Results for 'automation, technological unemployment, basic income'

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  1.  6
    Automation Creates a New Kind of Collective Property That Can Fund Basic Incomes, Equal in Size to the Total Incomes Lost to Automation.John K. Davis - forthcoming - Basic Income Studies.
    Technological unemployment is what happens when automation eliminates jobs and not enough new jobs arrive to employ everyone, leaving part of the workforce permanently unemployed. Who owns the money that used to pay them? Business owners will argue that it’s theirs. I will argue that it’s not. I consider and refute several arguments for their claim, and then argue that this money is collective property. Because it’s collective property, we can use it to fund basic incomes for the (...)
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    Massive Technological Unemployment Without Redistribution: A Case for Cautious Optimism.Bartek Chomanski - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (5):1389-1407.
    This paper argues that even though massive technological unemployment will likely be one of the results of automation, we will not need to institute mass-scale redistribution of wealth to deal with its consequences. Instead, reasons are given for cautious optimism about the standards of living the newly unemployed workers may expect in the fully-automated future. It is not claimed that these predictions will certainly bear out. Rather, they are no less likely to come to fruition than the predictions of (...)
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    Technological Unemployment and Meaning in Life, a Buen Vivir Critique of the Virtual Utopia.Ignacio Cea, Anja Lueje Seeger & Thomas Wachter - 2023 - Humana Mente 16 (44).
    In this article, we address the problem of the potential crisis in people’s life’s meaning due to massive automation-driven technological unemployment. Assuming that the problem of (re)distribution of economic resources to the whole of society in such a scenario will be solved (e.g. through provision of a Universal Basic Income), the question arises concerning the meaning of people’s lives in a world in which almost everyone does not have to (or even could not) work in order to (...)
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  4. “How to Pay for a Post-Work World: Automation and Collective Property.".John K. Davis - 2024 - In Kory P. Schaff, Michael Cholbi, Jean-Phillipe Deranty & Denise Celentano, _Debating a Post-Work Future: Perspectives from Philosophy and the Social Sciences_. New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    A “post-work world” can mean a couple of things. First, it can mean a world where we attach less importance to work, restructure work so that tasks and authority are distributed more equitably, and otherwise decenter and reform the world of work. Second, it can mean a world where people are no longer working because robots, artificial intelligence, and other forms of automation have replaced humans and there are no longer enough jobs for everyone. This paper is about the second (...)
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  5. BIG and Technological Unemployment: Chicken Litter Versus the Economists.Mark Walker - 2014 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 24 (1):5-25.
    The paper rehearses arguments for and against the prediction of massive technological unemployment. The main argument in favor is that robots are entering a large number of industries; making more expensive human labor redundant. The main argument against the prediction is that for two hundred years we have seen a massive increase in productivity with no long term structural unemployment caused by automation. The paper attempts to move past this argumentative impasse by asking what humans contribute to the supply (...)
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  6. Machines and Technological Unemployment: Basic Income vs. Basic Capital.Elias Moser - 2020 - In Steven John Thompson, Machine Law, Ethics, and Morality in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. IGI Global. pp. 205-225.
    Recently, economic studies on labor market developments have indicated that there is a potential threat of technological mass unemployment. Both smart robotics and information technology may perform a broad range of tasks that today are fulfilled by human labor. This development could lead to vast inequalities. Proponents of an unconditional basic income have, therefore, employed this scenario to argue for their cause. In this chapter, the author argues that, although a basic income might be a (...)
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    Universal Basic Income Universally Welcomed? – Relevance of Socio-Demographic and Psychological Variables for Acceptance in Germany.Antonia Sureth, Lioba Gierke, Jens Nachtwei, Matthias Ziegler, Oliver Decker, Markus Zenger & Elmar Brähler - 2024 - Basic Income Studies 19 (1):51-84.
