Results for 'Tetiana Hill'

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  1.  26
    Choice Under Risk: How Occupation Influences Preferences.Tetiana Hill, Petko Kusev & Paul van Schaik - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:428505.
    In the last decade, a number of studies in the behavioural sciences, particularly in psychology and economics, have explored the complexity of individual risk behaviour and its underlying factors. Most previous studies have examined the influences of various socio-economic, cognitive, biological and psychological factors on human decision-making however, the relationship between the decision-makers’ risk preferences and occupational background has not received much empirical attention. Accordingly, in the current study, we investigated how occupational background, together with decision-making framing (e.g., variations in (...)
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  2. Sensations: A Defense of Type Materialism.Christopher S. Hill - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is a book about sensory states and their apparent characteristics. It confronts a whole series of metaphysical and epistemological questions and presents an argument for type materialism: the view that sensory states are identical with the neural states with which they are correlated. According to type materialism, sensations are only possessed by human beings and members of related biological species; silicon-based androids cannot have sensations. The author rebuts several other rival theories, and explores a number of important issues: the (...)
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  3. Where Are the Generalists?Scott Hill - 2024 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 13 (11):30-35.
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  4. What an Algorithm Is.Robin K. Hill - 2016 - Philosophy and Technology 29 (1):35-59.
    The algorithm, a building block of computer science, is defined from an intuitive and pragmatic point of view, through a methodological lens of philosophy rather than that of formal computation. The treatment extracts properties of abstraction, control, structure, finiteness, effective mechanism, and imperativity, and intentional aspects of goal and preconditions. The focus on the algorithm as a robust conceptual object obviates issues of correctness and minimality. Neither the articulation of an algorithm nor the dynamic process constitute the algorithm itself. Analysis (...)
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  5.  62
    The Practice of Moral Judgment.Thomas E. Hill - 1995 - Journal of Philosophy 92 (1):47.
  6.  53
    Thought and World: An Austere Portrayal of Truth, Reference, and Semantic Correspondence.Christopher S. Hill - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    There is an important family of semantic notions that we apply to thoughts and to the conceptual constituents of thoughts - as when we say that the thought that the Universe is expanding is true. Thought and World presents a theory of the content of such notions. The theory is largely deflationary in spirit, in the sense that it represents a broad range of semantic notions - including the concept of truth - as being entirely free from substantive metaphysical and (...)
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    Philosophy of a Biologist.Leonard Hill - 1930 - London: E. Arnold & Co..
  8. Why God allows undeserved horrendous evil.Scott Hill - 2022 - Religious Studies 58 (4):772-786.
    I defend a new version of the non-identity theodicy. After presenting the theodicy, I reply to a series of objections. I then argue that my approach improves upon similar approaches in the literature.
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  9. Virtue signalling and the Condorcet Jury theorem.Scott Hill & Renaud-Philippe Garner - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):14821-14841.
    One might think that if the majority of virtue signallers judge that a proposition is true, then there is significant evidence for the truth of that proposition. Given the Condorcet Jury Theorem, individual virtue signallers need not be very reliable for the majority judgment to be very likely to be correct. Thus, even people who are skeptical of the judgments of individual virtue signallers should think that if a majority of them judge that a proposition is true, then that provides (...)
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  10. The perception of size and shape.Christopher S. Hill & David J. Bennett - 2008 - Philosophical Issues 18 (1):294-315.
  11.  45
    Subject, Thought, and Context.Christopher S. Hill - 1990 - Journal of Philosophy 87 (2):106-112.
  12.  45
    Informed consent in Ghana: what do participants really understand?Z. Hill, C. Tawiah-Agyemang, S. Odei-Danso & B. Kirkwood - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (1):48-53.
    Objectives: To explore how subjects in a placebo-controlled vitamin A supplementation trial among Ghanaian women aged 15–45 years perceive the trial and whether they know that not all trial capsules are the same, and to identify factors associated with this knowledge.Methods: 60 semistructured interviews and 12 focus groups were conducted to explore subjects’ perceptions of the trial. Steps were taken to address areas of low comprehension, including retraining fieldworkers. 1971 trial subjects were randomly selected for a survey measuring their knowledge (...)
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  13. What is it to commit suicide?Daniel J. Hill - 2011 - Ratio 24 (2):192-205.
