Results for 'Long Weihuan'

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  1.  13
    Me! The Beans and Peas? America?Long Weihuan - 2002 - Chinese Studies in History 36 (2):56-59.
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  2. Fairness in Machine Learning: Against False Positive Rate Equality as a Measure of Fairness.Robert Long - 2021 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (1):49-78.
    As machine learning informs increasingly consequential decisions, different metrics have been proposed for measuring algorithmic bias or unfairness. Two popular “fairness measures” are calibration and equality of false positive rate. Each measure seems intuitively important, but notably, it is usually impossible to satisfy both measures. For this reason, a large literature in machine learning speaks of a “fairness tradeoff” between these two measures. This framing assumes that both measures are, in fact, capturing something important. To date, philosophers have seldom examined (...)
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  3. Introspective Capabilities in Large Language Models.Robert Long - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (9):143-153.
    This paper considers the kind of introspection that large language models (LLMs) might be able to have. It argues that LLMs, while currently limited in their introspective capabilities, are not inherently unable to have such capabilities: they already model the world, including mental concepts, and already have some introspection-like capabilities. With deliberate training, LLMs may develop introspective capabilities. The paper proposes a method for such training for introspection, situates possible LLM introspection in the 'possible forms of introspection' framework proposed by (...)
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    Morals and values in Homer.Anthony A. Long - 1970 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 90:121-139.
    For the lack of forty-nine drachmas Socrates was unable to attend the costly epideixis of Prodicus from which he would have learnt the truth about correct use of words. From Prodicus' ὥραι Socrates could also have learnt the concepts and characteristic words associated with arete and kakia: these compete in that work for the allegiance of Heracles, parading their respective characteristics. Thanks to Professor Arthur Adkins we have had for the past decade a book which not only confronts arete and (...)
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  5. AI and access to justice: How AI legal advisors can reduce economic and shame-based barriers to justice.Brandon Long & Amitabha Palmer - 2024 - TATuP 33 (1).
    ChatGPT – a large language model – recently passed the U.S. bar exam. The startling rise and power of generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems such as ChatGPT lead us to consider whether and how more specialized systems could be used to overcome existing barriers to the legal system. Such systems could be employed in either of the two major stages of the pursuit of justice: preliminary information gathering and formal engagement with the state’s legal institutions and professionals. We focus on (...)
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  6. Information is intrinsically semantic but alethically neutral.Bruce Raymond Long - 2014 - Synthese 191 (14):3447-3467.
    In this paper I argue that, according to a particular physicalist conception of information, information is both alethically neutral or non-alethic, and is intrinsically semantic. The conception of information presented is physicalist and reductionist, and is contrary to most current pluralist and non-reductionist philosophical opinion about the nature of information. The ontology assumed for this conception of information is based upon physicalist non-eliminative ontic structural realism. However, the argument of primary interest is that information so construed is intrinsically semantic on (...)
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  7.  8
    The Limits of Anti-Anti-Commodification Arguments.Roderick T. Long - 2023 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (2):1-10.
    James Stacey Taylor, in his book Markets With Limits, argues that Jason Brennan and Peter Jaworski, in their book Markets Without Limits, systematically mischaracterize the views of the anti-commodification theorists they are critiquing, attributing to them positions (e.g., semiotic essentialism and an asymmetry thesis) that they do not hold. Further, Taylor offers an anti-commodification hypothesis of his own to explain why talented academics like Brennan and Jaworski could fall into such systematic mistakes – namely, that the intrusion of market norms (...)
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    The Ethics of Ontology: Rethinking an Aristotelian Legacy.Christopher P. Long - 2004 - State University of New York Press.
    A novel rereading of the relationship between ethics and ontology in Aristotle.
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  9. Descartes' argument for mind-body dualism.Douglas C. Long - 1969 - Philosophical Forum 1 (3):259-273.
    In his Meditations Descartes concludes that he is a res cogitans, an unextended entity whose essence is to be conscious. His reasoning in support of the conclusion that he exists entirely distinct from his body has seemed unconvincing to his critics. I attempt to show that the reasoning which he offers in support of his conclusion. although mistaken, is more plausible and his mistakes more interesting than his critics have acknowledged.
