Results for 'interferon regulatory factors'

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  1.  13
    Tolerogenic and immunogenic states of Langerhans cells are orchestrated by epidermal signals acting on a core maturation gene module.Marta E. Polak & Harinder Singh - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (5):2000182.
    Langerhans cells (LCs), residing in the epidermis, are able to induce potent immunogenic responses and also to mediate immune tolerance. We propose that tolerogenic and immunogenic responses of LCs are directed by signaling from the epidermis and involve counter‐acting gene circuits that are coupled to a core maturation gene module. We base our analysis on recent genetic and genomic findings facilitating the understanding of the molecular mechanisms controlling these divergent immune functions. Comparing gene regulatory network (GRN) analyses of various (...)
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    How to produce ‘marketable and profitable results for the company’: from viral interference to Roferon A.Carsten Timmermann - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (3):30.
    This paper looks at the commodification of interferon, marketed by Hoffmann La Roche as Roferon A in 1986, as a case study that helps us understand the role of pharmaceutical industry in cancer research, the impact of molecular biology on cancer therapy, and the relationships between biotech start-ups and established pharmaceutical firms. Drawing extensively on materials from the Roche company archives, the paper traces interferon’s trajectory from observed phenomenon to product. Roche embraced molecular biology in the late 1960s (...)
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    Molecular biology of complement.Harvey R. Colten - 1986 - Bioessays 4 (6):249-254.
    Complementary DNA clones corresponding to most of the proteins of a major amplification and effector of immune host defenses, the complement system, have been isolated and characterized. Availability of these molecular probes has substantially increased our information about and understanding of the structure of the complement proteins and regulation of complement gene expression. Information about the proteins has led to the generation of potential pharmacological agents for the selective control of inflammation. Understanding of the regulatory mechanism has provided insights (...)
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    The interplay between transcription factors and microRNAs in genome‐scale regulatory networks.Natalia J. Martinez & Albertha J. M. Walhout - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (4):435-445.
    Metazoan genomes contain thousands of protein‐coding and non‐coding RNA genes, most of which are differentially expressed, i.e., at different locations, at different times during development, or in response to environmental signals. Differential gene expression is achieved through complex regulatory networks that are controlled in part by two types of trans‐regulators: transcription factors (TFs) and microRNAs (miRNAs). TFs bind to cis‐regulatory DNA elements that are often located in or near their target genes, while miRNAs hybridize to cis‐regulatory (...)
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    Causal effects of regulatory, organizational and personal factors on ethical sensitivity.Denise M. Patterson - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 30 (2):123 - 159.
    Prior researchers have studied individual components of a theoretical decision-making model. This paper presents the results of a more complete study of the model components and presents limited support of theory. The study examines the relative importance of regulatory, organizational, and personal constructs on an individual''s ethical sensitivity. Auditors from the major international accounting firms, located in two southeastern cities, are surveyed. Structural equation modeling is used to allow for the simultaneous evaluation of the three constructs of interest. The (...)
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    Regulatory Policy and the Consensus Trap: An Agency Perspective.Daniel J. Fiorino - 1997 - Analyse & Kritik 19 (1):64-76.
    Regulatory agencies in the United States have relied increasingly on consensus-based decision processes to build public support for their policies. If they are well-designed and managed effectively, consensus-based processes may increase support for an agency’s policies and enhance its institutional legitimacy. But poorly-designed processes may lead to a consensus trap, in which an agency commits to making decisions based on a consensus the participants will never be able to achieve. Two recent initiatives of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - (...)
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    Putting its fingers on stressful situations: the heavy metal‐regulatory transcription factor MTF‐1.P. Lichtlen & W. Schaffner - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (11):1010-1017.
