Results for 'Lauren Hirsch'

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  1.  19
    Trajectories of Mother-Infant Communication: An Experiential Measure of the Impacts of Early Life Adversity.Lauren Granata, Alissa Valentine, Jason L. Hirsch, Jennifer Honeycutt & Heather Brenhouse - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Caretaking stability in the early life environment supports neurobehavioral development, while instability and neglect constitute adverse environments that can alter maturational processes. Research in humans suggests that different types of early life adversity can have differential effects on caretaker relationships and later cognitive and social development; however, identifying mechanistic underpinnings will require animal models with translational validity. Two common rodent models, maternal separation and limited bedding, influence the mother-infant relationship during a critical window of development. We hypothesized that these paradigms (...)
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    Accounting for Individual Differences in Decision-Making Competence: Personality and Gender Differences.Joshua Weller, Andrea Ceschi, Lauren Hirsch, Riccardo Sartori & Arianna Costantini - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:414698.
    Emerging research has highlighted the utility of measuring individual differences in decision-making competence (DMC), showing that consistently following normatively rational principles is associated with positive psychosocial and health behaviors. From another level of analysis, functional theories of personality suggest that broad trait dimensions represent variation in underlying self-regulatory systems, providing a mechanistic account for robust associations between traits and similar life outcomes. Yet, the degree to which broad dispositional personality dimensions predict global tendencies to respond rationally is less understood. In (...)
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  3. Sex, syntax, and semantics.Lera Boroditsky, Lauren A. Schmidt & Webb Phillips - 2003 - In Dedre Gentner & Susan Goldin-Meadow, Language in Mind: Advances in the Study of Language and Thought. MIT Press. pp. 61--79.
  4.  80
    Adopting AI: how familiarity breeds both trust and contempt.Michael C. Horowitz, Lauren Kahn, Julia Macdonald & Jacquelyn Schneider - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-15.
    Despite pronouncements about the inevitable diffusion of artificial intelligence and autonomous technologies, in practice, it is human behavior, not technology in a vacuum, that dictates how technology seeps into—and changes—societies. To better understand how human preferences shape technological adoption and the spread of AI-enabled autonomous technologies, we look at representative adult samples of US public opinion in 2018 and 2020 on the use of four types of autonomous technologies: vehicles, surgery, weapons, and cyber defense. By focusing on these four diverse (...)
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    Relationships Between the Survey of Organizational Research Climate (SORC) and Self-Reported Research Practices.A. Lauren Crain, Brian C. Martinson & Carol R. Thrush - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):835-850.
    The Survey of Organizational Research Climate (SORC) is a validated tool to facilitate promotion of research integrity and research best practices. This work uses the SORC to assess shared and individual perceptions of the research climate in universities and academic departments and relate these perceptions to desirable and undesirable research practices. An anonymous web- and mail-based survey was administered to randomly selected biomedical and social science faculty and postdoctoral fellows in the United States. Respondents reported their perceptions of the research (...)
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    Contextualizing Counterintuitiveness: How Context Affects Comprehension and Memorability of Counterintuitive Concepts.M. Afzal Upala, Lauren O. Gonce, Ryan D. Tweney & D. Jason Slone - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (3):415-439.
    A number of anthropologists have argued that religious concepts are minimally counterintuitive and that this gives them mnemic advantages. This paper addresses the question of why people have the memory architecture that results in such concepts being more memorable than other types of concepts by pointing out the benefits of a memory structure that leads to better recall for minimally counterintuitive concepts and by showing how such benefits emerge in the real‐time processing of comprehending narratives such as folk tales. This (...)
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  7. An infrastructural account of scientific objectivity for legal contexts and bloodstain pattern analysis.W. John Koolage, Lauren M. Williams & Morgen L. Barroso - 2021 - Science in Context 34 (1):101-119.