    The COVID-19 pandemic plunged economies into recessions and advancements in artificial intelligence create widespread automation of job tasks. A debate around how to address these challenges has moved the introduction of a universal basic income (UBI) center stage. However, existing UBI research mainly focuses on economic aspects and normative arguments but lacks an individual perspective that goes beyond examining the association between socio-demographic characteristics and UBI support. We add to this literature by investigating not only socio-demographic but also (...)
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  8. Sex Work, Technological Unemployment and the Basic Income Guarantee.John Danaher - 2014 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 24 (1):113-130.
    Is sex work (specifically, prostitution) vulnerable to technological unemployment? Several authors have argued that it is. They claim that the advent of sophisticated sexual robots will lead to the displacement of human prostitutes, just as, say, the advent of sophisticated manufacturing robots have displaced many traditional forms of factory labour. But are they right? In this article, I critically assess the argument that has been made in favour of this displacement hypothesis. Although I grant the argument a degree of (...)
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    The Desirability of Automizing Labor: An Overview.Rosalie A. Waelen - 2025 - Philosophy Compass 20 (1-2):e70023.
    The debate about the impact and desirability of automizing labor is one that emerges alongside every major technological development. In recent years, attention for the potential ethical and social implications of automizing labor increased once again, in response to the successes and promises of artificial intelligence (AI) and other modern technologies. The aim of this article is, first and foremost, to introduce the reader to recent work on the desirability of automizing labor. The article distinguishes two philosophical debates about (...)
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  10. Automation, Basic Income and Merit.Katharina Nieswandt - 2021 - In Keith Breen & Jean-Philippe Deranty, Whither Work? The Politics and Ethics of Contemporary Work. Routledge. pp. 102–119.
    A recent wave of academic and popular publications say that utopia is within reach: Automation will progress to such an extent and include so many high-skill tasks that much human work will soon become superfluous. The gains from this highly automated economy, authors suggest, could be used to fund a universal basic income (UBI). Today's employees would live off the robots' products and spend their days on intrinsically valuable pursuits. I argue that this prediction is unlikely to come (...)
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  11.  30
    Social Interaction, Envy, and the Basic Income: Do Remedies to Technological Unemployment Reduce Well-being?Fabio D’Orlando - 2022 - Basic Income Studies 17 (1):53-93.
    The present article aims to utilize some insights from behavioral and happiness economics to discuss the consequences that the introduction of an unconditional basic income to cope with technological unemployment may hold for well-being. The impact of 21st-century technological progress on employment has only just begun to make itself felt and it will take time to realize its full extent. However, the main innovation is already common knowledge: robots are finding their way into the production process. (...)
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  12.  82
    The Future of Work, Technology, and Basic Income.Michael Cholbi & Michael Weber (eds.) - 2019 - Routledge.
    Technological advances in computerization and robotics threaten to eliminate countless jobs from the labor market in the near future. These advances have reignited the debate about universal basic income. The essays in this collection offer unique and compelling perspectives on the ever-changing nature of work and the plausibility of a universal basic income to address the elimination of jobs from the workforce. The essays address a number of topics related to these issues, including the prospects (...)
  13. In Defense of the Post-Work Future: Withdrawal and the Ludic Life.John Danaher - 2019 - In Michael Cholbi & Michael Weber, The Future of Work, Technology, and Basic Income. Routledge. pp. 99-116.
    A basic income might be able to correct for the income related losses of unemployment, but what about the meaning/purpose related losses? For better or worse, many people derive meaning and fulfillment from the jobs they do; if their jobs are taken away, they lose this source of meaning. If we are about the enter an era of rampant job loss as a result of advances in technology, is there a danger that it will also be an (...)
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  14.  24
    Technological progress, unemployment and universal basic income.Murilo Vilaça, Murilo Karasinski & Jon Rueda Etxebarria - 2024 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 72:139-154.
    As the world of technology increasingly intersects with humanity, one name stands out as a guide in this complex and ever-changing territory: James Hughes. In this interview, we had the opportunity not only to learn more about the author’s thinking and expertise, but also to explore the perspectives he brings on the technological future.
