Results for 'archiving'

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  1.  9
    Adorno: eine Bildmonographie.Theodor W. Adorno Archiv - 2003 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag.
    « Eine Vielzahl von bisher unpublizierten Texten, Bildern und Dokumenten eröffnet eine neue und unerwartete Perspektive auf das Leben und Werk Theodor W. Adornos. Von den frühen Zeugnissen aus der Kindheit, wie etwa einem bisher unbekannten Jugendtagebuch, das transkribiert und z.T. faksimiliert vorgelegt wird, über Dokumente aus seinen Studien- und Exiljahren bis hin zur Rückkehr nach Frankfurt und seiner Arbeit am Institut für Sozialforschung und an der Frankfurter Universität verfolgt der Band das Leben Adornos am Leitfaden von überaus anschaulichen, prägnanten, (...)
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  2. VI. Remains : The Finding Aid Folder: Seeking Order in the Archives of the Order.The Meta-Archival Working Group - 2021 - In D. Graham Burnett, Catherine L. Hansen & Justin E. H. Smith, In search of the third bird: exemplary essays from the proceedings of ESTAR(SER), 2001-2021. London: Strange Attractor Press.
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    Der Charakterbegriff in der Musik: Studien zur deutschen Ästhetik der Instrumentalmusik, 1740-1850.Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, Jacob De Ruiter & Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht - 1989 - Stuttgart: F. Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden.
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  4. Wittgenstein's Nachlass: The Bergen Electronic Edition: Windows Individual User Version, Text and Facsimiles.The Wittgenstein Archives at Bergen (ed.) - 2000 - Oxford University Press.
    Wittgenstein's Nachlass: The Bergen Electronic Edition is the only CD-ROM to give you instant facsimile and text access to the 20,000 pages of the philosopher's Nachlass as catalogued by Professor von Wright in his 1982 publication The Wittgenstein Papers. -/- The result of 10 years of academic research and editorial work by the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen this electronic edition is the first scholarly resource to apply a uniform, well-documented, consistent set of editorial principles to the writings. (...)
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  5. Histoire des Sciences Et Psychogenèse Actes du 4e Cours Avancé Organisé Par la Fondation Archives Jean Piaget En Collaboration Avec le Centre International d'Épistémologie Génétique À l'Université de Genève du 21 au 25 Juin 1982 = History of Science and Psychogenesis.Rolando Garcia, Fondation Archives Jean Piaget & Centre International D'épistémologie Génétique - 1983 - Fondation Archives Jean Piaget.
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    Works on Cartesians and Other 17th-Century Figures.Archives de Philosophie - 2003 - In Roger Ariew, Dennis Des Chene, Douglas Michael Jesseph, Tad M. Schmaltz & Theo Verbeek, Historical Dictionary of Descartes and Cartesian Philosophy. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press. pp. 293.
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  7. Werke und Briefe.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche & Weimar Stiftung Nietzsche-Archiv - 1933 - München: C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. Edited by Hans Joachim Mette, Karl Schlechta, Wilhelm Hoppe, Hans Frank, C. A. Emge & Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche.
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    Interférences et transformations dans la philosophie franÇaise et autrichienne: (Mach, Poincaré, Duhem, Boltzmann) : actes du Colloque France-Autriche, mai 1995.Antonia Soulez & Archives--Centre D'etudes Et de Recherche Henri-Poincarâe - 1999
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  9. Histoire des Sciences Et Psychogenèse = History of Science and Psychogenesis.Rolando Garcia, Fondation Archives Jean Piaget & Centre International D'Épistémologie Génétique - 1981 - Fondation Archives Jean Piaget.
  10. The Growing Mind. Multidisplinary Approaches.Mrs Anastasia Tryphon & Archives Jean Piaget - 1995 - Minds and Machines 5 (157).
  11.  3
    Die Verführbarkeit des Philosophen.Hans Blumenberg, Manfred Sommer & Hans Blumenberg-Archiv - 2000 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. Edited by Manfred Sommer.
