Results for 'El Mirador'

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  1. Valley of Oaxaca.El Mirador & Etla Arm - 2000 - In Marcia-Anne Dobres & John Robb (eds.), Agency in archaeology. New York: Routledge. pp. 71.
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    Sigüenza y el alma del paisaje.Juan Navarro de San Pío - 2017 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 8 (S1):207-226.
    Este artículo propone un análisis de la estética del paisaje en la obra del escritor Gabriel Miró. Para ello se investiga el significado y valor atribuido al paisaje en la trilogía novelesca de Sigüenza, héroe modernista de su paisaje literario, así como en el ensayo Sigüenza y el mirador azul. La visión del paisaje en Miró se reconstruye a través del diálogo con diferentes fuentes culturales y filosóficas. El paisaje mironiano muestra así la evolución desde una inicial actitud panteísta (...)
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  3. Trece Tesis Pedagógicas. Espacios de Teoría de la educación.Juan Manuel Díaz-Torres (ed.) - 2005 - Tenerife, España: Arte.
    El territorio de la educación resulta inestable. Adentrarse especulativamente en él requiere perspectivas desde las que otear el horizonte. Sin embargo, pronto se toma conciencia de que tanto dicho confín como tales miradores se presentan nebulosos. No sólo resulta problemático dar una definición de educación; también lo es el articular los medios conducentes a las finalidades educacionales propuestas. A pesar de ello, se procede a educar incesantemente, lo que prueba la necesidad del acto educativo y, por tanto, la de su (...)
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  4. Para un estudio de la justicia como valor (Revista Cubana de Ciencias Sociales).José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2008 - Revista Cubana de Ciencias Sociales 38 (38/39):23-34.
    El estudio de la justicia como valor y del lugar que ella ocupa o debe ocupar dentro de la sociedad responde en estos momentos a una necesidad más práctica que teórica. Las reflexiones que aquí presentamos se enmarcan dentro de este contexto. Se refieren a algunos presupuestos teórico-metodológicos que necesitan ser tenidos en cuenta en el estudio de la justicia como valor, pero su móvil fundamental no está tanto en la teoría misma, como sí más allá de ella, en la (...)
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  5. Para un estudio de la justicia como valor.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2009 - Dialectica (Misc) 41 (41):67-83.
    El estudio de la justicia como valor y del lugar que ella ocupa o debe ocupar dentro de la sociedad responde en estos momentos a una necesidad más práctica que teórica. Las reflexiones que aquí presentamos se enmarcan dentro de este contexto. Se refieren a algunos presupuestos teórico-metodológicos que necesitan ser tenidos en cuenta en el estudio de la justicia como valor, pero su móvil fundamental no está tanto en la teoría misma, como sí más allá de ella, en la (...)
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    La imagen del ser humano: historia, literatura y hermenéutica.Javier San Martín & Tomás Domingo Moratalla (eds.) - 2011 - Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
    Los trabajos que aquí se presentan ofrecen una gran panorámica sobre la reflexión en torno a la vida humana y vienen a continuación de los expuestos en el libro Dimensiones de la vida humana tal como las ofrece la antropología española. Ahora se abordan esas dimensiones desde tres vertientes diferenciadas, la historia, la literatura y la hermenéutica. La vida humana es plural y así son también las vistas sobre ella. Un primer conjunto de textos trata de la imagen del ser (...)
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  7. Racionalidad ética y poder político.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2001 - Caja Negra 1 (1):29-36.
    Se trata de una reflexión que indaga en torno a la naturaleza de las relaciones posibles entre el ejercicio de la dominación política y los valores morales. El discurso justificador del poder, de raíces axiológicas, es revisado desde por lo menos tres miradores. El primero es el de Juan Jacobo Rousseau, el segundo el de Michael Foucault y, finalmente, el de Luis Villoro. La idea es encontrar la clave a un viejo y espinoso tema de la moral pública: la legitimidad (...)
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    Foreign Institutional Investors, Legal Origin, and Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions Disclosure.Simon Döring, Wolfgang Drobetz, Sadok El Ghoul, Omrane Guedhami & Henning Schröder - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (4):903-932.
    The disclosure of corporate environmental performance is an increasingly important element of a firm’s ethical behavior. We analyze how the legal origin of foreign institutional investors affects a firm’s voluntary greenhouse gas emissions disclosure. Using a large sample of firms from 36 countries, we show that foreign institutional ownership from civil law countries improves the scope and quality of a firm’s greenhouse gas emissions reporting. This relation is robust to addressing endogeneity and selection biases. The effect is more pronounced in (...)
