Results for 'administrative disputes'

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  1.  45
    Mediation in Disputes between Public Authorities and Private Parties: Comparative Aspects.Salvija Kavalnė & Ieva Saudargaitė - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (1):251-265.
    This article deals with an analysis of mediation practice in disputes between public authorities and private parties based on examples of the application of different types of mediation in administrative disputes in France, the United Kingdom and Belgium . The application of mediation in countries under consideration is investigated through the evaluation of legal acts related to the subject and through the assessment of available official data provided by relative institutions. The historical development of the application of (...)
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    Administrative justice.Simon Halliday & Colin Scott - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer, The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Administrative justice receives varying emphasis in different jurisdictions. This article explores empirical legal studies, which fall on either side of the decision making-and-review dividing line. It then seeks to link research on the impact of dispute resolution and on-going administrative practices. The article also highlights limitations in existing impact research, focusing on the tendency to examine single dispute resolution mechanisms in isolation from others. Furthermore it suggests some future directions for empirical administrative justice research. It also explores (...)
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  3.  36
    De lege ferenda Attitudes of Professor Mykolas Romeris Concerning Administrative Court, and their Reflection in Modern Law of Lithuania (text only in Lithuanian).Arvydas Andruškevičius - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):25-37.
    In this article the influence of scientific attitudes of Prof. Mykolas Romeris upon modern administrative justice of Lithuania is investigated by historic and comparative aspects. In the first part of article the Professor’s ideas, stated in the fundamental monograph “Administrative Court”, published in Kaunas, in 1928, about the foundation of the Administrative court are reviewed. Here are also pointed out Prof. M. Romeris’ principal,alternative and critical notes concerning the draft of the Law of Administrative Court, made (...)
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    Problems of Pre-Trial Investigation of Legal Disputes in the Territorial Planning.Birutė Pranevičienė & Kristina Mikalauskaitė-Šostakienė - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (3):963-977.
    The process of territorial planning is complicated, because there are different and even opposite interest of persons related with particular territory. Administrative legal regulation of territorial planning in Lithuania underlies emergence of a legal conflict, namely the administrative litigation. Investigation of the administrative dispute applying the pre-litigation procedure allows the parties thereof to save both money and time. This article presents the problematic aspects of the pre-trial investigation of the administrative disputes arising in the area (...)
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    Administrative Constitutionalism”: Considering the Role of Agency Decision-Making in American Constitutional Development.David E. Bernstein - 2021 - Social Philosophy and Policy 38 (1):109-129.
    The last decade or so has seen an explosion of scholarship by American law professors on what has become known as administrative constitutionalism. Administrative constitutionalism is a catchphrase for the role of administrative agencies in influencing, creating, and establishing constitutional rules and norms, and governing based on those rules and norms. Though courts traditionally get far more attention in the scholarly literature and the popular imagination, administrative constitutionalism scholars show that administrative agencies have been extremely (...)
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  6.  26
    Administrative justice.Simon Halliday & Colin Scott - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer, The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Administrative justice receives varying emphasis in different jurisdictions. This article explores empirical legal studies, which fall on either side of the decision making-and-review dividing line. It then seeks to link research on the impact of dispute resolution and on-going administrative practices. The article also highlights limitations in existing impact research, focusing on the tendency to examine single dispute resolution mechanisms in isolation from others. Furthermore it suggests some future directions for empirical administrative justice research. It also explores (...)
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  7.  67
    Argument and alternative dispute resolution systems.Gregg B. Walker & Steven E. Daniels - 1995 - Argumentation 9 (5):693-704.
    Alternative dispute resolution occurs outside the litigation process. The alternative dispute resolution (ADR) movement in North America has emphasized viable alternatives to the litigation framework, such as arbitration, mediation, med-arb, multi-party facilitation, non-legal negotiation, mini-trials, administrative hearings, private judging (“renta-judge”), fact finding, and moderated settlement conferences. This essay addresses argument in the dominant alternatives: arbitration, mediation, and multi-party facilitation. Prior to comparing argument in these ADR systems, each will be briefly described.
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    Alternative Dispute Resolution Rules in the Rural Land Laws of Ethiopia from Access to Justice and Women’s Land Rights’ Lens.Abebaw Abebe Belay - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-13.
