Results for 'Caroline Laurent'

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  1. Is the Association Between Early Childhood Screen Media Use and Effortful Control Bidirectional? A Prospective Study During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Caroline Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth Harvey, Emma Cristini, Angélique Laurent, Jean-Pascal Lemelin & Gabrielle Garon-Carrier - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Individual differences in effortful control, a component of temperament, reflecting the ability to use attention and other cognitive processes to self-regulate emotion and behavior, contribute to child academic adjustment, social competence, and wellbeing. Research has linked excessive screen time in early childhood to reduced self-regulation ability. Furthermore, research suggests that parents are more likely to use screens with children who have more challenging temperaments, such as low levels of effortful control. Since screen time by children between the ages of 0 (...)
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    Perceived Work Conditions and Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Role of Meaning of Work.Caroline Arnoux-Nicolas, Laurent Sovet, Lin Lhotellier, Annamaria Di Fabio & Jean-Luc Bernaud - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Cioran, archives paradoxales: nouvelles approches critiques.Aurélien Demars, Nicolas Cavaillès, Caroline Laurent & Mihaela-Gențiana Stănișor (eds.) - 2015 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Le XVIIIe colloque international Cioran (2013) a été dédié au thème des "Transfigurations". Les actes du colloque témoignent des différentes approches (philosophique, historique, poétique, littéraire et linguistique) abordées par les chercheurs, universitaires, philosophes ou écrivains venus à Sibiu.
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    Laurent Colantonio & Caroline Fayolle (dir.), Genre et utopie. Avec Michèle Riot-Sarcey.Élodie Serna - 2016 - Clio 43:307-310.
    Dans cet ouvrage-hommage à Michèle Riot-Sarcey, les travaux et la pensée de l’historienne sont mis en perspective au travers de dix-huit articles organisés autour des thèmes « Genre », « Utopies et discontinuités », « Révolution, république et démocratie », et « Se situer dans son propre présent ». L’ensemble de l’ouvrage constitue une invitation à lire ou relire les œuvres de l’auteure et à prendre avec elle le parti de se confronter en toute conscience aux enjeux de l’écriture de (...)
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    The Moral Brain.Jean Decety & Thalia Wheatley (eds.) - 2015 - The MIT Press.
    An overview of the latest interdisciplinary research on human morality, capturing moral sensibility as a sophisticated integration of cognitive, emotional, and motivational mechanisms. Over the past decade, an explosion of empirical research in a variety of fields has allowed us to understand human moral sensibility as a sophisticated integration of cognitive, emotional, and motivational mechanisms shaped through evolution, development, and culture. Evolutionary biologists have shown that moral cognition evolved to aid cooperation; developmental psychologists have demonstrated that the elements that underpin (...)
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    Contemporary Indigenous cosmologies and pragmatics.Françoise Dussart & Sylvie Poirier (eds.) - 2021 - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: University of Alberta Press.
    In this timely collection, the authors examine Indigenous peoples' negotiations with different cosmologies in a globalized world. Dussart and Poirier outline a sophisticated theory of change that accounts for the complexity of Indigenous peoples' engagement with Christianity and other cosmologies, their own colonial experiences, as well as their ongoing relationships to place and kin. Contributors to this volume offer fine-grained ethnographic studies that highlight the complex and pragmatic ways in which Indigenous peoples enact their cosmologies and articulate their identity as (...)
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    Making realism work, from second wave feminism to extinction rebellion: an interview with Caroline New.Caroline New & Jamie Morgan - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (1):81-120.
    Caroline New is an energetic activist who has interpolated critical realist ideas into the front-line of political activism. In this wide-ranging interview, she begins by reflecting on her life and how she became a realist and her account is illustrated with personal anecdotes recalling memories of well-known philosophers and activists from the time. She discusses how her position set her apart from other feminists and she examines the interacting threads of longstanding debates on the political left, as well as (...)
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  8. Conversations with Caroline.Caroline Bressey - 2016 - In Antoinette M. Burton & Dane Keith Kennedy, How Empire Shaped Us. London: Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
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    Autopiction : Où va la peinture de Laurent Marissal.Laurent Buffet - 2011 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 7 (1):81-91.