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  10. The philosophical concept of a human body.Douglas C. Long - 1964 - Philosophical Review 73 (July):321-337.
    I argue in this paper that philosophers have not clearly introduced the concept of a body in terms of which the problem of other minds and its solutions have been traditionally stated; that one can raise fatal objections to attempts to introduce this concept; and that the particular form of the problem of other minds which is stated in terms of the concept is confused and requires no solution. The concept of a "body" which may or may not be the (...)
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    Problems in Stoicism.Heinrich von Staden & A. A. Long - 1975 - American Journal of Philology 96 (2):232.
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    Praxeology: Who Needs It.Roderick T. Long - 2005 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 6 (2):299 - 316.
    Despite her admiration for the economic theories of Ludwig von Mises, Ayn Rand rejects Mises's central concept of "praxeology," the science of human action. Yet the features of Misesian praxeology that Rand finds most objectionable— its aprioristic methodology, its value-subjectivism, and its claims about motivational psychology— can be reinterpreted in ways that make them congenial to Rand's philosophical principles while still preserving the essential points that Mises wishes to make.
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    Nativism and empiricism in artificial intelligence.Robert Long - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (4):763-788.
    Historically, the dispute between empiricists and nativists in philosophy and cognitive science has concerned human and animal minds (Margolis and Laurence in Philos Stud: An Int J Philos Anal Tradit 165(2): 693-718, 2013, Ritchie in Synthese 199(Suppl 1): 159–176, 2021, Colombo in Synthese 195: 4817–4838, 2018). But recent progress has highlighted how empiricist and nativist concerns arise in the construction of artificial systems (Buckner in From deep learning to rational machines: What the history of philosophy can teach us about the (...)
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    Confucius’s doctrine of the rectification of names.Cao Xuan Long & Nguyen Quoc Viet - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):219-226.
    Confúcio (551 aC - 479 aC) - foi um filósofo, professor e estadista bem conhecido, bastante influente durante os períodos de Primavera-Outono dos Estados Combatentes na China. Somados a esses atributos, destaca-se o fato de ele ter sido um pensador que transmitiu à humanidade numerosos conceitos perspicazes, dentre os quais a doutrina da "retificação de nomes" (正名 - zhèng míng). Esta doutrina, que tem caráter profundo, abrangente e metódico, procura resgatar a sociedade de um estado de caos para um estado (...)
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    An explanatory model of medical practice variation: a physician resource demand perspective.Michael J. Long - 2002 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 8 (2):167-174.
  16. Proper Function Justification and Epistemic Rationality.Todd R. Long - 2010 - Southwest Philosophy Review 26 (1):189-195.
  17. The Incompleteness of Luck Egalitarianism.Ryan Long - 2011 - Social Philosophy Today 27:87-96.
    Luck egalitarianism makes a fundamental distinction between inequalities for which agents are responsible and inequalities stemming from luck. I give several reasons to find luck egalitarianism a compelling view of distributive justice. I then argue that it is an incomplete theory of equality. Luck egalitarianism lacks the normative resources to achieve its ends. It is unable to specify the prior conditions under which persons are situated equivalently such that their choices can bear this tremendous weight. This means that luck egalitarians (...)
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  18. Why Life is Necessary for Mind: The Significance of Animate Behavior.Douglas C. Long - 2010 - In James O'Shea Eric Rubenstein (ed.), Self, Language, and World:Problems from Kant, Sellars, and Rosenberg. Ridgeview Publishing Co. pp. 61-88.
    I defend the thesis that psychological states can be literally ascribed only to living creatures and not to nonliving machines, such as sophisticated robots. Defenders of machine consciousness do not sufficiently appreciate the importance of the biological nature of a subject for the psychological significance of its behavior. Simulations of a computer-controlled, nonliving autonomous robot cannot carry the same psychological meaning as animate behavior. Being a living creature is an essential link between genuinely expressive behavior and justified psychological ascriptions.
