Results for 'Steven Sevush'

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  1.  13
    Perfectionism and Neutrality: Essays in Liberal Theory.Steven Wall (ed.) - 2003 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Editors provide a substantive introduction to the history and theories of perfectionism and neutrality, expertly contextualizing the essays and making the collection accessible.
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  2. The cognitive niche: Coevolution of intelligence, sociality, and language.Steven Pinker - unknown
    Although Darwin insisted that human intelligence could be fully explained by the theory of evolution, the codiscoverer of natural selection, Alfred Russel Wallace, claimed that abstract intelligence was of no use to ancestral humans and could only be explained by intelligent design. Wallace’s apparent paradox can be dissolved with two hypotheses about human cognition. One is that intelligence is an adaptation to a knowledge-using, socially interdependent lifestyle, the “cognitive niche.” This embraces the ability to overcome the evolutionary fixed defenses of (...)
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  3. Metaphysical underdetermination: why worry?Steven French - 2011 - Synthese 180 (2):205 - 221.
    Various forms of underdetermination that might threaten the realist stance are examined. That which holds between different 'formulations' of a theory (such as the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formulations of classical mechanics) is considered in some detail, as is the 'metaphysical' underdetermination invoked to support 'ontic structural realism'. The problematic roles of heuristic fruitfulness and surplus structure in attempts to break these forms of underdetermination are discussed and an approach emphasizing the relevant structural commonalities is defended.
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  4. Rawlsian Perfectionism.Steven Wall - 2013 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 10 (5):573-1.
    This paper presents and defends a Rawlsian argument for perfectionist state policies. The argument draws on Rawls’s discussion of the “Aristotelian Principle,” highlighting the complex relationship between this principle and the social bases of self-respect. The paper explains how Rawls’s discussion and endorsement of this principle has significant and unappreciated implications for his account of the human good and the state’s role in promoting it in a well-ordered society. Although Rawls explicitly rejected state perfectionism, the paper shows how his conception (...)
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    Imagination in Scientific Practice.Steven French - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10 (3):1-19.
    What is the role of the imagination in scientific practice? Here I focus on the nature and role of invitations to imagine in certain scientific texts as represented by the example of Einstein’s Special Relativity paper from 1905. Drawing on related discussions in aesthetics, I argue, on the one hand, that this role cannot be simply subsumed under ‘supposition’ but that, on the other, concerns about the impact of genre and symbolism can be dealt with, and hence present no obstacle (...)
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  6. Understanding permutation symmetry.Steven French & Dean Rickles - 2002 - In Katherine Brading & Elena Castellani (eds.), Symmetries in Physics: Philosophical Reflections. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 212--38.
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  7. Democracy and equality.Steven Wall - 2007 - Philosophical Quarterly 57 (228):416–438.
    Many writers claim that democratic government rests on a principled commitment to the ideal of political equality. The ideal of political equality holds that political institutions ought to be arranged so that they distribute political standing equally to all citizens. I reject this common view. I argue that the ideal of political equality, under its most plausible characterizations, lacks independent justificatory force. By casting doubt on the ideal of political equality, I provide indirect support for the claim that democratic government (...)
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  8. The logic of indirect speech.Steven Pinker - manuscript
    When people speak, they often insinuate their intent indirectly rather than stating it as a bald proposition. Examples include sexual come-ons, veiled threats, polite requests, and concealed bribes. We propose a three-part theory of indirect speech, based on the idea that human communication involves a mixture of cooperation and conflict. First, indirect requests allow for plausible deniability, in which a cooperative listener can accept the request, but an uncooperative one cannot react adversarially to it. This intuition is sup- ported by (...)
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    Julian Wuerth, Kant on Mind, Action, and Ethics. Reviewed by.Steven Tester - 2016 - Philosophy in Review 36 (1):39-41.
  10. Kant: Some Objections and Replies.Steven Tester - 2011 - Philosophical Forum 42 (3):314-315.
  11. The Direction of Time.Steven F. Savitt - 1996 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 47 (3):347-370.
    The aim of this essay is to introduce philosophers of science to some recent philosophical discussions of the nature and origin of the direction of time. The essay is organized around books by Hans Reichenbach, Paul Horwich, and Huw Price. I outline their major arguments and treat certain critical points in detail. I speculate at the end about the ways in which the subject may continue to develop and in which it may connect with other areas of philosophy.
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  12. Norms and Habits: Brandom on the Sociality of Action.Steven Levine - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):248-272.
