Results for 'measurement in economic models'

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  1.  24
    Science Outside the Laboratory: Measurement in Field Science and Economics.Marcel Boumans - 2015 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    The conduct of most of social science occurs outside the laboratory. Such studies in field science explore phenomena that cannot for practical, technical, or ethical reasons be explored under controlled conditions. These phenomena cannot be fully isolated from their environment or investigated by manipulation or intervention. Yet measurement, including rigorous or clinical measurement, does provide analysts with a sound basis for discerning what occurs under field conditions, and why. In Science Outside the Laboratory, Marcel Boumans explores the state (...)
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    Grey-box understanding in economics.Marcel J. Boumans - unknown
    In economics, models are built to answer specific questions. Each type of question requires its own type of models; in other words, it defines the requirements that a model should meet and thereby instructs how the models should be built. An explanation is an answer to a ‘why’-question. In economics, this answer is provided by a white -box model. To answer a ‘how much’-question, which is asking for a measurement, economists can make use of black-box (...). Economic phenomena are often so complex that white -box models that should function as explanations for them appear not to be intelligible. So, for questions concerning understanding - e.g. ‘Can you clarify this phenomenon‘’ ‘Can you tell me what would happen if‘’ - it would appear that grey-box models are more adequate. This implies a twofold revision of de Regt and Dieks’s criteria for understanding phenomena. First, whenever the term ‘theory’ is used it should be substituted by ‘model’. Secondly, the Criterion for the Intelligibility of Models is now simplified as: ‘A model M is intelligible for economists if they have built M as a grey-box construction’. A grey-box construction implies that they ‘can recognize qualitatively characteristic consequences of M without performing exact calculations’. (shrink)
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    Taking philosophy of science to economics: Marcel Boumans: Science outside the laboratory: Measurement in field sciences and economics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, 216pp, $ 59.95 HB; Peter Spiegler: Behind the model: A constructive critique of economic modeling. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015, 230pp, $ 34.99 PB.Harold Kincaid - 2016 - Metascience 26 (1):67-70.
  4.  38
    Error in Economics: Towards a More Evidence–Based Methodology.Julian Reiss - 2007 - Routledge.
    What is the correct concept behind measures of inflation? Does money cause business activity or is it the other way around? Shall we stimulate growth by raising aggregate demand or rather by lowering taxes and thereby providing incentives to produce? Policy-relevant questions such as these are of immediate and obvious importance to the welfare of societies. The standard approach in dealing with them is to build a model, based on economic theory, answer the question for the model world and (...)
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    Measure for Measure: How Economists Model the World into Numbers.Marcel Boumans - 2001 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 68.
    The practice of economic science is dominated by model building. To evaluate economic policy, models are built and used to produce numbers to inform us about economic phenomena. Although phenomena are detected through the use of observed data, they are in general not directly observable. To 'see' them we need instruments. More particularly, to obtain numerical facts of the phenomena we need measuring instruments. This paper will argue that in economics models function as such instruments (...)
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    Probability and structure in econometric models.Kevin D. Hoover - manuscript
    The difficulty of conducting relevant experiments has long been regarded as the central challenge to learning about the economy from data. The standard solution, going back to Haavelmo's famous “The Probability Approach in Econometrics” (1944), involved two elements: first, it placed substantial weight on a priori theory as a source of structural information, reducing econometric estimates to measurements of causally articulated systems; second, it emphasized the need for an appropriate statistical model of the data. These elements are usually seen as (...)
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  7. Manifestation of Quantum Mechanical Properties of a Proprietor’s Consciousness in Slit Measurements of Economic Systems.Sergiy Melnyk & Igor Tuluzov - 2014 - Neuroquantology 12 (3).
    The present paper discusses the problem of quantum-mechanical properties of a subject’s consciousness. The model of generalized economic measurements is used for the analysis. Two types of such measurements are analyzed – transactions and technologies. Algebraic ratios between the technology-type measurements allow making their analogy with slit experiments in physics. It has been shown that the description of results of such measurements is possible both in classical and in quantum formalism of calculation of probabilities. Thus, the quantum-mechanical formalism of (...)