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  19. Why Machines Can Neither Think nor Feel.Douglas C. Long - 1994 - In Paul Ziff & Dale Jamieson (eds.), Language, mind, and art: essays in appreciation and analysis in honor of Paul Ziff. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Over three decades ago, in a brief but provocative essay, Paul Ziff argued for the thesis that robots cannot have feelings because they are "mechanisms, not organisms, not living creatures. There could be a broken-down robot but not a dead one. Only living creatures can literally have feelings."[i] Since machines are not living things they cannot have feelings. In the first half of my paper I review Ziff's arguments against the idea that robots could be conscious, especially his appeal to (...)
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  20. (1 other version)Wittgenstein, Austrian Economics, and the Logic of Action: Praxeological Investigations.Roderick Long - 2005 - Routledge.
    Fascinating and thought-provoking, this book shows how the methodology of Austrian economics can be justified and strengthened by grounding it in the philosophy of Wittgenstein. Frege and Wittgenstein argued that whatever counts as thought must embody logical principles. Their arguments also support the conclusion that whatever constitutes action must embody economic principles. In this incisive text, the author shows that this confirms the claims of Austrian economists such as Mises and Hayek that the laws of economics are a priori rather (...)
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  21. Allegory in Philo and Etymology in Stoicism: a plea for drawing distinctions.Anthony A. Long - 1997 - The Studia Philonica Annual 9:198-210.
  22. Heraclitus and Stoicism.Long Aa - 1975 - Filosofia 5:133-156.
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  23. (1 other version)Agents, mechanisms, and other minds.Douglas C. Long - 1979 - In Agents, Mechanisms, and Other Minds. Dordrecht, Holland: Reidel. pp. 129--148.
    One of the goals of physiologists who study the detailed physical, chemical,and neurological mechanisms operating within the human body is to understand the intricate causal processes which underlie human abilities and activities. It is doubtless premature to predict that they will eventually be able to explain the behaviour of a particular human being as we might now explain the behaviour of a pendulum clock or even the invisible changes occurring within the hardware of a modern electronic computer. Nonetheless, it seems (...)
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    First Do No Harm: Ethical Concerns of Health Researchers That Discourage the Sharing of Results With Research Participants.Rachel S. Purvis, Christopher R. Long, Leah R. Eisenberg, D. Micah Hester, Thomas V. Cunningham, Angel Holland, Harish E. Chatrathi & Pearl A. McElfish - 2020 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 11 (2):104-113.
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    The Arf family GTPases: Regulation of vesicle biogenesis and beyond.Fu-Long Li & Kun-Liang Guan - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (6):2200214.
    The Arf family proteins are best known for their roles in the vesicle biogenesis. However, they also play fundamental roles in a wide range of cellular regulation besides vesicular trafficking, such as modulation of lipid metabolic enzymes, cytoskeleton remodeling, ciliogenesis, lysosomal, and mitochondrial morphology and functions. Growing studies continue to expand the downstream effector landscape of Arf proteins, especially for the less‐studied members, revealing new biological functions, such as amino acid sensing. Experiments with cutting‐edge technologies and in vivo functional studies (...)
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    The Influencing Factors of Art Graduates’ Entrepreneurship by Logistic Regression Analysis From the Perspective of Entrepreneurial Mentality.Yanmin Li, Xin Wang, Huizhen Long, Lele Ye & Yifang Gao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of this study was to understand the influence mechanism of college students’ entrepreneurial intention in view of the increasing number of college students at present to alleviate college students’ employment competition. The psychological factors that influence the entrepreneurial tendency of art graduates were analyzed and studied. First, venture capital and factors affecting entrepreneurial performance were analyzed. Second, the coefficient calculation is carried out for college students majoring in art through the regression analysis of the logistic model. Finally, a (...)
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  27.  9
    Research on the Infiltration Influence of Religious Consciousness on the Cultural Connotation of Dance.Min Long - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (4):67-81.
