Results for 'critique of progress'

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  1.  29
    A Critique of Contemporary Bourgeois Concepts of Social Progress.E. V. Demenchonok & Iu N. Semenov - 1980 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 19 (2):68-90.
    In the period of the general crisis of capitalism and the revolutionary transition from capitalism to socialism, the trends and prospects for the historical development of society have become the central question in the ideological struggle.
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    The dialectic of critique and progress: Comparing Peter Wagner and Theodor Adorno.Pauline Johnson - 2018 - European Journal of Social Theory 21 (3):357-375.
    As long as critique trails in the wake of progress, a more radical game-changing interest in its reconstruction remains blocked. This article will contrast the reforming approach adopted by Peter Wagner with Theodor Adorno’s attempt to reconstruct the normative foundations of historical progress. The intention here is to use the radicalism of Adorno’s critical recovery of this ideal in order to clarify and strengthen the social democratic utopianism that underlies Wagner’s reconstruction of progress. The final section (...)
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    Moral Progress: A Process Critique of Macintyre.Lisa Bellantoni - 2000 - State University of New York Press.
    Argues that in order to reinvigorate our moral inheritances we must endeavor not only to live well, but also to live better.
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  4. Moral Progress: A Process Critique of MacIntyre (review).William T. Myers - 2001 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 15 (3):253-256.
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    How Not to Critique the Critique of Progress: A Reply to Payrow Shabani.Amy Allen - 2017 - Journal of Value Inquiry 51 (4):681-687.
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    The End of Progress: Decolonizing the Normative Foundations of Critical Theory.Amy Allen - 2016 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    While post- and decolonial theorists have thoroughly debunked the idea of historical progress as a Eurocentric, imperialist, and neocolonialist fallacy, many of the most prominent contemporary thinkers associated with the Frankfurt School--Jürgen Habermas, Axel Honneth, and Rainer Forst--have persistently defended ideas of progress, development, and modernity and have even made such ideas central to their normative claims. Can the Frankfurt School's goal of radical social change survive this critique? And what would a decolonized critical theory look like? (...)
  7.  25
    Beyond Transhumanism: A Nietzschean Critique of the Cultural Implications of the Techno-Progressive Agenda.Markus Lipowicz - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 31 (4):522-546.
    The objective of this article is to conceptualize and evaluate the transhumanist movement by applying a Nietzschean critique to its techno-progressive agenda of human enhancement. The investigation itself is divided into three distinctive, yet methodologically intertwined steps: first, I will present an exegetical approach by circumscribing the discussion concerning the alleged similarities and disparities between the transhumanist notion of transforming the human into a posthuman being and Nietzsche’s concept of education, understood as self-overcoming; secondly, in a more practical and (...)
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  8. A critique of the gender recognition act 2004.Andrew N. Sharpe - 2007 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 4 (1):33-42.
    This article critiques recent UK transgender law reform. The Gender Recognition Act 2004 is to be welcomed in many respects. Formerly one of the European states most resistant to social change in this area, the UK now occupies pole position among progressive states willing to legally recognise the sex claims of transgender people. This is because the UK is, at least ostensibly, the first state to recognise sex claims irrespective of whether applicants have undertaken any surgical procedures or had hormonal (...)
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    A Critique of Bourgeois and Revisionist Views of Democracy and the State.E. L. Kuz'min - 1977 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 16 (3):52-68.
    Recent years have been marked by major victories for the forces of progress in preventing a military clash between the two opposing worlds - of socialism and of capitalism. But the struggle for détente, for lasting peace and disarmament, naturally does not abolish, nor can it abolish, the ideological struggle that has become noticeably more complicated in its present stage, encompassing within its purview the spheres of economics, politics, law, ethics, and others. Questions of government and democracy predominate in (...)
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    Critiques of Theology: German-Jewish Intellectuals and the Religious Sources of Secular Thought.Yotam Hotam - 2023 - SUNY Press.
    It seems hard to imagine a concept more significant to modern thought than critique. Critique involved distancing oneself from religious explanations and theological argumentation and came to represent the essence of secular consciousness's potential to deliver modernity's promise of human progress through rational inquiry and scientific development. Critiques of Theology debunks this common understanding. Based on a novel reading of previously less-discussed writings by Sigmund Freud, Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, and Hannah Arendt, the book shows how the (...)
