Results for 'Martin Ossikovski'

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  1.  70
    Some Medieval Readings of Aristotle’s Argument for the Collective Superiority of “the Many”.Martin Ossikovski - 2012 - Studia Neoaristotelica 9 (2):135-153.
    An essential challenge of Aristotle’s Politics arises from the juxtaposition of contrasting and competing arguments in favour of virtuous monarchy, on the one hand, and the collective superiority of “the many”, on the other. This paper examines the purely theoretical reception of this contrast in the writings of some late medieval Aristotelians by focusing on a key section in Politics Γ (1280a8–1284b34). After reviewing Aristotle’s problematic position, the paper discusses its interpretation in the commentaries of Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas/Peter (...)
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    Die Technik und die Kehre.Martin Heidegger - 1962 - [Pfullingen]: Neske.
    Wie kein anderer Philosoph vor oder nach ihm thematisierte Heidegger die metaphysischen Denkschemata, die der abendländisch-neuzeitlichen Technikentwicklung zugrunde liegen. Auf verständliche Weise rekonstruiert dieses Buch Heideggers radikal metaphysikkritischen Ansatz vor dem Hintergrund seiner frühen und mittleren Schriften. Dabei wird nicht nur deutlich, wie sehr sein spätes Denken der Technik in Kontinuität zu seinem frühen fundamentalontologischen Projekt (und dessen Scheitern) steht, sondern es werden auch die Alternativen zum rechnenden Denken und Handeln in Kunst und Dichtung aufgezeigt. (Quelle:
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  3. Scientific pluralism and the Chemical Revolution.Martin Kusch - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 49:69-79.
    In a number of papers and in his recent book, Is Water H₂O? Evidence, Realism, Pluralism (2012), Hasok Chang has argued that the correct interpretation of the Chemical Revolution provides a strong case for the view that progress in science is served by maintaining several incommensurable “systems of practice” in the same discipline, and concerning the same region of nature. This paper is a critical discussion of Chang's reading of the Chemical Revolution. It seeks to establish, first, that Chang's assessment (...)
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  4. Relativism in Feyerabend's later writings.Martin Kusch - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 57:106-113.
  5. Axiomatizing semantic theories of truth?Martin Fischer, Volker Halbach, Jönne Kriener & Johannes Stern - 2015 - Review of Symbolic Logic 8 (2):257-278.
    We discuss the interplay between the axiomatic and the semantic approach to truth. Often, semantic constructions have guided the development of axiomatic theories and certain axiomatic theories have been claimed to capture a semantic construction. We ask under which conditions an axiomatic theory captures a semantic construction. After discussing some potential criteria, we focus on the criterion of ℕ-categoricity and discuss its usefulness and limits.
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    The end of philosophy.Martin Heidegger - 1973 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Joan Stambaugh's translations of the works of Heidegger, accomplished with his guidance, have made key aspects of his thought and philosophy accessible to readers of English for many years. This collection, writes Stambaugh, contains Heidegger's attempt "to show the history of Being as metaphysics," combining three chapters from the philosopher's Nietzsche ("Metaphysics as a History of Being," "Sketches for a History of Being as Metaphysics," and "Recollection in Metaphysics") with a selection from Vortrage und Aufsatze ("Overcoming Metaphysics").
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  7. The Cost of Treating Knowledge as a Mental State.Martin Smith - 2017 - In A. Carter, E. Gordon & B. Jarvis, Knowledge First Approaches to Epistemology and Mind. Oxford University Press. pp. 95-112.
    My concern in this paper is with the claim that knowledge is a mental state – a claim that Williamson places front and centre in Knowledge and Its Limits. While I am not by any means convinced that the claim is false, I do think it carries certain costs that have not been widely appreciated. One source of resistance to this claim derives from internalism about the mental – the view, roughly speaking, that one’s mental states are determined by one’s (...)
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    Mutatis mutandis … On Euthanasia and Advanced Dementia in the Netherlands.Martin Buijsen - 2022 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 31 (1):40-53.
    Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are common practice in the Netherlands. In response to increasing requests from patients to end their lives, physicians are finding themselves placed in particularly precarious situations because of advance directives written by patients suffering from severe dementia. In April 2020, the Supreme Court of the Netherlands issued two judgments in the so-called Dormicum case: a case involving the deliberate termination of the life of a 74-year-old woman suffering from advanced dementia by a geriatrician in a nursing (...)
