Results for 'Pierce Mullen'

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  1.  28
    Lorenz Oken , Erster Rektor der Universität Zürich: Festvortrag zur Feier seines 200. Geburtstages. Emil Kuhn-Schnyder.Pierce Mullen - 1981 - Isis 72 (4):658-658.
  2.  13
    Professor Pierce's Version of the Late "Symposium on the Subconscious".A. H. Pierce - 1908 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 5 (3):69-75.
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    References for Pierce from page 15.Gloria Pierce - 1993 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 11 (2):20-20.
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    What makes words special? Words as unmotivated cues.Pierce Edmiston & Gary Lupyan - 2015 - Cognition 143 (C):93-100.
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    Earliest recollections of childhood: a demographic analysis.Mary K. Mullen - 1994 - Cognition 52 (1):55-79.
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  6. Definition Is Limited and Values Inescapable.Richard Mullen - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (3):265-266.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.3 (2003) 265-266 [Access article in PDF] Definition Is Limited and Values Inescapable Richard Mullen THIS IS A welcome paper that lays bare some of the presumptions of those who seek to determine the status of psychiatric disorder. At different times debate on the subject reflects stigma, prejudice, needs for coherent categorization, and occasionally just antipsychiatric resentment. As Pickering hints, much philosophical argument may (...)
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    Gender, Social Background, and the Choice of College Major in a Liberal Arts Context.Ann L. Mullen - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (2):289-312.
    Enduring disparities in choice of college major constitute one of the most significant forms of gender inequality among undergraduate students. The existing literature generally equates major choice with career choice and overlooks possible variation across student populations. This is a significant limitation because gender differences in major choice among liberal arts students, who attend college less for specific career training and more for broader learning objectives, are just as great as among those choosing pre-professional majors. This study addresses this gap (...)
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    Delusions: A Different Kind of Belief?Richard Mullen & Grant Gillett - 2014 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 21 (1):27-37.
    Delusions, a key feature of psychosis, are usually thought of as a type of belief, as in the definition of the American Psychiatric Association: A false belief based on incorrect inference about external reality that is firmly sustained despite what almost everyone else believes and despite what constitutes incontrovertible and obvious proof or evidence to the contrary. The belief is not one ordinarily accepted by other members of the person’s culture or subculture (e.g. it is not an article of religious (...)
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  9. Moral Principles Don't Signify.Paul E. Mullen - 2002 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9 (1):19-21.
    DAVID WARD, in his interesting essay, advances a number of propositions: -/- That moral (including evil) behavior must be governed by a principle. That the principles involved in evil actions are unconscious. That these unconscious evil principles may be the product of malignant narcissism. And somewhat tentatively, that evil is driven "independent of any conscious desires" and by implication the evil person may be stripped of moral responsibility for their behavior. -/- To begin with common ground: Those who act in (...)
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  10. (1 other version)Fostering community life and human civility in academic departments through covenant practice.Carol A. Mullen, Silvia C. Bettez & Camille M. Wilson - 2011 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 47 (3):280-305.
  11.  20
    A Call to Arms.Kay Ely-Pierce - 1999 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 1 (2):5-6.
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    But I Do Have a Sense of Justice.Beau Mullen - 2017 - In Tom Sparrow & Jacob Graham (eds.), True Detective and Philosophy. New York: Wiley. pp. 87–96.
    The second season of True Detective portrays the relationship between law and justice cynically; law and its enforcement seem to be divorced from any conception of justice. Austrian legal theorist Hans Kelsen jurisprudence explicitly refers to official norms, such as legal order imposed by the state. True Detective, deals largely with unofficial legal norms, such as those of a corrupt city and of criminal organizations. A central conflict in True Detective's second season is the tension between the impulse for revenge (...)
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  13. Essence and operation in the teaching of St. Thomas and in some modern philosophies.Mary Dominica Mullen - 1941 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America.
