Results for 'Lauer David'

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  1.  87
    What Is It to Know Someone?David Lauer - 2014 - Philosophical Topics 42 (1):321-344.
    Ordinary language makes a distinction between knowing a person by having seen her before and knowing her “personally,” that is, by having interacted with her. The aim of my paper is to substantiate this distinction between knowledge by interaction and knowledge by acquaintance, that is, knowledge acquired by way of the senses. According to my view, knowledge of a person by interaction is the kind of knowledge sustained by addressing her as “you.” I claim that this second-person knowledge is essentially (...)
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  2. Coming Full Circle. Experience, Tradition, and Critique in Gadamer and McDowell.David Lauer - 2023 - In Daniel Martin Feige & Thomas J. Spiegel, McDowell and the hermeneutic tradition. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 166-191.
    John McDowell’s Mind and World takes us on a philosophical journey leading from the concept of experience to the concept of tradition. It also traces a conceptual path from a Kantian to a Gadamerian problematic. In this paper, it is argued that a final step is missing in order to complete the conceptual arc of Mind and World and make the book come full circle: The Kantian conception of experience articulated on the first pages of of the book needs to (...)
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  3. Concepts, Normativity, and Self-Knowledge. On Ginsborg's Conception of Primitive Normativity.David Lauer - 2020 - In Christoph Demmerling & Dirk Schroder, Concepts in Thought, Action, and Perception. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 117-138.
    In a series of intriguing and far-reaching papers, Hannah Ginsborg introduced the notion of “primitive normativity” as the cornerstone of a novel account of the normativity of concepts, thought, and meaning. Her account is supposed to steer a middle course between what she regards as the two horns of a dilemma first laid out by Saul Kripke in his seminal reading of Wittgenstein’s discussion of rule-following. I propose to investigate Ginsborg’s conception. I begin by establishing the conceptual relations between the (...)
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  4. Offenheit zur Welt. Die Auflösung des Dualismus von Begriff und Anschauung.David Lauer - 2014 - In Barth Christian & Lauer David, Die Philosophie John McDowells. Münster: Mentis. pp. 37-62.
    This article (in German) discusses the scope and content of John McDowell's famous claim that human perception is "conceptual all the way out". I motivate the claim by explaining its role within McDowell's transcendental concern to account for the mind's "openness to the world", i. e. the immediate presence or givenness (no capital "G") of objective reality in human perception. I argue that (a) dissolving this problem requires us to understand human perception as a rational power, that (b) a rational (...)
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    Die Feinkörnigkeit des Begrifflichen.David Lauer - 2013 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 61 (5-6):769-786.
    This paper examines a deeply engrained intuition according to which the relation between concepts and perception is deeply problematic, because - so the intuition goes - our conceptual capacities are constitutively unable to match our perceptual capacities in fineness of grain. After some introductory remarks concerning the concept of a concept , I present the intuition and articulate the argument from fineness of grain that the intuition embodies . I go on to sketch the conception of a specific type of (...)
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  6. Expressivism and the Layer Cake Picture of Discursive Practice.David Lauer - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (1):55-73.
    Robert Brandom defends the intelligibility of the notion of a fully discursive practice that does not include any kind of logical vocabulary. Logical vocabulary, according to his account, should be understood as an optional extra to discursive practice, not as a necessary ingredient. Call this the Layer Cake Picture of the relation of logical to non-logical discursive practices. The aim pursued in this paper is to show, by way of an internal critique, that the Layer Cake Picture is in fact (...)
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    Expérience et réflexivité: perspectives au-delà de l’empirisme et de l’idéalisme.David Lauer, Christophe Laudou, Robin Celikates & Georg W. Bertram (eds.) - 2011 - L'Harmattan.
