Results for 'Ştefan Vianu'

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  1. L'intellect divin et l'intellect humain selon maître Eckhart.Stefan Vianu - 2000 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 132 (3):223-237.
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    La doctrine érigènienne des Causes primordiales.Ştefan Vianu - 2003 - Chôra 1:129-160.
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    Spotting When Algorithms Are Wrong.Stefan Buijsman & Herman Veluwenkamp - 2023 - Minds and Machines 33 (4):541-562.
    Users of sociotechnical systems often have no way to independently verify whether the system output which they use to make decisions is correct; they are epistemically dependent on the system. We argue that this leads to problems when the system is wrong, namely to bad decisions and violations of the norm of practical reasoning. To prevent this from occurring we suggest the implementation of defeaters: information that a system is unreliable in a specific case (undercutting defeat) or independent information that (...)
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  4. Nietzsche, the overhuman, and transhumanism.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2008 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 20 (1):29-42.
    Bostrom rejects Nietzsche as an ancestor of the transhumanist movement, as he claims that there were merely some “surface-level similarities with the Nietzschean vision” (Bostrom 2005a, 4). In contrast to Bostrom, I think that significant similarities between the posthuman and the overhuman can be found on a fundamental level. In addition, it seems to me that Nietzsche explained the relevance of the overhuman by referring to a dimension which seems to be lacking in transhumanism. In order to explain my position, (...)
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    Toward a Neural Basis of Music Perception – A Review and Updated Model.Stefan Koelsch - 2011 - Frontier in Psychology 2.
  6. The Principles and the Presumption of Equality.Stefan Gosepath - 2015 - In Carina Fourie, Fabian Schuppert & Ivo Wallimann-Helmer, Social Equality: On What It Means to Be Equals. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 167-185.
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    Heartbeat detection and the experience of emotions.Stefan Wiens, Elizabeth S. Mezzacappa & Edward S. Katkin - 2000 - Cognition and Emotion 14 (3):417-427.
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    How does the Perceived Ethicality of Corporate Services Brands Influence Loyalty and Positive Word-of-Mouth? Analyzing the Roles of Empathy, Affective Commitment, and Perceived Quality.Stefan Markovic, Oriol Iglesias, Jatinder Jit Singh & Vicenta Sierra - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (4):721-740.
    In the past few decades, a growth in ethical consumerism has led brands to increasingly develop conscientiousness and depict ethical image at a corporate level. However, most of the research studying business ethics in the field of corporate brand management is either conceptual or has been empirically conducted in relation to goods/products contexts. This is surprising because corporate brands are more relevant in services contexts, because of the distinct nature of services and the key role that employees have in the (...)
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    Datafication and empowerment: How the open data movement re-articulates notions of democracy, participation, and journalism.Stefan Baack - 2015 - Big Data and Society 2 (2).
    This article shows how activists in the open data movement re-articulate notions of democracy, participation, and journalism by applying practices and values from open source culture to the creation and use of data. Focusing on the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany and drawing from a combination of interviews and content analysis, it argues that this process leads activists to develop new rationalities around datafication that can support the agency of datafied publics. Three modulations of open source are identified: First, by regarding (...)
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    Inference to the best explanation and mechanisms in medicine.Stefan Dragulinescu - 2016 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 37 (3):211-232.
    This article considers the prospects of inference to the best explanation as a method of confirming causal claims vis-à-vis the medical evidence of mechanisms. I show that IBE is actually descriptive of how scientists reason when choosing among hypotheses, that it is amenable to the balance/weight distinction, a pivotal pair of concepts in the philosophy of evidence, and that it can do justice to interesting features of the interplay between mechanistic and population level assessments.
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  11. Do Ethical Guidelines Give Guidance? A Critical Examination of Eight Ethics Regulations.Stefan Eriksson, Anna T. Höglund & Gert Helgesson - 2008 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 17 (1):15-29.
    The number of legal and nonlegal ethical regulations in the biomedical field has increased tremendously, leaving present-day practitioners and researchers in a virtual crossfire of legislations and guidelines. Judging by the production and by the way these regulations are motivated and presented, they are held to be of great importance to ethical practice. This view is shared by many commentators. For instance, Commons and Baldwin write that, within the nursing profession, patient care can be performed unethically or ethically depending on (...)
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    The conceptual critique of innateness.Stefan Linquist - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (5):e12492.
