Results for 'Claudia Tamburrini'

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  1.  27
    15 The genetic design of a new Amazon.Claudia Tamburrini & Torbjorn Tannsjo - 2005 - In Claudio Marcello Tamburrini & Torbjörn Tännsjö (eds.), Genetic Technology and Sport: Ethical Questions. Routledge. pp. 181.
  2. Autonomous Driving and Public Reason: a Rawlsian Approach.Claudia Brändle & Michael W. Schmidt - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1475-1499.
    In this paper, we argue that solutions to normative challenges associated with autonomous driving, such as real-world trolley cases or distributions of risk in mundane driving situations, face the problem of reasonable pluralism: Reasonable pluralism refers to the fact that there exists a plurality of reasonable yet incompatible comprehensive moral doctrines within liberal democracies. The corresponding problem is that a politically acceptable solution cannot refer to only one of these comprehensive doctrines. Yet a politically adequate solution to the normative challenges (...)
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    Aristotle and the Animals: The Logos of Life Itself.Claudia Zatta - 2021 - Routledge.
    With a novel approach to Aristotle's zoology, this study looks at animals as creatures of nature and reveals a scientific discourse that, in response to his predecessors, exiles logos as reason and pursues the logos intrinsic to animals' bodies empowering them to sense the world and live. The volume explores Aristotle's conception of animals through a discussion of his ad hoc methodology to study them, including the pertinence of the soul to such a study, and the rise of zoology as (...)
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    Moral Equality, Bioethics, and the Child.Claudia Wiesemann - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Presenting real life cases from clinical practice, this book claims that children can be conceived of as moral equals without ignoring the fact that they still are children and in need of strong family relationships. Drawing upon recent advances in childhood studies and its key feature, the ‘agentic child’, it uncovers the ideology of adultism which has seeped into much what has been written about childhood ethics. However, this book also critically examines those positions that do accord moral equality to (...)
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    Children's perspectives on the benefits and burdens of research participation.Claudia Barned, Jennifer Dobson, Alain Stintzi, David Mack & Kieran C. O'Doherty - 2018 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 9 (1):19-28.
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  6. Biorobotic experiments for the discovery of biological mechanisms.Edoardo Datteri & Guglielmo Tamburrini - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (3):409-430.
    Robots are being extensively used for the purpose of discovering and testing empirical hypotheses about biological sensorimotor mechanisms. We examine here methodological problems that have to be addressed in order to design and perform “good” experiments with these machine models. These problems notably concern the mapping of biological mechanism descriptions into robotic mechanism descriptions; the distinction between theoretically unconstrained “implementation details” and robotic features that carry a modeling weight; the role of preliminary calibration experiments; the monitoring of experimental environments for (...)
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  7.  53
    Addressing the Practical Implications of Intersectionality in Clinical Medicine: Ethical, Embodied and Institutional Dimensions.Claudia Barned, Corinne Lajoie & Eric Racine - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (2):27-29.
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    Corporate Philanthropy Through the Lens of Ethical Subjectivity.Claudia Eger, Graham Miller & Caroline Scarles - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (1):141-153.
    The dynamic organisational processes in businesses dilute the boundaries between the individual, organisational, and societal drivers of corporate philanthropy. This creates a complex framework in which charitable project selection occurs. Using the example of European tour operators, this study investigates the mechanisms through which companies invest in charitable projects in overseas destinations. Inextricably linked to this is the increasing contestation by local communities as to how they are able to engage effectively with tourism in order to realise the benefits tourism (...)
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    Image/thinking.Claudia Becker - 2012 - Philosophy of Photography 2 (2):248-256.
    This article re-examines Vilém Flusser's philosophy of photography and its relation to what I will name the philosophical question of 'image-thinking'. It places his work on photography in the context of the much discussed 'pictorial' and 'iconic' turns in the study of visual culture and, through this, aims to reveal the depth of Flusser's approach to understanding media culture and to argue for the significance and continuing relevance of his philosophy of photography.