    ArgumentIn the United States, scientific knowledge is brought before the courts by way of testimony – the testimony of scientific experts. We argue that this expertise is best understoodfirstas related to the quality of the underlying scienceand thenin terms of who delivers it. Bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA), a contemporary forensic science, serves as the vaulting point for our exploration of objectivity as a metric for the quality of a science in judicial contexts. We argue that BPA fails to meet the (...)
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  8.  39
    Does Benefit Corporation Status Matter to Investors? An Exploratory Study of Investor Perceptions and Decisions.Jill Weber & Lauren A. Cooper - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (4):979-1008.
    We investigate whether the disclosure of a firm’s decision to organize as a benefit corporation (BC) rather than a traditional C corporation (CC) influences investors. We survey 136 investors and 57 MBA students and find that they expect BCs to attain higher future corporate social responsibility (CSR) than CCs even when both have equal CSR ratings. Approximately one third of our sample prefers to invest in BCs when CCs have greater financial returns, indicating a willingness by some investors to sacrifice (...)
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    Examining the Effects of Incremental Case Presentation and Forecasting Outcomes on Case-Based Ethics Instruction.Alexandra E. MacDougall, Lauren N. Harkrider, Zhanna Bagdasarov, James F. Johnson, Chase E. Thiel, Juandre Peacock, Michael D. Mumford, Lynn D. Devenport & Shane Connelly - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (2):126-150.
    Case-based reasoning has long been used to facilitate instructional effectiveness. Although much remains to be known concerning the most beneficial way to present case material, recent literature suggests that simplifying case material is favorable. Accordingly, the current study manipulated two instructional techniques, incremental case presentation and forecasting outcomes, in a training environment in an attempt to better understand the utility of simplified versus complicated case presentation for learning. Findings suggest that pairing these two cognitively demanding techniques reduces satisfaction and detracts (...)
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  10.  58
    Adaptation as Precaution.Lauren Hartzell-Nichols - 2014 - Environmental Values 23 (2):149-164.
    Precaution is usually associated with the intuition that it is better to be safe than sorry, and/or that it is sometimes necessary to act in advance of scientific certainty to prevent harmful outcomes. At this point, we cannot entirely prevent climate change, but we can affect how harmful such change is. Adaptation may therefore be understood as a precautionary measure against the damage due to climate change. 'The' precautionary principle alone is too vague to shape adaptation policy, but a limited (...)
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  11. Relativism or tolerance? Defining, assessing, connecting, and distinguishing two moral personality features with prominent roles in modern societies.Lauren Collier-Spruel, Ashley Hawkins, Eranda Jayawickreme, William Fleeson & R. Michael Furr - 2019 - Journal of Personality:1-19.
    Objective This work disentangles moral tolerance from moral relativism and reveals their distinct personological meanings. Both constructs have long been of interest to moral philosophers, moral psychologists, and everyday people, and they may play prominent roles in the feasibility of modern diverse societies. However, they have been criticized as devaluing morality and as producing overly permissive societies. Moreover, although they lack necessary conceptual implications for each other, they are easily (and often) conflated. -/- Method Three studies included nine samples (total (...)
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    Conflicts Between Parents and Health Professionals About a Child’s Medical Treatment: Using Clinical Ethics Records to Find Gaps in the Bioethics Literature.Rosalind McDougall, Lauren Notini & Jessica Phillips - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (3):429-436.
    Clinical ethics records offer bioethics researchers a rich source of cases that clinicians have identified as ethically complex. In this paper, we suggest that clinical ethics records can be used to point to types of cases that lack attention in the current bioethics literature, identifying new areas in need of more detailed bioethical work. We conducted an analysis of the clinical ethics records of one paediatric hospital in Australia, focusing specifically on conflicts between parents and health professionals about a child’s (...)
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  13.  23
    Microaggressions and Philosophy.Jeanine Weekes Schroer & Lauren Freeman (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Taylor & Francis.