    It is widely recognized that the innate versus acquired distinction is a false dichotomy. Yet many scientists continue to describe certain traits as “innate” and take this to imply that those traits are not acquired, or “unlearned.” This article asks what cognitive role, if any, the concept of innateness should play in the psychological and behavioural sciences. I consider three arguments for eliminating innateness from scientific discourse. First, the classification of a trait as innate is thought to discourage empirical research (...)
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    Participation versus Consent: Should Corporations Be Run according to Democratic Principles?Stefan Hielscher, Markus Beckmann & Ingo Pies - 2014 - Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (4):533-563.
    ABSTRACT:The notion of “democracy” has become a much-debated concept in scholarship on business ethics, management, and organization studies. The strategy of this paper is to distinguish between a principle of organization that fosters participation (type I democracy) and a principle of legitimation that draws on consent (type II democracy). Based on this distinction, we highlight conceptual shortcomings of the literature on stakeholder democracy. We demonstrate that parts of the literature tend to confound ends with means. Many approaches employ type I (...)
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    Lottocracy Versus Democracy.Stefan Rummens & Raf Geenens - forthcoming - Res Publica:1-19.
    This paper critically compares a deliberative system based on parliamentary elections (an electoral system) and a deliberative system based on sortition (a lottocratic system). Both systems are analyzed in three dimensions. The epistemic dimension concerns the rational quality of the democratic process. The power dimension concerns the distribution of power and the extent to which citizens genuinely control all decisions. The motivational dimension, finally, concerns citizens’ identification with the decision-making process and their willingness to abide by its outcomes. We argue (...)
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    Aphrodites orientales dans le bassin du Pont-Euxin.Maria Alexandrescu Vianu - 1997 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 121 (1):15-32.
    This paper analyses the successive waves of penetration of oriental goddesses, assimilated to Aphrodite, by Greeks coming from the Near East (Syria, Phoenicia) to the Greek colonies on the Black Sea. The first stage, that of the cuit of Syrian Aphrodite, is assigned to the 6th c. BC in the Greek towns of Olbia, Berezan and perhaps Istros. In the 4th c. a second wave arrived, chiefly in the Kingdom of the Bosphorus, which introduced the cuit of Aphrodite Ourania. The (...)
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    Delia Popa, Emmanuel Levinas, Les aventures de l'economie subjective et son ouverture a l'alterite/ The adventures of the subjective economy and its opening towards alterity.Vianu Muresan - 2007 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 6 (16):159-168.
    Delia Popa, Emmanuel Levinas, Les aventures de l’economie subjective et son ouverture a l’alterite (Eemmanuel Levinas, The adventures of the subjective economy and its opening towards alterity) Lumen Publishing House, Iasi, 2007.
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    „Între” arhivã si diagramã sau cunoasterea ca practicã a puterii/ „Between" Archive and Diagram or the Knowledge as Practice of Power.Vianu Muresan - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (10):150-165.
    Taking into consideration the concepts of „knowledge” and „power”, whose correlation authored the very idea of modernity, this study on Foucault traces their evolution through two cultural patterns: the archive and the diagram. A world picture can be constructed only by making appeal to the archives of knowledge. In every historical moment the structure and the quality of the archive actuate the initiatives of power, that is, the play of forces between actors, institutions, centres of decision in society, and between (...)
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    Vasile Frãteanu, Tratat de metafizicã/ Treatise of Metaphysics.Vianu Muresan - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (5):209-214.
    Vasile Frãteanu, Tratat de metafizicã Editura Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 2002.
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  19. Ästhetische Studien.Tudor Vianu - 1972 - Bukarest,: Univers.
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    Estetica.Tudor Vianu & George Gană - 1968 - București : Editura pentru literatură,:
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  21. (1 other version)Estetica.Tudor Vianu & Ion Ianosi - 1968 - București : Editura pentru literatură,: Editura Pentru Literatura.
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  22. Postume.Tudor Vianu - 1966 - București,: Editura pentru Literatură Universală.
    Istoria ideii de geniu.--Simbolul artistic.--Tezele unei filozofii a operei.
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  23. Postume.Tudor Vianu & Ion Ianosi - 1966 - București,: Editura pentru Literatură Universală.
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  24. Slurs under quotation.Stefan Rinner & Alexander Hieke - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (5):1483-1494.
    Against content theories of slurs, according to which slurs have some kind of derogatory content, Anderson and Lepore have objected that they cannot explain that even slurs under quotation can cause offense. If slurs had some kind of derogatory content, the argument goes, quotation would render this content inert and, thus, quoted slurs should not be offensive. Following this, Anderson and Lepore propose that slurs are offensive because they are prohibited words. In this paper, we will show that, pace Anderson (...)