    Land is a constitutional issue in Ethiopia. Article 40 of the FDRE constitution enshrines governing provisions about rural and urban land. Legislation power is given to the federal government (Article 51(5) of the constitution) although this power can be delegated to regions (Article 50(9) of the same constitution). In contrast, administration power is allocated to regions (Article 52 (2(d)) of the constitution). The federal government has enacted the Rural Land Administration and Use Proclamation 456/2005. Both federal and regional land laws (...)
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    Life-Sustaining Treatment under Dispute.Jackson Milton - 2020 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 20 (4):667-682.
    The Texas Advance Directives Act stipulates the process by which physicians may withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment contrary to the wishes of the patient or medical proxy. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of families and clinicians have faced this personal and distressing dispute. Catholic teaching offers a rich tradition for assessing the ethics of life-sustaining treatment and analyzing disputes over its administration, yielding the conclusion that a Catholic defense of the Texas Advance Directives Act is untenable. Two objections rooted in patient (...)
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    Reflections from Chinese and Japanese Physicians on Medical Disputes.Hua Xu, Yining Ruan, Taketoshi Okita, Masao Tabata, Yasuhiro Kadooka & Atsushi Asai - 2024 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (4):683-709.
    Physician–patient disputes are a major problem in healthcare. Physician–patient conflicts, workplace violence, and direct involvement in disputes have a significant negative impact on the well-being of physicians. China and Japan have similar cultures but differing healthcare systems. The present study aimed to examine and compare the experiences and perceptions of Chinese and Japanese physicians regarding medical disputes. Qualitative descriptive content analysis was performed for 18 cases from each country to assess the major issues involved in each case (...)
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    Power dynamics between administrators and faculty on a unionized campus: A case study. [REVIEW]Denis Collins - 2003 - Journal of Academic Ethics 1 (3):239-266.
    This article offers a case study of labor relations in a higher education setting. The University of Bridgeport's faculty union was certified in May 1973 and decertified in August 1992. Contract negotiation disputes centered on shared governance, managing faculty reductions during a time of inflation and declining enrollments, and determining fair wages. The private university experienced four faculty strikes, culminating in a two-year faculty strike – the longest in U.S. higher education history. The university was also the first institution (...)
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  12.  38
    Anselm, Dialogue, and the Rise of Scholastic Disputation.Alex J. Novikoff - 2011 - Speculum 86 (2):387-418.
    The Italian-born Lanfranc of Pavia and his more illustrious pupil and compatriot Anselm of Bec have long been considered pivotal figures in the theological and especially philosophical developments of the late eleventh century. Long ago dubbed the “father of Scholasticism” on account of his attempts to harmonize reason and faith, Anselm has occasioned increasing scrutiny in recent years as scholars have begun to target the cultural and pedagogical role of Anselm and his milieu in the early stages of the twelfth-century (...)
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    Beyond the Courts: Artificial Intelligence as a Catalyst for Change in Justice Administration.William Orlando Alvarez Araque, Angela Liliana Pinzón Pinzón & Aracely Forero Romero - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:394-406.
    In the context of technological advances, the concept of digital justice is emerging, an extra-judicial sphere that uses technologies such as artificial intelligence to address controversial situations through physical assistants or even robots, if the litigant so wishes. Thus, while AI is effective in resolving simple disputes without human intervention, even UNESCO warns against its exclusivity in more complicated cases. From this perspective, through a qualitative approach and literature review, this research focused on examining the benefits and limitations of (...)
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  14. Legitimacy and the virtualization of dispute resolution.Laurens Mommers - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 13 (2):207-232.
    For any type of institutionalized dispute resolution, legitimacy is a crucial characteristic, as legitimate dispute resolution promotes, for instance, general trust in state institutions and participation in economic activity. A lack of legitimacy will prevent the acceptance of dispute resolution, and thereby its use. Although many textbook definitions limit the meaning of legitimacy to legality, in its every-day use legitimacy is in fact a much broader concept. It encompasses different criteria relating to the nature of dispute resolution: is a form (...)
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  15.  20
    Colonialism, Colonization and Land Law in Mandate Palestine: The Zor al-Zarqa and Barrat Qisarya Land Disputes in Historical Perspective.Alexandre Kedar & Geremy Forman - 2003 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 4 (2).
