Results for ' selective habituation'

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  1.  14
    Fast habituation to semantic interference generated by taboo connotation in reading aloud.Simone Sulpizio, Michele Scaltritti & Giacomo Spinelli - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    The recognition of taboo words – i.e. socially inappropriate words – has been repeatedly associated to semantic interference phenomena, with detrimental effects on the performance in the ongoing task. In the present study, we investigated taboo interference in the context of reading aloud, a task configuration which prompts the overt violation of conventional sociolinguistic norms by requiring the explicit utterance of taboo items. We assessed whether this form of semantic interference is handled by habituative or cognitive control processes. In addition (...)
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    Habituating Meerkats and Redescribing Animal Behaviour Science.Matei Candea - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (7-8):105-128.
    This article examines influential recent arguments in science studies which stress the interactive and mutually transformative nature of human-animal relations in scientific research, as part of a broader ontological proposal for science as material engagement with the world, rather than epistemic detachment from it. Such arguments are examined in the light of ethnography and interviews with field biologists who work with meerkats under conditions of habituation. Where philosophers of science stress the mutually modifying aspect of scientific interspecies relationality, these (...)
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    Habituation Is More Than Learning to Ignore: Multiple Mechanisms Serve to Facilitate Shifts in Behavioral Strategy.Troy A. McDiarmid, Alex J. Yu & Catharine H. Rankin - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (9):1900077.
    Recent work indicates that there are distinct response habituation mechanisms that can be recruited by different stimulation rates and that can underlie different components (e.g., the duration or speed) of a single behavioral response. These findings raise the question: why is “the simplest form of learning” so complicated mechanistically? Beyond evolutionary selection for robustness of plasticity in learning to ignore, it is proposed in this article that multiple mechanisms of habituation have evolved to streamline shifts in ongoing behavioral (...)
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    Habituation and Dishabituation in Motor Behavior: Experiment and Neural Dynamic Model.Sophie Aerdker, Jing Feng & Gregor Schöner - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Does motor behavior early in development have the same signatures of habituation, dishabituation, and Spencer-Thompson dishabituation known from infant perception and cognition? And do these signatures explain the choice preferences in A not B motor decision tasks? We provide new empirical evidence that gives an affirmative answer to the first question together with a unified neural dynamic model that gives an affirmative answer to the second question.In the perceptual and cognitive domains, habituation is the weakening of an orientation (...)
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    Habituation of the vasoconstrictive orienting reaction.Sanford M. Unger - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 67 (1):11.
  6.  28
    Habitual Leadership Ethics: Timelessness and Virtuous Leadership in the Jesuit Order.Jose Bento da Silva, Keith Grint, Sandra Pereira, Ulf Thoene & Rene Wiedner - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 188 (4):779-793.
    This paper is about the relationship between leadership, organisational morals, and temporality. We argue that engaging with questions of time and temporality may help us overcome the overly agentic view of organisational morals and leadership ethics that dominates extant literature. Our analysis of the role of time in organizational morals and leadership ethics starts from a virtue-based approach to leading large-scale moral endeavours. We ask: how can we account for organizational morality across generations and independently of the leader? To address (...)
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    Are Humans Prepared to Detect, Fear, and Avoid Snakes? The Mismatch Between Laboratory and Ecological Evidence.Carlos M. Coelho, Panrapee Suttiwan, Abul M. Faiz, Fernando Ferreira-Santos & Andras N. Zsido - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Since Seligman's 1971 statement that the vast majority of phobias are about objects essential to the survival of a species, a multitude of laboratory studies followed, supporting the finding that humans learn to fear and detect snakes (and other animals) faster than other stimuli. Most of these studies used schematic drawings, images, or pictures of snakes, and only a small amount of fieldwork in naturalistic environments was done. We address fear preparedness theories, and automatic fast detection data from mainstream laboratory (...)
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  8. Infectum and Perfectum. Two faces of tense selection in Romance languages.Fabrizio Arosio - 2010 - Linguistics and Philosophy 33 (3):171-214.
    This paper investigates the semantics of tense and aspect in Romance languages. Its goal is to develop a compositional, model-theoretic semantics for tense and temporal adverbs which is sensitive to aspectual distinctions. I will consider durative adverbial distributions and aspectual contrasts across different morphological tense forms. I will examine tense selection under habitual meanings, generic meanings and state of result constructions. In order to account for these facts I will argue that temporal homogeneity plays a fundamental role in tense selection (...)