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  10. Scientific Theories of Computational Systems in Model Checking.Nicola Angius & Guglielmo Tamburrini - 2011 - Minds and Machines 21 (2):323-336.
    Model checking, a prominent formal method used to predict and explain the behaviour of software and hardware systems, is examined on the basis of reflective work in the philosophy of science concerning the ontology of scientific theories and model-based reasoning. The empirical theories of computational systems that model checking techniques enable one to build are identified, in the light of the semantic conception of scientific theories, with families of models that are interconnected by simulation relations. And the mappings between these (...)
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  11.  63
    Hoffnung als Zukunftsbezug. Ein Beitrag zur Zeitlichkeit des guten Lebens.Claudia Blöser - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 76 (1):27-51.
    The central question of this article is what hope contributes to a good life. The starting point is the assumption that living a good life involves having a good relation to the past, present and future. Hope is a central attitude towards the future that contributes, I argue, to having an own future. I distinguish three ways in which there is reference to an "own future" and thus different ways in which hope contributes to the good life. Finally, I discuss (...)
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    GONÇALVES, J. C. et al. (org.). Além da tese: percursos de pesquisa em ciências humanas [Beyond Thesis: Routes for Research in Human Sciences]. São Paulo: Hucitec, 2022. 212 p. [REVIEW]Cláudia Garcia Cavalcante - 2022 - Bakhtiniana 17 (4):288-295.
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    Crime as Language II – Hyperviolence and Georges Bataille's Concept of the Sovereign.Claudia Simone Dorchain - 2022 - Athens Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):173-184.
    In political philosophy, trust, legality and violence are interdependent, with different weights, connecting and excluding. Trust structures suffer most from an anticipation of violence or violence itself. Violence systematically takes place in three stages, according to the german sociologist Jan-Philipp Reemtsma: expulsive, abusive, and homicidal violence, all of which have their distinctive and recurring verbal and nonverbal equivalents. The hyperviolence phenomenon goes beyond this, however, and even mutilates the dead body, whether actually physically, or through massive propaganda that declares the (...)
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  14.  11
    Working as a Healthcare Professional and Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Work Recovery Experiences and Need for Recovery as Mediators.Claudia Lenuţa Rus, Cătălina Oţoiu, Adriana Smaranda Băban, Cristina Vâjâean, Angelos P. Kassianos, Maria Karekla & Andrew T. Gloster - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Considering the high impact strain that the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 pandemic has put on medical personnel worldwide, identifying means to alleviate stress on healthcare professionals and to boost their subjective and psychological wellbeing is more relevant than ever. This study investigates the extent to which the relationships between the status of working in healthcare and the subjective and psychological wellbeing are serially mediated by work recovery experiences and the need for recovery. Data were collected from 217 Romanian (...)
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  15.  42
    Plants and Vegetal Respiration in Early Greek Philosophy.Claudia Zatta - 2023 - Ancient Philosophy 43 (1):251-272.
    This essay pursues the question of vegetal respiration in Presocratics’ doctrines in contrast to Aristotle’s categorical circumscription of this vital process to the blooded animals. It finds that epithelial respiration in DK31 B100 is central to Empedocles’ conception of plants’ breathing, linked to their fructification, deciduousness, and overall life preservation. It also discusses plants’ respiration in relation to their body temperature in Menestor, then, concludes by analyzing Democritus’ psychological doctrine, arguing that the intake of fiery atoms pertained to all living (...)
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  16.  26
    Der Embryo und die Ethik der Elternschaft: Eine Antwort auf Anton Leist.Claudia Wiesemann - 2007 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 51 (1):58-64.
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    Giving Place to Unforeseeable Learning: The Inhospitality of Outcomes-Based Education.Claudia Ruitenberg - 2009 - Philosophy of Education 65:266-274.
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  18.  13
    A fenomenologia da percepção a partir da autopoiesis de Humberto Maturana e Francisco Varela.Claudia Castro de Andrade - 2012 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 6 (2):98-121.