    It has been suggested that metallothioneins, discovered about 45 years ago, play a central role in heavy metal metabolism and detoxification, and in the management of various forms of stress. The metal‐regulatory transcription factor‐1 (MTF‐1) was shown to be essential for basal and heavy metal‐induced transcription of the stress‐responsive metallothionein‐I and metallothionein‐II. Recently it has become obvious that MTF‐1 has further roles in the transcriptional regulation of genes induced by various stressors and might even contribute to some aspects of (...)
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    A regulatory switch involving a Clp atpase.Beth A. Lazazzera & Alan D. Grossman - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (6):455-458.
    Clp ATPase chaperone proteins are found in procaryotes and eucaryotes. Recently, ClpC of Bacillus subtilis was found to be part of a regulatory switch(1). ClpC, in combination with the MecA and ComS proteins, regulates the activity of a transcription factor, ComK, which is necessary for the development of genetic competence (the ability to bind and take up exogenous DNA). The complex of ClpC:MecA:ComK renders ComK inactive. Interaction between ComS and the ternary complex releases active ComK. This regulatory switch (...)
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    Similarities in the induction of the intracellular pathogen response in Caenorhabditis elegans and the type I interferon response in mammals.Vladimir Lažetić, Lakshmi E. Batachari, Alistair B. Russell & Emily R. Troemel - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (11):2300097.
    Although the type‐I interferon (IFN‐I) response is considered vertebrate‐specific, recent findings about the Intracellular Pathogen Response (IPR) in nematode Caenorhabditis elegans indicate that there are similarities between these two transcriptional immunological programs. The IPR is induced during infection with natural intracellular fungal and viral pathogens of the intestine and promotes resistance against these pathogens. Similarly, the IFN‐I response is induced by viruses and other intracellular pathogens and promotes resistance against infection. Whether the IPR and the IFN‐I response evolved in (...)
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    Biomedical Ethics and Regulatory Capacity Building Partnership for Portuguese-Speaking African Countries (BERC-Luso): A pioneering project.M. Patrão Neves & J. P. B. Batista - 2021 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 14 (3):79-83.
    Biomedical research has a strong impact on a country’s scientific-technological and socioeconomic development. It can make a significant contribution at three different levels: promotion of public health; the exchange of knowledge within the scientific community; and economic/ financial profitability. Africa only attracts ~3.3% of the world’s clinical research. This small proportion is due to, among several factors, the absence of two fundamental aspects: specific robust legislation and capacity for regulatory and ethical evaluation. There are five Portuguese- speaking African (...)
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    Ras regulatory interactions: Novel targets for anti‐cancer intervention?George C. Prendergast & Jackson B. Gibbs - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (3):187-191.
    Advances in the understanding of Ras oncoprotein function suggest novel points for anti‐tumor intervention. First, upstream‐acting guanine nucleotide exchange factors and SH2/SH3 domain‐containing adaptor proteins that link Ras with growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases have recently been characterized. Second, work on downstream‐acting Ras effector functions including the Ras GTPase‐activating protein (p120GAP) and the Raf kinase has revealed direct biochemical interactions that are functionally required for oncogenic Ras signalling. We summarize progress in these areas and discuss the potential for novel (...)
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    Self-Regulation and Regulatory Teaching as Determinants of Academic Behavioral Confidence and Procrastination in Undergraduate Students.Jesús de la Fuente, Paul Sander, Angélica Garzón-Umerenkova, Manuel Mariano Vera-Martínez, Salvatore Fadda & Martha Leticia Gaetha - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The combination of student Self-Regulation (SR) and the context of Regulatory Teaching (RT), each in varying degree, has recently been demonstrated to have effects on achievement emotions, factors and symptoms of stress, and coping strategies. The aim of the present research study is to verify its possible further effects, on academic behavioral confidence and procrastination. A total of 1193 university students completed validated online questionnaires with regard to specific subjects in their degree program. Using an ex post facto (...)
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  13.  38
    Deciphering the genome's regulatory code: The many languages of DNA.Jens Rister & Claude Desplan - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (5):381-384.