    This article focuses on land rights, land law, and land administration within a multilayered colonial setting by examining a major land dispute in British-ruled Palestine. Our research reveals that the Mandate legal system extinguished indigenous rights to much land in the Zor al-Zarqa and Barrat Qisarya regions through its use of "colonial law"--the interpretation of Ottoman law by colonial officials, the use of foreign legal concepts, and the transformation of Ottoman law through supplementary legislation. However, the colonial legal system was (...)
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  16.  45
    Resource allocation, welfare rights - mapping the boundaries of judicial control in public administrative law.E. Palmer - 2000 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 20 (1):63-88.
    In a recent line of cases, senior judges in the UK have been called upon to adjudicate in complaints over the failure of health and local authorities to meet the welfare needs of citizens. Local authorities claimed that the disputes had been precipitated by a lack of resources allocated by central government to meet local demand. This article examines the role of the courts in resolving a fundamental tension between central government policy of financial cost-cutting on the one hand (...)
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  17.  21
    Teorinės ir praktinės mediacijos taikymo prielaidos sprendžiant administracinius ginčus Lietuvoje.Ugnius Trumpulis - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1423-1437.
    Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjamos teorinės bei praktinės mediacijos taikymo prielaidos sprendžiant administracinius ginčus Lietuvoje. Remiantis mokslininkų darbais, teisės aktuose įtvirtintomis nuostatomis, administracinių teismų praktika vertinama, ar Lietuvoje galėtų būti taikoma mediacija, sprendžiant administracinius ginčus, ar šiuo metu egzistuojančiame teisiniame reguliavime galima pastebėti taikaus administracinių ginčų sprendimo galimybes. Straipsnyje pirmiausia akcentuojama galimybė kilusį administracinį ginčą išspręsti taikiai taikant mediaciją, t. y. suderinant skirtingus, konkuruojančius interesus, todėl būtent taikaus administracinių ginčų išsprendimo prielaidų ir buvo ieškoma analizuojant mokslininkų darbus, teisės aktus bei teismų praktiką. (...)
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  18.  44
    Can the Rule of Law Apply at the Border?: A Commentary on Paul Gowder’s the Rule of Law in the Real World.Matthew J. Lister - 2018 - Saint Louis University Law Journal 62 (2):332-32.
    The border is an area where the rule of law has often found difficulty taking root, existing as law-free zones characterized by largely unbounded legal and administrative discretion. In his important new book, The Rule of Law in the Real World, Paul Gowder deftly combines historical examples, formal models, legal analysis, and philosophical theory to provide a novel and compelling account of the rule of law. In this paper I consider whether the account Gowder offers can provide the tools (...)
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  19.  28
    Tax Law System and Charging Principles.Egidija Puzinskaitė & Romanas Klišauskas - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (2):675-695.
    Relying on the systematic, logical, and analytical methods, national legislation and some internationally accepted guidelines, as well as on the research conducted by the Lithuanian scientists and law practitioners, this article consistently and comprehensively deals with the problems arising in the areas of interpretation and application of tax law. The article examines the relevant tax concepts, studies the tax law system, deals with the relevant issues arising in the field of application of legal regulations on taxation, and provides a particularly (...)
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  20.  48
    (1 other version)Une science du libre-échange? La mise en scène de l’expertise scientifique à l’OMC.Christophe Bonneuil & Les Levidow - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 64 (3):, [ p.].
    Le différend commercial sur les OGM dans le cadre de l’OMC a mobilisé une expertise scientifique de façon quelque peu inédite. Dès le départ, le Groupe spécial a situé le différend dans le cadre de l’Accord sur l’application des mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires de l’OMC grâce à une nouvelle ontologie juridique. Ce groupe a mis en scène l’expertise scientifique en suivant des approches spécifiques définissant de quelle manière les experts seraient interrogés, les réponses qu’ils donneraient, leur rôle spécifique dans le (...)
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  21.  52
    Testing tenure: Let the market decide.Shermer Michael - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (6):584-585.
    Tenure debates and disputes are often irresolvable because of the complex and multivariate nature of contractual relationships between faculty and administration, and the nuanced and varying beliefs about tenure held by the professoriate. The Ceci et al. study leads this commentator to suggest a simple solution – allow individual institutions to define the parameters of tenure according to their unique core values. (Published Online February 8 2007).
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  22.  42
    Social Empiricism.Miriam Solomon - 2001 - Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.