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    Versuch über die Wiener Klassik: die Tanzszene in Mozarts "Don Giovanni".Albrecht Riethmüller & Archiv für Musikwissenschaft - 1972 - Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden.
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  13. Briefwechsel, 1936-1969.Theodor W. Adorno, Alfred Sohn-Rethel, Christoph Gödde & Theodor W. Adorno Archiv - 1991
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    Art, Rhythm, and the Truth of the Sensible. Henri Maldiney’s Phenomenological Aesthetics.A. Visiting Scholar at the Husserl Archives in Parishe is Currently Working on A. Phd Project Dealing & the Concept of Form in Merleau-Ponty’S. Philosophy - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):29-46.
    In this essay, I will examine Henri Maldiney’s phenomenological aesthetics, focusing on his claim that “art is the truth of the sensible.” This claim is presented by Maldiney in the context of a two-fold critique of Husserl’s and Heidegger’s respective attempts to phenomenologically elucidate the experience of artworks. According to Maldiney, both Husserl and Heidegger fail to recognize what he, following Erwin Straus, terms the “pathic” moment of sense experience, which is also the key moment of the aesthetic reception of (...)
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  15. Archive fever: a Freudian impression.Jacques Derrida - 1996 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In Archive Fever , Jacques Derrida deftly guides us through an extended meditation on remembrance, religion, time, and technology--fruitfully occasioned by a deconstructive analysis of the notion of archiving. Intrigued by the evocative relationship between technologies of inscription and psychic processes, Derrida offers for the first time a major statement on the pervasive impact of electronic media, particularly e-mail, which threaten to transform the entire public and private space of humanity. Plying this rich material with characteristic virtuosity, Derrida constructs (...)
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  16. Archives against Genocide Denialism?Melanie Altanian - 2017 - In Archives against Genocide Denialism? Basel, Schweiz: pp. 1-38.
    Considering the value of archives for dealing with the past processes, especially for the establishment of collective memory and identity, this paper discusses the role of archives in situations of conflicting memories such as in the case of the official Turkish denial of the Armenian genocide. A crucial problem of Turkish-Armenian reconciliation are the divergent perceptions of what to consider as proper ‘evidence’, i.e. as objective, reliable, impartial or trustworthy sources of knowledge in order to prove the Armenian genocide. The (...)
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    (1 other version)Archiving bodies: Kalinga batek and the im/possibility of an archive.Mark Joseph Calano - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 112 (1):98-112.
    An archive is an integral part of literate and social life and is in the custody of political institutions for their historical value. It is argued that societies who lack the faculty of recording histories contribute to the archive-making process in a different context. To advance this, the work of anthropologists on the Igorots, more specifically the Kalingas, of the Philippine Cordilleras, and their tattooing practices are considered for heuristic purposes. It is in these societies, where the concept of the (...)
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    Archives of philosophy.Frederick James Eugene Woodbridge (ed.) - 1907 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Excerpt from Archives of Philosophy Rhythm as a Distinguishing Characteristic of Prose Style: Assn: Lus. 50 cents. The Field of Distinct Vision: W. O. Bunions. 70 cents. The Influence of Bodily Position on Mental Activities: Ema E. Jonas. 50 cent. A Statistical Study of Literary Merit: Manama]: lyman Warns. 30 cents. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books (...)
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    Archives and history.Philipp Müller - 2013 - History of the Human Sciences 26 (4):27-49.
    This article probes the relationship between archives and history by examining the archive policy on historical research in the first modern administration state of the German lands, the kingdom of Bavaria. Given the continuing tradition of the theory and practice of the arcana imperii in the 19th century, state archives served first and foremost the state. As a result, researchers’ interest in archival material was to undergo an administrative vetting procedure, in order to safeguard the interests of the state. By (...)
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    Big Archive-Assisted Ensemble of Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms.Wen Zhong, Jian Xiong, Anping Lin, Lining Xing, Feilong Chen & Yingwu Chen - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-17.
    Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms have witnessed prosperity in solving many-objective optimization problems over the past three decades. Unfortunately, no one single MOEA equipped with given parameter settings, mating-variation operator, and environmental selection mechanism is suitable for obtaining a set of solutions with excellent convergence and diversity for various types of MaOPs. The reality is that different MOEAs show great differences in handling certain types of MaOPs. Aiming at these characteristics, this paper proposes a flexible ensemble framework, namely, ASES, which is highly (...)
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    Archival Heritage of Solovyov V.S. in Russia: Analytical Review.Aleksandra Yu Berdnikova & Бердникова Александра Юрьевна - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):818-828.
    The study is devoted to the study of actual state of the archival materials of V.S. Solovyov which are held in different funds of Russia. During the working process was carried out the analysis of Solovyov’s related materials in a number of archives of Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the context of this topic, documents from such archive funds as: RGALI, GARF, TsAGM, OR RSL (Moscow), OR RNL, IRLI RAS, RGIA (St. Petersburg) were reviewed. Particular attention was paid to the (...)
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    Archival action: the archive as ROM and its political instrumentalization under National Socialism.Wolfgang Ernst - 1999 - History of the Human Sciences 12 (2):13-34.
    In German archival terminology, the term Akte (file) as the basic unit of storage corresponds with its actualization as discursive (re-)action: the word ‘acts’ can designate at once the content of what is to be archived and the archive itself (Derrida, 1995: 17). Whereas the network of Prussian state archives from post-Napoleonic Germany until the First World War figured as a non-discursive juridical Read Only Memory of internal autopoetic bureaucracy, the German Weimar Republic sought to develop a more democratically transparent (...)
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    The electronic archive.George Myerson - 1998 - History of the Human Sciences 11 (4):85-101.
    This article concerns the electronic archive, in relation to the academy and to culture. It explores the metaphors by which the archive is con ceived, proposing as an exploratory and imaginative device an installa tion of the archived material from a contemporary newspaper database. The debates over the electronic archive are then viewed through four voices, each with a distinctive ethos, voices which draw on the other voices of Kant, Baudrillard and Derrida, of the Bible and contempor ary social theory.
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  24. Feminist archives: narrating embodied vulnerabilities and practices of care.Valentina Moro - 2022 - Biblioteca Della Libertà 57 (235):39-71.
    The outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 has exposed a shared condition of vulnerability on a global scale. How can we use vulnerability as an effective paradigm in order to foster collective political initiatives? This essay claims that the idea of care is key to understand the vulnerability framework as being both an epistemic and a political resource to address ethical issues. The first half of the essay recollects several arguments in Adriana Cavarero’s and Judith Butler’s most recent works, insofar as both theorists (...)
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    Archive.Mike Featherstone - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):591-596.
    The archive is the place for the storage of documents and records. With the emergence of the modern state, it became the storehouse for the material from which national memories were constructed. Archives also housed the proliferation of files and case histories as populations were subjected to disciplinary power and surveillance. Behind all scholarly research stands the archive. The ultimate plausibility of a piece of research depends on the grounds, the sources, from which the account is extracted and compiled. An (...)
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    Ethics, archives and data sharing in qualitative research.Julie McLeod & Kate O’Connor - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (5):523-535.
    This article investigates dilemmas in the archiving and sharing of qualitative data in educational research, critically engaging with practices and debates from across the social sciences. Ethical, epistemological and methodological challenges are examined in reference to open access agendas, the politics of knowledge production, and transformations in research practices in the era of data management. We first consider practical and interpretive decisions in archiving qualitative data, then map current policy and regulatory frameworks governing research data management, taking Australia (...)
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    The Archive of Development.Annette W. Balkema & Henk Slager (eds.) - 1998 - Brill | Rodopi.
    In the current debate on art, thought on time has commanded a prominent position. Do we live in a posthistorical time? Has objective art historical time and belief in a continual progress shifted to a more subjective experience of the ephemeral? Has history fallen away and, if so, what does this mean for the future of art? How does a visual archive relate to artistic memory? This volume investigates positions, arguments and comments regarding the stated theme. Philosophers and theorists explore (...)
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    Archiving Ruins and Aftershocks: Myriam Chancy’s New Narratives of the Haiti Earthquake.Rachel Douglas - 2024 - Paragraph 47 (2):196-213.