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    Ethical Issues in Engineering Models: An Operations Researcher’s Reflections.J. Kleijnen - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (3):539-552.
    This article starts with an overview of the author’s personal involvement—as an Operations Research consultant—in several engineering case-studies that may raise ethical questions; e.g., case-studies on nuclear waste, water management, sustainable ecology, military tactics, and animal welfare. All these case studies employ computer simulation models. In general, models are meant to solve practical problems, which may have ethical implications for the various stakeholders; namely, the modelers, the clients, and the public at large. The article further presents an overview (...)
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  9.  43
    Models of Temporal Discounting 1937–2000: An Interdisciplinary Exchange between Economics and Psychology.Till Grüne-Yanoff - 2015 - Science in Context 28 (4):675-713.
    ArgumentToday's models of temporal discounting are the result of multiple interdisciplinary exchanges between psychology and economics. Although these exchanges did not result in an integrated discipline, they had important effects on all disciplines involved. The paper describes these exchanges from the 1930s onwards, focusing on two episodes in particular: an attempted synthesis by psychiatrist George Ainslie and others in the 1970s; and the attempted application of this new discounting model by a generation of economists and psychologists in the 1980s, (...)
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  10. Research Habits in Financial Modelling: The Case of Non-normativity of Market Returns in the 1970s and the 1980s.Boudewijn De Bruin & Christian Walter - 2016 - In Ping Chen & Emiliano Ippoliti (eds.), Methods and Finance: A Unifying View on Finance, Mathematics and Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 73-93.
    In this chapter, one considers finance at its very foundations, namely, at the place where assumptions are being made about the ways to measure the two key ingredients of finance: risk and return. It is well known that returns for a large class of assets display a number of stylized facts that cannot be squared with the traditional views of 1960s financial economics (normality and continuity assumptions, i.e. Brownian representation of market dynamics). Despite the empirical counterevidence, normality and continuity assumptions (...)
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    Measuring progress in megawatt: Colonialism, development, and the “unseeing” electricity grid in East Africa.Jonas van der Straeten - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (4):651-674.
    The electrification of East Africa followed an exceptionally uneven path. After about 50 years of relative neglect under colonial rule, the construction of hydroelectric dams moved electricity generation into the focus of late colonial development policy and became the major field of intervention for foreign donors after independence. The metrics of electricity attained a role as indicator and driver for economic growth, and therefore as a target figure in economic policy, one that was arguably not justified by their (...)
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  12. Concept of comprehensive enterprises business model in global economic environment.Sergii Sardak, Roman Stakanov & Liydmila Shvorak - 2020 - Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 26 (2):1-6.
    The effective functioning of a modern enterprise necessitates the awareness of the owners and managers of its strategic orientations, the state of the internal and external environment, its competitive advantages, entrepreneurial potential and development prospects. A well-built business model of the enterprise helps to face these urgent and permanent challenges. However, the formation of a real business model of the enterprise necessitates mastering of theoretical and methodological bases and implementation of long-term practical measures in the field of assessment, shaping, organization (...)
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    “Who is There That Doesn’t Calculate?” Homo Economicus as a Measuring Instrument in Non-Market Accounting.Oliver Schlaudt - 2021 - Perspectives on Science 29 (6):842-868.
    Contemporary approaches to “non-market accounting” depend critically on methods of “monetization,” i.e., determining prices for goods outside the market. Monetization constitutes a case of economic measurement in a narrow sense that has not yet been analyzed in the literature on measurement in economics. Monetization, I will argue, uses homo economicus—originally created as a model to explain existing prices—as a measuring device, one that generates new prices for goods that are not traded on markets. Homo economicus, though long (...)
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  14. Handbook of Antitrust Economics: Economic Evidence in Antitrust: Defining Markets and Measuring Market Power.Paolo Buccirossi (ed.) - 2008 - MIT Press.
