Results for 'Sonia Macleod'

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  1.  12
    No-fault compensation schemes for COVID-19 vaccine injury: a mixed bag for claimants and citizens.Sonia Macleod, Francesca Uberti & Enga Kameni - 2025 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (2):115-120.
    The development of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) presented a unique set of challenges. There was a global need for safe, effective vaccines against a new virus. In response to the development of vaccines for COVID-19 (some of which used novel technologies), there was a proliferation of no-fault compensation schemes (NFCS) for COVID-19 vaccine injuries. We identified 28 national vaccine injury NFCS operating in December 2019. Just 2 years later, over 130 countries had some NFCS coverage for COVID-19 vaccines. This rapid (...)
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    Pharmaceutical and medical device safety: a study in public and private regulation.Sonia Macleod - 2019 - Chicago, Illinois: Hart Publishing. Edited by Sweta Chakraborty.
    This book examines how regulatory and liability mechanisms have impacted upon product safety decisions in the pharmaceutical and medical devices sectors in Europe, the USA and beyond since the 1950s. Thirty-five case studies illustrate the interplay between the regulatory regimes and litigation. Observations from medical practice have been the overwhelming means of identifying post-marketing safety issues. Drug and device safety decisions have increasingly been taken by public regulators and companies within the framework of the comprehensive regulatory structure that has developed (...)
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  3. Plagiarism Allegations Account for Most Retractions in Major Latin American/Caribbean Databases.Renan Moritz V. R. Almeida, Karina de Albuquerque Rocha, Fernanda Catelani, Aldo José Fontes-Pereira & Sonia M. R. Vasconcelos - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (5):1447-1456.
    This study focuses on retraction notices from two major Latin American/Caribbean indexing databases: SciELO and LILACS. SciELO includes open scientific journals published mostly in Latin America/the Caribbean, from which 10 % are also indexed by Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge Journal of Citation Reports. LILACS has a similar geographical coverage and includes dissertations and conference/symposia proceedings, but it is limited to publications in the health sciences. A search for retraction notices was performed in these two databases using the keywords “retracted”, (...)
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    Anxiety and Social Support as Predictors of Student Academic Motivation During the COVID-19.Ana Camacho, Nadine Correia, Sonia Zaccoletti & João R. Daniel - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In this study we examined whether parents’ perceptions of students’ anxiety as well as perceived support from both teachers and classmates were predictive of changes in students’ academic motivation during the first wave of COVID-19. To this end, we used a retrospective pretest-posttest design together with a latent change score model to analyze our data. From April to May of 2020, 394 Portuguese parents of students in grades 1–9 participated in this study. Our results showed that students’ anxiety and teachers’ (...)
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  5. Transcultural Adaptation of the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI) for Brazil and Portugal.Jorge Sinval, Cristina Queirós, Sonia Pasian & João Marôco - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    During the last few years, burnout has gained more and more attention for its strong connection with job performance, absenteeism, and presenteeism. It is a psychological phenomenon that depends on occupation, also presenting differences between sexes. However, to properly compare the burnout levels of different groups, a psychometric instrument with adequate validity evidence should be selected (i.e., with measurement invariance). This paper aims to describe the psychometric properties of the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI) version adapted for workers from Brazil and (...)
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  6.  26
    Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Sense of Coherence.Daniela Barni, Francesca Danioni, Elena Canzi, Laura Ferrari, Sonia Ranieri, Margherita Lanz, Raffaella Iafrate, Camillo Regalia & Rosa Rosnati - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  7. Public Stem Cell Banks: Considerations of Justice in Stem Cell Research and Therapy.Ruth R. Faden, Liza Dawson, Alison S. Bateman-House, Dawn Mueller Agnew, Hilary Bok, Dan W. Brock, Aravinda Chakravarti, Xiao-Jiang Gao, Mark Greene, John A. Hansen, Patricia A. King, Stephen J. O'Brien, David H. Sachs, Kathryn E. Schill, Andrew Siegel, Davor Solter, Sonia M. Suter, Catherine M. Verfaillie, LeRoy B. Walters & John D. Gearhart - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (6):13-27.
    If stem cell-based therapies are developed, we will likely confront a difficult problem of justice: for biological reasons alone, the new therapies might benefit only a limited range of patients. In fact, they might benefit primarily white Americans, thereby exacerbating long-standing differences in health and health care.
