Results for 'public welfare'

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  1.  51
    Public welfare agenda or corporate research agenda?Ajai Singh & Shakuntala Singh - 2005 - Mens Sana Monographs 3 (1):41.
    As things stand today, whether we like it or not, industry funding is on the upswing. The whole enterprise of medicine in booming, and it makes sense for industry to invest more and more of one's millions into it. The pharmaceutical industry has become the single largest direct funding agency of medical research in countries like Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. Since the goals of industry and academia differ, it seems that conflicts of interest are inevitable at (...)
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  2. Public Welfare Offenses under Criminal Law: A Brief Note.Deepa Kansra - 2012 - Legal News and Views 2 (26):10-14.
    The state has always authoritatively used criminal law to give effect to its policy of condemning acts either antisocial or unacceptable to the conscience of the law and society. The existence of criminal law is well justified on grounds of ‘social welfare’ or “reinforcement of those values most basic to proper social functioning”. This initiates or sustains the process of criminalization. The relativity of ‘social welfare’ makes law ‘dynamic’ as well as ‘varying’, vis-à-vis its ambit and scope. Current (...)
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    Authorship in Student-Faculty Collaborative Research: Perceptions of Current and Best Practices. [REVIEW]Laura E. Welfare & Corrine R. Sackett - 2010 - Journal of Academic Ethics 8 (3):199-215.
    Determining appropriate authorship recognition in student-faculty collaborative research is a complex task. In this quantitative study, responses from 1346 students and faculty in education and some social science disciplines at 36 research-intensive institutions in the United States were analyzed to provide a description of current and recommended practices for authorship in student-faculty collaborative research. The responses revealed practices and perceptions that are not aligned with ethical guidelines and a lack of consensus among respondents about appropriate practice. Faculty and student respondents (...)
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  4. Public Goods and Public Welfare.J. H. Head - 1974
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    Reflections on Prince, Public Welfare Offenses, American Cyanamid, and the Wisdom of the Common Law.John Hasnas - 2018 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 12 (3):427-438.
    The fundamental requirement of Anglo-American criminal law is that crime must consist of the concurrence of a guilty mind—a mens rea—with a guilty act—an actus reus. And yet, the criminal law is shot through with discordant lumps of strict liability—crimes for which no mens rea is required. Ignoring the conventional normative objections to this aberration, I distinguish two different types of strict criminal liability: the type that arose at common law and the type associated with the public welfare (...)
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    Private corporations and public welfare.George G. Brenkert - 1992 - Public Affairs Quarterly 6 (2):155-168.
  7.  28
    Citizens’ data afterlives: Practices of dataset inclusion in machine learning for public welfare.Helene Friis Ratner & Nanna Bonde Thylstrup - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-11.
    Public sector adoption of AI techniques in welfare systems recasts historic national data as resource for machine learning. In this paper, we examine how the use of register data for development of predictive models produces new ‘afterlives’ for citizen data. First, we document a Danish research project’s practical efforts to develop an algorithmic decision-support model for social workers to classify children’s risk of maltreatment. Second, we outline the tensions emerging from project members’ negotiations about which datasets to include. (...)
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  8.  26
    Rethinking Welfare: The LDS Welfare Program vs Public Welfare.David R. Iglesias - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (2):37-44.
    In his libertarian manifesto, For a New Liberty, Murray Rothbard [15] points to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as an excellent model for what a private welfare program would look like in a free society. In analyzing this same organization, we can see that nearly 50 years later Rothbard’s analysis is truer than ever. Unlike the public welfare programs in the U.S., the LDS church has successfully helped lift countless individuals out of poverty and (...)
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  9.  26
    Public Goods and Public Welfare[REVIEW]V. E. W. - 1979 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (3):545-546.
    A collection of Head’s previously published papers are reprinted here, often without significant change. Nevertheless, the book has a great unity of purpose. It analyzes different problems related to an important new concept in economic theory: that of public goods. Head’s merit is to review, compare, and analyze the different approaches or definitions of a public good found in the literature. Further, he relates this problem to the whole field of welfare economics and finally, compares and differentiates (...)
