Results for ' dialectic of selfhood'

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  1. Free will and the dialectic of selfhood: Can one make sense of a traditional free will requiring ultimate responsibility?Robert Kane - 2009 - Ideas Y Valores 58 (141):25-43.
    For four decades, I have been developing a distinctive view of free will according to which agents are required to be ultimately responsible for the creation or formation of their own wills (characters and purposes). The aim of this paper is to explain how a free will of this traditional kind -which..
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    The Dialectic of Selfhood and Relationality in the Human Person.John F. Crosby - 1992 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 66:181-189.
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  3. Rider . The Dialectic of Selfhood in Montaigne. [REVIEW]M. Mcgowan - 1976 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 54 (1):157-158.
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  4. Selfhood, Conscience, and Dialectic in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit.John E. Russon - 1991 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 29 (4):533-550.
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    Kierkegaard's Anthropology of the Self: Ethico‐Religious and Social Dimensions of Selfhood.Domingos Sousa - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (1):37-50.
    It is sometimes argued that the concept of the self is the unifying thread that ties together the rich diversity of philosophical and theological themes in Kierkegaard's works.1 In his conception of the self he provides us with a coherent and unified view of human existence. For Kierkegaard the self is not a static entity but a dynamic and unfolding reality, something I must strive to become. One is not a self but becomes a self as an ethico‐religious task to (...)
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    Hitchcock Meets Kierkegaard: Selfhood and Gendered Forms of Despair in Vertigo and The Sickness unto Death.Hjördis Becker-Lindenthal - 2020 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 25 (1):285-300.
    The development of Vertigo’s main characters provides a detailed illustration of the dialectics of despair as analysed in Kierkegaard’s The Sickness unto Death, in particular of the so-called ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ types of failed selfhood. This article shows the relation of selfhood and despair to dizziness both in Kierkegaard’s work and in Hitchcock’s film, and it examines the religious subtext of Vertigo. The dramatis personae of Judy and Scottie are analysed by applying Kierkegaard’s phenomenology of despair. They display (...)
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    The dialectical self: Kierkegaard, Marx, and the making of the modern subject.Jamie Aroosi - 2019 - Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
    Although Karl Marx and Søren Kierkegaard are both major figures in nineteenth-century Western thought, they are rarely considered in the same conversation. Marx is the great radical economic theorist, the prophet of communist revolution who famously claimed religion was the "opiate of the masses." Kierkegaard is the renowned defender of Christian piety, a forerunner of existentialism, and a critic of mass politics who challenged us to become "the single individual." But by drawing out important themes bequeathed them by their shared (...)
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    Participative cultural productions of the oppressed: The master-servant dialectic through an Indian lens.A. C. Nisar - 2020 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 20 (1):e1850474.
    The master-servant and self-substance dialectic in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit presents the self as reflectively negating the particularities of its natural consciousness and transcending towards the social substance in order to inscribe its culturally refined self-conception upon the universal substance. Hegel argues that the reflective and determinate negations of the subordinated self by means of participative cultural production (Bildung) lead to the overcoming of servitude and subordination. That is, the actions of the supposedly ‘inessential’ servant-selfhood lead to freedom (...)
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    Selfhood and ‘Spirit’.John J. Davenport - 2013 - In John Lippitt & George Pattison (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Kierkegaard. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press UK.
    This chapter examines Soren Kierkegaard's thoughts about selfhood and spirit. It analyses Kierkegaard's conceptions of self, passion, and will in his psychological works The Concept of Anxiety and The Sickness Unto Death, suggesting that these works offer more direct or dialectical analyses of different conscious states. The chapter also considers Kierkegaard's view about existentialism and personalism, and his belief that selfhood is the goal rather than the presupposition of existence.
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  10. Against Biological Determinism the Dialects of Biology Group.Steven P. R. Rose & Dialects of Biology Group - 1981
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    Perspectives on the philosophy of Charles Taylor.Arto Laitinen & Nicholas Hugh Smith (eds.) - 2002 - Acta Philosophical Fennica.
    The essays in this volume offer a range of new perspectives on Charles Taylor's philosophy. Part one addresses key metaphilosophical themes such as the role of transcendental arguments, the critique of representationalism, and the dialectics of Enlightenment. Part two critically examines Taylor's views on personhood, selfhood and interpersonal recognition. Part three discusses issues in Taylor's moral and political theory, including the nature of his moral realism, his theory of modernity, and his critical appropriation of the liberal tradition. The book (...)
