Results for ' popularisation'

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    Popularising Dead Science": two books for schools.J. R. Ravetz - 1962 - History of Science 1:103.
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    How to popularise universalism in Africa--the nigerian model.C. Ikwueze - 1999 - Dialogue and Universalism 9 (1-2):175-180.
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    Essay Review: “Popularising Dead Science”: Two Books for Schools: A History of Western Technology.J. R. Ravetz - 1962 - History of Science 1 (1):106-107.
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    Stepping-up the historiography of peripheral popularisation: F. Papanelopoulou, A. Nieto-Galan and E. Perdiguero : Popularizing science and technology in the European periphery, 1800–2000. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009, xix+284 pp, £60.00 HB.Aileen Fyfe - 2010 - Metascience 20 (2):321-324.
    Stepping-up the historiography of peripheral popularisation Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s11016-010-9454-8 Authors Aileen Fyfe, School of History, University of St Andrews, St Katharine’s Lodge, The Scores, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9AR UK Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    From Mothers’ Day to “Grandma” Frost. Popularisation of New Year Celebrations as an Ideological Tool. Example of Čačak Region 1945-1950.Nikola Baković - 2014 - History of Communism in Europe 5:207-226.
    Th is microhistorical case-study of the role of the Antifascist Front of Women of Yugoslavia in popularising New Year celebrations in the Serbian municipality of Čačak aims to examine the internalisation of the communist discourse through ritual practices serving to infiltrate the private life of the local community and to expand the Party’s support basis. In the first post-war years, the new authorities not only tolerated, but tacitly approved and aided celebrations of Christian holidays. Yet this policy changed radically in (...)
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    Hofer, Nathan, The Popularisation of Sufism in Ayyubid and Mamluk Egypt, 1173-1325, Edinburgh University Press, 2015, 320 pp. [REVIEW]Covadonga Baratech-Soriano - 2023 - Al-Qantara 44 (1):e12.
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    Uncharted Terrains: Essays on Science Popularisation in Pre-Independence India. Narender K. Sehgal, Satpal Sangwan, Subodh Mahanti.Subrata Desgupta - 2001 - Isis 92 (1):142-142.
  8. (1 other version)Samuel Clarke's Annotations in Jacques Rohault's Traite de Physique, and How They Contributed to Popularising Newton's Physics.Volkmar Schuller - 2001 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 220:95-110.
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    Written Language and Picture Language after Otto Neurath—Popularising or Humanising Knowledge?Friedrich Stadler - 2011 - In David Wagner, Wolfram Pichler, Elisabeth Nemeth & Richard Heinrich (eds.), Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society - N.S. 17. De Gruyter. pp. 1-30.
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    Popularizing Science and Technology in the European Periphery, 1800–2000 Science for All: The Popularisation of Science in Early Twentieth-Century Britain. [REVIEW]Rachel Dunn - 2011 - Annals of Science:1-4.
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  11. Expository Science: Forms and Functions of Popularisations. [REVIEW]Leo Apostel - 1987 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 41 (2):296.
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    Science in the Nursery. The Popularisation of Science in Britain and France, 1761-1901 - Edited by Laurence Tailarach-Vielmas. [REVIEW]Jean-Luc Chappey - 2011 - Centaurus 53 (4):340-342.
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    Laurence Talairaich-Vielmas , Science in the Nursery: The Popularisation of Science in Britain and France, 1761–1901. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011. Pp. xii+309. ISBN 978-1-4438-2680-8. £44.99. [REVIEW]Melanie Keene - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Science 45 (2):302-303.
  14.  18
    (1 other version)La vulgarisation des sciences: fausse «traduction» et vraie «interprétation».Daniel Raichvarg - 2010 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 56 (1):105.
    Considering scientific popularisation as merely the translation of scientific language into popular language altogether misses a crucial point for society, which is the act of popularising itself, its inventiveness and its societal function. This article analyses how popularisation, considered here as a masking concept, draws on historic and epistemological premises that need to be revisited in order to investigate the consequences of its (necessary) Copernican reversal.
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    “In aria sana”: Conceptualising Pathogenic Environments in the Popular Press: Northern Italy, 1820s–1840s.Marco Emanuele Omes - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (1):91-120.
