Results for 'intentional crises'

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  1. When Does Corporate Social Responsibility Backfire? Intentional Crises and the Insurance Value of CSR.Danni Zhang, Yusen Dong & Chunlin Liu - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Drawing on attribution theory and expectancy violation theory, this study investigates the effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on stock market reactions in the context of intentional crises, during which stakeholders are likely to attribute crisis responsibility to the focal firm. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms from 2012 to 2022, we find that in the context of an intentional crisis, the stock market reacts more negatively to firms with higher prior CSR performance. Two contingency factors (...)
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    Penser la crise: lexique critique de la crise dans tous ses états: ABCDaire précédé de Les meilleures intentions.Alain Finkielkraut & Jacques Ricot (eds.) - 2007 - [Vallet]: M-editer.
    La crise est un moment singulier de l’existence des hommes et du monde où l’ordre habituel des choses se met à vaciller et menace même de retourner au chaos. On la redoute donc le plus souvent, en essayant de l’éviter. Mais plutôt que d’en craindre le pire, ne peut-on en espérer le meilleur : dans sa violence même, la crise ne fait-elle pas apparaître de nouvelles possibilités d’être? Ne faut-il pas alors tâcher de s’en saisir comme l’occasion d’une renaissance, aussi (...)
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  3. Understanding Purchase Intention During Product-Harm Crises: Moderating Effects of Perceived Corporate Ability and Corporate Social Responsibility. [REVIEW]Chieh-Peng Lin, Shwu-Chuan Chen, Chou-Kang Chiu & Wan-Yu Lee - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (3):455-471.
    A company’s product-harm crises often lead to negative publicity which substantially affects purchase intention. This study attempts to examine the purchase intention and its antecedents (e.g., perceived negative publicity) during product-harm crises by simultaneously including perceived corporate ability (CA) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) as moderators. In the study’s proposed model, purchase intention is indirectly affected by perceived CA, negative publicity, and CSR via the mediation of trust and affective identification. At the same time, the influences of perceived (...)
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  4. La crise des sciences et le fondement de la psychologie. La double vie de la phénoménologie dans les derniers écrits de Husserl.Denis Fisette - 2019 - In Dominique Pradelle & Julien Farges (eds.), Husserl. La phénoménologie et les fondements des sciences. Paris, France: Hermann. pp. 319-341.
    Je me propose de réfléchir ici sur la place de plus en plus importante qu’occupe la psychologie intentionnelle dans la phénoménologie transcendantale de Husserl à partir du milieu des années 1920. Pour ce faire, je commencerai par fournir quelques indications que l’on retrouve dans plusieurs textes appartenant à la dernière période de Freiburg sur ce qu’on pourrait appeler une réhabilitation de la psychologie au sein de la phénoménologie transcendantale et le projet d’une psychologie eidétique ; dans la deuxième partie, je (...)
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  5. Explaining Economic Crises: Are There Collective Representations?Paul Thagard - 2010 - Episteme 7 (3):266-283.
    This paper uses the economic crisis of 2008 as a case study to examine the explanatory validity of collective mental representations. Distinguished economists such as Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz attribute collective beliefs, desires, intentions, and emotions to organizations such as banks and governments. I argue that the most plausible interpretation of these attributions is that they are metaphorical pointers to a complex of multilevel social, psychological, and neural mechanisms. This interpretation also applies to collective knowledge in science: scientific communities (...)
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    From good intentions to real life: introducing crisis resolution teams in Norway.Bengt Karlsson, Marit Borg & Hesook Suzie Kim - 2008 - Nursing Inquiry 15 (3):206-215.
    From good intentions to real life: introducing crisis resolution teams in Norway In Norway, as in most western countries, the adult services for people experiencing mental health problems have gone through major changes over the last decades. A report submitted to the Norwegian Parliament in 1997 summarized several areas of improvement in the provision of mental health‐care to its population, and led to the introduction of a national mental health programme in 1998 for its implementation to be completed by 2008. (...)
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  7. Religio/superstitio. La crise des institutions de Cicéron à Augustin.Serge Margel - 2006 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 138 (3):193-207.
