Results for 'instrumental materialism'

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  1. Economism, voluntarism, and materialist historicism : three faces of the Marxist instrumental approach to legal change.Maciej Chmielinski - 2019 - In Maciej Chmieliński & Michał Rupniewski (eds.), The Philosophy of Legal Change: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Processes. New York: Routledge.
  2. People and Things: Reflections on Materialism.Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & Eugene Halton - 1978 - University of Chicago Magazine 70 (3):6-15.
    This early article in The University of Chicago Magazine, coauthored with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, was one of the first publications deriving from Eugene Halton’s dissertation research on the meanings of household possessions for a sample of over 300 three-generation Chicago area families. In addition to empirical findings reported in Halton’s dissertation and later in the book coauthored with Csikszentmihalyi, The Meaning of Things, the article introduces Halton’s distinction of two kinds of materialism: instrumental materialism and terminal materialism.
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  3. Eliminative materialism and the integrity of science.Michael M. Pitman - 2003 - South African Journal of Philosophy 22 (3):207-219.
    Eliminative Materialism holds that propositional attitude folk psychology is a radically false theory of human, cognition, communication and behaviour. The paper reviews the argument that Eliminative Materialism is self-defeating. Although the argument is unsuccessful, it is argued that Eliminative Materialism ought to be considered epistemically self-undermining. Eliminative Materialism's truth would undermine the epistemic warrant of the theories (from cognitive neuroscience) typically taken as motivating the eliminativist thesis. Eliminative materialism fails to recognise that, in the psychological (...)
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    Instrumental reason's unreason.Sherratt Yvonne - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (4):23-42.
    In this article I argue that Adorno makes an internal critique of instrumental reason. I depict Adorno's notion of instrumental reason by showing how he combines Freud's materialistic epistemology with his own German Idealist inheritance. I outline his argument for the decline of instrumental reason into mythic 'animism'. Key Words: Adorno • animism • enlightenment • Freud • instrumental reason • myth.
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  5. Theological and Ethical Reflections on Economic Power: U.S.-China Trade Policies Through the Lens of Historical Materialism and Religious Thought.Xinyu Wang & Feng Deng - 2025 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (2):227-247.
    From a historical materialist perspective, the evolution of U.S. trade control policies toward China has been driven by the pursuit of economic and geopolitical interests. However, beyond material considerations, these policies also intersect with deeper ethical, philosophical, and even theological questions regarding justice, sovereignty, and the moral dimensions of economic power. Trade restrictions, embargoes, and economic coercion raise profound issues of fairness, global responsibility, and the ethical implications of economic warfare, particularly in the context of international relations shaped by ideological (...)
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    Neurotheology and philosophical naturalism: materialistic reductionism of the religious phenomenon?Fabián Rodríguez Medina & María de Los Andes Valenzuela Corales - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 50:127-145.
    Resumen En este trabajo se realiza un análisis exploratorio sobre lo que se ha venido concibiendo como un nuevo campo del saber científico desde hace algunas décadas, nos referimos a la neuroteología. También se pretende entender hasta qué punto la filosofía naturalista contemporánea puede estar vinculada con la neuroteología -sobre todo cuando el naturalismo implica, en la mayoría de los casos, un reduccionismo que conduce al materialismo-, teniendo en conside ración que en las distintas áreas neurocientíficas tiene lugar un fisicalismo, (...)
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  7. The scientistic stance: the empirical and materialist stances reconciled.James Ladyman - 2011 - Synthese 178 (1):87-98.
    Abstractvan Fraassen (The empirical stance, 2002) contrasts the empirical stance with the materialist stance. The way he describes them makes both of them attractive, and while opposed they have something in common for both stances are scientific approaches to philosophy. The difference between them reflects their differing conceptions of science itself. Empiricists emphasise fallibilism, verifiability and falsifiability, and also to some extent scepticism and tolerance of novel hypotheses. Materialists regard the theoretical picture of the world as matter in motion as (...)
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  8. Instrumental vision.Rose Woodcodk - 2013 - In Estelle Barrett & Barbara Bolt (eds.), Carnal knowledge: towards a 'new materialism' through the arts. New York: I.B. Tauris.
