Results for 'Plata Rosas'

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  1.  17
    Commentary: The psychological and social impact of COVID-19: New perspectives of well-being.Lorena A. Flores-Plata, Anabel De la Rosa-Gómez, Dulce Díaz-Sosa, Pablo Valencia-Meléndez & Alejandrina Hernández-Posadas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    El hombre que jamás se equivocaba: ensayos sobre ciencia, literatura y sociedad.Plata Rosas & Luis Javier - 2021 - Ciudad de México: Siglo Veintiuno Editores.
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    Crítica bibliográfica de Vivir sin lengua. Cuando el tiempo ya no hace historia (Pablo Aravena, Valparaíso, Ediciones Inubicalistas, 2023, 123 páginas). [REVIEW]Rosa Belvedresi - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (La Plata) 54 (1):e101.
    Crítica bibliográfica de Vivir sin lengua. Cuando el tiempo ya no hace historia por Pablo Aravena.
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    Condición humana, transformación y tecnología. El legado de John Dewey.Cristina Di Gregori & Ana Rosa Pérez Ransanz - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (La Plata) 52 (2):e053.
    En este trabajo sostenemos que las consecuencias de los profundos cambios derivados del desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología han puesto en cuestión algunas de las concepciones más arraigadas sobre la naturaleza humana. Tras examinar algunos aportes recientes al debate sobre este tema central –provenientes del campo de la filosofía iberoamericana y de la filosofía feminista-, proponemos incorporar a la discusión ideas muy vigentes del legado de John Dewey. Nuestro autor, al cuestionar ciertos supuestos metafísicos tradicionales, invita a pensar (...)
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    Rosas, Sabrina (2020) “Warmikunamanta Atipaq Sonqokuna: Mujeres de corazones valientes”. Memoria, identidad y territorio indígena kolla en la ciudad de La Plata. Tesis para optar por el grado de Magíster en Historia y Memoria.Clara Inés Aprea - 2021 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 12 (23):e115.
    Tanto en las políticas de memoria en Argentina como en la vasta producción académica en torno a las experiencias traumáticas de violencia estatal durante la última dictadura genocida, las memorias indígenas han sido tematizadas en forma marginal o subsidiaria respecto a otras categorías identitarias (Lenton, 2014). Estos silencios comienzan a romperse partir de la propia agencia indígena en los procesos de recuperación de las raíces ancestrales al calor de las luchas territoriales de las últimas décadas (Delrio, Lenton, Musanti, Nagy, Papazian (...)
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    Rosa Luxemburg: Writings and Reflections.Rosa Luxemburg & Paul Le Blanc (eds.) - 1999 - Humanity Books.
    An advocate of radical democracy and individual responsibility, Rosa Luxemburg remains the most eminent representative of the libertarian socialist tradition. A reevaluation and renewal within the Left has allowed the ideas of Luxemburg to assume greater vitality and relevance today than ever before. This volume provides an essential representative sampling of Luxemburg's writings that have generally not been among those commonly anthologized. That she had a powerful impact on every generation of the 20th century is documented in the accompanying essays, (...)
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    Ana Rosa Gutierrez.Ana Rosa Gutierrez & Betty LaDuke - 1983 - Feminist Studies 9 (3):585.
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  8. Rosa María Torres.Rosa María Torres & Foro ExMinistros de Educación - 2007 - Polis 5 (16).
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  9. Fernando A. cacopardo; Ana E. núñez.Mar del Plata - 1999 - Topos 1 (1):20.
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  10. Influencia rousseauniana en el sistema kantiano de la razón práctica.Oswaldo Plata - 2008 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 38:121-150.
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  11. Kant y la eclesiología.Oswaldo Plata - 2006 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 44 (111):101-114.
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  12.  33
    La interpretación de Lloyd del principio de obligación política de Thomas Hobbes.Oswaldo Plata Pineda - 2016 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 53.
  13. La interdisciplinariedad.Óscar Wingartz Plata - 2012 - In González de Luna, M. Eduardo, Mauricio Ávila Barba & Óscar Wingartz Plata, Problemas filosóficos interdisciplinarios de la ciencia, la tecnología y la sociedad. Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., México: Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Filosofía.