    Il s�agira ici d�analyser le couple traditionnel religio/superstitio, dans la littérature latine, de Cicéron à Augustin. Mon intention, à vrai dire, n�est pas seulement de comparer les textes païens aux premières réflexions chrétiennes, mais d�abord et avant tout de montrer comment les chrétiens ont tenté d�établir un nouveau statut des institutions sociales sur une critique de l�opposition païenne entre religion et superstition.
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    Have we (really) done enough? Strengthening “outcome responsibility” in assessing moral duties toward refugees of protracted crises.Muhammet Ali Asil - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    This article seeks to advance the discussions on our moral obligations towards refugees of protracted crises by proposing a nuanced application of outcome responsibility. Differentiating causal and outcome responsibility through intention, involvement, and side-taking principles has both symbolic and practical significance in assigning reparative and remedial duties. The framework utilizes domestic analogies to help explain the refined version of these two responsibility types. It examines the Syrian crisis within this paradigm to offer a clearer understanding of the actors that (...)
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    Note d'intention.Aliénor Bertrand - 2009 - Cahiers Philosophiques 119 (3):9-9.
    Cet article a pour but d’expliquer en quoi l’urgence écologique nous impose de repenser le rapport de la démocratie aux territoires. Nos institutions politiques (internationales, nationales, locales) ne se montrent pas capables de faire face aux crises écologiques actuelles (climat, eau, biodiversité, approvisionnement énergétique). Or la solution n’est pas de valoriser l’échelon local au détriment du global en reconduisant les topoi philosophiques vantant les petites républiques ou promouvant la participation, mais de prendre les décisions adéquates à l’échelle pertinente. La (...)
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    Modernité, tyrannie et crise.Kai Marchal & Bruno Quelennec - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie 2:63-89.
    Cet article se demande si un dialogue entre la civilisation chinoise et Leo Strauss est possible et à quelles conditions. Il décrit le contexte d’introduction de Strauss en Chine, en se concentrant sur Liu Xiaofeng, l’un des straussiens les plus influents de la Chine contemporaine. L’analyse de son interprétation de la critique straussienne de la modernité occidentale fait ressortir deux distorsions fondamentales : là où Strauss considérait l’« enseignement tyrannique » comme quelque chose de théorique, Liu en fait un plan (...)
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    Reconciliação Divina, Humana e Planetária: o desafio do amor divino diante da crise existencial humana e ecológica - DOI: 10.5752/p.2175-5841.2009V7N14p62. [REVIEW]Ângela Zitzke - 2009 - Horizonte 7 (14):62-92.
    Reconciliação Divina, Humana e Planetária: o desafio do amor divino diante da crise existencial humana e ecológica (Divine, Human and Planetary reconciliation: the challenge of divine love against the human and ecological existential crisis) Pretende-se, num primeiro momento, fazer um estudo sobre o modelo salvífico da reconciliação, apresentando (1) as causas do afastamento humano, (2) a barreira do pecado, (3) a obra de Deus em Cristo, bem como (3) sua manifestação de amor. Num segundo momento, abordar-se-á a respeito do a (...)
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    The Role of CSR in Crises: Integration of Situational Crisis Communication Theory and the Persuasion Knowledge Model.Chang-Dae Ham & Jeesun Kim - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (2):353-372.
    Despite widespread discussion of the impact of corporate social responsibility activities on consumer perceptions, little research has examined how consumers cope with CSR-based crisis response messages as a bolstering strategy. To fill this gap, we propose a framework integrating situational crisis communication theory with the persuasion knowledge model, applying the model to an experiment with a 2 × 2 × 2 between-subjects factorial design. In Study 1, we found interaction effects between CSR motives and crisis type on word-of-mouth intention and (...)
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    L’art sacre, un art impossible.Emmanuel Housset - 2016 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 100 (2):249-275.
    La crise de l’art sacré n’est pas conjoncturelle, mais elle appartient bien à sa tension constitutive entre l’intention propre à l’art et la volonté de refléter la parole de Dieu. En prenant comme fil conducteur le sacré chrétien, il s’agit de montrer que l’art est un chemin pour comprendre le sacré autrement que comme une valeur ou que comme une catégorie. Mais en retour, le sacré est un chemin pour comprendre que l’art n’est pas image. En cela l’art sacré est (...)