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    Failure to Obtain Reinstatement of an Olfactory Representation.Mehmet K. Mahmut & Richard J. Stevenson - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (8):1940-1949.
    It has long been suspected that attentional processes differ between olfaction and the other senses. Here, we test whether voluntary dishabituation, seen, for example, when we re-attend to the ticking of a clock, can occur in olfaction. Participants were seated in an odorized room, where at various intervals they had to evaluate what they could smell. An experimental group had one nostril open and the other closed, except during the evaluations, so that the closed side was subject to centrally driven (...)
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    Beasts and humans.Vinciane Despret - 2015 - Angelaki 20 (2):105-109.
    :This selection draws from Vinciane Despret's book Beasts and Humans, a compendium to the eponymous art exhibition held in Paris's Parc de la Villette. The two selections translated here highlight the abilities of animals to teach us their forms of knowledge and intelligence. The first selection draws from the ancient Greek concept mētis to highlight a form of cunning intelligence that is shared and learned between humans and animals. It is an overlooked and often neglected form of intelligence, especially in (...)
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    Reasons to be fussy about cultural evolution.Olivier Morin - 2016 - Biology and Philosophy 31 (3):447-458.
    This discussion paper responds to two recent articles in Biology and Philosophy that raise similar objections to cultural attraction theory, a research trend in cultural evolution putting special emphasis on the fact that human minds create and transform their culture. Both papers are sympathetic to this idea, yet both also regret a lack of consilience with Boyd, Richerson and Henrich’s models of cultural evolution. I explain why cultural attraction theorists propose a different view on three points of concern for our (...)
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  12.  17
    The Partial Organization of Networked Corruption.Carl Rhodes, Su-Dol Kang & Kyoung-Hee Yu - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (7):1377-1409.
    This article uses the concept of partial organization to examine how organizing principles can facilitate the effective operation of networked forms of corruption. We analyze the case study of a corruption network in the South Korean maritime industry in terms of how it operated by selectively appropriating practices normally associated with formal bureaucratic organizations. Our findings show that organizational elements built into the corruption network enabled coordination of corruption activities and served to distort and override practices within member organizations. The (...)
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  13. Applied Yoga Psychology Studies of Neurophysiology of Meditation.K. Rao - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (11-12):161-198.
    Yoga-Sutras of Patanjali is a foundational psychological text that organizes, codifies, and systematically presents in s_tra form the psychology as practised in India around second century BCE. Its theme is to help humans free themselves from their congenital bondage due to conditioned existence and consequent suffering. The goal is to restore the person to her inherent unconditioned blissful being. The quintessence of Yoga is meditation. Meditation consists of dharana and dhyana, a contemplative state of passive attention precipitated by a prolonged (...)
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  14. The Attending Mind.Jesse Prinz - 2022 - Philosophical Review 131 (3):390-393.
    Over the last decade, attention has crawled from out of the shadows into the philosophical limelight with several important books and widely read articles. Carolyn Dicey Jennings has been a key player in the attention revolution, actively publishing in the area and promoting awareness. This book was much anticipated by insiders and does not disappoint. It is in no way redundant with respect to other recent monographs, covering both a different range of material and developing novel positions throughout. The book (...)
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  15. What are the bearers of virtues?Mark Alfano - 2014 - In Hagop Sarkissian & Jennifer Cole Wright (eds.), Advances in Experimental Moral Psychology. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 73-90.
    It’s natural to assume that the bearers of virtues are individual agents, which would make virtues monadic dispositional properties. I argue instead that the most attractive theory of virtue treats a virtue as a triadic relation among the agent, the social milieu, and the asocial environment. A given person may or may not be disposed to behave in virtuous ways depending on how her social milieu speaks to and of her, what they expect of her, and how they monitor her. (...)
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  16. Uniqueness effects in correlatives.Adrian Brasoveanu - manuscript
    paper, abstract, revised handout, original handoutto appear in the Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 12 (Oslo, 2007). The paper argues that the variability of the uniqueness effects exhibited by Hindi and Romanian correlatives is due to their mixed referential and quantificational nature. The account involves an articulated notion of quantification, independently motivated by donkey anaphora and quantificational subordination and consisting of both (discourse) referential components and non-referential components (dynamic operators over plural info states). The variable uniqueness effects emerge out of (...)
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  17.  51
    Dreyfus is right: knowledge-that limits your skill.Massimiliano L. Cappuccio - 2023 - Synthese 202 (3):1-69.
