Results for 'Sonia Ghumman'

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  1.  22
    Who Helps Who? The Role of Stigma Dimensions in Harassment Intervention.Sonia Ghumman, Ann Marie Ryan & Jin Suk Park - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (1):87-109.
    Observer intervention can be useful in preventing workplace harassment. This research extends the workplace harassment literature by using the Jones et al. ( 1984 ) stigma dimensions and related research (Summers et al., 2018 ; Weiner et al., 1988 ) to highlight differences and similarities between three forms of harassment (i.e., sexual, sexual orientation, religious) and their relations to observer intervention in workplace harassment incidents. Results from two studies reveal differences (controllability, stability, visibility) and similarities (disruptiveness, peril, bystander efficacy, position (...)
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    Trust and consent: a prospective study on parents’ perspective during a neonatal trial.Sonia Dahan, Camille Jung, Gilles Dassieu, Xavier Durrmeyer & Laurence Caeymaex - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (10):678-683.
    ObjectiveThis study aimed to describe how parents and physicians experienced the informed consent interview and to investigate the aspects of the relationship that influenced parents’ decision during the consent process for a randomised clinical trial in a tertiary neonatal intensive care unit. The secondary objective was to describe the perspectives of parents and physicians in the specific situation of prenatal informed consent.SettingSingle centre study in NICU of the Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Créteil, France, using a convenience period from February to (...)
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    Symbiosis and Dichotomy in the Names of Anna Axmatova.Sonia Ketchian - 1981 - Semiotics:223-229.
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  4. Simone de Beauvoir and the Politics of Ambiguity.Sonia Kruks - 2012 - , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Simone de Beauvoir and the Politics of Ambiguity is the first full-length study of Beauvoir's political thinking. Best known as the author of The Second Sex, Beauvoir also wrote an array of other political and philosophical texts that together, constitute an original contribution to political theory and philosophy. Sonia Kruks here locates Beauvoir in her own intellectual and political context and demonstrates her continuing significance. Beauvoir still speaks, in a unique voice, to many pressing questions concerning politics: the values (...)
  5.  29
    Reification and Fetishism: Processes of Transformation.Sónia Silva - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (1):79-98.
    Reification, fetishism, alienation, mastery, and control – these are some of the key concepts of modernity that have been battered and beaten by postmoderns and nonmoderns alike, with Bruno Latour, a nonmodern, discarding them most recently. Critical of this approach, which creates a rift between moderns and nonmoderns, the author engages in dialogue with modern thinkers – particularly Peter Berger, Thomas Luckmann and Stanley Pullberg – with a view to recycling and redefining the concept of reification from a nonmodern perspective. (...)
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    Alterity and Intersectionality: Reflections on Old Age in the Time of COVID-19.Sonia Kruks - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (1):196-209.
    There was a day in March 2020 when I discovered I was old. There had, of course, been quite a few previous intimations of impending old age, but they had not “really” defined my being for me. Some years earlier, I had been surprised when people started to offer me their seat on a crowded bus or train. At first, I politely refused the seat; later, I decided that I would accept such invitations because declining seemed ungracious, and because accepting (...)
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    Introduction: Mapping the Moving Dimensions of Heritage.Sonia Catrina & Cyril Isnart - 2014 - Cultura 11 (2):7-17.
  8.  21
    Note on mr spurlings review of adventures of dialectic.Sonia Kruks - 1975 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 6 (3):195-196.
  9.  48
    A alternativa como categoria em Lukács: a captura das mediações humano-genéricas.Sonia Regina Landini - 2009 - Trans/Form/Ação 32 (2):147-158.
    Entre os desafios postos para as pesquisas em ciências humanas e sociais está a compreensão do cotidiano como espaço para a captura das formas de apropriação da realidade objetiva por parte dos sujeitos e, ao mesmo tempo, a identificação das respostas dos sujeitos diante das condições postas. Como categoria analítica, destacamos as reflexões de Lukács acerca da categoria alternativa, tomando-a como mediação entre teleologia e reflexo, no processo de objetivação da teleologia em causalidade posta.
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  10. Pesquisa em educação na perspectiva ontológica: buscando superar a imediaticidade da relação sujeito-objeto.Sonia Regina Landini & Vidalcir Ortigara - 2003 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 5 (1):p - 27.
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    Índices desde la revista Ilu desde 1995 hasta 2005.Sonia Muñoz-Alonso López - 2006 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 11:7-166.
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    A noção heideggeriana de angústia E as origens da psicopatologia fundamental.Sonia Maria Maciel - 1999 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 44 (1):187-200.
