Results for 'Jochen Kluve'

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  1.  67
    On the role of counterfactuals in inferring causal effects.Jochen Kluve - 2004 - Foundations of Science 9 (1):65-101.
    Causal inference in the empiricalsciences is based on counterfactuals. The mostcommon approach utilizes a statistical model ofpotential outcomes to estimate causal effectsof treatments. On the other hand, one leadingapproach to the study of causation inphilosophical logic has been the analysis ofcausation in terms of counterfactualconditionals. This paper discusses and connectsboth approaches to counterfactual causationfrom philosophy and statistics. Specifically, Ipresent the counterfactual account of causationin terms of Lewis's possible-world semantics,and reformulate the statistical potentialoutcome framework using counterfactualconditionals. This procedure highlights variousproperties and (...)
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  2. Explanation: Theoretical Approaches and Applications (Kluwer, 2001). Current interests include the relation between logic and physics taking Gödel as a prime example, a philosophical analysis of biophysical experimentation and the emergence of the modern notion of symmetry.Jochen Kluve - 2004 - Foundations of Science 9:103-104.
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    The Detection of Cheating on E-Exams in Higher Education—The Performance of Several Old and Some New Indicators.Jochen Ranger, Nico Schmidt & Anett Wolgast - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  4.  99
    What you see is what you need.Jochen Triesch, Dana Ballard, Mary Hayhoe & Brian Sullivan - 2003 - Journal of Vision 3 (1):86-94.
  5. Keynes after Ramsey: In defence of a treatise on probability.Jochen Runde - 1994 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 25 (1):97-121.
    Ramsey's critique of Keynes's ‘logical’ approach to probability is widely regarded as decisive, and his own ‘subjective’ approach and SEU framework are now familiar tools in economics. This paper challenges the standard view of Ramsey's critique and assesses the SEU model from a Keynesian viewpoint on probability. It consists of a summary of the two theories and an evaluation of Ramsey's criticisms and alternative. The two main conclusions are that although Keynes yields to Ramsey on the question of the existence (...)
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    On the complexity of qualitative spatial reasoning: A maximal tractable fragment of the Region Connection Calculus.Jochen Renz & Bernhard Nebel - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 108 (1-2):69-123.
  7. Neue kulturelle Selbstvergewisseung : was die Stunde gebietet.Jochen Bohn - 2010 - In Jochen Bohn & Thomas Bohrmann (eds.), Religion als Lebensmacht: eine Festgabe für Gottfried Küenzlen. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
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    SONJA BUCKEL. Subjektivierung und Kohäsion. Zur Rekonstruktion einer materialistischen Theorie des Rechts.Jochen Bung - 2008 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 94 (4):540-546.
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    1. Der Nietzsche-Kult und die Entstehung der Legende vom „Willen zur Macht“.Jochen Schmidt - 2016 - In Der Mythos "Wille Zur Macht": Nietzsches Gesamtwerk Und der Nietzsche-Kult. Eine Historische Kritik. De Gruyter. pp. 1-14.
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    Ökonomische Organisation im Gesundheitswesen als Gebot der Rechtsordnung.Jochen Taupitz - 2005 - In Hermes Andreas Kick (ed.), Gesundheitswesen zwischen Wirtschaftlichkeit und Menschlichkeit. LIST. pp. 10--21.
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  11. Geschichtliche Ruckblicke und Motive in der Prophetie des Amos, Hosea und Jesaja.Jochen Vollmer - 1967
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    Epistemic Consequentialism: Its Relation to Ethical Consequentialism and the Truth-Indication Principle.Jochen Briesen - 2016 - In Martin Grajner & Pedro Schmechtig (eds.), Epistemic Reasons, Norms and Goals. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 277-306.
    Consequentialist positions in philosophy spell out normative notions by recourse to final aims. Hedonistic versions of ETHICAL consequentialism spell out what is MORALLY right/justified via recourse to the aim of increasing pleasure and decreasing pain. Veritistic versions of EPISTEMIC consequentialism spell out what is EPISTEMICALLY right/justified via recourse to the aim of increasing the number of true beliefs and decreasing the number of false ones. Even though these theories are in many respects structurally analogous, there are also interesting disanalogies. For (...)