    Skilful expertise is grounded in practical, performative knowledge-how, not in detached, spectatorial knowledge-that, and knowledge-how is embodied by habitual dispositions, not representation of facts and rules. Consequently, as action control is a key requirement for the intelligent selection, initiation, and regulation of skilful performance, habitual action control, i.e. the kind of action control based on habitual dispositions, is the true hallmark of skill and the only veridical criterion to evaluate expertise. Not only does this imply that knowledge-that does not make (...)
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  18.  47
    Why the performance of habit requires attention.Laura Bickel - 2024 - Mind and Language 39 (2):260-270.
    This article argues that every performance of habit‐driven action requires attention. I begin by revisiting the conception of habit‐driven actions as reducible to automatically performed responses to stimuli. On this conception, habitual actions are a counterexample to Wayne Wu's action‐centered theory of attention. Using the biased competition model of attention, and building on findings from affective cognitive neuroscience, I challenge this position. I claim that the performance of a habitual action requires experiential history to be exerting an influence that is (...)
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    Breathing: Proustian Therapy.Christopher Prendergast - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):49-53.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Breathing:Proustian Therapy1Christopher Prendergast (bio)I begin with a question I would never have imagined myself asking. Is Proust good for you? Might there even be, albeit in carefully controlled doses, a place for him in modern 'health care'? He certainly belongs in the select, if occasionally scary, company of writers whose name, or that of one of their fictional characters, has lent itself to the designation of a psycho-physical condition (...)
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    Міжконфесійний діалог як складова культурноцивілізаційних відносин.Valeriy Volodymyrovych Klymov - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 50:269-279.
    The present high status of dialogue as a widely practiced method of considering and resolving the problematic, controversial or conflicting issues that humanity has to face is a kind of a result of the millennial selection of reliable and effective means of understanding, reconciliation, organization of civilized coexistence, multifaceted ideology, the world of human communities, their individual groups or individuals. Almost the main features of ancient philosophical dialogue - to be the antithesis of dogmatism, to question the habitually established, preserved (...)
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    The Poetics of Purpose.Victoria N. Alexander - 2009 - Biosemiotics 2 (1):77-100.
    Hackles have been raised in biosemiotic circles by T. L. Short’s assertion that semiosis, as defined by Peirce, entails “acting for purposes” and therefore is not found below the level of the organism (2007a:174–177). This paper examines Short’s teleology and theory of purposeful behavior and offers a remedy to the disagreement. Remediation becomes possible when the issue is reframed in the terms of the complexity sciences, which allows intentionality to be understood as the interplay between local and global aspects of (...)
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  22.  67
    Master Maker: Understanding Gaming Skill Through Practice and Habit From Gameplay Behavior.Jeff Huang, Eddie Yan, Gifford Cheung, Nachiappan Nagappan & Thomas Zimmermann - 2017 - Topics in Cognitive Science 9 (2):437-466.
    The study of expertise is difficult to do in a laboratory environment due to the challenge of finding people at different skill levels and the lack of time for participants to acquire mastery. In this paper, we report on two studies that analyze naturalistic gameplay data using cohort analysis to better understand how skill relates to practice and habit. Two cohorts are analyzed, each from two different games. Our work follows skill progression through 7 months of Halo matches for a (...)
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  23.  15
    The Place of Imagination: Wendell Berry and the Poetics of Community, Affection, and Identity by Joseph R. Wiebe.Jacob Alan Cook - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):203-204.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Place of Imagination: Wendell Berry and the Poetics of Community, Affection, and Identity by Joseph R. WiebeJacob Alan CookThe Place of Imagination: Wendell Berry and the Poetics of Community, Affection, and Identity Joseph R. Wiebe waco, tx: baylor university press, 2017. 272 pp. $49.95The Place of Imagination is an artful narration of Wendell Berry's poetics focused distinctively on his works of fiction. Moralists concerned about issues of (...)
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    Relationships Between Self-Rated Health at Three Time Points: Past, Present, Future.Andreas Hinz, Michael Friedrich, Tobias Luck, Steffi G. Riedel-Heller, Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf & Katja Petrowski - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Multiple studies have shown that people who have experienced a serious health problem such as an injury tend to overrate the quality of health they had before that event. The main objective of this study was to test whether the phenomenon of respondents overrating their past health can also be observed in people from the general population. A second aim was to test whether habitual optimism is indeed focused on events in the future.Method: A representatively selected community sample from (...)