    Over the past twenty years, economic theory has begun to play a central role in antitrust matters. In earlier days, the application of antitrust rules was viewed almost entirely in formal terms; now it is widely accepted that the proper interpretation of these rules requires an understanding of how markets work and how firms can alter their efficient functioning. The Handbook of Antitrust Economics offers scholars, students, administrators, courts, companies, and lawyers the economist's view of the subject, describing the (...)
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  15.  51
    Calibration of models in experiments.Marcel J. Boumans - unknown
    The assessment of models in an experiment depends on their material nature and their function in the experiment. Models that are used to make the phenomenon under investigation visible - sensors - are assessed by calibration. However, calibration strategies assume material intervention. The experiment discssed in this paper is an experiment in economics to measure the influence of technology shocks on business cycles. It uses immaterial, mathematical instruments. It appears that calibration did not work for these kinds of (...)
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    Toward organizational integrity measurement: Developing a theoretical model of organizational integrity.Madeleine J. Fuerst, Christoph Luetge, Raphael Max & Alexander Kriebitz - 2023 - Business and Society Review 128 (3):417-435.
    Organizational integrity is a key concept with and through which a company can assume its responsibility for ethical and societal issues. It is a basic premise for sustainable corporate success, as ethical risks ultimately become economic risks for a company. Recent research shows the potential of integrity‐based governance models to reduce corporate risks and to improve business performance. However, companies are not yet able to assess nor evaluate their level of organizational integrity in a sound and systematic way. (...)
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  17.  52
    Measurement in economic systems.Marcel J. Boumans - unknown
    The metrology literature neglects a strong empirical measurement tradition in economics, which is different from the traditions as accounted for by the formalist representational theory of measurement. This empirical tradition comes closest to Mari's characterization of measurement in which he describes measurement results as informationally adequate to given goals. In economics, one has to deal with soft systems, which induces problems of invariance and of self-awareness. It will be shown that in the empirical economic (...) tradition both problems have been on the agenda for a long while, and that the proposed solutions to these problems provide clues for the directions in which one could develop a measurement theory that takes account of soft systems. (shrink)
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  18.  88
    Measurement in Economics.Marcel Boumans - 2012 - In Uskali Mäki, Dov M. Gabbay, Paul Thagard & John Woods (eds.), Philosophy of economics. AMSTERDAM: North Holland. pp. 395.
  19.  47
    J. B. Braden and S. Proost, Editors, The Economic Theory of Environmental Policy in a Federal System; A. Cornwell and J. Creedy, Environmental Taxes and Economic Welfare; G. Atkinson, R. Dubourg, K. Hamilton, M. Munasinghe, D. Pearce, and C. Young, Measuring Sustainable Development: Macroeconomics and the Environment; R. Nau, E. Gronn, M. Machina, and O. Bergland, Editors, Economic and Environmental Risk and Uncertainty: New Models and Methods. [REVIEW]Amitrajeet A. Batabyal - 2001 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14 (1):97-103.
  20. Models as Mediators: Perspectives on Natural and Social Science.Mary S. Morgan & Margaret Morrison (eds.) - 1999 - Cambridge University Press.
    Models as Mediators discusses the ways in which models function in modern science, particularly in the fields of physics and economics. Models play a variety of roles in the sciences: they are used in the development, exploration and application of theories and in measurement methods. They also provide instruments for using scientific concepts and principles to intervene in the world. The editors provide a framework which covers the construction and function of scientific models, and explore (...)
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  21.  26
    A Model for Identifying and Teaching Moral Issues in Stakeholder Relations.Maxim A. Storchevoy - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 12:107-132.
    The paper demonstrates how a typology of moral issues may be used to systematically analyze and discuss ethical problems in stakeholder relations. The suggested typology is based mostly on economic theory and represents a universal and comprehensive matrix of moral issues in business. We analyze its compatibility with other stakeholder management models and demonstrate how it may be applied as a tool for identifying relevant ethical issues in relations with any stakeholder, or to build instruments for measuring corporate (...)