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  10.  21
    Seventeenth Century Public Welfare, Science, and Propaganda in Seventeenth Century France. The Innovations of Théophraste Renaudot. By Howard M. Solomon. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1972. Pp. xv + 290. £8.50. [REVIEW]Trevor Mcclaughlin - 1977 - British Journal for the History of Science 10 (2):173-175.
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  11.  57
    Publication Bias in Animal Welfare Scientific Literature.Agnes A. Schot & Clive Phillips - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (5):945-958.
    Animal welfare scientific literature has accumulated rapidly in recent years, but bias may exist which influences understanding of progress in the field. We conducted a survey of articles related to animal welfare or well being from an electronic database. From 8,541 articles on this topic, we randomly selected 115 articles for detailed review in four funding categories: government; charity and/or scientific association; industry; and educational organization. Ninety articles were evaluated after unsuitable articles were rejected. The welfare states (...)
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  12.  9
    The welfare of animals used in research: practice and ethics.Robert C. Hubrecht - 2014 - Ames, Iowa: Wiley.
    The use of legislative and other controls on animal research to meet public expectations and improve animal welfare -- Animal rights and animal welfare : philosophy and science -- Species choice and animal welfare -- The harm/benefit judgement -- Improving the welfare of animals used in research : the 3Rs -- Science and animal welfare : a partnership.
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  13.  31
    Leibniz’ Projects for Academies and Their Importance in Science, Politics and Public Welfare.Hans Poser - 2014 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 41 (3):132-140.
    Leibniz wrote more than 60 proposals, concepts, and outlines for academies for Holland, Germany, Austria and Russia. Unlike the academies in Paris, London or Rome he intended a narrow connection of theoria and praxis. This should be achieved by his Scientia generalis as a theoretical unification, whereas the aim consisted in a universal Harmony.
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  14.  6
    The welfare-convergence dilemma: why social insurance is objectionable in the convergence conception of public justification.Man-Kong Li & Baldwin Wong - forthcoming - Economics and Philosophy:1-24.
    Recently, convergence liberals, such as Kevin Vallier, argue that the principle of social insurance could be publicly justified. Our paper challenges this marriage of convergence liberalism and welfare state. We begin by examining Vallier’s three reasons for the principle of social insurance: risk aversion, injustice and the promotion of political trust. We then argue that all these reasons are intelligibly objectionable. After examining five possible responses that convergence liberals may offer, this paper concludes that the principle of social insurance (...)
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  15.  42
    Publication Bias in Animal Welfare Scientific Literature.Agnes A. van der Schot & Clive Phillips - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (5):945-958.
    Animal welfare scientific literature has accumulated rapidly in recent years, but bias may exist which influences understanding of progress in the field. We conducted a survey of articles related to animal welfare or well being from an electronic database. From 8,541 articles on this topic, we randomly selected 115 articles for detailed review in four funding categories: government; charity and/or scientific association; industry; and educational organization. Ninety articles were evaluated after unsuitable articles were rejected. The welfare states (...)
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  16.  16
    Welfare in America: How Social Science Fails the Poor.William M. Epstein - 1997
    William M. Epstein charges that most current social welfare programs are not held to credible standards in their design or their results. Rather than spending less on such research and programs, however, Epstein suggests we should spend much more, and do the job right. The American public and policymakers need to rely on social science research for objective, credible information when trying to solve problems of employment, affordable housing, effective health care, and family integrity. But, Epstein contends, politicians (...)
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  17.  13
    Public policy decisions for farm animal welfare.Luther Tweeten - 1993 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 6.
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  18.  37
    Rethinking welfare: a critical perspective.Iain Ferguson - 2002 - London: SAGE. Edited by Michael Lavalette & Gerry Mooney.