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    Spatial–Numerical and Ordinal Positional Associations Coexist in Parallel.Stefan Huber, Elise Klein, Korbinian Moeller & Klaus Willmes - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Measuring the Unmeasurable.Stefan L. K. Gruijters & Bram P. I. Fleuren - 2018 - Human Nature 29 (1):33-44.
    Within evolutionary biology, life-history theory is used to explain cross-species differences in allocation strategies regarding reproduction, maturation, and survival. Behavioral scientists have recently begun to conceptualize such strategies as a within-species individual characteristic that is predictive of behavior. Although life history theory provides an important framework for behavioral scientists, the psychometric approach to life-history strategy measurement—as operationalized by K-factors—involves conceptual entanglements. We argue that current psychometric approaches attempting to identify K-factors are based on an unwarranted conflation of functional descriptions and (...)
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  27. Combinations of tense and modality for predicate logic.Stefan Wölfl - 1999 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 28 (4):371-398.
    In recent years combinations of tense and modality have moved intothe focus of logical research. From a philosophical point of view, logical systems combining tense and modality are of interest because these logics have a wide field of application in original philosophical issues, for example in the theory of causation, of action, etc. But until now only methods yielding completeness results for propositional languages have been developed. In view of philosophical applications, analogous results with respect to languages of predicate logic (...)
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  28. The Counterfactual Structure of the Consequence Argument.Stefan Rummens - 2019 - Erkenntnis 86 (3):523-542.
    This paper revisits a well-known rebuttal of Peter van Inwagen’s consequence argument. This CS-rebuttal, as I shall call it, focuses on the counterfactual structure of alternative possibilities. It shows that the ability to do otherwise is such that if the agent had exercised it, the distant past and/or the laws of nature would have been different. On the counterfactual scenario, there is, therefore, no need for the agent to exercise an ability to change the past or the laws of nature. (...)
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    Transposon dynamics and the epigenetic switch hypothesis.Stefan Linquist & Brady Fullerton - 2021 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 42 (3):137-154.
    The recent explosion of interest in epigenetics is often portrayed as the dawning of a scientific revolution that promises to transform biomedical science along with developmental and evolutionary biology. Much of this enthusiasm surrounds what we call the epigenetic switch hypothesis, which regards certain examples of epigenetic inheritance as an adaptive organismal response to environmental change. This interpretation overlooks an alternative explanation in terms of coevolutionary dynamics between parasitic transposons and the host genome. This raises a question about whether epigenetics (...)
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    Causal-role myopia and the functional investigation of junk DNA.Stefan Linquist - 2022 - Biology and Philosophy 37 (4):1-23.
    The distinction between causal role and selected effect functions is typically framed in terms of their respective explanatory roles. However, much of the controversy over functions in genomics takes place in an investigative, not an explanatory context. Specifically, the process of component-driven functional investigation begins with the designation of some genetic or epigenetic element as functional —i.e. not junk— because it possesses properties that, arguably, suggest some biologically interesting organismal effect. The investigative process then proceeds, in a bottom-up fashion, to (...)
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  31. The Point of Promises.Stefan Https://Orcidorg Riedener & Philipp Https://Orcidorg Schwind - 2022 - Ethics 132 (3):621-643.
    The normative mechanics of promising seem complex. The strength and content of promissory obligations, and the residual duties they entail upon being violated, have various prima facie surprising features. We give an account to explain these features. Promises have a point. The point of a promise to φ is a promise-independent reason to φ for the promisee’s sake. A promise turns this reason into a duty. This explains the mechanics of promises. And it grounds a nuanced picture of immoral promises, (...)
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    Menschenwürde nach Nietzsche: die Geschichte eines Begriffs.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2010 - Darmstadt: WBG, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
    In der Auseinandersetzung mit Nietzsches Kritik der Menschenwürde nimmt dieses Buch zugleich Stellung zur aktuellen Diskussion. Wie ist die gegenwärtige Norm der Menschenwürde, wie sie auch im Grundgesetz enthalten ist, vor dem Hintergrund der Theorien des vehementen Moralkritikers Nietzsche einzuschätzen? Welchen Stellenwert hat die Würde des Menschen im Zeitalter des Posthumanismus überhaupt? Im ersten Teil skizziert der Autor zunächst die wichtigsten philosophischen Konzeptionen der Menschenwürde von Cicero bis Kant. Dabei macht er deutlich, welche Probleme die gegenwärtige Rezeption historischer Konzeptionen aufwirft. (...)