    This is the first book to offer a philosophical engagement with microaggressions. It aims to provide an intersectional analysis of microaggressions that cuts across multiple dimensions of oppression and marginalization, and to engage a variety of perspectives that have been sidelined within the discipline of philosophy. The volume gathers a diverse group of contributors: philosophers of color, philosophers with disabilities, philosophers of various nationalities and ethnicities, and philosophers of several gender identities. Their unique frames of analysis articulate both how the (...)
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  14.  31
    Individual differences in nonverbal prediction and vocabulary size in infancy.Tracy Reuter, Lauren Emberson, Alexa Romberg & Casey Lew-Williams - 2018 - Cognition 176 (C):215-219.
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  15.  41
    Concern for the Transgressor’s Consequences: An Explanation for Why Wrongdoing Remains Unreported.Saera R. Khan & Lauren C. Howe - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (2):325-344.
    In the aftermath of shocking workplace scandals, people are often baffled when individuals within the organization were aware of clear-cut wrongdoing yet did not inform authorities. The current research suggests that moral concern for the suffering that a transgressor might face if a crime were reported is an under-recognized, powerful force that shapes whistleblowing in organizations, particularly when transgressors are fellow members of a highly entitative group. Two experiments show that group entitativity heightens concern about possible consequences that the transgressor (...)
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  16.  37
    Lived Experience in New Models of Care for Substance Use Disorder: A Systematic Review of Peer Recovery Support Services and Recovery Coaching.David Eddie, Lauren Hoffman, Corrie Vilsaint, Alexandra Abry, Brandon Bergman, Bettina Hoeppner, Charles Weinstein & John F. Kelly - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  17.  39
    Effectiveness of narrative pedagogy in developing student nurses’ advocacy role.Priscilla K. Gazarian, Lauren M. Fernberg & Kelly D. Sheehan - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (2):132-141.
    Background: The literature and research on nursing ethics and advocacy has shown that generally very few nurses and other clinicians will speak up about an issue they have witnessed regarding a patient advocacy concern and that often advocacy in nursing is not learned until after students have graduated and begun working. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of narrative pedagogy on the development of advocacy in student nurses, as measured by the Protective Nursing Advocacy Scale. Design: We tested the hypothesis that (...)
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  18.  45
    Cosmetic Psychopharmacology for Prisoners: Reducing Crime and Recidivism Through Cognitive Intervention.Adam B. Shniderman & Lauren B. Solberg - 2015 - Neuroethics 8 (3):315-326.
    Criminologists have long acknowledged the link between a number of cognitive deficits, including low intelligence and impulsivity, and crime. A new wave of research has demonstrated that pharmacological intervention can restore or improve cognitive function, particularly executive function, and restore neural plasticity. Such restoration and improvement can allow for easier acquisition of new skills and as a result, presents significant possibilities for the criminal justice system. For example, studies have shown that supplements of Omega-3, a fatty acid commonly found in (...)
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  19. Identification of neural connectivity signatures of autism using machine learning.Gopikrishna Deshpande, Lauren E. Libero, Karthik R. Sreenivasan, Hrishikesh D. Deshpande & Rajesh K. Kana - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  20.  36
    Integration by Parts: Collaboration and Topic Structure in the CogSci Community.Isabella DeStefano, Lauren A. Oey, Erik Brockbank & Edward Vul - 2021 - Topics in Cognitive Science 13 (2):399-413.
    DeStefano, Oey, Brockbank, and Vul explore interdisciplinary collaboration using data‐driven measures of research topics and co‐authorship, constructed from a rich dataset of over 11,000 Cogsci conference papers. Findings suggest the cognitive science research community has become increasingly integrated in the last 19 years.
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  21.  31
    Why Self-Reports of Happiness and Sadness May Not Necessarily Contradict Bipolarity: A Psychometric Review and Proposal.Louis Tay & Lauren Kuykendall - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (2):146-154.