    No presente artigo pretendo apresentar a Autopoiesis, uma teoria formulada pelo biólogo chileno Humberto Maturana e pelo médico chileno Francisco Varela. Além de mostrar as similaridades entre o processo orgânico e o processo epistemológico, presentes nesta teoria, busco ressaltar a importância da Autopoiesis não somente no campo científico, como teoria epistemológica, mas também no campo ético e cultural, como uma teoria que ressalta desde a dinâmica interna do ser vivo, enquanto unidade, até a importância de sua interação com o mundo (...)
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    Centering More than Trauma Experiences: Reflections from Launching a Graduate Course on Bioethics & Racial Justice in Canada.Claudia Barned - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (10):50-53.
    Volume 24, Issue 10, October 2024, Page 50-53.
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  20.  44
    Caracterización de materiales sólidos porosos mediante termoporometría.Claudia Bernal, Betty L. López, Sergio Andrés Urrego Restrepo, María Ligia Sierra García & Mónica Mesa Cadavid - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  21.  42
    Love as Gift and Self-Sacrifice.Claudia Welz - 2008 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 50 (3-4):238-266.
    SUMMARYIt lies in the biblical line of thought that cultic sacrifices to God are made superfluous by human love of God and the neighbor. But is it possible to completely get rid of any sort of sacrifice in interhuman love relationships? With reference to texts by Kierkegaard and Levinas, this article discusses the paradigms of love as self-sacrifice, love as self-giving, and the double bind between the two. Part I clarifies that their affirmation of self-sacrificial love is to be read (...)
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  22.  36
    As origens da interioridade: autoconhecimento e externalismo (The Origins of Interiority: Self-knowledge and Externalism).Claudia Passos-Ferreira - 2006 - Dissertation, Rio de Janeiro State University
    This thesis aims to study the origins of interiority from an externalist perspective. The process by which self-knowledge is formed is considered in relation to the development of the first-person perspective. From a first-person perspective, one is capable of self-referring and knowing one's own mental and physical states. Self-consciousness and self-knowledge are discussed in relation to Descartes' idea of first-person authority. The Cartesian idea contends that the first-person perspective has privileged and non-empirical access to one's own mental state. On the (...)
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  23.  9
    Conversation with Hermann Haken.Wolfgang Tschacher & Claudia Bergomi - 2013 - Mind and Matter 11 (1):7-20.
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    Meaning, Contexts and Justification.Nicla Vassallo & Claudia Bianchi - 2007 - In B. Kokinov (ed.), Modeling and Using Context. 6th International and Interdisciplinary Conference, CONTEXT '07, LNAI 4635. Springer. pp. 69--81.
    Contextualism in philosophy of language and in epistemology are two distinct but closely entangled projects. The epistemological thesis is grounded in a semantic claim concerning the context-sensitivity of the predicate “know”: we gain insight into epistemological problems by investigating our linguistic intuitions concerning knowledge attribution sentences. Our aim here is to evaluate the plausibility of a project that takes the opposite starting point: the general idea is to establish the semantic contextualist thesis on the epistemological one. According to semantic contextualism, (...)
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  25.  23
    Mourning Denied: The Tabooed Subject.Claudia Leeb - 2019 - In Alexander Keller Hirsch & David W. McIvor (eds.), The Democratic Arts of Mourning: Political Theory and Loss. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 65-82.
    This chapter shows that taboos erected around crimes inhibit individuals and nations' work of mourning for the victims of crimes. The work of mourning is the precondition that individuals and nations take responsibility for past crimes, show solidarity with the victims and their descendants, and make sure that such crimes are not repeated. I bring Theodor W. Adorno and Sigmund Freud in conversation to explain the connection between taboos and the failure to mourn. I further detail this connection with Antigone (...)
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  26. Intelligent machines and warfare: Historical debates and epistemologically motivated concerns.Roberto Cordeschi & Guglielmo Tamburrini - 2005 - In L. Magnani (ed.), European Computing and Philosophy Conference (ECAP 2004). College Publications.