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  15. Work, Technology, and Inequality: A Critique of Basic Income.Kory P. Schaff - 2019 - In Michael Cholbi & Michael Weber, The Future of Work, Technology, and Basic Income. Routledge. pp. 90-112.
    Recent technological developments in automation threaten to eliminate the jobs of millions of workers in the near future, raising worrisome questions about how to satisfy their welfare. One proposal for addressing this issue is to provide all citizens with a “universal basic income” (UBI) that ensures everyone with a social minimum. The aim is to give all individuals an unrestricted cash grant that provides them with an income that does not depend on status, wealth, or employment. (...)
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  16. Artificial Intelligence, Jobs and the Future of Work: Racing with the Machines.Alban Duka & Edvard P. G. Bruun - 2018 - Basic Income Studies 13 (2).
    Artificial intelligence is rapidly entering our daily lives in the form of driverless cars, automated online assistants and virtual reality experiences. In so doing, AI has already substituted human employment in areas that were previously thought to be uncomputerizable. Based on current trends, the technological displacement of labor is predicted to be significant in the future – if left unchecked this will lead to catastrophic societal unemployment levels. This paper presents a means to mitigate future technological unemployment through (...)
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  17. Complex Adaptation and Permissionless Innovation: An Evolutionary Approach to Universal Basic Income.Otto Lehto - 2022 - Dissertation, King's College London
    Universal Basic Income (UBI) has been proposed as a potential way in which welfare states could be made more responsive to the ever-shifting evolutionary challenges of institutional adaptation in a dynamic environment. It has been proposed as a tool of “real freedom” (Van Parijs) and as a tool of making the welfare state more efficient. (Friedman) From the point of view of complexity theory and evolutionary economics, I argue that only a welfare state model that is “polycentrically” (Polanyi, (...)
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  18.  39
    Social-Philosophical Perspectives of Unconditional Basic Income.Alexander V. Pavlov - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (3):105-117.
    The article considers the problem of universal basic income. The author believes that this topic can become one of the most relevant for social-philosophical research. The author notes that although the problem has been of concern to philosophers and scientists for a long time, it has become especially relevant only recently – over the past ten years. The following reasons are given as an explanation: recent experiments on the introduction of a universal basic income in Western (...)
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  19. Automation, Labour Justice, and Equality.Denise Celentano - 2019 - Ethics and Social Welfare 13 (1):33-50.
    This article contributes to the debate on automation and justice by discussing two under-represented concerns: labour justice and equality. Since automation involves both winners and losers, and given that there is no ‘end of work’ on the horizon, it is argued that most normative views on the subject – i.e. the ‘allocative’ view of basic income, and the ‘desirability’ views of post-work and workist ethics – do not provide many resources with which to address unjustly unequal divisions of (...)
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  20. Technological Displacement and the Duty to Increase Living Standards: from Left to Right.Howard Nye - 2020 - International Review of Information Ethics 28:1-16.
    Many economists have argued convincingly that automated systems employing present-day artificial intelligence have already caused massive technological displacement, which has led to stagnant real wages, fewer middle- income jobs, and increased economic inequality in developed countries like Canada and the United States. To address this problem various individuals have proposed measures to increase workers’ living standards, including the adoption of a universal basic income, increased public investment in education, increased minimum wages, increased worker control of firms, (...)
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  21.  22
    Basic Income, Labour Automation and Migration – An Approach from a Republican Perspective.Yannick Fischer - 2020 - Basic Income Studies 15 (2).
    This research uses a normative approach to examine the relationship between basic income and migration. The decisive variable is the effect of labour automation, which increases economic insecurities globally, leaving some nation states in a position to cope with this and others not. The insecurities will increase migratory pressures on one hand but also justify the introduction of basic income on a nation state level on the other. The normative guideline is the republican conception of freedom (...)