    By the end of the 1820s, an innovative product was introduced in the northern Italian editorial market: technical and popular periodicals offering “useful knowledge” to a larger audience composed of members of the provincial middle-class, clergymen, and modestly educated craftsmen. By examining their medical content, this paper shows that popularisation did not merely entail disseminating a set of stable, unanimous, and trustworthy medical doctrines; rather, it represented a crucial step in the making of science during a period in which (...)
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  16. Fichte et la puissante impuissance du langage.Luis Fellipe Garcia - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie 83 (1):19-32.
    Cet article montre que Fichte développe une originelle conception du langage dans ses Discours à la Nation allemande d’où il ressort non seulement le besoin de retraduire des concepts philosophiques dans un langage populaire comme aussi celui de formuler un langage plus malléable pour la philosophie en tant que telle. Afin d’explorer cette hypothèse, notre propos suivra les étapes suivantes : (i) nous analyserons la conception fichtéenne du rapport entre popularisation et flexibilisation du langage, ce qui nous permettra (ii) (...)
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    Splatanie kontekstów – nauka i masowy festiwal uliczny. Doświadczenia z projektu „Prezentacja nauki to sztuka”.Aleksandra Kołtun & Agnieszka Kolasa-Nowak - 2023 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 14 (2).
    Our intention is to describe and analyse the experience gathered during the work on the project 'Presenting science is art. Popularising the results of social research at the Night of Culture festival in Lublin'. One of its aims was to provide practical knowledge about the challenges that accompany the popularisation of science, especially the outcomes of social research. The text deals with two aspects: the experience coming from popularisation activities at a mass, outdoor event such as Night of (...)
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    (1 other version)Jargons, pédantismes, sociolectes… un éditeur scientifique face à l’auteur.Pascal Rouleau - 2010 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 58 (3):, [ p.].
    D’où vient le jargon scientifique ? Quel lien l’éditeur et l’auteur entretiennent-ils dans l’écriture ? Pascal Rouleau, s’appuyant sur son expérience, montre qu’il faut distinguer trois domaines d’écriture, la création, le jargon et les langages techniques, et que l’éditeur ne doit pas chercher à vulgariser à tout prix.Where does scientific jargon come from? How do publishers and authors relate to each other in the writing process? Pascal Rouleau, drawing on his own experience, shows that a distinction has to be made (...)
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  19.  26
    Reconstructing AI Ethics Principles: Rawlsian Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.Salla Westerstrand - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (5):1-21.
    The popularisation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies has sparked discussion about their ethical implications. This development has forced governmental organisations, NGOs, and private companies to react and draft ethics guidelines for future development of ethical AI systems. Whereas many ethics guidelines address values familiar to ethicists, they seem to lack in ethical justifications. Furthermore, most tend to neglect the impact of AI on democracy, governance, and public deliberation. Existing research suggest, however, that AI can threaten key elements of western (...)
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    (1 other version)Être un scientifique, c’est apprendre à traduire la parole des choses.Michaël Oustinoff & Pierre Laszlo - 2010 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 56 (1):113.
    Aujourd’hui, les scientifiques sont au moins trilingues : langue maternelle ; langage technique de la discipline ; anglais comme langue véhiculaire. Le plurilinguisme est indispensable à un scientifique parce que la science est inséparable de sa communication, sous ses différents registres, notamment ceux de l’écrit et de l’oral. Il n’est pas de science, en particulier, sans vulgarisation scientifique : en ce sens, être un scientifique, c’est apprendre à traduire la parole des choses. Le monolinguisme, en la matière, n’est pas seulement (...)
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    (1 other version)Science, contexte politique et musées en Amérique latine.María Isabel Orellana Rivera - 2011 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 61 (3):, [ p.].
    Cet article se concentre sur deux aspects : les liens très forts unissant le contexte politique et la création des musées en Amérique latine et le développement des centres de culture scientifique, technique et industrielle pour parer la carence d’une éducation scientifique de qualité. L’argumentation est construite autour de quatre angles principaux : le contexte de création des premiers musées d’histoire naturelle ; l’émergence des communautés scientifiques, la prise en compte de la nécessité de la popularisation des sciences pendant (...)