    The generation of patterns and the diversity of cell types in a multicellular organism require differential gene regulation. At the heart of this process are enhancers or cis‐regulatory modules (CRMs), genomic regions that are bound by transcription factors (TFs) that control spatio‐temporal gene expression in developmental networks. To date, only a few CRMs have been studied in detail and the underlying cis‐regulatory code is not well understood. Here, we review recent progress on the genome‐wide identification of CRMs (...)
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    Analyzing scientific knowledge in documents: The case of regulatory impact assessment.Katarína Staroňová - 2014 - Human Affairs 24 (3):299-306.
    Regulatory impact assessment (RIA) is seen as a tool for increasing evidence-based policy making and as such it is being integrated into decision-making procedures on a wide range of issues. Based on systematic consultation, clear criteria for policy choice, and economic analysis of how costs and benefits impact on a wide range of affected parties, this tool operates by using scientific knowledge and technical analysis rather than political considerations. Scientific knowledge can be used to achieve instrumental learning (Radaelli, 2009, (...)
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    Causal Factors of Corruption in Construction Project Management: An Overview.Emmanuel Kingsford Owusu, Albert P. C. Chan & Ming Shan - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (1):1-31.
    The development of efficient and strategic anti-corruption measures can be better achieved if a deeper understanding and identification of the causes of corruption are established. Over the past years, many studies have been devoted to the research of corruption in construction management. This has resulted in a significant increase in the body of knowledge on the subject matter, including the causative factors triggering these corrupt practices. However, an apropos systematic assessment of both past and current studies on the subject (...)
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    Spurious transcription factor binding: Non‐functional or genetically redundant?Mikhail Spivakov - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (8):798-806.
    Transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs) on the DNA are generally accepted as the key nodes of gene control. However, the multitudes of TFBSs identified in genome‐wide studies, some of them seemingly unconstrained in evolution, have prompted the view that in many cases TF binding may serve no biological function. Yet, insights from transcriptional biochemistry, population genetics and functional genomics suggest that rather than segregating into ‘functional’ or ‘non‐functional’, TFBS inputs to their target genes may be generally cumulative, with varying degrees (...)
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    ‘Serious’ factor—a relevant starting point for further debate: a response.Erika Kleiderman, Vardit Ravitsky & Bartha Maria Knoppers - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (2):153-155.
    In this reply, we wish to defend our original position and address several of the points raised by two excellent responses. The first response (De Miguel Beriain) questions the relevance of the notion of ‘serious’ within the context of human germline genome modification (HGGM). We argue that the ‘serious’ factor is relevant and that there is a need for medical and social lenses to delineate the limits of acceptability and initial permissible applications of HGGM. In this way, ‘serious’ acts as (...)
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    Regulatory Science, Europeanization, and the Control of Agrochemicals.Elaine McCarthy, Steven Yearley, Alan Irwin & Henry Rothstein - 1999 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 24 (2):241-264.
    This article addresses issues of regulatory convergence and Europeanization as they have developed within the agrochemicals sector. Taking the United Kingdom as a case study, the article considers the continuing importance of local and national factors within systems that are ostensibly international and standardized. In particular, the article shows how the embedded social relations of regulatory science in the United Kingdom, including institutional practices, judgments of expertise, and established relationships of trust, result in a “nation centeredness” and (...)
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  19. Global Regulatory System of Human Resources Development.Sergii Sardak - 2014 - Dissertation, Київський Національний Економічний Університет Імені Вадима Гетьмана
    ANNOTATION Sardak S.E. Global Regulatory System of Human Resources Development. – Manuscript. Thesis for the Doctor of Economic Science academic degree with major in 08.00.02 – World Economy and international economic relations. – SHEE «Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman», Kyiv, 2014. The preconditions and factors of the global economic system with the identified relevant subjects areas and mechanisms of regulation instruments have been investigated. The crucial role of humans in the global economic system as a (...)
