Results for 'Peter Fasching'

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  1.  36
    The nursing home physician – a model to improve medical care in nursing homes. Experiences and stand of the debate in Austria.Peter Fasching - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (4):313-319.
    ZusammenfassungDerzeit gibt es in Österreich kein in allen Bundesländern einheitlich etabliertes Betreuungsmodell eines „Heimarztes“ für Pflegeheime. Im Bundesland Wien werden seit mehr als 100 Jahren chronisch Kranke und hochgradig pflegebedürftige Menschen in den städtischen Pflegeeinrichtungen und in einigen Institutionen geistlicher Träger rund um die Uhr von angestellten geriatrisch versierten ÄrztInnen betreut. Die Rechtsform dieser Häuser entspricht prinzipiell der einer „Pflegeanstalt für Chronisch Kranke“ nach dem Österreichischen Krankenanstaltengesetz. Aber auch andere Träger in Wien und Niederösterreich beschäftigen angestellte ÄrztInnen an Bettenstationen von (...)
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    Kommentar I.Peter Fasching - 2005 - Ethik in der Medizin 17 (4):311-312.
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    Das Kaleidoskop der Wirklichkeiten: über die Relativität naturwissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis.Gerhard Fasching - 1999 - Wien: Springer.
    Oft wird nur jenes anerkannt, was "wissenschaftlich beweisbar" ist. Ein solches Vorurteil vergisst, dass es auch andere Wirklichkeiten gibt. Ist unsere Welt ein Blick durch ein Kaleidoskop? Wie kann es sein, dass man eine mehr oder minder große Auswahl panoramenhafter Wirklichkeiten vor sich hat? Ist es möglich, solche Wirklichkeiten zu verlassen und in andere überzuwechseln? Anhand konkreter Beispiele wird dieser Wirklichkeits-Pluralismus beleuchtet. Das erste Beispiel, ein astronomisches, zeigt in aller Ausführlichkeit, auf welche Weise Wirklichkeit entstehen kann. Dann ist von anderen (...)
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    Perspectives of patients and clinicians on big data and AI in health: a comparative empirical investigation.Patrik Hummel, Matthias Braun, Serena Bischoff, David Samhammer, Katharina Seitz, Peter A. Fasching & Peter Dabrock - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (6):2973-2987.
    Background Big data and AI applications now play a major role in many health contexts. Much research has already been conducted on ethical and social challenges associated with these technologies. Likewise, there are already some studies that investigate empirically which values and attitudes play a role in connection with their design and implementation. What is still in its infancy, however, is the comparative investigation of the perspectives of different stakeholders. Methods To explore this issue in a multi-faceted manner, we conducted (...)
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  5. Acting Intentionally and its Limits: Individuals, Groups, Institutions: Interdisciplinary Approaches.Michael Schmitz, Gottfried Seebaß & Peter M. Gollwitzer (eds.) - 2013 - Berlin: DeGruyter.
    The book presents the first comprehensive survey of limits of the intentional control of action from an interdisciplinary perspective. It brings together leading scholars from philosophy, psychology, and the law to elucidate this theoretically and practically important topic from a variety of theoretical and disciplinary approaches. It provides reflections on conceptual foundations as well as a wealth of empirical data and will be a valuable resource for students and researchers alike. Among the authors: Clancy Blair, Todd S. Braver, Michael W. (...)
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  6. Consciousness, self-consciousness, and meditation.Wolfgang Fasching - 2008 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7 (4):463-483.
    Many spiritual traditions employ certain mental techniques (meditation) which consist in inhibiting mental activity whilst nonetheless remaining fully conscious, which is supposed to lead to a realisation of one’s own true nature prior to habitual self-substantialisation. In this paper I propose that this practice can be understood as a special means of becoming aware of consciousness itself as such. To explain this claim I conduct some phenomenologically oriented considerations about the nature of consciousness qua presence and the problem of self-presence (...)
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    On the Ātman Thesis Concerning Fundamental Reality.Wolfgang Fasching - 2022 - The Monist 105 (1):58-75.
    The central thesis of the philosophy of Advaita Vedānta is the doctrine of the identity of brahman and ātman. Brahman is essentially sat, being as such in the sense of the dimension of existence in which all worldly goings-on take place. The ātman is conceived as the “seer,” i.e., as the pure subject qua the to-whom of any experiential givenness; and this subject, in turn, is understood not as some entity that performs the seeing but as nothing but the very (...)