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    Lived Time and Psychopathology.Martin Wyllie - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (3):173-185.
    Some psychopathologic experiences have as one of their structural aspects the experience of restructured temporality. The general argument is that one of the universal microstructures of experience, namely, lived time offers a particular perspective relevant to certain psychopathologic experiences. Lived time is connected with the experience of the embodied human subject as being driven and directed towards the world in terms of bodily potentiality and capability. The dialectical relationship between the embodied human subject and the world results in a sense (...)
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  10. Personal identity.Raymond Martin & John Barresi (eds.) - 2003 - Malden, MA: Blackwell.
    These are the very scholars that were involved in initiating the revolution in personal identity theory.
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    (1 other version)Phenomenology of Intuition and Expression.Martin Heidegger - 2001 - A&C Black.
    The first English translation of one of Heidegger's most important early lecture courses, including his most extensive treatment of the topic of destruction.
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    Reason after its eclipse: on late critical theory.Martin Jay - 2016 - Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press.
    Part I: The sun of reason. From the Greeks to the age of reason -- Kant: reason as critique; the critique of reason -- Hegel and Marx: dialectical reason -- Reason in crisis -- Part II: Reason's eclipse and return. The critique of instrumental reason: Horkheimer, Marcuse, and Adorno -- Habermas and the communicative turn -- Habermas and his critics.
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    Prospectism and the weak money pump argument.Martin Peterson - 2015 - Theory and Decision 78 (3):451-456.
    Hare proposes a view he calls prospectism for making choices in situations in which preferences have a common, but problematic structure. I show that prospectism permits the decision-maker to make a series of choices she knows in advance will lead to a sure loss. I also argue that a theory that permits the decision-maker to make choices she knows in advance will lead to a sure loss should be rejected.
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  14. Epistemic Contextualism and the Semantics-Pragmatics Distinction.Martin Montminy - 2007 - Synthese 155 (1):99-125.
    Contextualism, in its standard form, is the view that the truth conditions of sentences of the form ‘S knows that P’ vary according to the context in which they are uttered. One possible objection to contextualism appeals to what Keith DeRose calls a warranted assertability maneuver (or WAM), according to which it is not our knowledge sentences themselves that have context-sensitive truth conditions, but what is pragmatically conveyed by the use of such sentences. Thus, proponents of WAMs argue, the context (...)
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    The Association Between Gender-Diverse Compensation Committees and CEO Compensation.Martin Bugeja, Zoltan Matolcsy & Helen Spiropoulos - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 139 (2):375-390.
    We examine the association between gender-diverse compensation committees and CEO pay and find that CEO compensation levels are negatively associated with gender-diversity of the compensation committee, but not gender-diversity of the board. Furthermore, we find that excess CEO compensation is negatively related to subsequent return on assets for firms with an all-male compensation committee but not for firms with a gender-diverse compensation committee. These results suggest that CEOs do receive some level of excess compensation which can be mitigated by having (...)
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    Everyday Morality: An Introduction to Applied Ethics.Mike W. Martin - 1995 - Wadsworth Publishing Company.
    Moral character is explored in all its dimensions: virtues, vices, attitudes, emotions, commitments, and personal relationships, in addition to right and wrong conduct. The aim is to stimulate personal reflection and group dialogue, rather than to offer solutions. It seeks to sharpen ideas which we use as tools in coping responsibly with our daily lives.
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    Questioning.Martin Bell - 1975 - Philosophical Quarterly 25 (100):193-212.
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  18. Reasoning in abstract dialectical frameworks using quantified Boolean formulas.Martin Diller, Johannes Peter Wallner & Stefan Woltran - 2015 - Argument and Computation 6 (2):149-177.
    dialectical frameworks constitute a recent and powerful generalisation of Dung's argumentation frameworks, where the relationship between the arguments can be specified via Boolean formulas. Recent results have shown that this enhancement comes with the price of higher complexity compared to AFs. In fact, acceptance problems in the world of ADFs can be hard even for the third level of the polynomial hierarchy. In order to implement reasoning problems on ADFs, systems for quantified Boolean formulas thus are suitable engines to be (...)
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    A dissociation between selective attention and conscious awareness in the representation of temporal order information.Martin Eimer & Anna Grubert - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 35:274-281.
  20.  43
    What kinds of groups are group agents?Jimmy Lewis-Martin - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-19.
