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  1.  10
    Specters of Liberation: Great Refusals in the New World Order.Martin J. Beck Matustik - 1998 - State University of New York Press.
    Advocates a new existential and political coalition among critical and postmodern social theorists and among critical gender, race, and class theorists, in dissent from the New World Order, to raise specters of liberation and empower radical democratic change.
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    Jurgen Habermas: A Philosophical-Political Profile.Martin Beck Matuštík - 2001 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This philosophical-political profile offers the first of its kind intellectual reconstruction of HabermasOs defining existential and historical situations, his generational profile and interventions, his impact on as well as the discontents that his life work generates in others. In this work the reader is taken on a journey with Habermas through the 20th-century intellectual and political history from the defeat of Nazism, to the Cold War restoration of the 1950s, the student movement of the 1960s, the historical revisions of the (...)
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    Kierkegaard in Post/Modernity.Martin Beck Matuštík & Merold Westphal (eds.) - 1995 - Indiana University Press.
    "This volume represents a fine assessment of the continuing applicability of Kierkegaard’s thought for the 21st century."—The Reader’s Review "Matustík and Westphal have set some agile minds to the task of drawing out the threads of Kierkegaard’s influence on postmodern and contemporary philosophy, from gender to politics and from Buber to Derrida." —Choice "... Usefully and effectively establishes Kierkegaard as a living presence in contemporary thought. It will help students of Kierkegaard attend to aspects of his thought that have eluded (...)
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  4. Rituals and Algorithms: Genealogy of Reflective Faith and Postmetaphysical Thinking.Martin Beck Matuštík - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (4):163-184.
    What happens when mindless symbols of algorithmic AI encounter mindful performative rituals? I return to my criticisms of Habermas’ secularising reading of Kierkegaard’s ethics. Next, I lay out Habermas’ claim that the sacred complex of ritual and myth contains the ur-origins of postmetaphysical thinking and reflective faith. If reflective faith shares with ritual same origins as does communicative interaction, how do we access these archaic ritual sources of human solidarity in the age of AI?
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    Radical Evil and the Scarcity of Hope: Postsecular Meditations.Martin Beck Matuštík - 2008 - Indiana University Press.
    No one will deny that we live in a world where evil exists. But how are we to come to grips with human atrocity and its diabolical intensity? Martin Beck Matuštík considers evil to be even more radically evil than previously thought and to have become all too familiar in everyday life. While we can name various moral wrongs and specific cruelties, Matuštík maintains that radical evil understood as a religious phenomenon requires a religious response where the language of hope, (...)
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  6. Post-National Identity: Habermas, Kierkegaard and Havel.Martin J. Matustik - 1993 - Thesis Eleven 34 (1):89-103.
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    "More than all the others": Meditation on responsibility.Martin Matuštík - 2007 - Critical Horizons 8 (1):47-60.
    This essay examines one aspect of the wide-ranging philosophical background of the intellectual and dissident movement for human rights in one-time communist Czechoslovakia. I shall meditate on Jan Patočka 's finite responsibility, Derrida's aporetic emphasis on the infinite dimension of responsibility, and Lévinasian-Dostoyevskyan ethico-existential variations on in/finite responsibility. Havel alludes to hyperbolic ethics in a parenthetical remark on the birth of "Charta 77", the Manifesto for Human Rights in Czechoslovakia. The question before us is this: which dimension of responsibility appears (...)
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  8. Derrida and habermas on the aporias of the politics of identity and difference: Towards radical democratic multiculturalism.Martin J. Matustik - 1995 - Filosoficky Casopis 43 (4):633-652.
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  9. Existential Social Theory After the Poststructuralist and Communication Turns.Martin Beck Matuštík - 2002 - Human Studies 25 (2):147-164.
    Thomas Flynn's work on Sartre and Foucault, the first of a two-volume project, offers a unique opportunity for examining an existential theory of history. It occasions rethinking existential-social categories from the vantage point of the poststructuralist turn. And it contributes to developing existential variants of critical theory. The following questions guide me in each of the three above areas. First, how is human history intelligible, given not only our finite sense of ourselves but also claims that we have reached the (...)
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  10. Between Hope and Terror: Habermas and Derrida Plead for the Im/Possible.Martin Beck Matustik - 2006 - In Lasse Thomassen, Jacques Derrida & Jürgen Habermas (eds.), The Derrida-Habermas reader. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 278.
  11. Existence and the communicatively competent self.Martin Beck Matustik - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (3).
    Most readers of Habermas would not classify him as an existential thinker. The view of Habermas as a philosopher in German Idealist and Critical traditions from Kant to Hegel and Marx to the Frankfurt School prevails among Continental as much as among analytic philosophers. And the mainstream Anglo-American reception of his work and politics is shaped by the approaches of formal analysis rather than those of existential and social phenomenology or even current American pragmatism. One may argue that both these (...)
