Results for 'Markus Stachon'

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  1.  11
    Evolutionary Thinking in Ancient Literary Theory: Quintilian’s Canon and the Origin of Verse Forms.Markus Stachon - 2017 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 110 (2):237-255.
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    From priapus to cytherea: A sequential reading of the catalepton.Niklas Holzberg - 2018 - Classical Quarterly 68 (2):557-565.
    In an article published thirteen years ago, I tried to break new ground by showing that the texts transmitted under the titleCataleptonas the work of Virgil can be seen to form an elaborately arranged and highly allusive book of verse written by a single author. This latter, I argued, was identical with the anonymous poet who, in an epilogue, represents the preceding poems as the juvenilia of the author later known for hisBucolics,GeorgicsandAeneidand, consequently, is himself speaking in the alleged early (...)
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  3. Taking Something as a Reason for Action.Markus E. Schlosser - 2012 - Philosophical Papers 41 (2):267-304.
    This paper proposes and defends an account of what it is to act for reasons. In the first part, I will discuss the desire-belief and the deliberative model of acting for reasons. I will argue that we can avoid the weaknesses and retain the strengths of both views, if we pursue an alternative according to which acting for reasons involves taking something as a reason. In the main part, I will develop an account of what it is to take something (...)
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  4. The Oxford Handbook of Compositionality.Markus Werning, Wolfram Hinzen & Edouard Machery (eds.) - 2012 - Oxford University Press.
    Leading linguists and philosophers report on all aspects of compositionality, the notion that the meaning of an expression can be derived from its parts. This book explores every dimension of this field, reporting critically on different lines of research, revealing connections between them, and highlighting current problems and opportunities.
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  5. Some critical reflections on the hiddenness argument.Imran Aijaz & Markus Weidler - 2007 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 61 (1):1 - 23.
    J.L. Schellenberg’s Argument from Divine Hiddenness maintains that if a perfectly loving God exists, then there is no non-resistant non-belief. Given that such nonbelief exists, however, it follows that there is no perfectly loving God. To support the conditional claim, Schellenberg presents conceptual and analogical considerations, which we subject to critical scrutiny. We also evaluate Schellenberg’s claim that the belief that God exists is logically necessary for entering into a relationship with the Divine. Finally, we turn to possible variants of (...)
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  6. Conscious Will, Reason-Responsiveness, and Moral Responsibility.Markus E. Schlosser - 2013 - The Journal of Ethics 17 (3):205-232.
    Empirical evidence challenges many of the assumptions that underlie traditional philosophical and commonsense conceptions of human agency. It has been suggested that this evidence threatens also to undermine free will and moral responsibility. In this paper, I will focus on the purported threat to moral responsibility. The evidence challenges assumptions concerning the ability to exercise conscious control and to act for reasons. This raises an apparent challenge to moral responsibility as these abilities appear to be necessary for morally responsible agency. (...)
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  7. Language and Production. A Critique of the Paradigms.György Márkus - 1986 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 96.
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    Michel Foucault: pädagogische Lektüren.Norbert Ricken & Markus Rieger-Ladich (eds.) - 2004 - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
    Michel Foucault entwickelt sich gegenwartig zweifellos zu einer der neuen Bezugsgrossen des padagogischen Diskurses: Nach einer langen Phase grosser Widerstande innerhalb der deutschsprachigen Erziehungswissenschaft werden jetzt die ...
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  9. Truth, Proof and Gödelian Arguments: A Defence of Tarskian Truth in Mathematics.Markus Pantsar - 2009 - Dissertation, University of Helsinki
    One of the most fundamental questions in the philosophy of mathematics concerns the relation between truth and formal proof. The position according to which the two concepts are the same is called deflationism, and the opposing viewpoint substantialism. In an important result of mathematical logic, Kurt Gödel proved in his first incompleteness theorem that all consistent formal systems containing arithmetic include sentences that can neither be proved nor disproved within that system. However, such undecidable Gödel sentences can be established to (...)
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    Decent Society and/or Civil Society?Maria Markus - 2001 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 68.
  11. Causally efficacious intentions and the sense of agency: In defense of real mental causation.Markus E. Schlosser - 2012 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 32 (3):135-160.
    Empirical evidence, it has often been argued, undermines our commonsense assumptions concerning the efficacy of conscious intentions. One of the most influential advocates of this challenge has been Daniel Wegner, who has presented an impressive amount of evidence in support of a model of "apparent mental causation". According to Wegner, this model provides the best explanation of numerous curious and pathological cases of behavior. Further, it seems that Benjamin Libet's classic experiment on the initiation of action and the empirical evidence (...)
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  12. Divine Hiddenness and Discrimination: A Philosophical Dilemma.Markus Weidler & Imran Aijaz - 2013 - Sophia 52 (1):95-114.