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    Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional Em Tempos de Covid-19: Impactos Na África, América Latina e Portugal.Maitu Abibo Buanango, Lilian Fernanda Galesi-Pacheco, Yudi Paulina Garcia Ramirez, Cristina Amaro da Costa, Jaqueline Sgarbi Santos, Ana Pinto de Loura & Carla Maria Vieira - 2020 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 12 (16):100-117.
    Economic and sanitary crises have great repercussions on access to food and the health of the population. In this context, austerity policies can have devastating effects on social rights. The purpose of this essay is to reflect on the impact of various types of crises on the Human Right to Adequate Food and Nutrition (DHANA) and on Food and Nutritional Security (SAN) of vulnerable populations and to identify of public policies, programs and actions developed based on the relief (...)
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    Science et Territoires de l’ignorance.Mathias Girel - 2017 - 78000 Versailles, France: Quae.
    L’ignorance peut être autre chose que la pure absence de savoir ou que le simple fait d’être privé de connaissances possédées par d’autres : elle peut être domptée, elle peut aussi être produite. Quels sont les variétés et les modes de l’ignorance, et pourquoi est-il essentiel d’en tenir compte dans les débats environnementaux et sanitaires ? Lorsqu’elle est « produite », comme l’estiment certains, comment l’est-elle ? L’ouvrage répond à ces questions et, au-delà de l’opposition tranchée entre l’ignorance conçue comme (...)
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  16. Eric Voegelin on Nazi Political Extremism.Clifford F. Porter - 2002 - Journal of the History of Ideas 63 (1):151-171.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 63.1 (2002) 151-171 [Access article in PDF] Eric Voegelin on Nazi Political Extremism Clifford F. Porter Eric Voegelin (1901-1985) is not as well known among historians as he is among political theorists, yet he has had a continuing influence on both German Social Democrat and Christian Democrat political leaders. His early life is very much a reflection of both the intellectual developments and (...)
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    O Conceito de Imitação no Jovem Friedrich Schlegel.Faustino Sílvia - 2016 - Trans/Form/Ação 39 (s1):23-36.
    RESUMO: Tomando por base o ensaio Über das Studium der griechschen Poesie, este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar o conceito de imitação no pensamento do jovem Friedrich Schlegel. Além de explicitar dois usos distintos do conceito - que aparece ora como imitação do real, ora como imitação dos antigos - pretende-se identificar oscilações e tensões terminológicas que possam esclarecer a postura filosófica do autor, frente à profunda crise de legitimidade, que, naquela época, atinge a concepção da arte como imitação da (...)
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    Global governance and the emergence of global institutions for the 21st century.Arthur L. Dahl - 2019 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Maja Groff & Augusto López-Claros.
    The world today is facing unprecedented challenges of governance far beyond what the United Nations, established more than 70 years ago, was designed to face. The grave effects of global climate change are already manifesting themselves, requiring rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society if we are to arrest catastrophic and probably irreversible consequences. Science has uncovered the frightening and rapid collapse in global biodiversity, threatening ecosystems across the planet that maintain the correct functioning of the biosphere, (...)
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    Le rôle créateur de l'exception en droit.Jean-Jacques Sarfati - 2016 - Paris: Connaissances et savoirs.
    Pour des raisons souvent historiques, la pensée occidentale moderne a surtout pensé la norme et la loi. Elle a parfois aussi – mais plus rarement – réfléchi sur le principe mais elle a souvent négligé l'exception. Or cette dernière joue un rôle central en droit en ce qu'elle le crée réellement et en tous les sens du terme. Certains auteurs ont tenté de mettre en évidence l'importance de ladite exception mais leur vision a souvent été trop réductrice et l'exception a (...)
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    The Knock at the Door: Utopian Dreams for Post-Covid Times.Pedro Mora-Ramírez, María Amo-Hernández & Paula García-Rodríguez - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):641-647.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Knock at the Door: Utopian Dreams for Post-Covid TimesPedro Mora-Ramírez, María Amo-Hernández, and Paula García-RodríguezAnswering the Knock at the Door, Welcoming Utopian Futures, The Knock at the Door: Utopian Dreams for Post-Covid Times, May 21–24, 2023, University of Huelva, Spain, and University of Calgary, CanadaThe COVID-19 pandemic has fostered new adversities and vulnerabilities, prompting reflection on the economic, social, and political paradigms that endanger human and nonhuman lives. (...)
