Results for 'Jon Qasby'

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  1.  7
    Mental health: safe, sound and supportive?Jon Qasby, Helen Lester & Emily McKie - 2007 - In Audrey Leathard & Susan Goodinson-McLaren (eds.), Ethics: contemporary challenges in health and social care. Bristol, UK: Policy Press. pp. 243.
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  2. Bayesian Personalism, the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes, and Duhem's Problem.Jon Dorling - 1979 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 10 (3):177.
    The detailed analysis of a particular quasi-historical numerical example is used to illustrate the way in which a Bayesian personalist approach to scientific inference resolves the Duhemian problem of which of a conjunction of hypotheses to reject when they jointly yield a prediction which is refuted. Numbers intended to be approximately historically accurate for my example show, in agreement with the views of Lakatos, that a refutation need have astonishingly little effect on a scientist's confidence in the ‘hard core’ of (...)
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  3. (2 other versions)Spinoza's Axiology.Jon Miller - 2005 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 2:149-172.
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    Interpersonal Comparisons of Well-Being.Jon Elster & John Roemer (eds.) - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this volume a diverse group of economists, philosophers, political scientists, and psychologists address the problems, principles, and practices involved in comparing the well-being of different individuals. A series of questions lie at the heart of this investigation: What is the relevant concept of well-being for the purposes of comparison? How could the comparisons be carried out for policy purposes? How are such comparisons made now? How do the difficulties involved in these comparisons affect the status of utilitarian theories? This (...)
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    Capitalism and Commutative Justice.Jon P. Gunnemann - 1985 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 5:101-122.
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    A Bayesian Account of Establishing.Jon Williamson - 2022 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 73 (4):903-925.
    When a proposition is established, it can be taken as evidence for other propositions. Can the Bayesian theory of rational belief and action provide an account of establishing? I argue that it can, but only if the Bayesian is willing to endorse objective constraints on both probabilities and utilities, and willing to deny that it is rationally permissible to defer wholesale to expert opinion. I develop a new account of deference that accommodates this latter requirement.
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  7. An infinitely descending chain of ground without a lower bound.Jon Erling Litland - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (5):1361-1369.
    Using only uncontentious principles from the logic of ground I construct an infinitely descending chain of ground without a lower bound. I then compare the construction to the constructions due to Dixon and Rabin and Rabern.
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  8. The Religion Clauses in the US Constitution: Some Debates on Liberty, Equality, and Religious Freedom.Jon Mahoney - 2023 - Вестник Казну, Серия Религиоведение 1.
    In this short article, my aim is to introduce readers to some debates about religious freedom and constitutional law in the United States. I highlight a few of the enduring questions debated by political philosophers and legal scholars. For example, does the Constitution require special religious exemptions for citizens whose religious convictions put them at odds with otherwise neutral and legitimate state pol- icy? Should the Constitution be interpreted as supporting a strict secularism or a multicultural egalitarian liberal position? What (...)
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  9. Inductive influence.Jon Williamson - 2007 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 58 (4):689 - 708.
    Objective Bayesianism has been criticised for not allowing learning from experience: it is claimed that an agent must give degree of belief ½ to the next raven being black, however many other black ravens have been observed. I argue that this objection can be overcome by appealing to objective Bayesian nets, a formalism for representing objective Bayesian degrees of belief. Under this account, previous observations exert an inductive influence on the next observation. I show how this approach can be used (...)
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    Structure from motion of rigid and jointed objects.Jon A. Webb & J. K. Aggarwal - 1982 - Artificial Intelligence 19 (1):107-130.
  11. Euripides, Socrates and Virtue.Jon Moline - 1975 - Hermes 103 (1):45-67.
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  12.  55
    Classical Arabic Philosophy: An Anthology of Sources.Jon McGinnis & David C. Reisman (eds.) - 2007 - Hackett.
    This volume introduces the major classical Arabic philosophers through substantial selections from the key works (many of which appear in translation for the first time here) in each of the fields—including logic, philosophy of science, natural philosophy, metaphysics, ethics, and politics—to which they made significant contributions. -/- An extensive Introduction situating the works within their historical, cultural, and philosophical contexts offers support to students approaching the subject for the first time, as well as to instructors with little or no formal (...)