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    Hercules Furens and Prometheus Vinctus.H. G. Mullens - 1939 - The Classical Review 53 (5-6):165-166.
  15.  32
    Lets Not Reify our Other Constructs Either.Richard Mullen - 2011 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 18 (2):171-172.
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    Narrative Memory in the Space Race.Kane Mullen - 2016 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 7 (2):1-11.
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    Sailing Homer's Baltic:" Or Is This All Hallucination?".William Mullen - 2007 - Arion 15 (1):25-60.
  18.  20
    The 2013 Egyptian Coup and the State of Exception.B. Mullen - 2015 - Télos 2015 (171):42-53.
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    Turmoil in Egypt: Faith, Nationalism, and the Apparent Inadequacies of Liberalism.Beau Mullen - 2021 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2021 (194):111-116.
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    The Ontological Argument Revisited.Peter Mullen - 2022 - Philosophy Now 152:8-8.
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  21. Can Evolutionary Psychology Confirm Original Sin?John T. Mullen - 2007 - Faith and Philosophy 24 (3):268-283.
    Christian responses to the developing field of evolutionary psychology tend to be defensive, focusing on the task of showing that Christians have not beenpresented with any reason to abandon any central beliefs of the Christian faith. A more positive response would seek to show that evolutionary psychologycan provide some sort of epistemic support for one or more distinctively Christian doctrines. This paper is an attempt to supply such a response by focusing on the distinctively Christian doctrine of original sin, which (...)
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  22. On building arguments on shifting sands.Paul E. Mullen - 2007 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 14 (2):pp. 143-147.
    Psychopathy fascinates. Modernist writers construct out of it an image of alienated individualism pursuing the moment, killing they know not why, exploiting in passing, troubled, if troubled at all, not by guilt, but by perplexity (Camus 1989; Gide 1995; Mailer 1957; Musil 1996). Psychiatrists and psychologists—even those who should know better—are drawn by it to take off into philosophical speculation about morality, evil, and the beast in man (Mullen 1992; Simon 1996). Philosophers succumb to the temptation of attempting to (...)
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  23. How to Make our Ideas Clear.C. S. Pierce - 1940 - In Charles S. Peirce (ed.), Philosophical writings of Peirce. New York,: Dover Publications. pp. 23--41.
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    People, Penguins, and Plastic Trees: Basic Issues in Environmental Ethics.Christine Pierce & Donald VanDeVeer - 1986 - Cengage Learning.
    Stressing the importance of understanding the grounds and the consequences of ethical or normative decision making, this collection of classic essays compiled by Pierce and VanDeVeer, examines disputes surrounding animals, ecosystems, the land, and their own proper place in the ongoing network of lives on this planet. A central question is "how can we live lives that are both personally satisfying but which are also ecologically sound and responsible?".
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    Map learning with uninterpreted sensors and effectors.David Pierce & Benjamin J. Kuipers - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence 92 (1-2):169-227.
  26. Whose Lives Matter? The Black Lives Matter Movement and the Contested Legacy of Philosophical Humanism.Andrew J. Pierce - 2019 - Journal of Social Philosophy 51 (2):261-282.
  27.  49
    The Global Ethics of Latex Gloves: Reflections on Natural Resource Use in Healthcare.Christina Kerby Jessica Pierce & Christina Kerby - 1999 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 8 (1):98-107.
    A quick tour through an average U.S. hospital gives pause to anyone with even a rudimentary concern for environmental issues. To a careful observer, the typical U.S. hospital presents an array of challenges to the health of ecosystems. For example, hospitals consume vast quantities of natural resources. The most obvious of these are fossil fuels, which form the basic building blocks of the industrialized medical care industry. Aside from the worry that our healthcare systems are technologically and functionally dependent upon (...)
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  28. Developing a university-wide electronic portfolio system for teacher education.Laurie Mullen, William I. Bauer & W. Webster Newbold - 2001 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 6 (2).