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    Sustaining eSports Industry and Regulatory Focus: Empirical Evidence From Chinese Universities.Gongyan Zhao, Yue Cheng, Xinggue Liu & Wentao Meng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study examined the factors that affect the attitude and behavioral intentions toward electronic sports among students of higher education institutions based on the technology acceptance model. The conditional impact of preventive regulatory focus was analyzed in various aspects developed on the regulatory focus theory. These aspects comprised of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived risk on the attitude toward eSports. Accordingly, data were collected from 293 students of higher education institutions in China's Henan Province, (...)
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    Uterus transplantation: ethical and regulatory challenges.Kavita Shah Arora & Valarie Blake - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (6):396-400.
    Moving forward rapidly in the clinical research phase, uterus transplantation may be a future treatment option for women with uterine factor infertility, which accounts for three per cent of all infertility in women. This new method of treatment would allow women, who currently rely on gestational surrogacy or adoption, to gestate and birth their own genetic offspring. Since uterus transplantation carries significant risk when compared with surrogacy and adoption as well as when compared with other organ transplants, it requires greater (...)
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    The Regulatory Road to Reform: Bureaucratic Activism, Agency Advocacy, and Medicaid Expansion within the Delegated Welfare State.Josh Pacewicz - 2018 - Politics and Society 46 (4):571-601.
    American policymakers delegate the administration of many welfare programs to states, where officials implement them in increasingly diverse ways. Welfare state scholarship has little to say about this subnational policy divergence, and it portrays the complexity of delegated governance as a barrier to nonelite legislative influence. Drawing on an ethnographic study of one state’s Medicaid program, this article shows that delegated governance offers ample opportunity for nonelite influence and policy divergence, but through regulatory governance rather than legislative advocacy. Medicaid (...)
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    The interaction of transcription factors with nucleosomal DNA.Jeffrey J. Hayes & Alan P. Wolffe - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (9):597-603.
    Nucleosome positioning is proposed to have an essential role in facilitating the regulated transcription of eukaryotic genes. Some transcription factors can bind to DNA when it is appropriately wrapped around the histone core, others cannot bind due to the severe deformation of DNA structure. The staged assembly of nucleosomes and positioning of histone‐DNA contacts away from promoter elements can facilitate the access of transcription factors to DNA. Positioned nucleosomes can also facilitate transcription through providing the appropriate scaffolding to (...)
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    May the Fittest Protein Evolve: Favoring the Plant‐Specific Origin and Expansion of NAC Transcription Factors.Iny Elizebeth Mathew & Pinky Agarwal - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (8):1800018.
    Plant‐specific NAC transcription factors (TFs) evolve during the transition from aquatic to terrestrial plant life and are amplified to become one of the biggest TF families. This is because they regulate genes involved in water conductance and cell support. They also control flower and fruit formation. The review presented here focuses on various properties, regulatory intricacies, and developmental roles of NAC family members. Processes controlled by NACs depend majorly on their transcriptional properties. NACs can function as both activators (...)
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    Ubiquitous transcription factors display structural plasticity and diverse functions.Monali NandyMazumdar & Irina Artsimovitch - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (3):324-334.
    Numerous accessory factors modulate RNA polymerase response to regulatory signals and cellular cues and establish communications with co‐transcriptional RNA processing. Transcription regulators are astonishingly diverse, with similar mechanisms arising via convergent evolution. NusG/Spt5 elongation factors comprise the only universally conserved and ancient family of regulators. They bind to the conserved clamp helices domain of RNA polymerase, which also interacts with non‐homologous initiation factors in all domains of life, and reach across the DNA channel to form processivity (...)
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  26.  9
    Econometric factor analysis of regional development of the Ural macro region in the era of the fourth industrial revolution.Evgeny Animitsa & Irina Rakhmeeva - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 5:51-64.