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  13.  20
    Kants Theorie der Freiheit: Rekonstruktion und Rehabilitierung.Jochen Bojanowski - 2006 - Berlin; New York: De Gruyter.
    In der Reihe werden herausragende monographische Untersuchungen und Sammelbände zu allen Aspekten der Philosophie Kants veröffentlicht, ebenso zum systematischen Verhältnis seiner Philosophie zu anderen philosophischen Ansätzen in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Veröffentlicht werden Studien, die einen innovativen Charakter haben und ausdrückliche Desiderate der Forschung erfüllen. Die Publikationen repräsentieren den aktuellsten Stand der Forschung.
  14. Keynesian Uncertainty and Liquidity Preference.Jochen Runde - 1994 - Cambridge Journal of Economics 18:129--144.
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    1. Einleitung.Jochen Berendes - 2009 - In Ironie – Komik – Skepsisirony – Comedy – Scepticism. Studies on the Work of Adalbert Stifter: Studien Zum Werk Adalbert Stifters. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag.
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  16. Emotion, Cognition, and Control: Limits of.Jochen Brandtstädter - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob (eds.), Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 1.
  17.  15
    Angstverfassungen.Jochen Bung - 2022 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70 (3):430-444.
    The connection between fear, law and the state is a topic that is given particular attention in times of social insecurity. Some approximations are explored here under the notion of fear constitutions. We are equal in fear of one another, which is why fear can be understood as a condition of modern constitutions. However, the social contract does not lead to freedom from fear, but rather fear shifts; the legal subjects remain subjects of fear, in relation to one another, but (...)
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    Lester Embree: Biography.Jochen Dreher - 2017 - Schutzian Research 9:67-69.
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    The Baroque Formulation of Consciousness – Bridging the “Unbridgeable Gap” through Indicational Representation.Jochen Dreher - 2005 - Human Studies 28 (1):87-94.
  20.  33
    Pour une Épistémologie de la Controverse HistoriographiqueFür eine Epistemologie Historischer KontroverseOn the epistemological impact of historical debates.Jochen Hoock & Wolfgang Kaiser - 2009 - Revue de Synthèse 130 (4):679-695.
    Les grandes controverses historiographiques se sont généralement déroulées sur plusieurs fronts. L’article essaie de replacer les débats actuels dans le contexte et l’horizon de différentes expériences de recherche afin de dégager leur apport théorique et empirique. En envisageant surtout les rapports controversés entre histoire sociale et anthropologie historique, il cherche à dégager les récurrences qui le lient à d’autres débats dont les moments forts autour de 1800 et de 1900 reflètent des crises aux connotations politiques mais aussi aux conséquences épistémologiques (...)
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  21.  24
    Open-domain question answering from large text collection, M. paşca.Jochen L. Leidner - 2004 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 13 (3):373-376.
  22.  28
    Hugo Rheinhold’s philosophizing monkey – a modern Owl of Minerva.Jochen Richter & Axel Schmetzke - 2007 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 15 (2):81-97.
    Originally created in 1892, Hugo Rheinhold’s sculpture “Monkey contemplating a human skull“ continues to attract a global audience. It is particularly appreciated by science ethicists, physical anthropologists and evolutionary biologists.This article explores the iconography of the sculpture, analyzes its iconology and discusses its message: an appeal to scientists – rendered through a witty, multilayered symbolism – to consider the ethical implications of their research. Biographical background information on the life of the German-Jewish artist and philosopher sheds further light on the (...)
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  23.  8
    Überblickskommentar.Jochen Schmidt - 2015 - In Sebastian Kaufmann & Jochen Schmidt (eds.), Kommentar Zu Nietzsches "Morgenröthe", "Idyllen Aus Messina". Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 7-64.
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    (1 other version)The case against coronary artery surgery.Jochen Schaefer - 1980 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 1 (2):155-176.
    Coronary by-pass surgery has been performed in hundreds of thousands of patients in the last 15 years with a high standard of technical and surgical perfection. The indications for this kind of surgery, however, are still controversial because in spite of many retrospective and several prospective studies it cannot be proven convincingly that in a given patient this surgical procedure will prolong life or prevent myocardial infarction. The present attempt to analyze the causes for this controversy shows that the main (...)
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  25.  31
    A Canonical Model of the Region Connection Calculus.Jochen Renz - 2002 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 12 (3-4):469-494.
