Results for 'Richard Weyl'

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  1. Weyl’s Appropriation of Husserl’s and Poincar“s Thought.Richard Feist - 2002 - Synthese 132 (3):273 - 301.
    This article locates Weyl''s philosophy of mathematics and its relationship to his philosophy of science within the epistemological and ontological framework of Husserl''s phenomenology as expressed in the Logical Investigations and Ideas. This interpretation permits a unified reading of Weyl''s scattered philosophical comments in The Continuum and Space-Time-Matter. But the article also indicates that Weyl employed Poincaré''s predicativist concerns to modify Husserl''s semantics and trim Husserl''s ontology. Using Poincaré''s razor to shave Husserl''s beard leads to limitations on (...)
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  2. The philosophical background of Weyl's mathematical constructivism.Richard Tieszen - 2000 - Philosophia Mathematica 8 (3):274-301.
    Weyl's inclination toward constructivism in the foundations of mathematics runs through his entire career, starting with Das Kontinuum. Why was Weyl inclined toward constructivism? I argue that Weyl's general views on foundations were shaped by a type of transcendental idealism in which it is held that mathematical knowledge must be founded on intuition. Kant and Fichte had an impact on Weyl but HusserFs transcendental idealism was even more influential. I discuss Weyl's views on vicious circularity, (...)
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  3. Hermann Weyl's Mathematics, Science and Phenomenology.Richard A. Feist - 1999 - Dissertation, The University of Western Ontario (Canada)
    The work addresses the problem of the relationship between science and philosophy in the work of Hermann Weyl. The author begins by discussing Weylls Gottingen tradition. Contrary to standard accounts of this tradition, Edmund Husserl and Georg Cantor are included. The influence of this tradition on Weyl is then illustrated by an examination of Weyl's early philosophy of mathematics. Here Weyl attempts to use Husserl's early phenomenology to amalgamate the thought of Felix Klein, David Hilbert and (...)
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    University of Pennsylvania Bicentennial Conference. Studies in Civilization.Studies in the History of Science. [REVIEW]E. N., Alan J. B. Wace, Otto E. Neugebauer, William S. Ferguson, Arthur E. R. Boak, Edward K. Rand, Arthur C. Howland, Charles G. Osgood, William J. Entwistle, John H. Randall, Carlton J. H. Hayes, Charles H. McIlwain, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Charles Cestre, Stanley T. Williams, E. A. Speiser, Hermann Ranke, Henry E. Sigerist, Richard H. Shryock, Evarts A. Graham, A. Graham, Edgar A. Singer & Hermann Weyl - 1941 - Journal of Philosophy 38 (21):586.
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  5. Brouwer and Weyl: The phenomenology and mathematics of the intuitive continuumt.Mark van Atten, Dirk van Dalen & Richard Tieszen - 2002 - Philosophia Mathematica 10 (2):203-226.
    Brouwer and Weyl recognized that the intuitive continuum requires a mathematical analysis of a kind that set theory is not able to provide. As an alternative, Brouwer introduced choice sequences. We first describe the features of the intuitive continuum that prompted this development, focusing in particular on the flow of internal time as described in Husserl's phenomenology. Then we look at choice sequences and their logic. Finally, we investigate the differences between Brouwer and Weyl, and argue that (...)'s conception of choice sequences is defective on several counts. (shrink)
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    Brouwer and Weyl: The Phenomenology and Mathematics of the Intuitive Continuum.Mark Atten, Dirk Dalen & Richard Tieszen - 2002 - Philosophia Mathematica 10 (2):203-226.
    Brouwer and Weyl recognized that the intuitive continuum requires a mathematical analysis of a kind that set theory is not able to provide. As an alternative, Brouwer introduced choice sequences. We first describe the features of the intuitive continuum that prompted this development, focusing in particular on the flow of internal time as described in Husserl's phenomenology. Then we look at choice sequences and their logic. Finally, we investigate the differences between Brouwer and Weyl, and argue that (...)'s conception of choice sequences is defective on several counts. (shrink)
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  7. Phenomenology, Logic, and the Philosophy of Mathematics.Richard L. Tieszen - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Offering a collection of fifteen essays that deal with issues at the intersection of phenomenology, logic, and the philosophy of mathematics, this 2005 book is divided into three parts. Part I contains a general essay on Husserl's conception of science and logic, an essay of mathematics and transcendental phenomenology, and an essay on phenomenology and modern pure geometry. Part II is focused on Kurt Godel's interest in phenomenology. It explores Godel's ideas and also some work of Quine, Penelope Maddy and (...)