    Introduction. The fourth industrial revolution significantly changes the structure of economic relations and transforms the importance of factors in the development of territories. The purpose of the article is to identify the most significant factors in the regional development of the Ural macro region in the context of the fourth industrial revolution and to determine the directions of impacts to ensure the competitiveness and long-term growth of territories. Methods. The methodological basis of the study is based on a (...)
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    The MyoD family of transcription factors and skeletal myogenesis.Michael A. Rudnicki & Rudolf Jaenisch - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (3):203-209.
    Gene targeting has allowed the dissection of complex biological processes at the genetic level. Our understanding of the nuances of skeletal muscle development has been greatly increased by the analysis of mice carrying targeted null mutations in the Myf‐5, MyoD and myogenin genes, encoding members of the myogenic regulatory factor (MRF) family. These experiments have elucidated the hierarchical relationships existing between the MRFs, and established that functional redundancy is a feature of the MRF regulatory network. Either MyoD or (...)
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  28.  12
    Regulatory mechanisms for ras proteins.Julian Downward - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (3):177-184.
    The proteins encoded by the ras proto‐oncogenes play critical roles in normal cellular growth, differentiation and development in addition to their potential for malignant transformation. Several proteins that are involved in the control of the activity of p21ras have now been characterised. p120GAP stimulates the GTPase activity of p21ras and hence acts as a negative regulator of ras proteins. It may be controlled by tyrosine phosphorylation or association with tyrosine phosphorylated proteins. The neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF 1) gene also encodes (...)
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  29.  29
    The Obama Administration's Regulatory Review Initiative: A 21st Century Federal Regulatory Initiative?Thomas A. Hemphill - 2012 - Business and Society Review 117 (2):185-195.
    On January 18, 2011, President Obama signed Executive Order 13563, Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review, which instructs federal regulators to do the following: coordinate their agencies activities to simplify and harmonize rules that may be overlapping, inconsistent, or redundant; determine whether the present and future benefits of a proposed regulation justify its potential costs (including taking into account both quantitative and qualitative factors); increase participation of industry, experts, and the public (“stakeholders”) in the formal rule‐making process; encourage the (...)
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    Mathematical methods for inferring regulatory networks interactions: Application to genetic regulation.J. Aracena & J. Demongeot - 2004 - Acta Biotheoretica 52 (4):391-400.
    This paper deals with the problem of reconstruction of the intergenic interaction graph from the raw data of genetic co-expression coming with new technologies of bio-arrays (DMA-arrays, protein-arrays, etc.). These new imaging devices in general only give information about the asymptotical part (fixed configurations of co-expression or limit cycles of such configurations) of the dynamical evolution of the regulatory networks (genetic and/or proteic) underlying the functioning of living systems. Extracting the casual structure and interaction coefficients of a gene interaction (...)
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  31.  22
    MicroRNAs play regulatory roles in genomic balance.Xiaowen Shi, Hua Yang & James A. Birchler - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (2):2200187.
    Classic genetics studies found that genomic imbalance caused by changing the dosage of part of the genome (aneuploidy) has more detrimental effects than altering the dosage of the whole genome (ploidy). Previous analysis revealed global modulation of gene expression triggered by aneuploidy across various species, including maize (Zea mays), Arabidopsis, yeast, mammals, etc. Plant microRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of 20‐ to 24‐nt endogenous small noncoding RNAs that carry out post‐transcriptional gene expression regulation. That miRNAs and their putative targets are (...)
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  32. Sociocultural factors affecting first-year medical students’ adjustment to a PBL program at an African medical school.Masego Kebaetse, Dominic Griffiths, Gaonyadiwe Mokone, Mpho Mogodi, Brigid Conteh, Oathokwa Nkomazana, John Wright, Rosemary Falama & Kebaetse Maikutlo - 2024 - BMC Medical Education 24 (277):1-12.