    Although the computational properties of the Region Connection Calculus RCC-8 are well studied, reasoning with RCC-8 entails several representational problems. This includes the problem of representing arbitrary spatial regions in a computational framework, leading to the problem of generating a realization of a consistent set of RCC-8 constraints. A further problem is that RCC-8 performs reasoning about topological space, which does not have a particular dimension. Most applications of spatial reasoning, however, deal with two- or three-dimensional space. Therefore, a consistent (...)
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  26.  18
    Making Room for Applied Ethics in Kant.Jochen Bojanowski - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner (eds.), Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 1745-1752.
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  27.  8
    Ästhetisches Verstehen: Zugänge zur Kunst nach Wittgenstein und Cavell.Jochen Schuff - 2019 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Über das Verstehen von Kunst nachzudenken heißt über die Bedeutsamkeit von Kunst nachzudenken. Jochen Schuff zeichnet nach, wie Ludwig Wittgenstein und Stanley Cavell diesen Gedanken auf komplementäre Weise entfalten. Wittgenstein rückt in seinen verstreuten Bemerkungen zur Ästhetik die unterschiedlichen Spiele von Ausdruck und Verstehen zwischen kultureller Tradition und spontanen Reaktionen in den Fokus. Cavell erläutert die Bedeutsamkeit von Kunst an den Medien und Werken seiner Gegenwart--und daran, wie mit ihnen zentrale Aspekte der menschlichen Lebensform erfahrbar werden. Die vorliegende Studie (...)
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    Leader Mindfulness and Employee Performance: A Sequential Mediation Model of LMX Quality, Interpersonal Justice, and Employee Stress.Jochen Reb, Sankalp Chaturvedi, Jayanth Narayanan & Ravi S. Kudesia - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (3):745-763.
    In the present research, we examine the relation between leader mindfulness and employee performance through the lenses of organizational justice and leader-member relations. We hypothesize that employees of more mindful leaders view their relations as being of higher leader-member exchange quality. We further hypothesize two mediating mechanisms of this relation: increased interpersonal justice and reduced employee stress. In other words, we posit that employees of more mindful leaders feel treated with greater respect and experience less stress. Finally, we predict that (...)
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  29.  72
    The effects of action, normality, and decision carefulness on anticipated regret: Evidence for a broad mediating role of decision justifiability.Jochen Reb & Terry Connolly - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (8):1405-1420.
  30.  73
    Defining transcendentals in function fields.Jochen Koenigsmann - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (3):947-956.
    Given any field K, there is a function field F/K in one variable containing definable transcendentals over K, i.e., elements in F \ K first-order definable in the language of fields with parameters from K. Hence, the model-theoretic and the field-theoretic relative algebraic closure of K in F do not coincide. E.g., if K is finite, the model-theoretic algebraic closure of K in the rational function field K(t) is K(t). For the proof, diophantine $\emptyset-definability$ of K in F is established (...)
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  31.  7
    Kommentar zu Nietzsches „Morgenröthe“.Jochen Schmidt, Sebastian Kaufmann & Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - unknown
    This volume includes the commentaries on two works from the third volume of the Critical Studies Edition of Nietzsche s Works Morgenrothe (The Dawn), and Idyllen aus Messina (Idylls from Messina). Volume 3.2 will be devoted to commentary on The Gay Science. This volume includes the manuscript facsimiles of the Idyllen aus Messina.".
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    Herrschaft ohne Naturrecht: der Protestantismus zwischen Weltflucht und christlicher Despotie.Jochen Bohn - 2004 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
    Der Protestantismus hat ein Problem mit der Welt: Die reformatorische Behauptung eines dreifachen SOLA - Gnade, Glaube, Schrift - bricht die Kirche aus der Welt heraus, eröffnet aber neben dem schlichten Glaubensbekenntnis keine überzeugenden Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten. Wie kann nun das bürgerliche Verhältnis dieser Kirche zu der sie umgebenden Welt gedacht werden? Kann sie überhaupt in rechtlicher Gemeinschaft mit der Welt leben? Verfügt sie über geeignete Mittel, an der Gestaltung dieser Gemeinschaft mitzuwirken?Ausgehend von dem Blick auf die »Kehrseite« des SOLA - die (...)