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  8.  69
    Prakāśa. A few reflections on the Advaitic understanding of consciousness as presence and its relevance for philosophy of mind.Wolfgang Fasching - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (4):679-701.
    For Advaita Vedānta, consciousness is to be distinguished from all contents of consciousness that might be introspectively detectable: It is precisely consciousness of whatever contents it is conscious of and not itself one of these contents. Its only nature is, Advaita holds, prakāśa ; in itself it is devoid of any content or structure and can never become an object. This paper elaborates on this kind of understanding of consciousness in order to next explain why it might be fruitful for (...)
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  9. The mineness of experience.Wolfgang Fasching - 2009 - Continental Philosophy Review 42 (2):131-148.
    In this paper I discuss the nature of the “I” (or “self”) and whether it is presupposed by the very existence of conscious experiences (as that which “has” them) or whether it is, instead, in some way constituted by them. I argue for the former view and try to show that the very nature of experience implies a non-constituted synchronic and diachronic transcendence of the experiencing “I” with regard to its experiences, an “I” which defies any objective characterization. Finally I (...)
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  10.  51
    The I: A dimensional account.Wolfgang Fasching - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (2):249-260.
    I have a clear idea of what it means that I have experiences in the past or future, and it does not seem to mean that experiences take place that possess certain content-characteristics, but simply and irreducibly thatIexperience them – i.e. that they are, at the time of their occurrence, experientially presentto me–, whatever their contents may be. So the central question regarding personal identity is: What is this “I”to whomthe experiences are present, and what is the nature of its (...)
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  11. Comparative Religious Ethics: A Narrative Approach.Darrell J. Fasching, Dell de Chant, Jacob Neusner, Sumner Twiss, Bruce Grelle & Regina Wentzel Wolfe - 2002 - Journal of Religious Ethics 30 (2):295-312.
    Though others have surveyed the different methods in comparative religious ethics, relatively little attention has been given to different approaches to pedagogy. The field of comparative religious ethics has now reached a level of maturity so that there are a variety of ways such courses can be taught. In this review I consider the approaches to comparative religious ethics found in four recent texts by Jacob Neusner, Darrell Fasching and Dell deChant, Regina Wolfe and Christine Gudorf, and Sumner Twiss (...)
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  12.  8
    #BRokenPromises, Black Deaths, & Blue Ribbons: Understanding, Complicating, and Transcending Police-Community Violence.Kenneth J. Fasching-Varner, Kerri Tobin & Stephen M. Lentz (eds.) - 2018 - Brill | Sense.
    This volume powerfully examines divides and mistrust between urban communities and police. The essays challenge readers to contemplate how eroding trust developed, the concerns and challenges facing divided communities, and possible pathways forward considering whose lives matter.
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  13. Comparative religious ethics: a narrative approach to global ethics.Darrell J. Fasching - 2011 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Dell deChant & David M. Lantigua.
    This popular textbook has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect recent global developments, whilst retaining its unique and compelling narrative-style approach. Using ancient stories from diverse religions, it explores a broad range of important and complex moral issues, resulting in a truly reader-friendly and comparative introduction to religious ethics. A thoroughly revised and expanded new edition of this popular textbook, yet retains the unique narrative-style approach which has proved so successful with students Considers the ways in which ancient stories (...)
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    Comparative religious ethics: a narrative approach.Darrell J. Fasching - 2001 - Oxford ; Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. Edited by Dell deChant.
    The text places special emphasis on the ethical co-operation that emerged between religious traditions during the civil right-Vietnam war era.
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  15.  36
    The Non-plurality of the I: On the Question of the Ultimate Subject of Experience.Wolfgang Fasching - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (1-2):140-157.
    In his contribution to this special issue, Almaas is keen to distinguish the individual streams of consciousness from 'pure awareness'. Since the existence of the former is presumably quite uncontroversial in present-day philosophy, I wish to concentrate on the latter, in particular on Almaas's claim that pure awareness is non-individual and ultimately it is 'the true owner of all experiences of all streams'. In my contribution, I wish to make plausible, by a philosophical reflection on the puzzling nature of the (...)
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  16. Vom Nutzen und Nachteil wahrer Freundschaft.M. Fasching - 1997 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 8:23-25.
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    Monotone operators on Gödel logic.Oliver Fasching & Matthias Baaz - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (3-4):261-284.
    We consider an extension of Gödel logic by a unary operator that enables the addition of non-negative reals to truth-values. Although its propositional fragment has a simple proof system, first-order validity is Π2-hard. We explain the close connection to Scarpellini’s result on Π2-hardness of Łukasiewicz’s logic.