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  22. Een politiek humanisme voor de 21ste eeuw.Michael Ignatieff - 2008 - Nexus 50.
    ‘De popularisering van de hoge cultuur is tegenwoordig de rechtvaardiging van de cultuur als zodanig. Als iets goed is, als iets nobel is, moet het gedeeld worden, en wel zo breed mogelijk. Natuurlijk is de democratisering van de hoge humanistische cultuur in een kapitalistische beschaving problematisch. [...]Toch is het onzin om te veronderstellen dat we een verhevener en humanistischer publieke cultuur zouden hebben als we niet meer zouden proberen de toegang tot ons erfgoed te verbreden. Een democratische toegang tot de (...)
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    Review of David Buller's Adapting Minds. [REVIEW]Mitch Parsell - 2006 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 12.
    Popularisations of evolutionary psychology have had a truly remarkable success. Judging by the popular press one could be forgiven for think that contemporary psychology is essentially co-extensive with evolutionary psychology. In the academy evolutionary psychological has been subject to some extremely hard-hitting and destructive attacks, but to date no approachable, popular critique has been available. The present volume aims to fill this void. I am not completely convinced it succeeds in this, but I find it valuable nevertheless.
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  24. A moderate position in the debate on the possibility and moral utility of the ethical standards codification.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2017 - Annales. Etyka W Życiu Gospodarczym 20 (5):127--139.
    The popularisation of drawing up codes that are addressed to various social groups is one of the features of the modern world. However, researchers of the phenomenon have not yet reached a consensus about the moral validity and utility of this activity. The article thoroughly reviews the Polish literature on the subject with regard to the reasons for taking a moderate stance on the codification of ethical standards. The essay describes the main concepts of ethical codes as well as (...)
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    Who Am I?Adam Morton - 1990 - Cogito 4 (3):186-191.
    This is a popularisation of ideas current when it was written, on personal identity and the concept of a person, making a link with problems about 'knowing who' on the border of epistemology and the philosophy of language.
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    Arnold's theory of emotion in historical perspective.Rainer Reisenzein - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (7):920-951.
    Magda B. Arnold's theory of emotion is examined from three historical viewpoints. First, I look backward from Arnold to precursors of her theory of emotion in 19th century introspectionist psychology and in classical evolutionary psychology. I try to show that Arnold can be regarded as belonging intellectually to the cognitive tradition of emotion theorising that originated in Brentano and his students, and that she was also significantly influenced by McDougall's evolutionary view of emotion. Second, I look forward from Arnold to (...)
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    Yeast, coal, and straw: J. B. S. Haldane's vision for the future of science and synthetic food.Matthew Holmes - 2023 - History of the Human Sciences 36 (3-4):202-220.
    British biologist and science populariser J. B. S. Haldane was known as a contrarian, whose myriad ideas and beliefs would shift to oppose whomever he chose to argue with. Yet Haldane's support for synthetic food remained remarkably stable throughout his life. This article argues that Haldane's engagement with synthetic food during the 1930s and 1940s was shaped by his frustration with the status and direction of scientific research in Britain. Drawing upon the Haldane Papers, I reconstruct how Haldane's interest in (...)
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    Wise therapy: philosophy for counsellors.Tim LeBon - 2001 - New York: Continuum.
    Independent on Sunday October 2nd One of the country's lead­ing philosophical counsellers, and chairman of the Society for Philosophy in Practice (SPP), Tim LeBon, said it typically took around six 50 ­minute sessions for a client to move from confusion to resolution. Mr LeBon, who has 'published a book on the subject, Wise Therapy, said philoso­phy was perfectly suited to this type of therapy, dealing as it does with timeless human issues such as love, purpose, happiness and emo­tional challenges. `Wise (...)
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  29. Possibility Precedes Actuality.Tuomas E. Tahko - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (8):3583-3603.
    This paper is inspired by and develops on E. J. Lowe’s work, who writes in his book The Possibility of Metaphysics that ‘metaphysical possibility is an inescapable determinant of actuality’ (1998: 9). Metaphysics deals with possibilities – metaphysical possibilities – but is not able to determine what is actual without the help of empirical research. Accordingly, a delimitation of the space of possibilities is required. The resulting – controversial – picture is that we generally need to know whether something is (...)
