Results for 'Rachel Reichman-Adar'

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  1.  17
    Extended person-machine interface.Rachel Reichman-Adar - 1984 - Artificial Intelligence 22 (2):157-218.
  2.  21
    Conversational Coherency.Rachel Reichman - 1978 - Cognitive Science 2 (4):283-327.
    A major goal of this work is to specify some steps of the process by which participants maintain coherency in their conversations.The underlying element of the analysis is a construct called a “context space.” Roughly, a group of utterances that refers to a single issue or episode forms the basis for a context space. Superficially, a conversation is a sequence of utterances; at a deeper level it is a structured entity whose utterances can be parsed into hierarchically related context spaces.As (...)
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  3. Classifying madness: A philosophical examination of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders.Rachel Cooper - 2005 - Springer.
    Classifying Madness (Springer, 2005) concerns philosophical problems with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, more commonly known as the D.S.M. The D.S.M. is published by the American Psychiatric Association and aims to list and describe all mental disorders. The first half of Classifying Madness asks whether the project of constructing a classification of mental disorders that reflects natural distinctions makes sense. Chapters examine the nature of mental illness, and also consider whether mental disorders fall into natural kinds. The (...)
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  4. Plato on conventionalism.Rachel Barney - 1997 - Phronesis 42 (2):143 - 162.
    A new reading of Plato's account of conventionalism about names in the Cratylus. It argues that Hermogenes' position, according to which a name is whatever anybody 'sets down' as one, does not have the counterintuitive consequences usually claimed. At the same time, Plato's treatment of conventionalism needs to be related to his treatment of formally similar positions in ethics and politics. Plato is committed to standards of objective natural correctness in all such areas, despite the problematic consequences which, as he (...)
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  5. Awe or envy: Herder contra Kant on the sublime.Rachel Zuckert - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 61 (3):217–232.
    I present and evaluate Johann Gottfried Herder's criticisms of Kant's account of the sublime and Herder's own theory of the sublime, as presented in his work, Kalligone. Herder's account and criticisms ought to be taken seriously, I argue, as (respectively) a non-reductive, naturalist aesthetics of the sublime, and as illuminating the metaphysical, moral, and political presuppositions underlying Kant's (and Burke's) accounts of the sublime.
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  6. A new look at Kant's theory of pleasure.Rachel Zuckert - 2002 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 60 (3):239–252.
    I argue (contra Guyer et al.) that in the Critique of Judgment Kant espouses a formal, intentional theory of pleasure, and reconstruct Kant's arguments that this view can both identify what all pleasures have in common, and differentiate among kinds of pleasure. Through his investigation of aesthetic experience in the Critique of Judgment, I argue, Kant radically departs from his views about pleasure as mere sensation in the Groundwork and the Critique of Practical Reason, and provides a view of pleasure (...)
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    Developing a Reflexive, Anticipatory, and Deliberative Approach to Unanticipated Discoveries: Ethical Lessons from iBlastoids.Rachel A. Ankeny, Megan J. Munsie & Joan Leach - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (1):36-45.
    In this paper, we explore the recent creation of “iBlastoids,” which are 3-D structures that resemble early human embryos prior to implantation which formed via self-organization of reprogrammed ad...
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    Is it acceptable to contact an anonymous egg donor to facilitate diagnostic genetic testing for the donor-conceived child?Rachel Horton, Benjamin Bell, Angela Fenwick & Anneke M. Lucassen - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (6):357-360.
    We discuss a case where medically optimal investigations of health problems in a donor-conceived child would require their egg donor to participate in genetic testing. We argue that it would be justified to contact the egg donor to ask whether she would consider this, despite her indicating on a historical consent form that she did not wish to take part in future research and that she did not wish to be informed if she was found to be a carrier of (...)
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    Platonic ethics, old and new.Rachel Barney - 2001 - Philosophical Review 110 (1):123-128.
    This book derives from Annas’s 1997 Townsend Lectures at Cornell University, and it retains the invigorating clarity and fast pace of a first-rate lecture series. In it Annas discusses assorted topics in Plato’s ethics and their ancient interpretation: her unifying theme is that we have much to learn from ancient readings of Plato, and those of the Middle Platonists in particular.
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    Lying to Insurance Companies: The Desire to Deceive among Physicians and the Public.Rachel M. Werner, G. Caleb Alexander, Angela Fagerlin & Peter A. Ubel - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (4):53-59.