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  18.  13
    The Ethical Challenge of Auschwitz and Hiroshima: Apocalypse or Utopia?Darrell J. Fasching - 1993 - State University of New York Press.
    Confronts the Janus-faced myth of technology as both the object of dread and the source of hope, which leads both to the demonic final solution and to the merciful, healing sacrifice.
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  19.  18
    Working Through Whiteness: Examining White Racial Identity and Profession with Pre-Service Teachers.Kenneth Fasching-Varner, Adrienne D. Dixson & Roland W. Mitchell - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    This book critically examines nine pre-service teacher candidates, and the author’s experience, to explore the ways in which white educators manifest understandings of white racial identity and professional choice through oral narratives. Ultimately the text proposes a new, non-developmental model for thinking about white racial identity.
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  20.  13
    Understanding, Dismantling, and Disrupting the Prison-to-School Pipeline.Kenneth J. Fasching-Varner, Lori Latrice Martin, Roland W. Mitchell, Karen P. Bennett-Haron & Arash Daneshzadeh (eds.) - 2016 - Lexington Books.
    This volume provides a concentrated and powerful dialog about the nexus between schools, prisons, and the free-market economy where youth are on fast tracks from schools to prisons.
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  21. 'I am of the nature of Seeing': Phenomenological Reflections on the Indian Notion of Witness-Consciousness.Wolfgang Fasching - 2011 - In Mark Siderits, Evan Thompson & Dan Zahavi, Self, no self?: perspectives from analytical, phenomenological, and Indian traditions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  22.  8
    Phänomenologische Reduktion und Mushin: Edmund Husserls Bewusstseinstheorie und der Zen-Buddhismus.Wolfgang Fasching - 2003 - Freiburg: Alber.
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    Intentionality and Presence: On the Intrinsic Of-ness of Consciousness from a Transcendental-Phenomenological Perspective.Wolfgang Fasching - 2012 - Husserl Studies 28 (2):121-141.
    This paper discusses the nature of consciousness’ intrinsic intentionality from a transcendental-phenomenological viewpoint. In recent philosophy of mind the essentially intentional character of consciousness has become obscured because the latter is predominantly understood in terms of “qualia” or the “what-it-is-like-ness” of mental states and it is hard to see why such subjective “feels”, of all things, could bestow states with objective reference. As the paper attempts to demonstrate, this is an inadequate understanding of consciousness, which should instead be defined in (...)
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  24. Die >Süddeutsche Tafelsammlung<.Marcus Castelberg & Richard F. Fasching (eds.) - 2013 - Boston: De Gruyter.
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  25.  12
    Racial Battle Fatigue in Higher Education: Exposing the Myth of Post-Racial America.Kenneth J. Fasching-Varner, Katrice Albert, Roland W. Mitchell & Chaunda Allen (eds.) - 2014 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Racial Battle Fatigue is described as the physical and psychological toll taken due to constant and unceasing discrimination, microagressions, and stereotype threat. This edited volume looks at RBF from the perspectives of graduate students, middle level academics, and chief diversity officers at major institutions of learning.
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  26.  16
    Authority and Religious Experience.Darrell J. Fasching - 2005 - In William Schweiker, The Blackwell companion to religious ethics. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 61--68.
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    Note on witnessed Gödel logics with Delta.Matthias Baaz & Oliver Fasching - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (2):121-127.
    Witnessed Gödel logics are based on the interpretation of () by minimum instead of supremum . Witnessed Gödel logics appear for many practical purposes more suited than usual Gödel logics as the occurrence of proper infima/suprema is practically irrelevant. In this note we characterize witnessed Gödel logics with absoluteness operator w.r.t. witnessed Gödel logics using a uniform translation.
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    The Role of Attention Shifting in Orthographic Competencies: Cross-Sectional Findings from 1st, 3rd, and 8th Grade Students. [REVIEW]von Suchodoletz Antje, Fäsche Anika & T. Skuballa Irene - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  29. Artificial intelligence and responsibility gaps: what is the problem?Peter Königs - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (3):1-11.
    Recent decades have witnessed tremendous progress in artificial intelligence and in the development of autonomous systems that rely on artificial intelligence. Critics, however, have pointed to the difficulty of allocating responsibility for the actions of an autonomous system, especially when the autonomous system causes harm or damage. The highly autonomous behavior of such systems, for which neither the programmer, the manufacturer, nor the operator seems to be responsible, has been suspected to generate responsibility gaps. This has been the cause of (...)