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    The late architectural philosophy of Louis I. Kahn as expressed in the Yale Center for British Art.Jules David Prown - 2020 - New Haven: Yale Center for British Art. Edited by Louis I. Kahn.
    The fundamentals of Kahn's architectural philosophy begin with his personal history: his inherent talent; his family background and childhood experiences; his education, from elementary school through architectural school; the influences of Paul Philippe Cret and Beaux Arts architecture; and his travels, especially those to study the antique monuments of Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Because the causal aspects of these experiences were absorbed by him, rather than being the products of Kahn's own thinking, he rarely acknowledged them. His conclusions led to (...)
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  26. Aristotle's Theory of Moral Education.Nancy Sherman - 1982 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    Chapter I: The background to Aristotle's theory is provided by Aristophanes' Clouds in the debate between the traditionalists and Socratics on moral education. Aristotle steers a middle course between the old and new educations, preserving on the one hand, the role of filial ties in the transmission of values, and on the other, the importance of practical reason in providing a critical assessment of attachments. ;Chapter II: Here I argue against a common reading of Aristotle that views moral training as (...)
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  27. Orbital Contour: Videos by Craig Dongoski.Paul Boshears - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):125-128.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 125-128. What is the nature of sound? What is the nature of volume? William James, in attempting to address these simple questions wrote, “ The voluminousness of the feeling seems to bear very little relation to the size of the ocean that yields it . The ear and eye are comparatively minute organs, yet they give us feelings of great volume” (203-­4, itals. original). This subtle extensivity of sensation finds its peer in the subtle yet significant influence (...)
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    Introduction.Paul Standish - 2022 - The Pluralist 17 (1):96-99.
    It Is My Pleasure To Introduce this discussion of Naoko Saito's American Philosophy in Translation. We have contributions from three experts in American philosophy, all of whom have been in conversation with the author for many years: Jim Garrison, Vincent Colapietro, and Steven Fesmire. Prior to their contributions, I would like to set the scene with some brief remarks to introduce the book and to explain something of its background.Over the past two decades, I have worked closely with Saito on (...)
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  29. Brain inspired cognitive systems (BICS).Ron Chrisley - unknown
    This Neurocomputing special issue is based on selected, expanded and significantly revised versions of papers presented at the Second International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems (BICS 2006) held at Lesvos, Greece, from 10 to 14 October 2006. The aim of BICS 2006, which followed the very successful first BICS 2004 held at Stirling, Scotland, was to bring together leading scientists and engineers who use analytic, syntactic and computational methods both to understand the prodigious processing properties of biological systems and, (...)
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    Natural theology after Darwin.John F. Haught - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):5.
    Has Darwinian science made natural theology obsolete, as many Christian scholars now believe? In this article, the author assumes that natural theology does not take place in a religious vacuum but instead borrows its sense of god from this or that specific faith tradition. Its task is not to arrive at an understanding of the divine mystery different from that of systematic or doctrinal theology. As the author shall argue here, however, the empirical grounding essential to natural theology must be (...)
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    Moral and Citizenship Education As Statecraft in Singapore: A Curriculum Critique.Tan Tai Wei & Chew Lee Chin - 2004 - Journal of Moral Education 33 (4):597-606.
    This is a brief review of the Civics and Moral Education programme currently in use in Singapore schools. The paper offers an appraisal of the rationale provided in policy statements and of selected official and students' workbook descriptions of curricular content, activities and pedagogic theories. It shows that the Civics and Moral Education programme is more a matter of training students to absorb pragmatic values deemed to be important for Singapore to achieve social cohesion and economic success, rather than moral (...)
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  32. Conscious machines: Memory, melody and muscular imagination. [REVIEW]Susan A. J. Stuart - 2010 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 9 (1):37-51.
    A great deal of effort has been, and continues to be, devoted to developing consciousness artificially (A small selection of the many authors writing in this area includes: Cotterill (J Conscious Stud 2:290–311, 1995 , 1998 ), Haikonen ( 2003 ), Aleksander and Dunmall (J Conscious Stud 10:7–18, 2003 ), Sloman ( 2004 , 2005 ), Aleksander ( 2005 ), Holland and Knight ( 2006 ), and Chella and Manzotti ( 2007 )), and yet a similar amount of effort has (...)
