OAI Archive: University College London Eprints
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100 entries most recently downloaded from the archive "University College London Eprints"
This set has the following status: partial.
- Universities and Epistemology: From a Dissolution of Knowledge to the Emergence of a New Thinking.R. Barnett & S. Bengtsen - unknowndetails
- The philosophy of critical realism and childhood studies.P. Alderson - unknowndetails
- Annotation, Retrieval and Experimentation.S. A. Wallis - unknowndetails
- The Gifted Child: A Conceptual Enquiry.R. Cigman - unknowndetails
- Ronald Dworkin.Guest Sfd - unknowndetails
- Review of Frege's 'Theory of Sense and Reference' by Wolfgang Carl. [REVIEW]J. Valberg - unknowndetails
- Philosophy of Religion.J. Hayward, G. Jones & D. Cardinal - unknowndetails
- The Meditations: Rene Descartes.J. Hayward, G. Jones & D. Cardinal - unknowndetails
- The epistemology of volunteered geographic information: a critique.R. E. Sieber & M. Haklay - unknowndetails
- Theories of consent.P. Alderson & C. Goodey - unknowndetails
- Trusting teachers within reason: education and the epistemology of testimony.G. Nutbrown - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)What philosophy ought to be.N. Maxwell - 2013 - In Charles Tandy, Death And Anti-Death, Volume 11: Ten Years After Donald Davidson (1917-2003). Ria University Press. pp. 125-162.details
- A priori conjectural knowledge in physics.N. Maxwell - 2011 - In Michael J. Shaffer & Michael L. Veber, What Place for the A Priori? Open Court. pp. 211-240.details
- Updating on the Credences of Others: Disagreement, Agreement, and Synergy.Kenny Easwaran, Luke Fenton-Glynn, Christopher Hitchcock & Joel D. Velasco - 2016 - Philosophers' Imprint 16 (11):1-39.details
- When is truth relevant?E. Allison & P. Fonagy - unknowndetails
- Fast falls the eventide: an essay on temporal ontology.Z. Zhou - unknowndetails
- Ganges, Cambridge, Chicago, Edinburgh, Cambridge... Values and public health.M. Marmot - unknowndetails
- Dignity and inequality.M. Marmot - unknowndetails
- The Management of Time: New Orders for Executive Education.T. Thompson - unknowndetails
- Information Quality: purpose and dimensions.P. K. Illari - unknowndetails
- Political Committment and Historical Epistemology: Raymond Aron's Transcendental Relativism Reconsidered.I. G. Stewart - unknowndetails
- Probabilistic Arguments in Mathematics.D. M. Berry - unknowndetails
- Predictive genetic testing in children: where are we now? An overview and a UK perspective.A. Lucassen & J. Montgomery - unknowndetails
- "No other sign or note than the very order" : Francis Willughby, John Ray and the importance of collecting pictures.N. Grindle - unknowndetails
- Harm reduction: less ideology than praxis.T. Rhodes, A. Judd, N. Craine & M. Walker - unknowndetails
- The Politics of Abortion in Nicaragua: Revolutionary Pragmatism – or Feminism in the Realm of Necessity?Maxine Molyneux - 1988 - Feminist Review 29 (1):114-132.details
- An introduction to the Philosophy of Information.P. K. Illari & The P. I. Research Network - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)Inner Vision.S. Zeki - unknowndetails
- Needs and opportunities in mineral evolution research.R. M. Hazen, A. Bekker, D. L. Bish, W. Bleeker, R. T. Downs, J. Farquhar, J. M. Ferry, E. S. Grew, A. H. Knoll, D. Papineau, J. P. Ralph & J. W. da SverjenskyValley - unknowndetails
- The research agenda: The vital need for empirical research in child psychotherapy.P. Fonagy - unknowndetails
- A World of Things, not Facts.Cna Mccarthy - unknowndetails
- Philosophy of Engineering: Reflections on Practice, Principles and Process.Cna Mccarthy, Deg Goldberg & Dp Michelfelder - unknowndetails
- Science and Government: C. P. Snow and the Corridors of Power.L. Jardine - unknowndetails
- The Sorcerer's Apprentice: C. P. Snow and J. Bronowski.L. Jardine - unknowndetails
- What's left of Culture and Society?L. Jardine - unknowndetails
- Distinctive discipline: Rudolph Agricola's influence on methodical thinking in the humanities.L. Jardine - unknowndetails
- Humanism and the teaching of logic.L. Jardine - unknowndetails
- Introduction.L. Jardine - 2000 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 22 (1):3-12.details
- Lectures on the History of Moral and Political Philosophy.Jonathan Wolff & Gerald A. Cohen - 2013 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.details
- An 'opportunistic interpretation' of Bentham's panopticon writings.Karolina Gombert - unknowndetails
- From the fact to the sense of agency.M. Tsakiris & A. Fotopoulou - unknowndetails
- Book review: Audrey Carpenter, 'John Theophilus Desaguliers: a natural philosopher, engineer and freemason in Newtonian England'. New York; London: Continuum, 2011. [REVIEW]A. G. Pink - unknowndetails
- An essay on events.Z. Zhou - unknowndetails
- Bruno: Immanence and Transcendence in De la causa, principio et uno, Dialogue II.Dilwyn Knox - 2013 - Bruniana and Campanelliana 19:463-482.details
- Discourses of systems engineering.U. U. Akeel & S. J. Bell - unknowndetails
- Immortality of the Soul.D. Knox - unknowndetails
- Philodemus, On death.W. B. Henry - 2009 - Society of Biblical Literature.details
