Results for 'Vivienne Lewin'

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  1.  20
    Faszinosum Zwillinge: ganz besondere Geschwister.Vivienne Lewin - 2017 - Psyche 71 (9):865-897.
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    Kurt-Lewin-Werkausgabe: Psychologie der Entwicklung und Erziehung.Kurt Lewin & Carl Friedrich Graumann - 1981
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    A Note from Kurt Lewin.Kurt Lewin - 1938 - Science and Society 2 (2):259 -.
  4. Das System der Ideen. Zur perspektivistisch-metaphilosophischen Begründung der Vernunft im Anschluss an Kant und Fichte.Michael Lewin - 2021 - Freiburg / München: Alber.
    Michael Lewin geht es in seinem Buch um die Vernunft als ein wohlbegründetes und in zeitgenössischen Kontexten fortführbares Forschungsprogramm. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Theorienreihe zu vielfältigen Arten und Funktionen der Ideen, mit deren Hilfe die Vernunft das Verstehen und Wollen steuert und selbstreflexiv wird. Dazu entwickelt der Autor unter dem Stichpunkt „reflektierter Perspektivismus“ das Programm einer perspektivistischen Metaphilosophie, die den Hintergrundparametern forschungsprogrammatische Festlegungen (in Anlehnung an Imre Lakatos), Ansprüche und (Wissens-)Ziele hinter den philosophischen Positionierungen nachspürt und dadurch (...)
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    Self-Interest and Public Interest in Western Politics.Leif Lewin - 1991 - Oxford University Press.
    Although Professor Lewin is not testing existing views that, for people in politics, 'egoism rules' on deep theoretical grounds, he strongly argues that empirical facts do not support such views and thus opens a new chapter in the debate on ...
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  6. A Dynamic Theory of Personality.K. Lewin, D. K. Adams & K. E. Zener - 1936 - Mind 45 (178):246-251.
  7.  59
    The Linguistic Philosophies of Prodicus in Xenophon's 'Choice of Heracles'?Vivienne J. Gray - 2006 - Classical Quarterly 56 (02):426-435.
  8.  55
    Adam Smith's discourse: canonicity, commerce, and conscience.Vivienne Brown - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    This book develops the existing analyses of the founder of free market economics, and gives it a radical new extension by taking into account recent debates in literary theory.
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    Complexity: life at the edge of chaos.Roger Lewin - 1993 - New York: Maxwell Macmillan International.
    "Put together one of the world's best science writers with one of the universe's most fascinating subjects and you are bound to produce a wonderful book.... The subject of complexity is vital and controversial. This book is important and beautifully done."--Stephen Jay Gould "[Complexity] is that curious mix of complication and organization that we find throughout the natural and human worlds: the workings of a cell, the structure of the brain, the behavior of the stock market, the shifts of political (...)
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  10. ‘Mere Inventions of the Imagination’: A Survey of Recent Literature on Adam Smith.Vivienne Brown - 1997 - Economics and Philosophy 13 (2):281-312.
    As late twentieth-century discourses of modernity and postmodernity invoke their Enlightenment heritage in a search for the origins of their present achievements and predicaments, Adam Smith's works are still seen as a canonic representative of that heritage. Smith has long been evoked as the ‘father’ of economics and the original proponent of laissez-faire capitalism, but the political changes in recent decades have reconstituted his iconic status. With the full range of Smith's published and unpublished writings and lectures now widely available, (...)
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    ${\rm C}_1$ is not algebraizable.R. A. Lewin, I. F. Mikenberg & M. G. Schwarze - 1991 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 32 (4):609-611.
  12. Historical interpretation, intentionalism and philosophy of mind.Vivienne Brown - 2007 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 1 (1):25-62.
    Historiographic debates keep returning to issues of authorial intention in the interpretation of texts. This paper offers a response to these debates by differentiating between two versions of intentionalism, termed 'substantive intentionalism' and 'formal intentionalism', according to two different senses of 'identity' in the thesis that assigned meaning is identified with authorial intention, such that these two versions of intentionalism imply different ontological commitments to what are construed as the relevant authorial intentions. These distinctions and arguments are then related to (...)
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  13.  38
    Using a Qualitative Approach to Gain Insights into the Business Ethics Experiences of Australian Managers in China.Vivienne Brand & Amy Slater - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 45 (3):167 - 182.
    This study investigated the business ethics experiences of Australian managers in China, using qualitative methodology to identify themes. Thirty-one Australian managers who had spent on average 8.7 years working in business connected to China participated in in-depth interviews regarding their business ethics experiences in China. Commonly, managers identified issues relating to a broad spectrum which could be labelled "bribery and facilitation". Other repeated themes included requests for visa assistance, employee theft, nepotism and non-adherence to contractual obligations. This study has important (...)