    In this article I defend a new definition of what it is to commit suicide:(D) A commits suicide by performing an act x if and only if A intends that he or she kill himself or herself by performing x (under the description ‘I kill myself’), and this intention is fully satisfied.The definition has some surprising implications: various real-life examples often referred to as ‘suicides’ (e.g. ‘suicide bombers’) may well turn out not to be suicides after all.1.
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  14.  39
    The role of future unpredictability in human risk-taking.Elizabeth M. Hill, Lisa Thomson Ross & Bobbi S. Low - 1997 - Human Nature 8 (4):287-325.
    Models of risk-taking as used in the social sciences may be improved by including concepts from life history theory, particularly environmental unpredictability and life expectancy. Community college students completed self-report questionnaires measuring these constructs along with several well-known correlates. The frequency of risk-taking was higher for those with higher future unpredictability beliefs and shorter lifespan estimates (as measured by the Future Lifespan Assessment developed for this study), and unpredictability beliefs remained significant after accounting for standard predictors, such as sex and (...)
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  15. What is the Incoherence Objection to Legal Entrapment?Daniel J. Hill, Stephen K. McLeod & Attila Tanyi - 2022 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 22 (1):47-73.
    Some legal theorists say that legal entrapment to commit a crime is incoherent. So far, there is no satisfactorily precise statement of this objection in the literature: it is obscure even as to the type of incoherence that is purportedly involved. (Perhaps consequently, substantial assessment of the objection is also absent.) We aim to provide a new statement of the objection that is more precise and more rigorous than its predecessors. We argue that the best form of the objection asserts (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Nietzsche's Critiques: The Kantian Foundations of His Thought.R. Kevin Hill - 2005 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 29:54-71.
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  17.  68
    Republican democracy and compulsory voting.Lisa Hill - 2015 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 18 (6):652-660.
  18.  30
    Human Welfare and Moral Worth: Kantian Perspectives.Thomas E. Hill - 2003 - Philosophical Quarterly 53 (213):587-595.
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  19. The Relevance of Belief Outsourcing to Whether Arguments Can Change Minds.Scott Hill - 2024 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 124 (2):191-196.
    There is a wealth of evidence which indicates that arguments are not very efficient tools for changing minds. Against this scepticism, Dutilh Novaes (2023) presents evidence that, given the right social context, arguments sometimes play a significant role in belief revision. However, drawing on Levy (2021), I argue that the evidence Dutilh Novaes cites is compatible with the view that it is not arguments that change individual minds but instead belief outsourcing that occurs alongside the consideration of arguments.
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    The Philosophy of Francisco Surez.Benjamin Hill & Henrik Lagerlund (eds.) - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    During the seventeenth century Francisco Surez was considered one of the greatest philosophers of the age: he is now reemerging as a major subject of critical and historical investigation. A leading team of scholars explore his work on ethics, metaphysics, ontology, and theology. This will be the starting-point for future research on Surez.
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  21.  50
    Voting turnout, equality, liberty and representation: epistemic versus procedural democracy.Lisa Hill - 2016 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 19 (3):283-300.
  22. Unity of consciousness, other minds, and phenomenal space.Christopher S. Hill - 1991 - In Sensations: A Defense of Type Materialism. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  23.  55
    The Multiple Readings of Irigaray's Concept of Sexual Difference.Rebecca Hill - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (7):390-401.
    Luce Irigaray's project elaborates an original concept of sexual difference. While this concept is widely discussed in feminist philosophy, there are multiple readings of sexual difference and some of these are contradictory. This essay surveys the various readings of sexual difference in English. Foci include the debate over the status of essentialism, ontology, and the controversy over the primacy of sexual difference, including discussion of whether her oeuvre marginalizes differences of race and sexuality. I conclude by arguing that her thinking (...)
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  24.  30
    The Stability Problem in Political Liberalism.Thomas E. Hill - 2017 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 75 (3-4):333-352.
  25. What Are the Odds that Everyone is Depraved?Scott Hill - 2020 - American Philosophical Quarterly 57 (3):299-308.
    Why does God allow evil? One hypothesis is that God desires the existence and activity of free creatures but He was unable to create a world with such creatures and such activity without also allowing evil. If Molinism is true, what probability should be assigned to this hypothesis? Some philosophers claim that a low probability should be assigned because there are an infinite number of possible people and because we have no reason to suppose that such creatures will choose one (...)
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  26.  34
    The interval: relation and becoming in Irigaray, Aristotle, and Bergson.Rebecca Hill - 2012 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    The oblivion of the interval -- Being in place -- The aporia between envelope and things -- Dualism in Bergson -- Interval, sexual difference -- Beyond man: rethinking life and matter -- Conclusion: interval as relation, interval as becoming.
