Results for 'Lorraine Weinrib'

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  1. Objectivity.Lorraine Daston & Peter Galison - 2007 - Cambridge, Mass.: Zone Books. Edited by Peter Galison.
    Objectivity has a history, and it is full of surprises. In Objectivity, Lorraine Daston and Peter Galison chart the emergence of objectivity in the mid-nineteenth-century sciences--and show how the concept differs from its alternatives, truth-to-nature and trained judgment. This is a story of lofty epistemic ideals fused with workaday practices in the making of scientific images. From the eighteenth through the early twenty-first centuries, the images that reveal the deepest commitments of the empirical sciences--from anatomy to crystallography--are those featured (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Epistemic responsibility.Lorraine Code - 1987 - Hanover, N.H.: Published for Brown University Press by University Press of New England.
    Having adequate knowledge of the world is not just a matter of survival but also one of obligation. This obligation to "know well" is what philosophers have termed "epistemic responsibility." In this innovative and eclectic study, Lorraine Code explores the possibilities inherent in this concept as a basis for understanding human attempts to know and understand the world and for discerning the nature of intellectual virtue. By focusing on the idea that knowing is a creative process guided by imperatives (...)
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    Eudaimonic Ethics: The Philosophy and Psychology of Living Well.Lorraine L. Besser - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    In this book_, _Lorraine Besser-Jones develops a eudaimonistic virtue ethics based on a psychological account of human nature. While her project maintains the fundamental features of the eudaimonistic virtue ethical framework—virtue, character, and well-being—she constructs these concepts from an empirical basis, drawing support from the psychological fields of self-determination and self-regulation theory. Besser-Jones’s resulting account of "eudaimonic ethics" presents a compelling normative theory and offers insight into what is involved in being a virtuous person and "acting well." This original contribution (...)
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  4. Lorraine Code.Lorraine Code - 1998 - In Linda Alcoff, Epistemology: the big questions. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 124.
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    A note on measurement of contingency between two binary variables in judgment tasks.Lorraine G. Allan - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (3):147-149.
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  6. What Can She Know?: Feminist Theory and the Construction of Knowledge.Lorraine Code - 1991 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    In this lively and accessible book Lorraine Code addresses one of the most controversial questions in contemporary theory of knowledge, a question of fundamental concern for feminist theory as well: Is the sex of the knower epistemologically significant? Responding in the affirmative, Code offers a radical alterantive to mainstream philosophy's terms for what counts as knowledge and how it is to be evaluated. Code first reviews the literature of established epistemologies and unmasks the prevailing assumption in Anglo-American philosophy that (...)
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    Deleuze and Guattari's Immanent Ethics: Theory, Subjectivity, and Duration.Tamsin Lorraine - 2011 - State University of New York Press.
    Explains how the work of Deleuze and Guattari speaks to feminism and other progressive movements.
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    Living with AI personal assistant: an ethical appraisal.Lorraine K. C. Yeung, Cecilia S. Y. Tam, Sam S. S. Lau & Mandy M. Ko - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (6):2813-2828.
    Mark Coeckelbergh (Int J Soc Robot 1:217–221, 2009) argues that robot ethics should investigate what interaction with robots can do to humans rather than focusing on the robot’s moral status. We should ask what robots do to our sociality and whether human–robot interaction can contribute to the human good and human flourishing. This paper extends Coeckelbergh’s call and investigate what it means to live with disembodied AI-powered agents. We address the following question: Can the human–AI interaction contribute to our moral (...)
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  9. The metaphysics of propositional constituency.Lorraine Keller - 2013 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 43 (5-6):655-678.
    In this paper, I criticize Structured Propositionalism, the most widely held theory of the nature of propositions according to which they are structured entities with constituents. I argue that the proponents of Structured Propositionalism have paid insufficient attention to the metaphysical presuppositions of the view – most egregiously, to the notion of propositional constituency. This is somewhat ironic, since the friends of structured propositions tend to argue as if the appeal to constituency gives their view a dialectical advantage. I criticize (...)
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    Biographies of Scientific Objects.Lorraine Daston (ed.) - 2000 - University of Chicago Press.