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    Organizational and Job Resources on Employees’ Job Insecurity During the First Wave of COVID-19: The Mediating Effect of Work Engagement.Joana Vieira dos Santos, Sónia P. Gonçalves, Isabel S. Silva, Ana Veloso, Rita Moura & Catarina Brandão - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The world of work has been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic due to the high instability observed in the labor market, bringing several new challenges for leaders and employees. The present study aims to analyze the role of organizational and job resources in predicting employees’ job insecurity during the first wave of the COVID-19 outbreak, through the mediating role of work engagement. A sample of 207 Portuguese employees participated, of which 64.7% were women. Data was collected using an online (...)
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  9.  29
    Revisiting Stress “Deafness” in European Portuguese – A Behavioral and ERP Study.Shuang Lu, Marina Vigário, Susana Correia, Rita Jerónimo & Sónia Frota - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:410025.
    European Portuguese (EP) is a language with variable stress, and the main cues for stress are duration and vowel reduction. A previous behavioral study has reported a stress “deafness” effect in EP when vowel quality cues are unavailable. The present study recorded both event-related potentials (ERPs) and behavioral data to examine the stress processing by native EP speakers in the absence of the vowel quality cues. Our behavioral result was consistent with previous research, showing that when vowel reduction is absent (...)
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  10.  29
    Sports and Functional Training Improve a Subset of Obesity-Related Health Parameters in Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Braulio Henrique Magnani Branco, Isabela Ramos Mariano, Leonardo Pestillo de Oliveira, Sônia Maria Marques Gomes Bertolini, Fabiano Mendes de Oliveira, Cynthia Gobbi Alves Araújo & Kristi Adamo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    To investigate the effects of two different modes of physical activity on body composition, physical fitness, cardiometabolic risk, and psychological responses in female adolescents participating in a multi-disciplinary program. The 12-week randomized intervention included 25-adolescents with overweight divided into two groups: sports practice-SPG and functional training-FTG. The SPG intervention was divided into three sports: basketball, handball, and futsal. SPG participants performed one sport 3-times/week, over the course of 1 month. The FTG performed concurrent exercises 3-times/week. This study was registered in (...)
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  11. Is judging time-to-contact based on'tail'?Jeroen Bj Smeets, Eli Brenner, Sonia Trebuchet & Daniel R. Mestre - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 583-590.
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    “What Makes Us Strong?”: Dyadic Coping in Italian Prospective Adoptive Couples.Elena Canzi, Silvia Donato, Laura Ferrari, Miriam Parise, Ariela Francesca Pagani, Giulia Lopez, Rosa Rosnati & Sonia Ranieri - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Perspectives of Consent Silence in Cyberbullying.Dana Rad, Tiberiu Dughi, Alina Roman & Sonia Ignat - 2019 - Postmodern Openings 10 (2):57-73.
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    Citizens, consumers and the citizen-consumer: articulating the citizen interest in media and communications regulation.Laura Miller, Peter Lunt & Sonia Livingstone - 2007 - Discourse and Communication 1 (1):63-89.
    The Office of Communications, established by an Act of Parliament in 2003, is a new sector wide regulator in the UK, required to further the interests of what has been termed the ‘citizen-consumer’. Using a critical discursive approach, this article charts the unfolding debate among stakeholders in the new regulatory environment as they attempt to define the interests of citizens, consumers and the citizen-consumer. Ofcom has preferred to align the terms ‘citizen’ and ‘consumer’ so that the interests of both may (...)
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  15. What makes interdisciplinarity difficult? Some consequences of domain specificity in interdisciplinary practice.Miles MacLeod - 2018 - Synthese 195 (2):697-720.
    Research on interdisciplinary science has for the most part concentrated on the institutional obstacles that discourage or hamper interdisciplinary work, with the expectation that interdisciplinary interaction can be improved through institutional reform strategies such as through reform of peer review systems. However institutional obstacles are not the only ones that confront interdisciplinary work. The design of policy strategies would benefit from more detailed investigation into the particular cognitive constraints, including the methodological and conceptual barriers, which also confront attempts to work (...)
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  16.  16
    Towards a Feminist Research Ethics of Care: Reflections, Lessons, and Methodological Considerations for Doing Research During a Pandemic.Rachelle Miele, Jennifer Root, Rebecca Godderis & Sonia Meerai - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (1):125-142.