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    Postmodernism in Educational Theory: Education and the Politics of Human Resistance.D. Hill, P. Mclaren, M. Cole & G. Rikowski - 1999
    Argues that despite claims of self-styled 'postmodernists of resistance', postmodernism provides neither a viable educational politics nor a foundation for effective radical educational practice. In place of postmodernism, the bookoutlines a 'politics of human resistance' which puts the challenge to capitalism and its attendant inequalities firmly on the agenda of educational theory, politics and practice.
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  28.  43
    Stalking the poverty consumer a retrospective examination of modern ethical dilemmas.Ronald Paul Hill - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 37 (2):209 - 219.
    This research takes a retrospective look at modern consumption opportunities of the U.S. poor from both sides of the marketing exchange relationship. The paper opens with a critical assessment of the consumer-behavior literature and its primary focus on middle-class Americans. The next section profiles the impoverished and their purchasing habits and closes with a summary of how both have changed over the last forty years. Then a theoretical account is presented using consumer literature from the same timeframe. The paper ends (...)
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  29. Treating Criminals as Ends in Themselves.Thomas E. Hill - 2003 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 11.
    Bezugnehmend auf Kants Moralphilosophie entwickelt dieser Beitrag eine These dazu, was mit der Forderung gemeint sein soll, Personen unter Beachtung ihrer Würde bzw. als "Zweck an sich selbst" zu behandeln. Es wird vorgeschlagen, die Implikationen von Kants "Menschheitsformel" als ein Bündel von mit einander verwandten Vorschriften zu interpretieren, die das moralische Nachdenken darüber, wie die Prinzipien unserer tagtäglichen Entscheidungen spezifiziert und interpretiert werden sollten, leiten und begrenzen können. Der Beitrag bearbeitet sodann die folgenden drei Fragestellungen: Was folgt aus dem Vorangehenden (...)
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  30.  51
    ‘The Poor Man's Son’ and the Corruption of Our Moral Sentiments: Commerce, Virtue and Happiness in Adam Smith.Hill Lisa - 2017 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 15 (1):9-25.
    In order to operate effectively, modern capitalism depends on agents who evince a rather morally undemanding type of moral character; one that is acquisitive, pecuniary, recognition-seeking and merely prudent. Adam Smith is considered to have been the key legitimiser of this archetype. In this paper I respond to the view that Smith is actually sceptical about the value of material acquisition and explore whether he really believed that the pursuit of tranquillity and virtue—especially beneficence—offers a superior route to happiness than (...)
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  31. Ouch! An essay on pain.Christopher S. Hill - 2004 - In Rocco J. Gennaro, Higher-Order Theories of Consciousness: An Anthology. John Benjamins.
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  32.  61
    Poole-Frenkel conduction in amorphous solids.Robert M. Hill - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 23 (181):59-86.
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  33. The Intellectual Revolution of the Seventeenth Century.Christopher Hill & Charles Webster - 1976 - Science and Society 40 (4):479-486.
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  34. Van Inwagen on the Consequence Argument.Christopher S. Hill - 1992 - Analysis 52 (2):49.
  35.  54
    The Naturological View of the Corporation and Its Social Responsibility: An Extension of the Frederick Model of Corporation–Community Relationships.Ronald Paul Hill & Deby Lee Cassill - 2004 - Business and Society Review 109 (3):281-296.
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  36. Reasoning by analogy in inductive logic.Alexandra Hill & J. B. Paris - 2011 - In Michal Peliš & Vít Punčochář, The Logica Yearbook. College Publications. pp. 63--76.
  37.  49
    On Block's delineation of the border between seeing and thinking.Christopher S. Hill - 2024 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (4):1358-1366.
    This note is concerned with Ned Block's claim that cognition differs from perception in being paradigmatically conceptual, propositional, and non-iconic. As against Block, it maintains that large stretches of cognition constitutively involve, or depend on, iconic representations.
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    Rethinking Rand and Kant.R. Kevin Hill - 2001 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 3 (1).
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    Toward a theory of meaning for belief sentences.Christopher S. Hill - 1976 - Philosophical Studies 30 (4):209 - 226.
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    The First Wave of Feminism: Were the Stoics Feminists?L. Hill - 2001 - History of Political Thought 22 (1):13-40.
