Results for 'Se Clark'

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  1. Forced choice associative recognition.Se Clark, A. Hori & De Callan - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):479-479.
  2. Reversal of the word-frequency effect.Se Clark & Mk Fitzwater - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):503-503.
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  3. Defending Moderate De Se Skepticism.Henry Clarke - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (2):661-677.
    Moderate skepticism about de se thought accepts that there is a kind of mental state which is about the thinker and is psychologically indispensable for intentional action, but rejects the claim that this kind employs an indexical way of referring. Morgan (2021) has proposed an explanatory argument meant to show that the psychological kind does employ an indexical way of referring to the thinker, on the basis of the special connection between these thoughts and the use of the first-person pronoun (...)
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    Per se Judgment in St. Thomas.Ralph W. Clark - 1974 - Modern Schoolman 51 (3):231-236.
  5. Die rgn se publikasiereeks—the hsrc publication series.J. Clark, Davies Dh, P. de Klerk, Hf Duncan, N. Gourlay, Wm Hudson, B. Duvenage & Cs Engelbrecht - 1976 - Humanitas 3 (4):377.
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    Little tools of knowledge: historical essays on academic and bureaucratic practices.Peter Becker & William Clark (eds.) - 2001 - Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press.
    This volume brings historians of science and social historians together to consider the role of "little tools"--such as tables, reports, questionnaires, dossiers, index cards--in establishing academic and bureaucratic claims to authority and objectivity. From at least the eighteenth century onward, our science and society have been planned, surveyed, examined, and judged according to particular techniques of collecting and storing knowledge. Recently, the seemingly self-evident nature of these mundane epistemic and administrative tools, as well as the prose in which they are (...)
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    The adaptiveness of fear (and other emotions) considered more broadly: Missed literature on the nature of emotions and its functions.Margaret S. Clark, Chance Adkins, Jennifer Hirsch, Hannah S. Elizabeth & Noah T. Reed - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e58.
    We agree with Grossmann that fear often builds cooperative relationships. Yet he neglects much extant literature. Prior researchers have discussed how fear (and other emotions) build cooperative relationships, have questioned whether fear per se evolved to serve this purpose, and have emphasized that human cooperation takes many forms. Grossmann's theory would benefit from a wider consideration of this work.
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    Notes on Dares and Dictys.R. T. Clark - 1914 - Classical Quarterly 8 (01):17-.
    C. i., p. 2, 12 dicit Peliae regi se eo uelle ire si uires sociique non deessent. Pelias … Argum … iussit … nauim aedificaret.Considering the next sentence read perhaps n a u e s for uires.C. ii., p. 3, 25. Graeci aduentare nauibus. mittit ad portam.M reads nauibus uti. May this conceal e t i t a ? cf. p. II , 2. For change of tense cf. opening lines of C. iii.
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    A Questão do Reajuste Anual dos Servidores Públicos em face da Omissão Legislativa.Maria Jocélia Nogueira Lima & Giovani Clark - 2020 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 5 (2):159.
    O trabalho tem como objeto o exame da questão da omissão legislativa dos entes federativos quanto aos reajustes anuais dos servidores públicos e as suas consequências quanto à aplicação do artigo 37, X da Constituição brasileira de 1988, bem como o cabimento ou não de responsabilização civil desses entes da federação face à referida omissão. A pesquisa é eminentemente documental, estribando-se na doutrina, legislação e jurisprudência pátria, possuindo como marco teórico os ensinamentos sobre a Regra da Indexação do Prof. Washington (...)
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    Social robots as depictions of social agents.Herbert H. Clark & Kerstin Fischer - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e21.
    Social robots serve people as tutors, caretakers, receptionists, companions, and other social agents. People know that the robots are mechanical artifacts, yet they interact with them as if they were actual agents. How is this possible? The proposal here is that people construe social robots not as social agentsper se, but asdepictionsof social agents. They interpret them much as they interpret ventriloquist dummies, hand puppets, virtual assistants, and other interactive depictions of people and animals. Depictions as a class consist of (...)