    It is assumed that bipolarity in happiness and sadness requires mutual exclusion. However, we present psychometric research to show how coendorsements of happiness and sadness do not necessarily constitute evidence against bipolarity. Because individuals have a tendency to endorse emotion terms close to their current state, individuals whose current state is close to the middle of a bipolar continuum would report both happiness and sadness, despite their current state being best represented by a single point. As such, endorsements of happiness (...)
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  22.  21
    Seven intersectional feminist principles for equitable and actionable COVID-19 data.Lauren F. Klein & Catherine D'Ignazio - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    This essay offers seven intersectional feminist principles for equitable and actionable COVID-19 data, drawing from the authors' prior work on data feminism. Our book, Data Feminism, offers seven principles which suggest possible points of entry for challenging and changing power imbalances in data science. In this essay, we offer seven sets of examples, one inspired by each of our principles, for both identifying existing power imbalances with respect to the impact of the novel coronavirus and its response, and for beginning (...)
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    Evaluating the impact of mobile telephone technology on type 2 diabetic patients' self‐management: the NICHE pilot study.Zubaida Faridi, Lauren Liberti, Kerem Shuval, Veronika Northrup, Ather Ali & David L. Katz - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (3):465-469.
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  24.  39
    Courtship Feeding in Humans?Thomas R. Alley, Lauren W. Brubaker & Olivia M. Fox - 2013 - Human Nature 24 (4):430-443.
    Food sharing may be used for mate attraction, sexual access, or mate retention in humans, as in many other species. Adult humans tend to perceive more intimacy in a couple if feeding is observed, but the increased perceived intimacy may be due to resource provisioning rather than feeding per se. To address this issue, 210 university students (66 male) watched five short videos, each showing a different mixed-sex pair of adults dining together and including feeding or simple provisioning or no (...)
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  25.  21
    White Matter Plasticity in Reading-Related Pathways Differs in Children Born Preterm and at Term: A Longitudinal Analysis.Lisa Bruckert, Lauren R. Borchers, Cory K. Dodson, Virginia A. Marchman, Katherine E. Travis, Michal Ben-Shachar & Heidi M. Feldman - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  26. (1 other version)The Bodily Incorporation of Mechanical Devices: Ethical and Religious Issues.Courtney S. Campbell, Lauren A. Clark, David Loy, James F. Keenan, Kathleen Matthews, Terry Winograd & Laurie Zoloth - 2007 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 16 (2):229-239.
    A substantial portion of the developed world's population is increasingly dependent on machines to make their way in the everyday world. For certain privileged groups, computers, cell phones, PDAs, Blackberries, and IPODs, all permitting the faster processing of information, are commonplace. In these populations, even exercise can be automated as persons try to achieve good physical fitness by riding stationary bikes, running on treadmills, and working out on cross-trainers that send information about performance and heart rate.
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  27.  5
    Addressing the complexity of health and moral emotions through philosophical analysis.Mary Carman & Lauren Leigh Saling - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    This issue of Philosophical Psychology hosts two book symposia. One is on Elizabeth Barnes’s book, Health Problems: Philosophical Puzzles about the Nature of Health (Oxford University Press, 2023),...
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    Integrating Agent-Regret with Frameworks for Mitigating Moral Distress.Georgina Morley Lauren R. Sankary Cleveland Clinic - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):36-38.
    Volume 25, Issue 2, February 2025, Page 36-38.
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    Does a Flatter General Gradient of Visual Attention Explain Peripheral Advantages and Central Deficits in Deaf Adults?Vincent J. Samar & Lauren Berger - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The relationship between joint attention and theory of mind in neurotypical adults.Jordan A. Shaw, Lauren K. Bryant, Bertram F. Malle, Daniel J. Povinelli & John R. Pruett - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 51:268-278.
