Results for 'Pasetto Sara'

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  1.  3
    L'idea di Europa nel pensiero di Edmund Husserl: attualità e inattualità.Sara Pasetto - 2023 - Milano: Mimesis.
  2.  34
    The Husserlian Will to Power: ‘I Can Do Whatever I Want’.Sara Pasetto - 2021 - Human Studies 45 (1):93-118.
    It is common to experience hostile emotions like frustration, anger and hate in our everyday life. It could be sufficient a mere hindrance obstructing the pursuit of our goals to lead us thinking and justifying alternative actions to our original aim, in a manner that can redirect us to obtaining a disvalue, instead of realising the purpose of good will of our initial intention. Normally, we are unaware of this shift because the emotional process is the only perceived phenomenon. This (...)
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  3. Eine mögliche logische Begründung der Ethik. Phänomenologie der Prolegomena.Sara Pasetto - 2012 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 1:84-99.
    Why do I have to be ethical? That is the essential question of a logical foundation of ethics in the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl. This article proposes to see the basic motivation of an ethical reason in the relationship between the two fundamental poles, that is the «Lifeworld» («Lebenswelt») and the «I-subject» («Ich-Subjekt»). This connection will be considered to constitute ethics in this article. This kind of ethics as a «condition of possibility» is then an a-priori ontological necessity. The article (...)
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    Inference in Argumentation: A Topics-Based Approach to Argument Schemes.Sara Greco & Eddo Rigotti - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag. Edited by Sara Greco.
    This book investigates the role of inference in argumentation, considering how arguments support standpoints on the basis of different loci. The authors propose and illustrate a model for the analysis of the standpoint-argument connection, called Argumentum Model of Topics. A prominent feature of the AMT is that it distinguishes, within each and every single argumentation, between an inferential-procedural component, on which the reasoning process is based; and a material-contextual component, which anchors the argument in the interlocutors’ cultural and factual common (...)
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  5. The Value of Sleeping.Sara Protasi - forthcoming - Journal of the American Philosophical Association:1-20.
    Should you take a pill that gives you all the health benefits of sleep and allows you to stay awake? I argue that you shouldn’t. I propose three reasons why sleeping, conceived of as a socially and culturally embedded human activity, is valuable. First, there is aesthetic value in the rituals that typically precede sleeping; second, there is interpersonal value in the intimacy that stems from sleeping with other people; third, there is ethical value in mere presence and in retreating (...)
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    Ars Topica: The Classical Technique of Constructing Arguments From Aristotle to Cicero.Sara Rubinelli - 2009 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
  7. A Closer Look at Trumping.Sara Bernstein - 2015 - Acta Analytica 30 (1):1-22.
    This paper argues that so-called “trumping preemption” is in fact overdetermination or early preemption, and is thus not a distinctive form of redundant causation. I draw a novel lesson from cases thought to be trumping: that the boundary between preemption and overdetermination should be reconsidered.
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  8. Proof Theory for Modal Logic.Sara Negri - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (8):523-538.
    The axiomatic presentation of modal systems and the standard formulations of natural deduction and sequent calculus for modal logic are reviewed, together with the difficulties that emerge with these approaches. Generalizations of standard proof systems are then presented. These include, among others, display calculi, hypersequents, and labelled systems, with the latter surveyed from a closer perspective.
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    The Spawns of Creative Behavior in Team Sports: A Creativity Developmental Framework.Sara D. L. Santos, Daniel Memmert, Jaime Sampaio & Nuno Leite - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  10. Collective Feelings.Sara Ahmed - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (2):25-42.
    This article examines ‘collective feelings’ by considering how ‘others’ create impressions on the surfaces of bodies. Rather than considering ‘collective feeling’ as ‘fellow feeling’ or in terms of feeling ‘for’ the collective, the article suggests that how we respond to others in intercorporeal encounters creates the impression of a collective body. In other words, how we feel about others is what aligns us with a collective, which paradoxically ‘takes shape’ only as an effect of such alignments. The article considers different (...)
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    Proofs and Countermodels in Non-Classical Logics.Sara Negri - 2014 - Logica Universalis 8 (1):25-60.
    Proofs and countermodels are the two sides of completeness proofs, but, in general, failure to find one does not automatically give the other. The limitation is encountered also for decidable non-classical logics in traditional completeness proofs based on Henkin’s method of maximal consistent sets of formulas. A method is presented that makes it possible to establish completeness in a direct way: For any given sequent either a proof in the given logical system or a countermodel in the corresponding frame class (...)