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    presunciones y la reparación del daño antijurídico en la jurisprudencia del Consejo de Estado ¿Absurdos o aciertos?Angy Plata Álvarez - 2021 - Ratio Juris 16 (33):409-440.
    La Sección Tercera del Consejo de Estado como garante de los procesos que buscan la reparación directa de las víctimas que exigen que se les repare y que se declare que se presentó un daño antijurídico bien sea por la acción directa u posible omisión de entidades estatales. Es por ello que dicha entidad ha planteado y desarrollado una serie de presunciones, las cuales han servido de fundamento para conceder y liquidar, y en algunos casos, para negar el reconocimiento de (...)
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  15. Rehaciendo la utopía en América Latina.Oscar Wingartz Plata - 2011 - In Ramírez Barreto & Ana Cristina, Filosofía desde América: Temas, balances y perspectivas: (simposio del ICA 53). Quito-Ecuador: Abya Yala, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana.
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    Una respuesta basada en la armonización ética al problema de la reconciliación.Oswaldo Juan Plata-Pineda - 2021 - Co-herencia 18 (34):89-118.
    La reconciliación suele ser definida como el proceso de restablecimiento de las relaciones que un conflicto ha perturbado. Esta perturbación ha sido asociada por la convención académica a la guerra o a la dictadura y analizada en la perspectiva de generar las condiciones para construir sostenidamente la paz. En el presente estudio, ofrezco una respuesta al problema de reconciliación que, con fundamento en la noción de armonización ética, aporta una solución plausible a los conflictos que tienen lugar en contextos de (...)
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    Reflexionar nuestra América: (ensayos sobre filosofía latinoamericana).Óscar Wingartz Plata - 2012 - Querétaro, Qro., México: Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Filosofía. Edited by Óscar Wingartz Plata.
  18. Selected Political Writings of Rosa Luxemburg.Rosa Luxemburg & Dick Howard - 1973 - Science and Society 37 (2):242-244.
  19.  13
    La conversación guasap.Rosa Martín Gascueña - 2016 - Pragmática Sociocultural 4 (1):108-134.
    Resumen Esta investigación sobre la aplicación para teléfonos móviles inteligentes WhatsApp se enfoca desde los presupuestos del análisis de la conversación coloquial. Se propone una configuración estructural de estas conversaciones basada en secuencias de apertura, continuidad y cierre. Nuestro objetivo es describir las estrategias comunicativas y discursivas empleadas en este canal de comunicación tan cotidiano, y comprobar, por un lado, cómo los elementos no exclusivamente lingüísticos funcionan como anclajes semánticos que sirven para cohesionar y referenciar la información inferida de cada (...)
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    Social Acceleration: A New Theory of Modernity.Hartmut Rosa - 2013 - Columbia University Press.
    Hartmut Rosa advances an account of the temporal structure of society from the perspective of critical theory. He identifies three categories of change in the tempo of modern social life: technological acceleration, evident in transportation, communication, and production; the acceleration of social change, reflected in cultural knowledge, social institutions, and personal relationships; and acceleration in the pace of life, which happens despite the expectation that technological change should increase an individual's free time. According to Rosa, both the structural and cultural (...)
  21. Conceptualizing Adaptive Preferences Respectfully: An Indirectly Substantive Account.Rosa Terlazzo - 2015 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (2):206-226.
    While the concept of adaptive preferences is an important tool for criticizing injustice, it is often claimed that using the concept involves showing disrespect for persons judged to have adaptive preferences. In this paper, I propose an account of adaptive preferences that does the relevant political work while still showing persons two centrally important kinds of respect. My account is based in what I call an indirect substantive account of autonomy, which places substantive requirements on the options available to a (...)
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    Descartes and the Puzzle of Sensory Representation.Raffaella De Rosa - 2009 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Raffaella De Rosa discusses the theory of sensory perception, especially color perception, offered by Ren Descartes. She offers a detailed overview of the recent literature on the topic and provides a new reading of Descartes' theory; she also raises questions of great interest in the contemporary philosophy of mind and cognitive science.
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  23. Overcoming Hermeneutical Injustice in Mental Health: A Role for Critical Phenomenology.Rosa Ritunnano - 2022 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 53 (3):243-260.