    Joint attention (JA) is hypothesized to have a close relationship with developing theory of mind (ToM) capabilities. We tested the co-occurrence of ToM and JA in social interactions between adults with no reported history of psychiatric illness or neurodevelopmental disorders. Participants engaged in an experimental task that encouraged nonverbal communication, including JA, and also ToM activity. We adapted an in-lab variant of experience sampling methods (Bryant, Coffey, Povinelli, & Pruett, 2013) to measure ToM during JA based on participants’ subjective reports (...)
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  31. Perception of Nigerian Dùndún Talking Drum Performances as Speech-Like vs. Music-Like: The Role of Familiarity and Acoustic Cues.Cecilia Durojaye, Lauren Fink, Tina Roeske, Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann & Pauline Larrouy-Maestri - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    It seems trivial to identify sound sequences as music or speech, particularly when the sequences come from different sound sources, such as an orchestra and a human voice. Can we also easily distinguish these categories when the sequence comes from the same sound source? On the basis of which acoustic features? We investigated these questions by examining listeners’ classification of sound sequences performed by an instrument intertwining both speech and music: the dùndún talking drum. The dùndún is commonly used in (...)
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  32.  8
    Teaching with Isis: From The Cultural Turn to TikTok.Lydia Barnett & Lauren Cole - 2024 - Isis 115 (3):611-620.
    This article considers the relationship between research and pedagogy in Isis from the perspective of undergraduate teaching. Isis does not think of itself primarily as an organ for supporting education in the history of science, yet contributions to Isis are found across undergraduate syllabi, classrooms, and curricula. This essay makes a start at documenting and exploring some of the ways in which Isis is already being used in undergraduate educational contexts and suggests several ways in which Isis might further support (...)
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  33.  32
    Re-Routing Along the Path to Enshrine Global Neurorights.Helen S. Webster & Lauren R. Sankary - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (4):375-377.
    Herrera-Ferrá et al.’s (2023) attention to the cultural context of the neurorights movement contributes to the growing conversation on establishing neurorights in response to advancements in neuros...
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  34.  27
    Wh-filler-gap dependency formation guides reflexive antecedent search.Michael Frazier, Lauren Ackerman, Peter Baumann, David Potter & Masaya Yoshida - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Music for All or Partisan Advocacy? Exploring Socialized Epistemologies.J. Paul Louth & Lauren Kapalka Richerme - 2023 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 31 (2):136-154.
    When novice music educators abandon their expressed dedication to forward-looking ideas like equity, epistemological distinctions between belief and knowledge, or lack of such distinctions, may influence such action. Political philosopher Russell Hardin argued that it makes sense for people to hold false, conflicting, and even extreme beliefs. Drawing on his work, we consider how social influences may encourage music educators to adopt a view of knowledge as the acquisition of information that is useful rather than truthful in the sense of (...)
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  36.  19
    Aesthetic and physiological effects of naturalistic multimodal music listening.Anna Czepiel, Lauren K. Fink, Christoph Seibert, Mathias Scharinger & Sonja A. Kotz - 2023 - Cognition 239 (C):105537.
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  37.  26
    Using primary teeth and archived dried spots for exposomic studies in children: Exploring new paths in the environmental epidemiology of pediatric cancer.Philip J. Lupo, Lauren M. Petrick, Thanh T. Hoang, Amanda E. Janitz, Erin L. Marcotte, Jeremy M. Schraw, Manish Arora & Michael E. Scheurer - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (9):2100030.
    It is estimated that 300,000 children 0–14 years of age are diagnosed with cancer worldwide each year. While the absolute risk of cancer in children is low, it is the leading cause of death due to disease in children in high‐income countries. In spite of this, the etiologies of pediatric cancer are largely unknown. Environmental exposures have long been thought to play an etiologic role. However, to date, there are few well‐established environmental risk factors for pediatric malignancies, likely due to (...)
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  38.  57
    The Placental Microbiome: A New Site for Policing Women's Bodies.Saray Ayala & Lauren Freeman - 2016 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 9 (1):121-148.