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  9. A Publication History of the Proceedings of Estar(ser): 1880-2014.Kyrre Mirador - 2021 - In D. Graham Burnett, Catherine L. Hansen & Justin E. H. Smith (eds.), In search of the third bird: exemplary essays from the proceedings of ESTAR(SER), 2001-2021. London: Strange Attractor Press.
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    Identifying structures, processes, resources and needs of research ethics committees in Egypt.Hany Sleem, Samer S. El-Kamary & Henry J. Silverman - 2010 - BMC Medical Ethics 11 (1):12-.
    Background: Concerns have been expressed regarding the adequacy of ethics review systems in developing countries. Limited data are available regarding the structural and functional status of Research Ethics Committees (RECs) in the Middle East. The purpose of this study was to survey the existing RECs in Egypt to better understand their functioning status, perceived resource needs, and challenges. Methods: We distributed a self-administered survey tool to Egyptian RECs to collect information on the following domains: general characteristics of the REC, membership (...)
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    Topological parameters for time-space tradeoff.Rina Dechter & Yousri El Fattah - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 125 (1-2):93-118.
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    Bioethics and the thorny question of diversity: The example of Qatar‐based institutions hosting the World Congress of Bioethics 2024.Mohammed Ghaly, Maha El Akoum & Sultana Afdhal - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (4):326-330.
    In 2022, the Research Center for Islamic Legislation & Ethics (CILE) and the World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH) submitted a proposal to host the 17th edition of the World Congress of Bioethics. After announcing that the CILE‐WISH proposal was the winning bid, concerns were raised by bioethicists based in Europe and the USA. To address these concerns, the International Association of Bioethics (IAB) developed a dedicated FAQ section, in coordination with the host institutions, for the first time in IAB (...)
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  13. Logiòkah, Higayon, Maòhashavah, Didaòkòtiòkah, Filosofyah.Elhanan Yakira, Yehoshu°A. Maòtyaâs, Shemu®el Sòkolniòkov, Eli°Ezer Broyar & Ilanah Margolin - 1942
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    A Model of Academic, Personality, and Emotion-Related Predictors of University Academic Performance.Maria-Jose Sanchez-Ruiz & Jamil El Khoury - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    (1 other version)James Africanus Beale Horton’s philosophy of history: progress, race, and the fate of Africa.Zeyad el Nabolsy - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-24.
    Many Victorian philosophers of history attempted to explain what they took to be the evident divergence in the level of civilizational achievement that was attained by different peoples. One prominent paradigm for explaining this divergence was the biological-racialist paradigm. According to this paradigm, endorsed by the likes of Robert Knox, Samuel George Morton, Carl Vogt, and James Hunt, what explains divergence is racial difference. In this paper, I show how one African philosopher, James Africanus Beale Horton, sought to undermine this (...)
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    Splits on Instagram: a case study of young adults’ selfies.Reham El Shazly - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (241):185-218.
    Instagram serves as a powerful instrument for youth socialization, self-expression, and self-performance in visual online spaces. Using social semiotics and multimodal discourse analysis, this study examines the potential ideological meanings and implications of selfie-shooting and sharing on Instagram on young adults’ self-concept. A corpus of 110 questionnaires, including almost 85 captioned selfies, was surveyed as multimodal utterances. In doing so, this study argues that selfies can create young adults’ split-selves while constructing their multiple personas in visual online spaces. This marks (...)
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  17. Towards a multi-level approach to the emergence of meaning processes in living systems.João Queiroz & Charbel Niño El-Hani - 2006 - Acta Biotheoretica 54 (3):179-206.
    Any description of the emergence and evolution of different types of meaning processes (semiosis, sensu C.S.Peirce) in living systems must be supported by a theoretical framework which makes it possible to understand the nature and dynamics of such processes. Here we propose that the emergence of semiosis of different kinds can be understood as resulting from fundamental interactions in a triadically-organized hierarchical process. To grasp these interactions, we develop a model grounded on Stanley Salthe's hierarchical structuralism. This model can be (...)
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    Nicolás López calera, in memoriam.El Consejo de Redacción - 2012 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 46:261-262.
    Cuand o l a edició n d e est e númer o d e lo s Anale s d e l a Cáted r a F r ancisc o Suá r e z estab a a punt o d e ce r rars e no s so r prendi ó e l f allecimient o d e fo r m a repentina e inesperad a d e Nicolá s Lópe z Calera , Directo r d e est a pu b (...)