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    ‘Extreme’ organisms and the problem of generalization: interpreting the Krogh principle.Sara Green, Michael R. Dietrich, Sabina Leonelli & Rachel A. Ankeny - 2018 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (4):65.
    Many biologists appeal to the so-called Krogh principle when justifying their choice of experimental organisms. The principle states that “for a large number of problems there will be some animal of choice, or a few such animals, on which it can be most conveniently studied”. Despite its popularity, the principle is often critiqued for implying unwarranted generalizations from optimal models. We argue that the Krogh principle should be interpreted in relation to the historical and scientific contexts in which it has (...)
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  13. Consciousness: From Perception to Reflection in the History of Philosophy.Sara Heinämaa, Vili Lähteenmäki & Pauliina Remes - 2007 - Springer.
    This collection represents the first historical survey focusing on the notion of consciousness. It approaches consciousness through its constitutive aspects, such as subjectivity, reflexivity, intentionality and selfhood. Covering discussions from ancient philosophy all the way to contemporary debates, the book enriches current systematic debates by uncovering historical roots of the notion of consciousness.
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    Having Burned the Straw Man of Christian Spiritual Leadership, what can We Learn from Jesus About Leading Ethically?Sara Marco, Karen Blakeley, Mervyn Conroy & Christopher Mabey - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (4):757-769.
    In considering what it means to lead organizations effectively and ethically, the literature comprising spirituality at work and spiritual leadership theory has become highly influential, especially in the USA. It has also attracted significant criticism. While in this paper, we endorse this critique, we argue that the strand of literature which purportedly takes a Christian standpoint within the wider SAW school of thought, largely misconstrues and misapplies the teaching of its founder, Jesus. As a result, in dismissing the claims and (...)
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    Presenting women philosophers.Cecile Thérèse Tougas & Sara Ebenreck (eds.) - 2000 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    Western philosophy has long excluded the work of women thinkers from their canon. Presenting Women Philosophers addresses this exclusion by examining the breadth of women's contributions to Western thought over some 900 years. Editors Cecile T. Tougas and Sara Ebenreck have gathered essays and other writings that reflect women's deep engagement with the meaning of individual experience as well as the continuity of their philosophical concerns and practices. Arranged thematically, the collection ranges across eras and literary genres as it (...)
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  16.  19
    Neural correlates of turn-taking in the wild: Response planning starts early in free interviews.Sara Bögels - 2020 - Cognition 203 (C):104347.
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  17. Woman Skin Deep: Feminism and the Postcolonial Condition.Sara Suleri - 1992 - Critical Inquiry 18 (4):756-769.
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    Wittgenstein’s Account of Truth.Sara Ellenbogen - 2003 - State University of New York Press.
    Explores the complex nature of truth in Wittgenstein’s philosophy.
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    Production Variability and Categorical Perception of Vowels Are Strongly Linked.Sara-Ching Chao, Damaris Ochoa & Ayoub Daliri - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  20.  33
    Moral Agency, Rules, and Temporality in People Who Are Diagnosed With Mild Forms of Autism: In Defense of a Sentimentalist View.Sara Coelho, Sophia Marlene Bonatti, Elena Doering, Asena Paskaleva-Yankova & Achim Stephan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The origin of moral agency is a much-debated issue. While rationalists or Kantians have argued that moral agency is rooted in reason, sentimentalists or Humeans have ascribed its origin to empathic feelings. This debate between rationalists and sentimentalists still stands with respect to persons with mental disorders, such as individuals diagnosed with mild forms of Autism Spectrum Disorder, without intellectual impairment. Individuals with ASD are typically regarded as moral agents, however their ability for empathy remains debated. The goal of this (...)
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  21.  47
    Liberal Democracy, National Identity Boundaries, and Populist Entry Points.Sara Wallace Goodman - 2019 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 31 (3):377-388.
    The politics of populism is the politics of belonging. It reflects a deep challenge to the liberal democratic state, which attempts to maintain social boundaries (as an imperative of state capacity) but also allow immigration. Boundaries—established through citizenship and norms of belonging—must be both coherent and malleable. Changes to boundaries become sites of contestation for exclusionary populists in the putative interest of “legitimate” citizens. Populism is an inevitable response to liberal democratic adjustment; any liberal democracy that redefines citizenship opens itself (...)
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  22.  18
    Decolonising (critical) social theory: Enfleshing post-Covid futurities.Sara C. Motta - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 170 (1):58-77.