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  22.  27
    New Developments in Applied General Equilibrium Analysis.John Piggott & John Whalley (eds.) - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    First published in 1985 and written by leading contributors to the field of general equilibrium analysis, this volume brings together developments in the field of applied general equilibrium modelling. Papers discuss approaches to welfare measurement in applied models, applications to hitherto unexplored areas, such as economic history, extensions to analyse micro data files, regional analyses, fixed price equilibria, and many others. Earlier versions of the papers in this volume were presented at a conference held in Canberra, Australia.
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    Analogue Models and Universal Machines. Paradigms of Epistemic Transparency in Artificial Intelligence.Hajo Greif - 2022 - Minds and Machines 32 (1):111-133.
    The problem of epistemic opacity in Artificial Intelligence is often characterised as a problem of intransparent algorithms that give rise to intransparent models. However, the degrees of transparency of an AI model should not be taken as an absolute measure of the properties of its algorithms but of the model’s degree of intelligibility to human users. Its epistemically relevant elements are to be specified on various levels above and beyond the computational one. In order to elucidate this claim, I (...)
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    Economic Geography: The Integration of Regions and Nations.Pierre-Philippe Combes, Thierry Mayer & Jacques-François Thisse - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    Economic Geography is the most complete, up-to-date textbook available on the important new field of spatial economics. This book fills a gap by providing advanced undergraduate and graduate students with the latest research and methodologies in an accessible and comprehensive way. It is an indispensable reference for researchers in economic geography, regional and urban economics, international trade, and applied econometrics, and can serve as a resource for economists in government. Economic Geography presents advances in economic theory (...)
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  25.  33
    Measuring the Integration of Social and Environmental Missions in Hybrid Organizations.Edward N. Gamble, Simon C. Parker & Peter W. Moroz - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (2):271-284.
    This paper introduces a new typology and associated measure of social and environmental mission integration by conceptually framing a feature of hybrid organizations—the degree of integration of their revenue model and social–environmental mission. The SEMI measure is illustrated using a hand-collected sample of 256 North American Certified B Corporations. We explore the heterogeneity of SEMI scores by identifying external-facing correlates and demonstrate non-congruence with Certified B Corporation’s audit results. Overall, our findings advance existing knowledge of these hybrid organizations and how (...)
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  26. Imagination Rather Than Observation in Econometrics: Ragnar Frisch’s Hypothetical Experiments as Thought Experiments.Catherine Https://Orcidorg Herfeld - 2019 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 9 (1):35-74.
    In economics, thought experiments are frequently justified by the difficulty of conducting controlled experiments. They serve several functions, such as establishing causal facts, isolating tendencies, and allowing inferences from models to reality. In this paper, I argue that thought experiments served a further function in economics: facilitating the quantitative definition and measurement of the theoretical concept of utility, thereby bridging the gap between theory and statistical data. I support my argument by a case study, the “hypothetical experiments” of (...)
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  27. Models, metaphysics, and methodology.Ronald Giere - manuscript
    This paper constitutes my first attempt publicly to comment on Nancy Cartwright’s philosophy of science. That I have not done this earlier is primarily due to the great similarities in our views on topics where our interests overlap.2 But Cartwright’s work also covers topics I have never seriously considered, such as the use of linear models in economics and the measurement problem in quantum mechanics. Even the subject of probabilistic causation, to which I once contributed, is not one (...)
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  28.  26
    Modelling Accelerated Proficiency in Organisations: Practices and Strategies to Shorten Time-to-Proficiency of the Workforce.Raman K. Attri - 2018 - Dissertation, Southern Cross University
    This study aimed to explore practices and strategies that have successfully reduced time-to-proficiency of the workforce in large multinational organisations and develop a model based on them. The central research question of this study was: How can organisations accelerate time-to-proficiency of employees in the workplace? The study addressed three aspects: the meaning of accelerated proficiency, as seen by business leaders; the business factors driving the need for shorter time-to-proficiency and benefits accrued from it; and practices and strategies to shorten time-to-proficiency (...)