    Conducting feminist research during the global COVID-19 pandemic has evoked a renewed interest in the concept of care within our research team. The purpose of this paper is to provide concrete examples of how feminist ethics of care changed the initial and ongoing design of a community-engaged research project in Ontario, Canada. Drawing from examples and lessons learned, we focus on various adjustments to our methodological decision-making that intentionally honoured and prioritized our responsibilities to community partners, research participants, broader communities (...)
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    Social inclusion and equality between men and women.Roberto Moreno López, Rosa Mari Ytarte, Marta Venceslao Pueyo & Sonia Morales Calvo - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-13.
    The objective of the research is focused on the study of the evolution of sexism as a cultural parameter in the Roma population whose people maintain recognition as an ethnic minority in Europe. The design selected for this study is descriptive. This study involves testing the reliability of the reduced version of the ambivalent sexism inventory (ASI; Glick and Fiske, 1996) scale among a representative group of the Roma population belonging to the city of Toledo. A representative sample of 44 (...)
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  18. Paul Bloomfield.Diana Meyers, Joel Kupperman, Margaret Gilbert, Sonia Michel & Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - 2008 - In Paul Bloomfield, Morality and Self-Interest. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Competencias blandas en la educación: su desarrollo con el coaching educativo.Elisabeth Viviana Lucero Baldevenites, Sonia Ivone Lucero & Ana María Gayol González - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):1-10.
    Escuchamos hablar con frecuencia de la importancia de las competencias blandas en la educación y en el mundo laboral. Sería primordial que la educación, en todos sus niveles, se plantee un cambio de paradigma y que las incluya en los planes de estudio, dándole el mismo valor que a las competencias duras. Sería conveniente que el alumnado las desarrolle para que los prepare en el ámbito laboral y en su transitar en este mundo cada vez más cambiante. El Coaching Educativo (...)
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    Long-Term Efficacy of Psychosocial Treatments for Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Meta-Analytic Review.Carlos López-Pinar, Sonia Martínez-Sanchís, Enrique Carbonell-Vayá, Javier Fenollar-Cortés & Julio Sánchez-Meca - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Stress can lead to an increase in smartphone use in the context of texting while walking.Maria Lilian Alcaraz, Élise Labonté-LeMoyne, Sonia Lupien, Sylvain Sénécal, Ann-Frances Cameron, François Bellavance & Pierre-Majorique Léger - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Texting while walking is a dangerous behavior that can lead to injury and even death. While several studies have examined the relationship between smartphone use and stress, to our knowledge no studies have yet investigated the relationship between stress and TWW. The objective of the present study was to investigate this relationship by examining the effects of stress on TWW, the effects of TWW on subsequent stress, and the effect of stress on multitasking performance. A total of 80 participants completed (...)
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    Circulation migratoire des transmigrants.Mehdi Alioua, Fatima Qacha, Oumoul Khaïry Coulibaly‑Tandian, Fatiha Majdoubi, Hasnia-Sonia Missaoui & Hasnia Sonia Missaoui - 2012 - Multitudes 49 (2):76-88.
    Résumé Les travaux de recherche en cours sous la direction d’Alain Tarrius examinent de nombreux parcours migratoires à la lumière du concept de transmigration. Les parcours des Africains vers l’Europe ne visent plus l’embauche dans une grande entreprise, mais l’institution d’une pérégrination à base commerciale ou religieuse, qui implique le retour fréquent au pays. Le départ d’Afrique se fait lui-même par étapes plus ou moins longues pour trouver les bonnes opportunités de passage. Les femmes migrantes aussi constituent des réseaux d’alliés (...)
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    Mirada inclusiva. La diversidad como característica.Remedios Benítez-Gavira & Sonia Aguilar-Gavira - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-12.
    El presente artículo nace de un proyecto de investigación I+D+i del Plan Estatal 2017-2020. Concretamente, nos centraremos en la primera fase de investigación, cuyo objetivo fué analizar, reflexionar e identificar qué mirada existe hacia la diversidad. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una investigación documental de corte cualitativa. Tras los resultados alcanzados, se percibe la necesidad de una mayor formación desde el ámbito educativo y de los futuros profesionales con el objetivo de alcanzar una escuela inclusiva preparada para atender a (...)
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  24.  21
    Epistemologías para el Humanismo desde la Filosofía para la paz.Irene Comins Mingol & Sonia París Albert - 2012 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 12:5-11.
