Results for 'Julia Kozlik'

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  1.  26
    Contrasting motivational orientation and evaluative coding accounts: on the need to differentiate the effectors of approach/avoidance responses.Julia Kozlik, Roland Neumann & Ljubica Lozo - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  2. Intelligent Virtue.Julia Annas - 2011 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Julia Annas offers a new account of virtue and happiness as central ethical ideas. She argues that exercising a virtue involves practical reasoning of the kind we find in someone exercising an everyday practical skill, such as farming, building, or playing the piano. This helps us to see virtue as part of an agent's happiness or flourishing.
  3. Transitional attitudes and the unmooring view of higher‐order evidence.Julia Staffel - 2021 - Noûs 57 (1):238-260.
    This paper proposes a novel answer to the question of what attitude agents should adopt when they receive misleading higher-order evidence that avoids the drawbacks of existing views. The answer builds on the independently motivated observation that there is a difference between attitudes that agents form as conclusions of their reasoning, called terminal attitudes, and attitudes that are formed in a transitional manner in the process of reasoning, called transitional attitudes. Terminal and transitional attitudes differ both in their descriptive and (...)
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  4. Metabolism Instead of Machine: Towards an Ontology of Hybrids.Julia Rijssenbeek, Vincent Blok & Zoë Robaey - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (3):1-23.
    The emerging field of synthetic biology aims to engineer novel biological entities. The envisioned future bio-based economy builds largely on “cell factories”: organisms that have been metabolically engineered to sustainably produce substances for human ends. In this paper, we argue that synthetic biology’s goal of creating efficient production vessels for industrial applications implies a set of ontological assumptions according to which living organisms are machines. Traditionally, a machine is understood as a technological, isolated and controllable production unit consisting of parts. (...)
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    Motivated formal reasoning: Ideological belief bias in syllogistic reasoning across diverse political issues.Julia Aspernäs, Arvid Erlandsson & Artur Nilsson - 2023 - Thinking and Reasoning 29 (1):43-69.
    This study investigated ideological belief bias, and whether this effect is moderated by analytical thinking. A Swedish nationally representative sample (N = 1005) evaluated non-political and political syllogisms and were asked whether the conclusions followed logically from the premises. The correct response in the political syllogisms was aligned with either leftist or rightist political ideology. Political orientation predicted response accuracy for political but not non-political syllogisms. Overall, the participants correctly evaluated more syllogisms when the correct response was congruent with their (...)
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  6. The dynamics of moral progress.Julia Hermann - 2019 - Ratio 32 (4):300-311.
    Assuming that there is moral progress, and assuming that the abolition of slavery is an example of it, how does moral progress occur? Is it mainly driven by specific individuals who have gained new moral insights, or by changes in the socio‐economic and epistemic conditions in which agents morally judge the norms and practices of their society, and act upon these judgements? In this paper, I argue that moral progress is a complex process in which changes at the level of (...)
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    Three Paths to Feeling Just: How Managers Grapple with Justice Conundrums During Organizational Change.Julia Zwank, Marjo-Riitta Diehl & Marion Fortin - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (1):217-236.
    Managers tasked with organizational change often face irreconcilable demands on how to enact justice—situations we call _justice conundrums_. Drawing on interviews held with managers before and after a planned large-scale change, we identify specific conundrums and illustrate how managers grapple with these through three prototypical paths. Among our participants, the paths increasingly diverged over time, culminating in distinct career decisions. Based on our findings, we develop an integrative process model that illustrates how managers grapple with justice conundrums. Our contributions are (...)
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  8. 'I Wish My Speech Were Like a Loadstone’: Cavendish on Love and Self-Love.Julia Borcherding - 2021 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 121 (3):381-409.
    This paper examines the surprisingly central role of sympathetic love within Margaret Cavendish’s philosophy. It shows that such love fulfils a range of metaphysical functions, and highlight an important shift in Cavendish’s account vis-a-vis earlier conceptions: sympathetic love is no longer given an emanative or mechanistic explanation, but is naturalized as an active emotion. It furthers investigate to what extent Cavendish’s account reveals a rift between the realm of nature and the realm of human sociability, and whether this rift really (...)
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  9. Being Virtuous and Doing the Right Thing.Julia Annas - 2003 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 78 (2):61 - 75.
    It is sometimes argued that virtue ethics is incapable of 'telling us what to do'. I explore what this could mean, and come to the conclusion that virtue ethics does enable this, in the only sense in which it is something which we would reasonably want in an ethical theory.