    This book collects essays from the 2006 and 2007 International Philosophy Colloquia Evian, centred around a central problem in the philosophy of mind: the relationship between the human faculty of sensory experience and the faculty of conceptual reflection, that is self-consciousness. Containing articles by philosophers of eight nationalities, in three languages (English, French, German), and of "analytical" as well as "continental" provenance, it beautifully represents the spirit of the colloquia. Authors include Joshua Andresen (AU Beirut), Valérie Aucouturier (Kent U / (...)
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  8. Anamorphotische Aspekte. Wittgenstein über Techniken des Sehens.David Lauer - 2008 - In Kyung-Ho Cha & Markus Rautzenberg, Der entstellte Blick. Fink. pp. 230-244.
    This paper (in German) uses Wittgenstein's concept of seeing aspects to understand the peculiarities of anamorphotic art. I aim to show that Wittgenstein's conception of aspect perception includes the idea of conceptual capacities as well as of bodily techniques and hence bridges the supposed divide between receptivity and spontaneity. A comparison is suggested with some aspects of Merleau-Ponty's philosophy of perception.
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    Anschauung und kritische Subjektivität.David Lauer - 2010 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (3):492-498.
    This is a review article on John McDowell's philosophical papers collected in "Having the World in View" and "The Engaged Intellect", both from Harvard UP, 2008.
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  10. Die Welt im Blick haben. John McDowell über das Sehen von etwas als etwas.David Lauer - 2006 - In Bertram Georg, Jasper Liptow, David Lauer & Martin Seel, Die Artikulation der Welt. Frankfurt am Main: Humanities Online. pp. 65-88.
    According to Donald Davidson and other philosophers who wish to avoid what Sellars called the Myth of the Given (like Brandom and Rorty), the relation between the deliverances of our senses and our conceptual capacities is not foundational (justificatory), but merely causal. In Mind and World, John McDowell criticizes Davidson for this view and maintains that this kind of coherentism makes it impossible to understand the intentionality of thought and language. However, many critics have complained that they cannot find an (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Genuine Normativity, Expressive Bootstrapping, and Normative Phenomenalism.David Lauer - 2009 - Etica and Politica / Ethics & Politics 11 (1):321-350.
    In this paper, I offer a detailed critical reading of Robert Brandom’s project to give an expressive bootstrapping account of intentionality, cashed out as a normative-phenomenalist account of what I will call genuine normativity. I claim that there is a reading of Making It Explicit that evades the predominant charges of either reductionism or circularity. However, making sense of Brandom’s book in the way proposed here involves correcting Brandom’s own general account of what he is doing in it, and thus (...)
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    In der Welt der Sprache: Konsequenzen des semantischen Holismus.David Lauer, Georg W. Bertram, Martin Seel & Jasper Liptow - 2008 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    This book attempts to give a systematic account of the development of semantic holism within the philosophy of language in the 20th century. One of the things that might make it interesting is that it covers philosophers from the analytic tradition (Hilbert, Schlick, Sellars, Davidson, McDowell) as well as structuralist and post-structuralist philosophers (Saussure, Jakobson, Hjelmslev, Merleau-Ponty, Derrida). It is not only claimed that these philosophers address what can intelligibly be recognized as the same systematic questions concerning the constitution of (...)
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  13. Lagerkoller. Giorgio Agamben und seine Texte zur Pandemie.David Lauer - 2021 - Zibaldone. Zeitschrift Für Italienische Kultur der Gegenwart 71:63-72.
    In his collection of articles, "Where Are We Now - The Epidemic as Politics", Giorgio Agamben appears to make some very startling (if not downright outrageous) claims concerning the political situation in Italy and elsewhere in Europe during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this piece [in German] I analyse how these claims are rooted in the philosophy of Agamben's "Homo sacer" project. Focussing on three central notions (Schmitt's "state of exception", Foucault's "biopolitics", and Agamben's very own "bare life"), I show how (...)