    Background: Besides regulatory learning skills, learning also requires students to relate to their social context and negotiate it as they transition and adjust to medical training. As such, there is a need to consider and explore the role of social and cultural aspects in student learning, particularly in problem-based learning, where the learning paradigm differs from what most students have previously experienced. In this article, we report on the findings of a study exploring first-year medical students’ experiences during the (...)
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    Pharmacogenomics: Ethical and regulatory issues.Matthew DeCamp & Allen Buchanan - 2007 - In Bonnie Steinbock (ed.), The Oxford handbook of bioethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
    While acknowledging the potential benefits of pharmacogenomics as a methodology, a number of comprehensive reports in the past several years examine a multitude of ethical, legal, and social factors that may limit the extent to which these benefits are realized — and realized in ethically acceptable ways. This article aims to identify and explore the most basic ethical and regulatory issues that are likely to arise if pharmacogenomics becomes widely enough used to have a significant impact on research (...)
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  34. A Risk-Based Regulatory Approach to Autonomous Weapon Systems.Alexander Blanchard, Claudio Novelli, Luciano Floridi & Mariarosaria Taddeo - manuscript
    International regulation of autonomous weapon systems (AWS) is increasingly conceived as an exercise in risk management. This requires a shared approach for assessing the risks of AWS. This paper presents a structured approach to risk assessment and regulation for AWS, adapting a qualitative framework inspired by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It examines the interactions among key risk factors—determinants, drivers, and types—to evaluate the risk magnitude of AWS and establish risk tolerance thresholds through a risk matrix informed (...)
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  35. Factors Affecting Adaptability of Cryptocurrency: An Application of Technology Acceptance Model.Nadia Sagheer, Kanwal Iqbal Khan, Samar Fahd, Shahid Mahmood, Tayyiba Rashid & Hassan Jamil - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Cryptocurrency has revolutionized the economic system of the world. It provides a new and innovative means of exchange that has speedily invaded the financial market trends and changed the traditional cash world. However, consumers have low acceptability for blockchain-based cryptocurrency due to increasing online scams and the absence of a regulatory framework. There is also a misconception about its usage on many platforms, which has created a clear gap in the literature to address this issue. Therefore, the current study (...)
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    Effects of Self-Regulation vs. External Regulation on the Factors and Symptoms of Academic Stress in Undergraduate Students.Jesús de la Fuente, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez, Jose Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Paul Sander, Angélica Garzón-Umerenkova & Lucía Zapata - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The SRL vs. ERL theory has shown that the combination of levels of student self-regulation and regulation from the teaching context produces linear effects on achievement emotions and coping strategies. However, a similar effect on stress factors and symptoms of university students has not yet been demonstrated. The aim of this study was to test this prediction. It was hypothesized that the level of student self-regulation (low/medium/high), in interaction with the level of external regulation from teaching (low/medium/high), would also (...)
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    Analysis of factors influencing the organizational capacity of Institutional Review Boards In China: a crisp-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis based on 107 cases.Chanjuan Liu, Bojing Liu, Shuwen Shi & Lu Lu - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundInstitutional Review Boards (IRBs) play a vital role in safeguarding the rights and interests of both research participants and researchers. However, China initiated the establishment of its own IRB system relatively late in comparison to international standards. Despite commendable progress, there is a pressing need to strengthen the organizational capacity building of Chinese IRBs. Hence, this study aims to analyze the key factors driving the enhancement of organizational capacity within these committees.MethodThe cross-sectional survey for this research was conducted from (...)
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    Fitting structure to function in gene regulatory networks.Ellen V. Rothenberg - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 39 (4):37.
    Cascades of transcriptional regulation are the common source of the forward drive in all developmental systems. Increases in complexity and specificity of gene expression at successive stages are based on the collaboration of varied combinations of transcription factors already expressed in the cells to turn on new genes, and the logical relationships between the transcription factors acting and becoming newly expressed from stage to stage are best visualized as gene regulatory networks. However, gene regulatory networks used (...)