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    (1 other version)Towards a Richer Model of Man: A Critique of Laudan's Progress and Its Problems.Robert S. Westman - 1978 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1978:493 - 504.
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    The Dialectical Theory of Progress: A Study of Juergen Habermas' Theory of Social Evolution.David Owen - 1997 - Dissertation, University of Illinois at Chicago
    Both the pragmatic logic of social critique and the idea of a critical social theory presuppose the possibility of distinguishing progressive from regressive forms of social change. Thus, a condition of adequacy of social critique in general, and of critical social theory in particular, is the theoretical capacity to identify progressive social change. I begin this study by showing that, since it incorporates a theory of social evolution, Habermas's conception of critical social theory satisfies this condition. ;Habermas's theory (...)
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  13. An aristotelian critique of the traditional family.Howard Curzer - 2010 - American Philosophical Quarterly 47 (2):135.
    Virtue ethics has been criticized for having little or nothing to say about contemporary moral issues. However, virtue ethics can address contemporary moral issues by evaluating social practices and institutions. Nor is virtue ethics limited to the politically conservative uses to which some theorists have put it. Indeed, virtue ethics can be a powerful engine for social progress. To illustrate, this paper will develop an Aristotelian critique of the white, middle-class, heterosexual American traditional family. The paper's critique (...)
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  14.  52
    The Dialectic, History, and Progress: Marx's Critique of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon.Denis Mäder - 2011 - Rethinking Marxism 23 (3):418-430.
    Marx’s polemic against Proudhon represents a crucial stage in the development of his dialectical method and his conception of history and progress. The critique of Proudhon demonstrates Marx’s hostility towards the very teleological account of social change of which he has himself been accused. In order to redress this imbalance, the break with Proudhon is presented here as a result of Marx’s rejection of the speculative Hegelian dialectic. This rejection is an exercise in self-criticism that is highly relevant (...)
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  15.  30
    From “The Kingdom of Darkness” to “The Pit Beneath the Cave”: Leo Strauss’s Critique of “Steady Progress” and the Contemporary Ideal of Sustainable Development.Ionut Untea - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (2):269-280.
    In the Persecution and the Art of Writing Leo Strauss criticized the replacement of philosophical enquiry in youth education with history of philosophy and of philosophers with specialists in certain scientific fields. Contemporary calls for a “global social contract” emphasize the need of reforming international institutions and the importance of a youth education “for” sustainable development. Philosophical voices decry the ever-growing importance of institutions at the expense of individual freedom of expression and action. The article explores common points and differences (...)
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  16.  42
    Responding to neocon critiques of biotechnology: A progressive agenda.Kathryn M. Hinsch & Robin N. Fiore - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (10):14 – 15.
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  17. A critique of modern philosophy and plea for philosophy in Islamic Culture.Ali Rizvi - manuscript
    In this paper I make a case for a genuine and legitimate role for philosophy in modern Islamic culture. However, I argue that in order to make any progress towards reinstating such philosophical activity, we need to look deep into the nature and essence of modern philosophy. In this paper I aim to do this precisely by challenging modern philosophy’s self conception as an absolute critique (i.e. a critique of everything/anything). I argue that such a conception is (...)
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  18.  6
    A Critique of Soil Contamination and Remediation: The Dimensions of the Problem and the Implications for Sustainable Development.Elisabeth Gilmore - 2001 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 21 (5):394-400.
    Contaminated land is a global concern and can be considered a major barrier to sustainable development. The purpose of this article is to examine how the technological, economic, environmental, social, legal, and political framework of contaminated sites and the current remediation strategies hinder progress toward sustainability. Conflicts between various dimensions of sustainability reveal that the only long-term solution to this problem is prevention. This article will place particular emphasis on the technological dimension of remediation practices and how a reliance (...)
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  19.  65
    A critique of Plantinga's theological foundationalism.John Zeis - 1990 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 28 (3):173 - 189.
    I think that the epistemological theory presented by Plantinga would be more plausible if it were amended in a way that would be consistent with the no-foundations view suggested above. We have considered in detail his conception of basic beliefs in Section II above, and noted that his conception of basicality was obscure. For Plantinga, beliefs are basic only under certain conditions, and this is an obscure notion of basicality because unlike basic beliefs in a more traditional foundationalist theory, there (...)