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  19. Introduction to Develop Some Software Programs for Dealing with Neutrosophic Sets.A. Salama, Haitham A. El-Ghareeb, Ayman M. Manie & Florentin Smarandache - 2014 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 3:51-52.
    In this paper, we have developed an Excel package to be utilized for calculating neutrosophic data and analyze them. The use of object oriented programming techniques and concepts as they may apply to the design and development a new framework to implement neutrosophic data operations, the c# programming language, NET Framework and Microsoft Visual Studio are used to implement the neutrosophic classes. We have used Excel as it is a powerful tool that is widely accepted and used for statistical analysis. (...)
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    EEG efficient classification of imagined right and left hand movement using RBF kernel SVM and the joint CWT_PCA.Rihab Bousseta, Salma Tayeb, Issam El Ouakouak, Mourad Gharbi, Fakhita Regragui & Majid Mohamed Himmi - 2018 - AI and Society 33 (4):621-629.
    Brain–machine interfaces are systems that allow the control of a device such as a robot arm through a person’s brain activity; such devices can be used by disabled persons to enhance their life and improve their independence. This paper is an extended version of a work that aims at discriminating between left and right imagined hand movements using a support vector machine classifier to control a robot arm in order to help a person to find an object in the environment. (...)
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  21. Philosophical invective.Gwilym El Owen - 1983 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 1:1-25.
  22. Fascismo disfrazado de Araña de La la Tela, Corrupcion Del Psoe En Andalucia, Bfn-José Mourinho, Berto Y. Fuenafuente-Un Poco de & Humor Para Lidiar El Drama - forthcoming - Gnosis.
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  23. La pourpre de l'ère punique en Tunisie: extraction et analyse de ce pigment.T. Karmous, N. Ayed, F. Et Chelbi & A. El-Hili - 1996 - Techne 4:57-67.
  24.  14
    The Institutional Design of Referendums: Bottom-Up and Binding.Francis Cheneval & Alice el-Wakil - 2018 - Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift Für Politikwissenschaft 24 (3):294-304.
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    Fine‐tuning ER‐phagy by post‐translational modifications.Mohamed A. Eldeeb, Cornelia E. Zorca, Mohamed A. Ragheb, Fatma B. Rashidi & Doaa S. Salah El-Din - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (2):2000212.
    Autophagy functions in both selective and non‐selective ways to maintain cellular homeostasis. Endoplasmic reticulum autophagy (ER‐phagy) is a subclass of autophagy responsible for the degradation of the endoplasmic reticulum through selective encapsulation into autophagosomes. ER‐phagy occurs both under physiological conditions and in response to stress cues, and plays a crucial role in maintaining the homeostatic control of the organelle. Although specific receptors that target parts of the ER membrane, as well as, internal proteins for lysosomal degradation have been identified, the (...)
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    What can we learn (and not learn) from thought experiments in black hole thermodynamics?Patricia Palacios & Rawad El Skaf - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-27.
    Scientists investigating the thermal properties of black holes rely heavily on theoretical and non-empirical tools, such as mathematical derivations, analogue experiments and thought experiments. Although the use of mathematical derivations and analogue experiments in the context of black hole physics has recently received a great deal of attention among philosophers of science, the use of thought experiments (TEs) in that context has been almost completely neglected. In this paper, we will start filling this gap by systematically analyzing the epistemic role (...)
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    Kefirotaṿ shel ha-Rambam =.Yiśraʼel Netanʼel Rubin - 2023 - Rishon le-Tsiyon: Sifre Ḥemed.
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    Dialectical Forge: Juridical Disputation and the Evolution of Islamic Law. By Walter Edward Young.Ahmed El Shamsy - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (3).
    The Dialectical Forge: Juridical Disputation and the Evolution of Islamic Law. By Walter Edward Young. Logic, Argumentation and Reasoning, vol. 9. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2017. Pp. xiv + 643. $149.99, €124.79 ; $109, €101.14.
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    Formation of Islamic Hermeneutics: How Sunni Legal Theorists Imagined a Revealed Law. By David Vishanoff.Ahmed El Shamsy - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 (1).
    The Formation of Islamic Hermeneutics: How Sunni Legal Theorists Imagined a Revealed Law. By David Vishanoff. American Oriental Series, vol. 93. New Haven: American Oriental Society, 2011. Pp. xxi + 318. $46.