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    Determinants of Frugal Behavior: The Influences of Consciousness for Sustainable Consumption, Materialism, and the Consideration of Future Consequences.Ernesto Suárez, Bernardo Hernández, Domingo Gil-Giménez & Víctor Corral-Verdugo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The transition toward sustainability and the adjustment to climate change should involve the reduction of consumption behavior and the need to maintain social practices of frugality. This paper investigates the influences of consciousness for sustainable consumption, materialism, and the consideration of future consequences on frugal behaviors. Four-hundred-and-forty-four individuals responded to an instrument investigating these variables. Results of a structural model revealed that materialism significantly and negatively influenced the three dimensions of CSC: economic, environmental, and social. The consideration of (...)
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    Law as an Instrument of Class Oppression.Hugh Collins - 1982 - In Marxism and Law. Oxford University Press UK.
    This chapter outlines the elements of historical materialism pertinent to law which have been common to various strands of the Marxist tradition. It argues that for historical materialism to be theoretically coherent, it requires a convincing description of the process by which the goals and aspirations of individuals and groups are materially determined. Crude materialism, class instrumentalism, and objections to class instrumentalism are also discussed.
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    Negotiating the Inhuman: Bakhtin, Materiality and the Instrumentalization of Climate Change.Angela Last - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (2):60-83.
    The article argues that the work of literary theorist Mikhail M. Bakhtin presents a starting point for thinking about the instrumentalization of climate change. Bakhtin’s conceptualization of human–world relationships, encapsulated in the concept of ‘cosmic terror’, places a strong focus on our perception of the ‘inhuman’. Suggesting a link between the perceived alienness and instability of the world and in the exploitation of the resulting fear of change by political and religious forces, Bakhtin asserts that the latter can only be (...)
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    The Ruse of Techne: Heidegger's Magical Materialism.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2024 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    The Ruse of Techne offers a reappraisal of Heidegger’s entire work by focusing on the forms of activity he regards as separate from instrumentality. Non-instrumental activities like authenticity, poetry, and thinking—in short, the ineffectual—are critical for Heidegger as they offer the only path to the truth of being throughout his work. -/- By unearthing the source of the conception of non-instrumental action in Heidegger’s reading of Aristotle, Vardoulakis elaborates how it forms part of Heidegger’s response to an old (...)
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    Neither an Instrument nor a Fortress.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2014 - Historical Materialism 22 (2):135-157.
    Peter Thomas has written an important book that brings forward the full importance of Gramsci’s strategic concepts and the pertinence they have for current theoretical and political debates. Based upon this interpretation of Gramsci, this text attempts a critical reading of the contradictory stance of the Althusserian School towards his work. Using Althusser’s own ambivalence towards Gramsci as a starting-point, the main aim of this article is to reconstruct Poulantzas’s direct and indirect dialogue with Gramsci. Despite Poulantzas’s reservations and criticisms (...)
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  14. Einstein’s Local Realism vs. Bohr’s Instrumental Anti-Realism: The Debate Between Two Titans in the Quantum Theory Arena.Eduardo Simões - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (2):332-348.
    The objective of this article is to demonstrate how the historical debate between materialism and idealism, in the field of Philosophy, extends, in new clothes, to the field of Quantum Physics characterized by realism and anti-realism. For this, we opted for a debate, also historical, between the realism of Albert Einstein, for whom reality exists regardless of the existence of the knowing subject, and Niels Bohr, for whom we do not have access to the ultimate reality of the matter, (...)
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  15. Material Culture Preface.Eugene Halton - 2009 - In Phillip Vannini (ed.), Material Culture and Technology in Everyday Life: Ethnographic Approaches. Peter Lang.
    Material culture and technoculture not only provide openings to study culture, but raise questions about contemporary materialism and technology more generally as well. Material culture tells a story, though usually not the whole story. The meanings of things are various, and finding out what they are requires a variety of approaches, from simply asking people what their things mean or observing how they use or don’t use them, to backtracking their history, or contextualizing them in broader cultural context. The (...)