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  14.  19
    Re-placing “Place” in Internationalised Higher Education: Reflections from Aotearoa New Zealand.Vivienne Anderson & Zoë Bristowe - 2021 - Studies in Social Justice 14 (2):410-428.
    Aotearoa New Zealand is a small, island nation located on the rim of Oceania. Since colonisation by British settlers in the mid-1800s, the internationalisation of higher education in Aotearoa New Zealand has reflected shifting notions of nationhood – from an extension of Great Britain, to a bicultural nation, to a player in the global knowledge economy. Since the late 1980s, internationalisation policy has reflected the primacy of market concerns; the internationalisation of HE has been imagined primarily as a means to (...)
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  15. Democratic pedagogy : thinking together.Vivienne Baumfield - 2016 - In Steve Higgins & Frank Coffield (eds.), John Dewey's Democracy and education: a British tribute. London: UCL Institute of Education Press.
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    Ethical Attitudes of a Cohort of Future Professionals–Implications for the Teaching of Ethics.Vivienne Brand & Roy I. Brown - 1998 - Teaching Business Ethics 2 (4):389-410.
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    The Adam Smith Review Volume 4.Vivienne Brown - 2010 - Routledge.
    Adam Smith’s contribution to economics is well-recognised but in recent years scholars have been exploring anew the multidisciplinary nature of his works. The Adam Smith Review is a refereed annual review that provides a unique forum for interdisciplinary debate on all aspects of his Adam Smith’s works, his place in history, and the significance of his writings for the modern world. It is aimed at facilitating debate between scholars working across the humanities and social sciences, thus emulating the transdisciplinary reach (...)
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  18.  57
    A Short Response to David M. Johnson ‘Xenophon’s Socrates on Law and Justice’.Vivienne Gray - 2004 - Ancient Philosophy 24 (2):442-446.
  19. A New Light in the East: A History of the Diocese of Broken Bay 1986-2001 [Book Review].Vivienne Keely - 2006 - The Australasian Catholic Record 83 (3):380.
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  20. Unfeigned Love: Historical Accounts of Caroline Chisholm and Her Work [Book Review].Vivienne Keely - 2008 - The Australasian Catholic Record 85 (3):381.
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  21. The educational awareness of the future.David Lewin - 2022 - In Friedrich Schleiermacher (ed.), F.D.E. Schleiermacher's outlines of the art of education: a translation & discussion. New York: Peter Lang.
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    (4 other versions)Publications in French.Vivienne Mylne - 1965 - British Journal of Aesthetics 5 (3):295-297.
  23.  13
    Culture as Opposed to What?: Cultural Belonging in the Context of National and European Identity.Vivienne Orchard - 2002 - European Journal of Social Theory 5 (4):419-433.
    The past twenty-five years have seen an explosion of interest in nationalism and nationality in the social sciences - the past ten also in cultural studies. These two disciplinary areas define their objects of study differently, but both have recently started to converge in the pervasive use of the term `national identity', which in turn relies on the term `cultural identity'. Although theoretical complications entailed by the use of `identity' as a concept have been noted, the theorization of identity as (...)
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    On free annotated algebras.Renato A. Lewin, Irene F. Mikenberg & Marı́a G. Schwarze - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 108 (1-3):249-259.
    In Lewin et al. 359–386) the authors proved that certain systems of annotated logics are algebraizable in the sense of Block and Rigozzi 396). Later in Lewin et al. the study of the associated quasi-varieties of annotated algebras is initiated. In this paper we continue the study of the these classes of algebras, in particular, we report some recent results about the free annotated algebras.
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    Xenophon on Government.Vivienne J. Gray (ed.) - 1989 - Cambridge University Press.
    Xenophon of Athens was a pupil of Socrates and a philosopher in his own right. He wrote two of the texts included in this volume, the Hiero and the Constitution of the Spartans. The third, the Constitution of the Athenians, is found under Xenophon's name alongside the other two in the manuscripts. The works represent three distinct types of government, but there are common features throughout. This volume presents an introduction discussing Xenophon's views on government in the context of his (...)
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    Introduction: Cosmopolitanism: Between Past and Future.Vivienne Boon & Robert Fine - 2007 - European Journal of Social Theory 10 (1):5-16.
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    Technology and the philosophy of religion.David Lewin - 2011 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The last one hundred years has seen unimaginable technological progress transforming every aspect of human life. Yet we seem unable to shake a profound unease with the direction of modern technology and its ideological siblings, global capitalism and massive consumption. Philosophers such as Marcuse, Borgmann and especially Heidegger, have developed important analyses of technological society, however in this book David Lewin argues that their ideas have remained limited either by their secular context, or by the narrow conception of religion (...)