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  22.  96
    Technological Unemployment, Meaning in Life, Purpose of Business, and the Future of Stakeholders.Tae Wan Kim & Alan Scheller-Wolf - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (2):319-337.
    We offer a precautionary account of why business managers should proactively rethink about what kinds of automation firms ought to implement, by exploring two challenges that automation will potentially pose. We engage the current debate concerning whether life without work opportunities will incur a meaning crisis, offering an argument in favor of the position that if technological unemployment occurs, the machine age may be a structurally limited condition for many without work opportunities to have or add meaning to their (...)
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  23.  76
    The future of work: freedom, justice and capital in the age of artificial intelligence.Filippo Santoni de Sio, Txai Almeida & Jeroen van den Hoven - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (5):659-683.
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is predicted to have a deep impact on the future of work and employment. The paper outlines a normative framework to understand and protect human freedom and justice in this transition. The proposed framework is based on four main ideas: going beyond the idea of a Basic Income to compensate the losers in the transition towards AI-driven work, towards a Responsible Innovation approach, in which the development of AI technologies is governed by an inclusive and (...)
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  24. Will Life Be Worth Living in a World Without Work? Technological Unemployment and the Meaning of Life.John Danaher - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (1):41-64.
    Suppose we are about to enter an era of increasing technological unemployment. What implications does this have for society? Two distinct ethical/social issues would seem to arise. The first is one of distributive justice: how will the efficiency gains from automated labour be distributed through society? The second is one of personal fulfillment and meaning: if people no longer have to work, what will they do with their lives? In this article, I set aside the first issue and focus (...)
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  25.  95
    Technologies, culture, work, basic income and maximum income.Alan Cottey - 2014 - AI and Society 29 (2):249-257.
    Radical changes of our cultural values in the near future are inevitable, since the current culture is ecologically unsustainable. The present proposal, radical as it may seem to some, is accordingly offered as worthy of consideration. The main section of this article is on a proposed scheme, named Asset and Income Limits, for instituting maxima to the legitimate incomes and assets of individuals. This scheme involves every individual being associated with two bank accounts, an asset account (their own property) (...)
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  26.  50
    Still Think Robots Can't Do Your Job? Essays on Automation and Technological Unemployment.Sergio Bellucci - 2019 - Ethics and Social Welfare 13 (1):93-95.
  27.  27
    More than Welfare: The Experiences of Employed and Unemployed Ontario Basic Income Recipients.Tom McDowell & Mohammad Ferdosi - 2020 - Basic Income Studies 15 (2).
    This article explores the experiences of employed and unemployed Ontario Basic Income recipients in the Hamilton and Brantford pilot site. Integrating data from surveys and interviews, the self-reported outcomes of both groups are summarized. These outcomes pertain to employment, physical health, mental health, use of health services, food security, housing stability, financial well-being and social activities. The article highlights the difference in the degree of improvements between recipients who were working before and during the pilot versus those who (...)
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  28. Technological unemployment and human disenhancement.Michele Loi - 2015 - Ethics and Information Technology 17 (3):201-210.
    This paper discusses the concept of “human disenhancement”, i.e. the worsening of human individual abilities and expectations through technology. The goal is provoking ethical reflection on technological innovation outside the biomedical realm, in particular the substitution of human work with computer-driven automation. According to some widely accepted economic theories, automatization and computerization are responsible for the disappearance of many middle-class jobs. I argue that, if that is the case, a technological innovation can be a cause of “human disenhancement”, (...)
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  29. Basic Income: A Simple and Powerful Idea for the Twenty-First Century.Philippe Van Parijs - 2004 - Politics and Society 32 (1):7-39.
    A basic income is an income paid by a political community to all its members on an individual basis, without means test or work requirement. This article surveys the various forms the basic income proposal has taken and how they relate to kin ideas; synthesizes the central case for basic income, as a strategy against both poverty and unemployment; examines the question of whether and in what sense a universal basic income (...)