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  20.  38
    A Critique of Putnam's Antirealism.Mario Alai - 1989 - Dissertation, University of Maryland, College Park
    Many philosophers have shown great interest in the recent anti-realist turn in Hilary Putnam's thought, whereby he rejects "meta-physical realism" in favor of "internal realism". However, many have also found it difficult to gain an exact understanding, and hence a correct assessment of Putnam's ideas. This work strives for some progress on both of these accounts. ;Part one explicates what Putnam understands by "metaphysical realism" and considers to what extent Putnam himself formerly adhered to it. It reconstructs Putnam's arguments (...)
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  21.  5
    Progress and Criticism of Progress as a Characteristic of Modern Civilizations in the Work of Friedrich Nietzsche and Ludwig Wittgenstein.Ulrich Arnswald - 2024 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 26 (1):121-134.
    Superficially, the proximity of Wittgenstein's work and its undisputed influence by Friedrich Nietzsche's ideas and concepts suggests that there are also overlaps in the large and in Nietzsche's work decisive field of progress and criticism of progress. The article tries to show that this is not the case. Despite all the overlaps that may exist between Friedrich Nietzsche and Ludwig Wittgenstein, these do not come to light in the concept of progress and the critique of (...). Both thinkers pursue a very different movement of thought; Wittgenstein sees Nietzsche's focus on the "idea of great progress" as a "delusion", which he does not consider to be expedient. Ludwig Wittgenstein explicitly distances himself here from the spirit that defined the prevailing European and American civilization in the 1930s. He does not succumb to the delusions of grandeur of new, higher-level civilization, but leaves progress as the constantly progressing background noise of any civilization. (shrink)
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  22. CRITIQUE OF IMPURE REASON: Horizons of Possibility and Meaning.Steven James Bartlett - 2020 - Salem, USA: Studies in Theory and Behavior.
    PLEASE NOTE: This is the corrected 2nd eBook edition, 2021. ●●●●● _Critique of Impure Reason_ has now also been published in a printed edition. To reduce the otherwise high price of this scholarly, technical book of nearly 900 pages and make it more widely available beyond university libraries to individual readers, the non-profit publisher and the author have agreed to issue the printed edition at cost. ●●●●● The printed edition was released on September 1, 2021 and is now available through (...)
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  23.  15
    A Critique of Expertise for Health Law.Aziza Ahmed - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (4):682-686.
    A health justice approach requires a progressive critique of expertise. This article considers two recent high-profile cases – the mask mandate and medication abortion -- to understand how we should think the mobilization of expertise in the context of public health law. Following from this, the article offers news ways to better understand how to think of the relationship between health law, expertise, and politics.
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  24. A critique of Pereboom's 'four-case argument' for incompatibilism.Alfred R. Mele - 2005 - Analysis 65 (1):75-80.
    One popular style of argument for the thesis that determinism is incompatible with moral responsibility features manipulation. Its thrust is that regarding moral responsibility, there is no important difference between various cases of manipulation in which agents who A are not morally responsible for A-ing and ordinary cases of A-ing in deterministic worlds. There is a detailed argument of this kind in Derk Pereboom’s recent book (2001: 112–26). His strategy in what he calls his ‘four-case argument’ (117) is to describe (...)
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  25. Heraclitean Critique of Kantian and Enlightenment Ethics Through the Fijian ethos.Erman Kaplama - 2016 - Cosmos and History 12 (1):143-165.
    Kant makes a much-unexpected confession in a much-unexpected place. In the Criticism of the third paralogism of transcendental psychology of the first Critique Kant accepts the irrefutability of the Heraclitean notion of universal becoming or the transitory nature of all things, admitting the impossibility of positing a totally persistent and self-conscious subject. The major Heraclitean doctrine of panta rhei makes it impossible to conduct philosophical inquiry by assuming a self-conscious subject or “I,” which would potentially be in constant motion (...)
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  26.  12
    The End of Progress: Decolonizing the Normative Foundations of Critical Theory by Amy Allen.Joshua Barkan - 2021 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 35 (3):320-325.
    Amy Allen's The End of Progress: Decolonizing the Normative Foundations of Critical Theory is a careful intervention in the ongoing attempts to establish a critical theory of society associated with the Frankfurt School. Its central concern is the way Critical Theory, particularly in its latter-day incarnations, has been structured by a stadial philosophy of history that presents European modernity as the apex of progress and as a universal standard from which the rest of the world can be judged. (...)