    The early examples of self-directing robots attracted the interest of both scientific and military communities. Biologists regarded these devices as material models of animal tropisms. Engineers envisaged the possibility of turning self-directing robots into new “intelligent” torpedoes during World War I. Starting from World War II, more extensive interactions developed between theoretical inquiry and applied military research on the subject of adaptive and intelligent machinery. Pioneers of Cybernetics were involved in the development of goal-seeking warfare devices. But collaboration occasionally turned (...)
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  27.  54
    A Festival for Frustrated Egos: The Rise of Trump from an Early Frankfurt School Critical Theory Perspective.Claudia Leeb - 2018 - In Marc Benjamin Sable & Angel Jaramillo Torres (eds.), Trump and Political Philosophy: Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism, and Civic Virtue. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 297-314.
    This chapter combines the insights of Sigmund Freud and Theodor W. Adorno to explain some of the psychoanalytic mechanisms that contributed to a scenario where people voted for a leader who undermines their very existence. Trump successfully exploited the feelings of failure of the millions of Americans who have not lived up to the liberal capitalist ideology of success. By replacing their ego ideal with their leader, Trump voters could get rid of the frustration generated by such an ideology. The (...)
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  28.  34
    Contributions from Pragmatist Perspectives towards an Understanding of Knowledge and Learning in Organisations.Claudia Gillberg & Linh Chi Vo - 2014 - Philosophy of Management 13 (2):33-51.
    The purpose of this article is to present an understanding of knowledge and learning in organisations from pragmatist perspectives. Relying on the work of early pragmatists as well as contemporary pragmatists, we introduce a conceptualisation of knowledge as the outcome of inquiry. Knowledge, in this article, is presented as provisional, multi-perspective, both particular and general. Our point of departure here is that the chief value of knowledge is its usefulness in solving problems. Pragmatist views of knowledge are further explicated in (...)
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  29.  83
    Defeasibility in Philosophy: Knowledge, Agency, Responsibility, and the Law.Claudia Blöser, Mikae Janvid, Hannes Ole Matthiessen & Marcus Willaschek (eds.) - 2013 - New York, NY: Editions Rodopi.
    Defeasibility, most generally speaking, means that given some set of conditions A, something else B will hold, unless or until defeating conditions C apply. While the term was introduced into philosophy by legal philosopher H.L.A. Hart in 1949, today, the concept of defeasibility is employed in many different areas of philosophy. This volume for the first time brings together contributions on defeasibility from epistemology , legal philosophy and ethics and the philosophy of action . The volume ends with an extensive (...)
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  30. “Vuoto d’autore: indeterminazione, non intenzionalità e organizzazione nella poetica di John Cage.”.Claudia Landolfi - 2014 - Aperture 30 (2037-2558).
    The paper is focused on the intedermination in compositive processes. In particular on John Cage. The art and the thought of Cage were a response to the growing complexity of the world through a practice and a reflection that focuses heavily on the concept of emptiness, understood as technical decentralization of: the author of the musical structure and the individual and of the same identification of sounds. This complexity results from a network of independent nodes, subjects, activities and institutions that (...)
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    Bolivar in the poetics that think reality.Claudia Arcila Rojas - 2011 - Escritos 19 (43):481-509.
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  32. Thomas Paine's Le Siecle de la Raison, ou Le Sens Commun Des Droits De L'Homme : Notes on a Curious Edition of The Age of Reason.David Hoffman & Claudia Carlos - 2016 - In Scott Cleary & Ivy Linton Stabell (eds.), New directions in Thomas Paine studies. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Microsoft, refusal to license intellectual property rights, and the incentives balance test of the EU commission.Wolfgang Kerber & Claudia Schmidt - unknown
    This article contributes to the analysis of refusal to license cases as abuse of a dominant position pursuant Article 82 EC from an economic perspective. In the Microsoft case, the European Commission introduced an "Incentives Balance Test" to assess whether the refusal to give access to interface information can be justified by arguing that this information is protected by Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs): The Commission argued that if the overall innovative effects evoked by a compulsory license are significantly higher than (...)
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  34.  22
    Goal attribution in chimpanzees.Claudia Uller & Shaun Nichols - 2000 - Cognition 76 (2):B27-B34.