    In the development of history, due to the unbalanced development of various ethnic groups, some ethnic minorities do not have their own characters. However, with the development of the times and the appearance of cultural relics, it can be seen that most ethnic groups have their own unique dances, and the performance forms and styles of dances reflect the connotation of dance culture and religious culture to a great extent. This paper makes a related research on the influence of religious (...)
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    Healthcare students support opt-out organ donation for practical and moral reasons.Long Qian, Miah T. Li, Kristen L. King, Syed Ali Husain, David J. Cohen & Sumit Mohan - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (8):522-529.
    Background and purpose Changes to deceased organ donation policy in the USA, including opt-out and priority systems, have been proposed to increase registration and donation rates. To study attitudes towards such policies, we surveyed healthcare students to assess support for opt-out and priority systems and reasons for support or opposition. Methods We investigated associations with supporting opt-out, including organ donation knowledge, altruism, trust in the healthcare system, prioritising autonomy and participants’ evaluation of the moral severity of incorrectly assuming consent in (...)
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  29. Ahiṃsā in the thought of Swami Vivekananda.Jeffery D. Long - 2024 - In Jeffery D. Long & Steven Rosen (eds.), Ahiṃsā in the Indic traditions: explorations and reflections. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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  30. Publisher Correction to: Does Social Media Pressure Induce Corporate Hypocrisy? Evidence of ESG Greenwashing from China.Li Long, Chunze Wang & Min Zhang - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-1.
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    Tai ji zhi yin: Zhongguo wen hua fu xing zhi lu = Taiji zhiyin Zhongguo wenhua fuxing zhilu.Jing Long - 2019 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu gong fen san bu: di yi bu hui gui zhen wo, di er bu hui gui tian di, di san bu hui gui tai ji. Nei rong bao kuo: lun sheng ming; sheng ming yu shi ge; sheng ming yu yin yue; xian dai ren sheng ming de yan bian; wo shi shui, tian di yu wo deng.
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  32. Makesi zhu yi zhe xue yuan li gang yao.Long Xie (ed.) - 1983 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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  33.  11
    Dynamic Computational Theory Construction and Simulation for the Dynamic Relationship Between Challenge Stressors and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors.Long Chen, Li Zhang & Qiong Bu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study explores the dynamic feature of organizational citizenship behaviors under the condition of challenge stressors, as this has not been addressed by previous research. Combining the cybernetic theory of stress and social exchange theory, this study builds a dynamic computational model regarding the circular causality between challenge stressors and organizational citizenship behaviors. By conducting a series of simulation experiments, we validated and demonstrated important questions regarding organizational citizenship behaviors. Specifically, when both the initial value of challenge stressors and the (...)
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    Alasdair MacIntyre and the Economy of Ethics.D. Stephen Long - 1997 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 9 (2):1-15.
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    Lying with Hagar: The Role of Natural Philosophy in the Theology of Richard Fishacre.R. James Long - 2008 - Modern Schoolman 86 (1-2):47-64.
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  36. Nicholas Lobkowicz and the historicist inversion of Thomistic philosophy.Steven A. Long - 1998 - The Thomist 62 (1):41-74.
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    The effects of smoking on Dynamic Visual Acuity.Gerald M. Long & Martin E. Franklin - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (2):163-166.
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    White psychologists only.Wahbie Long - 2014 - History of the Human Sciences 27 (4):139-154.
    This article explores the rise and fall of an Afrikaner psychological association: the Psychological Institute of the Republic of South Africa (PIRSA). It presents rhetorical, discursive and social analyses of presidential addresses delivered at PIRSA congresses between 1962 and 1977, identifying the emergence of a discourse of volksdiens (ethnic-national service) during the 1960s that called for the ethnic-national relevance of the discipline. With the Afrikaner nation vulnerable to the triple threat of communism, capitalism and egalitarianism, PIRSA insisted that psychological research (...)
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    An analysis of awe evoked by COVID-19 on green purchasing behavior: A dual-path effect of approach-avoidance motivation.Weihuan Su, Xixiang Sun, Xiaodong Guo, Wei Zhang & Gen Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The spread of the COVID-19 virus shows that it is time to re-emphasize the ethical attitude of “awe of others, awe of nature, and awe of life.” It once again reveals the importance of green development. In this study, we introduce awe into the context of COVID-19 and construct an “emotion-motivation-behavior” framework, aiming to explore the relationship between the epidemic and green purchasing behavior from a psychological perspective. Study 1 demonstrates the effect of awe on green purchasing and examines the (...)