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    Journeys to Selfhood[REVIEW]George J. Stack - 1983 - Review of Metaphysics 37 (1):150-151.
    The primary aim of this clear, scholarly, and well-developed study is to bring Hegel in relation to Kierkegaard in order to emphasize the similarities in their thinking and the differences between two subtle and difficult thinkers. Hegel and Kierkegaard are depicted as profoundly concerned with leading man out of "spiritlessness" and up to "authentic selfhood." Largely relying on exposition and commentary on Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit and Philosophy of Mind, Taylor emphasizes the stations or stages on the way to (...)
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    The Ontology of Prejudice.Jon Mills & Janusz A. Polanowski (eds.) - 1997 - Rodopi.
    This book offers a bold and controversial new thesis regarding the nature of prejudice. The authors' central claim is that prejudice is not simply learned, rather it is predisposed in all human beings and is thus the foundation for ethical valuation. They aim to destroy the illusion that prejudice is merely the result of learned beliefs, socially conditioned attitudes, or pathological states of development. Contrary to traditional accounts, prejudice itself is not a negative attribute of human nature, rather it is (...)
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    The Future of Alienation.Richard Schacht - 1994 - University of Illinois Press.
    The essays here call for a rethinking of a variety of forms of alienation in light of contemporary dynamics and a clearer understanding of the dialectic of human selfhood and social participation.
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    Fichte's Transcendental Philosophy: The Original Duplicity of Intelligence and Will (review).Daniel Breazeale - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (2):374-376.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Fichte’s Transcendental Philosophy: The Original Duplicity of Intelligence and Will by Günter ZöllerDaniel BreazealeGünter Zöller. Fichte’s Transcendental Philosophy: The Original Duplicity of Intelligence and Will. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Pp. xvii + 169. Cloth, $49.95.The subtitle says it all: “Original Duplicity,” which is to say, interdependent duality, or perhaps “equiprimordiality.” The thesis defended by Günter Zöller in this meticulously documented and elegantly written new book is that (...)
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    Freedom and the Predicaments of Self-Realization In a Techno-Scientific Age.Efraim Shmueli - 1977 - Idealistic Studies 7 (2):132-150.
    The following essay is part of a study which aims at grounding the concepts of freedom—personal, sociopolitical, metaphysical—and a variety of their combinations in the unique ontological structure of selfhood and its dialectical unfoldings. The claims of both hard determinism and absolute freedom are rejected.
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  17. (1 other version)Love in Kierkegaard's Symposia.William McDonald - 2003 - Minerva 7:60-93.
    Kierkegaard presents two radically different conceptions of love in his writings, in threedifferent ways . Kierkegaard’s prime literary model for eros is Plato’sSymposium, which culminates in Diotima’s argument for a continuum between immediate, sensate, eroticlove and the divine. Kierkegaard repeatedly parodies the notion of eros as a scala paradisi in hispseudonymous “first authorship,” in order to show its inadequacy from the point of view of Christian faith.In his “second authorship” Kierkegaard presents a very different notion of love from this pagan, (...)
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    Significance.Robert Kane - 1996 - In The Significance of Free Will. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Discusses what I call the “Significance Question” for free will: Why do we, or should we, want to possess a free will that is incompatible with determinism? I argue that there are a number of things that we do, and should, want when we want genuine free will and that these things, properly understood, require an incompatibilist or nondeterminist account. They include genuine creativity, autonomy or self‐legislation, true desert for achievements, moral responsibility in an ultimate sense, being suitable objects of (...)
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  19. Hegel on the Body.John Edward Russon - 1990 - Dissertation, University of Toronto (Canada)
    There is a phenomenology of the body worked out implicitly in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, in which the full implications of a rejection of a dualistic conception of self and body are articulated. A concept of body can be derived from Hegel's analysis of life, according to which the body is the phusis, hexis and logos of the self, that is, it is the qualitatively determinate conditions--hexis--of un-self-conscious comportment to the world in and by which a situation is constituted which (...)