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  29. Fundamental Measurements in Economics and in the Theory of Consciousness (Manifestation of quantum-mechanical properties of economic objects in slit measurements).I. G. Tuluzov & S. I. Melnyk - manuscript
    A new constructivist approach to modeling in economics and theory of consciousness is proposed. The state of elementary object is defined as a set of its measurable consumer properties. A proprietor's refusal or consent for the offered transaction is considered as a result of elementary economic measurement. We were also able to obtain the classical interpretation of the quantum-mechanical law of addition of probabilities by introducing a number of new notions. The principle of “local equity” assumes the transaction (...)
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  30. Model Diversity and the Embarrassment of Riches.Walter Veit - unknown
    In a recent special issue dedicated to Dani Rodrik’s (2015) influential monograph Economics Rules, Grüne-Yanoff and Marchionni (2018) raise a potentially damning problem for Rodrik’s suggestion that progress in economics should be understood and measured laterally, by a continuous expansion of new models. They argue that this could lead to an “embarrassment of riches”, i.e. the rapid expansion of our model library to such an extent that we become unable to choose between the available models, and thus needs (...)
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    Economic Interplay Forecasting Business Success.Nicola Amoroso, Loredana Bellantuono, Alfonso Monaco, Francesco De Nicolò, Ernesto Somma & Roberto Bellotti - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    A startup ecosystem is a dynamic environment in which several actors, such as investors, venture capitalists, angels, and facilitators, are the protagonists of a complex interplay. Most of these interactions involve the flow of capital whose size and direction help to map the intricate system of relationships. This quantity is also considered a good proxy of economic success. Given the complexity of such systems, it would be more desirable to supplement this information with other informative features, and a natural (...)
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  32.  21
    The Economic and Social Value of Science and Technology Parks. The Case of Tecnocampus.Jose Torres-Pruñonosa, Josep Maria Raya & Roberto Dopeso-Fernández - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This article aims to measure both the economic and social value of Tecnocampus, a Science and Technology Park in its region of influence. Our results show that the impact of Tecnocampus has a socioeconomic cost–benefit ratio of 2.39. Measuring the impact of this multifaceted centre requires a diverse approach. Although the methods used are not new, the combination of them presents a novel approach to measure the impact of an institution of this nature. We have measured the economic (...)
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    Conceptual Model for Managing Sources of Danger in the Event of an Earthquake.Yernar Akimbayev, Yerhat Salhanov, Didar Satbekov, Nurzhan Ramazanov & Tatyana Kaizer - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1260-1268.
    Safety is defined as a state in which human activities are conducted in such a way that the realization of potential dangers is excluded with a certain probability. However, there is an established axiom: all human activities inherently carry some degree of danger. The criterion for assessing this danger is risk, which provides a quantitative measure of potential threats. Experience has shown that the previous concept of safety, which sought to eliminate all risks entirely (known as the "zero risk" concept), (...)
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  34.  67
    Fact and Fiction in Economics: Models, Realism and Social Construction.Uskali Mäki (ed.) - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    There is an embarrassing polarization of opinions about the status of economics as an academic discipline, as reflected in epithets such as the Dismal Science and the Queen of the Social Sciences. This collection brings together some of the leading figures in the methodology and philosophy of economics to provide a thoughtful and balanced overview of the current state of debate about the nature and limits of economic knowledge. Authors with partly rival and partly complementary perspectives examine how abstract (...)
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  35.  47
    A Visible Hand in the Marketplace of Ideas: Precision Measurement as Arbitage.Philip Mirowski - 1994 - Science in Context 7 (3):563-589.
    The ArgumentWhile there has been muchattention given to experiment in modern science studies, there has been astoundingly little concern spared over the practice ofquanitataivemeasurment.Thus myths about the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematice in science still abound. This paper presents: An explicit mathematical model of the stabilization of quantitative constants in a mathematical science to rival older Bayesian and classical accounts;a framework for writing a history of pracitces with regard to treatment of quantitative measurement erroe; resourece for the comparative sociology of (...)
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    A biosocial model of medication use among older women and men in ismailia, egypt.Kathryn M. Yount & Zeinab Khadr - 2006 - Journal of Biosocial Science 38 (5):577-603.