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    Mathematical methods in philosophy: Editors' introduction.Aldo Antonelli, Alasdair Urquhart & Richard Zach - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (2):143-145.
    Mathematics and philosophy have historically enjoyed a mutually beneficial and productive relationship, as a brief review of the work of mathematician–philosophers such as Descartes, Leibniz, Bolzano, Dedekind, Frege, Brouwer, Hilbert, Gödel, and Weyl easily confirms. In the last century, it was especially mathematical logic and research in the foundations of mathematics which, to a significant extent, have been driven by philosophical motivations and carried out by technically minded philosophers. Mathematical logic continues to play an important role in contemporary philosophy, (...)
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    Intuition between the analytic-continental divide: Hermann Weyl's philosophy of the continuum.Janet Folina - 2008 - Philosophia Mathematica 16 (1):25-55.
    Though logical positivism is part of Kant's complex legacy, positivists rejected both Kant's theory of intuition and his classification of mathematical knowledge as synthetic a priori. This paper considers some lingering defenses of intuition in mathematics during the early part of the twentieth century, as logical positivism was born. In particular, it focuses on the difficult and changing views of Hermann Weyl about the proper role of intuition in mathematics. I argue that it was not intuition in general, but (...)
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  10. The Philosophy of Science.Richard Boyd, Philip Gasper & J. D. Trout (eds.) - 1991 - MIT Press.
    The more than 40 readings in this anthology cover the most important developments of the past six decades, charting the rise and decline of logical positivism ...
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  11.  30
    Depth-first iterative-deepening.Richard E. Korf - 1985 - Artificial Intelligence 27 (1):97-109.
  12.  24
    The Metaphysics of Emergence.Richard Campbell - 2015 - Basingstoke, England: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book argues that a plausible account of emergence requires replacing the traditional assumption that what primarily exists are particular entities with generic processes. Traversing contemporary physics and issues of identity over time, it then proceeds to develop a metaphysical taxonomy of emergent entities and of the character of human life.
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    From neurophysiology to perception.Richard M. Warren - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (2):288-288.
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    Meta-empirical confirmation: Addressing three points of criticism.Richard Dawid - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 93 (C):66-71.
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    Securing the objectivity of relative facts in the quantum world.Richard A. Healey - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (4):1-20.
    This paper compares and contrasts relational quantum mechanics with a pragmatist view of quantum theory. I first explain important points of agreement. Then I point to two problems faced by RQM and sketch DP?s solutions to analogous problems. Since both RQM and DP have taken the Born rule to require relative facts I next say what these might be. My main objection to RQM as originally conceived is that its ontology of relative facts is incompatible with scientific objectivity and undercuts (...)
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  16.  13
    The Problem Of Embodiment; Some Contributions To A Phenomenology Of The Body.Richard M. Zaner - 1964 - The Hague: M. Nijhoff.
    Early in the first volume of his Ideen zu einer reinen Phiinomeno logie und phiinomenologischen Philosophie, Edmund Husserl stated concisely the significance and scope of the problem with which this present study is concerned. When we reflect on how it is that consciousness, which is itself absolute in relation to the world, can yet take on the character of transcendence, how it can become mundanized, We see straightaway that it can do that only by means of a certain participation in (...)
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  17. Fictionalism and inferential safety.Richard Woodward - 2010 - Analysis 70 (3):409-417.
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    Linear-space best-first search.Richard E. Korf - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 62 (1):41-78.
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    Troubled voices: stories of ethics and illness.Richard M. Zaner - 1993 - Cleveland, Ohio: Pilgrim Press.
    This honest, forthright, and beautifully-written book introduces readers to the human variations on medical topics spoken of in abstract in the daily news--euthanasia, assisted suicide, abortion, "extreme procedures", genetic testing, experimental surgeries--and to the people who must agonize over those decisions regarding themselves and their loved ones.
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    On Stories.Richard Kearney - 2001 - Routledge.
    Stories offer us some of the richest and most enduring insights into the human condition and have preoccupied philosophy since Aristotle. On Stories presents in clear and compelling style just why narrative has this power over us and argues that the unnarrated life is not worth living. Drawing on the work of James Joyce, Sigmund Freud's patient 'Dora' and the case of Oscar Schindler, Richard Kearney skilfully illuminates how stories not only entertain us but can determine our lives and (...)
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  21. The genotype/phenotype distinction.Richard Lewontin - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The distinction between phenotype and genotype is fundamental to the understanding of heredity and development of organisms. The genotype of an organism is the class to which that organism belongs as determined by the description of the actual physical material made up of DNA that was passed to the organism by its parents at the organism's conception. For sexually reproducing organisms that physical material consists of the DNA contributed to the fertilized egg by the sperm and egg of its two (...)