    This study examines the public's and physicians' willingness to support deception of insurance companies in order to obtain necessary healthcare services and how this support varies based on perceptions of physicians' time pressures. Based on surveys of 700 prospective jurors and 1617 physicians, the public was more than twice as likely as physicians to sanction deception (26% versus 11%) and half as likely to believe that physicians have adequate time to appeal coverage decisions (22% versus 59%). The odds of public (...)
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  11.  47
    Mandated Social Disclosure: An Analysis of the Response to the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010.Rachel N. Birkey, Ronald P. Guidry, Mohammad Azizul Islam & Dennis M. Patten - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (3):827-841.
    In this study, we examine investor and firm response to the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010. The CTSCA requires large retail and manufacturing firms to disclose efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from their supply chains and is a rare example of mandated corporate social responsibility disclosure. Based on a sample of 105 retail companies subject to the CTSCA, we find a significant negative market reaction to the passing of the CTSCA. Furthermore, we find that the (...)
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  12.  79
    Impaired Integration in Psychopathy: A Unified Theory of Psychopathic Dysfunction.Rachel K. B. Hamilton, Kristina Hiatt Racer & Joseph P. Newman - 2015 - Psychological Review 122 (4):770–791.
    This article introduces a novel theoretical framework for psychopathy that bridges dominant affective and cognitive models. According to the proposed impaired integration (II) framework of psychopathic dysfunction, topographical irregularities and abnormalities in neural connectivity in psychopathy hinder the complex process of information integration. Central to the II theory is the notion that psychopathic individuals are “‘wired up’ differently” (Hare, Williamson, & Harpur, 1988, p. 87). Specific theoretical assumptions include decreased functioning of the Salience and Default Mode Networks, normal functioning in (...)
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    Precision, Not Confidence, Describes the Uncertainty of Perceptual Experience: Comment on John Morrison's “Perceptual Confidence”.Rachel N. Denison - 2017 - Analytic Philosophy 58 (1):58-70.
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  14. Boring Beauty and Universal Morality: Kant on the Ideal of Beauty.Rachel Zuckert - 2005 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 48 (2):107 – 130.
    This paper argues that Kant 's account of the "ideal of beauty " in paragraph 17 of the Critique of Judgment is not only a plausible account of one kind of beauty, but also that it can address some of our moral qualms concerning the aesthetic evaluation of persons, including our psychological propensity to take a person's beauty to represent her moral character.
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    CSR, Innovation, and Firm Performance in Sluggish Growth Contexts: A Firm-Level Empirical Analysis.Rachel Bocquet, Christian Le Bas, Caroline Mothe & Nicolas Poussing - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (1):241-254.
    The few studies that analyze the impact of a combined strategy of innovation and corporate social responsibility on firm performance mostly focus on financial performance. In contrast, the current study considers the simultaneous impact of technological innovations and CSR on firm growth, which provides a measure of medium-term economic performance. With a sample of 213 firms and a two-step procedure, this study reveals the differentiated effects of strategic versus responsive CSR behavior on the two technological innovation types, as well as (...)
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  16. Plato's Defense of Justice in the Republic.Rachel G. K. Singpurwalla - 2006 - In Gerasimos Santas (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Plato's "Republic". Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 263-282.
    Socrates' aim in the Republic is to show that being just is crucial for happiness. In Republic IV, Socrates argues that the just individual is one in whom each part of the soul or psyche performs its proper function, with the result that the individual attains psychic harmony. Commentators have worried, however, that this account of what it is to be just has little to do with being just in the ordinary sense of the term, which involves acting with regard (...)
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  17.  26
    A mechanistic account of bodily resonance and implicit bias.Rachel L. Bedder, Daniel Bush, Domna Banakou, Tabitha Peck, Mel Slater & Neil Burgess - 2019 - Cognition 184 (C):1-10.
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    You take the high road..Keith Whitfield, Rachel Williams & Sukanya Sengupta - forthcoming - Business Ethics: A Critical Approach: Integrating Ethics Across the Business World.
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    Marvelling at the Marvel: The Supposed Conversion of A. D. Darbishire to Mendelism.Rachel A. Ankeny - 2000 - Journal of the History of Biology 33 (2):315 - 347.
    The so-called "biometric-Mendelian controversy" has received much attention from science studies scholars. This paper focuses on one scientist involved in this debate, Arthur Dukinfield Darbishire, who performed a series of hybridization experiments with mice beginning in 1901. Previous historical work on Darbishire's experiments and his later attempt to reconcile Mendelian and biometric views describe Darbishire as eventually being "converted" to Mendelism. I provide a new analysis of this episode in the context of Darbishire's experimental results, his underlying epistemology, and his (...)