    In Western industrialized countries, women report using health services, and certain medications, more often than do men. Often, analyses are based on data that exclude objective measures of morbidity and that come from cross-sectional surveys, which precludes the use of socioeconomic covariates that are endogenous to seeking care. Here, differences in objective cognitive and physical function, as well as differences in reporting on illness, propensity to seek care, and socioeconomic resources are expected to account for differences in care-seeking behaviour among (...)
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  37. Comparative analysis of models for adjustment procedure in assets value independent evaluation performed by comparative approach.Yuri Pozdnyakov, Zoryana Skybinska, Tetiana Gryniv, Igor Britchenko, Peter Losonczi, Olena Magopets, Oleksandr Skybinskyi & Nataliya Hryniv - 2021 - Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 6 (13 (114)):80–93.
    This paper addresses the field of economic measurements of the value of assets, carried out by the methods of independent expert evaluation. The mathematical principles of application, within a comparative methodical approach, of additive and multiplicative models for correcting the cost of single indicator of compared objects have been considered. The differences of mathematical basis of the compared models were analyzed. It has been shown that the ambiguity in the methodology of correction procedure requires studying the advantages (...)
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    Economic Theory, Ideal Types, and Rationality.Lansana Keita - 1982 - Analyse & Kritik 4 (1):22-38.
    Contemporary economic theory is generally regarded as a scientific or at least potentially so. The replacing of the cardinal theory of utility measurement by the ordinal theory was supposed to prepare the groundwork for economics as a genuine science. But in adopting the ordinal approach, theorists saw fit to anchor ordinal theory to axioms of choice founded on principles of rational behavior. Behavior according to these axioms was embodied in the ideal type model of rational economic man. (...)
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    Dynamic Measurement Analysis of Urban Innovation Ability and Ecological Efficiency in China.Xing Li & Fuzhou Luo - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-14.
    To establish the evaluation index system of urbanization innovation level and ecological efficiency, the entropy method is applied to measure the comprehensive index of urbanization innovation level and ecological efficiency, the VAR model is established, and empirical measurement is used to study the internal relationship and dynamic development between urbanization innovation level and ecological efficiency. The empirical results show the following: The overall development of the innovation level in 30 cities in China is uneven, there is a large gap (...)
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    Prevalence of psychopathy in a community sample of Spanish adults: Definitions and measurements matter.Ana Sanz-García, María Elena Peña Fernández, María Paz García-Vera & Jesús Sanz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The main objective of this work is to examine the prevalence of psychopathy in the general adult population from the main currently existing theoretical perspectives of psychopathy, using for this purpose the five-factor or Big Five model as a common language that allows the comparison and integration of the personality traits considered as defining psychopathy by these different perspectives. The NEO Personality Inventory-Revised was applied to a sample of 682 adults of the general Spanish population. The prevalence of clinical and (...)
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    Socioeconomic Inequalities in Times of COVID-19 Lockdown: Prevalence and Related-Differences in Measures of Anxiety and Stress in Palestine.Hamzeh Al Zabadi, Maryam Haj-Yahya, Noor Yaseen & Thair Alhroub - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundImplementation of quarantine and lockdown to COVID-19 pandemic has created dramatic negative psychological impact mainly the general population’s health worldwide. We aimed to assess the prevalence and predictors of anxiety and stress severity among the Palestinian population.MethodsA cross-sectional web-based survey was conducted. An anonymous online questionnaire and snowball recruiting technique were used to target the general public in Palestine between 6 and 16 April, 2020 during COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. Multivariate logistic regression models were developed for the outcome variables.ResultsOf the (...)
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    Imagination and imaging in economic model building.Mary Morgan - unknown
    Modelling became one of the primary tools of economic research in the 20th century and economists understand their mathematical models as giving some kind of representation of the economic world, one adequate enough for the purpose of reasoning about that world. But when we look at examples of how non-analogical models were first built in economics, both the process of making representations and aspects of the representing relation remain opaque. Like early astronomers, economists have to imagine (...)