    The significance of critical phenomenology for psychiatric praxis has yet to be expounded. In this paper, I argue that the adoption of a critical phenomenological stance can remedy localised instances of hermeneutical injustice, which may arise in the encounter between clinicians and patients with psychosis. In this context, what is communicated is often deemed to lack meaning or to be difficult to understand. While a degree of un-shareability is inherent to subjective life, I argue that issues of unintelligibility can be (...)
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  24. Must Adaptive Preferences Be Prudentially Bad for Us.Rosa Terlazzo - 2017 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 3 (4):412-429.
    In this paper, I argue for the counter-intuitive conclusion that the same adaptive preference can be both prudentially good and prudentially bad for its holder: that is, it can be prudentially objectionable from one temporal perspective, but prudentially unobjectionable from another. Given the possibility of transformative experiences, there is an important sense in which even worrisome adaptive preferences can be prudentially good for us. That is, if transformative experiences lead us to develop adaptive preferences, then their objects can become prudentially (...)
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  25. Del espacio a la espacialidad.Arturo Romero Contreras & Sabina Morales Rosas - 2020 - In Luis Gerena & Arturo Aguirre, Poder, violencia y estado: discusiones filosóficas sobre los espacios de conflicto. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
    Comenzamos este texto con una pregunta, por algo que podríamos llamar un signo propio de la época, a saber, la proliferación de aproximaciones espaciales a los más diversos problemas y desde las más diversas disciplinas. No podemos dejar de notar que eso, cuyos signos se dejan recoger a pesar de su dispersión, en algo que llamamos época, sobreviene después de un agotamiento de la radicalización del historicismo y de un pensamiento del tiempo.
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  26. Putting representations to use.Rosa Cao - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2).
    Are there representations in the brain? It depends on what you mean by representations, and it depends on what you want them to do for you—both in terms of the causal role they play in the system, and in terms of their explanatory value. But ideally, we would like an account of representation that allows us to assign a representational role and content to the appropriate mechanistic precursors of behavior that in fact play that role and conversely, search for the (...)
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  27.  33
    Operações de estabilização e prolongamento dos conflitos armados: estudo de caso do retorno do M23 na República Democrática do Congo.Geraldine Rosas Duarte & Letícia Carvalho - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (55).
    Neste artigo, discutiremos os limites do modelo de estabilização empregado nas operações da Organização das Nações Unidas para construção da paz de longo prazo. Nosso argumento é que a estratégia política da estabilização, por ser baseada no uso robusto da força para combater grupos armados e apoiar governos no restabelecimento da autoridade estatal, acaba perdendo de vista os esforços de resolução dos conflitos, o que, no limite, contribui para o prolongamento da violência. Metodologicamente, o artigo se baseia no estudo do (...)
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  28. A teleological account of cartesian sensations?Raffaella De Rosa - 2007 - Synthese 156 (2):311-336.
    Alison Simmons, in Simmons (1999), argues that Descartes in Meditation Six offered a teleological account of sensory representation. According to Simmons, Descartes’ view is that the biological function of sensations explains both why sensations represent what they do (i.e., their referential content) and why they represent their objects the way they do (i.e., their presentational content). Moreover, Simmons claims that her account has several advantages over other currently available interpretations of Cartesian sensations. In this paper, I argue that Simmons’ teleological (...)
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  29. Multiple realizability and the spirit of functionalism.Rosa Cao - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-31.
    Multiple realizability says that the same kind of mental states may be manifested by systems with very different physical constitutions. Putnam ( 1967 ) supposed it to be “overwhelmingly probable” that there exist psychological properties with different physical realizations in different creatures. But because function constrains possible physical realizers, this empirical bet is far less favorable than it might initially have seemed, especially when we take on board the richer picture of neural and brain function that neuroscience has been uncovering (...)
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  30. A teleosemantic approach to information in the brain.Rosa Cao - 2012 - Biology and Philosophy 27 (1):49-71.
    The brain is often taken to be a paradigmatic example of a signaling system with semantic and representational properties, in which neurons are senders and receivers of information carried in action potentials. A closer look at this picture shows that it is not as appealing as it might initially seem in explaining the function of the brain. Working from several sender-receiver models within the teleosemantic framework, I will first argue that two requirements must be met for a system to support (...)