    Since its first delivery in 1993, J.L. Schellenberg’s atheistic argument from divine hiddenness keeps generating lively debate in various quarters in the philosophy of religion. Over time, the author has responded to many criticisms of his argument, both in its original evidentialist version and in its subsequent conceptualist version. One central problem that has gone undetected in these exchanges to date, we argue, is how Schellenberg’s explicit-recognition criterion for revelation contains discriminatory tendencies against mentally handicapped persons. Viewed from this angle, (...)
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    Creating Shared Value: Ökonomische und gesellschaftliche Wertschöpfung.Markus Scholz - 2021 - In Ludger Heidbrink, Alexander Lorch & Verena Rauen (eds.), Handbuch Wirtschaftsphilosophie Iii: Praktische Wirtschaftsphilosophie. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 431-442.
    Creating Shared Value ist ein prominenter strategischer Ansatz, welcher Unternehmen unterstützen soll, gesellschaftliche und ökologische Themen zu adressieren und gleichzeitig Profite zu generieren. In diesem Beitrag wird der CSV-Ansatz zunächst vorgestellt und anschließend kritisch diskutiert. Darauf aufbauend wird eine Weiterentwicklung von CSV unter dem Namen CSV+ skizziert.
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  14. Disagreement, Skepticism, and the Dialectical Conception of Justification.Markus Lammenranta - 2011 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 1 (1):3-17.
    It is a common intuition that at least in some cases disagreement has skeptical consequences: the participants are not justified in persisting in their beliefs. I will argue that the currently popular non-dialectical and individualistic accounts of justification, such as evidentialism and reliabilism, cannot explain this intuition and defend the dialectical conception of justification that can explain it. I will also argue that this sort of justification is a necessary condition of knowledge by relying on Craig's genealogy of the concept (...)
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  15. A Noção Epicúrea de Eustatheí­a e a Téchne Hé Ietriké.Markus Figueira da Silva - 1998 - Princípios 5 (6):147-154.
    Este breve artigo traz em seu bojo a articulaçáo da compreensáo physiologica do corpo-carne em Epicuro com a Techne he Ietrike (Medicina Antiga), com vistas a mostrar o ethos (carater) comum à medicina e a filosofia na antiguidade.
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    Rethinking Assistive Technologies: Users, Environments, Digital Media, and App-Practices of Hearing.Beate Ochsner, Markus Spöhrer & Robert Stock - 2022 - NanoEthics 16 (1):65-79.
    Against the backdrop of an aging world population increasingly affected by a diverse range of abilities and disabilities as well as the rise of ubiquitous computing and digital app cultures, this paper questions how mobile technologies mediate between heterogeneous environments and sensing beings. To approach the current technological manufacturing of the senses, two lines of thought are of importance: First, there is a need to critically reflect upon the concept of assistive technologies as artifacts providing tangible solutions for a specific (...)
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  17. Equipping tablets. In-depth interviews with early adopters on the sedimentation of human-technology relations in schools.Markus Bohlmann & Martin Wilmer - 2025 - In Markus Bohlmann & Patrizia Breil (eds.), Postphenomenology and technologies within educational settings. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  18. Postphenomenology and technologies within educational settings.Markus Bohlmann & Patrizia Breil (eds.) - 2025 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This volume explores the human-technology relations that both shape modern educational settings and have a decisive influence on what education is and will be in the future. The contributors present empirical evidence to challenge and reframe the goal of education in relation to technology.
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    Ungründe: potenziale prekärer Fundierung.Markus Rautzenberg & Juliane Schiffers (eds.) - 2016 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Einer Welt ohne letzte Gründe bleibt, so scheint es, nur die Alternative zwischen Fundamentalismus und pragmatischer Indifferenz. Beides wird weder der Komplexität noch der ungebrochenen Notwendigkeit der Begründungssuche gerecht. Die Autoren denken Begründung konsequent als ein stets prekäres Unternehmen: Den Ungründen in Philosophie und Kunst nachzugehen meint nicht eine bloße Ablehnung von Gründen oder einen existenziell aufgeladenen Nihilismus. Im Unheimlichen, Unbegrifflichen oder Unbestimmten schwingt der Versuch (wie das Scheitern) der Entbergung, Konzeptionalisierung und Bestimmung immer mit. Genauso zeichnen sich Ungründe dadurch (...)
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    The True Countenance of Man: Science and Belief as Coordinate Magisteria (COMA) - A Theory of Knowledge.Markus Hänsel-Hohenhausen - 2012 - De Gruyter.
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    Reasoning in Non-probabilistic Uncertainty: Logic Programming and Neural-Symbolic Computing as Examples.Henri Prade, Markus Knauff, Igor Douven & Gabriele Kern-Isberner - 2017 - Minds and Machines 27 (1):37-77.
