Results for 'information asymmetry'

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  1. Information Asymmetries and the Paradox of Sustainable Business Models: Toward an integrated theory of sustainable entrepreneurship.V. Blok - unknown
    In this conceptual paper, the traditional conceptualization of sustainable entrepreneurship is challenged because of a fundamental tension between processes involved in sustainable development and processes involved in entrepreneurship: the concept of sustainable business models contains a paradox, because sustainability involves the reduction of information asymmetries, whereas entrepreneurship involves enhanced and secured levels of information asymmetries. We therefore propose a new and integrated theory of sustainable entrepreneurship that overcomes this paradox. The basic argument is that environmental problems have to (...)
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  2. Information Asymmetry and Socially Responsible Investment.Mark Jonathan Rhodes - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (1):145 - 151.
    Selecting, applying and reporting on investment screens for socially responsible investing (SRI) presents challenges for companies, investors and fund managers. This article seeks to clarify the nature of these challenges in developing an understanding of the foundations of ethical investment screens. At a conceptual level this work argues that there is a common element to the ethical foundations of SRI, even with very different apparent motivations and investment restrictions. Establishing this commonality assists in explaining the information asymmetry problem (...)
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    Information Asymmetries in Private Equity: Reporting Frequency, Endowments, and Governance.Sofia Johan & Minjie Zhang - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (1):199-220.
    Using PitchBook’s private equity database of 4548 PE funds from 42 countries for the 2000 to 2012 period, we find that higher reporting frequency is associated with lower information asymmetry in performance reports from general partners to limited partners. We also find that endowments are systematically associated with less reported unrealized returns as a percentage of total returns generated from GPs. Moreover, endowments receive more performance reports from their PE funds, implying more stringent governance. These findings persist after (...)
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  4. Information asymmetries in socially responsible investment.Wim Vandekerckhove & Jos Leys - 2007 - Philosophica 80:5-19.
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    Being Deceived: Information Asymmetry in Second‐Order False Belief Tasks.Torben Braüner, Patrick Blackburn & Irina Polyanskaya - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (2):504-534.
    Braüner, Blackburn and Polyanskaya relate children’s being deceived to their theory of mind skills. Second‐order false‐belief tasks are often used to test children’s second‐order theory of mind development. The article gives a logical analysis of the reasoning needed to solve four types of second‐order false belief tasks, distinguished on whether a story character is deceived, and on whether the story hinges on facts in the world changing. The principle of inertia plays an important role. [74].
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    Environmental ethics and information asymmetry among organizational stakeholders.Subodh P. Kulkarni - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 28 (4):215 - 228.
    This paper addresses the conflicting environmental interests of a firm and the community, an important stakeholder. The short-term profit maximization objective of a firm may stand in contrast with what the community wants – a "safe and clean environment". This paper argues that the information regarding the environmental impact of a firm's products, processes, and waste may be asymmetrically distributed between the firm and the community. The resultant information asymmetry may influence the probability of a firm acting (...)
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    Changing the Landscape: Battling Information Asymmetries to Accelerate Adoption of CSR Business Practices.Bruce Paton & Caterina Tantalo - 2013 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 24:41-48.
    In the absence of credible information and corresponding positive feedback from stakeholders, firms have limited incentive to invest in CSR practices. This paper focuses on the under-exploited potential of initiatives designed to overcome the inhibiting effects of information asymmetries on the adoption of socially responsible behaviors. Mechanisms to address information asymmetries can accelerate the adoption of socially responsible practices by increasing the rewards firms receive for responsible behavior, and raise the cost of retaining less responsible behaviors by (...)
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    Moderating Role of Information Asymmetry Between Cognitive Biases and Investment Decisions: A Mediating Effect of Risk Perception.Mingming Zhang, Mian Sajid Nazir, Rabia Farooqi & Muhammad Ishfaq - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Behavioral Finance is an evolving field that studies how psychological factors affect decision making under uncertainty. This study seeks to find the influence of certain identified behavioral financial biases on the decision-making process of investors in developing countries. This research examines the moderating effect of Information asymmetry on the two most important and commonly used cognitive biases, namely Anchoring bias and Optimism bias and decision making and investigates whether Risk perception mediates the relationship between them or not. Quantitative (...)
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    Does Corporate Social Responsibility Affect Information Asymmetry?Jinhua Cui, Hoje Jo & Haejung Na - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (3):549-572.