    Decolonial/anti-colonial Black, Indigenous and Mestiza feminist movements and scholar-activists foreground how the oft-touted apocalypse that the Covid-19 pandemic heralds is not new, nor does it signify the great rupture into chaos that those from within modernity-coloniality often claim it to be. Rather Covid-19 is preceded by and will be out-lived by the apocalyptic anti-life onto-epistemological logics that are foundational to the (re)production of hetero-patriarchal capitalist-(settler) coloniality. However, one would commit the violence of reproduction of the epistemological logics and (ir)rationalities constitutive (...)
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  23.  12
    The Grinch 2.Sara Sobey - 2022 - Studies in Social Justice 16 (2):486-495.
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  24. Origen del lenguaje: Un enfoque multidisciplinar Origin of language: A multidisciplinary approach Ludus Vitalis Vol. XVII/núm 31/2009.Ángel Rivera Arrizabalaga & Sara Rivera Velasco - 2009 - Ludus Vitalis 17 (31).
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  25. Deviant Causation and the Law.Sara Bernstein - 2021 - In Teresa Marques & Chiara Valentini (eds.), Collective Action, Philosophy and Law. London: Routledge.
    A gunman intends to shoot and kill Victim. He shoots and misses his target, but the gunshot startles a group of water buffalo, causing them to trample the victim to death. The gunman brings about the intended effect, Victim’s death, but in a “deviant” way rather than the one planned. This paper argues that such causal structures, deviant causal chains, pose serious problems for several key legal concepts. -/- I show that deviant causal chains pose problems for the legal distinction (...)
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  26.  37
    The effects of optimism and pessimism on updating emotional information in working memory.Sara M. Levens & Ian H. Gotlib - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (2):341-350.
    In the present study we elucidate the emotional and executive control interactions that might underlie optimism and pessimism. Participants completed a self-report measure of optimism/pessimism and performed an emotion faces categorisation task and an emotion n-back task in which they indicated whether each of a series of faces had the same or a different emotional expression (happy, sad, neutral) as the face presented two trials before. Trials were structured to measure latency to update emotional content in working memory (WM). More (...)
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    Exile, Ostracism and the Athenian Democracy.Sara Forsdyke - 2000 - Classical Antiquity 19 (2):232-263.
    This paper addresses the question of the role of ostracism in democratic Athens. I argue that the frequent expulsion of aristocrats by rival aristocrats in the predemocratic polis is the key to understanding the function of ostracism in the democratic polis. I show that aristocratic "politics of exile" was a fundamental political problem in the archaic polis and that democratic political power, symbolized by the institution of ostracism, was the polis' solution to the problem. In the archaic polis, the expulsion (...)
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  28.  17
    The Middle of Somewhere: Rural Education Partnerships and Innovation.Sara L. Hartman & Bob Klein (eds.) - 2023 - Harvard Education Press.
    _Highlights innovative partnership practices that help create educational opportunities for students in rural schools across the United States._ As editors Sara L. Hartman and Bob Klein acknowledge, rural places have long experienced systemic inequities that decrease rural students' access to education, yet many rural schools and communities have found creative means to make up for the dearth of outside resources. _The Middle of Somewhere_ brings to light a wide variety of partnerships that have been forged between K–12 schools, communities, (...)
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  29.  10
    Words, works, and ways of knowing: the breakdown of moral philosophy in New England before the Civil War.Sara Paretsky - 2016 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Popular and groundbreaking crime novelist Sara Paretsky earned a PhD in history at the University of Chicago in the mid-1970s, with a dissertation on moral philosophy and religion in New England in the early and mid-nineteenth century. This edition of that work analyzes attempts by theologians at the Andover Seminary to square and secure Calvinist religious beliefs with emerging knowledge from history and the sciences. As Paretsky shows, the open-minded scholasticism of these theologians paradoxically led to the weakening of (...)
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    Statistical Power, the Belmont Report, and the Ethics of Clinical Trials.Sara H. Vollmer & George Howard - 2010 - Science and Engineering Ethics 16 (4):675-691.
    Achieving a good clinical trial design increases the likelihood that a trial will take place as planned, including that data will be obtained from a sufficient number of participants, and the total number of participants will be the minimal required to gain the knowledge sought. A good trial design also increases the likelihood that the knowledge sought by the experiment will be forthcoming. Achieving such a design is more than good sense—it is ethically required in experiments when participants are at (...)
