation in Girls and Adolescent Women with Cancer.Jeff Nisker, Françoise Baylis & Carolyn McLeod - 2006 - Cancer 107 (S7):1686-1689.
    With the cure rate for many pediatric malignancies now between 70% and 90%, infertility becomes an increasingly important issue. Strategies for preserving fertility in girls and adolescent women occur in two distinct phases. The first phase includes oophorectomy and cryopreservation of ovarian cortex slices or individual oocytes; ultrasound-guided needle aspiration of oocytes, with or without in vitro maturation, followed by cryopreservation; and ovarian autografting to a distant site. The second phase occurs if the woman chooses to pursue pregnancy, and includes (...)
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  45. Three Views of Language and the Mind.Jeff Speaks - 2003 - Dissertation, Princeton University
    The essay which follows is about the relationship between mind and language. Most recent thought about intentionality has it that mental states of individuals are largely, or in the most fundamental cases, independent of social facts about public languages, and these social facts are derived from, or constituted by, the mental states of individuals. The purpose of this essay is to challenge this individualist orthodoxy , and suggest in its place a communitarian picture of intentionality which gives public languages a (...)
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    Epistemologies of Resistance: Pluralism and Communities of Epistemic Criticism.Jeff Edmonds & José Medina - 2015 - Philosophy of Education 71:457-460.
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  47. The liar paradox in new clothes.Jeff Snapper - 2012 - Analysis 72 (2):319-322.
    Next SectionCharlie Pelling presents an impropriety paradox for the truth account of assertion. After solving his paradox I show that it is a version of the liar paradox. I then show that for any account of truth there is a strengthened liar-like paradox, and that for any solution to the strengthened liar paradox, there is a parallel solution to each of these “new” paradoxes.
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  48. Conceptual transformations.Jeff Coulter - 1995 - Sociological Theory 13 (2):163-177.
    Are the words in our natural language which we use to speak about natural and social phenomena actually laden with preexisting (and hence corrigible) theoretical commitments, full-blown "ontologies," or even metaphysics? Or can we appeal to rules for their use in adjudicating the sense (or otherwise) of any scientific or philosophical innovation? These questions arise most commonly in the context of claims about scientific "transformations," especially "scientific revolutions." Cognitive science, for example, announces such a "revolution" in its conceptualizations of the (...)
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  49. The Hinterland of the Chinese Room.Jeff Coulter & Wes Sharrock - 2002 - In John Mark Bishop & John Preston, Views Into the Chinese Room: New Essays on Searle and Artificial Intelligence. London: Oxford University Press. pp. 181.
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    Transparency of mind: The availability of subjective phenomena.Jeff Coulter - 1977 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 7 (4):321-350.
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