    For the last forty years, two claims have been at the core of disputes about scientific change: that scientists reason rationally and that science is progressive. For most of this time discussions were polarized between philosophers, who defended traditional Enlightenment ideas about rationality and progress, and sociologists, who espoused relativism and constructivism. Recently, creative new ideas going beyond the polarized positions have come from the history of science, feminist criticism of science, psychology of science, and anthropology of science. Addressing (...)
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  23.  14
    Spór o prawo patronatu i prezenty na urząd prepozyta kościoła parafialnego w Oświęcimiu z roku 1533.Marek Hałaburda - 2021 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 27 (2):233-250.
    The Parish of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Oświęcim can boast a long and rich history. Although the exact date of its establishment is unknown, it can be assumed that its beginnings and the first parish church date back to the turn of the 12th century. The first written mention of the church dates back to 1304. The next source to mention the Oświęcim church was a papal tithe register from 1326. The town had already played an (...)
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    Issues of Compatibility Between Insolvency Proceedings and Commercial Arbitration.Rimvydas Norkus & Edvardas Sinkevičius - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1459-1478.
    Arbitration and insolvency proceedings are legal instruments governed by different objectives and different legal principles. While in arbitration the autonomy of the parties plays a major role, all insolvency proceedings are collective proceedings where autonomy of the parties is strictly limited, the majority of issues are regulated by binding legal provisions and strong controlling powers are vested into insolvency court. Therefore, in this article the authors analyse the issues of compatibility between insolvency proceedings and arbitration. The Lithuanian legal framework which (...)
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  25. The Practice of Punishment: Towards a Theory of Restorative Justice.Wesley Cragg - 1992 - New York: Routledge.
    This study focuses on the practice of punishment, as it is inflicted by the state. The author's first-hand experience with penal reform, combined with philosophical reflection, has led him to develop a theory of punishment that identifies the principles of sentencing and corrections on which modern correctional systems should be built. This new theory of punishment is built on the view that the central function of the law is to reduce the need to use force in the resolution of (...). Professor Cragg argues that the proper role of sentencing and sentence administration is to sustain public confidence in the capacity of the law to fulfil that function. Sentencing and corrections should therefore be guided by principles of restorative justice. He points out that, although punishment may be an inevitable concomitant of law enforcement in general and sentencing in particular, inflicting punishment is not a legitimate objective of criminal justice. The strength and appeal of this account is that it moves well beyond the boundaries of conventional discussions. It examines punishment within the framework of policing and adjudication, analyses the relationship between punishment and sentencing, and provides a basis for evaluating correctional practices and such developments as electronic monitoring. (shrink)
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  26. The cognitive geometry of war.Barry Smith - 1989 - In Constraints on Correspondence. Hölder/Pichler/Tempsky. pp. 394--403.
    When national borders in the modern sense first began to be established in early modern Europe, non-contiguous and perforated nations were a commonplace. According to the conception of the shapes of nations that is currently preferred, however, nations must conform to the topological model of circularity; their borders must guarantee contiguity and simple connectedness, and such borders must as far as possible conform to existing topographical features on the ground. The striving to conform to this model can be seen at (...)
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  27.  57
    Physicians' “Right of Conscience” — Beyond Politics.Azgad Gold - 2010 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 38 (1):134-142.
    Recently, the discussion regarding the physicians’ “Right of Conscience” has been on the rise. This issue is often confined to the “reproductive health” arena within the political context. The recent dispute of the Bush-Obama administrations regarding the legal protections of health workers who refuse to provide care that violates their personal beliefs is an example of the political aspects of this dispute. The involvement of the political system automatically shifts the discussion regarding physicians’ ROC into the narrow area of “reproductive (...)
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  28.  88
    The Barnes Case: Taking Difficult Futility Cases Public.Ruth A. Mickelsen, Daniel S. Bernstein, Mary Faith Marshall & Steven H. Miles - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (1):374-378.
    The recent Minnesota case of In re Emergency Guardianship of Albert Barnes illustrates an emerging class of cases where a dispute between a family proxy and a hospital over “medical futility” requires legal resolution. The case was further complicated by the patient’s spouse who fraudulently claimed to be the patient’s designated health care proxy and who misrepresented the patient’s previously expressed treatment preferences. Barnes demonstrates the degree of significant administrative and institutional support to the health care team, ethics consultants, (...)