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  30. Ṿe-raḥamaṿ ʻal kol maʻaśaṿ: leḳeṭ be-ʻinyene isur tsaʻar baʻale ḥayim.Yoʼel ben Aharon Shṿarts - 1983 - [Jerusalem]: Hotsaʼat Devar Yerushalayim.
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  31. Knowledge, Belief, and Science Education.Waldomiro Silva-Filho, Charbel El-Hani & Tiago Ferreira - 2016 - Science & Education 25 (7 - 8):775-794.
    This article intends to show that the defense of “understanding” as one of the major goals of science education can be grounded on an anti-reductionist perspective on testimony as a source of knowledge. To do so, we critically revisit the discussion between Harvey Siegel and Alvin Goldman about the goals of science education, especially where it involves arguments based on the epistemology of testimony. Subsequently, we come back to a discussion between Charbel N. El-Hani and Eduardo Mortimer, on the one (...)
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    The Nature of Science and Science Education: A Bibliography.Randy Bell, Fouad Abd-El-Khalick, Norman G. Lederman, William F. Mccomas & Michael R. Matthews - 2001 - Science & Education 10 (1):187-204.
    Research on the nature of science and science education enjoys a longhistory, with its origins in Ernst Mach's work in the late nineteenthcentury and John Dewey's at the beginning of the twentieth century.As early as 1909 the Central Association for Science and MathematicsTeachers published an article – ‘A Consideration of the Principles thatShould Determine the Courses in Biology in Secondary Schools’ – inSchool Science and Mathematics that reflected foundational concernsabout science and how school curricula should be informed by them. Sincethen (...)
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  33. Sefer Ḥovot ha-Levavot: Shaʻar ha-biṭaḥon ; ʻim perush Maḥshavah berurah be-Idish.Yaʻaḳov Elʻazar Mendloṿiṭsh - 2022 - Ḳiryat Yoʼel: Ṿaʻad le-hotsaʼat sifre Halakhah berurah.
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    Atomistic simulations of cross-slip nucleation at screw dislocation intersections in face-centered cubic nickel.S. I. Rao, D. M. Dimiduk, J. A. El-Awady, T. A. Parthasarathy, M. D. Uchic & C. Woodward - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (34-36):3351-3369.
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    Spontaneous athermal cross-slip nucleation at screw dislocation intersections in FCC metals and L12intermetallics investigated via atomistic simulations.S. I. Rao, D. M. Dimiduk, J. A. El-Awady, T. A. Parthasarathy, M. D. Uchic & C. Woodward - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (22):3012-3028.
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    Eyes don't lie: Eye movements differ during covert and overt autobiographical recall.Joanna Gautier & Mohamad El Haj - 2023 - Cognition 235 (C):105416.
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    Pharmapolitics and the Early Roman Expansion: Gender, Slavery, and Ecology in 331 BCE.Dan-el Padilla Peralta - 2023 - Classical Antiquity 42 (1):159-194.
    This article reinterprets an incident that Livy (8.18.4–11) and derivative later sources place in the year 331 BCE: a wave of poisonings whose perpetrators are brought to light after an enslaved woman contacts a Roman magistrate. Its main objectives are to show that the incident is best understood in connection with the transmission of novel—or perceived as novel—pharmacological knowledge, and in conjunction with shifts in the institution of slavery at Rome that were set in motion by the Republic’s expansion; that (...)
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    Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the ethics in medical research among Moroccan interns and resident physicians.Karima El Rhazi, Tarik Sqalli Houssaini, Mohammed Faouzi Belahsen, Moustapha Hida, Nabil Tachfouti, Soumaya Benmaamar & Ibtissam El Harch - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundIn Morocco, medical research ethics training was integrated into the medical curriculum during the 2015 reform. In the same year, a law on medical research ethics was enacted to protect individuals participating in medical research. These improvements, whether in the reform or in the enactment of the law, could positively impact the knowledge of these researchers and, consequently, their attitudes and practices regarding medical research ethics. The main objective of this work is to assess Moroccan physicians’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices (...)
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  39. Islamic Ethics, Human Rights and Migration".Khaled Abou El Fadl - 2020 - In Ray Jureidini & Said Fares Hassan (eds.), Migration and Islamic ethics: issues of residence, naturalization and citizenship. Boston: Brill.
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  40. Sheʼelot u-teshuvot Sheraga be-ṭohorah: ʻal 4 ḥelḳe Shulḥan ʻarukh.Shemuʼel Daṿid Friedman - 1995 - Bruḳlin, N.Y.: Sh. D. ha-Kohen Friedman. Edited by Abraham David ben Asher Anschel Wahrmann.