  35.  15
    Edmond Husserl : deux manuscrits de recherche des années trente [Hua XXXIX,581].Claudia Serban - 2022 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 30:325-328.
    Nr. 51 Le monde communautaire, le monde des personnes vivant ensemble, auquel chacune d’entre elles appartient pour les autres et d’une certaine manière aussi pour soi-même, [le monde] en tant que domaine des fins vitales, en tant que domaine de pouvoir (Herrschaftsbereich) pour « chacun », pour chaque communauté particulière – pour autant qu’elle se caractérise par l’u...
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    Essai de logopolitique. Langue, politique, historicité.Claudia Moatti - 2023 - Astérion 29 (29).
    This article reflects on the place of language in the writing of history. The first part recalls the recent influence of linguistics on historians, and critically evokes the main works inspired by it. The second part defines the specific project of “logopolitics”, which proposes three combined approaches: formalist, which consists in working on the initial concept of a notion; discursive, which, by bringing to light the conflicts of a “moment”, analyses the construction of a dominant discourse; praxeological, which studies the (...)
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  37.  12
    Taking Pride in Being Bad.Claudia Card - 2018-04-18 - In Criticism and Compassion. Oxford, UK: Wiley. pp. 253–268.
    A reputation for being a "badass" in this context is a source of self‐esteem and of others' respect. But self‐esteem and respect, unqualified, are thought to be goods. Immanuel Kant analyzes human moral psychology, first, in terms of three predispositions, all basically good, which he calls the predispositions to animality, to humanity, and to personality. Animality is a predisposition to be motivated by "physical or merely mechanical self‐love", for self‐preservation, propagation of the species, and even for "community with other human (...)
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  38.  8
    Lectura crítica, sabiduría práctica, experiencia y formación.Claudia Patricia Fonnegra Osorio - 2022 - Universitas Philosophica 39 (79):237-255.
    A partir de un enfoque filosófico interpretativo, este texto tiene por objetivo estudiar los alcances y limitaciones del modelo de lectura crítica propuesto por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia. Para abordar lo anterior, en primer lugar, se estudia cómo están diseñadas las pruebas de lectura crítica y qué significa interpretar un texto; en segundo lugar, se analiza la importancia de la lectura crítica para el fomento de la sabiduría práctica, y, en tercer lugar, se responde por qué es (...)
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  39.  19
    The Importance of Choice: Catfish Man of the Woods Theory of Development.Claudia Williamson Kramer - 2023 - Social Philosophy and Policy 40 (1):260-271.
    The importance of economic freedom for economic development can no longer be denied. What is often denied, however, is respect for individuals’ rights and personal choices. The role of individual choice is often dismissed or set aside by the development community. In this essay, I argue that inherent to economic freedom’s economic success is the promotion and acceptance of individual choice. Development theory should include recognition of and respect for personal choices, a theory I call “Catfish Man of the Woods” (...)
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    (1 other version)Einleitung.Claudia Benthien & Victoria von Flemming - 2018 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 27 (2):11-35.
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    Surprise et saturation.Claudia Serban - 2016 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 24:69-80.
    Au § 74 de l’Anthropologie d’un point de vue pragmatique, Kant propose une définition remarquable de l’affect comme une « surprise par la sensation (Überraschung durch Empfindung) ». La vie affective serait, dans cette perspective, une vie de surprises. Mais l’on peut sans doute aller encore plus loin et viser à montrer que la surprise ne recouvre et n’exprime pas seulement le surgissement de l’affect, mais aussi, plus fondamentalement, le mouvement de la phénoménalisation. En proposant dans...
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    A esquerda na América latina durante os século XX e XXI: periodização e debates.Claudia Wasserman - 2010 - Dialogos 14 (1).
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    Reflections on the “body loop”: Carl Georg Lange's theory of emotion.Claudia Wassmann - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (6):974-990.