    In this study, we examine the empirical association between corporate social responsibility and information asymmetry by investigating their simultaneous and endogenous effects. Employing an extensive U.S. sample, we find an inverse association between CSR engagement and the proxies of information asymmetry after controlling for various firm characteristics. The results hold using 2SLS considering the reverse side of information asymmetry influencing CSR activities. The results also hold after mitigating endogeneity based on the dynamic panel system (...)
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  10. Firms in Times of Economic Uncertainty: Digital Integration to Counter Information Asymmetry and ESG Controversies.Imen Ayadi & Ahmed Imran Hunjra - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    This study investigates the impact of economic uncertainty on information asymmetry and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) controversies within companies, while exploring the moderating role of digital integration. By analyzing a panel of 1303 companies across 20 European countries from 2016 to 2023, and employing the two-stage generalized method of moments (GMM) and two-stage least squares (2SLS) for robustness tests, the research reveals that economic uncertainty, as measured by the Economic Policy Uncertainty (EPU) index, exacerbates information (...) and heightens ESG controversies. However, the adoption of digital technologies mitigates these adverse effects by enhancing transparency and reducing the likelihood of opportunistic behavior. Theoretically, this research contributes to the understanding of how digitalization can reinforce corporate governance and sustainability in uncertain times. Practically, the findings suggest that companies should accelerate their digitalization efforts to safeguard against the destabilizing effects of economic uncertainty, while bolstering their governance and social responsibility performance. (shrink)
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  11. Who gains from information asymmetry?Gil S. Epstein & Yosef Mealem - 2013 - Theory and Decision 75 (3):305-337.
    This article considers an asymmetric contest with incomplete information. There are two types of players: informed and uninformed. Each player has a different ability to translate effort into performance in terms of the contest success function. While one player’s type is known to both players, the other is private information and known only to the player himself. We compare the Bayesian Nash equilibrium outcome of a one-sided private information contest to the Nash equilibrium with no private (...), in which both players know the type of the other player. We show conditions under which uncertainty increases the investment of the uninformed player and the rent dissipation of the contest, while decreasing the expected net payoff of the informed player. In addition, we consider conditions under which the informed player—before knowing his own type—prefers that the uninformed player knows his type. Moreover, we show conditions for the existence/non-existence of equilibrium in a two-stage contest in which the informed player declares his type (or does not declare) in the first stage and in the second stage the two players play according to the information available to them. (shrink)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Information Asymmetry: Do Earnings Conference Calls Play a Role?Dan Palmon, Yifei Chen & Biao Chen - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (1):77-101.
    This study examines whether firms’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance affects the informativeness of their earnings conference calls. Controlling for confounding information from earnings releases, we find a positive association between CSR performance and the magnitude of market reactions to conference calls. This association persists after controlling for systematic differences between firms with strong and weak CSR performance. A structural equation model further demonstrates that this positive association is due to firms with strong CSR performance providing a greater amount (...)
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    The Psychological Expectation of New Project Income Under the Influence of the Entrepreneur’s Sentiment From the Perspective of Information Asymmetry.Huaqian Zhong, Runyu Yan, Shuai Li & Min Chen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  14. Opinion pooling under informational asymmetries.Franz Dietrich - unknown
    If a group as a whole is modelled as a single Bayesian agent, what should its beliefs be? I propose an axiomatic model that connects group beliefs to beliefs of group members, who are themselves modelled as Bayesian agents, possibly with di¤erent priors and di¤erent information. Group beliefs are shown to take a simple multiplicative form if people’s information is independent, and a more complex form if information can overlap arbitrarily. This shows that group beliefs can incorporate (...)
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    The Control Strategies for Information Asymmetry Problems Among Investing Institutions, Investors, and Entrepreneurs in Venture Capital.Peng Du, Hong Shu & Zhuqing Xia - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Failing the market, failing deliberative democracy: How scaling up corporate carbon reporting proliferates information asymmetries.Ingmar Lippert - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2).
    Corporate carbon footprint data has become ubiquitous. This data is also highly promissory. But as this paper argues, such data fails both consumers and citizens. The governance of climate change seemingly requires a strong foundation of data on emission sources. Economists approach climate change as a market failure, where the optimisation of the atmosphere is to be evidence based and data driven. Citizens or consumers, state or private agents of control, all require deep access to information to judge emission (...)