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    Psychopathology Divergent: Phenomenology and Empiricism.Richard Mullen - 2011 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 18 (2):157-161.
    Psychopathology has two styles. On the one hand, a tradition of phenomenological inquiry, associated in particular with the work of Karl Jaspers, that may be considered as the continental way of approaching psychopathology. On the other hand, an empirical approach more associated with the English-speaking world, which emphasizes the need for objectivity of measurement, and is as close as psychiatry gets to dustbowl empiricism. Stanghellini’s book, Disembodied Spirits and Deanimated Bodies (2004), is undoubtedly in the first tradition. It is part (...)
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  30.  44
    Practical Rationality and Idiosyncratic Beliefs.John T. Mullen - 2005 - Faith and Philosophy 22 (4):460-468.
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    Teaching the Ineffable.Eve Mullen - 2005 - Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion 10:99-110.
    In the undergraduate Philosophy of Religion classroom, a primary topic of discussion is the attributes of God. Personal experience as a teacher has shown that Śamkara's concept of Brahman without attributes {nirguna), a contrast to traditional Western ideas of the Divine, facilitates the learning process and broadens general conceptualizations of the Divine or Ultimate Reality. The teaching pedagogy associated with the use of this concept is explored here. Some basic questions are key. How can the concept of Brahman without attributes (...)
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  32. Conscience in the New Testament.C. A. Pierce - 1955
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    Day George W.. Free complete extensions of Boolean algebras. Pacific journal of mathematics, vol. 15 , pp. 1145–1151.R. S. Pierce - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (1):132-132.
  34.  9
    The Devil and the Detail: An Illustration of Otherness in John Nalson's An Impartial Collection.Helen Pierce - 2019 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 95 (2):63-81.
    An Impartial Collection of the Great Affairs of State was published in London, in two volumes, between 1682 and 1683. Its author John Nalson was a fervent believer in the twin pillars of the monarchy and the Anglican Church. In An Impartial Collection he holds up the internecine conflict of the 1640s as an example not to be followed during the 1680s, a period of further religious and political upheaval. Nalson’s text is anything but neutral, and its perspective is neatly (...)
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    The Myth of the White Minority.Andrew J. Pierce - 2015 - Critical Philosophy of Race 3 (2):305-323.
    In recent years, and especially in the wake of Barack Obama's reelection, projections that whites will soon become a minority have proliferated. In this essay, I will argue that such predictions are misleading at best, as they rest on questionable philosophical presuppositions, including the presupposition that racial concepts like ‘whiteness’ are static and unchanging rather than fluid and continually being reconstructed. If I am right about these fundamental inaccuracies, one must wonder why the myth of the white minority persists. I (...)
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  36.  42
    Does the logic of preference rest on a mistake?John D. Mullen - 1979 - Metaphilosophy 10 (3-4):247-255.
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  37. Defining "Poetry".Robert B. Pierce - 2003 - Philosophy and Literature 27 (1):151-163.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 27.1 (2003) 151-163 [Access article in PDF] Defining "Poetry" Robert B. Pierce SINCE TERMS ARE THE TOOLS of literary study, it is important to keep these tools in good condition, above all by having clear and functional meanings for them. Notoriously, many critical arguments about texts are in fact differences about terminology, and many confused arguments are built on vague or arbitrarily used terms. Few (...)
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    Holy Stigmata, Anorexia and Self-Mutilation: Parallels in Pain and Imagining.Robert F. Mullen - 2010 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (25):91-110.
    This paper explores the comparative dynamics of self-mutilation among young, contemporary, female self-cutters, and the holy stigmatics of the Middle Ages. It addresses the types of personalities that engage in self-mutilation and how some manipulate their self-inflicted pain into a method for healing and empowerment. The similarities between teenage cutters and female stigmatics are striking in their mutual psychoanalytical need for self-alteration as a means of escaping their own disassociative identities; and offers evidence of how their mutual bricolage of pain, (...)