    During the 1890s William James and Carl Georg Lange's works on emotion were discussed in psychological journals under the heading of the “James–Lange theory” of emotion. Yet Lange's work is much less known because it was linked with James' theory and because later neurophysiological research demonstrated that Lange's proposed mechanism for processing emotion could not be correct. However, a reappraisal of his work is warranted for several reasons: For his attempt to ground the emotions in physiology at a time when (...)
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    Beauvoir’s Myths as a Concept for Analyzing Gendered Asymmetries.Claudia Gather & Regine Vogl - 2023 - Analyse & Kritik 45 (2):243-267.
    Can the concept of myths, as developed by Simone de Beauvoir in The Second Sex, help us to better understand and sociologically examine social inequalities in heterosexual couple relationships? Beauvoir has shown how women are defined as the Other. Her conceptualization of myths plays an important role in the production of asymmetry between men and women. How can we translate these myths, to a sociological micro level to examine couple relationships? We illustrate the feasibility of this approach through the comparison (...)
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    Epistemological issues in neurodivergence and atypical cognition: introduction.Claudia Lorena García & Alejandro Vázquez-del-Mercado - 2023 - Synthese 201 (5):1-23.
    This is the introduction of the Synthese Topical Collection Epistemological Issues in Neurodivergence and Atypical Cognition written by the guest editors. In order to justify the relevance of the topic, a minimum context is given on the notions of neurodivergence as well as some brief remarks on the neurodiversity advocacy movement. This serves as a basis to establish the importance of increasing the scope of epistemology to include issues that do not fit in the descriptions of typical subjects and cognitive (...)
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    Augenzeugenschaft als Konzept: Konstruktionen von Wirklichkeit in Kunst und visueller Kultur seit 1800.Claudia Hattendorff & Lisa Beisswanger (eds.) - 2019 - Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
    Welche Rolle spielt Augenzeugenschaft in Kunst und visueller Kultur von ca. 1800 bis heute? Die Beiträge des Bandes untersuchen diese Frage an einem breiten Spektrum von Gegenständen: künstlerischen und nicht-künstlerischen Bildern, Aktionen und Installationen sowie Kunstinstitutionen und -literatur. Im Zentrum des Interesses steht, wie Effekte von Augenzeugenschaft hervorgerufen und Konstruktionen von Augenzeugenschaft bei der Produktion und Rezeption von Artefakten wirksam werden. Die Reihe der Beispiele ermöglicht erstmals einen vergleichenden und interdisziplinär anschlussfähigen Blick auf einen Diskurs und eine Praxis der Authentifizierung, (...)
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  47. El lenguaje y sus dimensiones en el advenimiento moderno de saberes sobre lo psíquico.Claudia Cristina Hillen - 2022 - In María Mercedes Risco & Teresa Barrionuevo (eds.), El lenguaje y sus dimensiones en distintos saberes. San Miguel de Tucumán, [Argentina]: Humanitas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán.
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    Scenes of shame, social roles, and the play with masks.Claudia Welz - 2014 - Continental Philosophy Review 47 (1):107-121.
    This article explores various scenes of shame, raising the questions of what shame discloses about the self and how this self-disclosure takes place. Thereby, the common idea that shame discloses the self’s debasement will be challenged. The dramatic dialectics of showing and hiding display a much more ambiguous, dynamic self-image as result of an interactive evaluation of oneself by oneself and others. Seeing oneself seen contributes to the sense of who one becomes. From being absorbed in what one does, one (...)
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    Parole come pietre: atti linguistici e subordinazione.Claudia Bianchi - 2015 - Esercizi Filosofici 10 (2).
    Derogatory epithets are terms such as “nigger” and “faggot” targeting individuals and groups of individuals on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation. There is no consensus on the best treatment of derogatory epithets. The aim of my paper is to evaluate a proposal recently put forward by Rae Langton, the speech acts account. Assessing SAA is far from an easy task, since the proposal is little more than an outline, deeply intertwined with Langton’s general view on (...)
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    Grasping the Agent’s Perspective: A Kinematics Investigation of Linguistic Perspective in Italian and German.Claudia Gianelli, Michele Marzocchi & Anna M. Borghi - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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