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  40.  21
    Jonathan Finn, Beyond the Finish Line: Images, Evidence and the History of the Photo-finish Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2020. Pp. xii + 212. ISBN 978-0-2280-0343-4. CD$43.95 (cloth). [REVIEW]J. J. Long - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Science:1-3.
  41.  18
    Book Review Section 3. [REVIEW]Delbert H. Long, William E. Bickel & David L. Green - 1992 - Educational Studies 23 (1):107-127.
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    Comment by Eugene Thomas Long.Eugene Thomas Long - 1970 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 1:50-54.
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    Philosophy of Religion for a New Century: Essays in Honor of Eugene Thomas Long.Eugene Thomas Long, Jeremiah Hackett & Jerald Wallulis - 2004 - Springer Verlag.
    Philosophy of Religion for a New Century represents the work of nineteen scholars presented at a conference in honor of Eugene T. Long at the University of South Carolina, April 5-6, 2002. This volume is a good example of philosophy in dialogue; there is both respect and genuine disagreement. First, an account of our present situation in the Philosophy of Religion is given, leading to a discussion of the very idea of a 'Christian Philosophy' and the coherence of the (...)
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  44.  52
    Antiquity Revisited: A Discussion with Anthony Arthur Long.Anthony Arthur Long & Despina Vertzagia - 2020 - Conatus 5 (1):111.
    A discussion on antiquity with Anthony A. Long, one of the most distinguished scholars in the field of ancient philosophy, would be engaging in any case. All the more so, since his two recently published works, Greek Models of Mind and Self and How to be Free: An Ancient Guide to the Stoic Life, provide the opportunity to revisit key issues of ancient philosophy. The former is a lively and challenging work that starts with the Homeric notions of selfhood, (...)
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  45. An Enquiry Into the Origin of the Human Appetites and Affections [by J. Long.].James Long & Barr - 1747
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    Natura Pura: On the Recovery of Nature in the Doctrine of Grace – By Steven A. Long.D. Stephen Long - 2011 - Modern Theology 27 (4):695-698.
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  47. The Irrelevance of Responsibility: RODERICK T. LONG.Roderick T. Long - 1999 - Social Philosophy and Policy 16 (2):118-145.
    Responsibility is often thought of as primarily a legal concept. Even when it is moral responsibility that is at issue, it is assumed that it is above all in moralities based on law-centered patterns and models that responsibility takes center stage, so that responsibility is a legal concept at its core, and is applicable to the realm of private morality only by extension and analogy.
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  48. Abortion, Abandonment, and Positive Rights: The Limits of Compulsory Altruism*: RODERICK T. LONG.Roderick T. Long - 1993 - Social Philosophy and Policy 10 (1):166-191.
    We began with three propositions: that people have a right not to be treated as mere means to the ends of others, that a woman who voluntarily becomes pregnant nevertheless has the right to an abortion, and that a woman who voluntarily gives birth does not have a right to abandon her child until she finds a substitute caretaker. These propositions initially seemed inconsistent, for the prohibition on treating others as mere means appeared to rule out the possibility of positive (...)
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  49. Mill's Higher Pleasures and the Choice of Character*: Roderick T. Long.Roderick T. Long - 1992 - Utilitas 4 (2):279-297.
    J. S. Mill's distinction between higher and lower pleasures is often thought to conflict with his commitment to psychological and ethical hedonism: if the superiority of higher pleasures is quantitative, then the higher/lower distinction is superfluous and Mill contradicts himself; if the superiority of higher pleasures is not quantitative, then Mill's hedonism is compromised.
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    (1 other version)Eugene Thomas Long, Twentieth-Century Western Philosophy of Religion 1900–2000. [REVIEW]Eugene Thomas Long - 2001 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 49 (2):123-126.
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