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    Kierkegaard's Pseudonymous Authorship: A Study of Time and Self.Mark C. Taylor - 1975 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    This book deals with a central problem in the writings of Soren Kierkegaard, the themes of time and the self as developed in the pseudonymous writings. Arguing that a most effective way to grasp the unity of Kierkegaard's dialectic of the stages of existence is to focus on the dramatic presentation of time and the self that appears at each stage, Mark C. Taylor pursues these themes from the viewpoints of theology, philosophy, psychology, and related areas of study. The (...)
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  21. Empty Cross: Nothingness and the Church of Light.Jin Baek - 2004 - Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania
    This dissertation contextualizes the emergence of the Church of Light by Tadao Ando within the Japanese religio-philosophical tradition of nothingness. The idea of nothingness was revived during the first half of the twentieth-century by Kitaro Nishida with two cultural ramifications in the post-war period: a series of dialogues on the points of convergence and divergence between nothingness and the God of Christianity, and an architectural art movement called Monoha, or l'Ecole de Choses. Under the concept of "structuring emptiness," Monoha attempted (...)
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  22. A Chronology of Nalin Ranasinghe; Forward: To Nalin, My Dazzling Friend / Gwendalin Grewal ; Introduction: To Bet on the Soul / Predrag Cicovacki ; Part I: The Soul in Dialogue. Lanya's Search for Soul / Percy Mark ; Heart to Heart: The Self-Transcending Soul's Desire for the Transcendent / Roger Corriveau ; The Soul of Heloise / Predrag Cicovacki ; Got Soul : Black Women and Intellectualism / Jameliah Inga Shorter-Bourhanou ; The Soul and Ecology / Rebecca Bratten Weiss ; Rousseau's Divine Botany and the Soul / Alexandra Cook ; Diderot on Inconstancy in the Soul / Miran Božovič ; Dialogue in Love as a Constitutive Act of Human Spirit / Alicja Pietras. Part II: The Soul in Reflection. Why Do We Tell Stories in Philosophy? A Circumstantial Proof of the Existence of the Soul / Jure Simoniti ; The Soul of Socrates / Roger Crisp ; Care for the Soul of Plato / Vitomir Mitevski ; Soul, Self, and Immortality / Chris Megone ; Morality, Personality, the Human Soul / Ruben Apressyan ; Strategi. [REVIEW]Wayne Cristaudoappendix: Nalin Ranasinghe'S. Last Written Essay What About the Laestrygonians? The Odyssey'S. Dialectic Of Disaster, Deceit & Discovery - 2021 - In Predrag Cicovacki (ed.), The human soul: essays in honor of Nalin Ranasinghe. Wilmington, Dela.: Vernon Press.
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    Against Biological Determinism.Steven Peter Russell Rose & Dialectics of Biology Group (eds.) - 1982 - New York, N.Y.: Distributed in the USA by Schocken Books.
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    Immensity and A-subjectivity.Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback - 2009 - Research in Phenomenology 39 (3):344-358.
    The aim of the present article is to reflect upon comparative procedures at stake in the acknowledgment of differences, following some paths of Husserl's and Heidegger's views on “comparative examination” . Although using the same expression as Husserl, Heidegger presents in this concept, rather, a phenomenology of correspondence. The encounter with otherness is described as correspondence to the immensity of the event of the world in Dasein . From out of a “destruction” of comparative examinations, it becomes possible to seize (...)
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    Elementary Aspects of the Political: Histories from the Global South.Prathama Banerjee - 2020 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In _Elementary Aspects of the Political_ Prathama Banerjee moves beyond postcolonial and decolonial critiques of European political philosophy to rethink modern conceptions of "the political" from the perspective of the global South. Drawing on Indian and Bengali practices and philosophies from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Banerjee identifies four elements of the political: the self, action, the idea, and the people. She examines selfhood in light of precolonial Indic traditions of renunciation and realpolitik; action in the constitutive (...)
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  26. A Propaedeutic to Dialogue: "On The Oneness Of The Hermeneutical Horizon(s)" & "On The Importance Of Getting Things Straight".Saulius Geniusas & Gary Brent Madison - 2006 - PhaenEx 1 (1):230-271.
    S. Geniusas: Although Gadamer’s hermeneutics has suffered attacks from a number of philosophical perspectives, the profusion of criticisms seldom constitutes new challenges and for the most part is a reiteration of two seemingly opposite claims. On the one hand, we often hear that Gadamer’s hermeneutics is merely a disguised brand of the “philosophy of the subject” which under the pretext of openness reduces the Other to the self. On the other hand, it is just as often claimed that Gadamer’s writings (...)