    Résumé Où va la peinture est un livre de Laurent Marissal qui se présente à la fois comme un traité sur la peinture et comme une œuvre peinte. Les actions qu’il relate sont elles-mêmes revendiquées comme des actions picturales. L’article s’interroge sur ces usages hétérodoxes de la notion de « picturalité », tout d’abord au niveau de la mise en forme narrative du livre, puis à celui des actions que cette forme a pour dessein de relater. Une dernière partie (...)
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    Two Middle English translations of Friar Laurent's Somme le roi: critical edition.Laurent & Emmanuelle Roux - 2010 - Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers n.v.. Edited by Emmanuelle Roux.
    This is the first volume of a two-volume project whose aim is to publish all the known Middle English manuscript translations of the French Somme le mi, a thirteenth-century manual of religious instruction offering teaching on the Decalogue, the seven deadly sins and their remedies, compiled by the Dominican friar Laurent of Orleans. The project extends and deepens our knowledge of the influence of this popular French text, known today only from the versions entitled The Ayen bite of Inwit (...)
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  11. Lettre de M. Harsin et réponse de M. H. Laurent.H. Laurent & M. Harsin - 1928 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 7 (3):1301-1306.
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  12. The Sociology of Critical Capacity.Laurent Thévenot & Luc Boltanski - 1999 - European Journal of Social Theory 2 (3):359-377.
    This article argues that many situations in social life can be analyzed by their requirement for the justification of action. It is in particular in situations of dispute that a need arises to explicate the grounds on which responsibility for errors is distributed and on which new agreement can be reached. Since a plurality of mutually incompatible modes of justification exists, disputes can be understood as disagreements either about whether the accepted rule of justification has not been violated or about (...)
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  13. Lamarckism and epigenetic inheritance: a clarification.Laurent Loison - 2018 - Biology and Philosophy 33 (3-4):29.
    Since the 1990s, the terms “Lamarckism” and “Lamarckian” have seen a significant resurgence in biological publications. The discovery of new molecular mechanisms have been interpreted as evidence supporting the reality and efficiency of the inheritance of acquired characters, and thus the revival of Lamarckism. The present paper aims at giving a critical evaluation of such interpretations. I argue that two types of arguments allow to draw a clear distinction between the genuine Lamarckian concept of inheritance of acquired characters and transgenerational (...)
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    Dialogical logic.Laurent Keiff - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Forms of presentism in the history of science. Rethinking the project of historical epistemology.Laurent Loison - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 60:29-37.
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    Feminism and Critical Realism.Caroline New - 1998 - Journal of Critical Realism 1 (1):2-4.
  17.  11
    Luc GWIAZDZINSKI , La ville 24 heures sur 24.Caroline Norrant - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce compte rendu a déjà paru dans Territoire en mouvement – Revue de géographie et aménagement [En ligne], 34 | 2017. Luc Gwiazdzinski, La ville 24 heures sur 24, Paris, Rhuthmos, 2016, 254 p. Cet ouvrage présente les nouvelles relations de la ville au temps, ou comment la ville évolue en fonction de notre nouvelle occupation du temps. C'est une approche complexe qui est présentée ici, au travers des visions et analyses de spécialistes de différents domaines, mais qui tous ont (...)
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    Pragmatic regimes governing the engagement with the world.Laurent Thévenot - 2000 - In Karin Knorr Cetina, Theodore R. Schatzki & Eike von Savigny, The Practice Turn in Contemporary Theory. New York: Routledge. pp. 56--73.
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    Heredity as a problem. On Claude Bernard’s failed attempts at resolution.Laurent Loison - 2023 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 45 (1):1-21.
    Heredity has been dismissed as an insignificant object in Claude Bernard’s physiology, and the topic is usually ignored by historians. Yet, thirty years ago, Jean Gayon demonstrated that Bernard did elaborate on the subject. The present paper aims at reassessing the issue of heredity in Claude Bernard’s project of a “general physiology”. My first claim is that Bernard’s interest in heredity was linked to his ambitious goal of redefining general physiology in relation to morphology. In 1867, not only was morphology (...)
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  20.  30
    The Plurality of Cognitive Formats and Engagements: Moving between the Familiar and the Public.Laurent Thévenot - 2007 - European Journal of Social Theory 10 (3):409-423.