    How does Myriam Chancy create new human and humane narratives about the 2010 Haiti earthquake which challenge the dehumanizing stereotypes of global media reporting? Theorizing ‘ruination’ in relation to this specific Haitian earthquake context, I contrast Chancy’s ‘reckless optimism’ with a tendency of postcolonial melancholy. The article identifies a process of unsilencing the past by building on Michel-Rolph Trouillot’s idea of ‘silencing’ the past in new directions. It explores Chancy’s memory practice through an analysis of her remapping of multilayered/compounded memory (...)
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    Archives, Epistemic Injustice and Knowing the Past.Karl Landström - 2021 - Ethics and Social Welfare 15 (4):379-394.
    In this essay, I argue that the destruction or hiding of archives can cause long-lasting epistemic harms and constitute complex ethical challenges. The case of Kenya’s ‘migrated archives’ is argued to be an example of how actions in the past can have long-lasting epistemic consequences and can cause contemporary epistemic injustices and harms related to one’s knowledge of the past. The perpetrators of such harms and injustices are argued to have a backward-looking epistemic responsibility and to be liable to make (...)
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    Jewish archives and sources in the Nordic countries.Dóra Pataricza, Simo Muir, Sofie Lene Bak, Bjarke Følner, Vibeke Kieding Banik & Pontus Rudberg - 2021 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 32 (2):54-80.
    This article aims to give an overview of Jewish archives and archival sources in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. Besides describing significant existing collections, the article looks into ongoing archival projects, digitizing and infrastructure programs, and maps out future challenges.
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    Copy, Archive, Signature: A Conversation on Photography.Jeff Fort (ed.) - 2010 - Stanford University Press.
    This book makes available for the first time in English—and for the first time in its entirety in any language—an important yet little-known interview on the topic of photography that Jacques Derrida granted in 1992 to the German theorist of photography Hubertus von Amelunxen and the German literary and media theorist Michael Wetzel. Their conversation addresses, among other things, questions of presence and its manufacture, the technicity of presentation, the volatility of the authorial subject, and the concept of memory. Derrida (...)
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    Digital archives in the cloud: Collective memory, institutional histories and the politics of information.Michael A. Peters & Tina Besley - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (10):1020-1029.
    The archive is a cultural institution that creates a framework for the social and collective memory and as such is one of the collection of knowledge institutions that not only preserves and classifies “texts” but uses them to re-create collective memory and sometimes to invent cultural histories. Like all knowledge institutions, the archive is also a construction deeply implicated in knowledge politics or what Foucault calls power/knowledge. In the past the archive has functioned as a central metaphor for the construction (...)
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    Myth as archive.Vanda Zajko - 1998 - History of the Human Sciences 11 (4):103-119.
    This article utilizes Derrida's explorations of the archive in Archive Fever to debate the status of Greek myth as archive. It begins with out lining a conservative notion of the archive, particularly as it has been conceived by those whose object of study is myth. It ends with an interpretation of the myth of Cassandra that seeks to augment the archive, the archive that is now refigured in terms of metaphors of time and space. An archive has traditionally been considered (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty dans les archives Husserl: entretien avec Emmanuel de Saint Aubert.Silvana de Souza Ramos & Iracy Ferreira dos Santos Junior - 2024 - Discurso 54 (2):242-271.
    Silvana de Souza Ramos and Iracy Ferreira dos Santos Junior’s interview with Emmanuel de Saint Aubert explores the history and role of the Husserl Archives (Paris) in fostering multidisciplinary research in phenomenology. Saint Aubert clarifies Merleau-Ponty’s engagement with Husserl’s manuscripts, describing the situated and complex reading he undertook not only of these manuscripts but also of Husserl’s work as a whole. This aspect is particularly significant for contemporary French philosophical studies, as Merleau-Ponty played a pivotal role in introducing Husserl’s ideas (...)
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    Archival Discoveries Related to Ayn Rand’s Residences in Saint Petersburg (Petrograd/Leningrad).Mikhail Kravtsov & Mikhail Kizilov - 2022 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 22 (2):165-188.