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    The Myth of Creation in William Blake's The Four Zoas.Hossein Moradi - 2021 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 1 (3):37-42.
    Northrop Frye knows the cyclic version of creation myth in his reading of The Four Zoas according to which the human lives in heaven unified with God, unfallen state; he then falls and loses the harmony had with God, fallen state; and he should restore the previous unfallen state in Apocalypse or Last Judgment. Unlike Fry, while thinking of Maurice Blanchot I argue that Blake has created a new myth of creation different from the cyclic one by focusing on what (...)
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    A Buddhist History of the West: Studies in Lack (review).Brian Karafin - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):170-174.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 170-174 [Access article in PDF] A Buddhist History of the West: Studies In Lack. By David R. Loy. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002. 244 pp. The religious and philosophical situation of our time seems polarized between resurgent fundamentalisms and a cosmopolitan awareness bridging heretofore separated traditions. Even a few decades ago the notion of a dialogue between East and West was a (...)
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    Teachers’ Identity, Self and the Process of Learning.Halvor Hoveid & Marit Honerød Hoveid - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (2):125-136.
    In this paper we try, by drawing on some insights from practical knowledge, to bridge a gap between common conceptions of teaching on the one hand, and of learning on the other. In Western traditions of educational thought and discourse, practical knowledge—i.e. the dynamics of thinking, speaking, acting, and personal writing—is frequently separated from disciplinary knowledge: i.e. the knowledge of academic disciplines. But this separation often fails to recognize an inherent dialectic in teaching and learning. Through fresh explorations of (...)
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    Between strangeness and familiarity: Towards Gadamer's conception of effective history.Hans-Helmuth Gander - 2004 - Research in Phenomenology 34 (1):121-136.
    This essay seeks to examine the relation between selfhood and history through Gadamer's conception of hermeneutical experience, one of the cornerstones of his theory of effective history in Truth and Method. By setting Gadamer's project into relation with those of Heidegger and Hegel, my primary focus is to demonstrate how effective history, in its emphasis upon the finite, the partial, and the fragmented, actually turns these seeming deficiencies into advantages for human self-understanding in the current theoretical climate of plurality (...)
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    Dialectic and difference: dialectical critical realism and the grounds of justice.Alan William Norrie - 2010 - New York: Routledge.
    Introduction: Natural necessity, being, and becoming -- Accentuate the negative -- Diffracting dialectic -- Opening totality -- Constellating ethics -- Metacritique I : philosophy's primordial failing -- Metacritique II : dialectic and difference -- Conclusion: Natural necessity and the grounds of justice : natural necessity as material meshwork.
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    The Self as Activity.Austin Lawrence - 2021 - Idealistic Studies 51 (1):51-67.
    This paper aims to defend a dialectical account of selfhood in the context of the contemporary debates on personal identity in Anglo-American philosophy. I interpret Reductionism and Non-Reductionism—the two dominant positions in contemporary Anglo-American philosophy—as forming something analogous to an antinomy. Reductionists argue that the self is merely an identity that is reducible to a set of facts, while Non-Reductionists argue that the self is a separate entity beyond any set of facts. I argue that a comprehensive view of (...)
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    Inspiration and its expression: The dialectic of sentiment in the writings of Benjamin Constant.Victor Kocay - 2002 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.), The visible and the invisible in the interplay between philosophy, literature, and reality. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 159--177.
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    Beyond Personal Identity: Dogen, Nishida, and a Phenomenology of No-Self (review). [REVIEW]Steven Heine - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (4):569-571.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Beyond Personal Identity: Dōgen, Nishida, and a Phenomenology of No-SelfSteven HeineGereon Kopf. Beyond Personal Identity: Dōgen, Nishida, and a Phenomenology of No-Self. Richmond, Surrey, UK: Curzon Press, 2001. Pp. xx + 298.Beyond Personal Identity by Gereon Kopf is in many ways a brilliant work of comparative philosophy that does an outstanding job in taking on the challenge of relating the complex thought of Japanese giants Dōgen and Nishida (...)