    Why does an object or phenomenon become the subject of scientific inquiry? Why do some of these objects remain provocative, while others fade from center stage? And why do objects sometimes return as the focus of research long after they were once abandoned? Addressing such questions, _Biographies of Scientific Objects_ is about how whole domains of phenomena—dreams, atoms, monsters, culture, society, mortality, centers of gravity, value, cytoplasmic particles, the self, tuberculosis—come into being and sometimes pass away as objects of scientific (...)
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  11. Ecological Thinking: The Politics of Epistemic Location.Lorraine Code - 2006 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    Arguing that ecological thinking can animate an epistemology capable of addressing feminist, multicultural, and other post-colonial concerns, this book critiques the instrumental rationality, hyperbolized autonomy, abstract individualism, and exploitation of people and places that western epistemologies of mastery have legitimated. It proposes a politics of epistemic location, sensitive to the interplay of particularity and diversity, and focused on responsible epistemic practices. Starting from an epistemological approach implicit in Rachel Carson’s scientific projects, the book draws, constructively and critically, on ecological theory (...)
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    Irigaray & Deleuze: experiments in visceral philosophy.Tamsin E. Lorraine - 1999 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    For Tamsin Lorraine, the works of Luce Irigaray and Gilles Deleuze open up new ways of thinking about subjectivity. Focusing on the affinities between the theorists' views—while addressing weaknesses of each—she offers both a cogent analysis of their often challenging writings on this topic and an accessible introduction to their philosophical projects. Through her readings she articulates an approach to subjectivity as an embodied, dynamic process, one that speaks to beliefs about personal identity as well as to the practical (...)
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    (1 other version)The moral authority of nature.Lorraine Daston & Fernando Vidal (eds.) - 2004 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    For thousands of years, people have used nature to justify their political, moral, and social judgments. Such appeals to the moral authority of nature are still very much with us today, as heated debates over genetically modified organisms and human cloning testify. The Moral Authority of Nature offers a wide-ranging account of how people have used nature to think about what counts as good, beautiful, just, or valuable. The eighteen essays cover a diverse array of topics, including the connection of (...)
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  14. Rhetorical Spaces: Essays on Gendered Locations.Lorraine Code - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    The arguments in this book are informed at once by the moral-political implications of how knowledge is produced and circulated and by issues of gendered subjectivity. In their critical dimension, these lucid essays engage with the incapacity of the philosophical mainstream's dominant epistemologies to offer regulative principles that guide people in the epistemic projects that figure centrally in their lives. In its constructive dimension, ____Rhetorical__ ____Spaces__ focuses on developing productive, case-by-case analyses of knowing other people in situations where social-political inequalities (...)
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    Wonders and the Order of Nature 1150–1750.Lorraine Daston - 1998 - Zone Books.
    Wonders and the Order of Nature is about the ways in which European naturalists from the High Middle Ages through the Enlightenment used wonder and wonders, the passion and its objects, to envision themselves and the natural world. Monsters, gems that shone in the dark, petrifying springs, celestial apparitions---these were the marvels that adorned romances, puzzled philosophers, lured collectors, and frightened the devout. Drawing on the histories of art, science, philosophy, and literature, Lorraine Daston and Katharine Park explore and (...)
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  16. Aristotle and the Philosophy of Friendship.Lorraine Smith Pangle - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a comprehensive account of the major philosophical works on friendship and its relationship to self-love. The book gives central place to Aristotle's searching examination of friendship in the Nicomachean Ethics. Lorraine Pangle argues that the difficulties surrounding this discussion are soon dispelled once one understands the purpose of the Ethics as both a source of practical guidance for life and a profound, theoretical investigation into human nature. The book also provides fresh interpretations of works on friendship (...)
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    The Philosophy of Happiness: An Interdisciplinary Introduction.Lorraine L. Besser - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge Press.
    Emerging research on the subject of happiness-in psychology, economics, and public policy-reawakens and breathes new life into long-standing philosophical questions about happiness. By analyzing this research from a philosophical perspective, Lorraine L. Besser is able to weave together the contributions of other disciplines, and the result is a robust, deeply contoured understanding of happiness made accessible for nonspecialists. This book is the first to thoroughly investigate the fundamental theoretical issues at play in all the major contemporary debates about happiness, (...)