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  33. A Powers Framework for Mental Action.Seth Goldwasser - 2024 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
    Mental actions are things we do with our minds. Consider inferring, deliberating, imagining, remembering, calculating, and so on. I introduce a non-reductive alternative to standard causalist accounts of mental action that understands such action in terms of dispositions for performing mental actions. I call this alternative the powers framework. On the powers framework, habitual and skillful mental actions are themselves infused with practical intelligence by being expressions of the agent’s rational tendencies and capacities, respectively. The intelligence exemplified in the performance (...)
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    Philosophers on film from Bergson to Badiou: a critical reader.Christopher Want (ed.) - 2019 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Philosophers on Film from Bergson to Badiou is an anthology of writings on cinema and film by many of the major thinkers in continental philosophy. The book presents a selection of fundamental texts, each accompanied by an introduction and exposition by the editor, Christopher Kul-Want, that places the philosophers within a historical and intellectual framework of aesthetic and social thought. Encompassing a range of intellectual traditions--Marxism, phenomenology, psychoanalysis, poststructuralism, gender and affect theories--this critical reader features writings by Bergson, Benjamin, Adorno (...)
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    The Sources of Existentialism as Philosophy. [REVIEW]A. J. W. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (3):573-573.
    This is an extremely helpful book, superbly edited by Professor Molina, whose earlier book Existentialism as Philosophy provided a helpful introduction to existentialism as a serious, systematic philosophy. Molina successfully avoids all temptations to exploit the faddish quality of existentialism. After all these years, even the most protected, sequestered, academic institutions have had their resident left-bank habitue. And so one could play about lightly with Nietzsche and Kierkegaard, sell lots of books, sound serious, and leave still another generation impressed with (...)
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    Contrast Sensitivity Is a Significant Predictor of Performance in Rifle Shooting for Athletes With Vision Impairment.Peter M. Allen, Rianne H. J. C. Ravensbergen, Keziah Latham, Amy Rose, Joy Myint & David L. Mann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:363277.
    _Purpose:_ In order to develop an evidence-based, sport-specific minimum impairment criteria (MIC) for the sport of vision-impaired (VI) shooting, this study aimed to determine the relative influence of losses in visual acuity (VA) and contrast sensitivity (CS) on shooting performance. Presently, VA but not CS is used to determine eligibility to compete in VI shooting. _Methods:_ Elite able-sighted athletes ( n = 27) shot under standard conditions with their habitual vision, and with their vision impaired by the use of simulation (...)
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    Embodied Intelligence: Smooth Coping in the Learning Intelligent Decision Agent Cognitive Architecture.Christian Kronsted, Sean Kugele, Zachariah A. Neemeh, Kevin J. Ryan & Stan Franklin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Much of our everyday, embodied action comes in the form of smooth coping. Smooth coping is skillful action that has become habituated and ingrained, generally placing less stress on cognitive load than considered and deliberative thought and action. When performed with skill and expertise, walking, driving, skiing, musical performances, and short-order cooking are all examples of the phenomenon. Smooth coping is characterized by its rapidity and relative lack of reflection, both being hallmarks of automatization. Deliberative and reflective actions provide the (...)
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    The dance form of the eyes: what cognitive science can learn from art.Ralph D. Ellis - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (6-7):6-7.
    Art perception offers action affordances for the self-generated movement of the eyes, the mind, and the emotions; thus some scenes are ’easy to look at', and evoke different kinds of moods depending on what kind of affordances they present for the eyes, the brain, and the action schemas that further the dynamical self-organizing patterns of activity toward which the organism tends, as reflected in its ongoing emotional life. Art can do this only because perception is active rather than passive, and (...)
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    Book review: Twentieth-Century French Philosophy. [REVIEW]Ronald Shusterman - 1997 - Philosophy and Literature 21 (1):188-190.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Twentieth-Century French PhilosophyRonald ShustermanTwentieth-Century French Philosophy, by Eric Matthews; 232 pp. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996, $13.95 paper.Pace the habitual proverb, one of the best things about this volume is indeed its cover: a picture of Sartre lighting his pipe, in some Parisian cafe, in the midst of an animated discussion with Simone de Beauvoir and Mr. and Mrs. [End Page 188] Boris Vian. There is an (...)
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  40. Biological and linguistic diversity. Transdisciplinary explorations for a socioecology of languages.Albert Bastardas-Boada - 2002 - Diverscité Langues 7.