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  20.  30
    Patterns of Joint Improvisation in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.Rachel-Shlomit Brezis, Lior Noy, Tali Alony, Rachel Gotlieb, Rachel Cohen, Yulia Golland & Nava Levit-Binnun - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  21. Seduction: Men, Masculinity and Mediated Intimacy.Rachel O’Neill - unknown
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    (1 other version)Re‐reading Diotima: Resources for a Relational Pedagogy.Rachel Jones - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 48 (2):183-201.
    This article considers a range of responses to Plato's Symposium, paying particular attention to Diotima's speech on eros and philosophy. It argues that Diotima's teachings contain resources for a relational pedagogy, but that these resources come more sharply into focus when Plato's text is read through the lens of contemporary (20th and 21st century) thinkers. The article therefore draws on the work of David Halperin, Hannah Arendt, Jean-François Lyotard and Luce Irigaray to argue that Diotima points us towards the value (...)
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  23.  50
    Reduced specificity of autobiographical memory as a moderator of the relationship between daily hassles and depression.Rachel J. Anderson, Lorna Goddard & Jane H. Powell - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (4):702-709.
  24. Simplicius: Commentary, Harmony, and Authority.Rachel Barney - 2009 - Antiquorum Philosophia 3:101-120.
    Simplicius’ project of harmonizing previous philosophers deserves to be taken seriously as both a philosophical and an interpretive project. Simplicius follows Aristotle himself in developing charitable interpretations of his predecessors: his distinctive project, in the Neoplatonic context, is the rehabilitation of the Presocratics (especially Parmenides, Anaxagoras and Empedocles) from a Platonic-Aristotelian perspective. Simplicius’ harmonizations involve hermeneutic techniques which are recognisably those of the serious historian of philosophy; and harmonization itself has a distinguished history as a constructive philosophical method.
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  25. (1 other version)The Philosopher in Flight: The Digression (172C–177C) in the Theaetetus.Rachel Rue - 1993 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 11:71-100.
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    Wormy Logic: Model Organisms as Case-Based Reasoning.Rachel Ankeny - 2007 - In Angela N. H. Creager, Elizabeth Lunbeck, M. Norton Wise, Barbara Herrnstein Smith & E. Roy Weintraub (eds.), Science without Laws: Model Systems, Cases, Exemplary Narratives. Duke University Press. pp. 46-58.
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    Ethics and education research.Rachel Brooks - 2014 - Los Angeles: SAGE. Edited by Kitty Te Riele & Meg Maguire.
    Drawn from the authors' experiences in the UK, Australia and mainland Europe and with contributions from across the globe, this clear and accessible book includes a wide range of examples. The authors show the reader how to: identify ethical issues which may arise with any research project, gain informed consent, provide information in the right way to participants, and present and disseminate findings in line with ethical guidelines.
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    COVID-19 and the orthopaedic surgeon: who gets redeployed?Rachel S. Bronheim & Casey Jo Humbyrd - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (1):3-8.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has increased demand for physicians, leading to widespread redeployment of specialty physicians to care for patients with COVID-19. These redeployments highlight an important question: How do physicians balance competing obligations to their own health, their own patients, and society during a public health crisis? How can physicians, specifically subspecialists, navigate this tension? In this article, we analyse a clinical scenario in which an orthopaedic sports surgeon is redeployed to care for patients with COVID-19. This case raises questions (...)
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    Old consent and new developments: health professionals should ask and not presume.Rachel Horton, Angela Fenwick & Anneke M. Lucassen - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (6):412-413.
    We thank Lucy Frith for her thought-provoking response1 to our paper, where we argued that it would be ethically acceptable to contact an anonymous egg donor to help facilitate diagnostic genetic testing for a donor-conceived child.2 While we read Frith’s commentary with interest, we still think that the egg donor should be contacted in the case that we describe. Frith raises concerns as to whether contact would constitute ‘ overriding consent ’, thus ’ potentially set(ting) a dangerous precedent ’ for (...)
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  30.  32
    Inviting Everyone to the Table: Strategies for More Effective and Legitimate Food Policy via Deliberative Approaches.Rachel A. Ankeny - 2016 - Journal of Social Philosophy 47 (1):10-24.
  31.  9
    Of Spirit: Heidegger and the Question.Geoffrey Bennington & Rachel Bowlby (eds.) - 1989 - University of Chicago Press.