    `I would encourage undergraduates students to read it, for it does summarise well a classical Marxist analysis of social policy and welfare' - Social Policy The anti-capitalist movement is increasingly challenging the global hegemony of neo-liberalism. The arguments against the neo-liberal agenda are clearly articulated in Rethinking Welfare. The authors highlight the growing inequalities and decimation of state welfare, and use Marxist approaches to contemporary social policy to provide a defence of the welfare state. Divided into (...)
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  19.  58
    A Systematic Review of Public Attitudes, Perceptions and Behaviours Towards Production Diseases Associated with Farm Animal Welfare.Beth Clark, Gavin B. Stewart, Luca A. Panzone, I. Kyriazakis & Lynn J. Frewer - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (3):455-478.
    Increased productivity may have negative impacts on farm animal welfare in modern animal production systems. Efficiency gains in production are primarily thought to be due to the intensification of production, and this has been associated with an increased incidence of production diseases, which can negatively impact upon FAW. While there is a considerable body of research into consumer attitudes towards FAW, the extent to which this relates specifically to a reduction in production diseases in intensive systems, and whether the (...)
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  20.  47
    Public and Consumer Policies for Higher Welfare Food Products: Challenges and Opportunities. [REVIEW]Filiep Vanhonacker & Wim Verbeke - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (1):153-171.
    Farm animal welfare in livestock production is a topical and important issue attracting growing interest of policy makers, consumers, stakeholders in the supply chain and others. While there is much public interest in the issue this is not reflected in the supply and market shares of animal food products that are produced under welfare standards that exceed legislative requirements. Given the obstacles to devising stricter legislative standards, higher welfare animal food products are mostly made available through (...)
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  21.  11
    Welfare Theory, Public Action, and Ethical Values: Revisiting the History of Welfare Economics.Roger E. Backhouse, Antoinette Baujard & Tamotsu Nishizawa (eds.) - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
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  22. Reviews : Elim Papadakis & Peter Taylor-Gooby, The Private Provision of Public Welfare (Wheatsheaf, 1987). [REVIEW]Francis G. Castles - 1990 - Thesis Eleven 26 (1):176-178.
  23.  22
    The Biological Revolution: Applications of Cell Biology to Public Welfare. Edited by Gerald Weissmann, (Plenum Press, New York, 1982.) $15.95. [REVIEW]John Ebling - 1982 - Journal of Biosocial Science 14 (4):502-504.
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    Welfare and the Constitution.Sotirios A. Barber - 2005 - Princeton University Press.
    Welfare and the Constitution defends a largely forgotten understanding of the U.S. Constitution: the positive or "welfarist" view of Abraham Lincoln and the Federalist Papers. Sotirios Barber challenges conventional scholarship by arguing that the government has a constitutional duty to pursue the well-being of all the people. He shows that James Madison was right in saying that the "real welfare" of the people must be the "supreme object" of constitutional government. With conceptual rigor set in fluid prose, Barber (...)
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  25.  14
    Gendering welfare state theory: A cross-national study of women's public pension quality.Leann M. Tigges & Dana Carol Davis Hill - 1995 - Gender and Society 9 (1):99-119.
    Feminist scholarship on the relative importance of working-class institutional strength in the economy and in the state has led to two divergent conclusions. Radical feminists argue that working-class institutions dominated by men produce male-biased outcomes; socialist feminists hold that working-class institutions promote classwide interests that benefit women as well as men. This article addresses this debate by applying generic and gendered working-class strength models of the welfare state in an examination of women's public pension quality. Quality is measured (...)
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  26.  65
    Animals and public health: why treating animals better is critical to human welfare.Aysha Akhtar - 2012 - Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    A compelling argument of how human health is adversely affected by our poor treatment of non-human animals. The author contents that in order to successfully confront the 21st Century's health challenges, we need to broaden the definition of the word 'public' in public health to include non-human animals.
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  27.  65
    (1 other version)Public Justification and the Right to Private Property: Welfare Rights as Compensation for Exclusion.Corey Brettschneider - 2012 - The Law and Ethics of Human Rights 6 (1):119-146.