    As a sort of intellectual provocation and as a lateral thinking strategy for creativity, this chapter seeks to determine what the study of the dynamics of biodiversity can offer linguists. In recent years, the analogical equation "language = biological species" has become more widespread as a metaphorical source for conceptual renovation, and, at the same time, as a justification for the defense of language diversity. Language diversity would be protected in a way similar to the mobilization that has taken place (...)
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    Movement contributes to infants' recognition of the human form.Tamara Christie & Virginia Slaughter - 2010 - Cognition 114 (3):329-337.
    Three experiments demonstrate that biological movement facilitates young infants’ recognition of the whole human form. A body discrimination task was used in which 6-, 9-, and 12-month-old infants were habituated to typical human bodies and then shown scrambled human bodies at the test. Recovery of interest to the scrambled bodies was observed in 9- and 12-month-old infants in Experiment 1, but only when the body images were animated to move in a biologically possible way. In Experiment 2, nonbiological movement was (...)
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    The Selective Laziness of Reasoning.Emmanuel Trouche, Petter Johansson, Lars Hall & Hugo Mercier - 2015 - Cognitive Science 40 (8):2122-2136.
    Reasoning research suggests that people use more stringent criteria when they evaluate others' arguments than when they produce arguments themselves. To demonstrate this “selective laziness,” we used a choice blindness manipulation. In two experiments, participants had to produce a series of arguments in response to reasoning problems, and they were then asked to evaluate other people's arguments about the same problems. Unknown to the participants, in one of the trials, they were presented with their own argument as if it (...)
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  43. Traces left on visual selective attention by stimuli that are not consciously identified.Piotr Jaskoski, Rob H. J. van der Lubbe, Erik Schlotterbeck & Rolf Verleger - 2002 - Psychological Science 13 (1):48-54.
  44. Selective Permeability, Social Media and Epistemic Fragmentation (corrected).Matthew Crippen - forthcoming - Topoi.
    This article examines epistemic impacts of social media, merging Gibson’s affordance theory with the notion of selective permeability, which holds people encounter objective differences in a setting because of their distinct capacities, only here applying the idea to online spaces. I start by circumscribing my deployment of “affordances,” taking care not to totally divorce the term from Gibson’s intent, as often happens in information technologies research. I next detail ways that selective permeability characterizes online epistemic landscapes, focusing on (...)
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    (1 other version)A selective bibliography on Kant.Ralph Charles Sutherland Walker - 1975 - [Oxford: Sub-faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford].
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    Selective Processing of Threat Cues in Subjects with Panic Attacks.Anke Ehlers, Jürgen Margraf, Sylvia Davies & Walton T. Roth - 1988 - Cognition and Emotion 2 (3):201-219.
  47.  33
    Habit and Habituation: Governance and the Social.Megan Watkins, Mary Poovey, Greg Noble, Francis Dodsworth & Tony Bennett - 2013 - Body and Society 19 (2-3):3-29.
    This article examines the issues that are at stake in the current resurgence of interest in the subject of habit. We focus on the role that habit has played in conceptions of the relations between body and society, and the respects in which such conceptions have been implicated in processes of governance. We argue that habit has typically constituted a point of leverage for regulatory practices that seek to effect some realignment of the relations between different components of personhood – (...)
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    Selective Reduction: “A Soft Cover for Hard Choices” or Another Name for Abortion?Radhika Rao - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (2):196-205.
    Selective reduction and abortion both involve the termination of fetal life, but they are classified by different designations to underscore the notion that they are regarded as fundamentally different medical procedures: the two are performed using distinct techniques by different types of physicians, upon women under very different circumstances, in order to further dramatically different objectives. Hence, the two procedures appear to call for a distinct moral calculus, and they have traditionally evoked contradictory reactions from society. This essay posits (...)
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    Selective, reciprocal and quiet: lessons from rural queer empowerment in community-supported agriculture.Guilherme Raj - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1353-1368.
    Rural queer studies, viewed through the lens of relational agriculture, offer critiques of heteropatriarchal norms in farming and highlight strategies used by queer farmers to manoeuvre discrimination and thrive in rural areas. This paper responds to recent calls for further scrutiny of the experiences of gender and sexually underrepresented groups in community-supported agriculture (CSA). It investigates the empowerment of rural queer people in CSA Guadiana, South Portugal, through the experiences of 12 queer members. I collected data through participant observation, semi-structured (...)
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    Selective review of external adverse events: one IRB's response to the avalanche of IND safety reports.Bruce Gordon & Ernest Prentice - 1998 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 21 (3):10-11.
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