    "I shall speak of ghost, of flame, and of ashes." These are the first words of Jacques Derrida's lecture on Heidegger. It is again a question of Nazism—of what remains to be thought through of Nazism in general and of Heidegger's Nazism in particular. It is also "politics of spirit" which at the time people thought—they still want to today—to oppose to the inhuman. "Derrida's ruminations should intrigue anyone interested in Post-Structuralism..... This study of Heidegger is a fine example of (...)
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  32.  92
    Sculpture and Touch: Herder's Aesthetics of Sculpture.Rachel Zuckert - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 67 (3):285-299.
    I present and analyze J.G. Herder’s aesthetics of sculpture, as an art form directed toward and appreciated by the sense of touch. I argue that Herder is unsuccessful in his attempt so to define sculpture, but his account is nonetheless fruitful, both in making salient and explaining signal aspects of sculptural appreciation and criticism and, more broadly and quite innovatively, in proposing an aesthetics of touch, even an embodied aesthetics.
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    Infants discriminate manners and paths in non-linguistic dynamic events.Rachel Pulverman, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek & Jennifer Sootsman Buresh - 2008 - Cognition 108 (3):825-830.
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    Qualitative study of participants' perceptions and preferences regarding research dissemination.Rachel S. Purvis, Traci H. Abraham, Christopher R. Long, M. Kathryn Stewart, T. Scott Warmack & Pearl Anna McElfish - 2017 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 8 (2):69-74.
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    The Roles of Religiosity and Spirituality in Moral Reasoning.Rachel Baumsteiger, Tiffany Chenneville & Joseph F. McGuire - 2013 - Ethics and Behavior 23 (4):266-277.
    To better understand the influence of religiosity and spirituality on moral reasoning, 1,037 college students completed a survey including demographic questions, a religiosity measure, a spirituality measure, and Forsyth's Ethical Position Questionnaire. Religiosity and spirituality positively correlated with moral idealism, whereas spirituality negatively correlated with moral relativism. However, religiosity and spirituality accounted for a very little variability in moral reasoning, suggesting that they do not directly influence moral reasoning. In addition, female participants reported higher spirituality, but there were no gender (...)
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    Rethinking the Political Thought of James Harrington: Royalism, Republicanism and Democracy.Rachel Hammersley - 2013 - History of European Ideas 39 (3):354-370.
    Summary Traditional accounts of seventeenth-century English republicanism have usually presented it as inherently anti-monarchical and anti-democratic. This article seeks to challenge and complicate this picture by exploring James Harrington's views on royalism, republicanism and democracy. Building on recent assertions about Harrington's distinctiveness as a republican thinker, the article suggests that the focus on Harrington's republicanism has served to obscure the subtlety and complexity of his moral and political philosophy. Focusing on the year 1659, and the pamphlet war that Harrington and (...)
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    7. Valuing Data in Postgenomic Biology.Rachel A. Ankeny & Sabina Leonelli - 2015 - In Sarah S. Richardson & Hallam Stevens (eds.), Postgenomics: Perspectives on Biology after the Genome. Duke University Press. pp. 126-149.
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    The molecular basis of allorecognition in ascidians.Rachel Ben-Shlomo - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (11-12):1048-1051.
    The process of allorecognition consists of an ability to discriminate self from non‐self. This discrimination is used either to identify non‐self cells and reject them (“non‐self histocompatibility”) or to identify self cells and reject them (as in the avoidance of self‐fertilization by hermaphrodites (“self incompatibility”). The molecular basis governing these two distinct systems has been studied recently in hermaphroditic ascidian urochordates. Harada et al.1 postulated two highly polymorphic self‐incompatibility loci, Themis (A and B), that are transcribed from both strands, forward (...)
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    Identifying roles for neurotransmission in circuit assembly: insights gained from multiple model systems and experimental approaches.Adam Bleckert & Rachel Ol Wong - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (1):61-72.
  40. Informed Medical Consent Ethical and Legal Perspectives.Hajar A. Hajar & Rachel Hajar - 1999 - Clinical Ethics 1 (2).
  41.  25
    Incorporating Music into the Social Studies Classroom.Jeffery A. Mangram & Rachel L. Weber - 2012 - Journal of Social Studies Research 36 (1):3-21.
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  42. The soul of the runner.Charles Taliaferro & Rachel Traughber - 2007 - In Michael W. Austin (ed.), Running and Philosophy: A Marathon for the Mind. Wiley-Blackwell.