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  22.  14
    Ironic Life.Richard J. Bernstein - 2016 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    "Just as philosophy begins with doubt, so also a life that may be called human begins with irony" so wrote Kierkegaard. While we commonly think of irony as a figure of speech where someone says one thing and means the opposite, the concept of irony has long played a more fundamental role in the tradition of philosophy, a role that goes back to Socrates Ð the originator and exemplar of the urbane ironic life. But what precisely is Socratic irony and (...)
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  23.  89
    The Significance of Non-Empirical Confirmation in Fundamental Physics.Richard Dawid - 2019 - In Radin Dardashti, Richard Dawid & Karim Thebault (eds.), Why Trust a Theory? Epistemology of ModernPhysics. Cambridge University Press. pp. 99-119.
    In the absence of empirical confirmation, scientists may judge a theory's chances of being viable based on a wide range of arguments. The paper argues that such arguments can differ substantially with regard to their structural similarly to empirical confirmation. Arguments that resemble empirical confirmation in a number of crucial respects provide a better basis for reliable judgement and can, in a Bayesian sense, amount to significant \textit{non-empirical} confirmation. It is shown that three kinds of non-empirical confirmation that have been (...)
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  24. Slurs as ballistic speech.Richard P. Stillman - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6827-6843.
    Slurs are words with a well-known tendency to conjure up painful memories and experiences in members of their target communities. Owing to this tendency, it’s widely agreed that one ought to exercise considerable care when even mentioning a slur, so as to avoid needlessly inflicting distressing associations on members of the relevant group. This paper argues that this tendency to evoke distressing associations is precisely what makes slurs impactful verbal weapons. According to the ballistic theory, slurs make such potent insults (...)
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    Public Concerns in the United Kingdom about General and Specific Applications of Genetic Engineering: Risk, Benefit, and Ethics.Richard Shepherd, Chaya Howard & Lynn J. Frewer - 1997 - Science, Technology and Human Values 22 (1):98-124.
    The repertory grid method was used to determine what terminology respondents use to distinguish between different applications of genetic engineering drawn from food- related, agricultural, and medical applications. Respondents were asked to react to fifteen applications phrased in general terms, and results compared with a second study where fifteen more specific applications were used as stimuli. Both sets of data were submitted to generalized Procrustes analysis. Applications associated with animals or human genetic material were described as causing ethical concern, being (...)
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  26. High-Leverage Finance Capitalism, the Economic Crisis, Structurally Related Ethics Issues, and Potential Reforms.Richard P. Nielsen - 2010 - Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (2):299-330.
    ABSTRACT:In this updated and revised version of his 2008 Society for Business Ethics presidential address, Richard Nielsen documents the characteristics and extent of the 2007–2009 economic crisis and analyzes how the ethics issues of the economic crisis are structurally related to a relatively new form of capitalism, high-leverage finance capitalism. Four types of high-leverage finance capitalism are considered: hedge funds; private equity-leveraged buyouts; high-leverage, subprime mortgage banking; and high-leverage banking. The structurally related problems with the four types of high-leverage (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Why is that art?Richard Kamber & Taylor Enoch - 2018 - In Florian Cova & Sébastien Réhault (eds.), Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Aesthetics. London: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 79-102.
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  28. Philosophers in Exile: The Correspondence of Alfred Schutz and Aron Gurwitsch, 1939-1959.Richard Grathoff (ed.) - 1989 - Indiana University Press.
    This book presents the remarkable correspondence between Alfred Schutz and Aron Gurwitsch, emigre philosophers influenced by Edmund Husserl, who fled Europe on the eve of World War II and ultimately became seminal figures in the establishment of phenomenology in the United States. Their deep and lasting friendship grew out of their mutual concern with the question of the connections between science and the life-world. Interwoven with philosophical exchange is the two scholars' encounter with the unfamiliar problems of American academic life—what (...)
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    (1 other version)Thinking about Thinking in Adorno’s Minima Moralia.Richard White - 2022 - The European Legacy 27 (2):160-175.
    ABSTRACT This article looks at several sections of Minima Moralia where Adorno talks explicitly about the need for genuine thinking and what that might consist in. First, I argue that Hegel and Nietzsche are the two guiding thinkers behind this work, and I show how they express two opposing tendencies of thinking—aphoristic and dialectical—that can inspire and enhance each other. Then, in the main part of the article, I identify four significant claims in Adorno’s critical reflections on thinking: (1) that (...)