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  18. Marvelous Facts and Miraculous Evidence in Early Modern Europe.Lorraine Daston - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 18 (1):93-124.
    I have sketched the well-known distinction between facts and evidence not to defend or attack it , but rather as a preface to a key episode in the history of the conceptual categories of fact and evidence. My question is neither, “Do neutral facts exist?” nor “How does evidence prove or disprove?” but rather, “How did our current conceptions of neutral facts and enlisted evidence, and the distinction between them, come to be?” How did evidence come to be incompatible with (...)
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  19. Is the sex of the knower epistemologically significant?Lorraine B. Code - 1981 - Metaphilosophy 12 (3-4):267-276.
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  20. Hume's moral philosophy and psychology.Lorraine L. Besser - 2018 - In Angela Michelle Coventry & Alex Sager, _The Humean Mind_. New York: Routledge.
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  21. Mathematical probability and the reasonable man of the eighteenth century.Lorraine J. Daston - 1983 - In Joseph Warren Dauben & Virginia Staudt Sexton, History and Philosophy of Science: Selected Papers : Monthly Meetings, New York, 1979-1981, Selection of Papers. New York Academy of Sciences.
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    The ethical professor: a practical guide to research, teaching and professional life.Lorraine Eden - 2018 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Kathy Lund Dean & Paul M. Vaaler.
    Introduction -- Ethics and research -- Twenty questions : ethical research dilemmas and PHD students -- Research pitfalls for new entrants to the academy -- Scientists behaving badly: insights from the fraud triangle -- Slicing and dicing : ex ante approaches -- Slicing and dicing : ex post approaches -- Retraction : mistake or misconduct? -- Double-blind review in the age of google and powerpoint -- Ethics in research scenarios : what would you do? -- Thought leader : Michael A. (...)
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    Photographs of the ageing body in a nursing journal: a profession’s response.Lorraine Ritchie - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (2):101-110.
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  24. The Interesting and the Pleasant.Lorraine Besser - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 24 (1).
    I argue that interesting experiences are experientially valuable in the same fashion as pleasant experiences, yet that the interesting is nonetheless a distinct value from the pleasant. Insofar as it challenges the hedonist’s assumption that pleasure and pain are the only evaluative dimensions of our phenomenological experiences, my argument here serves both as a defense of the value of the interesting and as an important critique of hedonism.
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  25. The psychologically rich life.Lorraine L. Besser & Shigehiro Oishi - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (8):1053-1071.
    This paper introduces the notion of a “psychologically rich life”: a life characterized by complexity, in which people experience a variety of interesting things, and feel and appreciate a variety of deep emotions via firsthand experiences or vicarious experiences. A psychologically rich life can be contrasted with a boring and monotonous life, in which one feels a singular emotion or feels that their lives are defined by routines that just aren’t that interesting. Our discussion considers how it is that the (...)
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  26. Against Naturalized Cognitive Propositions.Lorraine Juliano Keller - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (4):929-946.
    In this paper, I argue that Scott Soames’ theory of naturalized cognitive propositions faces a serious objection: there are true propositions for which NCP cannot account. More carefully, NCP cannot account for certain truths of mathematics unless it is possible for there to be an infinite intellect. For those who reject the possibility of an infinite intellect, this constitutes a reductio of NCP.
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  27. What Can She Know? Feminist Theory and the Construction of Knowledge.Lorraine Code, Sandra Harding & Susan Hekman - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (3):202-210.
    Feminist epistemologists who attempt to refigure epistemology must wrestle with a number of dualisms. This essay examines the ways Lorraine Code, Sandra Harding, and Susan Hekman reconceptualize the relationship between self/other, nature/culture, and subject/object as they struggle to reformulate objectivity and knowledge.
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  28. Things That Talk: Object Lessons From Art and Science.Lorraine Daston (ed.) - 2004 - Cambridge, Mass.: Zone Books.
    Imagine a world without things. There would be nothing to describe, nothing to explain, remark, interpret, or complain about. Without things, we would stop speaking; we would become as mute as things are alleged to be. In nine original essays, internationally renowned historians of art and of science seek to understand how objects become charged with significance without losing their gritty materiality. True to the particularity of things, each of the essays singles out one object for close attention: a Bosch (...)