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    The Smart System 1: evidence for the intuitive nature of correct responding on the bat-and-ball problem.Bence Bago & Wim De Neys - 2019 - Thinking and Reasoning 25 (3):257-299.
    Influential work on reasoning and decision-making has popularised the idea that sound reasoning requires correction of fast, intuitive thought processes by slower and more demanding deliberation. We present seven studies that question this corrective view of human thinking. We focused on the very problem that has been widely featured as the paradigmatic illustration of the corrective view, the well-known bat-and-ball problem. A two-response paradigm in which people were required to give an initial response under time pressure and cognitive load allowed (...)
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    The Philosophical Works of Francis Bacon.John M. Robertson (ed.) - 2011 - Routledge.
    First published in 1905, this reissued edition of The Philosophical Works of Francis Bacon is an edited collection based upon the definitive seven volume edition of 1857, translated and prefaced by Robert Leslie Ellis and James Spedding. Of great historical, philosophical and scientific interest, this collection brings together translations of Bacon’s most important works, including the Novum Organum , the De Augmentis Scientarium , the Parasceve , and the De Principiis atque Originibus, as well as works originally written in English, (...)
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    Moral aspects of therapeutic education: a case study of life competence education in Swedish education.Sara Irisdotter Aldenmyr - 2012 - Journal of Moral Education 41 (1):23-37.
    Educational philosophers and sociologists have pointed out the potential risks of an educational trend of therapy, which seems to have connotations with Western macro-discourses of individualisation, popularised psychology and privatisation of the public room. The overall purpose of this article is to discuss potential risks and possibilities regarding moral aspects of therapeutic approaches in education from a teacher perspective. I will present the non-mandatory Swedish topic Livskunskap, life competence education (LCE), in a case study in the field of therapeutic education. (...)
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    Fancy taking a pop?William Irwin - 2010 - The Philosophers' Magazine 49 (49):48-54.
    Philosophy needs to be popularised, as science needs to be popularised, and philosophy professors should be involved in the popularisation of philosophy, rather than leaving the task to well-meaning amateurs. Popular science is not necessarily pseudo-science; in fact, it rarely is. Likewise, popular philosophy does not have to be pseudo-philosophy. To democratise philosophy is not necessarily to “dumb it down” but to make it available in at least some form for all.
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    Waarom ergeren theologen zich aan John Hick?Marianne Moyaert - 2010 - Bijdragen 71 (2):159-179.
    The pluralist hypothesis as popularised by John Hick, which postulates the rough equality of religious traditions, has gained wide approval especially within interreligious circles. Nonetheless, Hick remains one of the most contested philosophers of religion of the twentieth century. Most notably, theologians have been highly critical; their polemical reactions to his pluralist hypothesis reveal their irritation. The question is: from where does this irritation arise? Why are these theologians so offended by a philosopher? How are we to understand the polemics (...)
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    Ontology, Ethics, and Sentir: Properly Situating Merleau-Ponty.Melissa Clarke - 2002 - Environmental Values 11 (2):211-225.
    Maurice Merleau-Ponty did not author an ethic, and yet it is possible to extend his ontological descriptions to an ethic similar to that espoused by post modern thinkers. It is even possible to distill an environmental ethic, or at least, one of consideration of the more-than-human, from his work. This paper attempts to do some preliminary work in light of this, and lays some groundwork for the future direction of an environmental ethic inspired by a Merleau-Pontian ontology. At the same (...)
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    Re-directing socialist persuasion through affective reiteration: a discourse analysis of ‘Socialist Memes’ on the Chinese internet.Ruichen Zhang - 2020 - AI and Society:1-12.
    Previous research has noted the ambiguous persuasive potentials of reiteration: repeating a statement, slogan or image can work both positively and negatively, can both help and hinder the effectiveness of a political message. Considering that repeated propaganda in China is broadly ineffective in generating wholehearted public support, this article is interested in how and when repetition does achieve meaningful persuasion. Drawing on affect theory to address these multiple potentials, it critically reconsiders the nature of persuasion itself, arguing that affective engagement (...)