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    Shaping the Noosphere: Geoethical values and spiritual resistance in Terres de l’Ebre, Catalonia, Spain.Francesc Bellaubi - 2021 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 2 (3):e210038.
    The concept of the Noosphere is of great importance when looking at the values underpinning the technocratic artifacts and technocracies (human physical technological objects and knowledge processes) by which Humans relate to the Geosphere through other human beings. In this sense, the Noosphere may inform geoethics as an environmental, social, and spiritual praxis and thinking aiming at ecological justice. The concept of the Noosphere represents the coexistence and coevolution of Humans and the Geosphere, overcoming the dichotomy between instrumental materialistic (...)
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    Reflections on the Jābāli Episode in the Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa.Ramkrishna Bhattacharya - 2016 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 44 (3):597-615.
    Jābāli, one of the priest-cum-counsellors of king Daśaratha, has long been recognized as an odd character, preaching materialism in order to persuade Rāma to go back to Ayodhyā after the death of his father. The critical edition of the Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa reveals several stanzas interpolated in the vulgate so as to denigrate Jābāli and brand him as a rank opportunist. In spite of that, whatever remains of Jābāli’s speech addressed to Rāma evinces one of the basic tenets of materialist (...)
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    La postmodernidad según Platón.José Antonio González Soriano - 2007 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 40 (2):361-368.
    The synthesis of the Critical Theory’s called essentials shapes shows the remaining and relevance of the Enlightment Dialectic’s notion. With this we can notice the relation between productive rationalization and social relations’ instrumental deformation, as constitutive character of modern culture. At time, the dialectic nature of Enlightment’s categories propitiates a melting of critical theorizations engaged with reformulated Enlightments’s ideals. This dialectic establishes some epistemologic conditions for the restoration of Critical Theory’s posibilities conditions. Around these, we feel necessary a sistematic (...)
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    Un fantasma recorre la dialéctica de la ilustración.José Antonio González Soriano - 2003 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 36 (2):261-268.
    The synthesis of the Critical Theory’s called essentials shapes shows the remaining and relevance of the Enlightment Dialectic’s notion. With this we can notice the relation between productive rationalization and social relations’ instrumental deformation, as constitutive character of modern culture. At time, the dialectic nature of Enlightment’s categories propitiates a melting of critical theorizations engaged with reformulated Enlightments’s ideals. This dialectic establishes some epistemologic conditions for the restoration of Critical Theory’s posibilities conditions. Around these, we feel necessary a sistematic (...)
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  20. Denis Diderot on War and Peace: Nature and Morality / Guerra y paz en Denis Diderot: naturaleza y moralidad.Whitney Mannies & John Christian Laursen - 2014 - Araucaria 16 (32).
    Denis Diderot’s ideas about war and peace crystalize many of the contradictions in the world that he identified. On the one hand, war is a natural product of contradictions between natural law and human developments. On the other hand, it can and should always be subject to moral judgment based on a wide-ranging knowledge of history and context. War can be good if it eliminates tyranny, and bad if it limits freedom, equality, and prosperity. Peace can be good if it (...)
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    Transforming Toxic Materialities: Microbes in Anthropogenically Polluted Soils.Alicia Ng - forthcoming - Theory, Culture and Society.
    In this essay, I explore non-human multispecies interactions in soils polluted by electronic waste and subsequently bioremediated by plants and microbes. I argue that regenerative transformation in polluted soil environments is principally through microbial degradation, a significant process for survival amidst disaster. In doing so, I combine two separate research areas – the materiality of electronic waste and of soils – thus contributing to theorization on the persistent problem of anthropogenically polluted soils. I do so by examining the process of (...)
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    Critical Theory.David Sherman - 2003 - In Robert Solomon & David Sherman (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to Continental Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 188–218.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Historical Background 1930–7: Interdisciplinary Materialism and Disintegrative Dialectics 1937–1940: Critical Theory 1940–5: The Critique of Instrumental Reason 1945–70: Theory and Practice in a One‐Dimensional Society Conclusion.