    This article aims to achieve two goals: to show that probability is not the only way of dealing with uncertainty ; and to provide evidence that logic-based methods can well support reasoning with uncertainty. For the latter claim, two paradigmatic examples are presented: logic programming with Kleene semantics for modelling reasoning from information in a discourse, to an interpretation of the state of affairs of the intended model, and a neural-symbolic implementation of input/output logic for dealing with uncertainty in dynamic (...)
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    Unterwerfung und Überschreitung: Michel Foucaults Theorie der Subjektivierung.Markus Rieger-Ladich - 2004 - In Norbert Ricken & Markus Rieger-Ladich (eds.), Michel Foucault: pädagogische Lektüren. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. pp. 203--223.
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    How task-set-size influences cognitive control: alpha power and medial-frontal negativities reflect cognitive effort.Nigbur Roland & Ullsperger Markus - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Abkürzungen und Siglen.Gerhard Schreiber & Markus Kleinert - 2005 - In Gerhard Schreiber & Markus Kleinert (eds.), Journale Nb6-Nb10. De Gruyter.
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    Commentary: Problems With Police Reports as Data Sources: A Researchers' Perspective.Stefan Schade & Markus M. Thielgen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:873235.
    Güss, Tuason, and Devine (2020) recently provide an opinion concerning problems with police reports as data source from a researchers' perspective. Based on their research project using police reports, they report their experiences with research using this data type.According to the authors, the first problem concerns the limited access to police reports and second problem arises from poor the quality of police reports. Their experiences stem from the United States of America, and it seems that police reports as a data (...)
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  26. How Art Teaches: A Lesson from Goodman.Markus Lammenranta - 2019 - Paths From the Philosophy of Art to Everyday Aesthetics.
    In “How Art Teaches: A Lesson from Goodman”, Markus Lammenranta inquires if and how artworks can convey propositional knowledge about the world. Lammenranta argues that the cognitive role of art can be explained by revising Nelson Goodman’s theory of symbols. According to Lammenranta, the problem of Goodman’s theory is that, despite providing an account of art’s symbolic function, it denies art the possibility of mediating propositional knowledge. Lammenranta claims that Goodman’s theory can be augmented by enlarging it with an (...)
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  27. Hypothetical identities: Explanatory problems for the explanatory argument.Markus I. Eronen - 2014 - Philosophical Psychology 27 (4):571-582.
    Recently, several philosophers have defended an explanatory argument that supposedly provides novel empirical grounds for accepting the type identity theory of phenomenal consciousness. They claim that we are justified in believing that the type identity thesis is true because it provides the best explanation for the correlations between physical properties and phenomenal properties. In this paper, I examine the actual role identities play in science and point out crucial shortcomings in the explanatory argument. I show that the supporters of the (...)
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    Journal nb6.Gerhard Schreiber & Markus Kleinert - 2005 - In Gerhard Schreiber & Markus Kleinert (eds.), Journale Nb6-Nb10. De Gruyter. pp. 1-78.
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  29. Adorno and Mass Culture: Autonomous Art Against the Culture Industry.György Markus - 2006 - Thesis Eleven 86 (1):67-89.
    Adorno’s extended conception of ‘culture industry’ renders the usual criticism of his views as ‘elitist’ meaningless. The same expansion creates, however, logical strains and contradictions in his analysis of the character and function of the culture industry: a strain in its ‘psychosocial’ and ‘status compulsion’ interpretation. In his late work Adorno attempts to solve this contradiction, but at a heavy price, by creating a conceptual barrier between pleasure and happiness.
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    Unità nella diversità: Un convegno italo-tedesco nel sesto centenario della nascita di Nicola da Cusa.Markus Krienke - 2002 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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  31. Ernest Sosa: Targeting His Philosophy.Amrei Bahr & Markus Seidel (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Springer.
    This volume provides the reader with exclusive insights into Ernest Sosa’s latest ideas as well as main aspects of his philosophical work of the last 50 years. Ernest Sosa, one of the most distinguished contemporary philosophers, is best known for his ground-breaking work in epistemology, and has also contributed greatly to metaphysics, metaphilosophy and philosophy of language.
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    Existenz und Reflexion: aktuelle Aspekte der Kierkegaard-Rezeption.Matthias Bauer & Markus Pohlmeyer (eds.) - 2012 - Hamburg: Igel.
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    Politische Lageanalyse: Festschrift für Hans-Joachim Arndt zum 70. Geburtstag am 15. Januar 1993.Volker Beismann & Markus Josef Klein (eds.) - 1993 - Bruchsal: San Casciano Verlag.