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    PuF, an antimetastatic and developmental signaling protein, interacts with the Alzheimer's amyloid-beta precursor protein via a tissue-specific proximal regulatory element.D. K. Lahiri, B. Maloney, J. T. Rogers & Y. W. Ge - 2013 - Bmc Genomics 14:68.
    BACKGROUND: Alzheimer's disease is intimately tied to amyloid-beta peptide. Extraneuronal brain plaques consisting primarily of Abeta aggregates are a hallmark of AD. Intraneuronal Abeta subunits are strongly implicated in disease progression. Protein sequence mutations of the Abeta precursor protein account for a small proportion of AD cases, suggesting that regulation of the associated gene may play a more important role in AD etiology. The APP promoter possesses a novel 30 nucleotide sequence, or "proximal regulatory element" , at -76/-47, from (...)
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    A metabolic enzyme doing double duty as a transcription factor.Anjana Bhardwaj & Miles F. Wilkinson - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (5):467-471.
    Many kinds of multifunctional regulatory proteins have been identified that perform distinct biochemical functions in the nucleus, the cytoplasm, or both. Here we describe the recent discovery by Hall et al. (2004)1 of a new type of multifunctional protein: a metabolic enzyme that doubles as a transcription factor. This enzyme, Arg5,6, functions as a catalytic enzyme in ornithine biosynthesis and also binds and regulates the promoters of nuclear and mitochondrial genes. It may also regulate precursor mRNA metabolism. We discuss (...)
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    Consequences of Moral Transgressions: How Regulatory Focus Orientation Motivates or Hinders Moral Decoupling.Kirsten Cowan & Atefeh Yazdanparast - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (1):115-132.
    How can firms mitigate the impact of moral violations on consumer evaluations? This question has pervaded the business ethics literature. Though prior research has identified decoupling as a moral reasoning strategy where consumers separate moral judgments from evaluations, it is unclear what motivates individuals to decouple. It is the objective of this research to explore regulatory focus theory as a motivating factor for moral decoupling. Three experiments are undertaken. Study one demonstrates that with a prevention mindset as opposed to (...)
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    SIRT1 longevity factor suppresses NF‐κB ‐driven immune responses: regulation of aging via NF‐κB acetylation?Antero Salminen, Anu Kauppinen, Tiina Suuronen & Kai Kaarniranta - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (10):939-942.
    The aging process involves changes in immune regulation, i.e. adaptive immunity declines whereas innate immunity becomes activated. NF‐κB signaling is the master regulator of the both immune systems. Two recent articles highlight the role of the NF‐κB system in aging and immune responses. Adler et al1 showed that the NF‐κB binding domain is the genetic regulatory motif which is most strongly associated with the aging process. Kwon et al2 studying HIV‐1 infection and subsequent immune deficiency process demonstrated that HIV‐1 (...)
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    Nuclear targeting by growth factors, cytokines, and their receptors: a role in signaling?Torunn Elisabeth Tjelle, Torunn Løvdal & Trond Berg - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (5):400-411.
    The role of membrane receptors is regarded as being to transduce the signal represented by ligand binding from the external cell surface across the membrane into the cell. Signals are subsequently conveyed from the cytoplasm to the nucleus through a combination of second-messenger molecules, kinase/phosphorylation cascades, and transcription factor (TF) translocation to effect changes in gene expression. Mounting evidence suggests that through direct targeting to the nucleus, polypeptide ligands and their receptors may have an important additional signaling role. Ligands such (...)
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    Location analysis of DNA‐bound proteins at the whole‐genome level: untangling transcriptional regulatory networks.Béatrice Nal, Elodie Mohr & Pierre Ferrier - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (6):473-476.
    In this post‐sequencing era, geneticists can focus on functional genomics on a much larger scale than ever before. One goal is the discovery and elucidation of the intricate genetic networks that co‐ordinate transcriptional activation in different regulatory circuitries. High‐throughput gene expression measurement using DNA arrays has thus become routine strategy. This approach, however, does not directly identify gene loci that belong to the same regulatory group; e.g., those that are bound by a common (set of) transcription factor(s). Working (...)