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  29. On Scientific Observation.Lorraine Daston - 2008 - Isis 99 (1):97-110.
    For much of the last forty years, certain shared epistemological concerns have guided research in both the history and the philosophy of science: the testing of theory (including the replication of experiments), the assessment of evidence, the bearing of theoretical and metaphysical assumptions on the reality of scientific objects, and, above all, the interaction of subjective and objective factors in scientific inquiry. This essay proposes a turn toward ontology—more specifically, toward the ontologies created and sustained by scientific observation. Such a (...)
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  30. Who cares? The poverty of objectivism for a moral epistemology.Lorraine Code - 1994 - In Allan Megill, Rethinking Objectivity. Durham: Duke University Press. pp. 179--195.
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    Virtue is Knowledge: The Moral Foundations of Socratic Political Philosophy.Lorraine Smith Pangle - 2014 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    The relation between virtue and knowledge is at the heart of the Socratic view of human excellence, but it also points to a central puzzle of the Platonic dialogues: Can Socrates be serious in his claims that human excellence is constituted by one virtue, that vice is merely the result of ignorance, and that the correct response to crime is therefore not punishment but education? Or are these assertions mere rhetorical ploys by a notoriously complex thinker? Lorraine Smith Pangle (...)
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  32. Reassessing the Profile and Needs of Battered Women.Lorraine Greaves, Nelson Heapy & Alison Wylie - 1988 - Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health 7 (2):292-303.
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  33. Susan Wendell, The Rejected Body: Feminist Philosophical Reflections on Disability Reviewed by.Renée Cox Lorraine - 1997 - Philosophy in Review 17 (2):149-151.
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    Music, tendencies, and inhibitions: reflections on a theory of Leonard Meyer.Renee Cox Lorraine - 2001 - Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press.
    Leonard B. Meyer has proposed that when musical tendencies or expectations are inhibited by musical ambiguity or the unexpected, those inhibitions and their subsequent resolutions are likely to be provocative or engaging. Music, Tendencies and Inhibitions will explore the relevance of this theory to music and various other disciplines, and to psychological and natural processes. Each chapter consists of two parts: a presentation and consideration of an aspect of Meyer's theory, and a more associative or rhapsodic section of "Reflections" on (...)
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    Loss of concept identification in children with change in irrelevant facial features.Lorraine A. Low & Paul Berardi - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (6):466-468.
  36. Divine Ineffability and Franciscan Knowledge.Lorraine Juliano Keller - 2018 - Res Philosophica 95 (3):347-370.
    There’s been a recent surge of interest among analytic philosophers of religion in divine ineffability. However, divine ineffability is part of a traditional conception of God that has been widely rejected among analytic philosophers of religion for the past few decades. One of the main reasons that the traditional conception of God has been rejected is because it allegedly makes God too remote, unknowable, and impersonal. In this paper, I present an account of divine ineffability that directly addresses this concern (...)
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  37. The Nature of Horror Reconsidered.Lorraine Yeung - 2018 - International Philosophical Quarterly 58 (2):125-138.
    There is a growing interest in the role of non-cognitive affective responses in the philosophical literature on fiction and emotion. This flurry of scholarly interest is partly a reaction to cognitivist accounts of fiction and emotion that have been found to be inadequate. The inadequacy is particularly salient when this approach is employed to account for narrative horror. Cognitivist conceptions of the emotion engendered by narrative horror prove to be too restrictive. Cognitivist accounts also fail to give the formal devices (...)
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  38. What propositional structure could not be.Lorraine Juliano Keller - 2019 - Synthese 196 (4):1529-1553.
    The dominant account of propositions holds that they are structured entities that have, as constituents, the semantic values of the constituents of the sentences that express them. Since such theories hold that propositions are structured, in some sense, like the sentences that express them, they must provide an answer to what I will call Soames’ Question: “What level, or levels, of sentence structure does semantic information incorporate?”. As it turns out, answering Soames’ Question is no easy task. I argue in (...)
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  39. Mary McCanney Gergen, ed., Feminist Thought and the Structure of Knowledge Reviewed by.Lorraine Code - 1990 - Philosophy in Review 10 (2):60-63.