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  10. Classifying and characterizing active materials.Julia R. S. Bursten - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1):2007-2026.
    This article examines the distinction between active matter and active materials, and it offers foundational remarks toward a system of classification for active materials. Active matter is typically identified as matter that exhibits two characteristic features: self-propelling parts, and coherent dynamical activity among the parts. These features are exhibited across a wide range of organic and inorganic materials, and they are jointly sufficient for classifying matter as active. Recently, the term “active materials” has entered scientific use as a complement, supplement, (...)
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  11. Saints, heroes, sages, and villains.Julia Markovits - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 158 (2):289-311.
    This essay explores the question of how to be good. My starting point is a thesis about moral worth that I’ve defended in the past: roughly, that an action is morally worthy if and only it is performed for the reasons why it is right. While I think that account gets at one important sense of moral goodness, I argue here that it fails to capture several ways of being worthy of admiration on moral grounds. Moral goodness is more multi-faceted. (...)
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  12. The phenomenology of virtue.Julia Annas - 2008 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7 (1):21-34.
    What is it like to be a good person? I examine and reject suggestions that this will involve having thoughts which have virtue or being a good person as part of their content, as well as suggestions that it might be the presence of feelings distinct from the virtuous person’s thoughts. Is there, then, anything after all to the phenomenology of virtue? I suggest that an answer is to be found in looking to Aristotle’s suggestion that virtuous activity is pleasant (...)
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  13. Virtue Ethics and Social Psychology.Julia Annas - 2003 - A Priori 2:20-34.
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  14. Nothing Is Simply One Thing: Conway on Multiplicities in Causation and Cognition.Julia Borcherding - 2019 - In Dominik Perler & Sebastian Bender (eds.), Causation and Cognition in Early Modern Philosophy. London: Routledge. pp. 123-145.
  15. Précis for Unsettled Thoughts.Julia Staffel - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (10):3151-3154.
    This précis gives a brief summary of the key points of Julia Staffel’s book Unsettled Thoughts.
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    Cognitive and affective predictors of boredom proneness.Julia Isacescu, Andriy Anatolievich Struk & James Danckert - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (8):1741-1748.
    Boredom proneness has been linked to various forms of cognitive and affective dysregulation including poor self-control and mind-wandering, as well as depression and aggression. As such, understanding boredom and the associated cognitive and affective components of the experience, represents an important first step in combatting the consequences of boredom for psychological well-being. We surveyed 1928 undergraduate students on measures of boredom proneness, self-control, MW, depression and aggression to investigate how these constructs were related. Hierarchical regression analysis indicated that self-control operated (...)
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  17. Self-love in Aristotle.Julia Annas - 1989 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 27 (S1):1-18.
  18. Phantasy's systematic place in Husserl's work: On the condition of possibility for a phenomenology of experience.Julia Jansen - 2005 - In Rudolf Bernet, Donn Welton & Gina Zavota (eds.), Edmund Husserl: critical assessments of leading philosophers. New York: Routledge. pp. 221-243.
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  19. .Julia Staffel - unknown
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    The Voices Missing from the Autonomy Discourse (Are Also the Most Indispensable).Julia D. Gibson - 2019 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 12 (1):77-98.
    Jonathan Beever and Nicolae Morar’s (2016) article “The Porosity of Autonomy: Social and Biological Constitution of the Patient in Biomedicine” and its accompanying commentaries in the American Journal of Bioethics—though insightful, innovative, and provocative—overlook key interlocutors necessary for any discussion of whether the mid-twentieth-century biomedical principle of autonomy should be revised or revoked. The conversation sparked by “The Porosity of Autonomy” will remain both incomplete and politically untenable so long as there is no meaningful engagement with persons/communities who appeal to (...)
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    (1 other version)Rethinking Integration of Epistemic Strategies in Social Understanding: Examining the Central Role of Mindreading in Pluralist Accounts.Julia Wolf, Sabrina Coninx & Albert Newen - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (7):1-29.
    In recent years, theories of social understanding have moved away from arguing that just one epistemic strategy, such as theory-based inference or simulation constitutes our ability of social understanding. Empirical observations speak against any monistic view and have given rise to pluralistic accounts arguing that humans rely on a large variety of epistemic strategies in social understanding. We agree with this promising pluralist approach, but highlight two open questions: what is the residual role of mindreading, i.e. the indirect attribution of (...)
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  22. Virtue and Eudaimonism.Julia Annas - 1998 - Social Philosophy and Policy 15 (1):37.