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    Romantisme Et Religion (Classic Reprint).André Joussain - 2017 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Romantisme Et Religion On pourrait peut - être invoquer également, a l'appui des mêmes faits, d'abord l'attraction de plus en plus forte exercée sur les esprits par les philosophes; ensuite l'attitude nouvelle prise par le public a l'égard de la littérature. Il semble que le théâtre et le roman ne soient qu'un prétexte à discuter des problèmes moraux et sociaux. Ce qu'on recherche dans le naturalisme a travers l'exactitude des descriptions, ce n'est déjà plus la pure reproduction du (...)
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    (R)évolutions: pour une politique en actes.Lionel Astruc, Jean-Marc Borello, Patrick Viveret, Pierre Rabhi & Philippe Desbrosses (eds.) - 2012 - Arles: Actes Sud.
    L’objectif, éminemment politique, de cet ouvrage est de proposer pour 2012 une alternative aux programmes court-termistes et consensuels qui pourraient être développés par les candidats lors de la campagne officielle pour les élections présidentielles. Il vise à offrir une perspective de long terme de ce à quoi la société pourrait ressembler d’ici trente à cinquante ans si nous prenons un véritable virage écologique et humain et si nous opérons un changement concret de paradigme. Si, ces dernières années, un grand nombre (...)
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    Recent Social Trends in U. S. A.Julian Gumperz - 1933 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 2 (2):213-234.
    Le but de cette encyclopédie en deux volumes, rédigée à l’instigation du président Hoover, était d’exposer tous les aspects de la vie sociale américaine, dans le dessein bien arrêté de saisir les rapports existant entre les différentes sphères sociales et de déterminer les transformations qui se produisent au sein de la société. Ces transformations devaient non seulement être constatées, mais on voulait encore essayer de trouver leur tendance générale, leur „trend“, c’est-à-dire la loi qui les détermine. Dans une critique des (...)
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    IBERDROLA: A Utility’s Approach to Sustainability and Stakeholder Management.Tanguy Jacopin, Serge Poisson-de Haro & Joan Fontrodona - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 5:113-138.
    This case examines how IBERDROLA, Spain’s leading electricity supplier, shifted the company’s strategic focus to concentrate on sustainability and turned it into a source of competitive edge in a liberalized market. Largely pre-empting the industry obligations that came out of the Kyoto agreement, IBERDROLA decided to put sustainability at the heart of the company’s decision-making processes. IBERDROLA sold off its most polluting facilities and all non-core activities to concentrate on becoming the greenest player on the market. Its success was due (...)
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  25. National Defence, Self Defence, and the Problem of Political Aggression.Seth Lazar - 2014 - In Cécile Fabre & Seth Lazar (eds.), The Morality of Defensive War. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 10-38.
    Wars are large-scale conflicts between organized groups of belligerents, which involve suffering, devastation, and brutality unlike almost anything else in human experience. Whatever one’s other beliefs about morality, all should agree that the horrors of war are all but unconscionable, and that warfare can be justified only if we have some compel- ling account of what is worth fighting for, which can justify contributing, as individu- als and as groups, to this calamitous endeavour. Although this question should obviously be central (...)
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    COVID-19 and Spillover Effect of Global Economic Crisis on the United States’ Financial Stability.Khurram Shehzad, Liu Xiaoxing, Faik Bilgili & Emrah Koçak - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, the lockdown engendered has had a vicious impact on the global economy. This analysis’ prime intention is to evaluate the impact of the United States’ economic and health crisis as a result of COVID-19 on its financial stability. Additionally, the investigation analyzed the spillover impact of the worldwide economic slowdown experienced by COVID-19 on the United States’ financial volatility. The study applied an autoregressive distributed lag model and discovered that the economic and health (...) that occurred in the United States portentously upset the future expectations of its investors. Conspicuously, the health crisis in Spain and Italy were ominous spillovers of the United States’ financial instability in the short-run. Likewise, an economic crisis ensued in the United Kingdom because of COVID-19 causing spillover for the United States markets’ financial instability. The examination evaluated that Asian and African nations’ economic crises perilously affects the United States’ financial stability. The study determined that financial instability occurred in the United States due to its own economic and health crises persisted for a longer period than financial disequilibrium that occurred in other nations. The analysis suggested some strategies of smart lockdown that the government of the United States and other nations should follow to restart the economic cycle through tighter controls to minimize losses by following the steps of preparing a lockdown checklist, monitoring completion of lockdown tasks, and complete a close-down stock take or count. (shrink)
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    Fatherhood crisis: Drawing inspiration from hunhu/ubuntu and Saint Joseph.Alois Rutsviga - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (2):9.