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  13.  32
    Avicenna's Metaphysics in Context.Jon McGinnis & Robert Wisnovsky - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (2):392.
  14. (1 other version)La democrazia deliberativa [Deliberative democracy].Jon Elster - 2009 - la Società Degli Individui 36:33-50.
    L’articolo esamina le qualità della democrazia deliberativa a partire dal ri­ferimento a espressioni storiche di questa: nelle istituzioni ateniesi del quin­to-quarto secolo a. C., nella Convenzione Federale statunitense del 1788, negli Stati Generali della Rivoluzione francese, in varie esperienze lo­cali odierne. Stabiliti tre modelli di democrazia e tre criteri per la deliberazione , la questione da affrontare è se la forma deliberativa di democrazia sia un buon sistema politico. La risposta è sì, purché si verifichino tre con­dizioni: intensità della motivazione (...)
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    The Convergence Approach to Benardete’s Paradox.Jon Pérez Laraudogoitia - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (3):1353-1367.
    The paper analyses Benardete's paradox of the gods from a more general perspective (the convergence approach) than several of the most important proposals made to date, but in close relation (and sharp contrast) with them. The new theory, based on the notion of limit, is systematically applicable in different possible scenarios involving a denumerable infinity of objects. In particular, it reveals in what way ω-consistency can be compromised in an otherwise consistent description of such "infinitary" situations.
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    The Sage and the Way.Jon Wetlesen, Paul Wienpahl & Siegfried Hessing - 1981 - Philosophy East and West 31 (1):101-109.
  17.  33
    Rethinking techno-moral disruption in bioethics, society, and justice.Jon Rueda, Jonathan Pugh & Julian Savulescu - 2023 - Trends in Biotechnology 41 (6):743-744.
    In response to De Proost and Segers, we provide further reflections on how technologies induce moral change. We discuss moral changes at the societal level as distinguished from changes in bioethical principles or ethical concepts, impacts on theories of justice, and whether the transformations are negative or positive.
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    Bayesian Conditionalization Resolves Positivist/Realist Disputes.Jon Dorling - 1992 - Journal of Philosophy 89 (7):362.
  19.  27
    The Conceptual Foundations of Contemporary Relativity Theory.Jon Dorling - 1973 - Philosophical Review 82 (2):258.
  20.  56
    Evidence and Epistemic Causality.Michael Wilde & Jon Williamson - unknown
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  21.  49
    The Possibility of Rational Politics.Jon Elster - 1986 - Critica 18 (54):17-62.
  22.  31
    Focus games.Jon Scott Stevens - 2016 - Linguistics and Philosophy 39 (5):395-441.
    This paper provides a game-theoretic analysis of contrastive focus, extending insights from recent work on the role of noisy communication in prosodic accent placement to account for focus within sentences, sub-sentential phrases and words. The shared insight behind these models is that languages with prosodic focus marking assign prosodic prominence only within elements which constitute material critical for successful interpretation. We first take care to distinguish the information-structural notion of focus from an ontologically distinct notion of givenness marking, and then (...)
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  23. Doing Good with Virtual Reality: The Ethics of Using Virtual Simulations for Improving Human Morality.Jon Rueda - 2023 - In Andrew Kissel & Erick José Ramirez (eds.), Exploring Extended Realities: Metaphysical, Psychological, and Ethical Challenges. Routledge.
    Much of the excitement and concern with virtual reality (VR) has to do with the impact of virtual experiences on our moral conduct in the “real world”. VR technologies offer vivid simulations that may impact prosocial dispositions and abilities or emotions related to morality. Whereas some experiences could facilitate particular moral behaviors, VR could also inculcate bad moral habits or lead to the surreptitious development of nefarious moral traits. In this chapter, I offer an overview of the ethical debate about (...)
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  24.  40
    How the Law Affects Gun Policy in the United States: Law as Intervention or Obstacle to Prevention.Jon S. Vernick & Julie Samia Mair - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (4):692-704.