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    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Herbert Spencer.William Henry Hudson - 2013 - New York,: Budge Press.
    This early work by William Henry Hudson was originally published in 1894 and we are now republishing it. 'An Introduction to the Philosophy of Herbert Spencer' is a book that examines Spencer's ethics, sociology, and synthetic philosophy. Herbert Spencer was born on 27th April 1820, in Derby, England. In 1851 he published 'Social Statics' to great acclaim and his quietly influential 'Principles of Psychology' in 1955. These were followed by numerous works of sociology, psychology, and philosophy, which led him to (...)
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  38. Kant’s Crucial Contribution to Euler Diagrams.Jens Lemanski - 2024 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 55 (1):59–78.
    Logic diagrams have been increasingly studied and applied for a few decades, not only in logic, but also in many other fields of science. The history of logic diagrams is an important subject, as many current systems and applications of logic diagrams are based on historical predecessors. While traditional histories of logic diagrams cite pioneers such as Leibniz, Euler, Venn, and Peirce, it is not widely known that Kant and the early Kantians in Germany and England played a crucial role (...)
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    A critical dialogue with ‘Asia as method’: A response from Korean education.Yoonmi Lee - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (9):958-969.
    This article discusses the implications of the idea of Asia as method, a discursive strategy in Asian studies popularised by Kuan-Hsing Chen, in the context of Korean education. Chen has pointed to the one-way flow of knowledge into Asia from the West and has urged using ‘Asia as method’ in the production of post-colonial and anti-imperialist knowledge. The research interests of this article are twofold. First, I analyse ‘Asia as method’ as a strategy to de-universalise the West, particularly given the (...)
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    The societal impact of the emerging quantum technologies: a renewed urgency to make quantum theory understandable.Pieter E. Vermaas - 2017 - Ethics and Information Technology 19 (4):241-246.
    This paper introduces the special issue The societal impact of the emerging quantum technologies as a contribution to a more inclusive societal debate on quantum technologies. It brings together five contributions. Three are authored by quantum technology researchers who give explorations of the possible impacts of quantum technologies on science, industry and society. The fourth contribution discusses within the framework of responsible research and innovation, the ways in which quantum technologies and the societal debate about them are presented in European (...)
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    (3 other versions)Abc of Relativity.Bertrand Russell - 1925 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by F. A. E. Pirani.
    First published in 1925, Bertrand Russell’s _ABC of Relativity_ was considered a masterwork of its time, contributing significantly to the mass popularisation of science. Authoritative and accessible, it provides a remarkable introductory guide to Einstein’s theory of Relativity for a general readership. One of the most definitive reference guides of its kind, and written by one of the twentieth century’s most influential philosophers, _ABC of Relativity_ continues to be as relevant today as it was on first publication.
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    Making Heredity Matter: Samuel Butler’s Idea of Unconscious Memory.Cristiano Turbil - 2018 - Journal of the History of Biology 51 (1):7-29.
    Butler’s idea of evolution was developed over the publication of four books, several articles and essays between 1863 and 1890. These publications, although never achieving the success expected by Butler, proposed a psychological elaboration of evolution, called ‘unconscious memory’. This was strongly in contrast with the materialistic approach suggested by Darwin’s natural selection. Starting with a historical introduction, this paper aspires to ascertain the logic, meaning and significance of Butler’s idea of ‘unconscious memory’ in the post-Darwinian physiological and psychological Pan-European (...)
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    Language and End Time (Sections I, IV and V of ‘Sprache und Endzeit’).Günther Anders & Translated by Christopher John Müller - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 153 (1):134-140.
    ‘Language and End Time’ is a translation of Sections I, IV and V of ‘Sprache und Endzeit’, a substantial essay by Günther Anders that was published in eight instalments in the Austrian journal FORVM from 1989 to 1991 (the full essay consists of 38 sections). The original essay was planned for inclusion in the third (unrealised) volume of The Obsolescence of Human Beings. ‘Language and End Time’ builds on the diagnosis of ‘our blindness toward the apocalypse’ that was advanced in (...)