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    The parser consults the lexicon in spite of transparent gender marking: EEG evidence from noun class agreement processing in Zulu.Jochen Zeller, Emanuel Bylund & Ashley Glen Lewis - 2022 - Cognition 226 (C):105148.
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    Orthographic consistency and parafoveal preview benefit: A resource-sharing account of language differences in processing of phonological and semantic codes.Jochen Laubrock & Sven Hohenstein - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (5):292-293.
    Parafoveal preview benefit is an implicit measure of lexical activation in reading. PB has been demonstrated for orthographic and phonological but not for semantically related information in English. In contrast, semantic PB is obtained in German and Chinese. We propose that these language differences reveal differential resource demands and timing of phonological and semantic decoding in different orthographic systems.
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    What Is Fallibilist About Audi’s Fallibilist Foundationalism?Jochen Müller & Markus Seidel - 2018 - In Johannes Müller-Salo (ed.), Robert Audi: Critical Engagements. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 43-69.
    In this paper we show that Audi’s fallibilist foundationalism is beset by three unclarities. First, there is a conceptual unclarity in that Audi leaves open if and how to distinguish clearly between the concepts of fallibility and defeasibility. Second, there is a general unclarity: it is not always clear which fallibility/defeasibility-theses Audi accepts or denies. Finally, there is an unclarity of self-application because Audi does not specify his own claim that fallibilist foundationalism is an inductivist, and therefore itself fallible, thesis. (...)
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  36.  79
    Keynesian Uncertainty and the Weight of Arguments.Jochen Runde - 1990 - Economics and Philosophy 6 (2):275.
    In Chapter 12 of the General Theory, on “The State of Long-Term Expectation,” Keynes writes: “It would be foolish, in forming our expectations, to attach great weight to matters which are very uncertain”. In a footnote to this sentence, Keynes points out that by “very uncertain” he does not mean the same as “very improbable” and refers to the chapter on “The Weight of Arguments” in his earlier Treatise on Probability. The purpose of this article, in the first place, is (...)
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  37.  49
    The Independence of Research—A Review of Disciplinary Perspectives and Outline of Interdisciplinary Prospects.Jochen Gläser, Mitchell Ash, Guido Buenstorf, David Hopf, Lara Hubenschmid, Melike Janßen, Grit Laudel, Uwe Schimank, Marlene Stoll, Torsten Wilholt, Lothar Zechlin & Klaus Lieb - 2022 - Minerva 60 (1):105-138.
    The independence of research is a key strategic issue of modern societies. Dealing with it appropriately poses legal, economic, political, social and cultural problems for society, which have been studied by the corresponding disciplines and are increasingly the subject of reflexive discourses of scientific communities. Unfortunately, problems of independence are usually framed in disciplinary contexts without due consideration of other perspectives’ relevance or possible contributions. To overcome these limitations, we review disciplinary perspectives and findings on the independence of research and (...)
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    Der aus dem Gleichgewicht geworfene Mensch: Ein Beitrag zum Freizeitproblem.Jochen Fischer - 1959 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 3 (1):257-262.
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    Retour sur un projet de réforme. À propos de „Was war Bielefeld?“.Jochen Hoock - 2020 - Revue de Synthèse 142 (1-2):233-245.
    Résumé Partant d’un ouvrage collectif qui pose un regard critique sur les projets qui ont mené à la fondation de l’Université de Bielefeld à la fin des années soixante, l’article revient sur les conditions d’émergence de la première Reformuniversität dans l’Allemagne fédérale. Conçue comme un ensemble transdisciplinaire d’enseignement et de recherche selon le modèle esquissé par Wilhelm von Humboldt, l’université de Bielefeld va devoir très vite s’adapter au pragmatisme dominant dans les années 1970, se soumettre à une modernisation adaptative et (...)
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  40. E-Reading Philosophical Texts. On the Tension between Dynamic Text Comprehension and the Irreversibility of Annotations on Paper.Jochen Huber & Andreas Kaminski - 2010 - In Klaus Mainzer (ed.), ECAP10. VIII European Conference on Computing and Philosophy. Hut. pp. 295–299.
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    Zum problem der erkenntnis bei Nietzsche.Jochen Kirchhoff - 1977 - Nietzsche Studien 6 (1):16-44.