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  28. The Universe of Science. The Architectonic Ideas of Science, Sciences and Their Parts in Kant.Michael Lewin - 2020 - Kantian Journal 39 (2):26-45.
    I argue that Kant has developed a broad systematic account of the architectonic functionality of pure reason that can be used and advanced in contemporary contexts. Reason, in the narrow sense, is responsible for the picture of a well-ordered universe of science consisting of architectonic ideas of science, sciences and parts of sciences. In the first section (I), I show what Kant means by the architectonic ideas by explaining and interrelating the concepts of (a) the faculty of reason, (b) ideas (...)
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  29. Transcendental Philosophy as a Scientific Research Programme.Michael Lewin - 2021 - Kantian Journal 40 (3):93-126.
    Transcendental philosophy was not born like Athena out of Zeus’s head, mature and in full armour from the very beginning. That is why in both prefaces to the Critique of Pure Reason (1781 and 1787) Kant introduces the concept of transcendental philosophy as an “idea.” The idea understood architectonically develops slowly and only gradually acquires a definite form. As witnessed by the works of Kant himself and of his predecessors and followers, the idea of transcendental philosophy has undergone a series (...)
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    Herodotus' Literary and Historical Method: Arion's Story (1.23-24).Vivienne Gray - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (1):11-28.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Herodotus' Literary and Historical Method:Arion's Story (1.23-24)Vivienne GrayHerodotus' story of how the talented and original musical performer and conductor Arion of Methymna was rescued from the sea and carried to dry land by a dolphin is of great interest because of the literary and historical methods he uses.1 The story arises out of the siege of Miletus and is connected with it through Periander (1.20, 1.24.1, 7), but (...)
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    Dispersing the 'cogito': A Response to Vivian's Rhetorical Self.Philip Lewin - 2001 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 34 (4):335 - 342.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 34.4 (2001) 335-342 [Access article in PDF] "Dispersing the Cogito: A Response to Vivian's Rhetorical Self" Philip Lewin Bradford Vivian ("The Threshold of the Self," Philosophy and Rhetoric 33. 4: 303-18), in seeking to disrupt the cogito, claims that acts of creative self-constitution by a "rhetorical self" become possible as subjectivity is dispersed across subject positions. However, the apparent ability of the rhetorical self to (...)
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    Kant’s Metaphilosophy.Michael Lewin - 2021 - Open Philosophy 4 (1):292-310.
    While the term “metaphilosophy” enjoys increasing popularity in Kant scholarship, it is neither clear what distinguishes a metaphilosophical theory from a philosophical one nor to what extent Kant’s philosophy contains metaphilosophical views. In the first part of the article, I will introduce a demarcation criterion and show how scholars fall prey to the fallacy of extension confusing Kant’s philosophical theories with his theories about philosophy. In the second part, I will analyze eight elements for an “imperfect definition” of philosophy outlining (...)
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  33. Defining the 'field at a given time.'.K. Lewin - 1943 - Psychological Review 50 (3):292-310.
  34. Choice, moral responsibility and alternative possibilities.Vivienne Brown - 2006 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 9 (3):265-288.
    Is choice necessary for moral responsibility? And does choice imply alternative possibilities of some significant sort? This paper will relate these questions to the argument initiated by Harry Frankfurt that alternative possibilities are not required for moral responsibility, and to John Martin Fischer and Mark Ravizza's extension of that argument in terms of guidance control in a causally determined world. I argue that attending to Frankfurt's core conceptual distinction between the circumstances that make an action unavoidable and those that bring (...)
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  35. Reason, ideas and their functions in classical German philosophy [in Russian] | Разум, идеи и их функции в классической немецкой философии.Michael Lewin - 2020 - Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies 36 (1):4-23.
    Over the last two decades there has been a growing interest in the transcendental dialectic of Critique of Pure Reason in Germany. Authors, however, often do not pay enough attention to the fact that Kant’s theory of reason (in the narrow sense) and the concept of ideas derived from it is not limited to this text. The purpose of this article is to compare and analyze the functionality of mind as a subjective ability developed by Kant and Fichte with the (...)
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    Hypocrites! Social Media Reactions and Stakeholder Backlash to Conflicting CSR Information.Lisa D. Lewin & Danielle E. Warren - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-19.