    In our experience, public health practitioners seeking to address a health problem often have just two very basic questions about the law: how can I use the law to create new interventions, or improve existing ones, to protect the public’s health; and will the law prevent me from successfully implementing certain interventions? In this way, the law is seen as either an opportunity for intervention to affect a public health problem, or an obstacle to enacting or implementing a desired intervention.In (...)
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    Authentication in Ethos.W. Michael Petullo & Jon A. Solworth - 2013 - Ethos(misc.) 4 (24):67.
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    A Reconstruction of Basic Concepts in Spinoza's Social Psychology.Jon Wetlesen - 1969 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 12:105.
    Spinoza's philosophical anthropology is reconstructed with a view to its relevance to theoretical and practical problems in social psychology. An attempt is made to show how he conceives the interrelations between cognitions, sentiments (i.e. emotions and attitudes), and interests (i.e. drives and desires) as relational concepts and as anchored in social interaction rather than in a purely individualistic conception of man. Spinoza's determinism is interpreted as a personal and social causation, rather than a physical, causal determinism, and his theory of (...)
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  27.  12
    Spinozas vei til indre frihet – gradvis eller plutselig?Jon Wetlesen - 2003 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 21 (2-3):208-240.
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    "Entailment" between performances.Jon Wheatley - 1969 - Philosophical Quarterly 19 (75):161-162.
  29.  47
    Hampshire on human freedom.Jon Wheatley - 1962 - Philosophical Quarterly 12 (48):248-260.
  30.  61
    How to Give a Word a Meaning.Jon Wheatley - 1964 - Theoria 30 (2):119-136.
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    In Defence of Virtue.Jon Wheatley - 1967 - Dialogue 6 (2):240-241.
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    Names.Jon Wheatley - 1965 - Analysis 25 (Suppl-3):73 - 85.
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    On Inadequate Definitions: Their Inadequacy.Jon Wheatley - 1961 - Analysis 22 (1):15 - 18.
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    Philosophy and Linguistics.Jon Wheatley - 1967 - Dialogue 5 (4):609-621.
  35.  47
    Tomatoes and vegetables.Jon Wheatley - 1962 - Theoria 28 (3):312-315.
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    Virtue: An Analysis and a Speculation.Jon Wheatley - 1962 - Analysis 22 (3):70 - 72.
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    Viii.—New books.Jon Wheatley - 1962 - Mind 71 (283):433-434.
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  38. Abduction, reason, and science: Processes of discovery and explanation.Jon Williamson - 2003 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 54 (2):353-358.
  39.  25
    Sex‐biased migration in humans: what should we expect from genetic data?Jon F. Wilkins & Frank W. Marlowe - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (3):290-300.
    Different patterns of mitochondrial and Y-chromosome diversity have been cited as evidence of long-term patrilocality in human populations. However, what patterns are expected depends on the nature of the sampling scheme. Samples from a local region reveal only the recent demographic history of that region, whereas sampling over larger geographic scales accesses older demographic processes. A historical change in migration becomes evident first at local geographic scales, and alters global patterns of genetic diversity only after sufficient time has passed. Analysis (...)
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  40.  14
    Where do we stand on maximal entropy?Jon Williamson - unknown
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    Getting Hooked: Rationality and Addiction.Jon Elster & Ole-Jørgen Skog (eds.) - 1999 - Cambridge University Press.
    The essays in this volume offer a thorough discussion of the relationship between addiction and rationality. This book-length treatment of the subject includes contributions from philosophers, psychiatrists, neurobiologists, sociologists and economists. Contrary to the widespread view that addicts are subject to overpowering and compulsive urges, the authors in this volume demonstrate that addicts are capable of making choices and responding to incentives. At the same time they disagree with Gary Becker's argument that addiction is the result of rational choice. The (...)
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  42.  6
    My Wrangell Mountains.Ruedi Homberger, Jon Van Zyle, Jona Van Zyle & Chris Larsen - 2011 - University of Alaska Press.