    The article seeks to purvey a moral philosophical foundation to the apostolic letter. The apostolic letter speaks pointedly of the fatherhood crisis as an issue that needs moral philosophical atrention. The research will use two methods: the philosophical (content) analysis and applied ethical theories. Philosophical analysis is a general term for techniques typically used by philosophers in the analytic tradition that involve breaking down philosophical issues in order to bring clarity, consistence, and coherence. The method is used to analyse concepts (...)
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    Effect of Matching Between the Adopted Corporate Response Strategy and the Type of Hypocrisy Manifestation on Consumer Behavior: Mediating Role of Negative Emotions.Zhigang Wang, Xintao Liu, Lei Zhang, Chao Wang & Rui Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Consumers may sense hypocrisy in corporate social responsibility if they note inconsistency in enterprises’ words and deeds related to CSR. This inconsistency originates from the intentional selfish actions and unintentional actions of enterprises. Studies have revealed that consumers’ perception of hypocrisy has a negative influence on enterprise operation. However, studies have not examined how corporate responses to consumers’ hypocrisy perception affect consumers’ attitude and behavior. Therefore, the present study attempted to determine the measures that should be undertaken by enterprises (...)
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    The Role of Moral Psychology in Professional Ethics Classes.Scott D. Gelfand & Steve Harrist - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 74:17-22.
    We are currently developing a short, online ethics course that attempts to teach students why well-intentioned people act unethically and what students can do to decrease the likelihood that they will find themselves in the middle of an ethical crisis in the future. Most of the well-known case studies in professional ethics textbooks concern ethical failures that do not involve difficult ethical choices. When our students read these case studies, it is not difficult for them to determine what went wrong (...)
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    The Clinical Ethics Consult: Transforming Ambivalence to Action.Eve Makoff - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (1):12-13.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Clinical Ethics Consult: Transforming Ambivalence to ActionEve MakoffAs palliative care practitioners, we’re good at diffusing explosive family dynamics and holding space for patients and families in emotional crises. We also help everyone involved with the care of seriously ill patients focus on what is best based on the values of the most important person in the room; the one in the hospital bed. So, when we call (...)
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  31. Vers une écosophie des pratiques architecturales et urbaines.Marianna Charitonidou - 2021 - Ligeia 189 (2):5-14.
    Cet article revisite les constructions philosophiques vis-à-vis l’écologie politique de Félix Guattari, Bernard Stiegler, Isabelle Stengers et Bruno Latour, afin d’interroger les modes de transmission du savoir et l’articulation entre les dimensions esthétique, politique, technique, éthique et écologique en architecture et en urbanisme. Il réunit les démarches de ces penseurs pour problématiser le passage à l’acte, les pratiques architecturales et urbaines, et l’impact de l’industrialisation du geste sur les modes d’énonciation architecturale. La crise écologique renvoie à une crise plus générale (...)
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    Global governance and the emergence of global institutions for the 21st century.Augusto López-Claros - 2020 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Arthur L. Dahl & Maja Groff.
    The world today is facing unprecedented challenges of governance far beyond what the United Nations, established more than 70 years ago, was designed to face. The grave effects of global climate change are already manifesting themselves, requiring rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society if we are to arrest catastrophic and probably irreversible consequences. Science has uncovered the frightening and rapid collapse in global biodiversity, threatening ecosystems across the planet that maintain the correct functioning of the biosphere, (...)
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    Sismogramas do choque: considerações sobre o choque em "Teoria da vanguarda", de Peter Bürger, e em "Filosofia da nova música", de Theodor W. Adorno.Eduardo Socha - 2014 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 55 (129):133-152.