    At a time when firms signal their commitment to CSR through online communication, news sources may convey conflicting information, causing stakeholders to perceive firm hypocrisy. Here, we test the effects of conflicting CSR information that conveys inconsistent outcomes (results-based hypocrisy) and ulterior motives (motive-based hypocrisy) on hypocrisy perceptions expressed in social media posts, which we conceptualize as countersignals that reach a broad audience of stakeholders. Across six studies, we find that (1) conflicting CSR information from internal (firm) and external (news) (...)
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  37.  19
    Adam Smith in his time and ours: Designing the decent society.Vivienne Brown - 1995 - History of European Ideas 21 (1):116-117.
  38.  40
    No Title available: Reviews.Vivienne Brown - 2008 - Economics and Philosophy 24 (2):259-265.
  39.  55
    The "Figure" of God and the Limits to Liberalism: A Rereading of Locke's "Essay" and "Two Treatises".Vivienne Brown - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (1):83.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The “Figure” of God and the Limits to Liberalism: A Rereading of Locke’s Essay and Two TreatisesVivienne BrownI. A current interpretative issue in reading John Locke’s texts is the relationship between Locke’s theology and political philosophy. 1 Reacting against the secular interpretations of C. B. Macpherson and Leo Strauss, John Dunn argued that Locke’s theology was axiomatic for the political philosophy of the Two Treatises of Government in that (...)
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    Dialogue in Xenophon's Hellenica.Vivienne J. Gray - 1981 - Classical Quarterly 31 (02):321-.
    The use of dialogue in Xenophon's Hellenica is a phenomenon that needs explanation. Among previous historians, Herodotus had used it frequently but Thucydides hardly at all. In Xenophon's own time, Ctesias had used it but not the author of the Hellenica Oxyrhynchia nor Ephorus to any great extent, as far as we can tell. Theopompus had plagiarized one of the Hellenica dialogues as well as adding others of his own. Generally, dialogue occurred less frequently in history writing than the set (...)
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    Interventions and Citations in Xenophon, Hellenica and Anabasis.Vivienne J. Gray - 2003 - Classical Quarterly 53 (1):111-123.
  42.  46
    Xenophon’s Prince: Republic and Empire in the Cyropaedia, by Christopher Nadon.Vivienne Gray - 2004 - Ancient Philosophy 24 (1):193-196.
  43. The Reverend Jeremiah Flynn, Persecution, and the Evidence of Michael Hayes.Vivienne Keely - 2008 - The Australasian Catholic Record 85 (1):3.
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  44. Concerning the Inspired Revelation of FJ Fétis.David Lewin - 1987 - Theoria 2:1-12.
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    Interpretations into monadic algebras.Renato A. Lewin - 1987 - Studia Logica 46 (4):329 - 342.
    In [3], O. C. García and W. Taylor make an in depth study of the lattice of interpretability types of varieties first introduced by W. Neumann [5]. In this lattice several varieties are identified so in order to distinguish them and understand the fine structure of the lattice, we propose the study of the interpretations between them, in particular, how many there are and what these are. We prove, among other things, that there are eight interpretations from the variety of (...)
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    P1 algebras.Renato A. Lewin, Irene F. Mikenberg & Maria G. Schwarze - 1994 - Studia Logica 53 (1):21 - 28.
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    Technology and the Good Life.David Lewin - 2011 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 15 (2):82-95.
    This essay argues that a purely secular philosophy of technology omits an essential aspect of technical activity: the ultimate concern for which any action is undertaken. By way of an analysis of Borgmann and Hickman, I show that the philosophy of technology cannot articulate the nature of the good life without reference to an ultimacy beyond finite human goods. This paradoxically implies that human beings desire something infinite which they cannot name, a paradox that theologians have long understood in terms (...)
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  48.  43
    A national curriculum in history: A very contentious issue.Vivienne Little - 1990 - British Journal of Educational Studies 38 (4):319-334.
  49.  26
    Wild Swimming Methodologies for Decolonial Feminist Justice-to-Come Scholarship.Vivienne Bozalek & Tamara Shefer - 2022 - Feminist Review 130 (1):26-43.
    This article thinks with oceans and swimming, in dialogue with decolonial feminist materialist approaches and other current novel methodologies which foreground embodiment and relational ontologies, in order to consider the conceptual potential of such diffractions for the project of alternative scholarly practices. We focus on swimming in the sea as one form of wild methodology and Slow scholarship that draws on hauntology to think about the possibilities of such methodologies for troubling normative academic practices directed at different ways of being (...)
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    The framing of Socrates: the literary interpretation of Xenophon's Memorabilia.Vivienne Gray - 1998 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner.
    The work is proven to have a unified and sustained rhetorical argument. It imitates the philosophical process that it attributes to Socrates.
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