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  30.  21
    Basic Income, Wages, and Productivity: A Laboratory Experiment.Veera Amanda Jokipalo - 2019 - Basic Income Studies 14 (2).
    This paper reports the results of an economic lab experiment designed to test the impact of Basic Income (BI) on wages and productivity. The experimental design is based on the classic gift exchange game. Participants assigned the role of employer were tasked with making wage offers, and those assigned as employees chose how hard they would work in return. In addition to a control without any social security net, BI was compared to unemployment benefits, and both types of (...)
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  31.  32
    An Intergenerational Justice Approach to Technological Unemployment.Danielle Swanepoel - 2023 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 12 (2):239-256.
    Technological unemployment is a very real phenomenon that should be addressed by governments and businesses alike. This paper argues that current approaches to technological unemployment are short-sighted in that they focus predominantly and primarily on current generations. This kind of approach results in harm such as ignoring impending meaning-crises and propagating a potential form of human-quota-driven tokenism in the process of implementing automation in the workplace. Arguably, current generations can (and should) benefit from communal resources insofar as they (...)
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  32. Algorithms and Posthuman Governance.James Hughes - 2017 - Journal of Posthuman Studies.
    Since the Enlightenment, there have been advocates for the rationalizing efficiency of enlightened sovereigns, bureaucrats, and technocrats. Today these enthusiasms are joined by calls for replacing or augmenting government with algorithms and artificial intelligence, a process already substantially under way. Bureaucracies are in effect algorithms created by technocrats that systematize governance, and their automation simply removes bureaucrats and paper. The growth of algorithmic governance can already be seen in the automation of social services, regulatory oversight, policing, the justice system, and (...)
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  33.  21
    Basic Income and Social Sustainability in Post-Growth Economies.Simon Birnbaum, Eva Alfredsson & Mikael Malmaeus - 2020 - Basic Income Studies 15 (1).
    A central task in efforts to identify pathways to ecologically and socially sustainable economies is to reduce inequality and poverty while reducing material consumption, which has recently inspired future post-growth scenarios. We build a model to explore the potential of a universal basic income (UBI) to serve these objectives. Starting from the observation that post-growth trajectories can take very different forms we analyze UBI in two scenarios advanced in the literature. Comparing UBI in a “local self-sufficiency” economy to (...)
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  34.  75
    Basic Income and the Labor Contract.Claus Offe - 2009 - Analyse & Kritik 31 (1):49-79.
    The paper starts by exploring the negative contingencies that are associated with the core institution of capitalist societies, the labour contract: unemployment, poverty, and denial of autonomy. It argues that these are the three conditions that basic income schemes can help prevent. Next, the three major normative arguments are discussed that are raised by opponents of basic income proposals: the idle should not be rewarded, the prosperous don’t need it, and there are so many things waiting (...)
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  35. Relational Sufficientarianism and Basic Income.Justin Tosi - 2019 - In Michael Cholbi & Michael Weber, The Future of Work, Technology, and Basic Income. Routledge. pp. 49-61.
    Basic income policies have recently enjoyed a great deal of discussion, but they are not a natural fit with views of distributive or social justice endorsed by many moral and political philosophers. This essay develops and defends a new view of social justice, called relational sufficientarianism, which is more compatible with a universal basic income. Relational sufficientarianism holds that persons in a just society must have sufficient social status, but not necessarily equal social status. It argues (...)
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  36.  92
    Automation, Unemployment, and Taxation.Tom Parr - 2022 - Social Theory and Practice 48 (2):357-378.
    Automation can bring the risk of technological unemployment, as employees are replaced by machines that can carry out the same or similar work at a fraction of the cost. Some believe that the appropriate response is to tax automation. In this paper, I explore the justifiability of view, maintaining that we can embrace automation so long as we compensate those employees whose livelihoods are destroyed by this process by creating new opportunities for employment. My contribution in this paper is (...)