    El concepto de ciencia ha adoptado desde la modernidad, e influenciado por lo que académicamente viene siendo conocido como el paradigma galileano frente al paradigma aristotélico, unas características que nos llevan a pensar en la objetividad, la neutralidad, la tecnificación y la razón instrumental, entre otras, cuando hablamos de ciencia. Sin embargo, desde la reflexión filosófica han sido varias las propuestas que se han ido construyendo a favor de nuevas epistemologías para las humanidades con el fin de superar esta visión (...)
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  25.  8
    New Technologies and New Spaces for Relation: Spanish Feminist Praxis Online.Antonio García Jiménez & Sonia Núñez Puente - 2009 - European Journal of Women's Studies 16 (3):249-263.
    In recent decades, Spanish feminist praxis has diversified its theoretical proposals and objectives, presenting the use of the new virtual communities from perspectives that bring it closer both to cyberfeminism and to technofeminism. The purpose of this article is to consider and explore in depth the construction and the use of the new technologies and internet in the new spaces for relationships in this feminist praxis. The article analyses the theoretical and agency proposals presented by two of the founders of (...)
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    Genotoxicidad Y citotoxidad de pesticidas. Evaluación de Los principios activos Y formulaciones comerciales usadas en argentina.Norma Viviana González, Gabriela Molinari, Sonia Soloneski & Marcelo L. Larramendy - 2008 - Theoria: Universidad del Bio-Bio, Chile 17 (2):27-45.
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    “Dance Like Nobody’s Watching”: Exploring the Role of Dance-Based Interventions in Perceived Well-Being and Bodily Awareness in People With Parkinson’s.Rebecca Hadley, Olivia Eastwood-Gray, Meryl Kiddier, Dawn Rose & Sonia Ponzo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Why 4 years when 3 will do? Enhanced knowledge for rural nursing practice.Amanda Kenny, Leah Carter, Sonia Martin & Sari Williams - 2004 - Nursing Inquiry 11 (2):108-116.
    In Australia, debates over the appropriate length of undergraduate nursing programs have a long history. Submissions from both universities and industry to key government reports have consistently argued that the current minimum entry level of practice, a three‐year program, is too short to enable students to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for the contemporary nursing role. Despite these submissions, the established entry level for nursing practice in Australia remains a three‐year undergraduate bachelor degree. However, there is a small group (...)
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  29.  17
    The role of literary analysis in the socio-humanistic education of Medicine students.Yunexis Teresa Nobalbo Aguilera, Sonia Reina Socarrás Sánchez, Isis Angélica Pernas Álvarez & José Emilio Hernández Sánchez - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (3):486-510.
    Las universidades de Ciencias Médicas tienen el reto de graduar un profesional que posea una amplia cultura general integral. El diagnóstico y caracterización del estado actual de la formación socio-humanista de los estudiantes que ingresan a la Casa de Altos Estudios reveló las insuficiencias que existen, por lo cual el objetivo consistió en la elaboración de un sistema de talleres de apreciación literaria para la formación socio-humanista de los estudiantes de Medicina de primer año de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas (...)
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    A Seventh-Century Bronze Metalworker’s Die from Rochester, Kent.Peter Northover, George Speake & Sonia Chadwick Hawkes - 1979 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 13 (1):382-392.
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    Mental Health Outcomes Among Healthcare Workers and the General Population During the COVID-19 in Italy.Rodolfo Rossi, Valentina Socci, Francesca Pacitti, Sonia Mensi, Antinisca Di Marco, Alberto Siracusano & Giorgio Di Lorenzo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    IntroductionDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers in Italy have been exposed to an unprecedented pressure and traumatic events. However, no direct comparison with the general population is available so far. The aim of this study is to detail mental health outcomes in healthcare workers compared to the general population.Methods24050 respondents completed an on-line questionnaire during the contagion peak, 21342 general population, 1295 second-line healthcare workers, and 1411 front-line healthcare workers. Depressive, anxious, post-traumatic symptoms and insomnia were assessed. Specific COVID-19 related (...)
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  32.  20
    Online activism and subject construction of the victim of gender-based violence on Spanish YouTube channels: Multimodal analysis and performativity.Rainer Rubira García, Diana Fernández Romero & Sonia Núñez Puente - 2015 - European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (3):319-333.
    This article analyzes the construction of female subjectivity in the specific context of audiovisual cyberspaces in Spain dedicated to the struggle against violence against women. Looking at the YouTube channels of two virtual feminist communities that deal with violence against women, the authors analyze how the victim-subject is configured in terms of agency and activism. The authors adopt a multimodal model of studying the sign complexes of the videos as semiotic artifacts that produce meaning. Sign complexes are always engaged because (...)