- How to find an appropriate clustering for mixed-type variables with application to socio-economic stratification.C. Hennig & T. F. Liao - unknowndetails
- Linking research and teaching: a staff-student interview project.C. Dwyer - unknowndetails
- Showing space: can there be sciences of the nondiscursive?Wrg Hillier - unknowndetails
- Visual Perception as a Means of Knowing.Craig French - 2012 - Dissertation, Ucldetails
- Political Constitutionalism: A Republican Defence of the Constitutionality of Democracy.Richard Bellamy - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.details
- The Menace of Science without Wisdom.Nicholas Maxwell - 2012 - Ethical Record 117 (9):10-15.details
- Decision-making in palliative care: a reflective case study.M. Birchall - unknowndetails
- Medical constraints on the quantum mind.N. Lane - unknowndetails
- Metacognition: computation, biology and function.S. M. Fleming, R. J. Dolan & C. D. Frith - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)Has science established that the cosmos is physically comprehensible?Nicholas Maxwell - 2013 - In Anderson Travena & Brady Soren, Recent Advances in Cosmology. Nova Science. pp. 1-56.details
- Reference, simplicity, and necessary existence in the 'Tractatus'.José L. Zalabardo - 2012 - In José L. Zalabardo, Wittgenstein's Early Philosophy. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 119-150.details
- Nomadic Literature. Cees Nooteboom and his Writing.J. Fenoulhet - unknowndetails
- Truth in Complex Adaptive Systems models should be based on proof by constructive verification.David Shipworth - unknowndetails
- Liberalism and Modern Society.Richard BELLAMY - 1993 - Philosophical Quarterly 43 (172):383.details
- Arendt, Augustine, Dante and Loving One's Neighbour.J. F. Took - unknowndetails
- The presence of something or the absence of nothing: Increasing theoretical precision in management research.J. Berry & Edwards Jr - unknowndetails
- Wittgenstein's Early Philosophy.José L. Zalabardo (ed.) - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.details
- Scepticism and Reliable Belief.José L. Zalabardo - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.details
- The Anti-Christ.M. Liebscher - unknowndetails
- Large scale organisational intervention to improve patient safety in four UK hospitals: mixed method evaluation.A. Benning, M. Ghaleb, A. Suokas, M. Dixon-Woods, J. Dawson, N. Barber, B. D. Franklin, A. Girling, K. Hemming, M. Carmalt, G. Rudge, T. Naicker, U. Nwulu, S. Choudhury & R. Lilford - unknowndetails
- Information retrieval (IR) and the paradox of change: An analysis using the philosophy of Parmenides.Cv Thornley - unknowndetails
- Processes for Just Products: The Capability Space of Participatory Design.A. A. Frediani & C. Boano - unknowndetails
- In praise of natural philosophy: a revolution for thought and life.Nicholas Maxwell - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (4):705-715.details
- Arguing for wisdom in the university: an intellectual autobiography.Nicholas Maxwell - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (4):663-704.details
- Review article: Aristotle, and some Roman philosophy.RW Sharples - unknowndetails
- Primary and Secondary Duties in the Law.Je Penner - unknowndetails
- The Concepts of Law: What's the Argument About?Je Penner - unknowndetails
- The Problem of Succession in Political Theory.Je Penner - unknowndetails
- McCoubrey & White's Textbook on Jurisprudence.H. McCoubrey & Nd White - unknowndetails
- On Dagan's "The Craft of Property".J. Penner - unknowndetails
- On the Evolution of Property Rights.J. E. Penner - unknowndetails
- The idea of property in law.Je Penner - unknowndetails
- "An Untheory of the Law of Trusts", Inaugural/Current Legal Problems Lecture.Je Penner - unknowndetails
- "An Untheory of the Law of Trusts, or how doctrine can be viewed as a ‘special science’ body of knowledge", invited paper, University of Birmingham School of Law.J. Penner - unknowndetails
- Resulting Trusts and Unjust Enrichment: Three Controversies.J. Penner - unknowndetails
- "McFarlane and Stevens on Equitable Rights", talk given to academics and BCL students on the new theory of equitable rights proposed by McFarlane and Stevens.J. Penner - unknowndetails
- Value, property and unjust enrichment: trusts of traceable proceeds.Je Penner - unknowndetails
- Ronald Dworkin Portuguese edition with introduction.S. Guest - unknowndetails
- Upbeat.S. Guest - unknowndetails
- Hearing.JF Ashmore - unknowndetails
- Review of M. Resnik, Mathematics as a Science of Patterns. [REVIEW]M. Giaquinto - 1999 - Mind 108 (432):761-788.details
- Review of Alan Gewirth, 'The Community of Rights'. [REVIEW]J. Wolff - unknowndetails
- Review of John Horton and Suan Mendus, ed. 'After MacIntyre'. [REVIEW]J. Wolff - unknowndetails
- Critical Notice, Hillel Steiner, 'An Essay on Rights'.J. Wolff - unknowndetails
- Libertarianism.J. Wolff - unknowndetails
- Robert Nozick.J. Wolff - unknowndetails
- John rawls: Liberal democracy restated.Jonathan Wolff - 2001 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 3 (3):347-361.details
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