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  11. The ethics–mathematics analogy.Justin Clarke-Doane - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 15 (1):e12641.
    Ethics and mathematics have long invited comparisons. On the one hand, both ethical and mathematical propositions can appear to be knowable a priori, if knowable at all. On the other hand, mathematical propositions seem to admit of proof, and to enter into empirical scientific theories, in a way that ethical propositions do not. In this article, I discuss apparent similarities and differences between ethical (i.e., moral) and mathematical knowledge, realistically construed -- i.e., construed as independent of human mind and languages. (...)
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  12. Kant's Conclusions in the Transcendental Aesthetic.W. Clark Wolf - forthcoming - Journal of the History of Philosophy.
    In the Transcendental Aesthetic (TA), Kant is typically held to make negative assertations about “things in themselves,” namely that they are not spatial or temporal. These negative assertions stand behind the “neglected alternative” problem for Kant’s transcendental idealism. According to this problem, Kant may be entitled to assert that spatio-temporality is a subjective element of our cognition, but he cannot rule out that it may also be a feature of the objective world. In this paper, I show in a new (...)
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    Los arquitectos plautinos. Notas sobre el concepto de prudencia arquitectónica en Aristóteles.Lars William Brinkman Clark - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 55 (154):68-108.
    Desde la antigüedad hasta hoy, la tradición vitruviana ha dominado los modos en que se ha entendido el oficio de la arquitectura y la figura del arquitecto en Occidente. Esta tradición hace de la arquitectura una práctica necesariamente relacionada con la edificación. Sin embargo, en los tiempos en que Vitruvio escribía su De Architectura, diferentes nociones sobre el oficio permeaban tanto en escritos dramáticos y filosóficos como en el sentido común de la época. En Cicerón y Eurípides, pero sobre todo (...)
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    Anna Maria van Schurman and Women's Education.Desmond Clarke - 2013 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 138 (3):347-360.
    Opponents of women's education assumed that women were less naturally gifted than men, that education was inappropriate for Christian women, or that it was irrational to educate women because they could not fulfil the civil and ecclesiastical offices for which education was the required preparation. Van Schurman argued against all three assumptions in her Dissertatio . She presented her arguments as syllogisms, which she based on the authority of the Bible, on the Christian churches' understanding of human nature, and on (...)
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    Eogenesis — the origin of animal forms.Austin H. Clark - 1937 - Acta Biotheoretica 3 (3):181-194.
    Alle Formen von Leben entstanden aus der primitiven Zelle, betrachtet eher als eine Art denn als ein Individuum, welches die Fähigkeit für ununterbrochene Selbst-Teilung besass. Fortgesetzte Vermehrung der Zellen mag eins von drei verschiedenen Verfahren folgen: 1. Die zwei Zellen von jeder Teilung hervorgehend, mögen sich vollständig von einander trennen; diese Linie der Entwicklung der primitiven Zelle rief die Protozoa hervor. 2. Während die Zellen sich teilen, mögen sie mehr oder weniger unregelmässig zusammen hängen. Diese Linie rief die Porifera hervor. (...)
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    Debates sobre enseñanza de la historia: identidad canadiense, pensamiento histórico y conciencia histórica.Penney Clark - 2018 - Arbor 194 (788):441.
    Este artículo profundiza en los debates históricos y actuales en Canadá sobre la historia nacional y la enseñanza de la historia en el complicado escenario de trece jurisdicciones educativas de Canadá. En este trabajo se analizan los debates sobre los contenidos en la enseñanza de la historia y en los libros de texto, así como los enfoques en la escuela. Se analizan las formas en que un enfoque de pensamiento histórico está consolidándose en todo el país en el período actual, (...)
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    Lettres inedites a ses amis Nicholas Thoynard, Philippe Van Limborch et Edward Clarke.John Locke - 1917 - Philosophical Review 26:342.