    For a group to be an agent, it must be individuated from its environment and other systems. It must, in other words, be an individual. Despite the central importance of individuality for understanding group agency, the concept has been significantly overlooked. I propose to fill this gap in our understanding of group individuality by arguing that agents are autonomous as it is commonly understood in the enactive literature. According to this autonomous individuation account, an autonomous system is one wherein the (...)
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    Moral creativity in science and engineering.Mike W. Martin - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (3):421-433.
    Creativity in science and engineering has moral significance and deserves attention within professional ethics, in at least three areas. First, much scientific and technological creativity constitutes moral creativity because it generates moral benefits, is motivated by moral concern, and manifests virtues such as beneficence, courage, and perseverance. Second, creativity contributes to the meaning that scientists and engineers derive from their work, thereby connecting with virtues such as authenticity and also faults arising from Faustian trade-offs. Third, morally creative leadership is important (...)
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  22. A framework for analyzing Corporate Social Responsibility.Martin R. Moser - 1986 - Journal of Business Ethics 5 (1):69-72.
    It became obvious in classroom case discussions in a required MBA course, Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics, that subjective opinion often prohibited complete and thorough case analyses. Over a two-year period an attempt was made to identify the parameters of situations involving corporate social responsibility in order to develop a methodology which would facilitate classroom learning. The model described in the following manuscript is the result of these efforts.
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  23. The young Marx and German idealism: Revisiting the doctoral dissertation.Martin McIvor - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (3):395-419.
    Recent discussions of “German Idealism ” have laid new emphasis on its central concern with the self-determining or “unconditioned” status of self-consciousness, its critique of “reflective” or “foundationalist” epistemologies and metaphysics, and its account of “Reason” or conceptuality as immanent in all human experience and social life. This article contends that this revaluation throws new light upon Karl Marx’s 1841 doctoral dissertation on ancient Greek atomism. It argues that Marx’s interest in comparing the atomistic theories of Democritus and Epicurus lies (...)
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    Fighting for the mantle of science : the epistemological foundations of neoliberalism, 1931-1951.Martin Beddeleem - 2017 - Dissertation, Université de Montréal
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  25. Supreme Mathematics: The Five Percenter Model of Divine Self-Realization and Its Commonalities to Interpretations of the Pythagorean Tetractys in Western Esotericism.Martin A. M. Gansinger - 2023 - Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society 1 (1):1-22.
    This contribution aims to explore the historical predecessors of the Five Percenter model of self-realization, as popularized by Hip Hop artists such as Supreme Team, Rakim Allah, Brand Nubian, Wu-Tang Clan, or Sunz of Man. As compared to frequent considerations of the phenomenon as a creative mythological background for a socio-political struggle, Five Percenter teachings shall be discussed as contemporary interpretations of historical models of self-realization in various philosophical, religious, and esoteric systems. By putting the coded system of the tenfold (...)
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    A Life Fulfilled: Should There Be Assisted Suicide for Those Who Are Done with Living?Martin Buijsen - 2018 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 27 (3):366-375.
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    Mr. Farrell and the refutability of psychoanalysis.Michael Martin - 1964 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 7 (1-4):80 – 98.
    Mr. B. A. Farrell has argued that psychoanalysis is refutable, without clarifying different senses of 'refutable'. Once this clarification is done and the relevant literature examined, however, it is seen that psychoanalysis is not refutable in several important senses of 'refutable', although it is refutable in a sense that is quite uninteresting.
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    Methodology is content: Indigenous approaches to research and knowledge.Brian Martin - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (14):1392-1400.
    There has been extensive work in the space of Indigenous epistemological approaches to research. Because Australian Indigenous peoples have been researched significantly, there are guidelines around the ethical and cultural conduct of this type of research. Via investigating the Academy’s approach to research in general, we can illuminate the vast differences between empirical approaches to research from the ‘West’ compared to knowledge acquisition and sharing through ‘relationality’ from an Indigenous perspective. This paper investigates this dichotomy and brings into question the (...)
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    Beyond Charity: Helping NGOs Lead a Transformative New Public Discourse on Global Poverty and Social Justice.Martin Kirk - 2011 - Ethics and International Affairs 26 (2):245-263.
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  30. 100 years of Zermelo’s axiom of choice: what was the problem with it?Per Martin-Löf - 2006 - Computer Journal 49 (3):345–350.