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    The ethics of environmentally responsible health care.Jessica Pierce (ed.) - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book shows how environmental decline relates to human health and to health care practices in the U.S. and other industrialized countries. It outlines the environmental trends that will strongly affect health, and challenges us to see the connections between ways of practicing medicine and the very environmental problems that damage ecosystems and make people sick. In addition to philosophical analysis of the converging values of bioethics and envrionmental ethics, the book offers case studies as well as a number of (...)
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    Beyond Subjectivity and Representation: Perception, Expression, and Creation in Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty.Deborah Carter Mullen - 1999 - Upa.
    Beyond Subjectivity and Representation extensively explores a connection in the thinking of Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty in relation to the interconnections among perception, creation, truth, and value in a way that allows the work of each author to shed light upon the others' ideas. Deborah Carter Mullen develops a non-dualistic notion of truth and value rooted in embodied, earthly existence, and considers them as ongoing happenings of metamorphosis rather than as static ideas. This idea of metamorphosis leads to an (...)
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  41. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Pierce. Vol. III. Exact Logic.Charles Sanders Pierce, Charles Hartshorn & Paul Weiss - 1934 - Philosophy 9 (35):379-380.
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    Waves of Semiosis.Pierce Julius Flynn - 1987 - American Journal of Semiotics 5 (3/4):397-418.
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  43.  21
    Les Phénoménes psychiques.A. H. Pierce - 1903 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 56 (1):649-652.
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    A. C. Michalos' "postulates of rational preference".John D. Mullen - 1970 - Philosophy of Science 37 (4):618-619.
    In an article in this journal [2], A. C. Michalos, while arguing for the normative and empirical inadequacy of the Von Neumann and Morgenstern postulates of rational preference, completely misconstrued the concept of simple additivity contained in the postulates. As a result, the following argument is a non-sequitur.
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  45.  26
    The Theory of Matter and Form and the Theory of Knowledge.Charles F. Mullen - 1938 - Modern Schoolman 15 (3):70-70.
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    What oocyte donors aren't told?Michelle A. Mullen - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (4):1 – 2.
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    A Model for Conceptualizing the Moral Dynamic in Health Care.Susan Foley Pierce - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4 (6):483-495.
    Ethics involves an organized, reasoned approach to gathering and processing data in order to arrive at decisions about what to do, what to value, and/or what virtues to cultivate. A model is proposed for conceptualizing this complex dynamic, which incorporates elements of both rule-and-principle ethics and the ethic of care. The model suggested here has two levels. The first level identifies the components that comprise philosophical reasoning; the second contextualizes and operationalizes the model in relation to the processor’s philosophical stance (...)
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  48.  19
    Conflicting ideologies and the politics of pornography.Beth Ann Pierce, Ronald J. Berger, Patricia Searles & Charles E. Cottle - 1989 - Gender and Society 3 (3):303-333.
    This article analyzes positions on pornography using Q-methodology. Eighty-five respondents sorted a sample of 86 opinion statements on definitions of pornography, personal reactions to it, its causes and effects, and social policy recommendations. Factor analysis was used to identify clusters of individuals in the United States who share common subjectively defined points of view on pornography. The three patterns of responses that emerged from the analysis were labeled Religious-Conservative, Liberal, and Antipornography Feminist. Using the empirical data, we examine the logical (...)
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  49.  36
    In Memory of the Creator of Father Brown.Andrew Pierce - 1993 - The Chesterton Review 19 (4):558-559.
  50.  76
    The Power and Politics of Disgust: Toward a Critical Theory of Food.Andrew J. Pierce - 2014 - Social Philosophy Today 30:131-143.
    This essay argues, drawing from both philosophical and scientific work on disgust, that since disgust is a universal human emotion with roots in evolutionary adaptation, and since capitalism inevitably produces disgusting food, a critique of capitalism based upon the category of disgust and centered on the food system may be more practically effective than traditional critiques of capitalism. This critique forms the basis of what I call a critical theory of food.
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