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  30.  48
    Probability and the Logic of Rational Belief.Peter Krauss - 1961 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (1):127.
  31. Language, Form, and Logic: In Pursuit of Natural Logic's Holy Grail.Peter Ludlow & Sašo Živanović - 2022 - Oxford University Press.
    This book explores the idea that all of logic can be reduced to two very simple rules that are sensitive to logical polarity. The authors show that this idea has profound consequences for our understanding of the nature of human inferential capacities, and for some of the key issues in contemporary linguistics.
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  32. Imaging and conditionalization.Peter Gärdenfors - 1982 - Journal of Philosophy 79 (12):747-760.
  33.  86
    A pragmatic approach to explanations.Peter Gärdenfors - 1980 - Philosophy of Science 47 (3):404-423.
    It is argued that it is not sufficient to consider only the sentences included in the explanans and explanandum when determining whether they constitute an explanation, but these sentences must always be evaluated relative to a knowledge situation. The central criterion on an explanation is that the explanans in a non-trivial way increases the belief value of the explanandum, where the belief value of a sentence is determined from the given knowledge situation. The outlined theory of explanations is applied to (...)
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  34. AI ethics: the case for including animals.Peter Singer - 2022 - AI and Ethics 2 (3).
    The ethics of artificial intelligence, or AI ethics, is a rapidly growing field, and rightly so. While the range of issues and groups of stakeholders concerned by the field of AI ethics is expanding, with speculation about whether it extends even to the machines themselves, there is a group of sentient beings who are also affected by AI, but are rarely mentioned within the field of AI ethics—the nonhuman animals. This paper seeks to explore the kinds of impact AI has (...)
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  35.  61
    What is Techno-Optimism?Peter Königs - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (3):1-5.
  36.  17
    Platons Dialektik: die frühen und mittleren Dialoge.Peter Stemmer - 1992 - New York: W. de Gruyter.
    In der 1970 gegründeten Reihe erscheinen Arbeiten, die philosophiehistorische Studien mit einem systematischen Ansatz oder systematische Studien mit philosophiehistorischen Rekonstruktionen verbinden. Neben deutschsprachigen werden auch englischsprachige Monographien veröffentlicht. Gründungsherausgeber sind: Erhard Scheibe (Herausgeber bis 1991), Günther Patzig (bis 1999) und Wolfgang Wieland (bis 2003). Von 1990 bis 2007 wurde die Reihe von Jürgen Mittelstraß mitherausgegeben.
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  37.  20
    Goals- and Burdens-based DMC as Expressions of Value Rather than Manifestations of DMC.Peter Maloy Koch - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (11):94-96.
    In “Three Kinds of Decision-Making Capacity for Refusing Medical Interventions,” Navin et al. (2022) propose two additional kinds of decision-making capacity that ought to be recognized in cases of...
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  38.  52
    Hand on religious upbringing.Peter Gardner - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 38 (1):121–128.
    Michael Hand's recent paper, ‘Religious Upbringing Reconsidered', re-opens a debate that was flourishing over a decade ago in this journal and, long before that, in the works of others. In this response I examine Hand's claims that earlier contributions to the debate passed over the central problem and that he can solve that problem. I endeavour to show that several of Hand's arguments, such as those dealing with indoctrination, as well as his claims may be flawed, that the relevance of (...)
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  39.  55
    Checking out Checking.Peter Baumann - 2022 - Acta Analytica 38 (1):15-26.
    Guido Melchior’s important and rich book (Melchior _Knowing and Checking. __An Epistemological Investigation_ 2019 ) draws our attention to the much neglected topic of checking. There are many new leads to follow. Here, I will pick a few that seem to me to allow the most room for discussion and disagreement: the alleged modal profile of checking (Sect. 1), the contrastive aspects of checking (Sect. 2), and the relation of checking to closure (Sect. 3). I will end with two smaller (...)
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  40.  39
    Explicating quantum indeterminacy.Peter Lewis - 2022 - In Valia Allori, Quantum Mechanics and Fundamentality: Naturalizing Quantum Theory between Scientific Realism and Ontological Indeterminacy. Cham: Springer. pp. 351-363.
    In recent years there has been a robust but inconclusive debate over the existence and nature of indeterminacy in the world as described by quantum mechanics. I suggest that the inconclusive nature of the debate stems from starting from a metaphysical theory of indeterminacy. I propose instead framing the issue as a Carnapian explication project: start with the informal notion of indeterminacy used by physicists, and consider how best to make that concept precise. I defend a precisification based on von (...)