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  23. The Supercomplexity Puzzle.Nadisha-Marie Aliman - manuscript
    In the deepfake era, materialism and idealism seem to clash at multiple epistemic levels with new additional facets unfolding – an epistemic friction which could act as creativity-stimulating impetus for science and philosophy. Could the information-related concept of supercomplexity be instrumental in better clarifying understudied aspects of the apparent dichotomy? Instead of directly answering this question, this short autodidactic paper compactly analyzes a small but potentially relevant puzzle piece to complexity research taking the form of an explanatory bridge (...)
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    Razón, verdad y crítica: momentos epistemológicos en la «Dialéctica de la Ilustración» de M. Horkheimer y T. W Adorno.Esther Barahona Arriaza - 1996 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 30:167-184.
    The main goal of this article is to present Negative Dialectics as a central theme in the Adorno’s thought. In this work Adorno develops the antinomies that there are in the concept of instrumental reason, in order to assert the necessity for a new notion of rationality: a dialectical, negative and materialistic reason, which holds, at the same time, the non identity between subject-object, thought and reality. In this way Philosophy becomes critique of Idealism because this philosophical system defends (...)
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    Identidad y conciencia. Consideraciones en torno a la Dialéctica negativa de Adorno.Pablo López Alvarez - 1996 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 30:185-204.
    The main goal of this article is to present Negative Dialectics as a central theme in the Adorno’s thought. In this work Adorno develops the antinomies that there are in the concept of instrumental reason, in order to assert the necessity for a new notion of rationality: a dialectical, negative and materialistic reason, which holds, at the same time, the non identity between subject-object, thought and reality. In this way Philosophy becomes critique of Idealism because this philosophical system defends (...)
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    Remaining with the Crossing: Social-Political Historical Critique at the Limit in Latin American Thought.Alejandro A. Vallega - 2012 - Research in Phenomenology 42 (2):229-250.
    Abstract If the question of the humanity of “the other“ may become a question, and not be reinscribed into Western colonizing patterns of thought, then its issuing must concern a limit (always arising beyond Western thought), a delimitation of existence that is risked and put at risk without recourse to the project or operation of that colonizing thought that situates it. Ideas of subjectivity, agency, and power-knowledge potential for progress, as well as rationalist instrumental thought used to recognize those (...)
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    Horkheimer, M., y Adorno, TH.: Dialéctica de la Ilustración. [REVIEW]E. Barahona Arriaza - 1996 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 30:299.
    The main goal of this article is to present Negative Dialectics as a central theme in the Adorno’s thought. In this work Adorno develops the antinomies that there are in the concept of instrumental reason, in order to assert the necessity for a new notion of rationality: a dialectical, negative and materialistic reason, which holds, at the same time, the non identity between subject-object, thought and reality. In this way Philosophy becomes critique of Idealism because this philosophical system defends (...)
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    The beginnings of Nietzsche's theory of language.Claudia Crawford - 1988 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    The Beginnings of Nietzsche's Theory of Language is concerned with the years 1865 through Winter/Spring 1870-71. Four texts of Nietzsche's, "Vom Ursprung der Sprache", "Zur Teleologie", "Zu Schopenhauer", and "Anschauung Notes", are translated into English and interpreted from the perspective of Nietzsche's developing theory of language. An examination of the major influences of Schopenhauer, Kant, Eduard von Hartmann, and Frederick A. Lange are pursued. ;Theory, in this work, does not assume that it is possible to take a position of authority (...)
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    Pierre Bourdieu on social transformation, with particular reference to political and symbolic revolutions.Bridget Fowler - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (3):439-463.
    This article challenges what is now the orthodoxy concerning the heritage of Bourdieu (1930–2002): namely, the judgement that his distinctive sociological innovation has been his theory of social reproduction, and that he has failed to provide a necessary theory of social change. Yet Bourdieu consistently claimed to offer a theory of social transformation as well as accounting for continuities of power. Indeed, he provides two substantive keys for an understanding of historical transformation—first, a theory of prophets (religious or secular) as (...)
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  30. William James on belief: Turning darwinism against empiricistic skepticism.Matthew Crippen - 2010 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 46 (3):477-502.