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  33.  19
    Online feminist practice, participatory activism and public policies against gender-based violence in Spain.Susana Vázquez Cupeiro, Diana Fernández Romero & Sonia Núñez Puente - 2017 - Feminist Theory 18 (3):299-321.
    This article presents and reflects upon the results of a survey involving a sample of women who have experienced gender-based violence and who have turned to an institutional centre to tackle their situation. In aiming to move beyond a descriptive treatment, we consider the plurality of user types and their remote use patterns in relation to the resources offered by virtual feminist communities designed to promote increased sociopolitical mobilisation in the fight against violence against women. We will observe the progressive (...)
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  34.  65
    What does interdisciplinarity look like in practice: Mapping interdisciplinarity and its limits in the environmental sciences.Miles MacLeod & Michiru Nagatsu - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 67:74-84.
    In this paper we take a close look at current interdisciplinary modeling practices in the environmental sciences, and suggest that closer attention needs to be paid to the nature of scientific practices when investigating and planning interdisciplinarity. While interdisciplinarity is often portrayed as a medium of novel and transformative methodological work, current modeling strategies in the environmental sciences are conservative, avoiding methodological conflict, while confining interdisciplinary interactions to a relatively small set of pre-existing modeling frameworks and strategies (a process we (...)
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  35.  54
    Interdisciplinary problem- solving: emerging modes in integrative systems biology.Miles MacLeod & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2016 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 6 (3):401-418.
    Integrative systems biology is an emerging field that attempts to integrate computation, applied mathematics, engineering concepts and methods, and biological experimentation in order to model large-scale complex biochemical networks. The field is thus an important contemporary instance of an interdisciplinary approach to solving complex problems. Interdisciplinary science is a recent topic in the philosophy of science. Determining what is philosophically important and distinct about interdisciplinary practices requires detailed accounts of problem-solving practices that attempt to understand how specific practices address the (...)
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  36. Building Simulations from the Ground Up: Modeling and Theory in Systems Biology.Miles MacLeod & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2013 - Philosophy of Science 80 (4):533-556.
    In this article, we provide a case study examining how integrative systems biologists build simulation models in the absence of a theoretical base. Lacking theoretical starting points, integrative systems biology researchers rely cognitively on the model-building process to disentangle and understand complex biochemical systems. They build simulations from the ground up in a nest-like fashion, by pulling together information and techniques from a variety of possible sources and experimenting with different structures in order to discover a stable, robust result. Finally, (...)
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  37.  57
    The Paradox of Faculty Attitudes toward Student Violations of Academic Integrity.Paul Douglas MacLeod & Sarah Elaine Eaton - 2020 - Journal of Academic Ethics 18 (4):347-362.
    This study investigated faculty attitudes towards student violations of academic integrity in Canada using a qualitative review of 17 universities’ academic integrity/dishonesty policies combined with a quantitative survey of faculty members’ (N = 412) attitudes and behaviours around academic integrity and dishonesty. Results showed that 53.1% of survey respondents see academic dishonesty as a worsening problem at their institutions. Generally, they believe their respective institutional policies are sound in principle but fail in application. Two of the major factors identified by (...)
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  38.  69
    Coupling simulation and experiment: The bimodal strategy in integrative systems biology.Miles MacLeod & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (4a):572-584.
    The importation of computational methods into biology is generating novel methodological strategies for managing complexity which philosophers are only just starting to explore and elaborate. This paper aims to enrich our understanding of methodology in integrative systems biology, which is developing novel epistemic and cognitive strategies for managing complex problem-solving tasks. We illustrate this through developing a case study of a bimodal researcher from our ethnographic investigation of two systems biology research labs. The researcher constructed models of metabolic and cell-signaling (...)
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    Bridging the explanatory gaps: What can we learn from a biological agency perspective?Sonia E. Sultan, Armin P. Moczek & Denis Walsh - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (1):2100185.
    We begin this article by delineating the explanatory gaps left by prevailing gene‐focused approaches in our understanding of phenotype determination, inheritance, and the origin of novel traits. We aim not to diminish the value of these approaches but to highlight where their implementation, despite best efforts, has encountered persistent limitations. We then discuss how each of these explanatory gaps can be addressed by expanding research foci to take into accountbiological agency—the capacity of living systems at various levels to participate in (...)