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  37. Wickedness, idleness and basic income.Doris Schroeder - 2001 - Res Publica 7 (1):1-12.
    This paper critically analyses the position that basic income schemes foster idleness and thereby create harm. The view is based on an alleged empirical link between idleness and violent crime and an equation of non-activity with the creation of burden for others. It will be argued that the empirical claim is weak because it relies on conjectures derived from studies on unemployment. In addition, opponents arguing that basic income leads to an unfair distribution of burden between (...)
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  38.  40
    Automation, unemployment, and insurance.Tom Parr - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (3):1-11.
    How should policymakers respond to the risk of technological unemployment that automation brings? First, I develop a procedure for answering this question that consults, rather than usurps, individuals’ own attitudes and ambitions towards that risk. I call this the insurance argument. A distinctive virtue of this view is that it dispenses with the need to appeal to a class of controversial reasons about the value of employment, and so is consistent with the demands of liberal political morality. Second, I (...)
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    Universal Basic Income as a Way of Redistribution of Experience between Individuals and Groups.Alexander A. Pisarev - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (3):131-141.
    This article reviews the possible role of the universal basic income in the transformation of experience in gender and age perspectives. The universal basic income has been particularly hotly debated in recent decades. Regardless of the position, the common tone of the debates is the imperative “we must experiment.” Such a close interest in the universal basic income derives from the fact that it threatens to change the “generic” for humans situation of finiteness of (...)
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  40. The rise of artificial intelligence and the crisis of moral passivity.Berman Chan - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (4):991-993.
    Set aside fanciful doomsday speculations about AI. Even lower-level AIs, while otherwise friendly and providing us a universal basic income, would be able to do all our jobs. Also, we would over-rely upon AI assistants even in our personal lives. Thus, John Danaher argues that a human crisis of moral passivity would result However, I argue firstly that if AIs are posited to lack the potential to become unfriendly, they may not be intelligent enough to replace us in (...)
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    Neuroliberalism in Action: The Finnish Experiment with Basic Income.Mona Mannevuo - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (4):27-47.
    This article considers the entanglements of neuroscience, economics and behaviourism in a two-year experiment (2017–18) with basic income in Finland. The participants in this mandatory, state-led experiment are unemployed individuals (25–58 years old) recruited by the National Social Insurance Institution. The experiment is a randomised controlled trial intended to provide useful information about the impacts of basic income on employment and well-being. Focusing on the epistemological foundations of the experiment, this analysis suggests that the Finnish trial (...)
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  42. Technology as enabler of the automation of work? Current societal challenges for a future perspective of work.António Moniz, Bettina-Johanna Krings & Philipp Frey - 2021 - Revista Brasileira de Sociologia 9:206-229.
    Due to the innovative possibilities of digital technologies, the issue of increasing automation is once again on the agenda – and not only in the industry, but also in other branches and sectors of contemporary societies. Although public and scientific discussions about automation seem to raise relevant questions of the “old” debate, such as the replacement of human labor by introducing new technologies, the authors focus here on the new contextual quality of these questions. The debate should rethink the relationship (...)
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    Exploring the Health Case for Universal Basic Income: Evidence from GPs Working with Precarious Groups.Robert Geyer, Dan Degerman & Matthew Johnson - 2019 - Basic Income Studies 14 (2).
    This article draws upon clinical experience of GPs working in a deprived area of the North East of England to examine the potential contribution of Universal Basic Income to health by mitigating ‘patient-side barriers’ among three cohorts experiencing distinct forms of ‘precariousness’: 1) long-term unemployed welfare recipients with low levels of education (lumpenprecariat); 2) workers on short-term/zero-hours contracts with low levels of education (‘lower’ precariat); 3) workers on short-term/zero-hours contracts with relatively high levels of education (‘upper’ precariat). We (...)