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    From Abrogation to Dominion: Navigating India’s Neo-Colonial Settler Agenda in Kashmir and Elimination of Kashmiri Identity.Mehmood Hussain - 2024 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 21 (1):19-41.
    This paper examines the neo-colonial project of Narendra Modi implemented in Kashmir after the revocation of special status on August 5, 2019. The neo-colonial infrastructure supported by the threads of re-classification of legal residents and land designations intends to significantly transform the demography of Muslim majority Kashmir into a Muslim minority, consequently destroying the Muslim identity of the state. The abrogation of Article 370 and enactment of new domicile law has extended the legal and administrative control of New Delhi, (...)
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  30.  77
    Healthcare regulation as a tool for public accountability.Rui Nunes, Guilhermina Rego & Cristina Brandão - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (3):257-264.
    The increasing costs of healthcare delivery led to different political and administrative approaches trying to preserve the core values of the welfare state. This approach has well documented weaknesses namely with regard to healthcare rationing. The objective of this paper is to evaluate if independent healthcare regulation is an important tool with regard to the construction of fair processes for setting limits to healthcare. Methodologically the authors depart from Norman Daniels’ and James Sabin’s theory of accountability for reasonableness and (...)
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    Early Scotists at Paris: A Reconsideration.William Courtenay - 2011 - Franciscan Studies 69:175-229.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The early history of Scotism has been extensively explored in books and articles and is a topic frequently recounted in histories of medieval scholastic thought. Although Scotus read the Sentences at Oxford and possibly Cambridge before being appointed to read the Sentences at Paris, it was at Paris that Scotism is said to have developed out of the teaching of Scotus who, except for an interruption of almost a (...)
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  32.  62
    The Truth About Leo Strauss: Political Philosophy and American Democracy.Catherine H. Zuckert & Michael P. Zuckert - 2006 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Michael P. Zuckert.
    Is Leo Strauss truly an intellectual forebear of neoconservatism and a powerful force in shaping Bush administration foreign policy? _The Truth about Leo Strauss_ puts this question to rest, revealing for the first time how the popular media came to perpetuate an oversimplified view of a complex and wide-ranging philosopher. In doing so, it corrects our perception of Strauss, providing the best general introduction available to the political thought of this misunderstood figure. Catherine and Michael Zuckert—both former students of Strauss—guide (...)
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  33.  23
    European Biotechnology Regulation: Framing the Risk Assessment of a Herbicide-Tolerant Crop.Rene von Schomberg, David Wield, Susan Carr & Les Levidow - 1997 - Science, Technology and Human Values 22 (4):472-505.
    As products of the "new biotechnology," genetically modified organisms have provoked a wide-ranging risk debate on potential harm, especially from herbicide-tolerant crops. In response to this legitimacy problem, the European Community adopted precautionary legislation, which left open the definition of environmental harm. When the U.K. proposed Europe-wide market approval of a herbicide-tolerant oilseed rape, the proposal encountered dissent from some countries and environmentalist groups. Further debate on normative judgments became necessary to implement the precaution ary legislation. In dispute were several (...)
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    Are physicians requesting a second opinion really engaging in a reason-giving dialectic? Normative questions on the standards for second opinions and AI.Benjamin H. Lang - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (4):234-235.
    In their article, ‘Responsibility, Second Opinions, and Peer-Disagreement—Ethical and Epistemological Challenges of Using AI in Clinical Diagnostic Contexts,’ Kempt and Nagel argue for a ‘rule of disagreement’ for the integration of diagnostic AI in healthcare contexts. The type of AI in question is a ‘decision support system’, the purpose of which is to augment human judgement and decision-making in the clinical context by automating or supplementing parts of the cognitive labor. Under the authors’ proposal, artificial decision support systems which produce (...)
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    John of Salisbury.Cary J. Nederman - 2005 - Tempe, Ariz.: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.
    Life and career -- Early life and education (1115/1120-1147) -- In the service of Canterbury (1148-1156) -- Author and administrator (1157-1161) -- The Becket dispute (1162-1170) -- Final years (1171-1180) -- Writings -- Entheticus de dogmate philosophorum -- Policraticus -- Metalogicon -- Historia pontificalis -- Miscellaneous and spurious writings.
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    Criminal Liability for Negligent Accountancy.Justinas Sigitas Pečkaitis - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (1):343-357.