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  35. Hegel, Kierkegaard, and the Structure of a Spirit-full Self.Jack Marsh - 2003 - Quodlibet 5.
    It is the intent of this essay to sketch a comparison between the thought of Hegel and Kierkegaard. I will argue that their respective understanding of the logic of identity and difference, taken together, offers a dialectically holistic analysis of authentic spirit-full selfhood. By isolating a basic category of disagreement, we can possibly retain their penetrating insights while sidestepping some of the unfortunate implications in their respective positions. I hope to show that this analysis and synthesis offer a powerful (...)
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    Kant on the Sources of Metaphysics: The Dialectic of Pure Reason.Marcus Willaschek - 2018 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant famously criticizes traditional metaphysics and its proofs of immortality, free will and God's existence. What is often overlooked is that Kant also explains why rational beings must ask metaphysical questions about 'unconditioned' objects such as souls, uncaused causes or God, and why answers to these questions will appear rationally compelling to them. In this book, Marcus Willaschek reconstructs and defends Kant's account of the rational sources of metaphysics. After carefully explaining Kant's conceptions of (...)
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    The Art of Dialectic Between Dialogue and Rhetoric: The Aristotelian Tradition.Marta Spranzi - 2011 - John Benjamins.
    introduction Dialectic and the notion of tradition The past does not pull back but presses forward. (Hannah Arendt 1977: 10) Through the confrontation over ...
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  38. Psychotherapy and the truth and reconciliation commission: the dialectic of individual and collective healing.David H. Brendel - 2006 - In Nancy Potter (ed.), Trauma, Truth and Reconciliation: Healing Damaged Relationships. Oxford University Press. pp. 15--27.
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    Hegel’s Poetics of History: Tragic Repetition and Comic Recollection.Bo Earle - 2014 - Philosophy and Literature 38 (2):314-331.
    For Hegel, modern selfhood is an implicitly poetic, normative capacity for actions that could not be empirically explained. Thus it eludes the “clarification” offered by classical tragedy, but modernity’s apparent loss of tragedy conceals the dialectical refinement of tragic into comic form that most defines modern selfhood. If Aristotle contrasted poetry and history, Hegel’s The Phenomenology of Spirit derives a modern, comic ethical poetics from the form of historical contingency itself. Focusing on Hegel’s reading of Antigone, I solicit (...)
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    On the Old Saw That Dialogue Is a Socratic But Not an Aristotelian Method of Moral Education.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2014 - Educational Theory 64 (4):333-348.
    Kristján Kristjánsson's aim in this article is to bury the old saw that dialogue is exclusively a Socratic but not an Aristotelian method of education for moral character. Although the truncated discussion in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics of the character development of the young may indicate that it is merely the result of a mindless process of behavioral conditioning, Nancy Sherman has argued convincingly that such a process would never yield the end result that Aristotle deems all-important — a precondition for (...)
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    Storage of Information and Its Implications for Human Development: A Dialectic Approach.Gregorio Zlotnik & Aaron Vansintjan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    How has the storage of information shaped human cognition? We bring together current advances in cognitive science, the neurobiology of memory, and archaeology to explore how storage of information affects consciousness. These fields strongly suggest that the increase in storage of information in the environment – which we call exosomatic storage of information – may have led to changes in human consciousness and human neurophysiology over time. To bring these findings together conceptually, we develop what we call a dialectical model (...)
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    Dialectic and Gospel in the Development of Hegel’s Thinking.Stephen Crites - 1998 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Hegel came to maturity as a philosopher during the first years of the nineteenth century, developing through prodigious intellectual struggles a highly original conception of dialectic as a method for rationally comprehending traumatic historical change. At the same time, he continued a process begun earlier, of critical engagement with the Christian gospel and its historical ethos. Hegel spent much of his youth reacting against this drama and its cultural expression. By the time he published his early masterpiece, the _Phenomenology (...)
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    The Dialectic of Essence: A Study of Plato's Metaphysics.Allan Jay Silverman - 2002 - Princeton University Press.
    The Dialectic of Essence offers a systematic new account of Plato's metaphysics. Allan Silverman argues that the best way to make sense of the metaphysics as a whole is to examine carefully what Plato says about ousia (essence) from the Meno through the middle period dialogues, the Phaedo and the Republic, and into several late dialogues including the Parmenides, the Sophist, the Philebus, and the Timaeus. This book focuses on three fundamental facets of the metaphysics: the theory of Forms; (...)