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  33. What is a machine? Exploring the meaning of ‘artificial’ in ‘artificial intelligence’.Stefan Schulz & Janna Hastings - 2024 - Cosmos+Taxis 12 (5+6):37-41.
    Landgrebe and Smith provide an argument for the impossibility of Artificial General Intelligence based on the limits of simulating complex systems. However, their argument presupposes a very contemporary vision of artificial intelligence as a model trained on data to produce an algorithm executable in a modern digital computing system. The present contribution explores what it means to be artificial. Current artificial intelligence approaches on modern computing systems are not the only conceivable way in which artificial intelligence technology might be created. (...)
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    Why Ecology and Evolution Occupy Distinct Epistemic Niches.Stefan Linquist - 2019 - Philosophical Topics 47 (1):143-165.
    Recent examples of rapid evolution under natural selection seem to require that the disciplines of ecology and evolution become better integrated. This inference makes sense only if one’s understanding of these disciplines is based on Hutchinson’s two-speed model of the ecological theater and the evolutionary play. Instead, these disciplines are more accurately viewed as occupying distinct “epistemic niches.” When so understood, we see that rapid evolution under selection, even if it is generally true, does not imply that evolutionary explanations are (...)
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    William King’s Influence on Locke’s Second Edition Change of Mind about Human Action and Freedom.Stefan Storrie - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 27 (5):668-684.
    ABSTRACTLocke’s influential discussion of agency in the chapter ‘Of Power’ in the Essay Concerning Human Understanding underwent important changes between the first and second edition. He reconside...
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  36. Two Myths about Somatic Markers.Stefan Linquist & Jordan Bartol - 2013 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 64 (3):455-484.
    Research on patients with damage to ventromedial frontal cortices suggests a key role for emotions in practical decision making. This field of investigation is often associated with Antonio Damasio’s Somatic Marker Hypothesis—a putative account of the mechanism through which autonomic tags guide decision making in typical individuals. Here we discuss two questionable assumptions—or ‘myths’—surrounding the direction and interpretation of this research. First, it is often assumed that there is a single somatic marker hypothesis. As others have noted, however, Damasio’s ‘hypothesis’ (...)
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    Two roads to the successor axiom.Stefan Buijsman - 2020 - Synthese 197 (3):1241-1261.
    Most accounts of our knowledge of the successor axiom claim that this is based on the procedure of adding one. While they usually don’t claim to provide an account of how children actually acquire this knowledge, one may well think that this is how they get that knowledge. I argue that when we look at children’s responses in interviews, the time when they learn the successor axiom and the intermediate learning stages they find themselves in, that there is an empirically (...)
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    “Few” or “Many”? An Adaptation Level Theory Account for Flexibility in Quantifier Processing.Stefan Heim, Natalja Peiseler & Natalia Bekemeier - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Precis of defending biodiversity.Stefan Linquist, Gary Varner & Jonathan E. Newman - 2020 - Biology and Philosophy 35 (1):1-4.
    Why should governments or individuals invest time and resources in conserving biodiversity? A popular answer is that biodiversity has both instrumental value for humans and intrinsic value in its own right. Defending Biodiversity critically evaluates familiar arguments for these claims and finds that, at best, they provide good reasons for conserving particular species or regions. However, they fail to provide a strong justification for conserving biodiversity per se. Hence, either environmentalists must develop more compelling arguments for conserving biodiversity or else (...)
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    Functional Connectivity in the Left Dorsal Stream Facilitates Simultaneous Language Translation: An EEG Study.Stefan Elmer & Jürg Kühnis - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    A general model framework for multisymbol number comparison.Stefan Huber, Hans-Christoph Nuerk, Klaus Willmes & Korbinian Moeller - 2016 - Psychological Review 123 (6):667-695.
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    Meditation - Neuroscientific Approaches and Philosophical Implications.Stefan Schmidt & Harald Walach (eds.) - 2014 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume features a collection of essays on consciousness, which has become one of the hot topics at the crossroads between neuroscience, philosophy, and religious studies. Is consciousness something the brain produces? How can we study it? Is there just one type of consciousness or are there different states that can be discriminated? Are so called "higher states of consciousness" that some people report during meditation pointing towards a new understanding of consciousness? Meditation research is a new discipline that shows (...)
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  43. Against Lawton’s Contingency Thesis; or, Why the Reported Demise of Community Ecology Is Greatly Exaggerated.Stefan Linquist - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (5):1104-1115.