    In this paper I argue against Brandom's two-ply theory of action. For Brandom, action is the result of an agent acknowledging a practical commitment and then causally responding to that commitment by acting. Action is social because the content of the commitment upon which one acts is socially conferred in the game of giving and asking for reasons. On my proposal, instead of seeing action as the coupling of a rational capacity to acknowledge commitments and a non-rational capacity to reliably (...)
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    Toward the rigorous use of diagrams in reasoning about hardware.Steven D. Johnson, Jon Barwise & Gerard Allwein - 1996 - In Gerard Allwein & Jon Barwise (eds.), Logical reasoning with diagrams. New York: Oxford University Press.
  14.  9
    Medical Thinking: The Psychology of Medical Judgment and Decision Making.Steven Schwartz & Timothy Griffin - 2012 - Springer Verlag.
    Decision making is the physician's major activity. Every day, in doctors' offices throughout the world, patients describe their symptoms and com plaints while doctors perform examinations, order tests, and, on the basis of these data, decide what is wrong and what should be done. Although the process may appear routine-even to the physicians in volved-each step in the sequence requires skilled clinical judgment. Physicians must decide: which symptoms are important, whether any laboratory tests should be done, how the various items (...)
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    The Why and How of Enabling the Integration of Social and Ethical Aspects in Research and Development.Steven M. Flipse, Maarten C. A. Sanden & Patricia Osseweijer - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):703-725.
    New and Emerging Science and Technology (NEST) based innovations, e.g. in the field of Life Sciences or Nanotechnology, frequently raise societal and political concerns. To address these concerns NEST researchers are expected to deploy socially responsible R&D practices. This requires researchers to integrate social and ethical aspects (SEAs) in their daily work. Many methods can facilitate such integration. Still, why and how researchers should and could use SEAs remains largely unclear. In this paper we aim to relate motivations for NEST (...)
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  16. Individuality, supervenience and bell's theorem.Steven French - 1989 - Philosophical Studies 55 (1):1-22.
    Some recent work in the philosophy of quantum mechanics has suggested that quantum systems can be thought of as non-separable and therefore non-individual, in some sense, in Bell and E.P.R. type situations. This suggestion is set in the context of previous work regarding the individuality of quantal particles and it is argued that such entities can be considered as individuals if their non-classical statistical correlations are understood in terms of non-supervenient relations holding between them. We conclude that such relations are (...)
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    Caring Actions.Steven Steyl - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (2):279-297.
    Though the literature on care ethics has mushroomed in recent years, much remains to be said about several important topics therein. One of these is action. In this article, I draw on Anscombean philosophy of action to develop a kind of meta- or proto-ethical theory of caring actions. I begin by showing how the fragmentary philosophy of action offered by care ethicists meshes with Elizabeth Anscombe's broader philosophy of action, and argue that Anscombe's philosophy of action offers a useful scaffold (...)
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  18.  23
    Navigating Academic Life: How the System Works.Steven M. Cahn - 2020 - Routledge.
    "This engaging collection of recent essays reveals how a professorial career involves not only pursuit of a scholarly discipline but also such unwelcome features as the trials of graduate school, the tribulations that may arise in teaching, and the tensions that may develop from membership in a department. The author, who enjoyed a distinguished career as a professor of philosophy and senior university administrator, draws on his extensive experience to offer candid advice about handling the frustrations of academic life. Combining (...)
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    Science, Paradox, and the Moebius Principle: The Evolution of a "Transcultural" Approach to Wholeness.Steven M. Rosen - 1994 - State University of New York Press; Series in Science, Technology, and Society.
    This book confronts basic anomalies in the foundations of contemporary science and philosophy. It deals with paradoxes that call into question our conventional way of thinking about space, time, and the nature of human experience.
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  20. Can empirical theories of semantic competence really help limn the structure of reality?Steven Gross - 2006 - Noûs 40 (1):43–81.
    There is a long tradition of drawing metaphysical conclusions from investigations into language. This paper concerns one contemporary variation on this theme: the alleged ontological significance of cognitivist truth-theoretic accounts of semantic competence. According to such accounts, human speakers’ linguistic behavior is in part empirically explained by their cognizing a truth-theory. Such a theory consists of a finite number of axioms assigning semantic values to lexical items, a finite number of axioms assigning semantic values to complex expressions on the basis (...)
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  21. Spinoza's Heresy. Immortality and the Jewish Mind.Steven Nadler - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (3):614-615.
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  22. Rehabilitating objectivity: Rorty, Brandom, and the new pragmatism.Steven Levine - 2010 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 40 (4):567-589.