    Este ensaio pretende explorar a noçãoheideggeriana de angústia existencial comosuporte epistêmico da concepção psicanalítica depsicopatologia fundamental. Nessa medida oestudo apontará, através do conceito de angústia,alguns aspectos que unem filosofia e psicanálise.
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    Pigmalión y Galatea.Sonia Molina - 2012 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 4 (1):54-61.
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    Herder on the Relation between Language and World.Sonia Sikka - 2004 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 21 (2):183 - 200.
  15.  50
    The Perils of Indian Secularism.Sonia Sikka - 2012 - Constellations 19 (2):288-304.
  16.  8
    Le ragioni dell'amore: poetica, filosofia e morale in Damaris Cudworth Masham.Sonia Vazzano - 2010 - Roma: Carocci.
  17.  39
    Situation and human existence: freedom, subjectivity, and society.Sonia Kruks - 1990 - Boston: Unwin Hyman.
    This series presents issues which are central to 20th-century European thought, but unfamiliar to students of Anglo-American philosophy. In this book the author traces the development of the concept of situation through the work of Gabriel Marcel, Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir and Merleau-Ponty.
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    «Votas, pero no eliges»: la democracia y la crisis de la deuda soberana en la eurozona.Sonia Alonso - 2014 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 15:21-53.
    El objetivo de este capítulo es analizar el presunto despliegue de la «democracia sin alternativas» en Europa y sus consecuencias para la calidad de las democracias nacionales, especialmente las de la periferia de la zona euro –giips: Grecia, Irlanda, Italia, Portugal y España. El argumento principal es que la falta de receptividad de los gobiernos nacionales de los países giips hacia los deseos de sus ciudadanos constituye el reverso de la moneda de un exceso de atención de los gobiernos de (...)
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  19.  15
    Maladie et privation d'amour: de Christa Wolf à Canguilhem, pour un retour à la clinique.Sonia Combe - 2017 - Lormont: Le Bord de l'eau. Edited by Antoine Spire.
    En novembre 1984, Christa Wolf ouvrait la première conférence de l'association des gynécologues psy-chosomaticiens de RDA réunis à Mag-Debourg. Dans son discours intitulé "Maladie et privation d'amour", elle s'interrogeait sur l'évolution de la médecine moderne dont les progrès en matière d'appareils médicaux éloignaient toujours davantage les praticiens de leurs patients. Par-delà son regard sur la relation entre l'âme et le corps, Christa Wolf informait aussi des attentes des femmes qui avaient pris au mot les promesses d'égalité des sexes en régime (...)
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  20. Must conceptually informed perceptual experience involve nonconceptual content?Sonia Sedivy - 1996 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 26 (3):413-31.
    The idea of nonconceptual contents proposes that there are mental contents at the level of the experiencing person that are individuated independently of ‘anything to do with the mind.’ Such contents are posited to meet a variety of theoretical and explanatory needs concerning concepts and conceptual mental contents which are individuated in terms having to do with the mind. So to examine the idea of nonconceptual content we need to examine whether we really need to posit such content and whether (...)
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  21.  93
    Identity Politics and Dialectical Reason: Beyond an Epistemology of Provenance.Sonia Kruks - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (2):1 - 22.
    Identity politics is important within feminism. However, it often presupposes an overly subjectivist theory of knowledge that I term an epistemology of provenance. I explore some works of feminist standpoint theory that begin to address the difficulties of such an epistemology. I then bring Sartre's account of knowledge in the Critique of Dialectical Reason to bear on these difficulties, arguing that his work offers tools for addressing them more adequately.
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  22.  27
    Retractions and Rewards in Science: An Open Question for Reviewers and Funders.Sonia M. R. Vasconcelos, Michael W. Kalichman & Mariana D. Ribeiro - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (4):1-17.
    In recent years, the changing landscape for the conduct and assessment of research and of researchers has increased scrutiny of the reward systems of science. In this context, correcting the research record, including retractions, has gained attention and space in the publication system. One question is the possible influence of retractions on the careers of scientists. It might be assessed, for example, through citation patterns or productivity rates for authors who have had one or more retractions. This is an emerging (...)
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  23.  46
    The political philosophy of Merleau-Ponty.Sonia Kruks - 1981 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
  24. Orthographic vs. phonologic syllables in handwriting production.Sonia Kandel, Lucie Hérault, Géraldine Grosjacques, Eric Lambert & Michel Fayol - 2009 - Cognition 110 (3):440-444.
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  25.  77
    Bridging the explanatory gaps: What can we learn from a biological agency perspective?Sonia E. Sultan, Armin P. Moczek & Denis Walsh - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (1):2100185.