    This article presents the conception of negligent account management, analyses the rules of the criminal act that govern criminal liability for negligent account management, by focussing on the form of guilt and the problem of its content. The plenary session’s conclusion that the two offences – failure to administer bookkeeping and failure to protect the bookkeeping documents – can be committed both intentionally and negligently is disputed in this article. The adoption of the new Criminal Code in 2000, setting the (...)
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    The European Biomedical Ethics Practitioner Education Project: An experiential approach to philosophy and ethics in health care education.Donna Dickenson & Michael J. Parker - 1999 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2 (3):231-237.
    The European Biomedical Ethics Practitioner Education Project (EBEPE), funded by the BIOMED programme of the European Commission, is a five-nation partnership to produce open learning materials for healthcare ethics education. Papers and case studies from a series of twelve conferences throughout the European Union, reflecting the ‘burning issues’ in the participants' healthcare systems, have been collected by a team based at Imperial College, London, where they are now being edited into a series of seven activity-based workbooks for individual or group (...)
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    The elusive object of punishment.Gabriel S. Mendlow - 2019 - Legal Theory 25 (2):105-131.
    All observers of our legal system recognize that criminal statutes can be complex and obscure. But statutory obscurity often takes a particular form that most observers have overlooked: uncertainty about the identity of the wrong a statute aims to punish. It is not uncommon for parties to disagree about the identity of the underlying wrong even as they agree on the statute's elements. Hidden in plain sight, these unexamined disagreements underlie or exacerbate an assortment of familiar disputes—about venue, vagueness, (...)
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    Conflicts of Interest and commitment in academic science in the United States.Henry Etzkowitz - 1996 - Minerva 34 (3):259-277.
    An interest in economic development has been extended to a set of research universities which since the late nineteenth century had been established, or had transformed themselves, to focus upon discipline-based fundamental investigations.21 The land-grant model was reformulated, from agricultural research and extension, to entrepreneurial transfers of science-based industrial technology by faculty members and university administrators.The norms of science, a set of values and incentives for proper institutional conduct,22 have been revised as an unintended consequence of the second revolution. This (...)
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    Pratique et preuve expérimentale en France au XVIIe siècle. L’émergence d’un modèle coopératif.Christian Licoppe - 1993 - Revue de Synthèse 114 (3-4):383-421.
    Les philosophes naturels du XVIIe siècle accordent une importance croissante aux faits nouveaux et singuliers construits par des démonstrations spectaculaires réalisées devant témoins. Cet essai tente de montrer comment cette évolution s’opère comme une synthèse de deux courants auparavant disjoints, d’un côté la pratique coopérative et informelle, critique sans être véhémente, de savants dont Mersenne constitue un bon exemple dans les années 1630, et de l’autre celle des alchimistes, remettant radicalement en cause les savoirs traditionnels tout en restant viscéralement attachés (...)
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    Interpretation of Law and Judges Communities.Marek Zirk-Sadowski - 2012 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 25 (4):473-487.
    The principle of omnia sunt interpretanda refers to the derivational conception and derivational theory of interpretation. The principle appears in disputes concerning the role of a judge in the process of interpretation, and this has produced an effect that Polish theory of law is currently getting closer to the conceptions presented in the American debate on activism and textualism. In the practice of jurisdiction, the principle of omnia sunt interpretanda is mostly invoked outside theoretical context. It becomes a manifestation (...)
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    Consumer protection.Stephen Meili - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer, The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article deals with the issue of consumer complaint and various mechanisms aimed at addressing it. It reviews empirical studies of the interplay between consumer complaining behavior, dispute resolution mechanisms, and administrative enforcement of consumer laws. The article illustrates the evolution of consumer protection and provides a logical framework within which to suggest areas for expanded empirical work in this area. This article reveals research studies on complaining behavior focusing on marketing studies and socio-legal studies. It analyzes the studies (...)
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  43.  17
    Gott und die Welt Zum Verhältnis von Wissenschaft und Religion.Olaf Diettrich - 2008 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 50 (1):1-15.