    Cognitive forms vary considerably as a human being detaches herself from what is closest and most personal and moves to communicate — in the broad sense of taking part in a common matter — across increasing relational distances. The article proposes to deal with the variety of cognitive formats which cannot `commonize' cognition to an equal degree, relating them to a set of regimes of engagement with the world that are identified in terms of the dependency between the human agent (...)
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    Julien Freund philosophe Résistant et philosophe de la résistance.Laurent Fedi - 2024 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 56 (56):117-142.
    As a student in Clermont-Ferrand at the relocated Strasbourg University, Julien Freund (1921-1993) took part in the local actions of the Groupe Franc de Combat. The theme of resistance later found its way into his work as a philosopher and political scientist. This study, based on hitherto unpublished archival documents, attempts to synthesise his scattered remarks in an attempt to identify the main thrust of his work.
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    Affirmation and Resistance in Spinoza: The Strategy of the Conatus.Laurent Bove - 2023 - Edinburgh University Press.
  23.  42
    Le réalisme propositionnel: sémantique et ontologie des propositions chez Jean Duns Scot, Gauthier Burley, Richard Brinkley et Jean Wyclif.Laurent Cesalli - 2007 - Paris: Vrin.
    On s'est dès lors efforcé de contextualiser cette thèse et d'en préciser le sens, aboutissant à un double résultat : premièrement, les signifiés propositionnels ne sont ni des entités abstraites (platoniciennes), ni des complexes ...
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    Punishing hypocrisy: The roles of hypocrisy and moral emotions in deciding culpability and punishment of criminal and civil moral transgressors.Sean M. Laurent, Brian A. M. Clark, Stephannie Walker & Kimberly D. Wiseman - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (1):59-83.
    Three experiments explored how hypocrisy affects attributions of criminal guilt and the desire to punish hypocritical criminals. Study 1 established that via perceived hypocrisy, a hypocritical criminal was seen as more culpable and was punished more than a non-hypocritical criminal who committed an identical crime. Study 2 expanded on this, showing that negative moral emotions (anger and disgust) mediated the relationships between perceived hypocrisy, criminal guilt, and punishment. Study 3 replicated the emotion finding from Study 2 using new scenarios where (...)
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    Le projet du néolamarckisme français (1880-1910).Laurent Loison - 2012 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 65 (1):61-79.
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    La dialectique, entre logique et rhétorique.Laurent Keiff - 2010 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 66 (2):149-178.
    Nous montrons dans cet article comment les approches dynamiques en logique contemporaine ont retrouvé, quoique sous d ’ autres attendus, une configuration théorique qu ’ on peut attribuer à Aristote au moment de la rédaction des Topiques. Dans cette configuration, la logique et la rhétorique – ou au moins la dialectique – se complètent dans le cadre conceptuel homogène offert par la dialectique, entendue comme une certaine forme relativement codifiée de débat critique. L ’ idée principale est qu ’ aujourd (...)
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    Unintended, but still blameworthy: the roles of awareness, desire, and anger in negligence, restitution, and punishment.Sean M. Laurent, Narina L. Nuñez & Kimberly A. Schweitzer - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (7).
  28.  31
    The Art of Biblical NarrativeThe Great Code: The Bible and Literature.Laurent Stern, Robert Alter & Northrop Frye - 1983 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 41 (3):340.
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    Between Choice and Coercion: Identities, Injuries, and Different Forms of Recognition.Carolin Emcke - 2000 - Constellations 7 (4):483-495.
  30. The Road to ideelle Verähnlichung. Anton Marty’s Conception of Intentionality in the Light of its Brentanian Background.Laurent Cesalli & Hamid Taieb - 2012 - Quaestio 12:171-232.
    Anton Marty (1847-1914) is known to be the most faithful pupil of Franz Brentano. As a matter of fact, most of his philosophical ideas find their source in the works of his master. Yet, the faithfulness of Marty is not constant. As the rich correspondence between the two thinkers shows, Marty elaborates an original theory of intentionality from ca. 1904 onward. This theory is based on the idea that intentionality is a process of mental assimilation (ideelle Verähnlichung), a process at (...)