    The two most important and central concepts in ancient ethical theory are those of virtue and happiness. This is well-known by now, as is the way that many scholars and philosophers have in recent years investigated the structure of ancient ethical theories, at least partly in the hope that this would help us in our modern ethical thinking by introducing us to developed theories which escape the problems that have led to so much frustration with deontological and consequentialist approaches. And (...)
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  23. Kantian constructivism.Julia Markovits & Kenneth Walden - 2020 - In Ruth Chang & Kurt Sylvan (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Practical Reason. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Theories of reasons and other normativia can seem to lead ineluctably to a tragic dilemma. They can be personal but parochial if they locate reasons in features of the point of view of actual people. Or they can be objective but alien if they take reasons to be mind-independent fixtures of the universe. Kantian constructivism tries to offer the best of both worlds: an account of normative authority anchored in the evaluative perspectives of actual agents but refined by a procedure (...)
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    In-the-Moment Profiles of Expectancies, Task Values, and Costs.Julia Dietrich, Julia Moeller, Jiesi Guo, Jaana Viljaranta & Bärbel Kracke - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    “What the patient wants…”: Lay attitudes towards end-of-life decisions in Germany and Israel.Julia Inthorn, Silke Schicktanz, Nitzan Rimon-Zarfaty & Aviad Raz - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (3):329-340.
    National legislation, as well as arguments of experts, in Germany and Israel represent opposite regulatory approaches and positions in bioethical debates concerning end-of-life care. This study analyzes how these positions are mirrored in the attitudes of laypeople and influenced by the religious views and personal experiences of those affected. We qualitatively analyzed eight focus groups in Germany and Israel in which laypeople were asked to discuss similar scenarios involving the withholding or withdrawing of treatment, physician-assisted suicide, and euthanasia. In both (...)
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  26.  36
    The Paradox of False Belief Understanding: The Role of Cognitive and Situational Factors for the Development of Social Cognition.Julia Wolf - 2021 - De Gruyter.
    Our ability to understand others is one of the most central parts of human life, but explaining how this ability develops remains a controversial issue, exercising psychologists and philosophers alike. Within this literature the Paradox of False Belief Understanding remains one of the main open challenges. Based on an up to date overview of the empirical and theoretical literature, this book highlights the significance of this paradox for our understanding of the development of social cognition and provides a new explanation (...)
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    Hierarchical Structure in Sequence Processing: How to Measure It and Determine Its Neural Implementation.Julia Uddén, Mauricio Jesus Dias Martins, Willem Zuidema & W. Tecumseh Fitch - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (3):910-924.
    Spoken language consists of a linear sequence of units, from which the existence of particular underlying hierarchical processing mechanisms is inferred. Uddén et al. use graph theory to provide a framework for describing the possible structural relationships that may underlie a linear output sequence. Being more explicit in defining different structures can help identifying and testing for such structures in AGL experiments, as well as help showing how behavioral and neuroimaging data reveals signatures of hierarchical processing in humans.
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    A longitudinal experimental study comparing the effectiveness of happiness-enhancing strategies in Anglo Americans and Asian Americans.Julia K. Boehm, Sonja Lyubomirsky & Kennon M. Sheldon - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (7):1263-1272.
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    Differential recruitment of executive resources during mind wandering.Julia W. Y. Kam & Todd C. Handy - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 26:51-63.
    Recent research has shown that mind wandering recruits executive resources away from the external task towards inner thoughts. No studies however have determined whether executive functions are drawn away in a unitary manner during mind wandering episodes, or whether there is variation in specific functions impacted. Accordingly, we examined whether mind wandering differentially modulates three core executive functions—response inhibition, updating of working memory, and mental set shifting. In three experiments, participants performed one of these three executive function tasks and reported (...)
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    The Metaphysics of Leibniz’s New System.Julia Borcherding - 2020 - In Paul Lodge & Lloyd Strickland (eds.), Leibniz's Key Philosophical Writings: A Guide. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    The 1695 publication of the “New System of the Nature of Substances and their Communication, and of the Union which Exists between the Soul and the Body” in the June 27 and July 4 issues of the Parisian Journal des sçavans marks an important milestone in Leibniz’s philosophical trajectory. It presented the first comprehensive public presentation of his metaphysics as it had matured over the preceding decades, and it would spark many lively exchanges and debates between Leibniz and his philosophical (...)