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  27. The Dialectic of Progress and the Cultivation of Resistance in Critical Social Theory.Iaan Reynolds - 2021 - Social Epistemology: A Journal of Knowledge, Culture, and Policy 1:1-12.
    Beginning with the influential discussion of the dialectic of progress found in Amy Allen’s The End of Progress, this paper outlines some difficulties encountered by critical theories of normative justification drawing on the early Frankfurt School. Characterizing Adorno and Horkheimer’s critical social theory as a dialectical reflection eschewing questions of normative foundations, I relate their well-known treatment of the dialectic of enlightenment reason and myth to their critique of capitalist society as a negative totality. By exploring the (...)
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  28.  7
    An Old Annex, Long since Unhabitable: The Critique of Practical Reason as an Offspring of Architectonic Classicism.Andrey K. Sudakov - 2022 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 26 (3):623-643.
    The Critique of Practical Reason is traditionally regarded as one of Kant’s central works on practical philosophy. Its structural and stylistic parallels with the Critique of Pure Reason sustain one’s conviction about its fundamental systematic relevance in Kant’s ethics. Nevertheless, the compositional sketch of the system of critical philosophy in the first Critique does not presume any separate critique of reason in its practical use. This inspires to investigate the question of the sense and aim of (...)
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  29.  61
    Explicating Meyerson: The Critique of Positivism and Historical Épistémologie.M. Anthony Mills - 2015 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 5 (2):318-347.
    To many contemporary scholars, Émile Meyerson is a footnote in an obscure history: early twentieth-century French philosophy of science. While the traditions of épistémologie are beginning to enjoy the scrutiny they deserve, Meyerson’s role remains overlooked. This article provides an overview of Meyerson’s philosophical project to help sow the seeds for a more systematic recuperation of its legacy. By orienting his work historically, I elucidate the nature of Meyerson’s critique of positivism, his distinctive method, and the implications these have (...)
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  30.  47
    Rousseau's Critique of Science: A Commentary on the Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts.Jeff J. S. Black - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Rousseau's Critique of Science is the first book-length treatment of Rousseau's first philosophic work. It argues that the Discourse is indispensable, both for those interested in the genesis and meaning of Rousseau's philosophic system, and for those interested in the moral consequences of our liberal democratic commitment to scientific progress.
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    A Historiographical Critique of The Inquisition by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh.Dongwoo Kim - 2012 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 3 (1).
    Butterfield defined Whig historiography as studying ―the past with reference to the present‖ to make a simple binary categorization of the good and the evil and make history a story of progress. Originally, the Anglo-American historians used Whig historiography to present the Catholic Church as the antithesis of modernity and liberalism in a reductive manner. Baigent and Leigh further this kind of historiography in The Inquisition.
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  32. A critique of Popper's views on scientific method.Nicholas Maxwell - 1972 - Philosophy of Science 39 (2):131-152.
    This paper considers objections to Popper's views on scientific method. It is argued that criticism of Popper's views, developed by Kuhn, Feyerabend, and Lakatos, are not too damaging, although they do require that Popper's views be modified somewhat. It is argued that a much more serious criticism is that Popper has failed to provide us with any reason for holding that the methodological rules he advocates give us a better hope of realizing the aims of science than any other set (...)
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  33.  58
    How to proceed philosophically? A critique of Alasdair Macintyre's narrative-historicist conception of progress.Patrick Zoll - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (1):104-112.
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    Transformations of Subjectivity in Sartre’s Critique of Dialectical Reason.Kenneth L. Anderson - 2002 - Journal of Philosophical Research 27:267-280.
    Sartre’s Critique of Dialectical Reason depends upon an ideal of subjectivity that operates linguistically. The subject of the Critique progresses through three transformations: first, the organic subject; second, the serial subject; third, the common subject. Each stage reveals different configurations of the expressive possibilities inherent in Sartre’s late conception of subjectivity and his materialistic view of language. The organic subject emerges in the initial contradiction between the human organism and its material environment. This contradiction results in the primordial (...)
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  35.  91
    Emancipation, Progress, Critique: Debating Amy Allen’s The End of Progress.Albena Azmanova, Martin Saar, Guilel Treiber, Azar Dakwar, Noëlle McAfee, Andrew Feenberg & Amy Allen - 2018 - Contemporary Political Theory 17 (4):511-541.