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    Nuclear targeting by growth factors, cytokines, and their receptors: a role in signaling?David A. Jans & Ghali Hassan - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (5):400-411.
    The role of membrane receptors is regarded as being to transduce the signal represented by ligand binding from the external cell surface across the membrane into the cell. Signals are subsequently conveyed from the cytoplasm to the nucleus through a combination of second-messenger molecules, kinase/phosphorylation cascades, and transcription factor (TF) translocation to effect changes in gene expression. Mounting evidence suggests that through direct targeting to the nucleus, polypeptide ligands and their receptors may have an important additional signaling role. Ligands such (...)
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    Institutional Investors, Political Connections, and the Incidence of Regulatory Enforcement Against Corporate Fraud.Wenfeng Wu, Sofia A. Johan & Oliver M. Rui - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (4):709-726.
    We investigate two under-explored factors in mitigating the risk of corporate fraud and regulatory enforcement against fraud, namely institutional investors and political connections. The role of institutional investors in the effective monitoring of a firm’s management is well established in the literature. We further observe that firms that have a large proportion of their shares held by institutional investors have a lower incidence of enforcement actions against corporate fraud. The importance of political connections for enterprises, whether in a (...)
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    Making connections: Insulators organize eukaryotic chromosomes into independent cis regulatory networks.Darya Chetverina, Tsutomu Aoki, Maksim Erokhin, Pavel Georgiev & Paul Schedl - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (2):163-172.
    Insulators play a central role in subdividing the chromosome into a series of discrete topologically independent domains and in ensuring that enhancers and silencers contact their appropriate target genes. In this review we first discuss the general characteristics of insulator elements and their associated protein factors. A growing collection of insulator proteins have been identified including a family of proteins whose expression is developmentally regulated. We next consider several unexpected discoveries that require us to completely rethink how insulators function (...)
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    Deficits, Expectations and Paradigms in British and American Drug Safety Assessments: Prising Open the Black Box of Regulatory Science.Courtney Davis & John Abraham - 2007 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 32 (4):399-431.
    This article examines the regulation of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, with particular focus on products approved for marketing in the United Kingdom, while denied marketing approval in the United States on safety grounds, and then subsequently withdrawn from the UK market on those grounds. Using international comparison of regulatory data never before accessed outside government and companies, together with interviews with relevant industry scientists and regulators, the article demonstrates the importance of regulatory expectations, deficits and paradigms. It is argued (...)
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    Initiated by CREB: Resolving Gene Regulatory Programs in Learning and Memory.Jenifer C. Kaldun & Simon G. Sprecher - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (8):1900045.
    Consolidation of long-term memory is a highly and precisely regulated multistep process. The transcription regulator cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) plays a key role in initiating memory consolidation. With time processing, first the cofactors are changed and, secondly, CREB gets dispensable. This ultimately changes the expressed gene program to genes required to maintain the memory. Regulation of memory consolidation also requires epigenetic mechanisms and control at the RNA level. At the neuronal circuit level, oscillation in the activity of CREB and (...)
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    Role of colony stimulating factor‐1 (CSF‐1) and other lympho‐hematopoietic growth factors in mouse pre‐implantation development. [REVIEW]Serge Pampfer, Robert J. Arceci & Jeffrey W. Pollard - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (10):535-540.
    Mouse pre‐implantation development appears to be under the control of paracrine and autocrine growth factors. The epithelium of the oviduct and the uterus together, with the population of macrophages and lymphocytes present in the reproductive tract from the onset of pregnancy, are thought to be the major sources of paracrine growth factors targeted to the developing embryos. Some of the growth factors are synthesized by both uterine epithelial cells and activated lympho‐hematopoietic cells, suggesting a partial overlap of (...)
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