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  41.  40
    Modelling Subjective Consciousness: A Guide for the Perplexed.Peter Burgess - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (7-8):32-56.
    This paper challenges the conventional methodological tendencies of current monistic treatments of subjective consciousness (SC). I argue that it is highly unlikely that any one position will ‘solve’ the SC problem, as monism supposes. Instead, I argue for treating theories of SC akin to scientific models, that (like models) theories only apply under certain empirical conditions, where each simply explains a necessary aspect of SC. Hence, a pluralistic, rather than monistic, approach is preferable to the literature as a whole. In (...)
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  42.  29
    Classifying exploratory experimentation – three case studies of exploratory experimentation at the LHC.Peter Mättig - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (4):1-34.
    Along three measurements at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a high energy particle accelerator, we analyze procedures and consequences of exploratory experimentation (EE). While all of these measurements fulfill the requirements of EE: probing new parameter spaces, being void of a target theory and applying a broad range of experimental methods, we identify epistemic differences and suggest a classification of EE. We distinguish classes of EE according to their respective goals: the exploration where an established global theory cannot provide the (...)
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  43.  30
    Brief Metacognitive Therapy for Emotional Distress in Adult Cancer Survivors.Peter L. Fisher, Angela Byrne, Louise Fairburn, Helen Ullmer, Gareth Abbey & Peter Salmon - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  44.  26
    Methodological reflections on Foucauldian analyses: Adopting the pointers of curiosity, nominalism, conceptual grounding and exemplarity.Peter Triantafillou & Magnus Paulsen Hansen - 2022 - European Journal of Social Theory 25 (4):559-577.
    This article seeks to provide a set of pointers for methodological reflections on Foucauldian-inspired analyses of the exercise of power. Michel Foucault deliberately eschewed methodological schemata, which may be why so little has been written on the methodological implications of his analyses. While this article shares the premise that we should refrain from a standardized methodology, it argues that providing broad pointers for analyses informed by the critical ambition and conceptual framework offered by Foucault is both desirable and possible. The (...)
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  45.  27
    ‘Why we should maintain the socialist objective’: Agnes Heller on the ALP (1981) – A document.Peter Beilharz - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 171 (1):91-101.
  46. Conscience.Peter Fuss - 1964 - Ethics 74 (2):111-120.
  47.  7
    [Omnibus Review].Peter G. Hinman - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (2):409-410.
  48.  27
    Recent Critiques of Dual Inheritance Theory.Peter J. Richerson - 2017 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 1 (1):203-212.
    The dual inheritance or gene–culture coevolution theory of human evolution was developed in the 1970s and 80s. Early work built mathematical theories derived from then-current work in human development, sociolinguistics, and the diffusion of innovations. More recently it has included a considerable amount of new empirical work. The theory has always had critics in evolutionary biology and the social and behavioral sciences. Morin's book critiques the theory from an alternate epidemiological or attraction theory of cultural evolution that doubts that imitation (...)
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  49. Educating for Restraint.Peter Olsthoorn - 2022 - In Eric-Hans Kramer & Tine Molendijk, Violence in Extreme Conditions: Ethical Challenges in Military Practice. Springer. pp. 119-130.
    Today, many armed forces consider teaching virtues to be an important complement to imposing rules and codes from above. Yet, it is mainly established military virtues such as courage and loyalty that dominate both the lists of virtues and values of most militaries and the growing body of literature on military virtues. Some of these virtues, however, may be less suited for today’s missions, which more often than not require restraint on the part of military personnel. This chapter looks into (...)
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  50. Czech Version of the Spiritual Well-Being Scale: Evaluation and Psychometric Properties.Peter Tavel, Jan Sandora, Jana Furstova, Alek Lačev, Vit Husek, Zuzana Puzova, Iva Polackova Solcova & Klara Malinakova - 2020 - Psychological Reports 1.
    Spirituality and spiritual well-being are connected with many areas of human life. Thus, especially in secular countries, there is a need for reliable validated instruments for measuring spirituality. The Spiritual Well-Being Scale is among the world’s most often used tools; therefore, the aim of this study was its psychometrical evaluation in the secular environment of the Czech Republic on a nationally representative sample (n = 1797, mean age: 45.9 ± 17.67; 48.6% men). A non-parametric comparison of different sociodemographic groups showed (...)
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