  36.  21
    The Evolving Taxonomy of Progressive Creation.James R. Hofmann - 2023 - Scientia et Fides 11 (1):199-214.
    This essay is a critique of a version of progressive creation developed by Michael Chaberek, O. P. He holds that there are exceptions to evolutionary descent due to the supernatural production of “natural species,” taxa that allegedly do not have biological ancestry, are theologically identified with biblical kinds, and are metaphysically characterized by distinct substantial forms. Chaberek’s assertion that these natural species correspond “roughly” to the Linnaean taxa of biological families contradicts modern scientific conclusions regarding the continuity of evolutionary (...)
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  37.  43
    Spinoza's Critique of Religion. [REVIEW]C. H. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (2):380-380.
    This is a study of what Spinoza intended to be the refutation of orthodox Judaism, and indeed, of all religious orthodoxy. The recovery of that refutation, as Strauss illustrates in his preface to this translation, is needed by theology because the progressive liberalization of religion has now reached the point where theology is hardly able to distinguish itself from sundry civil moralities. Owing to this beginning, both in its plan and execution this study has little in common with historical studies (...)
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  38.  12
    False contradiction: a critique of Immanuel Kant’s transcendental dialectic in the Kantian thought of Valentin Asmus.Diana Gasparyan - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (4):613-628.
    Valentin Asmus made a significant contribution to the formation of key interpretations, analyses and evaluations of Immanuel Kant’s work in the Russian-Soviet tradition of studying the “history of foreign philosophy”. This article shows precisely which principles and developmental models Asmus laid down in his interpretation of the transcendental dialectic section of Kant’s philosophical system. The article attempts to show that in his reading of Kant, Asmus actively relies on Hegel’s philosophical legacy, namely, on his theory of dialectics, the ontological status (...)
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  39. Critiques of Minimal Realism.Seungbae Park - 2017 - Problemos 92:102-114.
    Saatsi’s minimal realism holds that science makes theoretical progress. It is designed to get around the pessimistic induction, to fall between scientific realism and instrumentalism, and to explain the success of scientific theories. I raise the following two objections to it. First, it is not clear whether minimal realism lies between realism and instrumentalism, given that minimal realism does not entail instrumentalism. Second, it is not clear whether minimal realism can explain the success of scientific theories, given that it (...)
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    Looking Forward to Progress: On Amy Allen's The End of Progress.Jordan Daniels - 2018 - Journal of World Philosophies 3 (2):110-113.
    In The End of Progress, Amy Allen connects post- and decolonial concerns about the implications of the concept of progress to contemporary critical theory. In the work of Jürgen Habermas and Axel Honneth, progress—as historical development and sociocultural learning—has taken on the load-bearing role in grounding normativity. Allen seeks to decolonize critical theory “from within” by recuperating Adorno and Foucault’s more ambivalent conceptions of progress. While such a move does not itself amount to “decolonizing” critical theory, (...)
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  41.  14
    Radical intellectuals and the subversion of progressive politics: the betrayal of politics.Gregory R. Smulewicz-Zucker & Michael Thompson (eds.) - 2015 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Radical Intellectuals and the Subversion of Progressive Politics is a challenge to contemporary radical politics and political thought. This collection of essays critiques the dominant trends and figures on the left that have distorted the legacy of progressive politics, arguing that they have moved politics away from issues of class and economic power toward a preoccupation with culture and identity. The contributors discuss this new radicalism from the perspective of a more rational form of leftism capable of reviving interest in (...)
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  42. The Human Sciences and the Crisis of Epistemology: The Road to Heidegger's Critique of Modern Science.Juan Daniel Videla - 2001 - Dissertation, New School for Social Research
    This dissertation studies modern European philosophy's reflection the historical appearance of the human sciences, under the spell of either positivist ideology or historicism, while also making their scientific character a philosophical issue. The work thus hopes to situate the human sciences in an historical context out of which they become unintelligible: the philosophical reflection that, throughout late modernity, has registered their progressive appearance as disciplines of an uncertain and often questioned degree of scientificity. In this way, it challenges a standard (...)