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  14. Leiblichkeit und Begrifflichkeit. Überlegungen zum Begriff der Wahrnehmung nach Merleau-Ponty und McDowell.David Lauer - 2013 - In Karl Mertens & Ingo Günzler, Wahrnehmen, Fühlen, Handeln. Phänomenologie im Widerstreit der Methoden. Mentis. pp. 365-381.
    This paper (in German) is a contribution to the ongoing engagement of phenomenological authors with John McDowell's philosophy of perception (most prominent in the so-called Dreyfus-McDowell-Debate). First, I argue that McDowell and Merleau-Ponty share a common topic (the intentionality of perception), a common question (how is it possible?), a common position in the debate (neither empiricism nor intellectualism provide satisfactory answers to the question), and a common conviction (no epistemic intermediaries must be allowed in accounting for perceptual openness to the (...)
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  15. Plurale Autorschaft von Mensch und Künstlicher Intelligenz?David Lauer - 2023 - Literatur in Wissenschaft Und Unterricht 2023 (2):245-266.
    This paper (in German) discusses the question of what is going on when large language models (LLMs) produce meaningful text in reaction to human prompts. Can LLMs be understood as authors or producers of speech acts? I argue that this question has to be answered in the negative, for two reasons. First, due to their lack of semantic understanding, LLMs do not understand what they are saying and hence literally do not know what they are (linguistically) doing. Since the agent’s (...)
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  16. Sprache als Spiel: 'ergon' and 'energeia'.David Lauer - 2014 - In Lauer David, Spielzüge. Zur Dialektik des Spiels und seinem metaphorischen Mehrwert. Alber. pp. 324-363.
    This paper (in German) lays out two different conceptions of language as 'Spiel', which I call - appropriating a pair of expressions used by Wilhelm von Humboldt - 'Spiel' as 'ergon' and 'Spiel' as 'energeia'. The first one conceives of 'Spiel' as 'game', an abstract entity constituted by a set of rules; the second one conceives of 'Spiel' as 'play', a mode of being that is constituted by a certain kind of movement. I show how the metaphor of language as (...)
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    Sinnbildung als Weltbildung.David Lauer - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (2):307-312.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 67 Heft: 2 Seiten: 307-312.
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  18. Sinn und Präsenz. Über Transparenz und Opazität in der Sprache.David Lauer - 2010 - In Markus Rautzenberg, Hide and Seek. Das Spiel von Transparenz und Opazität. Fink. pp. 311-324.
    This article (in German) presents a sustained critique of Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht's conceptual dichotomy of linguistic meaning and bodily or perceptual presence (as developed in his "Production of Presence: What Meaning Cannot Convey" and other writings). It is argued that Gumbrecht's fear of a "loss of presence" in contemporary philosophical reflection is based on a certain formalist-structuralist view of language that is, although predominant in some quarters during the 20th century, ultimately untenable. The right way to make room for a (...)
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  19. Wittgenstein und die Gewalt des Namens.David Lauer - 2010 - In Hannes Kuch & Steffen Kitty Herrmann, Philosophien sprachlicher Gewalt: 21 Grundpositionen von Platon bis Butler. Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft. pp. 134-153.
    This article (in German) develops the outlines of a Wittgensteinian philosophy of the proper name. It goes beyond standard analytical treatments of proper names as referential devices in asking what kind of role the proper name of a person has for that person's identity. Hence, proper names are discussed in their relations with the capacity of saying "I", with the capacity of addressing persons as persons (or saying "you"), and with the general role words play for a person's symbolic identity. (...)
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    Die Philosophie John McDowells. Ein Handbuch, 334 S., Mentis Verlag, Münster 2014.Christian Barth & David Lauer - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 70 (2):311-311.
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  21. Die Artikulation der Welt.Bertram Georg, Jasper Liptow, David Lauer & Martin Seel (eds.) - 2006 - Frankfurt am Main: Humanities Online.
    A collection of essays by German philosophers on the question of the dispensability or indispensability of language for human capacities of thought, perception, and agency.