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  41. Ḳunṭres Tifʼeret Tsevi: Pesaḥ: bo nilḳeṭu ḥidushe halakhah ṿe-śiḥot musar ṿe-agadah.Yeraḥmiʼel Tsevi ben Efrayim Fishel Halperṭ - 2014 - London: Bene ha-meḥaber.
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  42. Secci ón investigativa.Sobre El Quehacer Fonoaudiológico - forthcoming - Areté. Revista de Filosofía.
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  43. Elu devarim she-adam okhel perotehem: haḳnayat midot va-ʻarakhim le-yaldenu be-emtsaʻut dugmaʼot meha-ḥayim ba-bayit uva-shekhunah.Yeḥezḳel Goṭlib - 2020 - [Israel]: [Yeḥezḳel Goṭlib].
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    AI Training Program and its Impact on Improving Digital Stories Production Skills.Nashwa A. Younis, Mohamed SaadEldin Mohamed Ahmed, Ibrahim K. Alali & Rehab Tharwat Abd El Ghani Abo Bakr - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1295-1315.
    The current research aims at improving the skills of producing digital stories using the tools of generative artificial intelligence Chat GPT and Google Bard, which are necessary for female student teachers’ specialization: Kindergarten. The current research has used the descriptive approach and the experimental approach with a quasi-experimental design through a design based on one group and comparing the differences between the pre and post-evaluation. The study sample was randomly selected from female students teachers specializing in kindergarten, and their number (...)
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    Socioemotional Resources Account for Academic Adjustment in Moroccan Adolescents.Daniel Cortés-Denia, Karima El Ghoudani, Manuel Pulido-Martos, Smail Alaoui, Octavio Luque-Reca, Manuel Miguel Ramos-Álvarez, José María Augusto-Landa, Benaissa Zarhbouch & Esther Lopez-Zafra - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Circadian clocks in changing weather and seasons: Lessons from the picoalga Ostreococcus tauri.Benjamin Pfeuty, Quentin Thommen, Florence Corellou, El Batoul Djouani-Tahri, Francois-Yves Bouget & Marc Lefranc - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (9):781-790.
    Daylight is the primary cue used by circadian clocks to entrain to the day/night cycle so as to synchronize physiological processes with periodic environmental changes induced by Earth rotation.However, the temporal daylight pattern is not the same every day due to erratic weather fluctuations or regular seasonal changes. Then, how do circadian clocks operate properly in varying weather and seasons? In this paper, we discuss the strategy unveiled by recent studies of the circadian clock of Ostreococcus tauri, the smallest free‐living (...)
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    Knowledge of Language Transfers From Speech to Sign: Evidence From Doubling.Iris Berent, Outi Bat‐El, Diane Brentari & Melanie Platt - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (1).
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    Enseñanza Del Léxico Árabe a Estudiantes Españoles: Dificultades y Propuestas Didácticas.Asmaa El Khaymy - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (Monográfico):1-9.
    El léxico es uno de los componentes más indispensables en la enseñanza de lenguas, ya que desempeña un papel relevante en el desarrollo de las destrezas tanto escritas como orales. Es un elemento que los aprendientes deben adquirir y mejorar para conseguir la competencia lingüística deseada. El objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar acerca de la adquisición del léxico árabe como lengua extranjera por los estudiantes españoles, poner el dedo sobre algunas dificultades semánticas del árabe y presentar propuestas didácticas para (...)
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  49. Shetulim be-vet ha-Shem: darkhe ḥinukh le-or ha-metsiʼut be-zemanenu bi-feraṭ le-talmidim mitmodedim.Yeḥiʼel Mikhl ben Yehoshuʻa Zelig Plisḳin - 2014 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼah la-or Tsuf.
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  50. Sefer Ṭiv ha-liḳutim: asefat maʼamarim mesudar le-fi ʻarakhim: meluḳaṭ mi-tokh sifre ḳodesh, ki mi-menu nilḳeḥu la-ʻavod H. ule-hitʻalot ba-mesilah ha-ʻolah bet E-l be-midot ṭovot, li-metso ḥen be-ʻene Eloḳim ṿe-adam.Gamliʼel ben Leṿi Rabinovits (ed.) - 2012 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon "Shaʻare ziṿ" she-ʻa. y. Yeshivat Shaʻar ha-shamayim.
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