    We begin this article by delineating the explanatory gaps left by prevailing gene‐focused approaches in our understanding of phenotype determination, inheritance, and the origin of novel traits. We aim not to diminish the value of these approaches but to highlight where their implementation, despite best efforts, has encountered persistent limitations. We then discuss how each of these explanatory gaps can be addressed by expanding research foci to take into accountbiological agency—the capacity of living systems at various levels to participate in (...)
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  26.  58
    Herder on Humanity and Cultural Difference: Enlightened Relativism.Sonia Sikka - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Herder is often criticized for having embraced cultural relativism, but there has been little philosophical discussion of what he actually wrote about the nature of the human species and its differentiation through culture. This book focuses on Herder's idea of culture, seeking to situate his social and political theses within the context of his anthropology, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, theory of language and philosophy of history. It argues for a view of Herder as a qualified relativist, who combined the conception of (...)
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  27.  29
    The Injustices of School District Fragmentation.Sonia Maria Pavel & Jeremy Kingston Cynamon - 2022 - Power and Education 14 (3):247-261.
    The authors argue that from the perspective of distributive justice, school district fragmentation—meaning both the existing reality of hyper-proliferated school districts and the practice of further breaking larger districts into smaller ones—produces three distinct injustices. First, it undermines racial solidarity and the bonds of community. Second, it violates the demands of procedural justice. And third, it leads to substantively unfair outcomes. Taken together, these concerns suggest that to create a more just educational system we ought to resist further fragmentation and (...)
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    Post-trial access to study medication: a Brazilian e-survey with major stakeholders in clinical research.Sonia M. Dainesi & Moises Goldbaum - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (12):757-762.
    Objectives To analyse the perspective of clinical research stakeholders concerning post-trial access to study medication. Methods Questionnaires and informed consents were sent through e-mail to 599 ethics committee (EC) members, 290 clinical investigators (HIV/AIDS and Diabetes) and 53 sponsors in Brazil. Investigators were also asked to submit the questionnaire to their research patients. Two reminders were sent to participants. Results The response rate was 21%, 20% and 45% in EC, investigators and sponsors’ groups, respectively. 54 patients answered the questionnaire through (...)
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    Putting philosophy to the service of schools to give children’s voices real value.Sonia París Albert - 2018 - Childhood and Philosophy 14 (30):453-470.
    This article explores a modern approach to childhood that abandons the traditional view of children in western societies as inferior, fragile and vulnerable. The modern approach explored in this paper takes a plural perspective in the conception of children as people who are able to think for themselves and who have the absolute right to participate in the affairs that affect them. This modern approach is related in this study to the free-rangers thesis, in which childhood is interpreted as a (...)
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  30.  17
    Cinema e fotografia: as técnicas e suas ambiguidades em Benjamin, Flusser e Agamben.Sonia Campaner Miguel Ferrari - 2019 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 1 (2):526-547.
    O objetivo deste artigo é o de apresentar as concepções acerca das técnicas de Walter Benjamin, Vilém Flusser e Giorgio Agamben. No ensaio sobre a obra de arte Benjamin reflete sobre o cinema e as mudanças que a nova técnica introduz não só na concepção e função da arte na modernidade, mas também na percepção. Para ele as mudanças produzem uma reordenação da percepção e introduzem novas formas de sentir e perceber o mundo que correspondem a esse mundo. Portanto não (...)
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    Aesthetic meaning.Sonia Greger - 1972 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 6 (2):137–163.
    Sonia Greger; Aesthetic Meaning, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 6, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 137–163,
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    Action Observation and Effector Independency.Sonia Betti, Marie Deceuninck, Luisa Sartori & Umberto Castiello - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  33. In the forest of realities : impossible worlds in film and television narratives.Sonia Front - 2021 - In Arkadiusz Misztal, Paul Harris & Jo Alyson Parker (eds.), Time in variance. Boston: Brill.
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  34. Balancing the role and responsibilities of business in society.Sonia Gawlick & Jean Brice Audoye - 2019 - In Thomas Cottier, Shaheeza Lalani & Clarence Siziba (eds.), Intergenerational equity: environmental and cultural concerns. Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
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  35. Russian Research Center Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138 Intermeshing themes of life and love with fire, grief.Sonia Ketchian - forthcoming - Semiotics.
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    Vehicles for Duality in Pushkin's The Bronze Horseman: Similes and Period Lexicon.Sonia Ketchian - 1979 - Semiotica 25 (1-2).
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    Living on Rails: Freedom, Constraint, and Political Judgment in Beauvoir's 'Moral'Essays and The Mandarins.Sonia Kruks - 2005 - In Sally J. Scholz & Shannon M. Mussett (eds.), The Contradictions of Freedom: Philosophical Essays on Simone de Beauvoir's the Mandarins. State University of New York Press. pp. 67--86.