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    The False Dasein: From Heidegger To Sartre and Psychoanalysis1.Jon Mills - 1997 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 28 (1):42-65.
    The analysis of Dasein's struggle for authenticity will be the main focus of this article. By virtue of Dasein's ontological predispositions, selfhood is subjected to inauthentic existential modalities already constitutive of its Being. In the case of the false Dasein, fallenness is exacerbated in that Dasein constricts its comportment primarily to the modes of the inauthentic, thereby abdicating its potentiality-for-Being. The false Dasein results from ontical encounters within pre-existing deficient ontological conditions of Being-in-the-world that are thrust upon selfhood (...)
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    Attitudes Toward Nature as a Key for Understanding the Current Lack of Adequate Environmental Behavior: Overstepping the Dialectic of Extractivism and Romanticism.David Rozen - forthcoming - Ethics, Policy and Environment.
    This article clarifies the puzzling lack of adequate human environmental behavior, the primary driver of the ongoing climate crisis. It advocates using Wittgensteinian attitude analysis as an investigative framework and argues that attitudes toward nature are crucial yet understudied factors in shaping environmental behavior. The study focuses on the Romantic attitude toward nature as wilderness (understood as the negation of extractivism) and reveals its profound yet often misunderstood adverse impact on environmental behavior. This leads to a reflection on which attitude (...)
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    Social Phenomenology, Mass-Society and the Individual in Hegel and Heidegger.Matthew Rukgaber - 2017 - Hegel Bulletin 38 (1):129-149.
    This article argues that Hegel’s dialectic of wealth and power in the stage of social development called ‘culture’ (Bildung) reveals that even in moments of profound social alienation, Spirit (Geist)—the labor of constructing identity and freedom— remains. This stands in sharp contrast to Heidegger’s theory of alienation and Dasein’s ‘publicity’ (Offentlichkeit), which paints modern social existence as a profound threat to the very ‘Being’ and ‘possibilities’ of human life. The supposed threats of inauthenticity and mass existence are, from a (...)
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  47. Globalizing Recognition. Global Justice and the Dialectic of Recognition.Gottfried Schweiger - 2012 - Public Reason 4 (1-2):78-91.
    The question I want to answer is if and how the recognition approach, taken from the works of Axel Honneth, could be an adequate framework for addressing the problems of global justice and poverty. My thesis is that such a globalization of the recognition approach rests on the dialectic of relative and absolute elements of recognition. (1) First, I will discuss the relativism of the recognition approach, that it understands recognition as being relative to a certain society or a (...)
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  48. The Possibility of a Disclosing Critique of Society: The Dialectic of Enlightenment in Light of Current Debates in Social Criticism.Axel Honneth - 2000 - Constellations 7 (1):116-127.
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    Nishida Kitarō's Chiasmatic Chorology: Place of Dialectic, Dialectic of Place.John Wesley Megumu Krummel - 2015 - Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
    Nishida Kitarō is considered Japan's first and greatest modern philosopher. As founder of the Kyoto School, he began a rigorous philosophical engagement and dialogue with Western philosophical traditions, especially the work of G. W. F. Hegel. John W. M. Krummel explores the Buddhist roots of Nishida’s thought and places him in connection with Hegel and other philosophers of the Continental tradition. Krummel develops notions of self-awareness, will, being, place, the environment, religion, and politics in Nishida’s thought and shows how his (...)
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  50. 『계몽의 변증법』에 나타난 계몽의 아포리아에 관한 고찰 (A Study on the Aporia of Enlightenment in Dialectic of Enlightenment).Juyong Kim - 2018 - 시대와 철학(Shi Dae Wa Cheol Hak; Epoch and Philosophy) 29 (4):101-131.
    This paper considers the aporia in Dialectic of Enlightenment in two aspects of the self-destruction and self-critique of enlightenment and then emphasizes the dual vision which Horkheimer and Adorno hold on rationality. Firstly, it traces the explanation of the self-destruction of enlightenment so as to make explicit that it results in another form of the aporia, the self-critique of enlightenment. This is followed by formulating the criticism into two aspects, that Horkheimer and Adorno’s aporia leads them to be confronted (...)
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