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    Organized Complexity: Conventions of Coordination and the Composition of Economic Arrangements.Laurent Thévenot - 2001 - European Journal of Social Theory 4 (4):405-425.
    This article introduces a framework which aims at capturing the complexity of economic organizations. The analysis of most legitimate conventions of coordination results in a new approach to the firm as a compromising device between several modes of coordination which engage different repertoires of evaluation. This contribution to the Économie des conventions offers an analytical tool to operate comparative research on firms, intermediate regulatory committees or public policies.
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    Leaving Politics: Bios, Zōē, Life.Laurent Dubreuil & Clarissa C. Eagle - 2006 - Diacritics 36 (2):83-98.
    This article explores the category of biopolitics through the use Roberto Esposito and Giorgio Agamben make of two Greek words, bios and ōē. In particular, I argue that the separation of bios and ōē as introduced in Homo Sacer has no "natural" nor "lingual" relevance. The exposition of such a fabulous antinomy simply ruins the historical matter of Agamben's discourse on biopolitics. Here, Esposito's research could be read as an attempt to found the category of biopolitics anew without repeating the (...)
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  33. Technologies of Democracy: Experiments and Demonstrations.Brice Laurent - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (4):649-666.
    Technologies of democracy are instruments based on material apparatus, social practices and expert knowledge that organize the participation of various publics in the definition and treatment of public problems. Using three examples related to the engagement of publics in nanotechnology in France (a citizen conference, a series of public meetings, and an industrial design process), the paper argues that Science and Technology Studies provide useful tools and methods for the analysis of technologies of democracy. Operations of experiments and public demonstrations (...)
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    Fear of the known: semantic generalisation of fear conditioning across languages in bilinguals.Laurent Grégoire & Steven G. Greening - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (2):352-358.
    While modern theories of emotion emphasize the role of higher-order cognitive processes such as semantics in human emotion, much research into emotional learning has ignored the potential contribut...
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    Opening the reconsolidation window using the mind’s eye: Extinction training during reconsolidation disrupts fear memory expression following mental imagery reactivation.Laurent Grégoire & Steven G. Greening - 2019 - Cognition 183:277-281.
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    What Does the Arrest and Release of Emile Borel and His Colleagues in 1941 Tell Us about the German Occupation of France?Laurent Mazliak & Glenn Shafer - 2011 - Science in Context 24 (4):587-623.
    ArgumentThe Germans occupying Paris arrested Emile Borel and three other members of the Académie des Sciences in October 1941 and released them about five weeks later. Drawing on German and French archives and other sources, we argue that these events illustrate the complexity of the motivations and tactics of the occupiers and the occupied. While Borel and his colleagues were genuine members of the Resistance, and those who arrested them were full participants in a brutal occupation, both sides respected a (...)
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    Neurobiology of Attention.Laurent Itti, Geraint Rees & John K. Tsotsos (eds.) - 2005 - Academic Press.
    This book presents a state-of-the-art multidisciplinary perspective on psychological, physiological and computational approaches to understanding the ...
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    French Roots of French Neo-Lamarckisms, 1879–1985.Laurent Loison - 2010 - Journal of the History of Biology 44 (4):713-744.
    This essay attempts to describe the neo-Lamarckian atmosphere that was dominant in French biology for more than a century. Firstly, we demonstrate that there were not one but at least two French neo-Lamarckian traditions. This implies, therefore, that it is possible to propose a clear definition of a (neo)Lamarckian conception, and by using it, to distinguish these two traditions. We will see that these two conceptions were not dominant at the same time. The first French neo-Lamarckism (1879–1931) was structured by (...)
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  39. Enhanced perception in savant syndrome: patterns, structure, and creativity.Laurent Mottron, Michelle Dawson & Isabelle Soulieres - 2010 - In Francesca Happé & Uta Frith, Autism and Talent. Oup/the Royal Society.
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  40. Berkeley's Alciphron: English Text and Essays in Interpretation.Laurent Jaffro, Genevieve Brykman & Claire Schwartz (eds.) - 2010 - Georg Olms Verlag.
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    Philosophy: Today’s Manager’s Best Friend?Laurent Ledoux - 2012 - Philosophy of Management 11 (3):11-26.