    The Hellenistic Schools of Epicureanism, Cynicism and Stoicism are considered to constitute the first, albeit modest, wave of feminism. But the question: ‘Were the Stoics Feminists?’ has attracted little attention due to a paucity of available evidence. What this paper attempts is a comprehensive treatment of the subject. In particular it addresses two distinct claims that have been made about the Stoic attitude to women. The first claim challenges the view that the Stoics were thoroughgoing feminists. The second is that, (...)
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  41. Why Do We Believe Humans Matter More than Other Animals?Scott Hill & Michael Bertrand - 2020 - Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research:1 - 8.
    Some recent psychological studies suggest that the belief that humans matter more than other animals can be strengthened by cognitive dissonance. Jaquet (forthcom- ing) argues that some of these studies also show that the relevant belief is primar- ily caused by cognitive dissonance and is therefore subject to a debunking argument. We offer an alternative hypothesis according to which we are already speciesist but cognitive dissonance merely enhances our speciesism. We argue that our hypothesis explains the results of the studies (...)
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  42. Modeling the Metaphysics of the Incarnation.Jonathan Hill - 2008 - Philosophy and Theology 20 (1-2):99-128.
    What metaphysics can plausibly back up the claim that God became incarnate? In this essay we investigate the main kinds of models of incarnation that have been historically proposed. We highlight the philosophical assumptions in each model, and on this basis offernovel ways of grouping them as metaphysical rather than doctrinal positions. We examine strengths and weaknesses of the models,and argue that ‘composition models’ offer the most promising way forward to account for the pivotal Christian belief that, in Christ,true divinity (...)
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  43.  75
    Phallocentrism in Bergson: Life and Matter.Rebecca Hill - 2008 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 2 (Suppl):123-136.
    Henri Bergson's philosophy presents the relationship between life and matter in both dualistic and monistic terms. Life is duration, a rhythm of incalculable novelty that approaches pure creative activity. In stark contrast, matter is identified with the determinism of homogeneous space. After Time and Free Will, Bergson concedes some share of duration to matter. In this context, his dualism can be understood as a methodological step towards the articulation of a monistic metaphysics of duration. This article suggests that the distinction (...)
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  44. The Role of Stereotypes in Theorizing About Conspiracy Theories: A Reply to Dentith.Scott Hill - 2022 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 11 (8):93-99.
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  45. What's Luck Got to do with the Luck Pincer?Jesse Hill - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 103 (4):837-858.
    Luck skepticism is the view that no one is ever morally responsible for anything because of the nature and ubiquity of luck. One acclaimed argument in favor of this view is Neil Levy’s luck pincer. The luck pincer holds that all morally significant acts or events involve either present luck, constitutive luck, or both and that present and constitutive luck each negate moral responsibility. Therefore, no one is ever morally responsible for any action or event. I argue that this argument (...)
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    Marx's Reading of Adam Ferguson and the Idea of Progress.Jack A. Hill - 2013 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 11 (2):167-190.
    Karl Marx misappropriated Ferguson's thought even though he championed the Scot's remarks on the division of labor. The argument is developed by examining Marx's specific quotations of Ferguson in literary context and by critiquing Marx's quotations in light of three ethical categories that are implicit in Ferguson's idea of progress. Marx not only presents a highly selective reading of Ferguson and espouses a view of history that is antithetical to Ferguson's idea of progress, but he fails to do justice to (...)
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  47.  52
    Practical reason, the moral law, and choice.Thomas Hill - 2012 - Analytic Philosophy 53 (1):71-78.
  48.  29
    Place and response learning in the white rat under simplified and mutually isolated conditions.Charles W. Hill & Leland E. Thune - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 43 (4):289.
  49. 'Resemblance'and Locke's primary-secondary quality distinction.Benjamin Hill - 2004 - Locke Studies 4:89-122.
  50.  73
    Solidarity, objectivity, and the human form of life: Wittgenstein vs. Rorty.Greg Hill - 1997 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 11 (4):555-580.
    Reason, objectivity, and human nature are now suspect ideas. Among postmodern thinkers, Richard Rorty has advanced an especially forceful critique of these notions. Drawing partly on Wittgenstein's philosophy of language, Rorty contends that objectivity is no more than a metaphysical name for intersubjective agreement, and that “human nature” is an empty category, there being nothing beneath history and culture. Wittgenstein himself, however, recognized within the world's many civilizations “the common behavior of mankind,” without which Rorty's ethnocentric “solidarity” would be inconceivable. (...)
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