    The right to private property is among the most fundamental in liberal theory. For many liberals the idea of the state is grounded in its role as a protector of private property. If the liberal state is justified by its ability to protect property, the modern welfare state is often justified by its ability to meet needs. According to a view commonly referred to as “welfarism,” the very fact that needs exist implies there is a moral obligation to meet (...)
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  28.  21
    Needs and Welfare.Alan Ware & Robert E. Goodin - 1990 - SAGE Publications.
    This book addresses the concept of need and how needs can be, and are, met in western societies. Different models of welfare provision are examined both in theoretical terms and through two case studies: of models of pension provision and of the connection between the satisfaction of needs and electoral success for governments. This timely study makes an important contribution to the understanding of welfare and politics in advanced industrial western states.
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  29.  88
    Kant on Welfare.Mark LeBar - 1999 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 29 (2):225 - 249.
    Kant’s moral theory is sometimes thought to mandate public welfare provision on grounds of beneficence or Kant’s commitment to freedom. However, at no point does Kant argue for welfare in these ways. Instead, the rationale he offers is that public welfare provision is instrumentally necessary for the security and the stability of the state. I argue that this is no oversight on Kant’s part. I consider plausible alternative arguments for public welfare provision, and (...)
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  30.  37
    The Welfare State amid Crime: How Victimization and Perceptions of Insecurity Affect Social Policy Preferences in Latin America and the Caribbean.Sandra Ley, Sarah Berens & Melina Altamirano - 2020 - Politics and Society 48 (3):389-422.
    Criminal violence is one of the most pressing problems in Latin America and the Caribbean, with profound political consequences. Its effects on social policy preferences, however, remain largely unexplored. This article argues that to understand such effects it is crucial to analyze victimization experiences and perceptions of insecurity as separate phenomena with distinct attitudinal consequences. Heightened perceptions of insecurity are associated with a reduced demand for public welfare provision, as such perceptions reflect a sense of the state’s failure (...)
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  31.  99
    Multidimensional welfare aggregation.Christian List - 2004 - Public Choice 119:119-142.
    Most accounts of welfare aggregation in the tradition of Arrow's and Sen's social-choice-theoretic frameworks represent the welfare of an individual in terms of a single welfare ordering or a single scalar-valued welfare function. I develop a multidimensional generalization of Arrow's and Sen's frameworks, representing individual welfare in terms of multiple personal welfare functions, corresponding to multiple 'dimensions' of welfare. I show that, as in the one-dimensional case, the existence of attractive aggregation procedures depends (...)
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  32.  8
    Social Welfare and Individual Responsibility.David Schmidtz & Robert E. Goodin - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    The issue of social welfare and individual responsibility has become a topic of international public debate in recent years as politicians around the world now question the legitimacy of state-funded welfare systems. David Schmidtz and Robert Goodin debate the ethical merits of individual versus collective responsibility for welfare. David Schmidtz argues that social welfare policy should prepare people for responsible adulthood rather than try to make that unnecessary. Robert Goodin argues against the individualization of (...) policy and expounds the virtues of collective responsibility. (shrink)
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  33. Social Welfare: An approach to the concept from a multidimensional perspective.Carlos Medel-Ramírez & Hilario Medel-López - manuscript
    Winds of change, from the political perspective in Mexico, invite us to reformulate the methodological vision for the direction of public policy in the field of social development, directing their actions towards the construction of a methodological proposal that allows us to direct ourselves towards achieving higher levels of Well-being Social in our country, as a desirable objective of public policy and which is expected to be inclusive, participatory and democratic. -/- In this sense, it is important to (...)
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    Social Welfare and Individual Responsibility (M. van Roojen).D. Schmidtz & R. E. Goodin - 2000 - Philosophical Books 41 (1):62-63.