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    Oscillatory Brain Responses Reflect Anticipation during Comprehension of Speech Acts in Spoken Dialog.Rosa S. Gisladottir, Sara Bögels & Stephen C. Levinson - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:309932.
    Everyday conversation requires listeners to quickly recognize verbal actions, so-called speech acts, from the underspecified linguistic code and prepare a relevant response within the tight time constraints of turn-taking. The goal of this study was to determine the time-course of speech act recognition by investigating oscillatory EEG activity during comprehension of spoken dialog. Participants listened to short, spoken dialogs with target utterances that delivered three distinct speech acts (Answers, Declinations, Pre-offers). The targets were identical across conditions at lexico-syntactic and phonetic/prosodic (...)
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    Beyond the Echo-chamber: An Interview with Hartmut Rosa on Resonance and Alienation.Thijs Lijster, Robin Celikates & Hartmut Rosa - 2019 - Krisis 39 (1):64-78.
  33. Santos patronos en Los andes: Imagen, símbolo Y ritual en las fiestas religiosas Del mundo andino colonial.Alberto Díaz Araya, Luis Galdames Rosas & Wilson Muñoz Henríquez - 2012 - Alpha (Osorno) 35:23-39.
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    Da crítica de arte na imprensa brasileira: revendo e atualizando a arte e a crítica nos anos 1980.Ronaldo Rosas Reis - 2023 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 28 (2):20-43.
    O artigo busca apreender como se deu e de certo modo ainda se dá o engajamento sociocultural da juventude no universo das facções criminosas da periferia da cidade de São Luiz, no Estado do Maranhão. Volta-se para a compreensão da formação da sensibilidade dos jovens imersos no gênero musical do funk também conhecido como proibidão, veículo de sensibilização estética e conscientização comunitária, como um modelo funcional de educação dos sentidos e conscientização comunitária.
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    Nicolau de Paris e a suficiência das categorias.Mário João Rosas Rebelo Correia - 2023 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 68 (1):e43272.
    A lista de dez categorias apresentada por Aristóteles no capítulo 4 das Categorias gerou, desde cedo, sérios problemas aos intérpretes. Em primeiro lugar, não é claro qual o objetivo e o âmbito desta lista. Trata-se de uma tentativa de estabelecer os gêneros mais gerais de palavras, de coisas, de conceitos, de todos eles? Em segundo lugar, Aristóteles enumera as categorias, mas não apresenta qualquer justificação para o seu número e completude. Esta lacuna conduziu os intérpretes a forjar diversas tentativas de (...)
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  36. New Labels for Old Ideas: Predictive Processing and the Interpretation of Neural Signals.Rosa Cao - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (3):517-546.
    Philosophical proponents of predictive processing cast the novelty of predictive models of perception in terms of differences in the functional role and information content of neural signals. However, they fail to provide constraints on how the crucial semantic mapping from signals to their informational contents is determined. Beyond a novel interpretative gloss on neural signals, they have little new to say about the causal structure of the system, or even what statistical information is carried by the signals. That means that (...)
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  37. Adaptive preferences: merging political accounts and well-being accounts.Rosa Terlazzo - 2015 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 45 (2):179-196.
    Accounts of adaptive preferences are of two kinds: well-being accounts fully theorized for their own sake and political accounts theorized to facilitate the political project of reducing oppression and marginalization. Given their practical role, the latter are often less fully theorized, and are therefore less robust to theoretical criticism. In this paper, I first draw on well-being accounts to identify the well-theorized elements that political accounts should want to adopt in order to strengthen their project and avoid common criticisms. Second, (...)
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  38. Implicaciones filosóficas de la educación en el pensamiento de Diego Domínguez Caballero.Mireya Rosas de Monroy - 1981 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 49:121-136.
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    Une experience de terrain dans le domaine de la participation civile. Econtinuidad au Perou.Sophie Dmitrieff & Francisco Huanacune Rosas - 2018 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 24:647-654.
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    El corazón y el alma en la poesía de Ramón López Velarde.Alfredo Rosas Martínez - 2023 - Valenciana 31:157-188.