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  43. A Critique of the Standard Chronology of Plato's Dialogues.Mohammad Bagher Ghomi - manuscript
    That i) there is a somehow determined chronology of Plato’s dialogues among all the chronologies of the last century and ii) this theory is subject to many objections, are points this article intends to discuss. Almost all the main suggested chronologies of the last century agree that Parmenides and Theaetetus should be located after dialogues like Meno, Phaedo and Republic and before Sophist, Politicus, Timaeus, Laws and Philebus. The eight objections we brought against this arrangement claim that to place the (...)
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    Herder's Critique of the Enlightenment: Cultural Community Versus Cosmopolitan Rationalism.Brian J. Whitton - 1988 - History and Theory 27 (2):146-168.
    In his theory of history Gottfried von Herder presents a radical critique of the rationalist discourse of cosmopolitan human development advanced by the Enlightenment thinkers of his day. Herder's critique centers around his theory of history as the evolution of the Volk community. He opposed the way the rationalist perspective abstracts historical human development from all connection with the contingent elements of human historical linguistic and cultural practice in the creation of a unified, integrated world. Herder looks instead (...)
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    Does science have a “global goal?”: A critique of Hull's view of conceptual progress[REVIEW]Todd Grantham - 1994 - Biology and Philosophy 9 (1):85-97.
    Hull's recent work in evolutionary epistemology is marred by a deep tension. While he maintains that conceptual and biological evolution are both driven by selection processes, he also claims that only the former is globally progressive. In this paper I formulate this tension and present four possible responses (including Hull's). I argue that Hull's position rests on the assumption that there is a goal which is sufficiently general to describe most scientific activity yet precise enough to guide research. Working from (...)
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    We’re only human after all: a critique of human-centred AI.Mark Ryan - 2024 - AI and Society:1-17.
    The use of a ‘human-centred’ artificial intelligence approach (HCAI) has substantially increased over the past few years in academic texts (1600 +); institutions (27 Universities have HCAI labs, such as Stanford, Sydney, Berkeley, and Chicago); in tech companies (e.g., Microsoft, IBM, and Google); in politics (e.g., G7, G20, UN, EU, and EC); and major institutional bodies (e.g., World Bank, World Economic Forum, UNESCO, and OECD). Intuitively, it sounds very appealing: placing human concerns at the centre of AI development and use. (...)
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    Ernst Mayr’s Critique of Thomas Kuhn.Georgy S. Levit & Uwe Hossfeld - 2022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 59 (4):163-180.
    In the early 1960s, American philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn contributed to a “crisis of rationality” with his hypothesis that science develops by means of paradigm shifts. He challenged the positivist concept of cumulative and continuous scientific progress. According to Kuhn, the relation between two succeeding scientific traditions ‘separated by a scientific revolution’ is characterized by conceptual incommensurability that constrains the interpretation of science as a cumulative, steadily progressing enterprise. Thomas Kuhn’s philosophy was heavily criticized by German-American biologist Ernst (...)
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  48.  13
    The Conformist Rebellion: Marxist Critiques of the Contemporary Left.Elena Louisa Lange & Joshua Pickett-Depaolis (eds.) - 2022 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The contrast between the Marxian emancipatory project and what the progressive left has made of it has never been more glaring than now, a time in which capital no longer seems to confront a political barrier. It is this predicament that The Conformist Rebellion evaluates, for a renewed approach to emancipation from capital.
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    A Critique of the Inclusion/Exclusion Dichotomy.Cathrine Victoria Felix - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (2):30.
    In contemporary discourse, inclusion has evolved into a core value, with inclusive societies being lauded as progressive and inherently positive. Conversely, exclusion and excluding practices are typically deemed undesirable. However, this paper questions the prevailing assumption that inclusion is always synonymous with societal progress. Could it be that exclusion, in certain contexts, serves as a more effective tool for advancing societal development? Is there a more intricate interconnection between these phenomena than conventionally acknowledged? This paper advocates moving beyond a (...)
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  50. Against Politics as Technology: Carl Schmitt's Critique of Liberalism.John P. Mccormick - 1995 - Dissertation, The University of Chicago
    Over the last decade there has been a veritable explosion of Anglo-American interest in the works of Weimar constitutional and political theorist, Carl Schmitt. There has been concurrently a revival in the treatment of technology as a subject worthy of social-philosophical inquiry. Yet the two scholarly movements have surprisingly passed each other by. Surprisingly because as I demonstrate the German critique of technology is crucial for understanding the works of Schmitt, especially his criticisms of liberalism, and vice versa, theoretical (...)
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