    Em "Teoria da vanguarda", de Peter Bürger, o choque é compreendido como o artifício intencional dos movimentos de vanguarda contra a autonomia do esteticismo modernista, a fim de devolver a arte à práxis vital. Adotando uma perspectiva distinta, o choque, para Adorno, expõe antes a crise da experiência da formalização do tempo decorrente da incongruência entre as forças produtivas e as relações de produção na sociedade industrial, sendo que dois caminhos artísticos distintos derivam da inflexão histórica da crise da experiência. (...)
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    L'Étranger and the Truth.Robert C. Solomon - 1978 - Philosophy and Literature 2 (2):141-159.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Robert C. Solomon L'ETRANGER AND THE TRUTH Lying is not only saying what is not true. It is also and especially saying more than is true and, as far as the human heart is concerned, saying more than one feels. Albert Camus What would it be—not to lie? Perhaps it is impossible. It is not difficult to avoid uttering falsehoods, of course. One can always keep silent. But what (...)
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    Are We Becoming More Ethical Consumers During the Global Pandemic? The Moderating Role of Negotiable Fate Across Cultures.Junjun Cheng, Yimin Huang & Bo Chen - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-20.
    The COVID-19 pandemic is a global crisis which has witnessed consumers experiencing significant anxiety provoked by the threats to their health and even lives. Meanwhile, consumers have been observed to make more ethical purchases since the start of the pandemic. Drawing on literature on terror management and negotiable fate, this research employs a moderated moderating model to investigate how consumers’ perception of the pandemic severity leads to ethical consumption as a defensive mechanism against death-related anxiety, as well as the differential (...)
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    Tranquillity's Secret.James M. Corrigan - 2023 - Medium.
    Tranquillity’s Secret Presents A New Understanding Of The World And Ourselves, And A Forgotten Meditation Technique That Protects You From Traumatic Harm. There Is A Way Of Seeing The World Different. -/- My goal in this book is two-fold: to introduce a revolutionary paradigm for understanding ourselves and the world; and to explain an ancient meditation technique that brought me to the insights upon which it is founded. This technique appears in different forms in the extant spiritual and religious traditions (...)
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    Consumer Responses to Corporate Environmental Actions in China: An Environmental Legitimacy Perspective.Jianxin Li, Hao He, Hongshen Liu & Chenting Su - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (3):589-602.
    As a result of the increasing public attention to environmental crises, corporate environmental actions and their effects are a current research hotspot. This study examines how two types of corporate environmental actions influence consumers’ perceptions of environmental legitimacy and subsequent purchase intentions. Using experimental method, this study finds that substantial environmental action induces significantly higher perceptions of environmental legitimacy than symbolic environmental action, this effect can be attenuated by corporate environmental reputation, and consumer-based environmental legitimacy has a significantly positive (...)
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  38. Y a-t-il un pilote dans l'avion? Sur le dernier opus «atterrant» de Bruno Latour.Philippe Stamenkovic - manuscript
    Le lecteur non averti n’aura peut-être retenu de "Où atterrir ?" que le fait que son auteur semble animé de bonnes intentions, pour ainsi dire (on fermera les yeux sur le complotisme et le populisme) : la défense de l’environnement, l’accueil des migrants, l’intégration européenne, etc. À cela je voudrais opposer quelques remarques. La première est que la conception de Latour correspond tout à fait à ce qu’Ernst Cassirer appelait la pensée mythique. La pensée mythique, d’après Cassirer, ne conçoit pas (...)
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  39. Psychocorporeal Selfhood, Practical Intelligence, and Adaptive Autonomy.Diana Tietjens Tietjens Meyers - 2012 - In Michael Kuhler & Najda Jelinek (eds.), Autonomy and the Self. springer.
    It is not uncommon for people to suffer identity crises. Yet, faced with similarly disruptive circumstances, some people plunge into an identity crisis while others do not. How must selfhood be construed given that people are vulnerable to identity crises? And how must agency be construed given that some people skirt potential identity crises and renegotiate the terms of their personal identity without losing their equilibrium -- their sense of self? If an adequate theory of the self (...)