    Few address the extent to which William James regards the neo-Lamarckian account of “direct adaptation” as a biological extension of British empiricism. Consequently few recognize the instrumental role that the Darwinian idea of “indirect adaptation” plays in his lifelong efforts to undermine the empiricist view that sense experience molds the mind. This article examines how James uses Darwinian thinking, first, to argue that mental content can arise independently of sense experience; and, second, to show that empiricists advance a hopelessly (...)
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    Le paradigme inachevé: matérialisme historique et choix rationnel.Stefano Bracaletti - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'expression "marxisme analytique" ou "marxisme du choix rationnel" définit un ensemble d'auteurs, recherchant une approche nouvelle des concepts fondamentaux du matérialisme historique, tels qu'exploitation, classe, lutte de classe, action collective, par le recours aux instruments et techniques de la science sociale contemporaine. Ce courant montre une exigence de clarté et de rigueur peu commune dans la tradition marxiste.
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    Architekturen und Artefakte: zur Materialität des Religiösen.Uta Karstein (ed.) - 2017 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    In der Soziologie ist seit längerer Zeit ein zunehmendes Interesse an Architektur und Artefakten beobachtbar. Dabei wird daran erinnert, dass nicht nur immaterielle Zeichen, Symbole und Repräsentationen des Sozialen existieren, sondern auch Orte, Stoffe und Dinge. Diesen wird eine wichtige Rolle im sozialen Geschehen zugesprochen: Materiales erscheint als Träger von Erinnerungskulturen, als sozialer Akteur, Heilsvermittler, Medium von Repräsentation – kurz: als Bedingung, Beschränkung und Instrument sozialer Praxis. Dies gilt auch in Bezug auf Religion. Dennoch hat die Perspektive noch kaum Eingang (...)
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    The New Defense of Determinism: Neurobiological Reduction.Mehmet Ödemi̇ş - 2021 - Kader 19 (1):29-54.
    Determinist thought with its sui generis view on life, nature and being as a whole is a point of view that could be observed in many different cultures and beliefs. It was thanks to Greek thought that it ceased to be a cultural element and transformed into a systematic cosmology. Schools such as Leucippos, then Democritos and Stoa attempted to integrate the determinist philosophy into ontology and cosmology. In the course of time, physics and metaphysics-based determinism approaches were introduced, and (...)
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    Against instinctual reason: Alain Badiou on the disinterested interest of truth procedures in the post-truth era.Nusret Sinan Evcan - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (4):567-587.
    According to Alain Badiou, truth’s existence is not dependent upon philosophy because philosophy itself is not a creator of truth. Badiouan thought submits philosophy to the universe of truth through the mediation of truth procedures. Badiou names these procedures love, politics, art and science. In contrast, the instinctual reason of democratic materialism, which Badiou defines as the partnership between parliamentary democracy and neo-liberal pragmatism, replaces love with physical beauty, politics with technical power, art with a marketable talent and science (...)
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  35. Faith between reason and affect: thinking with Antonio Gramsci.Lukas Slothuus - 2021 - Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory 1 (1).
    This article argues that faith is a crucial concept for understanding the relationship between reason and affect. By allowing people to learn from religious faith for secular ends, it can help generate political action for emancipatory change. Antonio Gramsci's underexplored secular-political and materialist conception of faith provides an important contribution to such a project. By speaking to common sense and tradition, faith avoids imposing a wholly external set of normative and political principles, instead taking people as they are as the (...)
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  36. The Cracked Share.Hangjun Lee & Chulki Hong - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):2-5.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 2–5 To begin with, as we understand from a remote place like Seoul, there have been two different conceptions of materiality in the Western experimental ?lm history: materiality of cinema and of ?lm. The former has been represented by the practitioners of the so-called the “Expanded Cinema” and the latter by the tradition of the “Hand-made” ?lm. Whereas for the Expanded Cinema, the materiality or the “medium-speci?city” includes not only the ?lm material but also the entire condition (...)