    In recent years, a renascent form of pragmatism has developed which argues that a satisfactory pragmatic position must integrate into itself the concepts of truth and objectivity. This New Pragmatism, as Cheryl Misak calls it, is directed primarily against Rorty's neo-pragmatic dismissal of these concepts. For Rorty, the goal of our epistemic practices should not be to achieve an objective view, one that tries to represent things as they are 'in themselves,' but rather to attain a view of things that (...)
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  23.  46
    Nietzsche on Aesthetic Education: A Fictional Narrative.Steven A. Stolz - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 56 (2):37-55.
    Drawing from Nietzsche, I explore the topic of aesthetic education. Even though Nietzsche never formally uses the term “aesthetic education” in his works, this is a novel initiative of my own doing based on what I think he would have to say on the topic. Just as Nietzsche adopted his own experimental approach or style, in a sense, my intention is to experiment with a narrative, which takes the form of a fictional dialogue between Nietzsche and a student. To make (...)
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    The Real Value of Fake Teams: An Ethical Defense of Fantasy Sports.Steven Weimer - 2019 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 14 (2):226-240.
    In the only two articles on the topic of which I am aware, Chad Carlson and Scott Aikin have leveled three objections against fantasy sports—namely, that participation in fantasy sports elicits...
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  25. Rescuing justice from equality.Steven Wall - 2012 - Social Philosophy and Policy 29 (1):180-212.
    Research Articles Steven Wall, Social Philosophy and Policy, FirstView Article.
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  26. Etienne Gilson, Linguistics and Philosophy: An Essay on the Philosophical Constants of Language Reviewed by.Steven Baldner - 1990 - Philosophy in Review 10 (12):495-498.
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  27. The Past Just Ain’t What it Used to be: A Response to Kevin Staley and Ronald Tacelli, S.J.Steven Baldner - 1992 - Lyceum 4 (2):1-4.
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    El número en Agustín.Steven Barbone - 1999 - Augustinus 44 (172-175):35-49.
    This article, translated by Jose ARNOZ, examines the role of number in Augustine's philosophy. While the analysis focuses on the sixth book of De musica and the second book of De libero arbitrio, it does include some of Augustine's other works. I argue that number plays many roles for Augustine including forming notions of ordinary arithmetic, describing meter and rhythm, but most importantly, forming every created object. As a result, every created thing has within it a residual number which could (...)
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    Centering and extending: an essay on metaphysical sense.Steven G. Smith - 2017 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    An original metaphysical proposal building on classical and contemporary sources. In Centering and Extending, Steven G. Smith retrieves and refashions some of the best ideas of classical and early modern metaphysics to support insight into the natures of mental and material beings and their relations. Avoiding what he critiques as distortive paths of idealism, materialism, repressive monism, and overly permissive pluralism, Smith builds his framework on centering and extending as universal principles of formation. Identifying the basic consistency of being (...)
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  30. Naturalisms in philosophy of mind.Steven Horst - 2008 - Philosophy Compass 4 (1):219-254.
    Most contemporary philosophers of mind claim to be in search of a 'naturalistic' theory. However, when we look more closely, we find that there are a number of different and even conflicting ideas of what would count as a 'naturalization' of the mind. This article attempts to show what various naturalistic philosophies of mind have in common, and also how they differ from one another. Additionally, it explores the differences between naturalistic philosophies of mind and naturalisms found in ethics, epistemology, (...)
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  31. Why nature & nurture won't go away.Steven Pinker - 2004 - Daedalus.
  32.  42
    Baseline brain activity fluctuations predict somatosensory perception in humans.Steven Laureys - manuscript
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    Hegel on Slavery and Domination.Steven B. Smith - 1992 - Review of Metaphysics 46 (1):97 - 124.
    DOES SLAVERY EXIST BY NATURE as some throughout history have been taken to believe? Or is slavery merely conventional, sanctioned by the opinions and practices of diverse communities? Is it a punishment for sinfulness or proscribed by the natural law? Can one sell oneself into slavery as the result of a free exchange, or is slavery prohibited by virtue of the natural rights of the individual? Is slavery a necessary moment in the struggle of human beings to attain mutual recognition (...)
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  34. Eliminating Objects Across the Sciences.Steven French - 2015 - In Thomas Pradeu & Alexandre Guay (eds.), Individuals Across The Sciences. New York, État de New York, États-Unis: Oxford University Press.
    An eliminativist view of objects in physics has recently been defended in the context of “ ‘ontic structural realism.” This chapter explores the extent to which a similar eliminativism can be articulated and defended in the philosophy of biology. Obviously the motivations are very different, but a range of issues can be identified that pull us away from an object-oriented stance. Various metaphysical resources can then be deployed to help assuage concerns regarding such a move, and the chapter considers two (...)