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    Managers’ Moral Obligation of Fairness to (All) Shareholders: Does Information Asymmetry Benefit Privileged Investors at Other Shareholders’ Expense?Jocelyn D. Evans, Elise Perrault & Timothy A. Jones - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 140 (1):81-96.
    Drawing on ethical principles of fairness and integrative social contracts theory, moral obligations of fair dealing exist between the firm and all shareholders. This study investigates empirically whether privileged investors of publicly traded firms engage in legal, but morally questionable, trading that at the expense of non-privileged institutional or atomistic investors. In this context, we define privilege as the access to material, nonpublic earnings surprise information. Our results show that the opportunity for procedural unfairness increases with the presence of (...)
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  18.  51
    Erratum to: Information Asymmetry and Socially Responsible Investment. [REVIEW]Mark Jonathan Rhodes & Teerooven Soobaroyen - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (1):151-151.
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    Commentary: Is it Possible to Determine the Extent to Which Informational Asymmetries and Prejudice Bias Responses?Terrance Hurley - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (4):594-597.
    This commentary provides a brief overview of the methods and results presented by Jennifer Kuzma, Pouya Najmaie, and Joel Larson in “Evaluating Oversight Systems for Emerging Technologies: A Case Study of Genetically Engineered Organisms.” It offers suggestions regarding how supplemental information might be used to gain additional insights into the authors' results and how future research could further enhance our understanding of the attributes and outcomes of regulatory oversight for genetically engineered organisms.
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  20. Asymmetries in Information Processing in a Decision Theory Framework.Luís Santos-Pinto - 2009 - Theory and Decision 66 (4):317-343.
    Research in psychology suggests that some individuals are more sensitive to positive than to negative information while others are more sensitive to negative rather than positive information. I take these cognitive positive–negative asymmetries in information processing to a Bayesian decision-theory model and explore its consequences in terms of decisions and payoffs. I show that in monotone decision problems economic agents with more positive-responsive information structures are always better off, ex ante, when they face problems where payoffs (...)
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    Informal payments by patients, institutional trust and institutional asymmetry.Adrian V. Horodnic, Colin C. Williams, Claudia Ioana Ciobanu & Daniela Druguș - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the extent of the practice of using informal payments for accessing the services of public clinics or hospitals across Europe and to explain the prevalence of this corrupt practice using the framework of institutional theory. To achieve this, a multi-level mixed-effect logistic regression on 25,744 interviews undertaken in 2020 with patients across 27 European Union countries is conducted. The finding is that the practice of making informal payments remains a prevalent practice, although (...)
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    The Democratic Governance of Information Societies. A Critique to the Theory of Stakeholders.Massimo Durante - 2015 - Philosophy and Technology 28 (1):11-32.
    This paper criticizes the tendency to view the extension of the class of social actors, which stems from the process of democratization of data, as also implying the extension of the class of the political actors involved in the process of governance of the Information Society. The paper argues that social actors can upgrade to political actors once they become real interlocutors, namely political actors that can participate in the formation of the political discourse and that this can happen (...)
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    Attentional asymmetries in a visual orienting task are related to temperament.Kelly G. Garner, Paul E. Dux, Joe Wagner, D. R. Tarrant, Christopher D. Chambers & A. Mark - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (8):1508-1515.
    Spatial asymmetries are an intriguing feature of directed attention. Recent observations indicate an influence of temperament upon the direction of these asymmetries. It is unknown whether this influence generalises to visual orienting behaviour. The aim of the current study was therefore to explore the relationship between temperament and measures of spatial orienting as a function of target hemifield. An exogenous cueing task was administered to 92 healthy participants. Temperament was assessed using Carver and White's (1994) Behavioural Inhibition System and Behavioural (...)
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    Morality and Market Failures: Asymmetry of Information.Xavier Landes & Pierre-Yves Néron - 2018 - Journal of Social Philosophy 49 (4):564-588.
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    Asymmetries in the Social Responsible Investment Agendas: From an NGO Driven World to a Stakeholders Dialogue.Etienne Coerwinkel - 2007 - Philosophica 80 (2):45-70.
    NGOs have taken a dominant position in setting the agendas of Corporate Responsibility and Socially Responsible Investment matters, thereby skewing the efforts of corporates to limit negative externalities towards their own agendas. As the latter remain to a certain extent unpredictable, corporates must deal with an information asymmetry. This situation can be explained by the historically defensive nature of Corporate Responsibility codes established by companies under pressure of the NGOs. In this paper, I contend that only a new (...)