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    Girls, Boys and Computers.Lorraine Culley - 1988 - Educational Studies 14 (1):3-8.
    This article discusses the findings of a research project concerning gender differences in computing in secondary schools, funded by the Equal Opportunities Commission. The research examined the organisation and teaching of computing in secondary schools, assessing the extent and nature of gender differences in participation in computing activities and examined teacher attitudes to girls and computing. The article outlines the main findings of the research and includes a series of recommendations for action by schools.
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  41. A propos de la paramnesie.J. C. Lorrain - 1894 - Philosophical Review 3:361.
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  42. De grammatica van de vriendschap.Lorraine Smith Pangle - 2008 - Nexus 50.
    ‘Wij hebben niet de capaciteit verloren om vriendschappen te koesteren, maar alleen de gewoonte ze met de grootste ernst te nemen en er diep over na te denken. Door ons weer vertrouwd te maken met de rijke discussies over vriendschap in de werken van Aristoteles, Cicero, Montaigne en Bacon, die allemaal aan de bakermat stonden van het Europese humanisme, kunnen we misschien beginnen het vocabulaire te hervinden van het denken over wat het betekent een menselijk en sociaal wezen te zijn.’.
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    Beyond Size: Predicting Engagement in Environmental Management Practices of Dutch SMEs.Lorraine M. Uhlaner, Marta M. Berent-Braun, Ronald J. M. Jeurissen & Gerrit de Wit - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (4):411-429.
    This study focuses on the prediction of the engagement of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in environmental management practices, based on a random sample of 689 SMEs. The study finds that several endogenous factors, including tangibility of sector, firm size, innovative orientation, family influence and perceived financial benefits from energy conservation, predict an SME’s level of engagement in selected environmental management practices. For family influence, this effect is found only in interaction with the number of owners. In addition to empirical (...)
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  44. Histories of scientific observation.Lorraine Daston & Elizabeth Lunbeck (eds.) - 2011 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    This book makes a compelling case for the significance of the long, surprising, and epistemologically significant history of scientific observation, a history ...
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  45. Propositions without parts.Lorraine Juliano Keller - 2022 - In Chris Tillman & Adam Murray, The Routledge Handbook of Propositions. Routledge.
    This paper is a defense of what I call The Simple View, according to which propositions are simple, fine-grained, abstract entities that have truth-conditions essentially and fundamentally. The Simple View has two controversial implications: (i) propositions do not (literally) have constituents or parts, and (ii) propositions’ having truth-conditions is a brute fact about them. I criticize the Simple View’s two competitors, the Possible Worlds View and the Structured View, for failing to provide a plausible ontology of propositions and failing to (...)
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    Rhetorical Spaces: Essays on Gendered Locations.Lorraine Code - 1995 - Mind 108 (429):157-159.
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    Memory at the Sharp End: The Costs of Remembering With Others in Forensic Contexts.Lorraine Hope & Fiona Gabbert - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (4):609-626.
    Hope and Gabbert review and distil the relevant research examining the mnemonic consequences associated with conversations within an eyewitness context. In particular, they focus on how co‐witnesses’ retellings of witnessed events impair the quantity and quality of information subsequently reported to law enforcement authorities. Notably, they also provide interventions (e.g., careful witness management and post incident procedures, use of warnings, early individual accounts, etc.) to mitigate these negative, well‐documented mnemonic effects.
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  48. Virtue of Self-Regulation.Lorraine L. Besser - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (3):505-517.
    This paper proposes the idea of thinking about practical rationality in terms of self-regulation and defends the thesis that self-regulation is a virtue, insofar as we have reason to think it is our highest form of practical rationality. I argue that understanding self-regulation as a virtuous form of practical reasoning is called for given the kinds of limitations we face in developing agency and pursuing our goals, and presents us with several advantages over traditional understandings of practical rationality.
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  49. The moral economy of science.Lorraine Daston - 1995 - Osiris 10:3--24.
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    Unimodal Versus Bimodal EEG-fMRI Neurofeedback of a Motor Imagery Task.Lorraine Perronnet, Anatole Lécuyer, Marsel Mano, Elise Bannier, Fabien Lotte, Maureen Clerc & Christian Barillot - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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