    ABSTRACT This article provides new information about Ayn Rand’s residences in Saint Petersburg (Petrograd/Leningrad). The authors, who based the article on hitherto unknown archival documents, discovered new information regarding the exact location of the apartments where the Rosenbaums lived in the city from 1904 through the 1930s. Furthermore, the article provides information about where Rand’s grandparents, Berko (Boris) Kaplan and his wife Sarah, had been living. Additionally, it offers English translations and Russian originals of archival documents related to the aforementioned (...)
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    Crafting history: archiving and the quest for architectural legacy.Albena Yaneva - 2020 - Ithaca [New York]: Cornell University Press.
    Following the daily routines of collecting and record keeping at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Albena Yaneva tells the story of how the nature of architectural archives reflects the nature of design as a collective endeavor in which archivists, librarians, editors, curators, digital humanists, and conservators all play a role. She also makes an argument about the importance of architectural archive-making as an index of the cultural position of design in contemporary societies.
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    Archives in formation: privileged spaces, popular archives and paper trails.Michael Lynch - 1999 - History of the Human Sciences 12 (2):65-87.
    The article begins with Derrida’s etymology of the word ‘archive’: a privileged site to which records are officially consigned and in which they are guarded by legal authority. It explores contemporary variations on the theme of archive. The cases presented include efforts to construct scholarly archives that stand as personal monuments, struggles over the collection and consignment of records during official investigations of government scandals, and the ‘popular archive’ produced by the media spectacle surrounding the O. J. Simpson trial. The (...)
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    Copy, Archive, Signature: A Conversation on Photography.Jacques Derrida - 2010 - Stanford University Press.
    This book makes available for the first time in English—and for the first time in its entirety in any language—an important yet little-known interview on the topic of photography that Jacques Derrida granted in 1992 to the German theorist of photography Hubertus von Amelunxen and the German literary and media theorist Michael Wetzel. Their conversation addresses, among other things, questions of presence and its manufacture, the technicity of presentation, the volatility of the authorial subject, and the concept of memory. Derrida (...)
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    Archives of Refusal.Bonnie Honig - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (1):63-66.
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    Leaves on the Loose: The Changing Nature of Archiving Plants and Botanical Knowledge.Alette Fleischer - 2017 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 6 (1):117-135.
    This paper focuses on the relationship between the compilation of a herbarium in early modern history and the search for a classification of nature. By looking at the histories of different herbaria and their compilers, this paper shows how the nature of ordering botanical materials changes along with the search for a system of ordering plant knowledge.
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    Entangled Archives.Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld - 2022 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 31 (64).
    In this essay, I explore the founding violence that the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts can be said to rest on. I propose to view the building of Charlottenborg Castle which houses the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts as a “material witness” (Schuppli) to colonial history. I suggest that the building forms part of a material “cultural archive” (Wekker) of colonialism that can be seen as an entangled archive, that is simultaneously an entanglement of overlapping histories, and an (...)
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    Archives internationales d’histoire des sciences, 1-2 : Pline l’Ancien à la Renaissance.Pierre Caye - 2012 - Philosophie Antique 12:325.
    Les Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences présentent les Actes du colloque international sur Pline à la Renaissance : transmission, réception et relecture d’un encyclopédiste antique, organisé à Besançon les 27 et 28 mars 2009 par l’Institut des sciences et des techniques de l’Antiquité de l’université de Besançon sous la direction d’Alfredo Perifano. Ce recueil extrêmement riche, qui aborde en vingt-quatre contributions, toutes inédites et bien informées, les principales questions...
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    On archives, on an archive. The “Foucault exception”?Arianna Sforzini - 2020 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 13 (2):119-129.
    Is there a specificity peculiar to the “Foucault archives” that makes them a sensitive object for philosophical and critical thought today? Can we use the “Foucault case” to reflect more broadly on the question of the philosophical archive / archives – what does the creation of archives for philosophers imply in terms of the reception and re-actualisation of their thought? In this article, we will start with a description of the multiple Foucault archives existing today and the history of their (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Silence, in the Archives: Derrida’s Other Marx(s).Thomas Clément Mercier - 2020 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 13 (2):31-46.