    En la poesía de Ramón López Velarde es fundamental la presencia del corazón y del alma. Ambos conceptos no son simples y únicos, sino complejos y diversos. Hay un corazón confesional e íntimo, llamado “Corazón de San Agustín”; un corazón como órgano del cuerpo, conocido como “Corazón de Harvey”; y un corazón simbólico, el cual recibe el nombre de “Corazón de León”. En correspondencia con estos elementos, hay un alma individual, perteneciente al sujeto lírico; un Anima mundi, relativa a la (...)
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    Los Conceptos de Conocimiento, Epistemología y Paradigma, como Base Diferencial en la Orientación Metodológica del Trabajo de Grado.Andrés Martínez Marín & Francy Ríos Rosas - 2006 - Cinta de Moebio 25:8.
    This essay present shortly the differential character of the concepts of knowledge, epistemology and paradigm has in the development of the degree work or thesis. It begins with the discussion of these concepts, and then establishes the relation between those and the degree work.
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    (When) Do Victims Have Duties to Resist Oppression?Rosa Terlazzo - 2020 - Social Theory and Practice 46 (2):391-416.
    In this article, I first propose four guidelines that follow from understanding the project of assigning victims duties to resist oppression as an ameliorative project. That is, if we understand the project to be motivated by the urgent aim of ending or mitigating the harm that oppression imposes on the oppressed, I argue that we should focus on developing and assigning duties that satisfy what I call the ability, weighting, fairness, and overdemandingness guidelines. Second, I develop the duty to be (...)
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    Philological Reception and the Repeating Odyssey in the Caribbean: Francisco Chofre's La Odilea.Rosa Andújar - 2022 - American Journal of Philology 143 (2):305-334.
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    Il museo ritrovato.Rosa Rita Maria Tamborrino - 1991 - Eidos: The Canadian Graduate Journal of Philosophy 9:95-98.
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  45. When is non-ideal theory too ideal? : adaptive preferences, children, and ideal theory.Rosa Terlazzo - 2017 - In Kevin Vallier & Michael Weber, Political Utopias: Contemporary Debates. New York, NY: Oup Usa.
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  46. Ethical Character and Virtue of Organizations: An Empirical Assessment and Strategic Implications.Rosa Chun - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 57 (3):269-284.
    Virtue ethics has often been regarded as complementary or laissez-faire ethics in solving business problems. This paper seeks conceptual and methodological improvements by developing a virtue character scale that will enable assessment of the link between organizational level virtue and organizational performance, financial or non-financial. Based upon three theoretical assumptions, multiple studies were conducted; the content analysis of 158 Fortune Global 500 firms ethical values and a survey of 2548 customers and employees. Six dimensions of organizational virtue (Integrity, Empathy, Warmth, (...)
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    Uniaxial deformation tests of aqueous foams: rate effects and topological changes.M. E. Rosa & M. A. Fortes - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (32):4997-5007.
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    A ritmo latino. Los radiodifusores estadounidenses buscan empatizar con la audiencia hispana.Rosa Franquet & Francesc Xavier Ribes - 2004 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 70:45-97.
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    El pragmatismo: ¿un nombre antiguo para nuevas maneras de pensar?Rosa María Mayorga - 2007 - Anuario Filosófico 40 (89):301-318.
    This article provides an introductory overview and comparison of the pragmatism of Charles Peirce, the founder of the American movement, with aspects of the pragmatism of disciples such as William James, F.C.S. Schiller, and John Dewey, including Peirce’s reactions to these latter thinkers, and some observations on the place of pragmatism in the 21st century.
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  50. Ni convencionalismo ni naturalismo. La justificación epistemológica de la verdad en Donald Davidson.Jaime de Rosas - 2020 - Discusiones Filosóficas 37 (21):37-55.
    In this paper I argue for the following hypotheses: The Davidsonian language thesis, which presupposes a set of beliefs and shared desires, is a quasi-rational phenomenon that weights the truths, and from them, is able to derive other objective thoughts in the domain of values. This view of Davidson conceives that thinking and language are prior to convention, and that necessarily implies the acknowledgement of humans as thinking beings; capable of understanding even when deprived of content, this is to say, (...)
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