    The purpose of this paper1 is to rationalise why and how philosophy can help today’s managers in their daily practices. I will first explain why today’s managers particularly should engage themselves in profound and enduring dialogue with philosophers. To this end, I will present the close links between the major managerial activities and the major philosophical domains. In the second section, I will sketch out how such a dialogue can be facilitated. To this end, I will present some of the (...)
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    Computing k-trivial sets by incomplete random sets.Laurent Bienvenu, Adam R. Day, Noam Greenberg, Antonín Kučera, Joseph S. Miller, André Nies & Dan Turetsky - 2014 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 20 (1):80-90.
    EveryK-trivial set is computable from an incomplete Martin-Löf random set, i.e., a Martin-Löf random set that does not compute the halting problem.
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    Denjoy, Demuth and density.Laurent Bienvenu, Rupert Hölzl, Joseph S. Miller & André Nies - 2014 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 14 (1):1450004.
    We consider effective versions of two classical theorems, the Lebesgue density theorem and the Denjoy–Young–Saks theorem. For the first, we show that a Martin-Löf random real z ∈ [0, 1] is Turing incomplete if and only if every effectively closed class.
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    Der Buddha und der "Andere": zur religiösen Differenzreflexion und narrativen Darstellung des "Anderen" im Majjhima-Nikaya.Caroline Widmer - 2015 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    Als wahrscheinlich älteste vollständige Überlieferung des Buddhismus reflektiert der Pali-Kanon in literarisch-narrativer Form die Auseinandersetzung mit religiös,Anderen' aus emischer Perspektive. Die Suttas berichten nicht nur, wie der Buddha Mitglieder seines Ordens belehrt, sondern auch, wie er Vertretern anderer religiöser Gruppierungen begegnet und mit ihnen diskutiert haben soll. Caroline Widmer untersucht, inwiefern in diesen Begegnungen religiöse Abgrenzung im Sinne eines Otherings literarisch dargestellt wird, und behandelt diese religionswissenschaftliche Fragestellung im Bereich des Buddhismus erstmals durch eine literaturwissenschaftlich angelegte Analyse der narrativen (...)
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    American Enlightenments: Pursuing Happiness in the Age of Reason.Caroline Winterer - 2016 - Yale University Press.
    _A provocative reassessment of the concept of an American golden age of European-born reason and intellectual curiosity in the years following the Revolutionary War_ The accepted myth of the “American Enlightenment” suggests that the rejection of monarchy and establishment of a new republic in the United States in the eighteenth century was the realization of utopian philosophies born in the intellectual salons of Europe and radiating outward to the New World. In this revelatory work, Stanford historian Caroline Winterer argues (...)
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    Industrialisation et mécanisation de la guerre, sources majeures du totalitarisme (XIXe-XXe siècles).Laurent Henninger - 2004 - Astérion 2 (2).
    Laurent Henninger intervenant sur les « révolutions militaires » (notion située au carrefour du débat historique lancé dans les années 1980 par Geoffrey Parker – en polémique avec Jeremy Black – et du débat stratégique américain dans les années 1990) souligne que les avancées dans l’art de la guerre ont été depuis cinq siècles une des composantes majeures de la barbarisation et du totalitarisme. La notion de « révolution militaire » est aujourd’hui contestée par ceux qui y voient un (...)
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    Propos autour du catalogue d'expo…. Entretien avec Roland Huesca.Laurent Le Bon & Huesca - 2013 - le Portique 30 (30).
    Laurent Le Bon, directeur du Centre Pompidou-Metz, dévoile au cours d’un entretien avec Roland Huesca l’histoire, les atours et les enjeux de l’écriture de plusieurs catalogues d’expositions : à l’affiche Dada, Chefs-d’œuvre ?..
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    La mesure du bien. Que calcule le calcul moral de Hutcheson?Laurent Jaffro - 2013 - Philosophiques 40 (1):197.
  49.  21
    Christian Godin, La démoralisation. La morale et la crise. Ceyzérieu, Éditions Champ Vallon , 2015, 278 p.Laurent Millischer - 2016 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 72 (2):363-366.
  50.  13
    Rémi Brague, Le règne de l’homme. Genèse et échec du projet moderne. Paris, Éditions Gallimard , 2015, 416 p.Laurent Millischer - 2016 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 72 (2):357-359.
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