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  30. On the conflicting assessments of the current status of string theory.Richard Dawid - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (5):984-996.
    The current status of string theory is assessed quite differently by most of the theory’s exponents than by the majority of physicists in other fields. While the former tend to have a high degree of trust in string theory’s viability, the latter largely share a substantially more skeptical point of view. This article argues that the controversy can be best understood in terms of a paradigmatic rift between the two sides over their understandings of theory assessment. An attempt is made (...)
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    The romantic economist: imagination in economics.Richard Bronk - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Since economies are dynamic processes driven by creativity, social norms, and emotions as well as rational calculation, why do economists largely study them using static equilibrium models and narrow rationalistic assumptions? Economic activity is as much a function of imagination and social sentiments as of the rational optimisation of given preferences and goods. Richard Bronk argues that economists can best model and explain these creative and social aspects of markets by using new structuring assumptions and metaphors derived from the (...)
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    Danto's Gallery of Indiscernibles.Richard Wollheim - 1993 - In Mark Rollins (ed.), Danto and His Critics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 30–39.
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    NGO perspectives on the social and ethical dimensions of plant genome-editing.Richard Helliwell, Sarah Hartley & Warren Pearce - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (4):779-791.
    Plant genome editing has the potential to become another chapter in the intractable debate that has dogged agricultural biotechnology. In 2016, 107 Nobel Laureates accused Greenpeace of emotional and dogmatic campaigning against agricultural biotechnology and called for governments to defy such campaigning. The Laureates invoke the authority of science to argue that Greenpeace is putting lives at risk by opposing agricultural biotechnology and Golden Rice and is notable in framing Greenpeace as unethical and its views as marginal. This paper examines (...)
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  34. In defense of a dualism.Richard Warner - 1994 - In Richard Warner & Tadeusz Szubka (eds.), The Mind-Body Problem: A Guide to the Current Debate. Cambridge, USA: Blackwell.
  35. James: New Testament Readings.Richard Bauckham - 1999
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    What is Special About the Human Brain?Richard Passingham - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    The mental gap between man and ape is immense. As the brain is the organ of the mind, we must assume that throughout evolution there were changes in the brain that created this gap. This book is a search for those changes. Written in a lively style, the book is a far-reaching andrexciting quest for those things that make humans unique.
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    Beethoven: (1880).Richard Wagner, Edward Dennreuther & Arthur Schopenhauer - 2015 - BoD – Books on Demand.
    Richard Wagner (1813-1883) zählt zu den herausragendsten Komponisten der Welt überhaupt und gilt aufgrund seiner musikalischen Interpretationen als ein Erneuerer der europäischen Musiklandschaft. Er fühlte eine enge Verbindung zu Ludwig van Beethoven, da eben sein Werk für die Entscheidung verantwortlich war, sich der Musik zuzuwenden. Das vorliegende Werk ist eine Hommage an den deutschen Künstler und erschien zu seinem einhundersten Geburtsjahr 1870. Es handelt sich hierbei um die englische Übersetzung der deutschen Originalfassung.
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    Feyerabend's attack on observation sentences.Richard T. Hull - 1972 - Synthese 23 (4):374 - 399.
  39.  22
    ‘Hell You Talmbout’: Janelle Monáe’s Black Cyberfeminist Sonic Aesthetics.Meina Yates-Richard - 2021 - Feminist Review 127 (1):35-51.
    This article explores the ways in which Janelle Monáe’s audiovisual performances leverage black female flesh to trouble historically constituted imaginings of ‘the human’. Tracking Monáe’s audiovisual aesthetics across ‘Many moons’ and Dirty Computer, I interrogate acoustic and imagistic resonances that recall the repeating horrors of bondage, and which also constitute performative ‘fabulations’ whereby freedoms that are engendered specifically by and within black female flesh might be imagined. Monáe ‘enfleshes’ the cyborg to critique cyberfeminist and posthumanist theories that advocate for material (...)
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    Rethinking economics as social theory.Richard E. Wagner - 2022 - Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    Taking an innovative look at the origins of economics, this forward-thinking book relocates economics from a materialistic general theory of rational action into an idealistic theory of social organization and individual action. Adding new insightful analytical methods such as complexity theory, graph theory and computational modelling to the original insights of the Scottish Enlightenment, Richard Wagner explores economics in an ever-changing society, looking at the key civilizing processes and the important social questions. Rethinking Economics as Social Theory moves away (...)