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    Timothy Clarke, Aristotle and the Eleatic One.José Manuel Durón-García - 2024 - Philosophie Antique 24 (24).
    La présence des Éléates, plus précisément de Mélissos et surtout de Parménide, au début de la Physique d’Aristote est un sujet d’une difficulté que Clarke (C. dorénavant) met en lumière dans cet ouvrage. Le livre ne se contente pourtant pas de faire une étude purement aristotélicienne, mais il vise également à contribuer aux études parménidiennes. C. propose en effet d’éclaircir les arguments fournis contre l’éléatisme en Physique I.2-3, lesquels lui permettent de dégager les thèses qu’Aristo...
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    Lettres inédites de John Locke à ses amis Nicolas Thoynard, Philippe van Limborch et Edward Clarke.John Locke - 1912 - La Haye,: M. Nijhoff. Edited by H. Ollion & T. J. de Boer.
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    Lettres Inedites de John Locke a ses Amis Nicolas Thoynard, Philippe Van Limborch et Edward Clarke.Frank Thilly, Henri Ollion & T. J. De Boer - 1917 - Philosophical Review 26 (3):342.
  21.  24
    Motives which incline without necessitating – Leibniz and the defend of the freedom in the correspondence with Clarke.Simão Lucas Pires - 2013 - Cultura:307-316.
    Uma das principais discussões na correspondência Leibniz-Clarke tem que ver com o melhor modo de conceber a liberdade da vontade. A relação entre a vontade e os motivos é semelhante à que se verifica entre a balança e os pesos? A vontade tem a capacidade de contrariar a inclinação mais forte? A noção de motivos que inclinam sem necessitar basta para defender a liberdade? Estas e outras perguntas constituem o campo de batalha em que duas diferentes perspectivas acerca da liberdade (...)
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    A Reply to Clark Wolf, Elizabeth Edenberg, and Helga Varden.Asha Leena Bhandary - 2023 - Dialogue 62 (2):261-277.
    RésuméDans cet article, je réponds à Clark Wolf, Elizabeth Edenberg et Helga Varden. Partageant des sympathies pour le libéralisme opposé à l'oppression et pour la théorie du contrat social, ils me recommandent avec insistance de développer ma théorie dans des directions nouvelles — respectivement comme une forme de justice pour tous les sujets, avec une justification politique libérale, et suivant la conception kantienne de « droit privé ». Je réponds en expliquant que l'inclusivité est incorporée dans l'idée même du (...)
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  23. OLLION, H. -Lettres inédites de John Locke a ses amis Nicolas Thoynard, Philippe von Limborch et Edward Clarke. [REVIEW]J. Gibson - 1913 - Mind 22:432.
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    Lettres inédites de John Locke à ses amis Nicolas Thoynard, Philippe van Limborch et Edward Clarke.John Locke & Henri Ollion - 1912 - La Haye,: M. Nijhoff. Edited by H. Ollion & T. J. de Boer.
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    The Unboundedness of the Plain; or the Ubiquity of Lilliput? How to Do Things with Thompson Clarke?Kelly Dean Jolley & Keren Gorodeisky - 2014 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 4 (3-4):225-262.
    In this essay, we focus primarily on Moore’s “Proof of an External World” and Kant’s “Refutation of Idealism.” We are not exactly commenting on Clarke’s “The Legacy of Skepticism,” interpreting it, although what we do involves us in (some of) that. Instead of directly commenting on it, we do things with Legacy; we read Moore’s Proof and Kant’s Refutation with Clarke in mind. And by way of doing this, we bring onto the stage a post-Legacy Moore, and a post-Legacy Kant. (...)
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    Justin Clarke-Doane (2022) Mathematics and metaphilosophy. Cambridge Elements in the Philosophy of Mathematics. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, iv + 58 pp. [REVIEW]Felipe Morales - 2024 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 81:347-349.