    The issue of social welfare and individual responsibility has become a topic of international public debate in recent years as politicians around the world now question the legitimacy of state-funded welfare systems. David Schmidtz and Robert Goodin debate the ethical merits of individual versus collective responsibility for welfare. David Schmidtz argues that social welfare policy should prepare people for responsible adulthood rather than try to make that unnecessary. Robert Goodin argues against the individualization of (...) policy and expounds the virtues of collective responsibility. (shrink)
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  35.  39
    Citizens, Consumers and Animals: What Role do Experts Assign to Public Values in Establishing Animal Welfare Standards?Chris Degeling & Jane Johnson - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (5):961-976.
    The public can influence animal welfare law and regulation. However what constitutes ‘the public’ is not a straightforward matter. A variety of different publics have an interest in animal use and this has implications for the governance of animal welfare. This article presents an ethnographic content analysis of how the concept of a public is mobilized in animal welfare journals from 2003 to 2012. The study was undertaken to explore how experts in the discipline (...)
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  36.  20
    Can Welfare Economics Justify Corporate Philanthropy? Proposing the Philanthropy Multiplier as a Metric for Evaluating Corporate Philanthropic Expenditures.William English - 2024 - Business Ethics Quarterly 34 (3):440-470.
    Much business ethics and corporate social responsibility literature suggests, implicitly or explicitly, that firms ought to engage in activities that can be characterized as philanthropy, namely, expending resources beyond what is required by law and market norms to promote others’ welfare at the expense of firm profits. However, this literature has struggled to provide a normative framework for evaluating corporate philanthropy, although scholars have noted that such expenditures can potentially remedy market failures and provide public goods more efficiently. (...)
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  37.  28
    Welfare rights.Carl Wellman - 1982 - Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield.
  38.  23
    Creating Target Publics for Welfare Policies: A Comparative and Multi-Level Approach.Pierre-Edouard Weill & Lorenzo Barrault-Stella (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This volume analyzes welfare policies by looking at the making of their target publics. It examines how these populations are identified and constructed by policy making. The contributors apply the classic theoretical question about who gets what, when, and how, but also suggest the revisiting of policy-feedback analysis. Coverage includes empirical case studies in different geographical areas. It looks at Europe, the United States and also considers Mayotte, set in a post-colonial context. The chapters also examine different aspects of (...)
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  39.  27
    How Welfare Policies Can Change Trust – A Social Experiment Assessing the Impact of Social Assistance Policy on Political and Social Trust.Peer Scheepers, Maurice Gesthuizen, Niels Spierings & János Betkó - 2022 - Basic Income Studies 17 (2):155-187.
    While there is a substantive literature on the link between welfare states and individuals’ trust, little is known about the micro-linkage of the conditionality of welfare as a driver of trust. This study presents a unique randomized social experiment investigating this link. Recipients of the regular Dutch social assistance policy are compared to recipients of two alternative schemes inspired by the basic income and based on a more trusting and unconditional approach, testing the main reciprocity argument in the (...)
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  40.  78
    Philosophical analysis and human welfare: selected essays and chapters from six decades.Dickinson Sergeant Miller - 1975 - Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. Edited by Loyd David Easton.
    When I was Dickinson Miller's assistant from 1940 to 1942, I soon realized that I had encountered an unusually powerful, acute, and original mind and a writer whose clear but vivid style matched the high quality of his intelligence. These traits were apparent in his comments about eminent philosophers with whom he had associated - particularly William James but also Santayana, Dewey, Husserl, and Wittgenstein - and in the mutual criticism he demanded of his writing and my first efforts. I (...)
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  41.  11
    Animal management and welfare in natural disasters.James Sawyer - 2018 - New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. Edited by Gerardo Huertas.
    The devastating impacts of natural disasters not only directly affect humans and infrastructure, but also animals, which may be crucial to the livelihoods of many people. This book considers the needs of animals in the aftermath of disasters and explains the importance of looking to their welfare in extreme events. The authors explore how animals are affected by specific disaster types, what their emergency and subsequent welfare needs are and the appropriate interventions. They describe the key benefits of (...)
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  42.  61
    Social Welfare Discourses and Scholars’ Ethical-Political Dilemmas in the Crisis of Neoliberalism.Francesco Laruffa - 2019 - Ethics and Social Welfare 13 (4):323-339.