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    Interaction Analysis as an Embodied and Interactive Process: Multimodal, Co-operative, and Intercorporeal Ways of Seeing Video Data as Complementary Professional Visions.Julia Katila & Sanna Raudaskoski - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (3):445-470.
    The analysis of video-recorded interaction consists of various professionalized ways of seeing participant behavior through multimodal, co-operative, or intercorporeal lenses. While these perspectives are often adopted simultaneously, each creates a different view of the human body and interaction. Moreover, microanalysis is often produced through local practices of sense-making that involve the researchers’ bodies. It has not been fully elaborated by previous research how adopting these different ways of seeing human behavior influences both what is seen from a video and how (...)
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  32.  50
    Moral Necessity, Agent Causation, and the Determination of Free Actions in Clarke and Leibniz.Julia Jorati - 2021 - In Marco Haussman & Jorg Nöller (eds.), Free Will: Historical and Analytic Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 165-202.
    On the standard interpretation, Samuel Clarke and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz endorse fundamentally different theories of free will. Clarke is typically interpreted as a libertarian who holds that freedom requires indeterminism. Leibniz, in contrast, is typically interpreted as a compatibilist who holds that free actions can be determined. This chapter challenges the standard interpretation and argues that Clarke and Leibniz agree almost completely about free will. Both require free actions to be instances of agent causation, and both view freedom as compatible (...)
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    Psychoanalysis and the Polis.Julia Kristeva & Margaret Waller - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 9 (1):77-92.
    The essays in this volume convince me of something which, until now was only a hypothesis of mine. Academic discourse, and perhaps American university discourse in particular, possesses an extraordinary ability to absorb, digest, and neutralize all of the key, radical or dramatic moments of thought, particularly, a fortiori, of contemporary though. Marxism in the United States, though marginalized, remains deafly dominant and exercises a fascination that we have not seen in Europe since the Russian Proletkult of the 1930s. Post-Heideggerian (...)
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    Impact of gender and professional education on attitudes towards financial incentives for organ donation: results of a survey among 755 students of medicine and economics in Germany.Julia Inthorn, Sabine Wöhlke, Fabian Schmidt & Silke Schicktanz - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):56.
    There is an ongoing expert debate with regard to financial incentives in order to increase organ supply. However, there is a lacuna of empirical studies on whether citizens would actually support financial incentives for organ donation.
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  35. Rowlands, Rawlsian Justice and Animal Experimentation.Julia Tanner - 2011 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 14 (5):569-587.
    Mark Rowlands argues that, contrary to the dominant view, a Rawlsian theory of justice can legitimately be applied to animals. One of the implications of doing so, Rowlands argues, is an end to animal experimentation. I will argue, contrary to Rowlands, that under a Rawlsian theory there may be some circumstances where it is justifiable to use animals as experimental test subjects (where the individual animals are benefited by the experiments).
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    Defining disability and the role of the disability and the medical communities.Julia Mosquera - 2022 - Theoria 88 (3):653-665.
    Definitions of disability are useful for different purposes and carry normative significance. However, defining disability has proven a difficult task. Communities with different theoretical backgrounds and practical aims disagree about how to define disability. Recently, Chong‐Ming Lim (2018) has attempted to define disability in a manner accommodating of the different interests and theoretical commitments of the disability and the medical communities. His account aims at broadening Elizabeth Barnes' (2016) definition of disability, which is not sufficiently inclusive of the interests of (...)
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    „Jak żywa” to "uniwersalny komunał"? O nieoczywistych związkach prozopopei z ekfrazą w powieści Portret Pierre’a Assouline’a.Julia Dynkowska - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 61 (2):83-99.
    It stands to reason that ekphrasis cannot be limited to the detailed but plain description of the artifact, for it often concerns what is not there in the painting as well. Authors of the ekphrases sometimes “animate” or “revive” a work of art, which manifests itself in narrativization of painted scenes. The process is also frequently supplemented by its continuation or backstory and fictitious utterances of figures depicted in the painting. The paper discusses a specific literary form of that kind (...)
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    Códices misceláneos de agronomía andalusí.Julia María Carabaza & Expiración García - 1998 - Al-Qantara 19 (2):393-393.
    The majority of treatises on agriculture in al-Andalus can be found in miscellaneous codexes which are mainly attributed to only one author, which has brought about a number of false attributions of authorship we will analyse in this research. We then make a brief study of the different miscellaneous manuscripts, studying the different attributions to which they have been object more in detail so as to attempt to mark the boundaries of each one. This study is summarized in a table. (...)