    Lawton’s contingency thesis states that there are no useful generalizations at the level of ecological communities because these systems are especially prone to contingent historical events. I argue that this influential thesis has been grounded on the wrong kind of evidence. CT is best understood in Woodward’s terms as a claim about the instability of certain causal dependencies across different background conditions. A recent distinction between evolution and ecology reveals what an adequate test of Lawton’s thesis would look like. To (...)
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    Revisiting Human-Agent Communication: The Importance of Joint Co-construction and Understanding Mental States.Stefan Kopp & Nicole Krämer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:580955.
    The study of human-human communication and the development of computational models for human-agent communication have diverged significantly throughout the last decade. Yet, despite frequently made claims of “super-human performance” in, e.g., speech recognition or image processing, so far, no system is able to lead a half-decent coherent conversation with a human. In this paper, we argue that we must start to re-consider the hallmarks of cooperative communication and the core capabilities that we have developed for it, and which conversational agents (...)
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    After the Enlightenment: The Rediscovery of Averroes by Tiedemann and Herder.Stefan Schick - 2023 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 33 (1):113-139.
    RésuméLes modernistes arabes et les humanistes occidentaux considèrent souvent le philosophe musulman Averroès comme l’un des premiers précurseurs de Kant et des Lumières européennes. Contrairement à cette réputation, cet article soutient que ce sont les critiqueurs de Kant, Herder et Tiedemann, qui ont redécouvert Averroès. Tiedemann a été le premier historiographe allemand à donner un compte rendu précis de la pensée d’Averroès. Cela s’est accompagné d’une réévaluation d’Averroès par Herder dans ses Lettres sur les progrès de l’humanité, dans lesquelles il (...)
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  46. Deprivation and Institutionally Based Duties to Aid.Stefan Gosepath - 2014 - In Barbara Buckinx, Jonathan Trejo-Mathys & Timothy Waligore, Domination and Global Political Justice: Conceptual, Historical and Institutional Perspectives. New York, NY, USA: Routledge. pp. 251-290.
    In order to at least begin addressing the extensive the problem of moral clarity in aiding the deprived to some degree, I first argue that the duty to aid the deprived is not merely a charitable one, dependent on the discretion, or the arbitrary will, of the giver (1). Then, before further analysing the individual duty to aid, I critically examine whether deprivation is better alleviated or remedied through the duties of corrective justice. I argue that the perspective of corrective (...)
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  47. Slurs and Freedom of Speech.Stefan Rinner - 2022 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 40 (5):836-848.
    A very common argument against restrictions on hate speech says that since such restrictions curtail freedom of speech, they cause more harm than they prevent. A no less common reply has it that the harms caused by hate speech are sufficiently great to justify legal restrictions on free speech. In ‘Freedom of Expression and Derogatory Words’, West questions a common assumption of both arguments concerning the use of slurs, i.e. that restricting the use of slurs necessarily curtails freedom of speech. (...)
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    But is it progress? On the alleged advances of conservation biology over ecology.Stefan Linquist - 2008 - Biology and Philosophy 23 (4):529-544.
    As conservation biology has developed as a distinct discipline from ecology, conservation guidelines based on ecological theory have been largely cast aside in favor of theory-independent decision procedures for designing conservation reserves. I argue that this transition has failed to advance the field toward its aim of preserving biodiversity. The abandonment of island biogeography theory in favor of complementarity-based algorithms is a case in point. In what follows, I consider the four central objections raised against island biogeographic conservation guidelines, arguing (...)
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  49. Explanatory unification and conceptualization.Stefan Petkov - 2015 - Synthese 192 (11):3695-3717.
    There are several important criticisms against the unificationist model of scientific explanation: Unification is a broad and heterogeneous notion and it is hard to see how a model of explanation based exclusively on unification can make a distinction between genuine explanatory unification from cases of ordering or classification. Unification alone cannot solve the asymmetry and irrelevance problems. Unification and explanation pull in different directions and should be decoupled, because for good scientific explanation extra ad explanandum information is often required. I (...)
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  50. Naive Russellians and Schiffer’s Puzzle.Stefan Rinner - 2020 - Erkenntnis 87 (2):787-806.
    Neo-Russellians like Salmon and Braun hold that: the semantic contents of sentences are structured propositions whose basic components are objects and properties, names are directly referential terms, and a sentence of the form ‘n believes that S’ is true in a context c iff the referent of the name n in c believes the proposition expressed by S in c. This is sometimes referred to as ‘the Naive Russellian theory’. In this talk, I will discuss the Naive Russellian theory primarily (...)
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