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    Braun, Willi & T. Mccutcheon, Russell.(eds.) Guide to the Study of Religion.Sonia Muñoz Alonso López - 2000 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 5:265.
  39.  61
    Nietzsche's contribution to a phenomenology of intoxication.Sonia Sikka - 2000 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 31 (1):19-43.
    Through a reading of Nietzsche's texts, primarily of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, this article develops a phenomenological description of the variety of intoxication exemplified in conditions of drunkenness, or in states of emotional excess. It treats Thus Spoke Zarathustra as a literary expression of such intoxication, arguing against attempts to find a coherent narrative structure and clear authorial voice behind this text's apparent disorder. Having isolated the intoxicated characteristics of Thus Spoke Zarathustra - its hyperbolic rhetoric and emotions, its lack of (...)
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    Seeing the world through non rose-colored glasses: anxiety and the amygdala response to blended expressions.Sonia J. Bishop, Geoffrey K. Aguirre, Anwar O. Nunez-Elizalde & Daniel Toker - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  41. Simone de Beauvoir and the Politics of Privilege.Sonia Kruks - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (1):178-205.
    How should socially privileged white feminists address their privilege? Often, individuals are urged to overcome their own personal racism through a politics of self-transformation. The paper argues that this strategy may be problematic, since it rests on an over-autonomous conception of the self. The paper turns to Simone de Beauvoir for an alternative account of the self, as “situated,” and explores what this means for a politics of privilege.
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    Linking owner–managers' personal sustainability behaviors and corporate practices in SMEs: The moderating roles of perceived advantages and environmental hostility.Sonia Chassé & Jean-Marie Courrent - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 27 (2):127-143.
    Drawing on managerial discretion and conflicting institutional logics literature, this study investigates the relation between the personal sustainability behaviors of owner–managers and the corporate sustainability practices of SMEs. The research proposes a contingency model that assesses the moderating effects of perceived economic advantages and environmental hostility on this relationship. Based on linear hierarchical multiple regression analyses of a cross-sectoral sample of French SMEs, the results suggest a positive influence of the manager's PSB on the SME's CS practices that appears to (...)
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  43. Apresentação: A comunicação internacional no contexto da globalização.Sonia Virginia Moreira - 2008 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 15 (1):7-9.
    Os conceitos que tratam do processo de globalização, originários da economia a partir da década de 1980, se aplicam para a comparação e análise de alguns paradoxos ainda hoje presentes no campo da comunicação internacional. Assim como uma ‘nova ordem econômica’ versou sobre a mundialização dos negócios, na área da comunicação o desequilíbrio na circulação de informação entre países industrializados e em desenvolvimento deu origem a intensos debates internacionais que resultaram no documento oficial que tratava de uma ‘nova ordem da (...)
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  44. Beauty and The End of Art, Wittgenstein, Plurality and Perception.Sonia Sedivy - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Beauty and the End of Art shows how a resurgence of interest in beauty and a sense of ending in Western art are challenging us to rethink art, beauty and their relationship. By arguing that Wittgenstein's later work and contemporary theory of perception offer just what we need for a unified approach to art and beauty, Sonia Sedivy provides new answers to these contemporary challenges. These new accounts also provide support for the Wittgensteinian realism and theory of perception that (...)
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  45.  22
    Presentational theories need unpacking.Sonia Greger - 1969 - British Journal of Aesthetics 9 (2):157-170.
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    Symbolic number: the integration of magnitude and spatial representations in children aged 6 to 8 years.Sonia White - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
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    Look at Me: Early Gaze Engagement Enhances Corticospinal Excitability During Action Observation.Sonia Betti, Giovanni Zani, Umberto Granziol, Silvia Guerra, Umberto Castiello & Luisa Sartori - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Attentional blink with emotional faces depends on emotional expressions: a relative positive valence advantage.Sonia Baloni Ray, Maruti V. Mishra & Narayanan Srinivasan - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (6):1226-1245.
    Contribution of emotional valence and arousal to attentional processing over time is not fully understood. We employed a rapid serial visual paradigm in three experiments to investigate the...
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  49. Moscas en una botella: cómo dominar a la gente con palabras, de José Carlos Bermejo Barrera.Sonia Madrid Cánovas - 2007 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 26 (3):195-199.
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    Bilingual Legal Resources for Arabic: State of Affairs and Future Perspectives.Sonia A. Halimi - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (1):243-257.
    The context-based use of terminology and phraseology is one of the essential building blocks of legal translation. The contextual nature of both components has implications when it comes to designing resources that are adapted to the needs of translators. For Arabic legal translation, there are a multitude of different print and online resources available, however, they do not integrate the context-related parameter for term choice acceptability. In this article, we will describe the main features of certain bilingual legal dictionaries with (...)
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