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    And What About the Pharmacist?Martin Buijsen & Wilma Göttgens - 2020 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 29 (3):375-385.
    In the Netherlands, euthanasia has been decriminalized. Termination of life on request and assisted suicide are criminal offences under Dutch law; but if physicians comply with the due care requirements of the Euthanasia Act and report their actions in the manner prescribed by law, they will not be prosecuted. One of the requirements relates to the act of euthanasia itself. If this is to be performed with due medical care, the physician relies on the services of a pharmacist. However, the (...)
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  32. Philosophy and artificial intelligence.Martin Ringle - 1979 - In Philosophical Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence. Humanities Press.
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    Gómez-torrente on reference to ordinary substances.Martín Abreu Zavaleta - 2020 - Manuscrito 43 (4):97-107.
    According to the Kripke-Putnam orthodoxy, a term like 'water' refers to samples of the same substance as the items on the basis of which the term was introduced. However, observations due to Needham and Leslie cast doubt on the idea that there is a uniquely privileged notion of substance relevant to the determination of reference, in which case it would seem at best indeterminate what the word `water' refers to. In response to this problem, Gómez-Torrente has argued that there is (...)
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    The invention of atmosphere.Craig Martin - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 52 (C):44-54.
  35. Nigerian Music and the Black Diaspora in the USA : African Identity, Black Power, and the Free Jazz of the 1960s.Martin A. M. Gansinger & Ayman Kole - 2016 - In Martin A. M. Gansinger & Ayman Kole, From Tribal to Digital - Effects of Tradition and Modernity on Nigerian Media and Culture. Scholars Press. pp. 15-44.
    This article is the attempt of an historically oriented analysis focused on the role of Nigerian music as a cultural hub for the export of African cultural influences into the Black diaspora in the United States and its anticipation by the Free Jazz/Avantgarde-scene as well as the import of key-values related to the Black Power-movement to the African continent. The aim is to demonstrate the leading role and international impact of Nigeria's cultural industry among sub-saharan African nation states and its (...)
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  36. The second law of probability dynamics.Martin Barrett & Elliott Sober - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (4):941-953.
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    Marx, the Irish Immigrant-Workers, and the English Labour Movement.Martin Deleixhe - 2019 - Historical Materialism 27 (2):222-247.
    Karl Marx had to deal with a situation that bears an uncanny resemblance to the current predicament of trade unions regarding immigrant workers. The First International faced the threat of an internal division along ethnic and national lines around the Irish question, and more specifically around the role played by Irish immigrants in England. Firstly, I will argue that Marx’s late work on Ireland, and especially his change of opinion on its tactical importance, cannot be isolated from his vigorous manoeuvring (...)
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  38. Through the Ethics Looking Glass: Another View of the World of Auditors and Ethics.Roger D. Martin - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 70 (1):5-14.
    Most people are familiar with the traditional view of the role of ethics in the auditing profession - the need for auditors with integrity and objectivity. This essay addresses a second dimension of ethics in the auditing profession - the demand for auditors to assess the integrity and ethical values of clients. This second dimension is a difficult task for auditors in practice and demands a deep and robust understanding of ethics, ethical infrastructures, and the products of those infrastructures. The (...)
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  39. Aspekte von interkultureller Kommunikation in der Musik.Martin A. M. Gansinger - 2017 - Immediate. Currents in Communication, Culture and Philosophy 1 (2).
    Im institutionalisierten Bereich interkultureller Beziehungen kommt es permanent zu Bemühungen, über gemeinsame musikalische Projekte Brücken zum Austausch von Lebensrealitäten und Erfahrungen zu erzielen. In vielen Fällen besteht jedoch nicht die Gelegenheit des gegenseitigen Austausches, weil die beteiligten Akteure entweder nebeneinander agieren, ohne aufeinander einzugehen und die Impulse ihres Gegenübers in den eigenen Beiträgen zu reflektieren, oder aber eine der beiden Bestandteile den anderen dominiert, und keine entsprechende Gelegenheit zur gleichberechtigten Artikulation einräumt. Der Grund dafür liegt häufig in der Starrheit der (...)
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  40. clicktatorship and democrazy: Social media and political campaigning.Martin A. M. Gansinger & Ayman Kole - 2018 - In Martin A. M. Gansinger & Ayman Kole, Vortex of the Web. Potentials of the online environment. Hamburg: Anchor. pp. 15-40.