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    Exploring Young People’s Attitudes Towards Basic Income.Julen Bollain, Itziar Guerendiain-Gabás, Maitane Arnoso-Martínez & Ángel Elías Ortega - 2024 - Basic Income Studies 19 (2):253-286.
    Today’s youth find it extremely difficult to look beyond the present, in large part due to the precariousness of the labour market. Unconditional basic income, meanwhile, is emerging as the economic and social policy that is attracting most interest as an alternative not only to the conditional minimum income programmes, but also to the increasing unemployment and precarious conditions of employment. This survey study, conducted among students at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 2021 (n (...)
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  45. The Anti-Paternalist Case for Unconditional Basic Income Provision.Michael Cholbi - 2019 - In Michael Cholbi & Michael Weber, The Future of Work, Technology, and Basic Income. Routledge. pp. 62-78.
    Argues that an anti-paternalist case for unconditional basic income (UBI) is more difficult to make than it appears. Those who support UBI on anti-paternalist grounds wrongly understand paternalism in terms of how having options affects liberty rather than, in terms of how others intercede in their rational agency in ways that reflect judgments of the recipients’ inferiority. Moreover, a basket of essential goods appears better equipped than UBI to prevent unequal social relations that paternalism can exploit or exacerbate.
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    A Mesoeconomic Approach to a Basic Income.Stefan Mann - 2018 - Basic Income Studies 13 (1).
    Given the increasing potential of automation in the primary and industrial sectors of the economy, it is helpful to take a mesoeconomic, i. e. sectoral, look at the concept of a basic income. We present a thought experiment centred on societies in which labour takes place only in the service sector. We identify service sectors like prostitution in which it may be advantageous to shift away from the market and sectors like health services where public involvement is indispensable. (...)
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  47. Work.Edmund Byrne - 2015 - In Holbrook James Britt, Ethics, Science, Technology, and Engineering, Vol. 4, 2nd Ed. Gale. pp. 543-549.
    The globalization of and technological challenge to the world's workers generate profound ethical problems. Suitable solutions will require governments and civil societies to move beyond the modern tendencies to divinize property rights and base people's income eligibility almost exclusively on their work. Some attention is being paid to the issues involved therein so as to achieve better work/life balance. In some places, in fact, resource-based wealth has been distributed to all citizens, even to those not directly involved in (...)
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    Unconditional Endowment and Acceptance of Taxes: A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment on UBI with Unemployed.Blanca Tena Estrada & Nhat Luong - 2024 - Basic Income Studies 19 (2):307-333.
    A universal basic income (UBI) would be a guaranteed income floor for both the employed and the unemployed, from which economic theory predicts a gain in bargaining power and a disincentive to work. For high earners, the increase in taxes necessary to fund this program would decrease their motivation to earn. To assess these aspects, we conducted a lab-in-the-field experiment at a State Employment Service office in Spain. The unemployed participants received either an initial unconditional endowment, framed (...)
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  49.  38
    Institutions, Automation, and Legitimate Expectations.Jelena Belic - 2024 - The Journal of Ethics 28 (3):505-525.
    Debates concerning digital automation are mostly focused on the question of the availability of jobs in the short and long term. To counteract the possible negative effects of automation, it is often suggested that those at risk of technological unemployment should have access to retraining and reskilling opportunities. What is often missing in these debates are implications that all of this may have for individual autonomy understood as the ability to make and develop long-term plans. In this paper, I (...)
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  50. The Social Basis of Self-Respect: A Normative Discussion of Politics Against Unemployment.Nanna Kildal - 1998 - Thesis Eleven 54 (1):63-77.
    Unemployment in Europe is currently a major challenge. Two models for solving the problem are frequently proposed: a work model, which in its radical version institutes a legally binding right to employment, and a basic income model, which in its radical form establishes a universal, unconditional right to income security. In practice, western democracies have experimented with mixed forms of both models, with a greater emphasis on guaranteeing work. This article examines the justifications of these two models (...)
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