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    Principles of management: practicing ethics, responsibility, sustainability.Oliver Laasch - 2022 - Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publishing.
    An invaluable textbook for aspiring and practicing managers who want to create a 21st century business that is ethical and sustainable Principles of Management: Practicing Ethics, Sustainability, Responsibility is a book that places humanity, positivity and the world instead of profit at the center of its understanding of management principles. This new and fully revised edition maintains the intention of the first edition to re-think the idea of management in the face of the crises of the modern world. It (...)
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    Work engagement among nurses in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review.Ana Luiza Ferreira Aydogdu - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (8):1688-1708.
    Background Despite nurses receiving education on how to respond during crises, the stress and demands arising from unprecedented situations, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, may affect their work engagement. Aim To appraise and synthesize studies examining work engagement among nurses in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods It is a systematic review in which three databases were searched. Critical appraisal tools and PRISMA guidelines were used. Content analysis was performed. Ethical considerations Ethical approval was not required for this (...)
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    A Critical Review on Civic Friendship andthe Liberal Theory of Justice : AnExploration of Self Identity and the Basis of Fair Share. 박임희 - 2014 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (95):29-48.
    Within modern liberal political philosophy, discussions on justice have been centered upon an individualism-based distributive justice and the ‘fair share’ due to each person. According to the liberal theory of justice, the individual is an entity of rational reason and moral autonomy and considers the interests of others and of the community from a viewpoint that is focused on one’s own interests. As practical principles of justice, the principle of desert has attempted to separate the individual’s natural and inherent abilities (...)
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  43. Is Science Neurotic?Nicholas Maxwell - 2004 - London: World Scientific.
    In this book I show that science suffers from a damaging but rarely noticed methodological disease, which I call rationalistic neurosis. It is not just the natural sciences which suffer from this condition. The contagion has spread to the social sciences, to philosophy, to the humanities more generally, and to education. The whole academic enterprise, indeed, suffers from versions of the disease. It has extraordinarily damaging long-term consequences. For it has the effect of preventing us from developing traditions and institutions (...)
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    L'écologie politique à l'ère de l'information.Jean Zin - 2006 - [Maisons-Alfort]: Ère.
    Un spectre hante les cauchemars du monde marchand globalisé : le spectre de l'écologie. Toutes les puissances politiques, religieuses ou commerciales du vieux et du nouveau monde se sont regroupées dans une sainte alliance pour y faire allégeance, verbalement du moins, en faisant étalage de sommets internationaux en conférences mondiales de leur souci constant des questions écologiques.. tout en continuant, la plupart du temps, comme si de rien n'était! Dans la plus grande confusion se mêlent développement durable, sauvegarde de la (...)
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    Got Ethics?: Envisioning and Evaluating the Future of Our Guild and Discipline.Stacey M. Floyd-Thomas - 2016 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 36 (2):195-203.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Got Ethics? Envisioning and Evaluating the Future of Our Guild and DisciplineStacey M. Floyd-Thomas (bio)IN LIGHT OF THE SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN ETHICS’ TWENTY-First Century and 2020 Initiatives, several ad hoc committees and working groups have examined the fate and future of both the Society and the field of Christian ethics. The stated purposes of these initiatives and their correlative task forces were to think about a new era that (...)
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  46. La crise du sens1.I. Crise - 1994 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 116 (1-6):76.
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    A propos de la crise de 1962 au cameroun, faire de l'histoire socio-politologique: Socio-analyse et histoire analysee d'un conflit de pouvoir.D'une Crise L'analyse Historique, Politique Entre Sociologie des Circonstances Et & Sociologie des Instances - 1998 - Polis 6 (2).
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    Charles R. Johnson.Humean Intentions - 1998 - American Philosophical Quarterly 35 (2).
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  49. par Paul Mayer.En Crise Les Organisations - 1997 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 102:59-83.
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  50. Intentional action and side effects in ordinary language.J. Knobe - 2003 - Analysis 63 (3):190-194.
    There has been a long-standing dispute in the philosophical literature about the conditions under which a behavior counts as 'intentional.' Much of the debate turns on questions about the use of certain words and phrases in ordinary language. The present paper investigates these questions empirically, using experimental techniques to investigate people's use of the relevant words and phrases. g.
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