    High atop cascading waterfalls and deep within the lush green depths of the valleys, Swiss photographer Ruedi Homberger has for more than twenty years captured in photographs the majestic beauty of eastern Alaska's Wrangell Mountain range. In addition to summiting some of the Wrangells' loftiest peaks, Homberger has in recent years incorporated a technically challenging new approach into his work. Flying above the mountains in a small plane, Homberger literally goes to new heights to reveal a series of stunning aerial (...)
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    ‘Not Without Dust and Heat’: The Moral Bases of the ‘New’ Academic Professionalism.Jon Nixon - 2001 - British Journal of Educational Studies 49 (2):173-186.
    This paper challenges the view that academic professionalism resides in the professional 'autonomy ' of the academic, the 'self-regulation' of academics as an occupational group, and the differential 'status' of academic workers. This still influential notion of academic professionalism, it is argued, leads to institutional stasis. What is required is greater reflexivity by academics in respect of their underlying professional values. In particular the piece challenges the academic community to re-think academic freedom - the bedrock of professional identity within that (...)
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  44.  19
    Richard Jeffrey.Jon Williamson & Federica Russo - 2010 - In Jon Williamson & Federica Russo (eds.), Key Terms in Logic. Continuum Press. pp. 129.
    Key Terms in Logic offers the ideal introduction to this core area in the study of philosophy, providing detailed summaries of the important concepts in the study of logic and the application of logic to the rest of philosophy. A brief introduction provides context and background, while the following chapters offer detailed definitions of key terms and concepts, introductions to the work of key thinkers and lists of key texts. Designed specifically to meet the needs of students and assuming no (...)
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    The linguistic thought of Ernest Gellner.Jon Orman - 2017 - Social Epistemology 31 (4):387-399.
    Theoretical questions concerning language and communication figure prominently throughout the work of the Czech-British social philosopher and anthropologist Ernest Gellner. The article traces the development of Gellner’s linguistic thought from his early, controversial engagements with Ordinary Language Philosophy to his responses to Chomsky’s work in linguistics and his late-career assessments of Wittgenstein and particularly Malinowski whose – subsequently repudiated – view of the fundamental difference between the alleged “primitive” and “scientific” functions of language turns out to play a central explanatory (...)
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    Revisiting the Notion of Vicarious Cause: Allure, Metaphor, and Realism in Object-Oriented Ontology.Jon Cogburn & Niki Young - 2024 - Open Philosophy 7 (1):290-304.
    We revisit the notion of vicarious causation in Graham Harman’s Object-Oriented Ontology (OOO) in order to first show that Harman has articulated two iterations of his account that are in tension with one another; one is found in his earlier paper “On Vicarious Causation,” while the other is contained in his later writings following the publication of Object-Oriented Ontology: A New Theory of Everything. This involves a critical assessment of his developing theory of metaphor in a way that encourages sympathetic (...)
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  47.  19
    Latin Lay Piety in an Islamic Context: The Development of the Third Order Community of St. Mary's of Mt. Sion in Mamluk Jerusalem.Jon Paul Heyne - 2023 - Franciscan Studies 81 (1):33-52.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Latin Lay Piety in an Islamic Context:The Development of the Third Order Community of St. Mary's of Mt. Sion in Mamluk Jerusalem1Jon Paul Heyne (bio)In the spring of 1353, roughly half a century after the Latin world's loss of Acre, the Florentine lady Sofia degli Arcangeli purchased lands in Mamluk Jerusalem for the establishment of a pilgrim hospital run by a group of select companions.2 Thus began the Latin (...)
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  48. Borges and the Refutation of Idealism: A Study of "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius".Jon Stewart - 1996 - Ideas Y Valores 45:64-99.
  49.  16
    Neither One Thing Nor The Other.Jon Adams - 2006 - Metascience 15 (3):613-615.
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    Rendering satellites more visible: Doug Millard: Satellite: Innovation in orbit. London: Reaktion Books, 2017, $25 Cloth.Jon Agar - 2017 - Metascience 26 (3):437-439.
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