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  40. Simone de Beauvoir and the Politics of Ambiguity.Sonia Kruks - 2012 - , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Simone de Beauvoir and the Politics of Ambiguity is the first full-length study of Beauvoir's political thinking. Best known as the author of The Second Sex, Beauvoir also wrote an array of other political and philosophical texts that together, constitute an original contribution to political theory and philosophy. Sonia Kruks here locates Beauvoir in her own intellectual and political context and demonstrates her continuing significance. Beauvoir still speaks, in a unique voice, to many pressing questions concerning politics: the values (...)
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    The creative industry of integrative systems biology.Miles MacLeod & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2013 - Mind and Society 12 (1):35-48.
    Integrative systems biology is among the most innovative fields of contemporary science, bringing together scientists from a range of diverse backgrounds and disciplines to tackle biological complexity through computational and mathematical modeling. The result is a plethora of problem-solving techniques, theoretical perspectives, lab-structures and organizations, and identity labels that have made it difficult for commentators to pin down precisely what systems biology is, philosophically or sociologically. In this paper, through the ethnographic investigation of two ISB laboratories, we explore the particular (...)
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    Conceptions of Parental Autonomy.Colin M. Macleod - 1997 - Politics and Society 25 (1):117-140.
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    Modeling complexity: cognitive constraints and computational model-building in integrative systems biology.Miles MacLeod & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2018 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (1):17.
    Modern integrative systems biology defines itself by the complexity of the problems it takes on through computational modeling and simulation. However in integrative systems biology computers do not solve problems alone. Problem solving depends as ever on human cognitive resources. Current philosophical accounts hint at their importance, but it remains to be understood what roles human cognition plays in computational modeling. In this paper we focus on practices through which modelers in systems biology use computational simulation and other tools to (...)
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    Model Coupling in Resource Economics: Conditions for Effective Interdisciplinary Collaboration.MacLeod Miles & Michiru Nagatsu - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (3):412-433.
    In this article we argue for the importance of studying interdisciplinary collaborations by focusing on the role that good choice and design of model-building frameworks and strategies can play overcoming the inherent difficulties of collaborative research. We provide an empirical study of particular collaborations between economists and ecologists in resource economics. We discuss various features of how models are put together for interdisciplinary collaboration in these cases and show how the use of a coupled-model framework in this case to coordinate (...)
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    Modeling systems-level dynamics: Understanding without mechanistic explanation in integrative systems biology.Miles MacLeod & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 49:1-11.
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    Retrospective and Prospective Cognitions in Anxiety and Depression.Andrew K. MacLeod, Philip Tata, John Kentish & Hanne Jacobsen - 1997 - Cognition and Emotion 11 (4):467-479.
  47.  82
    Remarks on the modal logic of Henry Bradford Smith.Mary C. MacLeod & Peter K. Schotch - 2000 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 29 (6):603-615.
    H. B. Smith, Professor of Philosophy at the influential 'Pennsylvania School' was (roughly) a contemporary of C. I. Lewis who was similarly interested in a proper account of 'implication'. His research also led him into the study of modal logic but in a different direction than Lewis was led. His account of modal logic does not lend itself as readily as Lewis' to the received 'possible worlds' semantics, so that the Smith approach was a casualty rather than a beneficiary of (...)
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  48.  65
    Was Mill a non-cognitivist?Christopher Macleod - 2013 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 51 (2):206-223.
    In this paper, I examine the presumption that Mill endorses a form of metaethical non-cognitivism. I argue that the evidence traditionally cited for this interpretation is not convincing, and suggest that we should instead remain open to a cognitivist reading. I begin, in Section I, by laying out the ‘received view’ of Mill on the status of practical norms, as given by Alan Ryan in the 1970s. There is, I claim in Sections II and III, no firm textual evidence for (...)
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  49.  82
    Just Schools and Good Childhoods: Non‐preparatory Dimensions of Educational Justice.Colin M. Macleod - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (S1):76-89.
    This article offers an account of at least some of the non-preparatory dimensions of education and their significance for a theory of educational justice. I argue that just schools should play a role in facilitating goods of childhood. I also defend an egalitarian view about the access children should have in school to the resources and opportunities associated with the non-preparatory dimensions of education.
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  50.  71
    Freedom as non-domination and educational justice.Colin M. Macleod - 2015 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 18 (4):456-469.
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