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    Intersubjectivité et pratique: Contributions à l’étude des pragmatismes dans la philosophie contemporaine.Georg W. Bertram, Stefan Blank, Christophe Laudou & David Lauer (eds.) - 2005 - L'Harmattan.
    Le présent livre a pour objet la "renaissance du pragmatisme" dans la philosophie contemporaine, qu'il tente d'éclairer en analysant les relations systématiques entre le concept de pratique et celui d'intersubjectivité. Il est le résultat de l'effort collectif de chercheurs issus de plusieurs pays, formés dans des traditions philosophiques différentes, et désireux de surmonter par le dialogue l'opposition entre philosophie anglo-américaine et philosophie continentale..
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  23.  10
    Socialité et reconnaissance: Grammaires de l’humain.Georg W. Bertram, Robin Celikates, Christophe Laudou & David Lauer (eds.) - 2007 - L'Harmattan.
    Les diverses formes de vie en commun appellent des modalités de reconnaissance très différentes. Mais il s'agit toujours de combats pour une insertion sociale réussie. Voici une tentative de déclinaison de la nature sociale de l'homme de façon à saisir les grammaires de l'humain comme les grammaires de la reconnaissance. Plusieurs articles en allemand et en anglais.
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    Constantin Brunner im Kontext: ein Intellektueller zwischen Kaiserreich und Exil.Irene Aue-Ben-David, Gerhard Lauer & Jürgen Stenzel (eds.) - 2014 - Jerusalem: Magnes.
    Eine Ko-Publikation von The Hebrew University Magnes Press and De Gruyter.
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  25. Richard Wagner, Fritz Lang, and the Nibelungen: The Dramaturgy of Disavowal. By David J. Levin.A. R. Lauer - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (5):685-685.
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  26. Hegel and Religion: Avoiding Double Truth, Twice.David Kolb - 2012 - Hegel Bulletin 33 (1):71-87.
    When I was first studying Hegel I encountered quite divergent readings of his views on religion. The teacher who first presented Hegel to me was a Jesuit, Quentin Lauer at Fordham University, who read Hegel as a Christian theologian providing a better metaphysical system for understanding the doctrines of the Trinity and Incarnation. When I studied at Yale, Kenley Dove read Hegel as the first thoroughly atheistic philosopher, who presented the conditions of thought without reference to any foundational absolute (...)
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  27. Is Social Ontology Prior to Social Scientific Methodology?Richard Lauer - 2019 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 49 (3):171-189.
    In this article I examine “Ontology Matters!” (OM!) arguments. OM! arguments conclude that ontology can contribute to empirical success in social science. First, I capture the common form between different OM! arguments. Second, I describe quantifier variance as discussed in metaontology. Third, I apply quantifier variance to the common form of OM! arguments. I then present two ways in which ontology is prior to social science methodology, one realist and one pragmatic. I argue that a pragmatic interpretation of ontology’s priority (...)
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  28. Motivating a Pragmatic Approach to Naturalized Social Ontology.Richard Lauer - 2022 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 53 (4):403–419.
    Recent contributions to the philosophy of the social sciences have motivated ontological commitments using appeals to the social sciences (_naturalized_ social ontologies). These arguments rely on social scientific realism about the social sciences, the view that our social scientific theories are approximately true. I apply a distinction formulated in metaontology between ontologically loaded and unloaded meanings of existential quantification to argue that there is a pragmatic approach to naturalized social ontology that is minimally realist (it treats existence claims as true (...)
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    Review of J. Quentin Lauer: The Triumph of Subjectivity[REVIEW]J. Lauer - 1959 - Ethics 69 (3):223-224.
  30.  50
    The Suspension of Reason in Hegel and Schelling.Christopher Lauer - 2010 - New York: Continuum.