    ZUSAMMENFASSUNGDie Kirche sieht sich in der Zuständigkeit für die Verwaltung des Transzendenten. Gestützt auf die Genesis erhebt sie aber auch den Erklärungsanspruch für die Entstehung der irdischen Welt. Jedoch weicht sie hier mehr und mehr der naturwissenschaftlichen Konkurrenz. Selbst die Evolutionstheorie wird heute nicht mehr rundweg abgelehnt. Die Neubewertung des Realitäts-begriffs und der Naturgesetze durch die evolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie zeigt jedoch, dass auch der Erklärungsanspruch empirischer Weltbilder überdacht werden muss, was nicht ohne Einfluss auf das Verhältnis zu den religiösen Weltbildern bleibt.Viel (...)
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    Bioethics Reconsidered: Theory and Method in a Post-Christian, Post-Modern Age.Hugo Tristram Engelhardt - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (4):336-341.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Bioethics Reconsidered: Theory and Method in a Post-Christian, Post-Modern AgeH. Tristram Engelhardt Jr. (bio)A candid assessment of the moral significance of our post-Christian, post-modern era calls for a reconsideration of the very project of bioethics. For many bioethicists, concerns for theory and method are secondary. 1 These scholars presuppose a common morality and a reasonable, overlapping consensus regarding [End Page 336] an appropriate polity. They assume as well that (...)
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    Due process procedures in faculty grievance codes.Douglas M. McCabe - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (15):1653-1662.
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze what some private universities are doing in the area of mediation and other alternative ways of solving faculty complaints – what some term "alternative dispute resolution." Special attention will be given to one of the most important ethical issues in this area at the operating level of individual universities – the due process procedures with respect to the processing of the grievances of individual faculty members in nonunionized colleges. The paper concludes with (...)
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    The Personality and Struggle of B'dîs b. Habbûs, the Leader of the Zirid Dynasty in Al-Andalus.Kadir Erbil - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 29 (1):95-112.
    In the history of Al-Andalus, Bâdîs b. Habbûs emerges as an influential leader, shining prominently in the mid-11th century as the ruler of the Al-Andalus Zîrî State. Bâdîs, belonging to the Berber Sanhâce tribe, attained a significant position in the political arena through remarkable ascent and leadership skills, establishing himself as a crucial figure in the Al-Andalus region. Throughout history, Sanhâce has been engaged in continuous rivalry with the Zenâte tribe, and the most notable period of these interactions occurred during (...)
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    A Matter of Principle: Humanitarian Arguments for War in Iraq.Thomas Cushman (ed.) - 2005 - University of California Press.
    Current debate over the motives, ideological justifications, and outcomes of the war with Iraq have been strident and polarizing. _A Matter of Principle _is the first volume gathering critical voices from around the world to offer an alternative perspective on the prevailing pro-war and anti-war positions. The contribu-tors—political figures, public intellectuals, scholars, church leaders, and activists—represent the most powerful views of liberal internationalism. Offering alternative positions that challenge the status quo of both the left and the right, these essays claim (...)
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    Sedition or Mere Dissent? Linguistic Analysis of a Political Slogan.Janny H. C. Leung - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (2):647-675.
    This paper reports the first case in which a linguist served as an expert witness in Hong Kong, a former British colony that has operated as a special administrative region of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) since 1997. The dispute was on the meaning of the political slogan “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times”, which was widely adopted during the 2019–2020 protests. The keywords “liberate” and “revolution” are smoking gun evidence for the prosecution in a large cluster (...)
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  49. Large-scale social experiments in Experimental Ethics.Julian F. Mueller - 2014 - In Christoph Lütge, Hannes Rusch & Matthias Uhl, Experimental Ethics: Toward an Empirical Moral Philosophy. London, England: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this article, I argue that experimental ethics – like experimental economics – should also concern itself with field experiments. In particular, I defend two claims: a) that philosophers in normative ethics could considerably narrow down their disputes if they could agree on a wider range of socio-economic facts; and that b) the socio-economic facts that would be needed for this could only be generated by deliberate large-scale social experimentation. This essay normatively grounds my interest in special administration zones.
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    The new conservatism and the critique of equity planning.M. Howard - 2004 - Philosophy and Geography 7 (1):79-93.
    This essay examines neoconservative criticisms of equity planning, and the challenges against the right of government to regulate local development and land use. The specific concern of this essay is how, or if, local development administrators (equity planners), should use their discretionary powers to ensure that city officials and private developers promote and protect the interests of urban residents, particularly the poor and disadvantaged. The essay begins by discussing the alleged conflict said to exist between needy urban residents and the (...)
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