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    Political Pathology in Plato’s Republic.Sara Brill - 2016 - Apeiron 49 (2).
    Journal Name: Apeiron Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Artificial Intelligence in Global Health.Sara E. Davies - 2019 - Ethics and International Affairs 33 (2):181-192.
  33.  52
    Responsible Conduct of Research Training and Trust Between Research Postgraduate Students and Supervisors.Sara R. Jordan & Phillip W. Gray - 2012 - Ethics and Behavior 22 (4):297 - 314.
    Does responsible conduct of research (RCR) training improve levels of trust between researchers? Using data gathered as part of a survey on the attitudes of master's and doctoral-level students toward RCR, we found that RCR training correlated with a weakened beliefs of students toward their supervisors' ethicality but a stronger belief in the ethicality of their peers. We believe that these findings point to new avenues of research on trust in the academic setting and to needs for curriculum changes in (...)
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    Reasons and Luck: Comments on Bazargan-Forward’s Authority, Cooperation, and Accountability.Sara Bernstein - 2024 - Journal of Social Ontology 10 (4).
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  35. Envy as a Civic Emotion.Sara Protasi - 2022 - In Thom Brooks (ed.), Political Emotions: Towards a Decent Public Sphere. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
    In A Theory of Justice, John Rawls discusses “the problem of envy”, namely the worry that the well-ordered society could be destabilized by envy. Martha Nussbaum has proposed, in Political Emotions: Why Love Matters for Justice, that love, in particular what she calls civic friendship, is the solution to this problem. Nussbaum’s suggestion is in accordance with the long-standing notion that love and envy are incompatible opposites, and that the virtue of love is an antidote to the vice of envy. (...)
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  36.  21
    Medicine and Health Care in Early Christianity.Sara Coverstone - 2018 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 18 (4):751-752.
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    The influence of age on the rubber hand illusion.Sara Ferracci & Alfredo Brancucci - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 73:102756.
  38.  18
    Analgesia da placebo, anticipazione dolorifica e i possibili correlati neurali dell’effetto nocebo.Sara Palermo - 2018 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 9 (3):259-279.
    Riassunto : L’ effetto nocebo è l’effetto psicobiologico dovuto al contesto psicosociale negativo che accompagna una terapia. Dal momento che lo studio dell’ anticipazione dolorifica prende in considerazione la fase temporale della “attesa dell’iperalgesia”, e considerando che – proprio come il nocebo – è possibile elicitarla con il solo uso di verbalizzazioni negative, questo modello può permettere di studiare la risposta nocebo. Ad oggi infatti non si dispone di dati univoci circa le aree coinvolte in questi processi e circa il (...)
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    Contradictions, Impossibility, and Triviality: A Response to Jc Beall.Sara L. Uckelman - 2019 - Journal of Analytic Theology 7 (1):544-559.
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    The Irreplaceable Program in an Era of Uncertainty.Sara Rosenbaum & Elizabeth Taylor - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (4):883-886.
    In 2017, Medicaid faced a near-death experience, the third of its 53-year history. Its survival and resilience is a testament not just to its size but to the multiple, vital roles Medicaid plays in the health care system, and its ability to adapt to emerging population health needs. It can take an existential threat to make these indispensable qualities clear.
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    Rhetoric and the Reception Theory of Rationality in the Work of Two Buddhist Philosophers.Sara L. McClintock - 2008 - Argumentation 22 (1):27-41.
    Although rhetoric is not a category of ancient Indian philosophy, this paper argues that Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla, 2 eighth-century Indian Buddhist philosophers, can nonetheless be seen to embrace a rhetorical conception of rationality. That is, while these thinkers are strong proponents of rational analysis and philosophical argumentation as tools for attaining certainty, they also uphold the contingent nature of all such processes. Drawing on the categories of the New Rhetoric, this paper argues that these Buddhist thinkers understand philosophical argumentation to (...)
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  42. Acting and the Self.Sara Bizarro - 2014 - In Alexander Gerner & Jorge Gonçalves (eds.), Altered Self and Altered Self Experience. pp. 59-73.
    In this paper, Douglas Hofstadter’s view of the self as a “strange loop” is used in order to understand how several acting techniques work. As examples of acting techniques I will use the work of Lee Strasberg, Constantin Stanislavski, Stella Adler and Sanford Meisner. I will argue that Douglas Hofstadter’s view of the self as a strange loop allows us to understand how acting works. I will furthermore argue that because Douglas Hofstadter’s view is successful in explaining how different acting (...)