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  35.  21
    The Health Humanities and Camus’s the Plague, Edited by Woods Nash, Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2019.Steven Wilson - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (1):115-116.
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    Theory and cultural value.Steven Connor - 1992 - Cambridge, USA: Blackwell.
  37. Non-Epistemic Justification and Practical Postulation in Fichte.Steven Hoeltzel - 2014 - In Tom Rockmore & Daniel Breazeale (eds.), Fichte and Transcendental Philosophy. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 293-313.
    In this essay I argue that in order to secure some of his system’s key commitments, Fichte employs argumentation essentially patterned after the technique of practical postulation in Kant. This is a mode of reasoning that mobilizes a distinctly Kantian notion of nonepistemic justification, which itself is premised upon a broadly Kantian conception of the nature of reason. Succinctly stated, such argumentation proceeds essentially as follows. (1) By the basic nature and operations of rationality, every rational being is, as such, (...)
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    “These Three Come Forth Together, but are Differently Named”: Laozi, Zhuangzi, Plato.Steven Shankman - 2012 - In Steven Shankman & Stephen W. Durrant (eds.), Early China/Ancient Greece: Thinking through Comparisons. SUNY Press. pp. 75-92.
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    Transnational Tolstoy: Between the West and the World.Steven Cassedy - 2018 - The European Legacy 24 (1):95-97.
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    Comment On Manuel Davenport’s “Poetry, Truth, and Phenomenology”.Steven G. Crowell - 1985 - Southwest Philosophy Review 2:174-179.
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    (4 other versions)No title available: Religious studies.Steven T. Katz - 1974 - Religious Studies 10 (1):108-110.
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    Sympathy, Scruple, and Piety: The Moral and Religious Valuation of Nonhumans.Steven G. Smith - 1993 - Journal of Religious Ethics 21 (2):319 - 342.
    Our moral valuation of nonhuman and human beings alike may arise in sympathy, the realization in feeling of a significant commonality between self and others; in scrupulous observance of policy, the affirmation in practical consistency of a system of relations with others; and in piety, the attitude of boundless appreciation and absolute scruple with respect to objects as sacred - that is, as valued for the sake of adequate valuation of the holy. Differences between the moral status of humans and (...)
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    A triarchic reaction to a triarchic theory of intelligence.Steven R. Yussen - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (2):303.
  44. The grounding objection to middle knowledge revisited.Steven B. Cowan - 2003 - Religious Studies 39 (1):93-102.
    The Molinist doctrine that God has middle knowledge requires that God knows the truth-values of counterfactuals of freedom, propositions about what free agents would do in hypothetical circumstances. A well-known objection to middle knowledge, the grounding objection, contends that counterfactuals of freedom have no truth-value because there is no fact to the matter as to what an agent with libertarian freedom would do in counterfactual circumstances. Molinists, however, have offered responses to the grounding objection that they believe are adequate for (...)
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  45. Poor People, Poor Planet: The Psychology of How We Harm and Heal Humanity and Earth.Steven Shapiro - 2013 - In Elena Mustakova-Possardt (ed.), Toward a Socially Responsible Psychology for a Global Era. Springer. pp. 231--254.
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    Introduction.Steven Shankman & Stephen W. Durrant - 2012 - In Steven Shankman & Stephen W. Durrant (eds.), Early China/Ancient Greece: Thinking through Comparisons. SUNY Press. pp. 1-13.
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    Kant's Politics as an Expression of the Need for His Aesthetics.Steven M. Delue - 1985 - Political Theory 13 (3):409-429.
  48.  37
    Augustine’s Confessions: Philosophy in Autobiography ed. by William E. Mann.Steven P. Marrone - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (1):159-160.
    This collection of eight essays on Augustine’s most widely read work focuses, as William Mann says in his introduction, on Augustine as a philosopher. Not every reader will agree that Augustine did indeed philosophize. Many would insist that whatever speculation Augustine engaged in, it was solely as a theologian. Yet each of the authors in this superb volume approaches Augustine in the context of the philosophy of the late Roman world, especially Neoplatonic philosophy. Their success in showing how the themes (...)
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  49.  35
    Quine W. V.. Unification of universes in set theory.Steven Orey - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (3):294-295.
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    The pleasures of sex: An empirical investigation.Steven Pinkerton, Heather Cecil, Laura Bogart & Paul Abramson - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17 (2):341-353.
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