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    Kollektive Rechtsmobilisierung von alternativen Streitbeilegungsmechanismen.Julia Dahlvik & Axel Pohn-Weidinger - 2021 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 7 (1):117-152.
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  40. Moral Bookkeeping, Consequentialism, and Carbon Offsets.Julia Driver - 2013 - In Avram Hiller, Ramona Ilea & Leonard Kahn (eds.), Consequentialism and environmental ethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 164-173.
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    Kommentar II zum Fall: „Therapiezieländerung bei einem Kind mit schweren angeborenen Fehlbildungen“.Julia Inthorn - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (4):555-557.
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    Die außerschulische politische Bildung in Corona-Zeiten und danach?!Julia Oppermann - 2022 - Polis 25 (4):15-17.
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    Del debate del humanismo a las Humanidades: Reflexiones sobre lo humano.Julia Urabayen - 2012 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 1 (2).
    Este artículo aborda el debate sobre el humanismo iniciado por Sartre y seguido por la respuesta de Heidegger. Después de una ruptura con la imagen clásica del ser humano, dichos autores marcaron una nueva forma de pensar acerca del ser humano, que ya no era visto como un sujeto. Después de esta discusión, se analiza el humanismo de Levinas, que trata de ver al ser humano como un rehén del otro. En la última sección, se explica que este debate ha (...)
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  44. Aristotle's "Politics": A Symposium: Aristotle on Human Nature and Political Virtue.Julia Annas - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (4):731 - 753.
    Nature in the Politics has been most extensively studied in the context of the book 1 argument that the polis is "by nature." Fred Miller's Nature, Justice, and Rights in Aristotle's Politics is a landmark in this respect as in many others, and his discussion of the naturalness of the polis is, I think, definitive, and should put an end to the notion that according to Aristotle people find their natural end functioning as mere parts in some large organic social (...)
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  45. Contractarianism and Secondary Direct Moral Standing for Marginal Humans and Animals.Julia Tanner - 2013 - Res Publica 19 (2):1-16.
    It is commonly thought that neo-Hobbesian contractarianism cannot yield direct moral standing for marginal humans and animals. However, it has been argued that marginal humans and animals can have a form of direct moral standing under neo-Hobbesian contractarianism: secondary moral standing. I will argue that, even if such standing is direct, this account is unsatisfactory because it is counterintuitive and fragile.
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    The Effects of Slavery on Enslaved People and Eighteenth-Century Antislavery Arguments.Julia Jorati - 2025 - Journal of Modern Philosophy 6 (2):1-30.
    Many antislavery authors in the eighteenth century contend that enslavement degrades the human mind and causes enslaved people to exhibit inferior moral or intellectual traits. They often use this contention to combat the racist claim that Black people are naturally inferior to Whites and that this natural inferiority justifies enslavement, insisting instead that the disparity is simply an effect of enslavement. After examining this argumentative strategy and what makes it appealing, this paper investigates several ways in which it is problematic. (...)
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    VI-My Station and its Duties: Ideals and the Social Embeddedness of Virtue.Julia Annas - 2002 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 102 (1):109-123.
    In the Stoics we find a combination of two perspectives which are commonly thought to conflict: the embedded perspective from within one's social context, and the universal perspective of the member of the moral community of rational beings. I argue that the Stoics do have a unified theory, one which avoids problems that trouble some modern theories which try to unite these perspectives.
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    Introduction.Julia Driver - 2001 - Utilitas 13 (2):137.
    The evaluation of character has taken on new significance in moral theory, and, indeed, some advocate a shift in focus away from evaluating action to evaluating character. This has been taken to pose special challenges for utilitarian and consequentialist moral theory. Utilitarianism's commitment to impartiality and its seeming failure to accommodate virtue evaluation have led to problems, some of which are developed in the essays in this volume.
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  49. Evaluative Standards In Art Criticism: A Defence.Julia Peters - 2005 - Postgraduate Journal of Aesthetics 2 (1):32-44.
    To a superficial consideration, art criticism might appear as a profession of a parasitic nature, nourishing itself on what is produced by others: by artists. In fact, however, the relation between artistic practice and its criticism is more adequately conceived of as a sort of symbiosis. For, while it is true that criticism depends on and presupposes the existence of its objects - that is, works of art - on the other hand nothing would prevent good art from being equated (...)
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  50. Imagination de-naturalized: phantasy, the imaginary, and imaginative ontology.Julia Jansen - 2018 - In Dan Zahavi (ed.), Oxford Handbook of the History of Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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