    This chapter aims to direct attention to the political dimension of the social media age. Although current events like the Cambridge Analytica data breach managed to raise awareness for the issue, the systematically organized and orchestrated mechanisms at play still remain oblivious to most. Next to dangerous monopoly-tendencies among the powerful players on the market, reliance on automated algorithms in dealing with content seems to enable large-scale manipulation that is applied for economical and political purposes alike. The successful replacement of (...)
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  41. The Normativity of Group Agents [Preprint].Jimmy Lewis-Martin - manuscript
    Group agents like businesses, political parties, universities, and charity organisations dominate our social and political landscapes. Their activities dictate our legal structures, the availability of education and healthcare, and our collective leap into climate crisis. Hence, it is crucial that we understand both the norms of these group agents and how these norms arise. will argue for applying the organisational account of normativity to group agents as the best means to achieve this understanding. Roughly, the organisational account says that the (...)
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    No plant no breath.Martin Krampen - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (134):415-421.
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    Molecular chaperones in cellular protein folding.Jörg Martin & F.‐Ulrich Hartl - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (9):689-692.
    The discovery of “molecular chaperones” has dramatically changed our concept of cellular protein folding. Rather than folding spontaneously, most newly synthesized polypeptide chains seem to acquire their native conformation in a reaction mediated by these versatile helper proteins. Understanding the structure and function of molecular chaperones is likely to yield useful applications for medicine and biotechnology in the future.
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    Anxiety and Uncertainty in Aesthetic Education.Martin Schiralli - 2002 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 36 (2):52.
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    $\Diamond$ at mahlo cardinals.Martin Zeman - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (4):1813 - 1822.
    Given a Mahlo cardinal κ and a regular ε such that $\omega_1 we show that $\diamond_\kappa (cf = \epsilon)$ holds in V provided that there are only non-stationarily many $\beta , with o(β) ≥ ε in K.
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    Generative hermeneutics: proposal for an alliance with critical realism.Martin Durdovic - 2018 - Journal of Critical Realism 17 (3):244-261.
    ABSTRACTThis article deals with the recent interest shown by critical realists in the study of generative mechanisms in sociology and proposes stronger integration of hermeneutics into this theoretical approach. There are important differences between realism and hermeneutics. While realism strives to overcome the extremes of empiricism and interpretivism with a new version of naturalism, hermeneutics bases its explanations of society on research into meanings. The question is whether underlining these differences is useful for social theory. On the one hand, underestimating (...)
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    73. Social Pathology.Martin Hartmann - 2018 - In Hauke Brunkhorst, Regina Kreide & Cristina Lafont, The Habermas handbook. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 623-626.
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  48. Interdisziplinäre Aspekte zur Improvisation als kommunikatives Beziehungsgeschehen.Martin A. M. Gansinger - 2017 - Immediate. Currents in Communication, Culture and Philosophy 1 (2).
    Im Rahmen der folgenden Seiten sollen die Kommunikationsbedingungen im Kontext der Kollektiv-Improvisation genauer analysiert und einem Vergleich mit den Voraussetzungen der idealen Sprechsituation von Habermas unterzogen werden. Hinleitend dazu erfolgt zum Einstieg eine Darstellung jener Ausgangsbedingungen, welche die Methode der kollektiven Improvisation von herkömmlichen musikalischen Verfahren unterscheidet. Zu diesem Zweck werden neben einer kurzen Erläuterung der bereits im vorangegangenen Kapitel ausführlich diskutierten Ausgangsbedingungen u.a. Ansätze aus der Musiktherapie herangezogen, die sowohl soziale als auch politische Faktoren mit einbeziehen. Im Anschluss daran (...)
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  49. Bobo Shanti in Reggae music.Martin A. M. Gansinger - 2019 - Caribbean Quarterly 65.
  50. (1 other version)Freedom as a Natural Phenomenon.Martin Zwick - 2015 - Foundations of Science 20 (3):1-10.
    “Freedom” is a phenomenon in the natural world. This phenomenon—and indirectly the question of free will—is explored using a variety of systems-theoretic ideas. It is argued that freedom can emerge only in systems that are partially determined and partially random, and that freedom is a matter of degree. The paper considers types of freedom and their conditions of possibility in simple living systems and in complex living systems that have modeling subsystems. In simple living systems, types of freedom include independence (...)
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