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    Jürgen Habermas at 60.Martin J. Matustik - 1990 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 16 (2):159-160.
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    Kierkegaard as socio-political thinker and activist.Martin J. Matuštík - 1994 - Man and World 27 (2):211-224.
  14. Kierkegaard in Post/Modernity.Martin J. Matuštík & Merold Westphal - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 193 (1):120-120.
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  15.  13
    Revolutionary Hope: Essays in Honor of William L. Mcbride.Matthew Abraham, Matthew C. Ally, Joseph Catalano, Thomas Flynn, Lewis Gordon, Leonard Harris, Sonia Kruks, Martin Beck Matustik, Constance Mui, Julien Murphy, Ronald Santoni, Sally Scholz, Calvin Schrag & Shane Wahl (eds.) - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Over the course of the last four decades, William Leon McBride has distinguished himself as one of the most esteemed and accomplished philosophers of his generation. This volume—which celebrates the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday—includes contributions from colleagues, friends, and formers students and pays tribute to McBride’s considerable achievements as a teacher, mentor, and scholar.
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  16. Habermas's reading of Kierkegaard: Notes from a conversation.Martin J. Matustik - 1991 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 17 (4):313-323.
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    A Conversation with Calvin O. Schrag.Martin Beck Matuštík - 2004 - Symposium 8 (1):117-133.
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    Between Hope and Terror.Martin Beck Matuštík - 2004 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 9 (1):1-18.
    His Paulskirche speech on October 14, 2001, marked Habermas’s turn to public criticism of the unilateral politics of global hegemony as he promoted a globaldomestic and human rights policy. Two years later he joined ranks with Jacques Derrida against the eight “new” Europeans who lent signatures to the second Gulf War. Lest we misjudge the joint letter by Habermas and Derrida as peculiarly Eurocentric and even oblivious to the worldwide nature of the antiwar protest on February 15, 2003, we must (...)
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  19. Becoming human, becoming Sober.Martin Beck Matuštík - 2009 - Continental Philosophy Review 42 (2):249-274.
    Two themes run through Kierkegaard’s authorship. The first defines existential requirements for “becoming human”—reflective honesty and earnest humor. The second demarcates the religious phenomena of sobriety when human becoming suffers insurmountable collisions. Living with existential pathos teaches the difference between the either/or logic of collisions and the both/and logic of development and transitions. There is a difference between self-transformation and a progressive individual and social development. In the developmental mode self experiences gradual progression or adaptive evolution; in the self-transformative mode (...)
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  20.  13
    Calvin O. Schrag and the Task of Philosophy After Postmodernity.Martin Joseph Matustik & William Leon McBride - 2002 - Northwestern University Press.
    This collection of essays is a critical document in Continental philosophy, reflecting its recent history, its present state, and its debt to Calvin O. Schrag. It begins with an overview of philosophy's role and responsibility or "task" and of Schrag's contributions to it, written from the perspective of a resolute defender of the phenomenological tradition that Schrag's work has extended and reconfigured. The essays are organized around the four conceptual figures widely considered Schrag's most significant and original philosophical achievements: transversal (...)
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  21. Contribution to a new critical theory of multiculturalism: A response to 'anti-racism, multiculturalism and the ethics of identification'.Martin J. B. Matustik - 2002 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 28 (4):473-482.
  22.  15
    Democratic Multicultures and Cosmopolis.Martin J. Matuštík - 1994 - Method 12 (1):63-89.
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    Dangerous Memory of Hope.Martin Beck Matuštík - 2009 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 23 (4):350-363.
  24. Fragments from the future: Remembering the impossible.Martin J. Beck Matuštík - 1999 - Radical Philosophy Review 2 (2):170-182.
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  25.  34
    Fragments from the Future.Martin Beck Matuštík - 1999 - Radical Philosophy Review 2 (2):170-182.
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  26.  18
    From 'Theoretical Cleansing' to Basic Philosophical Rights: A Manifesto.Martin J. Matuštik - 1994 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 67 (6):72 - 73.
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    How `Unfinished' should the Project of Humanism be?Martin Beck Matuštík - 2003 - Theory, Culture and Society 20 (4):143-152.
  28.  45
    International Kierkegaard Commentary: The Corsair Affair, Vol. 13.Martin J. Matustik - 1992 - International Philosophical Quarterly 32 (4):524-526.
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    Identity or Roots, Idol or Icon?Martin Beck Matuštík - 2006 - Radical Philosophy Review 9 (1):65-77.