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    Vacher de Lapouge and the Rise of Nazi Science.Jennifer Michael Hecht - 2000 - Journal of the History of Ideas 61 (2):285-304.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 61.2 (2000) 285-304 [Access article in PDF] Vacher de Lapouge and the Rise of Nazi Science Jennifer Michael Hecht * In the literature on the history of the Shoah the existence of a tradition of explicit anti-morality has been generally ignored. 1 This article argues that the materialist anthropology of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries waged a direct attack on morality, (...)
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  38. Revisiting the Dialectic of Environment: Nature as Ideology and Ethics in Adorno and the Frankfurt School.Eric S. Nelson - 2011 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2011 (155):105-126.
    As a contribution to a critical yet responsive materialist ethics of environments and animals, I reexamine the significance of nature and animals in the critical social theory of Theodor Adorno. In response to the anthropocentric primacy of intersubjective discourse and recognition in recent figures associated with the Frankfurt School, such as Habermas and Honneth, I argue for the ecological import of the aporetic dialectic of nature and society diagnosed in Adorno and Horkheimer’s Dialectic of Enlightenment and Adorno’s later works. Adorno’s (...)
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    Alter Galenus: Jean Fernel et son interprétation plantonico-chrétienne de Galien.Hiro Hirai - 2005 - Early Science and Medicine 10 (1):1-35.
    Inspired by Christian Platonism as developed in the late fifteenth-century Florentine milieu, the French physician Jean Fernel proposed a particular interpretation of Galen in a medico-philosophical work entitled On the Hidden Causes of Things . With this interpretation, he responded to the serious and urgent need for a reconciliation of the newly reconstituted Galen of Renaissance humanism with Christian faith. The present study examines Fernel's strategy and method in constructing this singular Galenic body of doctrine, special attention being given to (...)
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    Vital Matters and Generative Materiality: Between Bennett and Irigaray.Rachel Jones - 2015 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 46 (2):156-172.
    This paper puts Jane Bennett’s vital materialism into dialogue with Luce Irigaray’s ontology of sexuate difference. Together these thinkers challenge the image of dead or intrinsically inanimate matter that is bound up with both the instrumentalization of the earth and the disavowal of sexual difference and the maternal. In its place they seek to affirm a vital, generative materiality: an ‘active matter’ whose differential becomings no longer oppose activity to passivity, subject to object, or one body, self or entity (...)
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    The sociology of knowledge: Emphasis on an empirical attitude.Kurt H. Wolff - 1943 - Philosophy of Science 10 (2):104-123.
    Two distinct attitudes have been adopted by investigators in the field of the sociology of knowledge. One of them may be called speculative; the other, empirical. The central interest of an investigator having the speculative attitude lies in developing a theory of the sociology of knowledge. The central interest of investigators having the empirical attitude lies in finding out or explaining concrete phenomena; the theory is employed, implicitly or explicity, for this purpose. The existence of the two attitudes may be (...)
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  42. “The Limbo of Ethical Simulacra”: A Reply to Ron Greene.Dana L. Cloud, Steve Macek & James Arnt Aune - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (1):72-84.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 39.1 (2006) 72-84 [Access article in PDF] "The Limbo of Ethical Simulacra": A Reply to Ron Greene Dana L. Cloud Department of Communication Studies University of Texas, Austin Steve Macek Department of Speech Communication North Central College James Arnt Aune Department of Communication Texas A&M University In two recent articles, "Another Materialist Rhetoric," and "Rhetoric and Capitalism" (1998, 2004), Ronald Walter Greene pays considerable attention to (...)
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    O Método Materialista Histórico e Dialético Para a Pesquisa Em Educação.Marília Freitas de Campos Tozoni-Reis - 2020 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 12 (17):67-84.
    This article presents the Historical and Dialectical Materialist Method as a possible approach to interpret social reality, and, consequently, the educational reality. The logical construction of this Method, which substantiates the Marxist thought, presents itself as a theoretical (logical instrument) and methodological (guiding pathways) possibility to interpret reality. This methodological perspective is distinguished by the movement of thought through the historical reality of men’s life in society, i.e., it deals with discovering (by the movement of thought) the fundamental laws that (...)