    Este volumen, breve pero rico en ideas, en la serie de Cambridge Elements in the Philosophy of Mathematics presenta una visión general del enfoque que su autor ha desarrollado en una serie de trabajos (incluyendo su libro Morality and Mathematics, 2020, del que extrae material que presenta aquí) respecto de una amplia serie de problemas que incluyen, más allá de la filosofía de la matemática, al realismo normativo, modal y lógico. A partir de una discusión acerca de las condiciones que (...)
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    The discussion between Leibniz and Clarke on the principle of sufficient reason.Hugo Fraguito - 2013 - Cultura:297-305.
    Na correspondência entre Leibniz e Clarke, uma das mais famosas do século XVIII, os dois filósofos discutem tópicos ligados à física, à metafísica e à teologia. A argumentação de Leibniz baseia-se em três princípios bem conhecidos da sua filosofia, o princípio do melhor, o princípio de identidade dos indiscerníveis e o princípio de razão suficiente (PRS). Este último ocupa lugar de destaque, não só porque a maior parte dos tópicos abordados surge de uma discussão acerca do significado do PRS enquanto (...)
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    Dissolving the Self: the cognitive turn of the extended mind theory.Léo Peruzzo Júnior & Amanda Luiza Stroparo - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (2):193-214.
    Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar como a teoria da mente estendida, particularmente os argumentos de Andy Clark, pode explicar os processos mentais não como fenômenos restritivos ao cérebro e endossar sua conexão com o corpo e o ambiente. Dessa forma, inicialmente, reconstroem-se as principais perspectivas materialistas que limitaram o self ao crânio; em seguida, aponta-se como o caráter estendido da mente escapa aos seus limites naturais e se mistura “descaradamente” ao mundo. Argumenta-se que artefatos externos desempenham um (...)
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    Influence of prosthetic rehabilitation in the patients' life quality.Maiteé Lajes Ugarte & Aúcar López - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (3):615-628.
    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo para evaluar la influencia de la rehabilitación protésica en la calidad de vida de los pacientes desdentados totales tratados en las clínicas estomatológicas docentes "Ismael Clark Mascaró" y "La Vigía" en Camagüey, desde septiembre del 2009 a septiembre del 2013. El universo estuvo comprendido por 254 pacientes desdentados totales rehabilitados y una muestra de 43, a través de un muestreo probabilístico aleatorio. Se obtuvo un predominio del grupo de 50-69 años y el sexo femenino. (...)
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  30. Fuori dall’«occidente»: prospettive «asiatiche» sulla legittimità internazionale.Elisa Orrù - 2012 - In Colombo Alessandro (ed.), Crisi della legittimità e ordine internazionale. Lo scontro sui principi costitutivi della giustizia internazionale. Guerini e Associati. pp. 155-168.
    Il concetto di legittimità è al tempo stesso definito e indefinito, chiaro e sfuggente. Da un lato, esso evoca immediatamente e spontaneamente un sentimento di approvazione, perché chiaramente collegato nel linguaggio comune a un giudizio valutativo positivo. Dall’altro lato, se analizzato da vicino, il suo contenuto appare sfuggente, polisemico, controverso. Questo ne fa una categoria potente dal punto di vista politico ed estremamente affascinante da un punto di vista scientifico. Nelle pagine seguenti verranno analizzate le teorie di tre autori che (...)
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    La“mente extendida” en el debate en torno al internismo/externismo.Daniel Peres Díaz - 2015 - Saga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 16 (29):54-65.
    El objetivo del presente artículo se anida en analizar el debate entre internismo y externismo mental desde las propuestas de la teoría de la mente extendida. Para ello, presentaré las líneas maestras de la propuesta de Clark y Chalmers, para contraponerla, enseguida, con las tesis del internismo y del externismo en sus múltiples variantes. Mi tesis es que la TME sigue siendo internista en la medida en que entiende que la individuación de los estados mentales, en función de su (...)
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    Filosofia actual de la mente. [REVIEW]Lucila Gonzalez Pazos - 2002 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 17 (3):581-583.