    Discourse is central in promoting – or hindering – social change. This paper discusses the ethical-political dilemmas that academics face in developing progressive discourses on social welfare in the hegemonic crisis of neoliberalism. A central dilemma concerns the (implicit or explicit) target of their discourse. Speaking to elites reproduces dominant values and interests, reinforcing central elements of neoliberalism such as economisation and de-politicisation. Moreover, this approach remains technocratic (i.e. academics act as experts), thereby failing to address citizens’ distrust towards (...)
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  43. Welfare without rent seeking? Buchanan’s demogrant proposal and the possibility of a constitutional welfare state.Otto Lehto & John Meadowcroft - 2021 - Constitutional Political Economy 32:145–164.
    In a number of works, James M. Buchanan set out a proposal for a ‘demogrant’— a form of universal basic income that applied the principles of generality and non discrimination to the tax and the transfer sides of the scheme and was to be implemented as a constitutional rule outside the realm of day-to-day politics. The demogrant has received surprisingly little scholarly attention, but this article locates it in Buchanan’s broader constitutional political economy project and shows it was a logical (...)
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  44.  50
    Insurance, Equality and the Welfare State: Political Philosophy and (of) Public Insurance.Xavier Landes & Nils Holtug - 2015 - Res Publica 21 (2):111-118.
    Public insurance is both everywhere and nowhere. It is everywhere in the sense that it is omnipresent in industrialised societies: public health insurance, unemployment benefits and pensions. It is a sizeable part of modern nations’ public budget . It has permeated our understanding of societal institutions to the extent that now access to public insurance coverage is understood as being a struggle for equality and equal citizenship .Public insurance is only one aspect of a broader (...)
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  45.  65
    Fish Consumption: Choices in the Intersection of Public Concern, Fish Welfare, Food Security, Human Health and Climate Change.Helena Röcklinsberg - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (3):533-551.
    Future global food insecurity due to growing population as well as changing consumption demands and population growth is sometimes suggested to be met by increase in aquaculture production. This raises a range of ethical issues, seldom discussed together: fish welfare, food security, human health, climate change and environment, and public concern and legislation, which could preferably be seen as pieces in a puzzle, accepting their interdependency. A balanced decision in favour of or against aquaculture needs to take at (...)
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  46. Welfare and Human Nature: Public Theology in Welfare Policy Debates.Duncan B. Forrester - 2000 - Studies in Christian Ethics 13 (2):1-14.
  47. Why all Welfare States (Including Laissez-Faire Ones) Are Unreasonable.Gerald F. Gaus - 1998 - Social Philosophy and Policy 15 (2):1-33.
    Liberal political theory is all too familiar with the divide between classical and welfare-state liberals. Classical liberals, as we all know, insist on the importance of small government, negative liberty, and private property. Welfare-state liberals, on the other hand, although they too stress civil rights, tend to be sympathetic to “positive liberty,” are for a much more expansive government, and are often ambivalent about private property. Although I do not go so far as to entirely deny the usefulness (...)
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  48.  33
    The public schools and the welfare state.D. Crichton-Miller - 1954 - British Journal of Educational Studies 3 (1):3-16.
  49. Public health and animal welfare.Carla Forte Maiolino Molento - 2014 - In Michael C. Appleby, Daniel M. Weary & Peter Sandøe (eds.), Dilemmas in Animal Welfare. Wallingford, Oxfordshire: CABI International.
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  50. Welfare, Work Requirements, and Dependant-Care.Elizabeth Anderson - 2004 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 21 (3):243-256.
    the arguments in their favour are weak. Arguments based on reciprocity fail to explain why only means-tested public benefits should be subject to work requirements, and why unpaid dependant care work should not count as satisfying citizens’ obligations to reciprocate. Argu- ments based on promoting the work ethic misattribute recipients’ nonwork to deviant values, when their core problem is finding steady employment consistent with supporting a family and meeting dependant care responsibilities. Rigid work requirements impose unreasonable costs on some (...)
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