    What does race add to class, as both are secular social categories? The difficulties of invidious nationalism and the conservation of races that would not foment holy wars of terror persist for both secular or postsecular theorists. Postsecular thinkers are in a stronger position than a secular theorist to challenge religiously inflected social integrations, invidious nationalism, and fundamentalism.Unmasking them as social formation proffers an external criticism, to speak of them as sacralizations of identity exposes them at the root. Secular theorists (...)
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  30.  73
    Jurgen Habermas at 60.Martin J. Matustik - 1990 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 16 (1):61-79.
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  31. Jurgen Habermas' philosophical-political profile: A critical appraisal of the biographical argument.M. B. Matustik - 2004 - Filosoficky Casopis 52 (2):207-229.
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  32. Memory and Countermemory: For an Open Future.Martin Matuštík - 2016 - In Lester Embree & Hwa Jung (eds.), Political Phenomenology: Essays in Memory of Petee Jung. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  33.  19
    Merleau-Ponty on Taking the Attitude of the Other.Martin J. Matustik - 1991 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 22 (1):44-52.
  34.  14
    Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Sympathy.Martin J. Matustik - unknown
  35.  31
    Singular Existence and Critical Theory.Martin Beck Matuštík - 2005 - Radical Philosophy Review 8 (2):211-223.
    Two questions were addressed to my existential biography of Habermas: Is my use of existential categories to discuss his theorycompatible with his recovery of the publicity of facts and norms? Can I concede a secular reading of anamnestic solidarity to Habermas and retain this conception to sustain a Benjaminian-Kierkegaardian openness of history? The best answer would be to reprint Habermas’s astonishing autobiography from Kyoto (his thank you speech on the occasion of the Koyto Award on 11 November 2004). The second (...)
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    Which Axial Age, whose rituals? Habermas and Jaspers on the ‘spiritual’ situation of the present age.Martin Beck Matuštík - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (6):753-766.
    Can we keep relying on sources of values dating back to the Axial Age, or do cognitive changes in the present age require a completely new foundation? An uncertainty arises with the crisis of values that can support the human in the age of artificial intelligence. Should we seek contemporary access points to the archaic origins of the species? Or must we also imagine new Anthropocenic-Axial values to reground the human event? In his most recent work, Habermas affirms the continuing (...)
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  37. Witnessing and recognition in an antiredemptory age: destroyed peoples and our memorial problem (with an afterword to the Czech translation by M. Pullmann).M. B. Matustik - 2002 - Filosoficky Casopis 50 (5):811-830.
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  38.  41
    What Does Critical Theory Have to Do with It?Martin Beck Matuštik - 1998 - Radical Philosophy Review 1 (1):46-53.
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    Habermas' turn?Martin Beck Matuštík - 2006 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 32 (1):21-36.
    How a thinker comes to adopt or change a view may be regarded as either a strictly theoretical or biographical issue. First, looking backward at my completed philosophical-political profile of Habermas, I elucidate how biographical methodology can yield a coherent yet dynamically evolving profile rather than a static portrait. Second, examining Habermas’ thinking after 2000, the year my published biography of him ends, I venture a biographical-philosophical hypothesis that in what appears to be Habermas’ turn after 11 September 2001, or (...)
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  40. Postnational Identity: Critical Theory and Existential Philosophy in Habermas, Kierkegaard, and Havel (New York: Guilford)., and Havel. 1995.“Derrida and Habermas on the Aporia of the Politics of Identity and Difference:. 1995.“Derrid Towards Radical Democratic Multiculturalism.”. [REVIEW]Martin J. Beck Matuštík - 1993 - Constellations 1 (3):383-98.
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    ISBN: 0802839037. Henriksen, Jan-Olav. The Reconstruction of Religion: Lessing, Kierkegaard,. and Nietzsche. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2001. Pp. 208. Paper $22.00, ISBN: 080284927X. [REVIEW]Robert A. Herrera, Sharon M. Kaye, Robert M. Martin, C. A. Belmont, Martin Beck Matustik & Bernard McGinn - 2001 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 75 (4).
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  42.  17
    Auslegung: a journal of philosophy, Volume 14, Number 2 : Book Review. [REVIEW]Martin J. Matustik - unknown
    Review of Andrew Buchwalter's "Observations on "The Spiritual Situation of the Age".
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  43. Elsebet Jegstrup, ed., The New Kierkegaard. [REVIEW]Martin Matuštík - 2005 - Philosophy in Review 25:114-116.
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    Matrix and Line. [REVIEW]Martin J. Matustik - 1993 - Radical Philosophy Review of Books 8 (8):4-12.
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  45. R.L. Perkins , "International Kierkegaard commentary: The Corsair affair". [REVIEW]M. Matuštík - 1993 - Man and World 26 (1):93.
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    Transcendental-Phenomenological Retrieval and Critical Theory. [REVIEW]Martin Matustik - 1990 - Method 8 (1):94-105.
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