    Se trata de un número monográfico muy interesante, que integra un conjunto de trabajos de prestigiosos profesores universitarios—A. Clark, H. Simon, A. Gomila, J. Toribio, R. Tuomela, M. Liz, P.F. Martínez Freire, F. Broncano, C.J. Moya, P.S. Churchland, P.M. Churchland, A. Burrieza y A. Estany—sobre diversos temas candentes de la Filosofía de las Ciencias Cognitivas: cognición incorporizada, teorías computacionales de la cognición, mecanismos mentales de la intersubjetividad, responsabilidad semántica, intención conjunta y colectiva, relación entre el problema del mundo externo (...)
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  33. Quantum sensing and quantum engineering: a strategy for acceleration via metascience.Charles Clark, Mayur Gosai, Terry Janssen, Melissa LaDuke, Jobst Landgrebe, Lawrence Pace & Barry Smith - 2023 - Proceedings of Spie: Quantum Sensing, Imaging, and Precision Metrology 12447.
    Research and engineering in the quantum domain involve long chains of activity involving theory development, hypothesis formation, experimentation, device prototyping, device testing, and many more. At each stage multiple paths become possible, and of the paths pursued, the majority will lead nowhere. Our quantum metascience approach provides a strategy which enables all stakeholders to gain an overview of those developments along these tracks, that are relevant to their specific concerns. It provides a controlled vocabulary, built out of terms that are (...)
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  34. Are Minimal Representations Still Representations?1.Shaun Gallagher - 2008 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 16 (3):351-369.
    I examine the following question: Do actions require representations that are intrinsic to the action itself? Recent work by Mark Rowlands, Michael Wheeler, and Andy Clark suggests that actions may require a minimal form of representation. I argue that the various concepts of minimal representation on offer do not apply to action per se and that a non‐representationalist account that focuses on dynamic systems of self‐organizing continuous reciprocal causation at the sub‐personal level is superior. I further recommend a scientific (...)
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    Geofilosofía de la ciudad para pensar más allá del organismo.Patricio Landaeta Mardones & Ricardo Espinoza Lolas - 2014 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 26 (38):295.
    En el presente artículo se investiga acerca de una comprensión “anorgánica” de la ciudad desde la idea de geofilosofía de Deleuze y Guattari, la concepción política de Jacques Rancière, y de la concepción del cuerpo de Zubiri. La fi gura del organismo domina la historia de la metafísica y, por ende, la comprensión arquitectónica y política de la ciudad. Frente a esto pretendemos investigar, en primer lugar, la diferencia entre dos comprensiones y usos del espacio: “espacio liso” y “espacio estriado”, (...)
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    A Response To John Mahoney.Iii Henry B. Clark - 1989 - Studies in Christian Ethics 2 (1):41-45.
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  37. Perspectivas modernas: Leibniz, Newton y Kant.Martin Fricke - 2012 - In Rosario Gómez, Adam Sellen & Arturo Taracena Arriola (eds.), Diálogos sobre los espacios: imaginados, percibidos y construidos. Mérida: UNAM. pp. 47-78.
    El capítulo introduce al debate sobre la naturaleza del espacio entre Leibniz y Clarke/Newton y a la posición que adopta Kant más tarde. En particular, se exponen los dos principales argumentos de Leibniz, basados en los Principios de Razón Suficiente e Identidad de Indiscernibles, en favor del relacionismo así como algunas respuestas de Clarke/Newton. También se presenta el argumento basado en la orientación del espacio que propuso Kant en 1768 para refutar el relacionismo de Leibniz. Se concluye con una breve (...)
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  38. Mind and Cognition.Andy Clark - 1995 - Taipei: Inst Euro-Amer Stud.
  39. Dreaming the Whole Cat: Generative Models, Predictive Processing, and the Enactivist Conception of Perceptual Experience.Andy Clark - 2012 - Mind 121 (483):753-771.