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    Development of the Far East regions: mechanisms of accelerated economic growth.Irina Zabelina & Ksenia Parfenova - 2021 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:60-75.
    Introduction. At present, the issues of the Far East accelerated economic development remain in the focus of the state attention. Among the key mechanisms of state policy is the formation of advanced development territories (ADT). The article sets the task of studying the impact of the institutional measures taken on the welfare and the population’s life quality in the Far Eastern territories. Particular attention is paid to studying migration processes and analyzing the economic activity of the Far East (...)
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    Ethics, equity, and social justice in the new economic order: Using financial information for keeping social score.Appa Rao Korukonda & Chenchu Ramaiah T. Bathala - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (1):1-15.
    In the present world order unbridled forces of free market capitalism are frequently cited for much of the social injustice, inequity, and disparity of wealth between the rich and the poor. Although history''s verdict in favor of the free markets could hardly be harsher or clearer, it is clear that after the initial wave of triumph, the free market paradigm has developed some cracks in its façade. What marks the trail of such sustained and pronounced move toward free markets in (...)
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    Ensuring validity in the measurement of corporate social performance: Lessons from corporate united way and Pac campaigns. [REVIEW]Bradley R. Agle & Patricia C. Kelley - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 31 (3):271 - 284.
    Building on philosophy of science literature and two original studies, this paper argues for the necessity of incorporating all three portions of Wood''s (1991) theoretical model of corporate social performance (CSP) into its measurement. It begins by describing the two studies of an organizational phenomenon not commonly studied – internal fund drives to employees. Insights from these studies of corporate PAC and United Way campaigns are then used to illustrate how important it is to incorporate all three portions of (...)
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  46. Simplicity, Inference and Modelling: Keeping It Sophisticatedly Simple.Arnold Zellner, Hugo A. Keuzenkamp & Michael McAleer (eds.) - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The idea that simplicity matters in science is as old as science itself, with the much cited example of Ockham's Razor, 'entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem': entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity. A problem with Ockham's razor is that nearly everybody seems to accept it, but few are able to define its exact meaning and to make it operational in a non-arbitrary way. Using a multidisciplinary perspective including philosophers, mathematicians, econometricians and economists, this 2002 monograph examines simplicity (...)
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    Out of the margin: feminist perspectives on economics.Edith Kuiper & Jolande Sap (eds.) - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    Out of the Margin is the first book to consider feminist concerns across the whole domain of economics. In recent years there has been a tremendous increase in interest on the relation between gender and economics. Feminists have found much of concern in the way the economics has written women out of its history, built its theories around masculinist values, failed to take proper account of women and their work when measuring the economy and ignored most of the policy issues (...)
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  48. Physical models and biological contexts.Margaret Morrison - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64 (4):324.
    In addition to its obvious successes within the kinetic theory the ideal gas law and the modeling assumptions associated with it have been used to treat phenomena in domains as diverse as economics and biology. One reason for this is that it is useful to model these systems using aggregates and statistical relationships. The issue I deal with here is the way R. A. Fisher used the model of an ideal gas as a methodological device for examining the causal role (...)
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    Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist by Kate Raworth (review).Yoko Nagase - 2023 - Utopian Studies 33 (3):528-530.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist by Kate RaworthYoko NagaseKate Raworth, Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist. London: Random House Business Books, 2017. 372 pp. £20. ISBN 9781847941374.Question: Is this a book about utopia? Answer: Yes, indeed; it is a book about a twenty-first-century utopia represented by the Doughnut.The author presents a vision of a pragmatic utopia, represented by the (...)
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    Humans Valuing Nature: Synthesising Insights from Philosophy, Psychology and Economics.Michael Lockwood - 1999 - Environmental Values 8 (3):381-401.
    A rational process for assessment of environmental policy options should be based on an appreciation of how humans value nature. Increased understanding of values will also contribute to the development of appropriate ways for us to relate to and manage natural areas. Over the past two decades, environmental philosophers have examined the notion that there is an intrinsic value in nature. Economists have attempted to define and measure the market and nonmarket economic values associated with decisions concerning natural areas. (...)
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