    Introduction -- Suspension -- Hegel and Schelling -- Outline of the whole -- The surge of reason : faculty epistemology in Kant and Fichte -- The first critique's basic distinction -- The third critique -- Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre -- Ascendant reason : the early Schelling -- Of the I -- The treatises -- Metastatic reason : Schelling's nature philosophy -- Organic reason : ideas for a philosophy of nature -- Rational nature : on the world-soul -- Inhibition of nature : the (...)
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  31.  57
    Instrumentalizing and Naturalizing Social Ontology: Replies to Lohse and Little.Richard Lauer - 2021 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 51 (1):24-39.
    This article addresses Simon Lohse’s and Daniel Little’s responses to my article “Is Social Ontology Prior to Social Scientific Methodology?.” In that article, I present a pragmatic and deflationary view of the priority of social ontology to social science methodology where social ontology is valued for its ability to promote empirical success and not because it yields knowledge of what furnishes the social world. First, in response to Lohse, I argue that my view is compatible with a role for ontological (...)
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  32. A Reading of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit.Quentin Lauer - 1976 - Religious Studies 13 (3):360-364.
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    Predictive Success and Non-Individualist Models in Social Science.Richard Lauer - 2017 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 47 (2):145-161.
    The predictive inadequacy of the social sciences is well documented, and philosophers have sought to diagnose it. This paper examines Brian Epstein’s recent diagnosis. He argues that the social sciences treat the social world as entirely composed of individual people. Instead, social scientists should recognize that material, non-individualistic entities determine the social world, as well. First, I argue that Epstein’s argument both begs the question against his opponents and is not sufficiently charitable. Second, I present doubts that his proposal will (...)
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    Preference‐Conditioned Necessities: Detachment and Practical Reasoning.Sven Lauer & Cleo Condoravdi - 2014 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 95 (4):584-621.
    This article is about conditionalized modal statements whose antecedents concern a preferential attitude of an agent. The focus is on anankastic conditionals or, as they are known in the philosophical literature, hypothetical imperatives. We present a linguistically-motivated analysis of anankastic and related conditionals and use it to address challenges for semantic theories of natural language conditionals motivated by certain philosophical concerns about practical reasoning and the requirements of rationality.
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    An early sex difference in the relation between mental rotation and object preference.Jillian E. Lauer, Hallie B. Udelson, Sung O. Jeon & Stella F. Lourenco - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  36.  21
    Scientific Consensus, Doctrinal Paradox and Discursive Dilemma.Helen Lauer - 2022 - Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 8 (1):1-26.
    Global ignorance about Africa continues to sustain inappropriate global interventions to resolve public health crises, often with disastrous consequences. To explain why this continues to happen, I marshal two theorems that predict basic statistical properties, called ‘the doctrinal paradox’ and ‘the discursive dilemma’, which underlie scientific consensus formation and evidence-based decision making on a global scale. These mathematical results illuminate the epistemic and material injustices committed by the protocols of medical research conducted at the highest level of global knowledge production (...)
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  37.  64
    Macrostructural explanation in the social sciences.Richard Lauer - 2024 - Synthese 204 (95):1-23.
    Several philosophers have attempted to identify how it is that “social structure” can explain phenomena. Some of the most prominent of these philosophers have posited that what we call “social structures” are sets of constraints acting on individuals that guide and regulate their actions, either coercing agents into making choices, raising the probability that they will make certain choices, or making those actions reasonable or rational. Others have argued that social structures are factors that “program” for social outcomes. Examining historical (...)
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    Temporal man: the meaning and uses of social time.Robert H. Lauer - 1981 - New York, N.Y.: Praeger.
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  39. (1 other version)Hegel’s Concept of God,.Quentin Lauer - 1982, - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (1):99-100.
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    Fell in her hands.Ruth Lauer Manenti - 2016 - New York: Lantern Books. Edited by Patañjali.
    Affectionately known as "Lady Ruth" at the Jivamukti Yoga School in New York City where she teaches, Ruth Lauer-Manenti has presented dharma talks on daily life from a yogic perspective for many years (collected in An Offering of Leaves and Sweeping the Dust, both published by Lantern Books). Fell in Her Hands is an altogether more ambitious work: a commentary and reflection on the venerable yogic text, the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali--written in the form of a series of interlaced (...)