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    Bernard Mandeville and the Therapy of "The Clever Politician".Harold John Cook - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (1):101.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Bernard Mandeville and the Therapy of “The Clever Politician”Harold J. CookAs the institutional authority of the learned physicians of Augustan London waned, new threats to the classical foundations of medical practice appeared. 1 Patients had more freedom to chose from a variety of practitioners and practices, giving both consumer demand and the advertising skills of suppliers an even more powerful hand in medical affairs. While the burgeoning medical marketplace (...)
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  45. Berkeley on Evil.John Russell Roberts - forthcoming - In Douglas Hedley (ed.), The History of Evil IV: The History of Evil in the 18th and 19th Centuries. Acumen Publishing.
    This essay consists of two parts. Part I offers an explanation of Berkeley's understanding of the relationship between materialism and evil. Berkeley regards materialism as the chief instrumental cause of evil in the world. It is the belief in matter that encourages us to believe that God is not immediately, intimately present in every aspect of our life. Immaterialism, by contrast, makes God's immediate presence vivid and thereby serves to undermine the motivation to vice. Part II locates (...)
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  46. Editorial, Cosmopolis. Spirituality, religion and politics.Paul Ghils - 2015 - Cosmopolis. A Journal of Cosmopolitics 7 (3-4).
    Cosmopolis A Review of Cosmopolitics -/- 2015/3-4 -/- Editorial Dominique de Courcelles & Paul Ghils -/- This issue addresses the general concept of “spirituality” as it appears in various cultural contexts and timeframes, through contrasting ideological views. Without necessarily going back to artistic and religious remains of primitive men, which unquestionably show pursuits beyond the biophysical dimension and illustrate practices seeking to unveil the hidden significance of life and death, the following papers deal with a number of interpretations covering a (...)
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  47. Radicalizing Radical Negativity: On Oliver Marchart’s Thinking Antagonism.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2020 - Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics 3 (22):581-605.
    Oliver Marchart constructs an elaborate ontologization of the political that builds on theories developed by the Essex School while relying on Heideggerianism and Hegelianism. This original thought is a powerful and convincing attempt to think the ontology of the political without lapsing into a celebration of essentialist grounding or complete groundlessness, which are equally metaphysical and mutually supporting positions. Tensions arise within Marchart’s own thought when the notion of instrumentality appears to be inscribed solely on the side of politics or (...)
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    Explanation in Psychology: Functional Support for Anomalous Monism: Jim Edwards.Jim Edwards - 1990 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 27:45-64.
    Donald Davidson finds folk-psychological explanations anomalous due to the open-ended and constitutive conception of rationality which they employ, and yet monist because they invoke an ontology of only physical events. An eliminative materialist who thinks that the beliefs and desires of folk-psychology are mere pre-scientific fictions cannot accept these claims, but he could accept anomalous monism construed as an analysis, merely, of the ideological and ontological presumptions of folk-psychology. Of course, eliminative materialism is itself only a guess, a marker (...)
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    Imagination between Physick and Philosophy.Koen Vermeir - 2008 - Intellectual History Review 18 (1):119-137.
    I argue that the imagination plays a central role in the thought of the Cambridge Platonist Henry More. First, physiological descriptions of melancholy and imagination were at the heart of his attack against enthusiasm and atheism. Second, in order to defend his metaphysical dualism, he had to respond to traditional accounts of the imagination as a mediating faculty between body and soul. Third, More also opposed the traditional view that the imagination was a material faculty, because in the context of (...)
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    Økologisk demokrati og naturens iboende verdi.Odin Lysaker - 2011 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2:41-58.
    Vi står overfor en planetær miljø- og klimakrise, med alvorlige, gjennomgripende, langvarige og irreversible konsekvenser for både menneske og natur. Det skyldes særlig at politiske, rettslige og økonomiske systemer som har vokst frem i løpet av de siste 250 år – slik som det liberale demokratiet og den globale kapitalismen – behandler naturen antroposentrisk, materialistisk og instrumentelt. For bedre å håndtere dagens miljø- og klimakrise, bør disse utdaterte systemene reformeres ut fra tanken om et økologisk demokrati, herunder en grønn konstitusjonalisme (...)
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