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    Environmental, social, and governance information disclosure and stock price crash risk: Evidence from Chinese listed companies.Nengrui Xu, Jing Liu & Huan Dou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    According to information asymmetry theory and stakeholder theory, this article explores the impact and mechanism of environmental, social, and governance information disclosure on the company’s future stock price crash risk based on the A-share listed companies from 2010 to 2019. We find that ESG information disclosure significantly reduces the company’s future stock price crash risk. This conclusion remains robust after a series of robustness tests, such as PSM-DID. The heterogeneity analysis shows that the negative relationship between (...)
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  27. Unequal Pricing in the Information Economy: Implications for Consumer Welfare.Ming-Hui Huang - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 56 (4):305-315.
    This article presents an economic analysis of information good pricing and consumer welfare, and discusses the implications of price discrimination in the information economy. It argues that network externalities, coupled with information asymmetry, enable a dominant marketer to price unequally, extracting late adopters surplus to compensate for the loss from early adopters. In the short term, the minority early adopters benefit by paying less, but in the long term, the majority late adopters suffer by paying more. (...)
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    Cerebral asymmetry and emotion: Conceptual and methodological conundrums.Richard J. Davidson - 1993 - Cognition and Emotion 7 (1):115-138.
    A diversity of methods have been used to study cerebral asymmetries associated with emotion. Many different conceptual schemes have also been invoked to guide research on this topic. The purpose of this article is to survey the critical methodological and conceptual issues in this area of research. Research in this area must acknowledge the multi-componential nature of emotion. Asymmetries associated with the perception of emotional information and the posing of emotional expressions are not necessarily the same as those that (...)
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    Asymmetric Information and Corporate Social Responsibility.Thomas Kaspereit, Frerich Buchholz & Kerstin Lopatta - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (3):458-488.
    This article addresses the question whether companies benefit from their commitment to corporate social responsibility. The authors argue that firms which score high on CSR activities build investor confidence and find evidence that they benefit from lower information asymmetry. The authors measure information asymmetry by insider trading, which is defined as the trading of a company’s shares by corporate insiders who have an information advantage with the aim to reap gains or avoid losses. Using a (...)
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    Role Asymmetry and Code Transmission in Signaling Games: An Experimental and Computational Investigation.Maggie Moreno & Giosuè Baggio - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (5):918-943.
    In signaling games, a sender has private access to a state of affairs and uses a signal to inform a receiver about that state. If no common association of signals and states is initially available, sender and receiver must coordinate to develop one. How do players divide coordination labor? We show experimentally that, if players switch roles at each communication round, coordination labor is shared. However, in games with fixed roles, coordination labor is divided: Receivers adjust their mappings more frequently, (...)
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    The Asymmetry Thesis and the Diversity of "Invalid" Argument-Forms.George Bowles - 1999 - Informal Logic 19 (1).
    According to the Asymmetry Thesis, whereas there are many kinds of argument-forms that make at least some of their instances valid, there is none that makes any of its instances invalid. To refute this thesis, a counterexample has been produced in the form of an argument-form whose premise-form's instances are all logically true and whose conclusion form's instances are all logically false. The purpose of this paper is to show that there are many more kinds of argument-forms that make (...)
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    Slaves of Market Information.Isabel Carrero & Carmen Valor - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:352-363.
    Information asymmetries are regarded as the main obstacle for consumers to buy responsibly. CSR labels are considered the best tool to give consumers information about the brand's social and environmental performance. Yet, the information and credibility gap associated to the labels may render labels useless. This study aims to unveil the relationship of Spanish consumers with CSR labels, in order to assess the posited consequences of the information and credibility gap. To do so, 385 consumers were (...)
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    Slaves of Market Information.Marta de la Cuesta, Carmen Valor & Francisco Pablo Holgado - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:352-363.
    Information asymmetries are regarded as the main obstacle for consumers to buy responsibly. CSR labels are considered the best tool to give consumers information about the brand's social and environmental performance. Yet, the information and credibility gap associated to the labels may render labels useless. This study aims to unveil the relationship of Spanish consumers with CSR labels, in order to assess the posited consequences of the information and credibility gap. To do so, 385 consumers were (...)
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    On Informational Injustice and Epistemic Exclusions.Abbas Bagwala - 2024 - Synthese 203.