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    Hegel’s Concept of God,.Quentin Lauer - 1982 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    ...If one takes a panoramic view of Hegel’s entire philosophical endeavor, the endeavor to come to grips with and to be committed to reality in the concrete, one is struck by one inescapable idea: the Hegelian enterprise is an extraordinarily unified and grandiose attempt to elaborate one concept, which Hegel sees as the root of all intelligibility, the concept of God, whatever that term is going to turn out to mean.......The question with which we are neither whether Hegel is (...)
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    Confronting the Anthropocene: Schelling and Lucretius on Receiving Nature's Gift.Christopher Lauer - 2016 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 8 (2):160-179.
    This essay interprets Schelling's positive philosophy as an effort to conceive nature as a gift. Schelling ruminated throughout his career on the paradoxical relation between humanity and nature that is expressed in the contemporary term “Anthropocene,” but this essay argues that Schelling's most productive response to this paradox can be found in his reflections on how to receive the gift of nature. After laying out the project of positive philosophy, the essay first explores Schelling's effort to conceive nature as a (...)
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  43.  22
    Plastic surveillance: Payment cards and the history of transactional data, 1888 to present.Josh Lauer - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (1).
    Modern payment cards encompass a bewildering array of consumer technologies, from credit and debit cards to stored-value and loyalty cards. But what unites all of these financial media is their connection to recordkeeping systems. Each swipe sends data hurtling through invisible infrastructures to verify accounts, record purchase details, exchange funds, and update balances. With payment cards, banks and merchants have been able to amass vast archives of transactional data. This information is a valuable asset in itself. It can be used (...)
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    Reason at Play.Chris Lauer - 2006 - The Owl of Minerva 38 (1-2):57-75.
    In both the Phenomenology’s discussion of the observation of organic nature and in its section on the “Spiritual Animal Kingdom” Hegel shows how superficial reason can be when it becomes too playful. In these sections, I argue, Hegel is directing his comments at least in part at Schelling. Reading Hegel’s comments on play in light of Schelling’s Nature and Transcendental Philosophies reveals both the limitations and the necessit y of play in reason’s struggle to find itself in the world.
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    Wiredu and Eze on Good Governance.Helen Lauer - 2012 - Philosophia Africana 14 (1):41-59.
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    Integrity; A Philosophical Inquiry.Henle Lauer - 1993 - Noûs 27 (3):399-401.
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    Treating race as a social construction.Henle Lauer - 1996 - Journal of Value Inquiry 30 (3):445-451.
  48.  15
    Intimacy: a dialectical study.Christopher Lauer - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc/Bloomsbury.
    An important contribution to the burgeoning field of the ethics of recognition, this book examines the contradictions inherent in the very concept of intimacy. Working with a wide variety of philosophical and literary sources, it warns against measuring our relationships against ideal standards, since there is no consummate form of intimacy. After analyzing ten major ways that we aim to establish intimacy with one another, including gift-giving, touching, and fetishes, the book concludes that each fails on its own terms, since (...)
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    How Collusion Perpetuates Racial Discrimination in Societies that Ostensibly Promote Equal Opportunity.Helen Lauer - 2016 - Philosophical Papers 45 (1-2):75-101.
    It is shown here that injustices due to racial discrimination are best identified in light of the deleterious effects they have upon their victims, rather than the beliefs and attitudes of their perpetrators. For among participants who cooperate clandestinely to bring about racial injustice there may be broad disagreement about what it is they are doing collectively, and why; or they may disagree in principle about whether what they are doing is morally right. I employ the notion of ‘nomotropic’ behaviour (...)
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    Essays in Hegelian dialectic.Quentin Lauer - 1977 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    "This is a splendid, substantial volume." -Clio.
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