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  34. Intergenerational economic inequality.Anders Bjorklund & Markus Jäntti - 2011 - In Wiemer Salverda, Brian Nolan & Timothy M. Smeeding (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality. Oxford University Press.
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    Race, Speech, and a Hostile Educational Environment: What Color Is Free Speech?Markus Johnson Jill Gordon - 2003 - Journal of Social Philosophy 34 (3):414-436.
  36. Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the Austrian Philosophical Society.Matthias Scheutz & Markus F. Peschl - 2001
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  37. Proceedings of the 7th International Colloquium on Cognitive.Matthias Scheutz & Markus F. Peschl - 2001
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  38. Das,Barbarische', die,Rasse' und Nietzsche: Zur Einführung.Sebastian Kaufmann und Markus Winkler - 2021 - In Sebastian Kaufmann & Markus Winkler (eds.), Nietzsche, Das ›Barbarische‹ Und Die ›Rasse‹. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    O knowledge, where art thou?Markus U. Boehnert, Heinz Zimmermann & Aristomenis K. Exadaktylos - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (6):1177-1179.
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    Τί ποτε αϋτη ή μυθολογία δύναται – Die Macht der Rede in der „Tabula Cebetis“.Markus Hafner - 2013 - Hermes 141 (1):65-82.
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    Without place and incorporated-Newer literature to Kierkegaard.Markus Kleinert - 2007 - Philosophische Rundschau 54 (3):254 - 272.
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    Cartan’s Spiral Staircase in Physics and, in Particular, in the Gauge Theory of Dislocations.Markus Lazar & Friedrich W. Hehl - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (9-10):1298-1325.
    In 1922, Cartan introduced in differential geometry, besides the Riemannian curvature, the new concept of torsion. He visualized a homogeneous and isotropic distribution of torsion in three dimensions (3d) by the “helical staircase”, which he constructed by starting from a 3d Euclidean space and by defining a new connection via helical motions. We describe this geometric procedure in detail and define the corresponding connection and the torsion. The interdisciplinary nature of this subject is already evident from Cartan’s discussion, since he (...)
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    Revelation's New Jerusalem.Markus Ekkehard Locker - 2003 - Semiotics:234-242.
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    A Concise History of the Baltic States.Markus Meckl - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (2):248-248.
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    Rationality, REMM, and Individual Value Creation.Markus Wartiovaara - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (4):641 - 648.
    This article evaluates alternative models for explaining human behavior. In particular, it compares the resourceful, evaluative, maximizing model (REMM) with the economic (or money maximizing) model of human behavior. The theoretical framework is developed to enhance our understanding of "individual value creation" and to seek an economically rational explanation to: Why Warren Buffett is giving his money away to charity? The article develops a framework of biological, material, and immaterial sources of value. The article additionally extends the existing REMM and (...)
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    The quarterly judgment: The 24 elders of the Book of Revelation as figures of late medieval piety.Markus Zimmermann - 2012 - Disputatio Philosophica 14 (1):73-81.
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    Postscript: More problems with Botvinick and Plaut’s (2006) PDP model of short-term memory.Jeffrey S. Bowers, Markus F. Damian & Colin J. Davis - 2009 - Psychological Review 116 (4):995-997.
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    Europas Auslegungsgrenzen: Das Zusammenspiel von Europarecht ut nationalem Recht.Ralph Christensen & Markus Böhme - 2009 - Rechtstheorie 40 (3):285-312.
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    Will This Help Be Helpful? Giving Aid to Strangers in the United States and Japan.Yu Niiya, Caitlin Handron & Hazel Rose Markus - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:784858.
    Japanese rank among the least likely to intervene to help a stranger in a non-emergency situation while Americans rank among the most likely. Across four studies, we demonstrate that Japanese are less likely to offer help to strangers because their decisions rely more heavily on the assessment of the needs of others. Accordingly, when there is uncertainty about the need for help, Japanese are less likely to intervene than Americans because without an understanding of the needs of recipient, the impact (...)
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    Associations of Wellbeing Levels, Changes, and Within-Person Variability With Late-Life All-Cause Mortality Across 12 Years: Contrasting Hedonic vs. Eudaimonic Wellbeing Among Very Old Adults.Oliver Karl Schilling, Markus Wettstein & Hans-Werner Wahl - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Advanced old age has been characterized as a biologically highly vulnerable life phase. Biological, morbidity-, and cognitive impairment-related factors play an important role as mortality predictors among very old adults. However, it is largely unknown whether previous findings confirming the role of different wellbeing domains for mortality translate to survival among the oldest-old individuals. Moreover, the distinction established in the wellbeing literature between hedonic and eudaimonic wellbeing as well as the consideration of within-person variability of potentially relevant mortality predictors has (...)
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