    The idea that Derrida kept silent on Marx before the publication of Spectres de Marx, in 1993, has become a commonplace in Derrida studies and in the history of Marxism and French 20th century political thought. This idea has often been accompanied by a certain representation of the relationship between deconstruction and dialectical materialism, and fed the legend of deconstruction’s «apoliticism» – at least before what some have called Derrida’s «ethicopolitical turn», usually dated in the early 1990s. Against this narrative, (...)
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    Archive Fan-Fiction: Experimental Archive Research Methodologies and Feminist Epistemological Tactics.Holly Pester - 2017 - Feminist Review 115 (1):114-129.
    This essay proposes that subcultural practices such as gossip and fan writing are feminist epistemologies that can form radical archive inquiry and knowledge production, and creative outputs. Drawing on feminist new materialism and archive theory, I develop a set of principles for practice-based research methodologies that incorporate a researcher's intersubjective relationship with archive matter (e.g. records, documents, classification systems, social-material contexts) and consider the production of knowledge from such research as forms of tabulation. Fabulation here is seen as part of (...)
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    The archive on which the sun never sets: Rudyard Kipling.Sandra Kemp - 1998 - History of the Human Sciences 11 (4):33-48.
    In 'No Apocalypse. Not Now' Derrida claims that 'literature produces its referent as a fictive or fabulous referent, which is itself dependent on the possibility of archivising...'. Taking the Kipling archive as its point of reference, this article considers the claims involved in the idea of a literary archive (with its appeals to authority, intention, origin, propri ety). In view of the continuing fascination with the details and events of Kipling's life (the interweaving of his public and private self, and (...)
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    Archival strategies for contemporary collecting in a world of big data: Challenges and opportunities with curating the UK web archive.Helena Byrne & Nicola Jayne Bingham - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    In this contribution, we will discuss the opportunities and challenges arising from memory institutions' need to redefine their archival strategies for contemporary collecting in a world of big data. We will reflect on this topic by critically examining the case study of the UK Web Archive, which is made up of the six UK Legal Deposit Libraries: the British Library, National Library of Scotland, National Library of Wales, Bodleian Libraries Oxford, Cambridge University Library and Trinity College Dublin. The UK Web (...)
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    The Archives of Women in Science and Engineering and Future Directions for Oral History: Questions for Women Scientists.Tanya Zanish-Belcher - 2012 - Centaurus 54 (4):292-298.
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    Wild archives.Henning Trüper - 2013 - History of the Human Sciences 26 (4):128-148.
    The article examines the scholarly travels of Enno Littmann (1875–1958) in Syria and Ethiopia as providing an alternative model for understanding ‘the archive’ as a theoretical topos in connection with the production of historical knowledge in the 19th century. The argument seeks to dismantle the nexus between classification and modern European statehood – here discussed with the help of Derrida’s Mal d’archive – that has come to dominate debates on the epistemological place of the archive. Instead, the article seeks to (...)
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    Zugänge zum Archiv – Ein Parcours durch philosophische und kulturwissenschaftliche Archiv-Konzeptionen.Eva Schörkhuber - 2018 - Pro-Fil 19 (1):36.
    Das Archiv steht hoch im Kurs. Sowohl als Schauplatz theoretischer Auseinandersetzungen als auch als Gegenstand archivwissenschaftlicher Reflexionen und Neubewertungen bietet es unterschiedliche philosophische, kultur- und archivwissenschaftliche Zugänge, die miteinander korrespondieren oder sich in expliziten Widerspruch zueinander stellen. Was die philosophisch-kulturwissenschaftlichen und die archivwissenschaftlichen Zugänge jedoch verbindet, sind die Fragen nach den Gesetzmäßigkeiten, nach den Zuordnungen und den Vergegenwärtigungen, die im Archiv stattfinden und im Archiv ihren Ort haben. Der Parcours durch die unterschiedlichen Archiv-Konzeptionen, der in diesem Aufsatz unternommen wird, fokussiert (...)
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