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  43. From “Whither” to “Whence”: A Decolonial Reading of Malabou.Rachel Cicoria - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (5):93-111.
    A turn from the “whither” to the “whence” of anarchism is at stake in Catherine Malabou’s interpretation of Latin American decolonial theory. This is a turn from a materialist philosophy that seeks to open the space of anarchism within the modern state toward one that discerns anarchism as already operative in the modern state given the social implications of colonial legacies. In tracing this turn, I propose a development of Malabou’s work insofar as I put her in dialogue with María (...)
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  44. "Hands Tied: a roundtable on Maria Lassnig and Ayesha Hameed" (5th edition).Rachel Aumiller, Sam Dolbear, Nadine El-Enany, Amelia Groom, Clio Nicastro, Anja Sunhyun Michaelsen & M. Ty - 2021 - Another Gaze: A Journal for Film and Feminism 5:34-42.
    'Hands Tied' brings together two very different films about hands: Maria Lassnig's Palmistry (1973) and Ayesha Hameed's A Rough History (of the Destruction of Fingerprints) (2016). These works are contextualised and their scope extended further by a roundtable discussion featuring participants Rachel Aumiller, Sam Dolbear, Nadine El-Enany, Amelia Groom, Clio Nicastro, Anja Sunhyun Michaelsen, and M. Ty., who discuss their relation to fate, work, pleasure, touch, and surveillance.
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    Choosing Disability, Visualizing Care.Adams Rachel - 2017 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 27 (2):301-321.
    This article explores how visual images of dependency and care reflect and reinforce perceptions of people who are ill, disabled, or otherwise dependent, those who sustain them, and the meaning of the work they do. Scenes of care are a valuable index for understanding cultural assumptions about who is deserving of care, how and where care should be given, and who is obligated to serve as a giver of care. It positions these images in the context of the emphasis, within (...)
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    Correction: Developing Disability-Focused Pre-Health and Health Professions Curricula.Rachel Conrad Bracken, Kenneth A. Richman, Rebecca Garden, Rebecca Fischbein, Raman Bhambra, Neli Ragina, Shay Dawson & Ariel Cascio - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-2.
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  47. Ethical Embodiment and Moral Reasoning: A Challenge to Peter Singer.Rachel Tillman - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (1):18-31.
    This paper addresses Peter Singer's claim that cognitive ability can function as a universal criterion for measuring moral worth. I argue that Singer fails to adequately represent cognitive capacity as the object of moral knowledge at stake in his theory. He thus fails to put forth credible knowledge claims, which undermines both the trustworthiness of his moral theories and the morality of the actions called for by these theories. I situate Singer's methods within feminist critiques of moral reasoning and moral (...)
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    Cuidado de si e escolha ética em Marco Aurélio.Rachel Gazolla - 2004 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 49 (1):124-137.
    Este estudo visa expor suas noções básicas do pensamento do estóico Marco Aurélio que nos falam ainda de perto na modernidade: o pertencimento a si mesmo e o cuidado de si. Elas estão intimamente relacionadas com a physis e a Ética estóicas. Pretende-se mostrar o aparente paradoxo da afirmação estóica sobre nossas ações éticas fundarem-se na determinação cósmica, ao mesmo tempo em que há uma abertura possível para deliberar particularmente a partir desta determinação universal.
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    The loneliness of me: The assumption of social disinterest and its worrying consequences in autism.Rachel Louise Moseley & Jie Sui - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    We share Jaswal & Akhtar's concerns about the unintended repercussions of assumed social disinterest in autism. We expand consideration of these consequences with discussion of the literature and our own work on loneliness, mental ill-health, and self-representation, which is a cornerstone to social and emotional health. Further study is needed with expansive, mixed methodologies and involvement of the autistic community.
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    La « déesse au serpent » de Délos et l’aménagement des Propylées déliens à l’époque classique.Rachel Nouet - 2016 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 139:247-265.
    Cet article reprend le dossier de la statue dite de la « déesse au serpent », découverte avec sa base non loin des Propylées du sanctuaire d’Apollon à Délos. Son propos est de remettre en cause, à travers l’examen de la base et de la technique de fixation, toutes deux exceptionnelles, l’hypothèse selon laquelle il s’agirait d’une copie ou d’une adaptation de l’Athéna Hygieia en bronze, réalisée par Pyrrhos et érigée devant les Propylées de l’Acropole d’Athènes dans les années 430 (...)
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