    Does the material basis of conscious experience extend beyond the boundaries of the brain and central nervous system? In Clark 2009 I reviewed a number of ‘enactivist’ arguments for such a view and found none of them compelling. Ward (2012) rejects my analysis on the grounds that the enactivist deploys an essentially world-involving concept of experience that transforms the argumentative landscape in a way that makes the enactivist conclusion inescapable. I present an alternative (prediction-and-generative-model-based) account that neatly accommodates all (...)
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    Extending the predictive mind.Andy Clark - unknown
    How do intelligent agents spawn and exploit integrated processing regimes spanning brain, body, and world? The answer may lie in the ability of the biological brain to select actions and policies in the light of counterfactual predictions – predictions about what kinds of futures will result if such-and-such actions are launched. Appeals to the minimization of ‘counterfactual prediction errors’ (the ones that would result under various scenarios) already play a leading role in attempts to apply the basic toolkit of the (...)
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  41. What's Special About the Development of the Human Mind/Brain?Annette Karmiloff-Smith & Andy Clark - 1993 - Mind and Language 8 (4):569-581.
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  42. Material symbols.Andy Clark - 2006 - Philosophical Psychology 19 (3):291-307.
    What is the relation between the material, conventional symbol structures that we encounter in the spoken and written word, and human thought? A common assumption, that structures a wide variety of otherwise competing views, is that the way in which these material, conventional symbol-structures do their work is by being translated into some kind of content-matching inner code. One alternative to this view is the tempting but thoroughly elusive idea that we somehow think in some natural language (such as English). (...)
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  43. What ‘Extended Me’ knows.Andy Clark - 2015 - Synthese 192 (11):3757-3775.
    Arguments for the ‘extended mind’ seem to suggest the possibility of ‘extended knowers’—agents whose specifically epistemic virtues may depend on systems whose boundaries are not those of the brain or the biological organism. Recent discussions of this possibility invoke insights from virtue epistemology, according to which knowledge is the result of the application of some kind of cognitive skill or ability on the part of the agent. In this paper, I argue that there is a fundamental tension in these appeals (...)
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    Trust diffusion: The effect of interpersonal trust on structure, function, and organizational transparency.Cynthia Clark Williams - 2005 - Business and Society 44 (3):357-368.
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  45. Mental models in data interpretation.Clark A. Chinn & William F. Brewer - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (3):219.
    This paper presents a cognitive account of the process of evaluating scientific data. Our account assumes that when individuals evaluate data, they construct a mental model of a data-interpretation package, in which the data and theoretical interpretations of the data are integrated. We propose that individuals attempt to discount data by seeking alternative explanations for events within the mental model; data-interpretation packages are accepted when the individual cannot find alternative accounts for these events. Our analysis indicates that there are many (...)
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    Making Sense of Nonce Sense.Herbert H. Clark - 1983 - In Jarvella G. B. Flores D'Arcais and R. J. (ed.), The Process of Language Understanding. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.. pp. 297-331.
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    Except in Emergencies: AMA Ethics and Physician Autonomy.Chalmers C. Clark - 1996 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5 (3):440.
    In this paper I will argue that in emergency cases, physician autonomy is soci-etally constrained under Principle VI of the American Medical Association's “Principles of Medical Ethics”1 The issue will be seen to turn on whether the contextual use of “emergency” should be construed narrowly or broadly; I argue for a broadened rendering. Although a societal emergency is not defined here, I recommend that the condition of inner city healthcare presents a paradigm “patient” for such emergency care. I further urge (...)
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    Authentic inquiry: Introduction to the special section.Clark A. Chinn & Cindy E. Hmelo‐Silver - 2002 - Science Education 86 (2):171-174.
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  49. Inductive inference from theory Laden data.Kevin T. Kelly & Clark Glymour - 1992 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 21 (4):391 - 444.
    Kevin T. Kelly and Clark Glymour. Inductive Inference from Theory-Laden Data.
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    Mindful movement and skilled attention.Dav Clark, Frank Schumann & Stewart H. Mostofsky - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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