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  43. "Some remarks on the compatibility between determinism and unpredictability".Sara Franceschelli - 2012 - Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 110 (1):61-68.
    Determinism and unpredictability are compatible since deterministic flows can produce, if sensitive to initial conditions, unpredictable behaviors. Within this perspective, the notion of scenario to chaos transition offers a new form of predictability for the behavior of sensitive to initial condition systems under the variation of a control parameter. In this paper I first shed light on the genesis of this notion, based on a dynamical systems approach and on considerations of structural stability. I then suggest a link to the (...)
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  44. Morphogenesis and Design. Thinking through Analogs.Sara Franceschelli - 2016 - In The Routledge Companion to Biology in Art and Architecture. New York: Routledge. pp. 218-235.
    Digital practices in design, together with computer-assisted manufacturing (CAM), have inspired the reflection of philosophers, theorists, and historians over the last decades. Gilles Deleuze’s The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque (1988) presents one of the first and most successful concepts created to think about these new design and manufacturing practices.1 Deleuze proposed a new concept of the technological object, which was inspired by Bernard Cache’s digital design practices and computer-assisted manufacturing. Deleuze compared Cache’s practices to Leibniz’s differential calculus-based notion of (...)
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  45.  10
    Socratic ignorance and Platonic knowledge in the Dialogues of Plato.Sara Ahbel-Rappe - 2018 - Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
    Argues that Socrates’s fundamental role in the dialogues is to guide us toward self-inquiry and self-knowledge. In this highly original and provocative book, Sara Ahbel-Rappe argues that the Platonic dialogues contain an esoteric Socrates who signifies a profound commitment to self-knowledge and whose appearances in the dialogues are meant to foster the practice of self-inquiry. According to Ahbel-Rappe, the elenchus, or inner examination, and the thesis that virtue is knowledge, are tools for a contemplative practice that teaches us how (...)
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    Reading French Psychoanalysis.Dana Birksted-Breen, Sara Flanders & Alain Gibeault (eds.) - 2010 - Routledge.
    How has psychoanalysis developed in France in the years since Lacan so dramatically polarized the field? In this book, Dana Birksted-Breen and Sara Flanders of the British Psychoanalytical Society, and Alain Gibeault of the Paris Psychoanalytical Society provide an overview of how French psychoanalysis has developed since Lacan. Focusing primarily on the work of psychoanalysts from the French Psychoanalytical Association and from the Paris Psychoanalytical Society, the two British psychoanalysts view the evolution of theory as it appears to them (...)
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  47. Ethical Challenges in the Treatment of Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities.Sara E. Boyd & Zachary W. Adams - 2010 - Ethics and Behavior 20 (6):407-418.
    The effective provision of psychotherapy services to individuals with intellectual disability requires consideration of ethical issues related to clinical competence, access to services, obligations to multiple parties, guardianship, and appropriate assessment practices. This article provides an overview of major ethical considerations with guidance for clarifying and resolving common ethical concerns. Psychologists are encouraged to expand access to psychotherapy services for this population while maintaining awareness of potential modifications, training needs, and boundaries of professional competence. The authors provide recommendations and resources (...)
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    Ethical Assurance Statements in Political Science Journals.Sara R. Jordan & Kim Q. Hill - 2012 - Journal of Academic Ethics 10 (3):243-250.
    Many journals in the physical sciences require authors to submit assurances of compliance with human subjects and other research ethics standards. These requirements do not cover all disciplines equally, however. In this paper we report on the findings of a survey of perceptions of ethical and managerial problems from journal editors in political science and related disciplines. Our results show that few journals in political science require assurance statements common to journals for other scientific disciplines. We offer some reasons for (...)
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    Family background and female sexual behavior.Sara Grainger - 2004 - Human Nature 15 (2):133-145.
    Since the seminal works of Draper and Harpending (1982) and Belsky et al. (1991) there has been considerable interest in the link between the family environment experienced as a child and consequent mating and reproductive strategy of females. In this paper, predictions from the hypothesis were tested using postal survey data from a cross-section of 415 women in Merseyside, UK. No relationships were found between father-absence, unrelated male-presence, parental divorce or parental death with age at first coitus, number of sexual (...)
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  50. Roslyn Weiss, The Socratic Paradox and its Enemies Reviewed by.Sara Ahbel-Rappe - 2009 - Philosophy in Review 29 (1):76-78.
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