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    Gaze-contingent manipulation of the FVF demonstrates the importance of fixation duration for explaining search behavior.Jochen Laubrock, Ralf Engbert & Anke Cajar - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    B Vielstimmigkeit und die Rede vom Unsagbaren als dem Unsagbaren.Jochen Schmidt - 2006 - In Vielstimmige Rede Vom Unsagbaren: Dekonstruktion, Glaube Und Kierkegaards Pseudonyme Literatur. Walter de Gruyter.
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  44. Medizinethische Probleme des Schwangerschaaftsabbruches. Argumente gegen eine utilitaristisch-funktionalistische Ethik.Jochen Vollmann - 1992 - Ethik in der Medizin 4 (1):4-15.
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    Fibred semantics for feature-based grammar logic.Jochen Dörre, Esther König & Dov Gabbay - 1996 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 5 (3-4):387-422.
    This paper gives a simple method for providing categorial brands of feature-based unification grammars with a model-theoretic semantics. The key idea is to apply the paradigm of fibred semantics (or layered logics, see Gabbay (1990)) in order to combine the two components of a feature-based grammar logic. We demonstrate the method for the augmentation of Lambek categorial grammar with Kasper/Rounds-style feature logic. These are combined by replacing (or annotating) atomic formulas of the first logic, i.e. the basic syntactic types, by (...)
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    Einführungen in die Ethik ― als Dokumente fachwissenschaftlichen Selbstverständnisses. Einige Beobachtungen.Berendes Jochen & Marcus Düwell - 2024 - In Ingrid Scharlau & Tobias Jenert (eds.), Wissenschaftsdidaktik als kritische Kommunikationsanalyse. Ein Sammelband zur Weiterführung eines Gedankens von Ludwig Huber. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich. pp. 105-122.
  47.  78
    Perceiving one’s own movements when using a tool.Jochen Müsseler & Christine Sutter - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (2):359-365.
    The present study examined what participants perceive of their hand movements when using a tool. In the experiments different gains for either the x-axis or the y-axis perturbed the relation between hand movements on a digitizer tablet and cursor movements on a display. As a consequence of the perturbation participants drew circles on the display while their covered hand movements followed either vertical or horizontal ellipses on the digitizer tablet. When asked to evaluate their hand movements, participants were extremely uncertain (...)
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  48. Reconsidering Closure, Underdetermination, and Infallibilism.Jochen Briesen - 2010 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 80 (1):221-234.
    Anthony Brueckner argues for a strong connection between the closure and the underdetermination argument for scepticism. Moreover, he claims that both arguments rest on infallibilism: In order to motivate the premises of the arguments, the sceptic has to refer to an infallibility principle. If this were true, fallibilists would be right in not taking the problems posed by these sceptical arguments seriously. As many epistemologists are sympathetic to fallibilism, this would be a very interesting result. However, in this paper I (...)
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  49. Elgin on Science, Art and Understanding.Jochen Briesen - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (6):2651-2671.
    Is art epistemically valuable? Catherine Z. Elgin answers this question in the affirmative. She argues for the epistemic value of art on the basis of her innovative epistemological theory, in which the focus is shifted from knowledge and truth to a non-factive account of understanding. After an exposition and critique of her view, as she develops it in her most recent book “True Enough” (MIT-Press, 2017), I will build on some of her ideas in order to strengthen her account.
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    Vielstimmige Rede Vom Unsagbaren: Dekonstruktion, Glaube Und Kierkegaards Pseudonyme Literatur.Jochen Schmidt - 2006 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Annotation Hintergrund der Arbeit ist eine im Dialog mit dekonstruktivistischem Denken gewonnene Theorie der Vielstimmigkeit. Ausgehend von dieser Theorie werden die Schriften Entweder/Oder, Die Wiederholung und Furcht und Zittern als vielstimmige Rede vom Unsagbaren interpretiert: Die Schriften sind vielstimmig, insofern darin Grundaporien der menschlichen Existenz aus unversohnbar zerstrittenen Perspektiven beschrieben werden; sie sind Rede vom Unsagbaren, insofern der Glaube inmitten der vom Streit zerriebene Sprache aufstrahlt. Diss. theol. Bonn 2005. Jochen Schmidt forscht mit einem Stipendium der Rotary Foundation am (...)
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