    Information is a unique resource. Asymmetries that arise out of information access or processing capacities, therefore, enable a distinctive form of injustice. This paper builds a working conception of such injustice and explores it further. Let us call it informational injustice. Informational injustice is a consequence of informational asymmetries between at least two agents, which are deeply exacerbated due to modern information and communication technologies but do not necessarily originate with them. Informational injustice is the injustice of (...)
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    Introduction: Chance and temporal asymmetry.Alastair Wilson - 2014 - In Chance and Temporal Asymmetry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This volume is a collection of cutting-edge research papers in scientifically informed metaphysics, tackling a range of philosophical puzzles which have emerged from recent work on chance and temporal asymmetry. How do the probabilities found in fundamental physics and the probabilities of the special sciences relate to one another? How can we account for the normative significance of chance? Can constraints on the initial conditions of the universe underwrite the second law of thermodynamics, and potentially also all other lawlike (...)
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    Skin in the game: hidden asymmetries in daily life.Nassim Nicholas Taleb - 2018 - New York: Random House.
    #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A bold work from the author of The Black Swan that challenges many of our long-held beliefs about risk and reward, politics and religion, finance and personal responsibility In his most provocative and practical book yet, one of the foremost thinkers of our time redefines what it means to understand the world, succeed in a profession, contribute to a fair and just society, detect nonsense, and influence others. Citing examples ranging from Hammurabi to Seneca, (...)
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    Biological asymmetries and the fidelity of eukaryotic DNA replication.Thomas A. Kunkel - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (5):303-308.
    A diploid human genome contains approximately six billion nucleotides. This enormous amount of genetic information can be replicated with great accuracy in only a few hours. However, because DNA strands are oriented antiparallel while DNA polymerization only occurs in the 5′ → 3′ direction, semi‐conservative replication of double‐stranded DNA is an asymmetric process, i.e., there is a leading and a lagging strand. This provides a considerable opportunity for non‐random error rates, because the architecture of the two strands as well (...)
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  38. Jury Nullification, Verdictal Asymmetry, and the Ultimate Logic of Anarchy.Travis Hreno - 2025 - Philosopher's Compass 1 (1).
    “Jury Nullification, Verdictal Asymmetry, and the Ultimate Logic of Anarchy” is a critical examination and analysis of the ‘anarchy objection’ to jury nullification, a common argument against informing juries of their nullification power. The anarchy objection posits that jury nullification leads to inconsistent verdicts (verdictal asymmetry) and, as a result, social anarchy and chaos. Through careful analysis, I argue that the anarchy objection is predicated on two flawed premises: first, that jury nullification promotes verdictal asymmetry, and second, (...)
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    Challenging the Carceral Imaginary in a Digital Age: Epistemic Asymmetries and the Right to Be Forgotten.Andrea J. Pitts - 2021 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 10 (19):3-14.
    This paper argues that debates regarding legal protections to preserve the privacy of data subjects, such as those involving the European Union’s right to be forgotten, have tended to overlook group-level forms of epistemic asymmetry and their impact on members of historically oppressed groups. In response, I develop what I consider an abolitionist approach to issues of digital justice. I begin by exploring international debates regarding digital privacy and the right to be forgotten. Then, I turn to the long (...)
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    What's left of the leftward bias in scene viewing? Lateral asymmetries in information processing during early search guidance.Sara Spotorno & Benjamin W. Tatler - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):106009.
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    Behaving as Expected: Public Information and Fairness Norms.Cristina Bicchieri & Alex Chavez - unknown
    What is considered to be fair depends on context-dependent expectations. Using a modified version of the Ultimatum Game, we demonstrate that both fair behavior and perceptions of fairness depend upon beliefs about what one ought to do in a situation—that is, upon normative expectations. We manipulate such expectations by creating informational asymmetries about the offer choices available to the Proposer, and find that behavior varies accordingly. Proposers and Responders show a remarkable degree of agreement in their beliefs about which choices (...)
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    Linking Early Life Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal Axis Functioning, Brain Asymmetries, and Personality Traits in Dyslexia: An Informative Case Study.Victoria Zakopoulou, Angeliki-Maria Vlaikou, Marousa Darsinou, Zoe Papadopoulou, Daniela Theodoridou, Kyriaki Papageorgiou, George A. Alexiou, Haralambos Bougias, Vassiliki Siafaka, Pierluigi Zoccolotti, George P. Chroussos, Maria Syrrou & Theologos M. Michaelidis - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  43.  36
    The differential similarity of positive and negative information – an affect-induced processing outcome?Hans Alves, Alex Koch & Christian Unkelbach - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (6):1224-1238.