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    The costs of being a restless intellect: Julian Huxley's popular and scientific career in the 1920s.Steindór J. Erlingsson - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 40 (2):101-108.
    Julian Huxley’s contribution to twentieth-century biology and science popularisation is well documented. What has not been appreciated so far is that despite Huxley’s eminence as a public scientific figure and the part that he played in the rise of experimental zoology in Britain in the 1920s, his own research was often heavily criticised in this period by his colleagues. This resulted in numerous difficulties in getting his scientific research published in the early 1920s. At this time, Huxley started his (...)
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    Mathematics: The Language of Science?Mary Tiles - 1984 - The Monist 67 (1):3-17.
    Science has become, as all nonspecialists know to their cost, increasingly mathematical; science textbooks and research papers, even popularising articles in Scientific American, are littered with graphs, numbers, mathematical symbols and equations. This has prompted the question “What exactly is the function of mathematics in science?” For example, could one understand a theory such as Einstein’s theory of special relativity without having knowledge of any sophisticated mathematics?
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    En quel sens la « communauté » est-elle une problématique du confucianisme?Pei Wang - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 24 (1):147-165.
    Le mot 社群 ( she qun, communauté, au sens de la Gemeinschaft allemande) n’était certes pas une problématique traditionnellement confucéenne. La compréhension éthique générale de la Chine antique reposait sur 三纲五常 ( san gang wu chang ; les trois disciplines et les cinq justes relations interpersonnelles). Les religions, associations et académies non dominantes étaient plus proches du concept de communauté. Les concepts occidentaux modernes de la sociologie ont été introduits pour la première fois en Chine à la fin du xix (...)
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    From Hogarth to Nosferatu. The Iconographic History of the Madman’s Wall Motif.Tomáš Kolich - 2023 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 86 (1):293-331.
    The film Nosferatu (1922) has graffiti created by the character of the madman Knock on the walls of his cell. This motif, which I call the ‘madman’s wall’, has accompanied depictions of lunatics since the beginning of the eighteenth century. This article examines the origin, transformations and functions of this motif. The popularisation of the motif originates with the longitude diagram in the last plate of A Rake’s Progress (1735) by William Hogarth, which subsequently found its way into the (...)
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    Johann Christoph Gottsched : Philosophie, Poetik Und Wissenschaft.Eric Achermann (ed.) - 2013 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Johann Christoph Gottsched gehört unbestritten zu den zentralen Figuren der deutschen Frühaufklärung. Wie wohl kein anderer vor und nach ihm hat er die Entwicklung der deutschsprachigen Sprach-, Rede-, Dicht- und Bühnenkunst geprägt, geleitet von der festen Absicht, diesen Künsten wo möglich eine wissenschaftliche Begründung, eine überschaubare kritische Historie sowie eine klare und elegante Darstellung zu verleihen. Über diese Bemühungen hinaus, hat sich insbesondere die neuere Forschung weiteren Facetten seines riesigen Werkes zugewendet. So erscheint Gottsched als Vorbild zahlreicher Zeitschriftenprojekte, als wichtiger (...)
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    Project-based Learning in science dissemination with university students of plant biotechnology.Jorge Poveda Arias - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-12.
    At present, the European population sees more risks than benefits in the use of transgenic plants in food. Through the development of a learning strategy based on science dissemination projects (articles and talks) by university students, an increase in autonomous knowledge and vocations in science popularisation has been identified. On the other hand, the development of outreach talks for pre-university students has increased the knowledge of outreach and plant biotechnology, promoting the future choice of higher studies in biotechnology.
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    Christian Public Reasoning in the United Kingdom: Apologetic, Casuistical, and Rhetorically Discriminate.Nigel Biggar - 2012 - Studies in Christian Ethics 25 (2):141-147.
    Since the 1960s Christian ethics in Britain has become stronger, more theological, and more Protestant, so that its moral intelligence is now much more fully informed by the full range of theological premises. In the future, however, Christian ethics needs to make up certain recent losses: to re-engage with moral philosophy, in order to rebut the glib dismissal of religious ethics by popularising atheists; to read less philosophy and more history, in order to become plausible to public policy-makers; and to (...)
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