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    Transforming Universities: National Conditions of Their Varied Organisational Actorhood.Richard Whitley - 2012 - Minerva 50 (4):493-510.
    Despite major changes in the governance of universities overtly intended to transform them into authoritatively integrated collectivities, the extent of their organisational actorhood remains quite limited and varied between OECD countries. This is because of inherent limitations to the managerial direction and control of research and teaching activities in public science systems as well as considerable variations in how governance changes are being implemented in different kinds of states. Four ideal types of university can be distinguished in terms of their (...)
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  42.  39
    Correction to: Social inheritance and the social mind: Introduction to the Synthese topical collection The Cultural Evolution of Human Social Cognition.Richard Moore & Rachael L. Brown - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-1.
  43.  39
    The epistemology of development, evolution, and genetics: selected essays.Richard M. Burian - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The essays in this collection examine developments in three fundamental biological disciplines--embryology, evolutionary biology, and genetics--in conflict with each other for much of the twentieth century. They consider key methodological problems and the difficulty of overcoming them. Richard Burian interweaves historical appreciation of the settings within which scientists work, substantial knowledge of the biological problems at stake and the methodological and philosophical issues faced in integrating biological knowledge drawn from disparate sources.
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    What are reaction time indices of automatic imitation measuring?Richard Ramsey - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 65:240-254.
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    Transcendental metaphysics: from radical to deep plurallism [sic].Richard Sylvan - 1997 - Cambridge, UK: White Horse Press.
    Richard Sylvan died suddenly at the age of 60, when he had just completed this major text. But though this volume is the mature expression of one of our foremost modern philosophers, it remains, like all his work, pioneering, eclectic and controversial. Sylvan's theory of 'plurallism', the culmination of his life's work, is the subject of this important text. In his own characteristically provocative words, 'There is not merely a plurality of correct theories and more or less satisfactory worldviews: (...)
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    Competitive accountability and the dispossession of academic identity: Haunted by an impact phantom.Richard Watermeyer & Michael Tomlinson - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (1):92-103.
    This article discusses the intensification of research performance demands in UK universities in relation to the complex terrain of academic identity formation. It considers whether a demand for academic researchers to produce and evidence economic and societal impact – in the rewards game of the UK’s performance-based research funding system, the Research Excellence Framework – influences their self-concept as ‘engaged researchers’. While a designation of being REF impactful may be considered constitutive to a researcher’s sense of self-worth and advantageous to (...)
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    A General Theory of Objectivity: Contributions from the Reformational Philosophy Tradition.Richard M. Gunton, Marinus D. Stafleu & Michael J. Reiss - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (3):941-955.
    Objectivity in the sciences is a much-touted yet problematic concept. It is sometimes held up as characterising scientific knowledge, yet operational definitions are diverse and call for such paradoxical genius as the ability to see without a perspective, to predict repeatability, to elicit nature’s own self-revelation, or to discern the structure of reality with inerrancy. Here we propose a positive and general definition of objectivity based on work in the Reformational philosophy tradition. We recognise a suite of relation-frames–ways in which (...)
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    Laying the Foundation: Preparing the Field of Business and Society for Investigating the Relationship Between Business and Inequality.Richard Marens - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (6):1252-1285.
    With the growth in income inequality now regarded as a crucial social issue, business and society scholars need to prepare themselves for the ambitious task of studying how corporate practices, intentionally or not, contribute to this trend. This article offers starting points for scholars wishing to explore this topic but lacking the necessary background for doing so. First, it offers suggestions as to finding the extant empirical work necessary for informed analysis. This is followed by an examination of alternate methods (...)
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    The Philosophical Imagination: Selected Essays.Richard Moran - 2017 - New York: Oup Usa.
    The Philosophical Imagination is a collection of essays ranging over a wide range of philosophical themes: from the emotional engagement with fictions, to the functioning of metaphor in poetry and in rhetoric, to the concept of beauty in Kant and in Proust, and the nature of the first-person perspective in thought and action.
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    Ennobling Love and Erotic Elevation: A Response to Six Readings of Ars Erotica.Richard Shusterman - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 5 (4):156-170.
    Preview: In various guises and cultures, the theme of elevating, ennobling love is a recurrent topos in the premodern erotic theory my book traces. Freed from Plato’s problematic dualistic denigration of the body as prison of the soul and from the modern aesthetic prejudice of disinterestedness, Ars Erotica recaptures the valuable core of ennobling desire by showing how a new somaesthetic approach to sex could channel the power of eros to cultivate qualities of courtesy, grace, skill, self-mastery, and sensitivity to (...)
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