    This paper brings feminist public health ethics and feminist analytic tools to bear on mainstream medical research. Specifically, it uses these approaches to call attention to several problems associated with “The Placenta Harbors a Unique Microbiome,” a recent study published in Science Translational Medicine. We point out the potential negative consequences these problems have for both women’s health and their autonomy.Our paper has two parts. We begin by discussing the study, which examines the composition of the placental microbiome, that is (...)
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    Why Does Therapy Work? An Idiographic Approach to Explore Mechanisms of Change Over the Course of Psychotherapy Using Digital Assessments.Allison Diamond Altman, Lauren A. Shapiro & Aaron J. Fisher - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Measuring the Dispositional Tendency to Spread Oneself Too Thin.Louis Boemerman & Lauren Kuykendall - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    When Voluntary Stopping of Eating and Drinking in Advanced Dementia Is No Longer Voluntary.Elizabeth Chuang & Lauren Sydney Flicker - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (4):24-25.
    In “On Avoiding Deep Dementia,” Norman Cantor astutely notes that, for some individuals, the concept of “protracted maintenance during progressive cognitive dysfunction and helplessness is an intolerably degrading prospect.” This cannot be argued with. Cantor's solution, however—that in the wake of a dementia diagnosis, patients should have the option to direct, in advance, instructions for voluntary stopping of eating and drinking should they develop a state of deep dementia—is more ethically challenging than it may first appear.Respect for autonomy is one (...)
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    Neural Processing of Repeated Search Targets Depends Upon the Stimuli: Real World Stimuli Engage Semantic Processing and Recognition Memory.Trafton Drew, Lauren H. Williams, Christopher Michael Jones & Roy Luria - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  43. Existentialism, 70 years after.Lauren Du Graf, Julia Elsky & Clémentine Fauré (eds.) - 2019 - New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.
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    Perceptual averaging of facial expressions requires visual awareness and attention.Elric Elias, Lauren Padama & Timothy D. Sweeny - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 62:110-126.
  45. False memories: a kind of confabulation in non-clinical subjects.Maryanne Garry, Lauren French & Loftus & Elizabeth - 2009 - In William Hirstein, Confabulation: Views From Neuroscience, Psychiatry, Psychology, and Philosophy. Oxford University Press.
  46.  5
    50 Fast Digital Photo Projects.Gregory Georges & Lauren Georges - 2005 - Wiley.
    Offers step-by-step techniques for a wide range of creative digital photography projects, from greeting cards, recipe pages, invitations, and illustrated books to panoramas, collages, bound photo albums, DVD slide shows, and Web galleries Perfect for the exploding digital photography market, which has grown from 6.7 million cameras sold in 2000 to a projected 42 million in 2005 Released to hit stores right after the 2004 gift-giving season, it's the perfect companion to the author's previous bestsellers, which include 50 Fast Digital (...)
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    Childhood maltreatment and maltreatment‐specific inferences: A test of Rose and Abramson's extension of the hopelessness theory.Brandon Gibb, Lauren Alloy, Lyn Abramson & Brian Marx - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17 (6):917-931.
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    Global reports of childhood maltreatment versus recall of specific maltreatment experiences: Relationships with dysfunctional attitudes and depressive symptoms.Brandon Gibb, Lauren Alloy & Lyn Abramson - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17 (6):903-915.
  49.  21
    Two systems for action comprehension in autism: Mirroring and mentalizing.Antonia Hamilton & Lauren Marsh - 2013 - In Simon Baron-Cohen, Michael Lombardo & Helen Tager-Flusberg, Understanding Other Minds: Perspectives From Developmental Social Neuroscience. Oxford University Press. pp. 380.
  50.  28
    Making Data Valuable: Political, Economic, and Conceptual Bases of Big Data.Anna Lauren Hoffmann - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (2):209-212.
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