    People judge positive information to be more alike than negative information. This good-bad asymmetry in similarity was argued to constitute a true property of the information ecology (Alves, H., Koch, A., & Unkelbach, C. (2017). Why good is more alike than bad: Processing implications. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 21, 69–79). Alternatively, the asymmetry may constitute a processing outcome itself, namely an influence of phasic affect on information processing. Because no research has yet tested whether (...)
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    How to capitalize on investors by using information presentation and feedback on crowdfunding projects.Zhaoxiang Wu, Shaojun Yan & Jilin Dai - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As an innovative financing activity, online crowdfunding is characterized by extremely high information asymmetry. To reduce this information asymmetry, crowdfunding companies typically use information presentation, feedback, and other means to convey more information about the fundraising project to investors. Whether the information presentation and feedback affect the investment behavior of nonprofessional ordinary investors is yet to be determined. Moreover, the method by which the information presentation and feedback influence the investment behavior and (...)
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    Nurses’ experiences of informal coercion on adult psychiatric wards.Urban Andersson, Jafar Fathollahi & Lena Wiklund Gustin - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (3):741-753.
    Background: Informal coercion, that is, situations where caregivers use subtle coercive measures to impose their will on patients, is common in adult psychiatric inpatient care. It has been described as ‘a necessary evil’, confronting nurses with an ethical dilemma where they need to balance between a wish to do good, and the risk of violating patients’ dignity and autonomy. Aim: To describe nurses’ experiences of being involved in informal coercion in adult psychiatric inpatient care. Research design: The study has a (...)
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    Speed and space: semantic asymmetries in motion descriptions in Estonian.Piia Taremaa & Anetta Kopecka - 2023 - Cognitive Linguistics 34 (1):35-66.
    In this study, we investigate the expression of speed—one of the principal dimensions of manner—in relation to the expression of space in Estonian, a satellite-framed and morphology-rich language. Our multivariate and extensive corpus analysis is informed by asymmetries attested in languages with regard to expressing space (thegoal-over-sourcebias) and speed (thefast-over-slowbias) where we attempt to explicitly link the two. We demonstrate moderate speed effects in the data in that fast motion verbs tend to combine with Goal, and slow motion verbs with (...)
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    Does Soft Information Mitigate Gender Bias in Corporate Lending?Udichibarna Bose, Stefano Filomeni & Elena Tabacco - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-30.
    Gender bias in leadership and decision-making is a well-documented and pervasive topic that continues to garner significant attention in academic research and business literature. In this paper, by exploiting a unique proprietary dataset of 550 mid-corporate loan applications managed by a major European bank, we explore how the use of soft information influences lending decisions of female loan officers as compared to their male counterparts. We find that use of soft information reduces information asymmetry which helps (...)
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    Iris Murdoch's mortal asymmetry.Tony Milligan - 2007 - Philosophical Investigations 30 (2):156–171.
    Iris Murdoch holds that the best sort of life is a figurative death of the self. This figurative death is informed by an acceptance of real mortality. A recognition of mortality is supposed to help redirect our attention away from self and towards others. Yet these others are also mortal but (unlike the self) remain worthy of love, care and consideration. That is to say, the significance of mortality for Murdoch depends on whose mortality is at issue, whether it is (...)
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    Chamorro evidence for compositional asymmetry.Sandra Chung & William A. Ladusaw - 2006 - Natural Language Semantics 14 (4):325-357.
    In earlier work, we developed an composition in which predicates can be composed with arguments by operations other than Function Application, and it makes a difference which composition operation is employed. Here we take our approach further by examining two nonsaturating operations that combine property contents: Restrict, which composes a predicate with the property content of an indefinite; and Modify, which is involved in predicate modification. Nonsaturating operations that combine property contents are often formalized in terms of predicate intersection, which (...)
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  50.  37
    Left‐right asymmetry in vertebrate embryogenesis.Michael Levin - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (4):287-296.
    Embryonic development results in animals whose body plans exhibit a variety of symmetry types. While significant progress has been made in understanding the molecular events underlying the early specification of the antero‐posterior and dorso‐ventral axes, little information has been available regarding the basis for left‐right (LR) differences in animal morphogenesis. Recently however, important advances have been made in uncovering the molecular mechanisms responsible for LR patterning. A number of genes (including well‐known signaling molecules such as Sonic hedgehog and activin) (...)
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